/** * @file * @author 2012-2013 Stefan Radomski (stefan.radomski@cs.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see . * @endcond */ #include "uscxml/config.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #endif #include "uscxml/server/HTTPServer.h" #include "uscxml/DOMUtils.h" #include #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include #include } #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include // for INADDR_ANY #include // for uint16_t #include // for NULL, free #include // for gethostname //#include //#include #endif #if (defined EVENT_SSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_HAS_ELIPTIC_CURVES) #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "uscxml/Message.h" #include "uscxml/Convenience.h" // for toStr #ifdef BUILD_AS_PLUGINS #include #endif namespace uscxml { HTTPServer::HTTPServer(unsigned short port, unsigned short wsPort, SSLConfig* sslConf) { _port = port; _base = event_base_new(); _http = evhttp_new(_base); _evws = evws_new(_base); _thread = NULL; _httpHandle = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 _wsHandle = NULL; #else _wsHandle = 0; #endif determineAddress(); unsigned int allowedMethods = EVHTTP_REQ_GET | EVHTTP_REQ_POST | EVHTTP_REQ_HEAD | EVHTTP_REQ_PUT | EVHTTP_REQ_DELETE | EVHTTP_REQ_OPTIONS | EVHTTP_REQ_TRACE | EVHTTP_REQ_CONNECT | EVHTTP_REQ_PATCH; evhttp_set_allowed_methods(_http, allowedMethods); // allow all methods if (_port > 0) { _httpHandle = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(_http, INADDR_ANY, _port); if (_httpHandle) { DLOG(INFO) << "HTTP server listening on tcp/" << _port; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "HTTP server cannot bind to tcp/" << _port; } } _wsPort = wsPort; if (_wsPort > 0) { _wsHandle = evws_bind_socket(_evws, _wsPort); if (_wsHandle) { DLOG(INFO) << "WebSocket server listening on tcp/" << _wsPort; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "WebSocket server cannot bind to tcp/" << _wsPort; } } #if (defined EVENT_SSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_HAS_ELIPTIC_CURVES) // have another look here https://github.com/ppelleti/https-example/blob/master/https-server.c _sslHandle = NULL; _https = NULL; if (!sslConf) { _sslPort = 0; } else { _sslPort = sslConf->port; // Initialize OpenSSL SSL_library_init(); ERR_load_crypto_strings(); SSL_load_error_strings(); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); _https = evhttp_new(_base); evhttp_set_allowed_methods(_https, allowedMethods); // allow all methods SSL_CTX* ctx = SSL_CTX_new (SSLv23_server_method ()); SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_SINGLE_DH_USE | SSL_OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2); EC_KEY* ecdh = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1); SSL_CTX_set_tmp_ecdh (ctx, ecdh); SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx, sslConf->publicKey.c_str()); SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx, sslConf->privateKey.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM); SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx); evhttp_set_bevcb(_https, sslBufferEventCallback, ctx); evhttp_set_gencb(_https, sslGeneralBufferEventCallback, NULL); if (_sslPort > 0) { _sslHandle = evhttp_bind_socket_with_handle(_https, INADDR_ANY, _sslPort); if (_sslHandle) { LOG(INFO) << "HTTPS server listening on tcp/" << _wsPort; } else { LOG(ERROR) << "HTTPS server cannot bind to tcp/" << _wsPort; } } } #endif // evhttp_set_timeout(_http, 5); // generic callback evhttp_set_gencb(_http, HTTPServer::httpRecvReqCallback, NULL); evws_set_gencb(_evws, HTTPServer::wsRecvReqCallback, NULL); } HTTPServer::~HTTPServer() { _isRunning = false; _thread->join(); delete _thread; } HTTPServer* HTTPServer::_instance = NULL; tthread::recursive_mutex HTTPServer::_instanceMutex; HTTPServer* HTTPServer::getInstance(unsigned short port, unsigned short wsPort, SSLConfig* sslConf) { // tthread::lock_guard