/** * @file * @author 2017 Stefan Radomski (stefan.radomski@cs.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see . * @endcond */ #include "uscxml/Common.h" #include "uscxml/plugins/ioprocessor/http/HTTPIOProcessor.h" #include "uscxml/messages/Event.h" #include "uscxml/util/DOM.h" #include #include #include #include #include "uscxml/interpreter/Logging.h" #include #ifdef _WIN32 #define NOMINMAX #include #include #endif #ifndef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #ifdef BUILD_AS_PLUGINS #include #endif namespace uscxml { #ifndef ioprocessor_scxml_EXPORTS # ifdef BUILD_AS_PLUGINS PLUMA_CONNECTOR bool pluginConnect(pluma::Host& host) { host.add( new HTTPIOProcessorProvider() ); return true; } # endif #endif HTTPIOProcessor::HTTPIOProcessor() { HTTPServer::getInstance(); } HTTPIOProcessor::~HTTPIOProcessor() { HTTPServer* httpServer = HTTPServer::getInstance(); httpServer->unregisterServlet(this); } std::shared_ptr HTTPIOProcessor::create(IOProcessorCallbacks* callbacks) { std::shared_ptr io(new HTTPIOProcessor()); io->_callbacks = callbacks; // register at http server std::string path = callbacks->getName(); int i = 2; while (!HTTPServer::registerServlet(path, io.get())) { std::stringstream ss; ss << callbacks->getName() << i++; path = ss.str(); } return io; } Data HTTPIOProcessor::getDataModelVariables() { Data data; // we are not connected! if(_url.length() == 0) return data; data.compound["location"] = Data(_url, Data::VERBATIM); data.compound["timeout"] = Data(_timeoutS, Data::INTERPRETED); URL url(_url); data.compound["host"] = Data(url.host(), Data::VERBATIM); data.compound["port"] = Data(url.port(), Data::VERBATIM); data.compound["path"] = Data(url.path(), Data::VERBATIM); data.compound["scheme"] = Data(url.scheme(), Data::VERBATIM); std::list pathComps = url.pathComponents(); std::list::const_iterator pathCompIter = pathComps.begin(); while(pathCompIter != pathComps.end()) { data.compound["pathComponents"].array.push_back(Data(*pathCompIter, Data::VERBATIM)); pathCompIter++; } return data; } bool HTTPIOProcessor::requestFromHTTP(const HTTPServer::Request& req) { Event event = req; event.eventType = Event::EXTERNAL; time_t now = std::time(0); _unansweredRequests[req.getUUID()] = std::make_pair(now, req); // remove stale requests for (auto reqIter = _unansweredRequests.begin(); reqIter != _unansweredRequests.end();) { if (now > reqIter->second.first + _timeoutS) { evhttp_send_reply(reqIter->second.second.evhttpReq, 504, "Event was not responded to in time", NULL); _unansweredRequests.erase(reqIter++); } else { ++reqIter; } } /** * If a single instance of the parameter '_scxmleventname' is present, the * SCXML Processor must use its value as the name of the SCXML event that it * raises. */ { // if we sent ourself an event it will end up here // this will call the const subscript operator if (req.data.at("content").hasKey("_scxmleventname")) { event.name = req.data.at("content").at("_scxmleventname").atom; } if (req.data.at("content").hasKey("content")) { event.data.atom = req.data.at("content").at("content").atom; } } // if we used wget, it will end up here - unify? if (req.data.hasKey("content")) { const Data& data = req.data["content"]; for(std::map::const_iterator compIter = data.compound.begin(); compIter!= data.compound.end(); compIter++) { if (compIter->first == "content") { event.data.atom = compIter->second.atom; } else { event.data[compIter->first] = compIter->second; } } } if (req.data.hasKey("header")) { const Data& data = req.data["header"]; for(std::map::const_iterator compIter = data.compound.begin(); compIter!