/** * @file * @author 2016 Stefan Radomski (stefan.radomski@cs.tu-darmstadt.de) * @copyright Simplified BSD * * @cond * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the FreeBSD license as published by the FreeBSD * project. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the FreeBSD license along with this * program. If not, see . * @endcond */ #define MAX_MACRO_CHARS 64 #include "PromelaCodeAnalyzer.h" #include "uscxml/transform/ChartToPromela.h" #include "uscxml/util/Predicates.h" #include "uscxml/util/DOM.h" #include "uscxml/util/String.h" #include namespace uscxml { using namespace XERCESC_NS; void PromelaCodeAnalyzer::analyze(ChartToPromela* interpreter) { /** Create macro names for state identifiers Do not add as literals as they are not unique with nested state-charts */ { for (size_t i = 0; i < interpreter->_states.size(); i++) { DOMElement* state = interpreter->_states[i]; if (HAS_ATTR(state, "id")) { createMacroName(ATTR(state, "id")); } } } // _lastStrIndex = interpreter->_states.size(); /** Find all event names that might occur */ { std::list internalEventNames = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({ XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "transition", XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "raise", XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "send" }, interpreter->_scxml); for (auto internalEventName : internalEventNames) { if (HAS_ATTR_CAST(internalEventName, "event")) { std::string eventNames = ATTR_CAST(internalEventName, "event"); std::list events = tokenize(eventNames); for (std::list::iterator eventIter = events.begin(); eventIter != events.end(); eventIter++) { std::string eventName = *eventIter; if (boost::ends_with(eventName, "*")) eventName = eventName.substr(0, eventName.size() - 1); if (boost::ends_with(eventName, ".")) eventName = eventName.substr(0, eventName.size() - 1); if (eventName.size() > 0) _eventTrie.addWord(eventName); } } } for (auto state : interpreter->_states) { if (HAS_ATTR(state, "id") && (isCompound(state) || isParallel(state))) { _eventTrie.addWord("done.state." + ATTR(state, "id")); } } } // add event names from trie to string literals std::list events = _eventTrie.getWordsWithPrefix(""); for (auto event : events) { addLiteral(event->value); } /** Find all string literals */ { // string literals for raise / send content std::list contents = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({ XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "content" }, interpreter->_scxml); for (auto content : contents) { std::string contentStr = spaceNormalize(X(((DOMElement*)content)->getFirstChild()->getNodeValue())); if (!isNumeric(contentStr.c_str(), 10)) { addLiteral(contentStr); } } } /* add platform variables as string literals */ addLiteral(interpreter->_prefix + "_sessionid"); addLiteral(interpreter->_prefix + "_name"); /** Extract and analyze source code */ { std::list withCond = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({ XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "transition", XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "if", XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "elseif" }, interpreter->_scxml); for (auto cond : withCond) { if (HAS_ATTR(cond, "cond")) { std::string code = ATTR_CAST(cond, "cond"); code = sanitizeCode(code); addCode(code, interpreter); cond->setAttribute(X("cond"), X(code)); } } std::list withExpr = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({ XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "log", XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "data", XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "assign", XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "content", XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "param" }, interpreter->_scxml); for (auto expr : withExpr) { if (HAS_ATTR(expr, "expr")) { std::string code = ATTR_CAST(expr, "expr"); code = sanitizeCode(code); addCode(code, interpreter); expr->setAttribute(X("expr"), X(code)); } } std::list withLocation = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({ XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "assign" }, interpreter->_scxml); for (auto