#include #include // malloc #include // assert #include // printf #include // stringstream #include // deque #include // trim #define SCXML_VERBOSE #include "uscxml/config.h" #ifdef APPLE #include #include #include #endif #ifndef AUTOINCLUDE_TEST #include "test-c-machine.machine.c" #endif #include "uscxml/Convenience.h" #include "uscxml/concurrency/Timer.h" //#include "uscxml/DOMUtils.h" #include "uscxml/Factory.h" #include "uscxml/InterpreterInfo.h" #include "uscxml/UUID.h" #include "uscxml/concurrency/DelayedEventQueue.h" #include "uscxml/concurrency/tinythread.h" #ifdef BUILD_PROFILING # include "uscxml/plugins/DataModel.h" # endif #define USER_DATA(ctx) ((GenCInterpreterInfo*)(((scxml_ctx*)ctx)->user_data)) using namespace uscxml; typedef struct scxml_foreach_info scxml_foreach_info; struct scxml_foreach_info { size_t iterations; size_t currIteration; }; class GenCInterpreterInfo : public InterpreterInfo { public: NameSpaceInfo getNameSpaceInfo() const { return nsInfo; } const std::string& getName() { return name; } const std::string& getSessionId() { return sessionId; } const std::map& getIOProcessors() { return ioProcs; } bool isInState(const std::string& stateId) { for (int i = 0 ; i < SCXML_NUMBER_STATES; i++) { if (scxml_states[i].name != NULL && BIT_HAS(i, ctx->config) && stateId == scxml_states[i].name) return true; } return false; } Arabica::DOM::Document getDocument() const { return document; } const std::map& getInvokers() { return invokers; } NameSpaceInfo nsInfo; std::string name; std::string sessionId; std::map ioProcs; std::map invokers; Arabica::DOM::Document document; scxml_ctx* ctx; DataModel datamodel; std::map foreachInfo; std::deque iq; std::deque eq; DelayedEventQueue delayQueue; std::map sendIds; tthread::condition_variable monitor; tthread::mutex mutex; }; int matches(const char* desc, const char* event) { const char* dPtr = desc; const char* ePtr = event; while(*dPtr != 0) { if (*dPtr == '*' && *ePtr != 0) // something following return true; // descriptor differs from event name if (*dPtr != *ePtr) { // move to next descriptor while(*dPtr != ' ' && *dPtr != 0) { dPtr++; } if (*dPtr == 0) return false; dPtr++; ePtr = event; } else { // move both pointers one character dPtr++; ePtr++; } // descriptor is done, return match if (((*dPtr == 0 || *dPtr == ' ') && (*ePtr == 0 || *ePtr == ' ')) || // exact match, end of string (*dPtr == ' ' && *ePtr == '.') || (*dPtr == 0 && *ePtr == '.')) // prefix match return true; } return false; } int exec_content_raise(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const char* event) { Event* e = new Event(); e->name = event; if (boost::starts_with(e->name, "error.")) { e->eventType = Event::PLATFORM; } else { e->eventType = Event::INTERNAL; } #ifdef SCXML_VERBOSE printf("Raising Internal Event: %s\n", e->name.c_str()); #endif USER_DATA(ctx)->iq.push_back(e); return SCXML_ERR_OK; } int is_true(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const char* expr) { try { return USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.evalAsBool(expr); } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); } return false; } int is_enabled(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const scxml_transition* t, const void* e) { Event* event = (Event*)e; if (event == NULL) { if (t->event == NULL) { // spontaneous transition, null event if (t->condition != NULL) return is_true(ctx, t->condition); return true; } else { // spontaneous transition, but real event return false; } } // real transition, real event if (matches(t->event, event->name.c_str())) { if (t->condition != NULL) return is_true(ctx, t->condition); return true; } return false; } int raise_done_event(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const scxml_state* state, const scxml_elem_donedata* donedata) { Event* e = new Event(); e->name = std::string("done.state.") + state->name; if (donedata) { if (donedata->content != NULL) { e->data = Data(donedata->content, Data::VERBATIM); } else if (donedata->contentexpr != NULL) { try { e->data = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.getStringAsData(donedata->contentexpr); } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); } } else { try { const scxml_elem_param* param = donedata->params; while (param && ELEM_PARAM_IS_SET(param)) { Data paramValue; if (param->expr != NULL) { paramValue = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.getStringAsData(param->expr); } else if(param->location) { paramValue = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.getStringAsData(param->location); } e->params.insert(std::make_pair(param->name, paramValue)); param++; } } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); } } } #ifdef