#define protected public #include "uscxml/URL.h" #include "uscxml/Message.h" #include "uscxml/Interpreter.h" #include "uscxml/plugins/datamodel/promela/PromelaDataModel.h" #include "uscxml/plugins/datamodel/promela/PromelaParser.h" #include "uscxml/transform/ChartToPromela.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace uscxml; using namespace boost; using namespace Arabica::DOM; extern int promela_debug; void testInlinePromela() { DOMImplementation domFactory = Arabica::SimpleDOM::DOMImplementation::getDOMImplementation(); Document document = domFactory.createDocument("", "", 0); { std::string test = "\ promela-code This is foo!\ "; Comment comment = document.createComment(test); PromelaInline inl(comment); assert(inl.type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_CODE); assert(inl.content == "This is foo!"); } { std::string test = "\ promela-code\n \ This is foo!\ "; Comment comment = document.createComment(test); PromelaInline inl(comment); assert(inl.type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_CODE); assert(inl.content == "This is foo!"); } { std::string test = "\ promela-event\n \ [{\"name\": \"e1\", \"data\": { \"foo\": \"some string\" }}, \ {\"name\": \"e1\", \"data\": { \"bar\": 12 }}]"; Comment comment = document.createComment(test); PromelaInline inl(comment); assert(inl.type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_EVENT_ONLY); PromelaEventSource es(inl); assert(es.events.array.size() == 2); } { Interpreter interpreter = Interpreter::fromURL("/Users/sradomski/Documents/TK/Code/uscxml/test/uscxml/promela/test-event-source-auto.scxml"); assert(interpreter); PromelaInlines inls(interpreter.getDocument().getDocumentElement()); assert(inls.getAllOfType(PromelaInline::PROMELA_EVENT_ONLY).size() == 1); assert(inls.getAllOfType(PromelaInline::PROMELA_EVENT_ALL_BUT).size() == 1); interpreter.getImpl()->getState("s0"); } #if 0 { std::string test = "\ #promela-inline:\n \ This is foo!\ "; PromelaInlines prmInls = PromelaInlines::fromString(test); assert(prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrCodes == 1 && prmInls.nrEventSources == 0 && prmInls.nrEndLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrProgressLabels == 0); assert(prmInls.code.size() == 1); assert(prmInls.code.front().type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_CODE); assert(boost::trim_copy(prmInls.code.front().content) == "This is foo!"); } { std::string test = "#promela-progress"; PromelaInlines prmInls = PromelaInlines::fromString(test); assert(prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrCodes == 0 && prmInls.nrEventSources == 0 && prmInls.nrEndLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrProgressLabels == 1); assert(prmInls.code.size() == 1); assert(prmInls.code.front().type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_PROGRESS_LABEL); } { std::string test = "#promela-accept and then some"; PromelaInlines prmInls = PromelaInlines::fromString(test); assert(prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 1 && prmInls.nrCodes == 0 && prmInls.nrEventSources == 0 && prmInls.nrEndLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrProgressLabels == 0); assert(prmInls.code.size() == 1); assert(prmInls.code.front().type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_ACCEPT_LABEL); } { std::string test = "#promela-end and then some"; PromelaInlines prmInls = PromelaInlines::fromString(test); assert(prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrCodes == 0 && prmInls.nrEventSources == 0 && prmInls.nrEndLabels == 1 && prmInls.nrProgressLabels == 0); assert(prmInls.code.size() == 1); assert(prmInls.code.front().type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_END_LABEL); } { std::string test = "\ #promela-event-source:\n \ This is foo!\ "; PromelaInlines prmInls = PromelaInlines::fromString(test); assert(prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrCodes == 0 && prmInls.nrEventSources == 1 && prmInls.nrEndLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrProgressLabels == 0); assert(prmInls.code.size() == 1); assert(prmInls.code.front().type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_EVENT_SOURCE); PromelaEventSource pmlES(prmInls.code.front()); assert(pmlES.sequences.size() == 1); std::list >::iterator seqsIter = pmlES.sequences.begin(); std::list::iterator seqIter = seqsIter->begin(); assert(*seqIter++ == "This"); assert(*seqIter++ == "is"); assert(*seqIter++ == "foo!"); assert(seqIter == seqsIter->end()); seqsIter++; assert(seqsIter == pmlES.sequences.end()); } { std::string test = "\ #promela-event-source:\n \ This is foo!\n \ This is bar!