location : withLocation) { if (HAS_ATTR(location, "location")) { std::string code = ATTR_CAST(location, "location"); code = sanitizeCode(code); addCode(code, interpreter); location->setAttribute(X("location"), X(code)); } } std::list withText = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({ XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "script" }, interpreter->_scxml); for (auto text : withText) { std::list texts = DOMUtils::filterChildType(DOMNode::TEXT_NODE, text, true); for (auto textBlock : texts) { DOMText* textText = static_cast(textBlock); std::string code = X(textText->getNodeValue()).str(); if (code.size() > 0) { code = sanitizeCode(code); addCode(code, interpreter); textText->setNodeValue(X(code)); } } } std::list foreachs = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({ XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "foreach" }, interpreter->_scxml); for (auto foreach : foreachs) { if (HAS_ATTR(foreach, "index")) { addCode(ATTR(foreach, "index"), interpreter); } else { _hasIndexLessLoops = true; } if (HAS_ATTR(foreach, "item")) { addCode(ATTR(foreach, "item"), interpreter); } } // do we need sendid / invokeid? { std::list invokes = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "invoke"}, interpreter->_scxml); std::list sends = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "send"}, interpreter->_scxml); std::list cancels = DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "cancel"}, interpreter->_scxml); if (cancels.size() > 0) { addCode("_event.invokeid", interpreter); _usesCancel = true; } for (auto send : sends) { if (HAS_ATTR(send, "idlocation")) { addCode("_event.sendid", interpreter); } if (HAS_ATTR(send, "id")) { addLiteral(ATTR(send, "id")); addCode("_event.sendid", interpreter); } // do we need delays? if (HAS_ATTR(send, "delay") || HAS_ATTR(send, "delayexpr")) { addCode("_event.delay", interpreter); #if NEW_DELAY_RESHUFFLE #else addCode("_event.seqNr", interpreter); #endif } } } // add all namelist entries to the _event structure { std::list withNamelists; withNamelists.splice(withNamelists.end(), DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "send"}, interpreter->_scxml)); withNamelists.splice(withNamelists.end(), DOMUtils::inDocumentOrder({XML_PREFIX(interpreter->_scxml).str() + "invoke"}, interpreter->_scxml)); for (auto withNamelist : withNamelists) { if (HAS_ATTR(withNamelist, "namelist")) { std::string namelist = ATTR(withNamelist, "namelist"); std::list names = tokenize(namelist); for (std::list::iterator nameIter = names.begin(); nameIter != names.end(); nameIter++) { addCode("_event.data." + *nameIter + " = 0;", interpreter); // introduce for _event_t typedef } } } } } } std::string PromelaCodeAnalyzer::sanitizeCode(const std::string& code) { std::string replaced = code; boost::replace_all(replaced, "\"", "'"); boost::replace_all(replaced, "_sessionid", "_SESSIONID"); boost::replace_all(replaced, "_name", "_NAME"); return replaced; } void PromelaCodeAnalyzer::addCode(const std::string& code, ChartToPromela* interpreter) { PromelaParser parser(code); // parser.dump(); // find all strings std::list astNodes; astNodes.push_back(parser.ast); while(astNodes.size() > 0) { PromelaParserNode* node = astNodes.front(); astNodes.pop_front(); // node->dump(); bool hasValue = false; int assignedValue = 0; switch (node->type) { case PML_STRING: { std::string unquoted = node->value; if (boost::starts_with(unquoted, "'")) { unquoted = unquoted.substr(1, unquoted.size() - 2); } addLiteral(unquoted); break; } case PML_ASGN: if (node->operands.back()->type == PML_CONST) { hasValue = true; if (isInteger(node->operands.back()->value.c_str(), 10)) { assignedValue = strTo(node->operands.back()->value); } } if (node->operands.back()->type == PML_STRING) { // remember strings for later astNodes.push_back(node->operands.back()); } if (node->operands.front()->type == PML_CMPND) { node = node->operands.front(); } else { break; } // if (node->operands.front()->type != PML_NAME) // break; // this will skip array assignments case PML_CMPND: { std::string nameOfType; std::list::iterator opIter = node->operands.begin(); if ((*opIter)->type != PML_NAME) { node->dump(); return; assert(false); } PromelaTypedef* td = &_typeDefs; std::string seperator; while(opIter != node->operands.end()) { switch ((*opIter)->type) { case PML_NAME: td = &td->types[(*opIter)->value]; td->occurrences.insert(interpreter); nameOfType += seperator + (*opIter)->value; if (nameOfType.compare("_x") == 0) _usesPlatformVars = true; seperator = "_"; td->name = nameOfType + "_t"; break; case PML_VAR_ARRAY: { PromelaParserNode* name = (*opIter)->operands.front(); PromelaParserNode* subscript = *(++(*opIter)->operands.begin()); td = &td->types[name->value]; td->occurrences.insert(interpreter); nameOfType += seperator + name->value; td->name = nameOfType + "_t"; if (isInteger(subscript->value.c_str(), 10)) { td->arraySize = strTo(subscript->value); } break; } default: if ((*opIter)->type == PML_CONST) { // break fall through from ASGN break; } // node->dump(); // assert(false); break; } if (nameOfType.compare("_x_states") == 0) { _usesInPredicate = true; } if (nameOfType.compare("_event_type") == 0) { addLiteral("internal"); addLiteral("external"); addLiteral("platform"); } if (nameOfType.compare("_event_origintype") == 0) { addLiteral("http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/#SCXMLEventProcessor"); } opIter++; } if (hasValue) { if (td->maxValue < assignedValue) td->maxValue = assignedValue; if (td->minValue > assignedValue) td->minValue = assignedValue; } continue; // skip processing nested AST nodes } case PML_NAME: { _typeDefs.types[node->value].occurrences.insert(interpreter); _typeDefs.types[node->value].minValue = 0; _typeDefs.types[node->value].maxValue = 0; // test325 if (node->value.compare("_ioprocessors") == 0) { addCode("_ioprocessors.scxml.location", interpreter); } break; } default: // node->dump(); break; // assert(false); } astNodes.insert(astNodes.end(), node->operands.begin(), node->operands.end()); } } void PromelaCodeAnalyzer::addLiteral(const std::string& literal, int forceIndex) { if (boost::starts_with(literal, "'")) throw std::runtime_error("Literal " + literal + " passed with quotes"); if (_literals.find(literal) != _literals.end()) return; _literals.insert(literal); createMacroName(literal); enumerateLiteral(literal, forceIndex); } int PromelaCodeAnalyzer::indexForLiteral(const std::string& literal) { if (boost::starts_with(literal, "'")) throw std::runtime_error("Literal " + literal + " passed with quotes"); if (_strIndex.find(literal) == _strIndex.end()) throw std::runtime_error("No index for literal " + literal + " known"); return _strIndex[literal]; } std::string PromelaCodeAnalyzer::macroForLiteral(const std::string& literal) { if (boost::starts_with(literal, "'")) throw std::runtime_error("Literal " + literal + " passed with quotes"); if (_strMacros.find(literal) == _strMacros.end()) throw std::runtime_error("No macro for literal '" + literal + "' known"); return _strMacros[literal]; } std::string PromelaCodeAnalyzer::createMacroName(const std::string& literal) { if (_strMacros.find(literal) != _strMacros.end()) return _strMacros[literal]; // find a suitable macro name for the strings std::string macroName = literal; //literal.substr(1, literal.size() - 2); // cannot start with digit if (isInteger(macroName.substr(0,1).c_str(), 10)) macroName = "_" + macroName; macroName = macroName.substr(0, MAX_MACRO_CHARS); boost::to_upper(macroName); std::string illegalChars = "#\\/:?\"<>| \n\t()[]{}',.-"; std::string tmp; std::string::iterator it = macroName.begin(); while (it < macroName.end()) { bool found = illegalChars.find(*it) != std::string::npos; if(found) { tmp += '_'; it++; while(it < macroName.end() && illegalChars.find(*it) != std::string::npos) { it++; } } else { tmp += *it++; } } macroName = tmp; if(macroName.length() < 1) macroName = "_EMPTY_STRING"; if(macroName.length() < 2 && macroName[0] == '_') macroName = "_WEIRD_CHARS"; unsigned int index = 2; while (_macroNameSet.find(macroName) != _macroNameSet.end()) { std::string suffix = toStr(index); if (macroName.size() > suffix.size()) { macroName = macroName.substr(0, macroName.size() - suffix.size()) + suffix; } else { macroName = suffix; } index++; } _macroNameSet.insert(macroName); _strMacros[literal] = macroName; return macroName; } int