SCXML_VERBOSE printf("Raising Done Event: %s\n", e->name.c_str()); #endif USER_DATA(ctx)->iq.push_back(e); return SCXML_ERR_OK; } void delayedSend(void* ctx, std::string eventName) { tthread::lock_guard lock(USER_DATA(ctx)->mutex); SendRequest* sr = USER_DATA(ctx)->sendIds[eventName]; Event* e = new Event(*sr); if (sr->target == "#_internal") { e->eventType = Event::INTERNAL; #ifdef SCXML_VERBOSE printf("Pushing Internal Event: %s\n", e->name.c_str()); #endif USER_DATA(ctx)->iq.push_back(e); } else { e->eventType = Event::EXTERNAL; #ifdef SCXML_VERBOSE printf("Pushing External Event: %s\n", e->name.c_str()); #endif USER_DATA(ctx)->eq.push_back(e); } USER_DATA(ctx)->monitor.notify_all(); delete sr; } int exec_content_cancel(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const char* sendid, const char* sendidexpr) { std::string eventId; if (sendid != NULL) { eventId = sendid; } else if (sendidexpr != NULL) { eventId = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.evalAsString(sendidexpr); } if (eventId.length() > 0) { USER_DATA(ctx)->delayQueue.cancelEvent(eventId); } else { exec_content_raise(ctx, "error.execution"); return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } return SCXML_ERR_OK; } std::string spaceNormalize(const std::string& text) { std::stringstream content; std::string seperator; size_t start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); i++) { if (isspace(text[i])) { if (i > 0 && start < i) { content << seperator << text.substr(start, i - start); seperator = " "; } while(isspace(text[++i])); // skip whitespaces start = i; } else if (i + 1 == text.size()) { content << seperator << text.substr(start, i + 1 - start); } } return content.str(); } int exec_content_send(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const scxml_elem_send* send) { SendRequest* e = new SendRequest(); std::string target; if (send->target != NULL) { e->target = send->target; } else if (send->targetexpr != NULL) { e->target = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.evalAsString(send->targetexpr); } else { e->target = "#_external"; } if (e->target.size() > 0 && (e->target[0] != '#' || e->target[1] != '_')) { delete e; exec_content_raise(ctx, "error.execution"); return SCXML_ERR_INVALID_TARGET; } e->origintype = "http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/#SCXMLEventProcessor"; e->origin = e->target; try { if (send->type != NULL) { e->type = send->type; } else if (send->typeexpr != NULL) { e->type = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.evalAsString(send->typeexpr); } else { e->type = "http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/#SCXMLEventProcessor"; } } catch (Event exc) { exec_content_raise(ctx, exc.name.c_str()); delete e; return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } // only one somewhat supported if (e->type != "http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/#SCXMLEventProcessor") { delete e; exec_content_raise(ctx, "error.execution"); return SCXML_ERR_INVALID_TARGET; } e->origintype = e->type; if (send->eventexpr != NULL) { e->name = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.evalAsString(send->eventexpr); } else { e->name = send->event; } try { const scxml_elem_param* param = send->params; while (param && ELEM_PARAM_IS_SET(param)) { Data paramValue; if (param->expr != NULL) { paramValue = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.getStringAsData(param->expr); } else if(param->location) { paramValue = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.getStringAsData(param->location); } e->params.insert(std::make_pair(param->name, paramValue)); param++; } } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } try { if (send->namelist != NULL) { const char* bPtr = &send->namelist[0]; const char* ePtr = bPtr; while(*ePtr != '\0') { ePtr++; if (*ePtr == ' ' || *ePtr == '\0') { std::string key(bPtr, ePtr - bPtr); e->params.insert(std::make_pair(key, USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.getStringAsData(key))); if (*ePtr == '\0') break; bPtr = ++ePtr; } } } } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } if (send->content != NULL) { // will it parse as json? Data d = Data::fromJSON(send->content); if (!d.empty()) { e->data = d; } else { e->data = Data(spaceNormalize(send->content), Data::VERBATIM); } } std::string sendid; if (send->id != NULL) { sendid = send->id; e->sendid = sendid; } else { sendid = UUID::getUUID(); if (send->idlocation != NULL) { USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.assign(send->idlocation, Data(sendid, Data::VERBATIM)); } else { e->hideSendId = true; } } size_t delayMs = 0; std::string delay; if (send->delayexpr != NULL) { delay = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.evalAsString(send->delayexpr); } else if (send->delay != NULL) { delay = send->delay; } if (delay.size() > 0) { boost::trim(delay); NumAttr delayAttr(delay); if (iequals(delayAttr.unit, "ms")) { delayMs = strTo(delayAttr.value); } else if (iequals(delayAttr.unit, "s")) { delayMs = strTo(delayAttr.value) * 1000; } else if (delayAttr.unit.length() == 0) { // unit less delay is interpreted as milliseconds delayMs = strTo(delayAttr.value); } else { std::cerr << "Cannot make sense of delay value " << delay << ": does not end in 's' or 'ms'"; } } USER_DATA(ctx)->sendIds[sendid] = e; if (delayMs > 0) { USER_DATA(ctx)->delayQueue.addEvent(sendid, delayedSend, delayMs, (void*)ctx); } else { delayedSend((void*)ctx, sendid); } return SCXML_ERR_OK; } int exec_content_init(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const scxml_elem_data* data) { while(ELEM_DATA_IS_SET(data)) { Data d; if (data->expr != NULL) { d = Data(data->expr, Data::INTERPRETED); } else if (data->content != NULL) { d = Data(data->content, Data::INTERPRETED); } else { d = Data("undefined", Data::INTERPRETED); } try { USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.init(data->id, d); } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); } data++; } return SCXML_ERR_OK; } int exec_content_assign(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const char* location, const char* expr) { std::string key = location; if (key == "_sessionid" || key == "_name" || key == "_ioprocessors" || key == "_invokers" || key == "_event") { exec_content_raise(ctx, "error.execution"); return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } try { Data d(expr, Data::INTERPRETED); USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.assign(key, d); } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } return SCXML_ERR_OK; } int exec_content_foreach_init(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const scxml_elem_foreach* foreach) { try { scxml_foreach_info* feInfo = (scxml_foreach_info*)malloc(sizeof(scxml_foreach_info)); USER_DATA(ctx)->foreachInfo[foreach] = feInfo; feInfo->iterations = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.getLength(foreach->array); feInfo->currIteration = 0; } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } return SCXML_ERR_OK; } int exec_content_foreach_next(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const scxml_elem_foreach* foreach) { try { scxml_foreach_info* feInfo = USER_DATA(ctx)->foreachInfo[foreach]; if (feInfo->currIteration < feInfo->iterations) { USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.setForeach((foreach->item != NULL ? foreach->item : ""), (foreach->array != NULL ? foreach->array : ""), (foreach->index != NULL ? foreach->index : ""), feInfo->currIteration); feInfo->currIteration++; return SCXML_ERR_OK; } } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); free(USER_DATA(ctx)->foreachInfo[foreach]); USER_DATA(ctx)->foreachInfo.erase(foreach); return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } return SCXML_ERR_FOREACH_DONE; } int exec_content_foreach_done(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const scxml_elem_foreach* foreach) { free(USER_DATA(ctx)->foreachInfo[foreach]); USER_DATA(ctx)->foreachInfo.erase(foreach); return SCXML_ERR_OK; } int exec_content_log(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const char* label, const char* expr) { try { if (label != NULL) { printf("%s%s", label, (expr != NULL ? ": " : "")); } if (expr != NULL) { std::string msg = USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.evalAsString(expr); printf("%s", msg.c_str()); } if (label != NULL || expr != NULL) { printf("\n"); } } catch (Event e) { exec_content_raise(ctx, e.name.c_str()); return SCXML_ERR_EXEC_CONTENT; } return SCXML_ERR_OK; } int exec_content_script(const scxml_ctx* ctx, const char* src, const char* content) { if (content != NULL) { USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.eval(Arabica::DOM::Element(), content); } else if (src != NULL) { return SCXML_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; } return SCXML_ERR_OK; } void* dequeue_external(const scxml_ctx* ctx) { tthread::lock_guard lock(USER_DATA(ctx)->mutex); while (USER_DATA(ctx)->eq.size() == 0) { USER_DATA(ctx)->monitor.wait(USER_DATA(ctx)->mutex); } Event* e = USER_DATA(ctx)->eq.front(); USER_DATA(ctx)->eq.pop_front(); USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.setEvent(*e); #ifdef