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authorSerhiy Storchaka <>2014-07-23 17:43:13 (GMT)
committerSerhiy Storchaka <>2014-07-23 17:43:13 (GMT)
commit8518b79a8d13920c06a5cdccd255944f2187f62f (patch)
parentf886697659a6ce9541bfc271d34929f3b225243e (diff)
Issue #15275: Clean up and speed up the ntpath module.
2 files changed, 79 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index af3fb87..f6b5cd7 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -32,48 +32,12 @@ if 'ce' in sys.builtin_module_names:
defpath = '\\Windows'
devnull = 'nul'
-def _get_empty(path):
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- return b''
- else:
- return ''
-def _get_sep(path):
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- return b'\\'
- else:
- return '\\'
-def _get_altsep(path):
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- return b'/'
- else:
- return '/'
def _get_bothseps(path):
if isinstance(path, bytes):
return b'\\/'
return '\\/'
-def _get_dot(path):
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- return b'.'
- else:
- return '.'
-def _get_colon(path):
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- return b':'
- else:
- return ':'
-def _get_special(path):
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- return (b'\\\\.\\', b'\\\\?\\')
- else:
- return ('\\\\.\\', '\\\\?\\')
# Normalize the case of a pathname and map slashes to backslashes.
# Other normalizations (such as optimizing '../' away) are not done
# (this is done by normpath).
@@ -82,10 +46,16 @@ def normcase(s):
"""Normalize case of pathname.
Makes all characters lowercase and all slashes into backslashes."""
- if not isinstance(s, (bytes, str)):
- raise TypeError("normcase() argument must be str or bytes, "
- "not '{}'".format(s.__class__.__name__))
- return s.replace(_get_altsep(s), _get_sep(s)).lower()
+ try:
+ if isinstance(s, bytes):
+ return s.replace(b'/', b'\\').lower()
+ else:
+ return s.replace('/', '\\').lower()
+ except (TypeError, AttributeError):
+ if not isinstance(s, (bytes, str)):
+ raise TypeError("normcase() argument must be str or bytes, "
+ "not %r" % s.__class__.__name__) from None
+ raise
# Return whether a path is absolute.
@@ -97,14 +67,19 @@ def normcase(s):
def isabs(s):
"""Test whether a path is absolute"""
s = splitdrive(s)[1]
- return len(s) > 0 and s[:1] in _get_bothseps(s)
+ return len(s) > 0 and s[0] in _get_bothseps(s)
# Join two (or more) paths.
def join(path, *paths):
- sep = _get_sep(path)
- seps = _get_bothseps(path)
- colon = _get_colon(path)
+ if isinstance(path, bytes):
+ sep = b'\\'
+ seps = b'\\/'
+ colon = b':'
+ else:
+ sep = '\\'
+ seps = '\\/'
+ colon = ':'
result_drive, result_path = splitdrive(path)
for p in paths:
p_drive, p_path = splitdrive(p)
@@ -155,10 +130,16 @@ def splitdrive(p):
Paths cannot contain both a drive letter and a UNC path.
- empty = _get_empty(p)
- if len(p) > 1:
- sep = _get_sep(p)
- normp = p.replace(_get_altsep(p), sep)
+ if len(p) >= 2:
+ if isinstance(p, bytes):
+ sep = b'\\'
+ altsep = b'/'
+ colon = b':'
+ else:
+ sep = '\\'
+ altsep = '/'
+ colon = ':'
+ normp = p.replace(altsep, sep)
if (normp[0:2] == sep*2) and (normp[2:3] != sep):
# is a UNC path:
# vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv drive letter or UNC path
@@ -166,18 +147,18 @@ def splitdrive(p):
# directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
index = normp.find(sep, 2)
if index == -1:
- return empty, p
+ return p[:0], p
index2 = normp.find(sep, index + 1)
# a UNC path can't have two slashes in a row
# (after the initial two)
if index2 == index + 1:
- return empty, p
+ return p[:0], p
if index2 == -1:
index2 = len(p)
return p[:index2], p[index2:]
- if normp[1:2] == _get_colon(p):
+ if normp[1:2] == colon:
return p[:2], p[2:]
- return empty, p
+ return p[:0], p
# Parse UNC paths
@@ -221,10 +202,7 @@ def split(p):
i -= 1
head, tail = p[:i], p[i:] # now tail has no slashes
# remove trailing slashes from head, unless it's all slashes
- head2 = head
- while head2 and head2[-1:] in seps:
- head2 = head2[:-1]
- head = head2 or head
+ head = head.rstrip(seps) or head
return d + head, tail
@@ -234,8 +212,10 @@ def split(p):
# It is always true that root + ext == p.
def splitext(p):
- return genericpath._splitext(p, _get_sep(p), _get_altsep(p),
- _get_dot(p))
+ if isinstance(p, bytes):
+ return genericpath._splitext(p, b'\\', b'/', b'.')
+ else:
+ return genericpath._splitext(p, '\\', '/', '.')
splitext.__doc__ = genericpath._splitext.__doc__
@@ -343,7 +323,7 @@ def expanduser(path):
userhome = join(drive, os.environ['HOMEPATH'])
if isinstance(path, bytes):
- userhome = userhome.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
+ userhome = os.fsencode(userhome)
if i != 1: #~user
userhome = join(dirname(userhome), path[1:i])
@@ -369,13 +349,14 @@ def expandvars(path):
Unknown variables are left unchanged."""
if isinstance(path, bytes):
- if ord('$') not in path and ord('%') not in path:
+ if b'$' not in path and b'%' not in path:
return path
import string
varchars = bytes(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_-', 'ascii')
quote = b'\''
percent = b'%'
brace = b'{'
+ rbrace = b'}'
dollar = b'$'
environ = getattr(os, 'environb', None)
@@ -386,6 +367,7 @@ def expandvars(path):
quote = '\''
percent = '%'
brace = '{'
+ rbrace = '}'
dollar = '$'
environ = os.environ
res = path[:0]
@@ -432,15 +414,9 @@ def expandvars(path):
path = path[index+2:]
pathlen = len(path)
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- index = path.index(b'}')
- else:
- index = path.index('}')
+ index = path.index(rbrace)
except ValueError:
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- res += b'${' + path
- else:
- res += '${' + path
+ res += dollar + brace + path
index = pathlen - 1
var = path[:index]
@@ -450,10 +426,7 @@ def expandvars(path):
value = environ[var]
except KeyError:
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- value = b'${' + var + b'}'
- else:
- value = '${' + var + '}'
+ value = dollar + brace + var + rbrace
res += value
var = path[:0]
@@ -485,16 +458,25 @@ def expandvars(path):
def normpath(path):
"""Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc."""
- sep = _get_sep(path)
- dotdot = _get_dot(path) * 2
- special_prefixes = _get_special(path)
+ if isinstance(path, bytes):
+ sep = b'\\'
+ altsep = b'/'
+ curdir = b'.'
+ pardir = b'..'
+ special_prefixes = (b'\\\\.\\', b'\\\\?\\')
+ else:
+ sep = '\\'
+ altsep = '/'
+ curdir = '.'
+ pardir = '..'
+ special_prefixes = ('\\\\.\\', '\\\\?\\')
if path.startswith(special_prefixes):
# in the case of paths with these prefixes:
# \\.\ -> device names
# \\?\ -> literal paths
# do not do any normalization, but return the path unchanged
return path
- path = path.replace(_get_altsep(path), sep)
+ path = path.replace(altsep, sep)
prefix, path = splitdrive(path)
# collapse initial backslashes
@@ -505,13 +487,13 @@ def normpath(path):
comps = path.split(sep)
i = 0
while i < len(comps):
- if not comps[i] or comps[i] == _get_dot(path):
+ if not comps[i] or comps[i] == curdir:
del comps[i]
- elif comps[i] == dotdot:
- if i > 0 and comps[i-1] != dotdot:
+ elif comps[i] == pardir:
+ if i > 0 and comps[i-1] != pardir:
del comps[i-1:i+1]
i -= 1
- elif i == 0 and prefix.endswith(_get_sep(path)):
+ elif i == 0 and prefix.endswith(sep):
del comps[i]
i += 1
@@ -519,7 +501,7 @@ def normpath(path):
i += 1
# If the path is now empty, substitute '.'
if not prefix and not comps:
- comps.append(_get_dot(path))
+ comps.append(curdir)
return prefix + sep.join(comps)
@@ -559,12 +541,19 @@ realpath = abspath
supports_unicode_filenames = (hasattr(sys, "getwindowsversion") and
sys.getwindowsversion()[3] >= 2)
-def relpath(path, start=curdir):
+def relpath(path, start=None):
"""Return a relative version of a path"""
- sep = _get_sep(path)
+ if isinstance(path, bytes):
+ sep = b'\\'
+ curdir = b'.'
+ pardir = b'..'
+ else:
+ sep = '\\'
+ curdir = '.'
+ pardir = '..'
- if start is curdir:
- start = _get_dot(path)
+ if start is None:
+ start = curdir
if not path:
raise ValueError("no path specified")
@@ -574,9 +563,8 @@ def relpath(path, start=curdir):
start_drive, start_rest = splitdrive(start_abs)
path_drive, path_rest = splitdrive(path_abs)
if normcase(start_drive) != normcase(path_drive):
- error = "path is on mount '{0}', start on mount '{1}'".format(
- path_drive, start_drive)
- raise ValueError(error)
+ raise ValueError("path is on mount %r, start on mount %r" % (
+ path_drive, start_drive))
start_list = [x for x in start_rest.split(sep) if x]
path_list = [x for x in path_rest.split(sep) if x]
@@ -587,13 +575,9 @@ def relpath(path, start=curdir):
i += 1
- if isinstance(path, bytes):
- pardir = b'..'
- else:
- pardir = '..'
rel_list = [pardir] * (len(start_list)-i) + path_list[i:]
if not rel_list:
- return _get_dot(path)
+ return curdir
return join(*rel_list)
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index 0905537..fc2e211 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@ Core and Builtins
+- Issue #15275: Clean up and speed up the ntpath module.
- Issue #21888: plistlib's load() and loads() now work if the fmt parameter is