\n \ "; PromelaInlines prmInls = PromelaInlines::fromString(test); assert(prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrCodes == 0 && prmInls.nrEventSources == 1 && prmInls.nrEndLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrProgressLabels == 0); assert(prmInls.code.size() == 1); assert(prmInls.code.front().type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_EVENT_SOURCE); PromelaEventSource pmlES(prmInls.code.front()); assert(pmlES.sequences.size() == 2); std::list >::iterator seqsIter = pmlES.sequences.begin(); std::list::iterator seqIter = seqsIter->begin(); assert(*seqIter++ == "This"); assert(*seqIter++ == "is"); assert(*seqIter++ == "foo!"); assert(seqIter == seqsIter->end()); seqsIter++; seqIter = seqsIter->begin(); assert(*seqIter++ == "This"); assert(*seqIter++ == "is"); assert(*seqIter++ == "bar!"); assert(seqIter == seqsIter->end()); seqsIter++; assert(seqsIter == pmlES.sequences.end()); } { std::string test = "\ #promela-event-source-custom:\n \ This is foo!\ "; PromelaInlines prmInls = PromelaInlines::fromString(test); assert(prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrCodes == 0 && prmInls.nrEventSources == 1 && prmInls.nrEndLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrProgressLabels == 0); assert(prmInls.code.size() == 1); assert(prmInls.code.front().type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_EVENT_SOURCE_CUSTOM); PromelaEventSource pmlES(prmInls.code.front()); assert(pmlES.sequences.size() == 0); assert(boost::trim_copy(pmlES.source.content) == "This is foo!"); } { std::string test = "\ #promela-event-source-custom:\n \ This is foo! \n\ #promela-progress\ "; PromelaInlines prmInls = PromelaInlines::fromString(test); assert(prmInls.nrAcceptLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrCodes == 0 && prmInls.nrEventSources == 1 && prmInls.nrEndLabels == 0 && prmInls.nrProgressLabels == 1); assert(prmInls.code.size() == 2); assert(prmInls.code.front().type == PromelaInline::PROMELA_EVENT_SOURCE_CUSTOM); PromelaEventSource pmlES(prmInls.code.front()); assert(pmlES.sequences.size() == 0); assert(boost::trim_copy(pmlES.source.content) == "This is foo!"); } #endif } void checkTokenLocations(const std::string& expr, PromelaParserNode* ast) { if (ast->loc != NULL) { assert(expr.substr(ast->loc->firstCol, ast->loc->lastCol - ast->loc->firstCol) == ast->value); } for (std::list::iterator opIter = ast->operands.begin(); opIter != ast->operands.end(); opIter++) { checkTokenLocations(expr, *opIter); } } void testPromelaParser() { promela_debug = 0; #if 1 std::list expressions; /* declarations */ expressions.push_back("bool b1"); expressions.push_back("bool b1;"); expressions.push_back("bool b1, b2, b3"); expressions.push_back("bool b1, b2, b3;"); expressions.push_back("bool b1, b2 = 3 + 4, b3, b4, b5;"); expressions.push_back("bool b1; bool b2; bool b3; bool b4;"); expressions.push_back("bool b1; bool b2; bool b3, b4, b5;"); expressions.push_back("bit b = 1;"); expressions.push_back("byte state = 1;"); expressions.push_back("bool b1, b2 = 1, b3;"); expressions.push_back("bool busy[3];"); expressions.push_back("bool busy[3], us[4];"); expressions.push_back("mtype = {\nred, white, blue,\nabort, accept, ack, sync_ack, close, connect,\ncreate, data, eof, open, reject, sync, transfer,\nFATAL, NON_FATAL, COMPLETE\n}"); expressions.push_back("typedef D { short f; byte g }; "); expressions.push_back("x = 1"); expressions.push_back("x = foo.bar[2].baz; "); expressions.push_back("_event.data[1].aParam.key1.key2[1].key3.key4"); expressions.push_back("_event.data.aParam"); expressions.push_back("_event.data"); expressions.push_back("_event"); expressions.push_back("states"); expressions.push_back("states[1]"); expressions.push_back("_x.states[1]"); expressions.push_back("_x.states[1].foo"); expressions.push_back("_event.data[1].aParam.key1.key2[1].key3.key4"); expressions.push_back("\n\n\n\n int foo = 3;\n\nint bar = 5;"); /* expressions */ expressions.push_back("i+1"); expressions.push_back("(x == false || t == Bturn);"); expressions.push_back("a + (1 << b)"); expressions.push_back("(a + 1) << b"); expressions.push_back("(b < N)"); expressions.push_back("(mt+1)%MAX;"); expressions.push_back("state[0] = state[3] + 5 * state[3*2/n]"); /* statements */ expressions.push_back("t = Bturn;"); expressions.push_back("c++"); expressions.push_back("state = state - 1"); expressions.push_back("printf(\"hello world\\n\")"); expressions.push_back("printf(\"result %d: %d\\n\", id, res, foo, bar)"); expressions.push_back("printf(\"x = %d\\n\", x)"); expressions.push_back("(n <= 1)"); expressions.push_back("res = (a*a+b)/2*a;"); expressions.push_back("assert(0) /* a forced stop, (Chapter 6) */"); expressions.push_back("assert(count == 0 || count == 1)"); expressions.push_back("busy[4 - 3] = 1;"); for (std::list::iterator exprIter = expressions.begin(); exprIter != expressions.end(); exprIter++) { try { std::cout << std::endl << "'" << *exprIter << "':" << std::endl; PromelaParser ast(*exprIter); ast.dump(); if (!boost::contains(*exprIter, "\n")) checkTokenLocations(*exprIter, ast.ast); } catch (Event e) { std::cerr << e << std::endl; } } #endif } int main(int argc, char** argv) { testInlinePromela(); testPromelaParser(); }