lock(_instanceMutex); if (_instance == NULL) { #ifdef _WIN32 WSADATA wsaData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsaData); #endif #ifndef _WIN32 evthread_use_pthreads(); #else evthread_use_windows_threads(); #endif _instance = new HTTPServer(port, wsPort, sslConf); // only start if we have something to do! #if (defined EVENT_SSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_HAS_ELIPTIC_CURVES) if (_instance->_httpHandle || _instance->_wsHandle || _instance->_sslHandle) #else if (_instance->_httpHandle || _instance->_wsHandle) #endif _instance->start(); } return _instance; } /** * This callback is registered for all data received on websockets */ void HTTPServer::wsRecvReqCallback(struct evws_connection *conn, struct evws_frame *frame, void *callbackData) { WSFrame wsFrame; wsFrame.evwsConn = conn; struct evws_header *header; for (header = conn->headers.tqh_first; header; header = header->next.tqe_next) { wsFrame.data.compound["header"].compound[header->key] = Data(header->value, Data::VERBATIM); } switch (frame->opcode) { case EVWS_CONTINUATION_FRAME: wsFrame.data.compound["type"] = Data("continuation", Data::VERBATIM); wsFrame.data.compound["content"] = Data(std::string(frame->data, frame->size), Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVWS_TEXT_FRAME: wsFrame.data.compound["type"] = Data("text", Data::VERBATIM); wsFrame.data.compound["content"] = Data(std::string(frame->data, frame->size), Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVWS_BINARY_FRAME: wsFrame.data.compound["type"] = Data("binary", Data::VERBATIM); wsFrame.data.compound["content"] = Data(frame->data, frame->size, "application/octet-stream"); break; case EVWS_CONNECTION_CLOSE: wsFrame.data.compound["type"] = Data("close", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVWS_PING: wsFrame.data.compound["type"] = Data("ping", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVWS_PONG: wsFrame.data.compound["type"] = Data("ping", Data::VERBATIM); break; } wsFrame.data.compound["uri"] = Data(HTTPServer::getBaseURL(WebSockets) + conn->uri, Data::VERBATIM); wsFrame.data.compound["path"] = Data(conn->uri, Data::VERBATIM); // try with the handler registered for path first bool answered = false; if (callbackData != NULL) answered = ((WebSocketServlet*)callbackData)->wsRecvRequest(conn, wsFrame); if (!answered) HTTPServer::getInstance()->processByMatchingServlet(conn, wsFrame); } /** * This callback is registered for all HTTP requests */ void HTTPServer::httpRecvReqCallback(struct evhttp_request *req, void *callbackData) { std::stringstream raw; struct evkeyvalq *headers; headers = evhttp_request_get_input_headers(req); #if 0 // first of all, see whether this is a websocket request const char* wsUpgrade = evhttp_find_header(headers, "Upgrade"); const char* wsConnection = evhttp_find_header(headers, "Connection"); if (wsUpgrade && wsConnection) { if (iequals(wsUpgrade, "websocket") && iequals(wsConnection, "Upgrade")) { // this is a websocket request! .. but we do not know how to decouple form evhttp } } #endif evhttp_request_own(req); Request request; request.evhttpReq = req; switch (evhttp_request_get_command(req)) { case EVHTTP_REQ_GET: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("get", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVHTTP_REQ_POST: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("post", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVHTTP_REQ_HEAD: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("head", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVHTTP_REQ_PUT: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("put", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVHTTP_REQ_DELETE: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("delete", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVHTTP_REQ_OPTIONS: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("options", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVHTTP_REQ_TRACE: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("trace", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVHTTP_REQ_CONNECT: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("connect", Data::VERBATIM); break; case