# grep -ori 'datamodel="xpath' . # grep -ori 'datamodel="null' . # grep -ori 'manual' . # manual tests: # "w3c/test178.scxml" # "w3c/test230.scxml" # "w3c/test250.scxml" # "w3c/test301.scxml" # Allowed to reject # "w3c/test307.scxml" # "w3c/test313.scxml" # Allowed to be rejected # "w3c/test314.scxml" # Allowed to be rejected # "w3c/test415.scxml" # "w3c/test513.txt" # some manual tests are removed in test/CMakeLists.txt already! # null datamodel # "test436.scxml" # these are manual or xpath tests generated by the ecma generator set(CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE ### Ignore for ECMAScript datamodel "w3c/ecma/test178.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/ecma/test230.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/ecma/test250.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/ecma/test307.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/ecma/test313.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/ecma/test314.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/ecma/test415.scxml" # Manual - PASSED # "w3c/ecma/test513.txt" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/ecma/test301.scxml" # Invalid script URL - PASSED "w3c/ecma/test436.scxml" # Tests NULL datamodel - PASSED "w3c/namespace/test178.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/namespace/test230.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/namespace/test250.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/namespace/test301.scxml" # Invalid script URL - PASSED "w3c/namespace/test415.scxml" # Manual - PASSED ### Just ignore the XPath datamodel tests that hang, most of the rest fails as well "w3c/xpath/test178.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/xpath/test230.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/xpath/test250.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/xpath/test307.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/xpath/test313.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/xpath/test314.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/xpath/test415.scxml" # Manual - PASSED # "w3c/xpath/test513.txt" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/xpath/test301.scxml" # Invalid script URL - PASSED "w3c/xpath/test436.scxml" # Tests NULL datamodel - PASSED ### Ignore for LUA datamodel "w3c/lua/test178.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/lua/test230.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/lua/test250.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/lua/test307.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/lua/test313.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/lua/test314.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/lua/test415.scxml" # Manual - PASSED # "w3c/lua/test513.txt" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/lua/test301.scxml" # Invalid script URL - PASSED "w3c/lua/test436.scxml" # Tests NULL datamodel - PASSED ### Ignore for Prolog datamodel "w3c/prolog/test178.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/prolog/test230.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/prolog/test250.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/prolog/test307.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/prolog/test313.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/prolog/test314.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/prolog/test415.scxml" # Manual - PASSED # "w3c/prolog/test513.txt" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/prolog/test301.scxml" # Invalid script URL - PASSED "w3c/prolog/test436.scxml" # Tests NULL datamodel - PASSED ### Ignore for PROMELA datamodel # manual tests "w3c/promela/test178.scxml" # two identical params in _event.raw - FAILED "w3c/promela/test230.scxml" # autoforwarded events are identical - PASSED "w3c/promela/test250.scxml" # no onexit in cancelled invoker - PASSED "w3c/promela/test302.scxml" # variable definition / declaration in script - NOT SUPPORTED "w3c/promela/test304.scxml" # variable definition / declaration in script - NOT SUPPORTED "w3c/promela/test307.scxml" # late data-binding - PASSED "w3c/promela/test313.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/promela/test314.scxml" # Manual - PASSED "w3c/promela/test350.scxml" # String concatenation - NOT SUPPORTED "w3c/promela/test415.scxml" # terminate on toplevel final - PASSED "w3c/promela/test525.scxml" # shallow copy in foreach, test not expressible as such # "w3c/promela/test513.txt" # manual test - PASSED "w3c/promela/test301.scxml" # reject invalid script - PASSED "w3c/promela/test436.scxml" # Tests NULL datamodel - PASSED "w3c/promela/test190.scxml" # string concatenation "w3c/promela/test224.scxml" # string operation startWith # "w3c/promela/test280.scxml" # no runtime checks for undeclared variables # "w3c/promela/test350.scxml" # string concatenation "w3c/promela/test509.scxml" # string operation contains "w3c/promela/test518.scxml" # string operation contains "w3c/promela/test519.scxml" # string operation contains "w3c/promela/test520.scxml" # string operation contains # "w3c/promela/test525.scxml" # assumes unbound arrays # "w3c/promela/test530.scxml" # assigns DOM node to variable "w3c/promela/test534.scxml" # string operation contains ### Ignore for SPIN model checking # manual tests "w3c/spin/promela/test178.scxml" # two identical params in _event.raw - FAILED "w3c/spin/promela/test230.scxml" # autoforwarded events are identical - PASSED "w3c/spin/promela/test250.scxml" # no onexit in cancelled invoker - PASSED "w3c/spin/promela/test307.scxml" # declare variable via script - FAILED "w3c/spin/promela/test313.scxml" # assignment of 'return' "w3c/spin/promela/test314.scxml" # assignment of 'return' "w3c/spin/promela/test415.scxml" # terminate on toplevel final - PASSED # "w3c/spin/promela/test513.txt" # manual test - FAILED "w3c/spin/promela/test301.scxml" # reject invalid script - PASSED "w3c/spin/promela/test436.scxml" # In(s) -> _x.states[s] prevents completion as NULL dm is hardcoded # fail for syntax "w3c/spin/promela/test152.scxml" # test that an illegal array or item value causes error.execution "w3c/spin/promela/test156.scxml" # test that an error causes the foreach to stop execution "w3c/spin/promela/test224.scxml" # string operation startWith "w3c/spin/promela/test277.scxml" # platform creates unbound variable if we assign an illegal value to it "w3c/spin/promela/test280.scxml" # late data binding / undeclared variable "w3c/spin/promela/test286.scxml" # assignment to a non-declared var causes an error "w3c/spin/promela/test294.scxml" # mixed types for event.data via donedata "w3c/spin/promela/test309.scxml" # 'return' as an invalid boolean expression ought to eval to false "w3c/spin/promela/test311.scxml" # assignment to a non-declared var "w3c/spin/promela/test312.scxml" # assignment of 'return' "w3c/spin/promela/test322.scxml" # assignment to _sessionid "w3c/spin/promela/test324.scxml" # assignment to _name "w3c/spin/promela/test325.scxml" # assignment from _ioprocessor "w3c/spin/promela/test326.scxml" # assignment from _ioprocessor "w3c/spin/promela/test329.scxml" # test that none of the system variables can be modified "w3c/spin/promela/test344.scxml" # 'return' as a cond "w3c/spin/promela/test346.scxml" # assignment to system variables "w3c/spin/promela/test350.scxml" # string concatenation "w3c/spin/promela/test354.scxml" # mixed types for event.data "w3c/spin/promela/test401.scxml" # variable not declared "w3c/spin/promela/test402.scxml" # variable not declared "w3c/spin/promela/test487.scxml" # assignment of 'return' "w3c/spin/promela/test509.scxml" # string operation contains "w3c/spin/promela/test518.scxml" # string