= data.compound.end(); compIter++) { if (compIter->first == "_scxmleventname") { event.name = compIter->second.atom; } } } // test 532 if (event.name.length() == 0) event.name = "http." + req.data.compound.at("type").atom; eventToSCXML(event, USCXML_IOPROC_HTTP_TYPE, req.getUUID()); // do not reply // evhttp_send_reply(req.evhttpReq, 200, "OK", NULL); return true; } bool HTTPIOProcessor::isValidTarget(const std::string& target) { try { URL url(target); if (url.scheme().compare("http") != 0) return false; return true; } catch (ErrorEvent e) { } return false; } void HTTPIOProcessor::eventFromSCXML(const std::string& target, const Event& event) { // TODO: is this still needed with isValidTarget()? if (target.length() == 0) { _callbacks->enqueueInternal(Event("error.communication", Event::PLATFORM)); return; } bool isLocal = target == _url; URL targetURL(target); std::stringstream kvps; std::string kvpSeperator; // event name if (event.name.size() > 0) { char* eventNameCStr = evhttp_encode_uri("_scxmleventname"); char* eventValueCStr = evhttp_encode_uri(event.name.c_str()); kvps << kvpSeperator << eventNameCStr << "=" << eventValueCStr; kvpSeperator = "&"; targetURL.addOutHeader("_scxmleventname", eventValueCStr); free(eventNameCStr); free(eventValueCStr); } // event namelist if (event.namelist.size() > 0) { std::map::const_iterator namelistIter = event.namelist.begin(); while (namelistIter != event.namelist.end()) { char* keyCStr = evhttp_encode_uri(namelistIter->first.c_str()); // this is simplified - Data might be more elaborate than a simple string atom char* valueCStr = evhttp_encode_uri(namelistIter->second.atom.c_str()); kvps << kvpSeperator << keyCStr << "=" << valueCStr; free(keyCStr); free(valueCStr); kvpSeperator = "&"; targetURL.addOutHeader(namelistIter->first, namelistIter->second); namelistIter++; } } // event params if (event.params.size() > 0) { std::multimap::const_iterator paramIter = event.params.begin(); while (paramIter != event.params.end()) { char* keyCStr = evhttp_encode_uri(paramIter->first.c_str()); // this is simplified - Data might be more elaborate than a simple string atom char* valueCStr = evhttp_encode_uri(paramIter->second.atom.c_str()); kvps << kvpSeperator << keyCStr << "=" << valueCStr; free(keyCStr); free(valueCStr); kvpSeperator = "&"; targetURL.addOutHeader(paramIter->first, paramIter->second); paramIter++; } } // try hard to find actual content char* keyCStr = evhttp_encode_uri("content"); if (!event.data.empty()) { char* valueCStr = NULL; if (event.data.atom.length() || event.data.array.size() || event.data.compound.size()) { valueCStr = evhttp_encode_uri(Data::toJSON(event.data).c_str()); } else if(event.data.node) { std::stringstream xmlStream; xmlStream << event.data.node; valueCStr = evhttp_encode_uri(xmlStream.str().c_str()); } else if(event.data.binary) { valueCStr = evhttp_encode_uri(event.data.binary.base64().c_str()); } if (valueCStr != NULL) { kvps << kvpSeperator << keyCStr << "=" << valueCStr; free(valueCStr); kvpSeperator = "&"; } } free(keyCStr); targetURL.setOutContent(kvps.str()); targetURL.addOutHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); targetURL.setRequestType(URLRequestType::POST); targetURL.addMonitor(this); _sendRequests[event.sendid] = std::make_pair(targetURL, event); if (isLocal) { // test201 use a blocking request with local communication targetURL.download(true); } else { URLFetcher::fetchURL(targetURL); } } void HTTPIOProcessor::downloadStarted(const URL& url) {} void HTTPIOProcessor::downloadCompleted(const URL& url) { std::map >::iterator reqIter = _sendRequests.begin(); while(reqIter != _sendRequests.end()) { if (reqIter->second.first == url) { // test513 std::string statusCode = url.getStatusCode(); if (statusCode.length() > 0) { std::string statusPrefix = statusCode.substr(0,1); std::string statusRest = statusCode.substr(1); Event event; event.data = url; event.name = "HTTP." + statusPrefix + "." + statusRest; eventToSCXML(event, USCXML_IOPROC_HTTP_TYPE, std::string(_url)); } _sendRequests.erase(reqIter); return; } reqIter++; } assert(false); } void HTTPIOProcessor::downloadFailed(const URL& url, int errorCode) { std::map >::iterator reqIter = _sendRequests.begin(); while(reqIter != _sendRequests.end()) { if (reqIter->second.first == url) { Event failEvent; failEvent.name = "error.communication"; eventToSCXML(failEvent, USCXML_IOPROC_HTTP_TYPE, std::string(_url)); _sendRequests.erase(reqIter); return; } reqIter++; } assert(false); } }