SCXML_VERBOSE printf("Popping External Event: %s\n", e->name.c_str()); #endif return e; } void* dequeue_internal(const scxml_ctx* ctx) { if (USER_DATA(ctx)->iq.size() == 0) return NULL; Event* e = USER_DATA(ctx)->iq.front(); USER_DATA(ctx)->iq.pop_front(); USER_DATA(ctx)->datamodel.setEvent(*e); #ifdef SCXML_VERBOSE printf("Popping Internal Event: %s\n", e->name.c_str()); #endif return e; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::cout << "sizeof(scxml_state): " << sizeof(scxml_state) << std::endl; std::cout << "sizeof(scxml_transition): " << sizeof(scxml_transition) << std::endl; std::cout << "sizeof(scxml_ctx): " << sizeof(scxml_ctx) << std::endl; #ifdef APPLE mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase_info; mach_timebase_info(&timebase_info); const uint64_t NANOS_PER_MSEC = 1000000ULL; double clock2abs = ((double)timebase_info.denom / (double)timebase_info.numer) * NANOS_PER_MSEC; thread_time_constraint_policy_data_t policy; policy.period = 0; policy.computation = (uint32_t)(5 * clock2abs); // 5 ms of work policy.constraint = (uint32_t)(10 * clock2abs); policy.preemptible = FALSE; int kr = thread_policy_set(pthread_mach_thread_np(pthread_self()), THREAD_TIME_CONSTRAINT_POLICY, (thread_policy_t)&policy, THREAD_TIME_CONSTRAINT_POLICY_COUNT); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { mach_error("thread_policy_set:", kr); exit(1); } #endif int err; size_t benchmarkRuns = 1; const char* envBenchmarkRuns = getenv("USCXML_BENCHMARK_ITERATIONS"); if (envBenchmarkRuns != NULL) { benchmarkRuns = strTo(envBenchmarkRuns); } size_t remainingRuns = benchmarkRuns; // setup info object required for datamodel GenCInterpreterInfo interpreterInfo; interpreterInfo.name = SCXML_MACHINE_NAME; interpreterInfo.sessionId = "rfwef"; interpreterInfo.delayQueue.start(); scxml_ctx ctx; interpreterInfo.ctx = &ctx; double avg = 0; size_t microSteps = 0; #ifdef BUILD_PROFILING double avgDm = 0; #endif Timer tTotal; tTotal.start(); while(remainingRuns-- > 0) { memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(scxml_ctx)); // fresh dm (expensive :( ) interpreterInfo.datamodel = Factory::getInstance()->createDataModel("ecmascript", &interpreterInfo); // set info object as user data ctx.user_data = (void*)&interpreterInfo; // register callbacks with scxml context ctx.is_enabled = &is_enabled; ctx.is_true = &is_true; ctx.raise_done_event = &raise_done_event; ctx.exec_content_send = &exec_content_send; ctx.exec_content_raise = &exec_content_raise; ctx.exec_content_cancel = &exec_content_cancel; ctx.exec_content_log = &exec_content_log; ctx.exec_content_assign = &exec_content_assign; ctx.exec_content_foreach_init = &exec_content_foreach_init; ctx.exec_content_foreach_next = &exec_content_foreach_next; ctx.exec_content_foreach_done = &exec_content_foreach_done; ctx.dequeue_external = &dequeue_external; ctx.dequeue_internal = &dequeue_internal; ctx.exec_content_init = &exec_content_init; ctx.exec_content_script = &exec_content_script; Timer t; t.start(); microSteps = 0; while((err = scxml_step(&ctx)) == SCXML_ERR_OK) { t.stop(); microSteps++; if (ctx.event != NULL) { delete ((Event*)(ctx.event)); } t.start(); } microSteps++; assert(ctx.flags & SCXML_CTX_TOP_LEVEL_FINAL); t.stop(); avg += t.elapsed; #ifdef BUILD_PROFILING avgDm += interpreterInfo.datamodel.timer.elapsed; interpreterInfo.datamodel.timer.elapsed = 0; #endif size_t passIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < SCXML_NUMBER_STATES; i++) { if (scxml_states[i].name && strcmp(scxml_states[i].name, "pass") == 0) { passIdx = i; break; } } if(!BIT_HAS(passIdx, ctx.config)) { std::cerr << "Interpreter did not end in pass" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } interpreterInfo.delayQueue.cancelAllEvents(); interpreterInfo.eq.clear(); interpreterInfo.iq.clear(); } tTotal.stop(); std::cout << benchmarkRuns << " iterations" << std::endl; std::cout << tTotal.elapsed * 1000.0 << " ms in total" << std::endl; std::cout << (avg * 1000.0) / (double)benchmarkRuns << " ms per execution" << std::endl; std::cout << microSteps << " microsteps per iteration" << std::endl; std::cout << (avg * 1000.0) / ((double)benchmarkRuns * (double)microSteps) << " ms per microstep" << std::endl; #ifdef BUILD_PROFILING std::cout << (avgDm * 1000.0) / (double)benchmarkRuns << " ms in datamodel" << std::endl; std::cout << ((avg - avgDm) * 1000.0) / ((double)benchmarkRuns * (double)microSteps) << " ms per microstep \\wo datamodel" << std::endl; #endif interpreterInfo.delayQueue.stop(); tthread::this_thread::sleep_for(tthread::chrono::milliseconds(100)); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }