/** * @file * @author 2015-2016 Jens Heuschkel (heuschkel@tk.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see . * @endcond */ #include "uscxml/transform/ChartToVHDL.h" #include "uscxml/debug/Complexity.h" #include #include #include "uscxml/UUID.h" #include "uscxml/DOMUtils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONST_TRANS_SPONTANIOUS "HWE_NOW" #define CONST_EVENT_ANY "HWE_ANY" namespace uscxml { using namespace Arabica::DOM; using namespace Arabica::XPath; Transformer ChartToVHDL::transform(const Interpreter& other) { ChartToVHDL* c2c = new ChartToVHDL(other); return boost::shared_ptr(c2c); } ChartToVHDL::ChartToVHDL(const Interpreter& other) : ChartToC(other), _eventTrie(".") { } ChartToVHDL::~ChartToVHDL() { } void ChartToVHDL::checkDocument() { // filter unsupported stuff Arabica::XPath::NodeSet unsupported; std::set elements; elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "datamodel"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "data"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "assign"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "donedata"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "content"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "param"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "script"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "parallel"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "history"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "if"); // implicit elseif und else elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "foreach"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "send"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "cancel"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "invoke"); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "finalize"); unsupported = ChartToC::inDocumentOrder(elements, _scxml); std::stringstream ss; if (unsupported.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < unsupported.size(); i++) { ss << " " << DOMUtils::xPathForNode(unsupported[i]) << " unsupported" << std::endl; } throw std::runtime_error("Unsupported elements found:\n" + ss.str()); } elements.clear(); elements.insert(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "transition"); unsupported = inDocumentOrder(elements, _scxml); for (int i = 0; i < unsupported.size(); i++) { Element transition(unsupported[i]); if (HAS_ATTR(transition, "cond")) { ERROR_PLATFORM_THROW("transition with conditions not supported!"); } if (!HAS_ATTR(transition, "target")) { ERROR_PLATFORM_THROW("targetless transition not supported!"); } } } void ChartToVHDL::findEvents() { // elements with an event attribute NodeSet withEvent; withEvent.push_back(InterpreterImpl::filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "raise", _scxml, true)); withEvent.push_back(InterpreterImpl::filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "send", _scxml, true)); withEvent.push_back(InterpreterImpl::filterChildElements(_nsInfo.xmlNSPrefix + "transition", _scxml, true)); for (size_t i = 0; i < withEvent.size(); i++) { if (HAS_ATTR_CAST(withEvent[i], "event")) { _eventTrie.addWord(ATTR_CAST(withEvent[i], "event")); } } } void ChartToVHDL::writeTo(std::ostream& stream) { // same preparations as the C transformation prepare(); // checkDocument(); findEvents(); _eventTrie.dump(); writeTypes(stream); writeFiFo(stream); writeTransitionSet(stream); writeExitSet(stream); writeEntrySet(stream); writeFSM(stream); } void ChartToVHDL::writeTransitionSet(std::ostream & stream) { for (size_t i = 0; i < _transitions.size(); i++) { Element transition(_transitions[i]); std::string name = DOMUtils::idForNode(transition); } } void ChartToVHDL::writeExitSet(std::ostream & stream) { } void ChartToVHDL::writeEntrySet(std::ostream & stream) { } void ChartToVHDL::writeFSM(std::ostream & stream) { // create hardware top level stream << "-- FSM Logic" << std::endl; writeIncludes(stream); stream << "entity fsm_scxml is" << std::endl; stream << "port(" << std::endl; stream << " --inputs" << std::endl; stream << " clk :in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " rst :in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " en :in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " next_event_i :in event_type;" << std::endl; stream << " next_event_en_i :in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " --outputs" << std::endl; stream << " completed_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " error_o :out std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " current_state_o :out state_type" << std::endl; stream << ");" << std::endl; stream << "end fsm_scxml; " << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << "architecture behavioral of fsm_scxml is " << std::endl; stream << std::endl; // Add signals and components writeSignals(stream); stream << std::endl; stream << "begin" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; // signal mapping writeModuleInstantiation(stream); // write fsm architecture writeNextStateLogic(stream); // writeOutputLogic(stream); writeErrorHandler(stream); stream << std::endl; stream << "end behavioral; " << std::endl; stream << "-- END FSM Logic" << std::endl; } void ChartToVHDL::writeTopDown(std::ostream & stream) { // create hardware top level stream << "-- top level" << std::endl; writeIncludes(stream); stream << "entity top_scxml is" << std::endl; stream << "port(" << std::endl; stream << " --inputs" << std::endl; stream << " clk\t:in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " rst\t:in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " --outputs" << std::endl; stream << " completed_o\t:out std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " result_o\t:out std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " error_o\t:out std_logic" << std::endl; stream << ");" << std::endl; stream << "end top_scxml; " << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << "architecture behavioral of top_scxml is " << std::endl; stream << std::endl; // Add signals and components writeSignals(stream); stream << std::endl; stream << "begin" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; // signal mapping writeModuleInstantiation(stream); // write fsm architecture writeNextStateLogic(stream); writeOutputLogic(stream); stream << std::endl; stream << "end behavioral; " << std::endl; } void ChartToVHDL::writeTypes(std::ostream & stream) { std::string seperator = ""; stream << "-- needed global types" << std::endl; stream << "library IEEE;" << std::endl; stream << "use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << "package generated_p1 is" << std::endl; // create state type stream << " type state_type is std_logic_vector( "; stream << _states.size() - 1; stream << " downto 0)" << std::endl; //TODO complete // create event type stream << " type event_type is ("; seperator = ""; // for (int i = 0; i < _events.size(); i++) { // stream << seperator; // stream << _events[i]; // seperator = ", "; // } if (seperator.size() == 0) { stream << "NO_EVENTS"; } stream << ");" << std::endl; stream << "end generated_p1;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << "-- END needed global types" << std::endl; } void ChartToVHDL::writeIncludes(std::ostream & stream) { // Add controler specific stuff here stream << "library IEEE;" << std::endl; stream << "use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;" << std::endl; stream << "use work.generated_p1.all;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; } void ChartToVHDL::writeFiFo(std::ostream & stream) { // taken from: http://www.deathbylogic.com/2013/07/vhdl-standard-fifo/ // alternativly take fifo logic for a ram device: http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~strouce/class/elec4200/vhdlmods.pdf stream << "-- standard FIFO buffer" << std::endl; writeIncludes(stream); stream << "" << std::endl; stream << "entity std_fifo is" << std::endl; stream << "generic (" << std::endl; stream << " constant FIFO_DEPTH : positive := 256" << std::endl; stream << ");" << std::endl; stream << "port ( " << std::endl; stream << " clk : in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " rst : in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " write_en : in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " read_en : in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " data_in : in event_type;" << std::endl; stream << " data_out : out event_type;" << std::endl; stream << " empty : out std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " full : out std_logic" << std::endl; stream << ");" << std::endl; stream << "end std_fifo;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << "architecture behavioral of std_fifo is" << std::endl; stream << "begin" << std::endl; stream << "-- Memory Pointer Process" << std::endl; stream << "fifo_proc : process (clk)" << std::endl; stream << " type FIFO_Memory is array (0 to FIFO_DEPTH - 1) of event_type;" << std::endl; stream << " variable Memory : FIFO_Memory;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << " variable Head : natural range 0 to FIFO_DEPTH - 1;" << std::endl; stream << " variable Tail : natural range 0 to FIFO_DEPTH - 1;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << " variable Looped : boolean;" << std::endl; stream << "begin" << std::endl; stream << " if rising_edge(clk) then" << std::endl; stream << " if rst = '1' then" << std::endl; stream << " Head := 0;" << std::endl; stream << " Tail := 0;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << " Looped := false;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << " full <= '0';" << std::endl; stream << " empty <= '1';" << std::endl; stream << " else" << std::endl; stream << " if (read_en = '1') then" << std::endl; stream << " if ((Looped = true) or (Head /= Tail)) then" << std::endl; stream << " -- Update data output" << std::endl; stream << " data_out <= Memory(Tail);" << std::endl; stream << " " << std::endl; stream << " -- Update Tail pointer as needed" << std::endl; stream << " if (Tail = FIFO_DEPTH - 1) then" << std::endl; stream << " Tail := 0;" << std::endl; stream << " " << std::endl; stream << " Looped := false;" << std::endl; stream << " else" << std::endl; stream << " Tail := Tail + 1;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << " if (write_en = '1') then" << std::endl; stream << " if ((Looped = false) or (Head /= Tail)) then" << std::endl; stream << " -- Write Data to Memory" << std::endl; stream << " Memory(Head) := data_in;" << std::endl; stream << " " << std::endl; stream << " -- Increment Head pointer as needed" << std::endl; stream << " if (Head = FIFO_DEPTH - 1) then" << std::endl; stream << " Head := 0;" << std::endl; stream << " " << std::endl; stream << " Looped := true;" << std::endl; stream << " else" << std::endl; stream << " Head := Head + 