EVHTTP_REQ_PATCH: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("patch", Data::VERBATIM); break; default: request.data.compound["type"] = Data("unknown", Data::VERBATIM); break; } raw << boost::to_upper_copy(request.data.compound["type"].atom); request.data.compound["remoteHost"] = Data(req->remote_host, Data::VERBATIM); request.data.compound["remotePort"] = Data(toStr(req->remote_port), Data::VERBATIM); request.data.compound["httpMajor"] = Data(toStr((unsigned short)req->major), Data::VERBATIM); request.data.compound["httpMinor"] = Data(toStr((unsigned short)req->minor), Data::VERBATIM); request.data.compound["uri"] = Data(HTTPServer::getBaseURL() + req->uri, Data::VERBATIM); char* pathCStr = evhttp_decode_uri(evhttp_uri_get_path(evhttp_request_get_evhttp_uri(req))); request.data.compound["path"] = Data(pathCStr, Data::VERBATIM); free(pathCStr); raw << " " << request.data.compound["path"].atom; const char* query = evhttp_uri_get_query(evhttp_request_get_evhttp_uri(req)); if (query) raw << "?" << std::string(query); raw << " HTTP/" << request.data.compound["httpMajor"].atom << "." << request.data.compound["httpMinor"].atom; raw << std::endl; struct evkeyval *header; struct evbuffer *buf; // insert headers to event data for (header = headers->tqh_first; header; header = header->next.tqe_next) { request.data.compound["header"].compound[header->key] = Data(header->value, Data::VERBATIM); raw << header->key << ": " << header->value << std::endl; } raw << std::endl; // This was used for debugging // if (boost::ends_with(request.data.compound["path"].atom, ".png")) { // evhttp_send_error(req, 404, NULL); // return; // } // seperate path into components { std::stringstream ss(request.data.compound["path"].atom); std::string item; while(std::getline(ss, item, '/')) { if (item.length() == 0) continue; request.data.compound["pathComponent"].array.push_back(Data(item, Data::VERBATIM)); } } // parse query string struct evkeyvalq params; struct evkeyval *param; evhttp_parse_query_str(query, ¶ms); for (param = params.tqh_first; param; param = param->next.tqe_next) { request.data.compound["query"].compound[param->key] = Data(param->value, Data::VERBATIM); } evhttp_clear_headers(¶ms); // get content buf = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer(req); if (evbuffer_get_length(buf)) request.data.compound["content"] = Data("", Data::VERBATIM); while (evbuffer_get_length(buf)) { int n; char cbuf[1024]; n = evbuffer_remove(buf, cbuf, sizeof(buf)-1); if (n > 0) { request.data.compound["content"].atom.append(cbuf, n); } } raw << request.data.compound["content"].atom; // decode content if (request.data.compound.find("content") != request.data.compound.end() && request.data.compound["header"].compound.find("Content-Type") != request.data.compound["header"].compound.end()) { std::string contentType = request.data.compound["header"].compound["Content-Type"].atom; if (false) { } else if (iequals(contentType.substr(0, 33), "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { // this is a form submit std::stringstream ss(request.data.compound["content"].atom); std::string item; std::string key; std::string value; while(std::getline(ss, item, '&')) { if (item.length() == 0) continue; size_t equalPos = item.find('='); if (equalPos == std::string::npos) continue; key = item.substr(0, equalPos); value = item.substr(equalPos + 1, item.length() - (equalPos + 1)); char* keyCStr = evhttp_decode_uri(key.c_str()); char* valueCStr = evhttp_decode_uri(value.c_str()); request.data.compound["content"].compound[keyCStr] = Data(valueCStr, Data::VERBATIM); free(keyCStr); free(valueCStr); key.clear(); } request.data.compound["content"].atom.clear(); } else if (iequals(contentType.substr(0, 16), "application/json")) { Data json = Data::fromJSON(request.data.compound["content"].atom); if (!json.empty()) { request.data.compound["content"] = json; } } else if (iequals(contentType.substr(0, 15), "application/xml")) { NameSpacingParser parser = NameSpacingParser::fromXML(request.data.compound["content"].atom); if (parser.errorsReported()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot parse contents of HTTP request as XML"; } else { request.data.compound["content"].node = parser.getDocument().getDocumentElement(); } } } request.raw = raw.str(); // try with the handler registered for path first bool answered = false; if (callbackData != NULL) answered = ((HTTPServlet*)callbackData)->httpRecvRequest(request); if (!answered) HTTPServer::getInstance()->processByMatchingServlet(request); } void HTTPServer::processByMatchingServlet(const Request& request) { tthread::lock_guard lock(_mutex); http_servlet_iter_t servletIter = _httpServlets.begin(); std::string actualPath = request.data.compound.at("path").atom; std::map matches; while(servletIter != _httpServlets.end()) { // is the servlet path a prefix of the actual path? std::string servletPath = "/" + servletIter->first; if (servletIter->first.length() == 0) { matches.insert(std::make_pair(servletPath, servletIter->second)); // single servlet at root } else if (iequals(actualPath.substr(0, servletPath.length()), servletPath) && // servlet path is a prefix iequals(actualPath.substr(servletPath.length(), 1), "/")) { // and next character is a '/' matches.insert(std::make_pair(servletPath, servletIter->second)); } servletIter++; } // process by best matching servlet until someone feels responsible std::map::iterator matchesIter = matches.begin(); while(matchesIter != matches.end()) { if (matchesIter->second->httpRecvRequest(request)) { return; } matchesIter++; } LOG(INFO) << "Got an HTTP request at " << actualPath << " but no servlet is registered there or at a prefix"; evhttp_send_error(request.evhttpReq, 404, NULL); } void HTTPServer::processByMatchingServlet(evws_connection* conn, const WSFrame& frame) { tthread::lock_guard lock(_mutex); ws_servlet_iter_t servletIter = _wsServlets.begin(); std::string actualPath = frame.data.compound.at("path").atom; std::map matches; while(servletIter != _wsServlets.end()) { // is the servlet path a prefix of the actual path? std::string servletPath = "/" + servletIter->first; if (iequals(actualPath.substr(0, servletPath.length()), servletPath) && // servlet path is a prefix iequals(actualPath.substr(servletPath.length(), 1), "/")) { // and next character is a '/' matches.insert(std::make_pair(servletPath, servletIter->second)); } servletIter++; } // process by best matching servlet until someone feels responsible std::map::iterator matchesIter = matches.begin(); while(matchesIter != matches.end()) { if (matchesIter->second->wsRecvRequest(conn, frame)) { return; } matchesIter++; } } void HTTPServer::reply(const Reply& reply) { // we need to reply from the thread calling event_base_dispatch, just add to its base queue! Reply* replyCB = new Reply(reply); HTTPServer* INSTANCE = getInstance(); event_base_once(INSTANCE->_base, -1, EV_TIMEOUT, HTTPServer::replyCallback, replyCB, NULL); } void HTTPServer::replyCallback(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { Reply* reply = (Reply*)arg; if (reply->content.size() > 0 && reply->headers.find("Content-Type") == reply->headers.end()) { LOG(INFO) << "Sending content without Content-Type header"; } std::map::const_iterator headerIter = reply->headers.begin(); while(headerIter != reply->headers.end()) { evhttp_add_header(evhttp_request_get_output_headers(reply->evhttpReq), headerIter->first.c_str(), headerIter->second.c_str()); headerIter++; } if (reply->status >= 400) { evhttp_send_error(reply->evhttpReq, reply->status, NULL); return; } struct evbuffer *evb = NULL; if (!iequals(reply->type, "HEAD") && reply->content.size() > 0) { evb = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_add(evb, reply->content.data(), reply->content.size()); } evhttp_send_reply(reply->evhttpReq, reply->status, NULL, evb); if (evb != NULL) evbuffer_free(evb); // evhttp_request_free(reply->curlReq); delete(reply); } void HTTPServer::wsSend(struct evws_connection *conn, enum evws_opcode opcode, const char *data, uint64_t length) { HTTPServer* INSTANCE = getInstance(); WSData* sendCB = new WSData(conn, NULL, opcode, data, length); event_base_once(INSTANCE->_base, -1, EV_TIMEOUT, HTTPServer::wsSendCallback, sendCB, NULL); } void HTTPServer::wsBroadcast(const char *uri, enum evws_opcode opcode, const char *data, uint64_t length) { HTTPServer* INSTANCE = getInstance(); WSData* sendCB = new WSData(NULL, uri, opcode, data, length); event_base_once(INSTANCE->_base, -1, EV_TIMEOUT, HTTPServer::wsSendCallback, sendCB, NULL); } void HTTPServer::wsSendCallback(evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *arg) { WSData* wsSend = (WSData*)arg; if (wsSend->uri.size() > 0) { evws_broadcast(getInstance()->_evws, wsSend->uri.c_str(), wsSend->opcode, wsSend->data.data(), wsSend->data.length()); } else { if (evws_is_valid_connection(getInstance()->_evws, wsSend->conn) > 0) { evws_send_data(wsSend->conn, wsSend->opcode, wsSend->data.data(), wsSend->data.length()); } } delete wsSend; } bool HTTPServer::registerServlet(const std::string& path, HTTPServlet* servlet) { HTTPServer* INSTANCE = getInstance(); if (!INSTANCE->_httpHandle) { return true; // this is the culprit! } tthread::lock_guard lock(INSTANCE->_mutex); // remove trailing and leading slash std::string actualPath = path; if (boost::ends_with(actualPath, "/")) actualPath = actualPath.substr(0, actualPath.size() - 1); if (boost::starts_with(actualPath, "/")) actualPath = actualPath.substr(1); std::string suffixedPath = actualPath; // if this servlet allows to adapt the path, do so int i = 2; while(INSTANCE->_httpServlets.find(suffixedPath) != INSTANCE->_httpServlets.end()) { if (!servlet->canAdaptPath()) return false; std::stringstream ss; ss << actualPath << i++; suffixedPath = ss.str(); } std::stringstream servletURL; servletURL << "http://" << INSTANCE->_address << ":" << INSTANCE->_port << "/" << suffixedPath; servlet->setURL(servletURL.str()); INSTANCE->_httpServlets[suffixedPath] = servlet; DLOG(INFO) << "HTTP Servlet listening at: " << servletURL.str() << std::endl; // register callback evhttp_set_cb(INSTANCE->_http, ("/" + suffixedPath).c_str(), HTTPServer::httpRecvReqCallback, servlet); return true; } void HTTPServer::unregisterServlet(HTTPServlet* servlet) { HTTPServer* INSTANCE = getInstance(); tthread::lock_guard lock(INSTANCE->_mutex); http_servlet_iter_t servletIter = INSTANCE->_httpServlets.begin(); while(servletIter != INSTANCE->_httpServlets.end()) { if (servletIter->second == servlet) { evhttp_del_cb(INSTANCE->_http, std::string("/" + servletIter->first).c_str()); INSTANCE->_httpServlets.erase(servletIter); break; } servletIter++; } } bool HTTPServer::registerServlet(const std::string& path, WebSocketServlet* servlet) { HTTPServer* INSTANCE = getInstance(); if (!INSTANCE->_wsHandle) return true; tthread::lock_guard lock(INSTANCE->_mutex); // remove trailing and leading slash std::string actualPath = path; if (boost::ends_with(actualPath, "/")) actualPath = actualPath.substr(0, actualPath.size() - 1); if (boost::starts_with(actualPath, "/")) actualPath = actualPath.substr(1); std::string suffixedPath = actualPath; // if this servlet allows to adapt the path, do so int i = 2; while(INSTANCE->_wsServlets.find(suffixedPath) != INSTANCE->_wsServlets.end()) { if (!servlet->canAdaptPath()) return false; std::stringstream ss; ss << actualPath << i++; suffixedPath = ss.str(); } std::stringstream servletURL; servletURL << "ws://" << INSTANCE->_address << ":" << INSTANCE->_wsPort << "/" << suffixedPath; servlet->setURL(servletURL.str()); INSTANCE->_wsServlets[suffixedPath] = servlet; // LOG(INFO) << "HTTP