XML Schema datatypes for SCXML Defines containers for the SCXML datatypes, many of these imported from other specifications and standards. Describes the processor execution mode for this document, being either "lax" or "strict". The binding type in use for the SCXML document. The type of the transition i.e. internal or external. Boolean: true or false only The assign type that allows for precise manipulation of the datamodel location. Types are: replacechildren (default), firstchild, lastchild, previoussibling, nextsibling, replace, delete, addattribute The xsd:anyURI type and thus URI references in SCXML documents may contain a wide array of international characters. Implementers should reference RFC 3987 and the "Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0: Resource Identifiers" in order to provide appropriate support for these characters in VoiceXML documents and when processing values of this type or mapping them to URIs. Non-negative integer Duration allowing positive values ranging from milliseconds to days. EventType is the name of an event. Example legal values: foo foo.bar foo.bar.baz Custom datatype for the event attribute in SCXML based on xsd:token. Example legal values: * foo foo.bar foo.* foo.bar.* foo bar baz foo.bar bar.* baz.foo.* Conditional language is expression which must evaluate to Boolean True or False. The expression language must define In(stateID) as a valid expression. Location language is expression identifying a location in the datamodel. Value language is expression return a value.