1;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << " -- Update empty and full flags" << std::endl; stream << " if (Head = Tail) then" << std::endl; stream << " if Looped then" << std::endl; stream << " full <= '1';" << std::endl; stream << " else" << std::endl; stream << " empty <= '1';" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << " else" << std::endl; stream << " empty <= '0';" << std::endl; stream << " full <= '0';" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << "end process;" << std::endl; stream << "" << std::endl; stream << "end behavioral;" << std::endl; stream << "-- END standard FIFO buffer" << std::endl; } void ChartToVHDL::writeSignals(std::ostream & stream) { // create needed internal signals stream << "-- system signals" << std::endl; stream << "signal stall : std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << "-- state signals" << std::endl; stream << "signal next_state : state_type;" << std::endl; stream << "signal current_state : state_type;" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < _states.size(); i++) { Element state(_states[i]); stream << "signal " << ATTR(state, "id") << "_curr : current_state(" << toStr(i) << ");" << std::endl; stream << "signal " << ATTR(state, "id") << "_next : next_state(" << toStr(i) << ");" << std::endl; } stream << std::endl; stream << "-- event signals" << std::endl; stream << "signal int_event_write_en : std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << "signal int_event_read_en : std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << "signal int_event_empty : std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << "signal int_event_input : event_type;" << std::endl; stream << "signal int_event_output : event_type;" << std::endl; stream << "signal next_event_re : std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << "signal next_event : event_type;" << std::endl; stream << "signal event_consumed : std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << "-- transition signals" << std::endl; stream << "signal transition_spntaneous_en : std_logic;" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < _transitions.size(); i++) { Element transition(_transitions[i]); stream << "signal " << ATTR(transition, "id") << "_sig : std_logic;" << std::endl; } stream << std::endl; stream << "-- error signals" << std::endl; stream << "signal reg_error_out : std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << "signal error_full_int_event_fifo : std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; // add needed components stream << "-- event FIFO" << std::endl; stream << "component std_fifo is" << std::endl; stream << "port ( " << std::endl; stream << " clk : in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " rst : in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " write_en : in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " read_en : in std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " data_in : in event_type;" << std::endl; stream << " data_out : out event_type;" << std::endl; stream << " empty : out std_logic;" << std::endl; stream << " full : out std_logic" << std::endl; // we calculate how much we need stream << ");" << std::endl; stream << "end component;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; } void ChartToVHDL::writeModuleInstantiation(std::ostream & stream) { // tmp mapping for events stream << "error_o <= reg_error_out; " << std::endl; stream << "stall <= not en; " << std::endl; stream << std::endl; stream << "next_event_re <= not int_event_empty and not stall; " << std::endl; stream << "next_event <= int_event_output; " << std::endl; stream << "int_event_write_en <= next_event_en_i; " << std::endl; stream << "int_event_input <= next_event_i; " << std::endl; stream << "int_event_read_en <= not transition_spontanous_en and not stall; " << std::endl; stream << std::endl; // instantiate event fifo stream << "int_event_fifo : component std_fifo " << std::endl; stream << "port map ( " << std::endl; stream << " clk => clk," << std::endl; stream << " rst => rst," << std::endl; stream << " write_en => int_event_write_en," << std::endl; stream << " read_en => int_event_read_en," << std::endl; stream << " data_in => int_event_input," << std::endl; stream << " data_out => int_event_output," << std::endl; stream << " empty => int_event_empty," << std::endl; stream << " full => error_full_int_event_fifo" << std::endl; // we calculate how much we need stream << ");" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; } void ChartToVHDL::writeErrorHandler(std::ostream & stream) { // sets error output signal if an error occures somewhere stream << "-- error handler" << std::endl; stream << "-- sets error output signal if an error occures somewhere" << std::endl; stream << "error_handler : process (clk, rst) " << std::endl; stream << "begin" << std::endl; stream << " if rst = '1' then" << std::endl; stream << " reg_error_out <= '0';" << std::endl; stream << " elsif rising_edge(clk) then" << std::endl; stream << " reg_error_out <= error_full_int_event_fifo;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << "end process;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; } //TODO write event generator // wie die letzten beiden states erkennen // process bauen der bei fail 0 ausgibt und bei accept 1 void ChartToVHDL::writeNextStateLogic(std::ostream & stream) { stream << "-- state logic" << std::endl; stream << "-- only gets active