PromelaCodeAnalyzer::enumerateLiteral(const std::string& literal, int forceIndex) { if (forceIndex >= 0) { _strIndex[literal] = forceIndex; return forceIndex; } if (_strIndex.find(literal) != _strIndex.end()) return _strIndex[literal]; _strIndex[literal] = _lastStrIndex++; return _lastStrIndex + 1; } std::string PromelaCodeAnalyzer::adaptCode(const std::string& code, const std::string& prefix) { // for (std::map::const_iterator litIter = _strMacros.begin(); litIter != _strMacros.end(); litIter++) { // boost::replace_all(replaced, "'" + litIter->first + "'", litIter->second); // } // boost::replace_all(replaced, "_event", prefix + "_event"); // replace all variables from analyzer std::string processed = code; std::stringstream processedStr; std::list > posList; std::list >::iterator posIter; size_t lastPos; // prepend all identifiers with our prefix { PromelaParser parsed(processed); // parsed.dump(); posList = getTokenPositions(code, PML_NAME, parsed.ast); posList.sort(); posIter = posList.begin(); lastPos = 0; while (posIter != posList.end()) { std::string token = code.substr(posIter->first, posIter->second - posIter->first); if (std::all_of(token.begin(), token.end(), ::isupper) && false) { // assume it is a state-name macro processedStr << code.substr(lastPos, posIter->first - lastPos) << token; } else { processedStr << code.substr(lastPos, posIter->first - lastPos) << prefix << token; } lastPos = posIter->second; posIter++; } processedStr << processed.substr(lastPos, processed.size() - lastPos); processed = processedStr.str(); processedStr.clear(); processedStr.str(""); } // replace string literals { PromelaParser parsed(processed); posList = getTokenPositions(code, PML_STRING, parsed.ast); posList.sort(); posIter = posList.begin(); lastPos = 0; while (posIter != posList.end()) { processedStr << processed.substr(lastPos, posIter->first - lastPos); // std::cout << processed.substr(posIter->first + 1, posIter->second - posIter->first - 2) << std::endl; assert(_strMacros.find(processed.substr(posIter->first + 1, posIter->second - posIter->first - 2)) != _strMacros.end()); processedStr << _strMacros[processed.substr(posIter->first + 1, posIter->second - posIter->first - 2)]; lastPos = posIter->second; posIter++; } processedStr << processed.substr(lastPos, processed.size() - lastPos); processed = processedStr.str(); processedStr.clear(); processedStr.str(""); } return processed; } std::list > PromelaCodeAnalyzer::getTokenPositions(const std::string& expr, int type, PromelaParserNode* ast) { std::list > posList; if (ast->type == type && ast->loc != NULL) { // ast->dump(); if (type == PML_NAME && ast->parent && ((ast->parent->type == PML_CMPND && ast->parent->operands.front() != ast) || (ast->parent->parent && ast->parent->type == PML_VAR_ARRAY && ast->parent->parent->type == PML_CMPND))) { // field in a compound } else { if (ast->loc->firstLine == 0) { posList.push_back(std::make_pair(ast->loc->firstCol, ast->loc->lastCol)); } else { int line = ast->loc->firstLine; size_t lastPos = 0; while(line > 0) { lastPos = expr.find_first_of('\n', lastPos + 1); line--; } posList.push_back(std::make_pair(lastPos + ast->loc->firstCol, lastPos + ast->loc->lastCol)); } } } for (std::list::iterator opIter = ast->operands.begin(); opIter != ast->operands.end(); opIter++) { std::list > tmp = getTokenPositions(expr, type, *opIter); posList.insert(posList.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } return posList; } std::string PromelaCodeAnalyzer::getTypeReset(const std::string& var, const PromelaTypedef& type, const std::string padding) { std::stringstream assignment; std::map::const_iterator typeIter = type.types.begin(); while(typeIter != type.types.end()) { const PromelaTypedef& innerType = typeIter->second; if (innerType.arraySize > 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < innerType.arraySize; i++) { assignment << padding << var << "." << typeIter->first << "[" << i << "] = 0;" << std::endl; } } else if (innerType.types.size() > 0) { assignment << getTypeReset(var + "." + typeIter->first, typeIter->second, padding); } else { assignment << padding << var << "." << typeIter->first << " = 0;" << std::endl; } typeIter++; } return assignment.str(); } }