operation contains "w3c/spin/promela/test519.scxml" # string operation contains "w3c/spin/promela/test520.scxml" # string operation contains "w3c/spin/promela/test525.scxml" # assumes unbound arrays "w3c/spin/promela/test530.scxml" # assigns DOM node to variable "w3c/spin/promela/test534.scxml" # string operation contains # fail for semantics "w3c/spin/promela/test159.scxml" # error raised causes all subsequent elements to be skipped "w3c/spin/promela/test194.scxml" # illegal target for send "w3c/spin/promela/test199.scxml" # invalid send type "w3c/spin/promela/test216.scxml" # nested SCXML document with srcexpr at invoke "w3c/spin/promela/test298.scxml" # non-existent data model location "w3c/spin/promela/test331.scxml" # tests _error.type via 'error.execution' "w3c/spin/promela/test332.scxml" # tests _error.sendid via 'error.execution' "w3c/spin/promela/test343.scxml" # test that illegal produces error.execution "w3c/spin/promela/test488.scxml" # illegal expr in produces error.execution "w3c/spin/promela/test496.scxml" # tests error.communication with illegal target "w3c/spin/promela/test521.scxml" # tests error.communication with illegal target "w3c/spin/promela/test528.scxml" # illegal 'expr' produces error.execution "w3c/spin/promela/test531.scxml" # uses _ioprocessors.basichttp.location "w3c/spin/promela/test532.scxml" # uses _ioprocessors.basichttp.location "w3c/spin/promela/test553.scxml" # error in namelist "w3c/spin/promela/test554.scxml" # evaluation of 's args causes an error "w3c/spin/promela/test577.scxml" # send without target for basichttp ### Ignore for generated C sources "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test216.scxml" // invoke srcexpr # we do not support io processors yet "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test201.scxml" # basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test453.scxml" # functions as first-class objects "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test446.scxml" # No URLs at runtime anymore "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test552.scxml" # No URLs at runtime anymore "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test500.scxml" # _ioprocessors "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test501.scxml" # _ioprocessors "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test509.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test510.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test518.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test519.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test520.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test522.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test528.scxml" # runtime type information "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test531.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test532.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test534.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test558.scxml" # content per url "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test567.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test569.scxml" # _ioprocessors "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test577.scxml" # basichttp # failing is succeeding "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test301.scxml" # manual test "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test307.scxml" # XML DOM in data "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test530.scxml" "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test557.scxml" "w3c/gen/c/ecma/test561.scxml" "w3c/gen/c/lua/test201.scxml" # basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test216.scxml" # invoke srcexpr "w3c/gen/c/lua/test301.scxml" # failing is succeeding "w3c/gen/c/lua/test453.scxml" # functions as first-class objects "w3c/gen/c/lua/test500.scxml" # _ioprocessors "w3c/gen/c/lua/test501.scxml" # _ioprocessors "w3c/gen/c/lua/test509.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test510.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test518.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test519.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test520.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test522.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test528.scxml" # runtime type information "w3c/gen/c/lua/test530.scxml" # DOM in data "w3c/gen/c/lua/test531.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test532.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test534.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test558.scxml" # content per url "w3c/gen/c/lua/test552.scxml" # content per url "w3c/gen/c/lua/test567.scxml" # _ioprocessors / basichttp "w3c/gen/c/lua/test569.scxml" # _ioprocessors "w3c/gen/c/lua/test577.scxml" # basichttp # ignore for python bindings "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test178.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test201.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test230.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test250.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test301.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test326.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test415.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test509.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test510.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test518.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test519.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test520.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test522.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test531.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test532.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test534.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test558.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test567.scxml" "w3c/binding/python/ecma/test578.scxml" ### Ignore for delay with performance # timeouts with benchmarking due to delayed events "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test175.scxml" "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test185.scxml" "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test186.scxml" "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test208.scxml" "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test210.scxml" "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test409.scxml" "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test423.scxml" "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test553.scxml" "w3c/perf/gen/c/ecma/test579.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test175.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test185.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test186.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test208.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test210.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test409.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test423.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test553.scxml" "w3c/perf/ecma/test579.scxml" ### Ignore some Header self-sufficient tests "w3c/header/bindings/swig/msvc/inttypes.h" "w3c/header/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedDataModel.h" "w3c/header/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedExecutableContent.h" "w3c/header/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInterpreterMonitor.h" "w3c/header/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedInvoker.h" "w3c/header/bindings/swig/wrapped/WrappedIOProcessor.h" ) # unset(CTEST_CUSTOM_TESTS_IGNORE)