Servlet listening at: " << servletURL.str() << std::endl; // register callback evws_set_cb(INSTANCE->_evws, ("/" + suffixedPath).c_str(), HTTPServer::wsRecvReqCallback, NULL, servlet); return true; } void HTTPServer::unregisterServlet(WebSocketServlet* servlet) { HTTPServer* INSTANCE = getInstance(); tthread::lock_guard lock(INSTANCE->_mutex); ws_servlet_iter_t servletIter = INSTANCE->_wsServlets.begin(); while(servletIter != INSTANCE->_wsServlets.end()) { if (servletIter->second == servlet) { evhttp_del_cb(INSTANCE->_http, std::string("/" + servletIter->first).c_str()); INSTANCE->_wsServlets.erase(servletIter); break; } servletIter++; } } std::string HTTPServer::getBaseURL(ServerType type) { HTTPServer* INSTANCE = getInstance(); std::stringstream servletURL; switch (type) { case HTTP: servletURL << "http://" << INSTANCE->_address << ":" << INSTANCE->_port; break; #if (defined EVENT_SSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_HAS_ELIPTIC_CURVES) case HTTPS: servletURL << "https://" << INSTANCE->_address << ":" << INSTANCE->_sslPort; break; #endif case WebSockets: servletURL << "ws://" << INSTANCE->_address << ":" << INSTANCE->_wsPort; break; default: break; } return servletURL.str(); } void HTTPServer::start() { _isRunning = true; _thread = new tthread::thread(HTTPServer::run, this); } void HTTPServer::run(void* instance) { HTTPServer* INSTANCE = (HTTPServer*)instance; while(INSTANCE->_isRunning) { event_base_dispatch(INSTANCE->_base); } LOG(INFO) << "HTTP Server stopped" << std::endl; } void HTTPServer::determineAddress() { char hostname[1024]; gethostname(hostname, 1024); _address = std::string(hostname); } #if (defined EVENT_SSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_FOUND && defined OPENSSL_HAS_ELIPTIC_CURVES) // see https://github.com/ppelleti/https-example/blob/master/https-server.c struct bufferevent* HTTPServer::sslBufferEventCallback(struct event_base *base, void *arg) { struct bufferevent* r; SSL_CTX *ctx = (SSL_CTX *) arg; r = bufferevent_openssl_socket_new (base, -1, SSL_new (ctx), BUFFEREVENT_SSL_ACCEPTING, BEV_OPT_CLOSE_ON_FREE); return r; } void HTTPServer::sslGeneralBufferEventCallback (struct evhttp_request *req, void *arg) { struct evbuffer *evb = NULL; const char *uri = evhttp_request_get_uri (req); struct evhttp_uri *decoded = NULL; /* We only handle POST requests. */ if (evhttp_request_get_command (req) != EVHTTP_REQ_POST) { evhttp_send_reply (req, 200, "OK", NULL); return; } printf ("Got a POST request for <%s>\n", uri); /* Decode the URI */ decoded = evhttp_uri_parse (uri); if (! decoded) { printf ("It's not a good URI. Sending BADREQUEST\n"); evhttp_send_error (req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, 0); return; } /* Decode the payload */ struct evkeyvalq kv; memset (&kv, 0, sizeof (kv)); struct evbuffer *buf = evhttp_request_get_input_buffer (req); evbuffer_add (buf, "", 1); /* NUL-terminate the buffer */ char *payload = (char *) evbuffer_pullup (buf, -1); if (0 != evhttp_parse_query_str (payload, &kv)) { printf ("Malformed payload. Sending BADREQUEST\n"); evhttp_send_error (req, HTTP_BADREQUEST, 0); return; } /* Determine peer */ char *peer_addr; ev_uint16_t peer_port; struct evhttp_connection *con = evhttp_request_get_connection (req); evhttp_connection_get_peer (con, &peer_addr, &peer_port); /* Extract passcode */ const char *passcode = evhttp_find_header (&kv, "passcode"); char response[256]; evutil_snprintf (response, sizeof (response), "Hi %s! I %s your passcode.\n", peer_addr, (0 == strcmp (passcode, "R23") ? "liked" : "didn't like")); evhttp_clear_headers (&kv); /* to free memory held by kv */ /* This holds the content we're sending. */ evb = evbuffer_new (); evhttp_add_header (evhttp_request_get_output_headers (req), "Content-Type", "application/x-yaml"); evbuffer_add (evb, response, strlen (response)); evhttp_send_reply (req, 200, "OK", evb); if (decoded) evhttp_uri_free (decoded); if (evb) evbuffer_free (evb); } #endif }