when state changes (microstep?) " << std::endl; stream << "state_decode_proc: process(current_state)" << std::endl; stream << "begin" << std::endl; std::stringstream nextStateBuffer; for (int i = 0; i < _states.size(); i++) { Element state(_states[i]); // calculate event choises // _transitions is sorted in Postfix order // by stating with smalest index the most important // will be written first std::vector< Element > choises; std::string spntaneous_trans_sig = ""; for (int j = 0; j < _transitions.size(); j++) { Element transition(_transitions[j]); if (ATTR_CAST(transition.getParentNode(), "id") == ATTR(state, "id")) { choises.push_back(transition); if (ATTR(transition, "event") == CONST_TRANS_SPONTANIOUS) { spntaneous_trans_sig = ATTR(transition, "id"); // FIXME hofully there are just single spntaneous transitions allowed // else we have to handle this } } } // calculate incomming transitions (for later use) std::vector< Element > incommingTransitions; for (int j = 0; j < _transitions.size(); j++) { Element transition(_transitions[j]); if (ATTR_CAST(transition, "target") == ATTR(state, "id")) { incommingTransitions.push_back(transition); } } if (choises.size() > 0) {// if no outgoing transitions (maybe final state :D) we don't write anything stream << " if ( " << ATTR(state, "id") << " = '1' ) then" << std::endl; stream << " if ( transition_spntaneous_en = '1' ) then" << std::endl; // enable spntaneous transition (if any) and disable all other for (int j = 0; j < choises.size(); j++) { Element transition(choises[j]); if (ATTR(transition, "id") == spntaneous_trans_sig) { stream << " " << ATTR(transition, "id") << "_sig <= '1';" << std::endl; } else { stream << " " << ATTR(transition, "id") << "_sig <= '0';" << std::endl; } } stream << " elsif ( next_event_re = '1' ) then" << std::endl; // if no spntaneous transition enables, look at events // since there is just one event at a time, we use case statement // to check transitions matching in postfix order // FIXME hopefully there is just one transition per state and event at a time stream << " case next_event is" << std::endl; bool hasWildcardTransition = false; for (int j = 0; j < choises.size(); j++) { Element transition(choises[j]); std::string eventName = ATTR(transition, "event"); if (eventName == CONST_EVENT_ANY) { eventName = "others"; hasWildcardTransition = true; } stream << " when " << eventName << " =>" << std::endl; // activate transition and deactivete others for (int k = 0; k < choises.size(); k++) { Element tmp_t(choises[k]); if (ATTR(tmp_t, "event") == ATTR(transition, "event")) { stream << " " << ATTR(tmp_t, "id") << "_sig <= '1';" << std::endl; } else { stream << " " << ATTR(tmp_t, "id") << "_sig <= '0';" << std::endl; } } } if (!hasWildcardTransition) { // if there is no others we create one for deactivating everything stream << " when others =>" << std::endl; for (int j = 0; j < choises.size(); j++) { Element tmp_t(choises[j]); stream << " " << ATTR(tmp_t, "id") << "_sig <= '0';" << std::endl; } } stream << " end case;" << std::endl; //TODO umkehren oder other abfangen //stream << " when others =>" << std::endl; //stream << " next_state <= current_state;" << std::endl; stream << " else" << std::endl; // no enabled event ? disable all transitions (looks like we have to wait) for (int j = 0; j < choises.size(); j++) { Element transition(choises[j]); stream << " " << ATTR(transition, "id") << "_sig <= '0';" << std::endl; } stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; } // write next state calculation in buffer for later use nextStateBuffer << ATTR(state, "id") << "_next <= ( ( '0'"; std::string seperator = " or "; for (int j = 0; j < incommingTransitions.size(); j++) { nextStateBuffer << seperator << ATTR(incommingTransitions[j], "id") << "_sig"; } nextStateBuffer << " ) or "; nextStateBuffer << "( ( not ( '0'"; seperator = " or "; for (int j = 0; j < choises.size(); j++) { nextStateBuffer << seperator << ATTR(choises[j], "id") << "_sig"; } nextStateBuffer << " ) ) and " << ATTR(state, "id") << "_curr ));" << std::endl; } stream << "end process;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; // write outgoing transition buffer stream << nextStateBuffer.str() << std::endl; // updater for current state stream << "-- update current state" << std::endl; stream << "state_proc: process(clk, rst, stall)" << std::endl; stream << "begin" << std::endl; stream << " if rst = '1' then" << std::endl; stream << " current_state <= (others => '0');" << std::endl; // stream << " " << _initState << "_curr <= '1';" << std::endl; stream << " elsif (rising_edge(clk) and stall = '0') then" << std::endl; stream << " current_state <= next_state;" << std::endl; stream << " end if;" << std::endl; stream << "end process;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; } void ChartToVHDL::writeOutputLogic(std::ostream & stream) { stream << "-- output logic" << std::endl; stream << "output_proc: process(current_state)" << std::endl; stream << "begin" << std::endl; stream << " case current_state is" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < _states.size(); i++) { //TODO // if end state set completed and result // on entry events generated here } stream << " when others =>" << std::endl; stream << " completed_o <= '0';" << std::endl; stream << " result_o <= '0';" << std::endl; stream << "end case;" << std::endl; stream << "end process;" << std::endl; stream << std::endl; } }