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authorMark Dickinson <>2011-06-04 17:24:15 (GMT)
committerMark Dickinson <>2011-06-04 17:24:15 (GMT)
commita493ca3fae4dc6e07c3dc57eb7621c90ba8c7189 (patch)
parent7d214018119eeee43abc14db6385a2b684d1e4f8 (diff)
Issue #12080: Fix a performance issue in Decimal._power_exact that caused some corner-case Decimal.__pow__ calls to take an unreasonably long time.
3 files changed, 97 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/Lib/ b/Lib/
index 5470d00..13d3566 100644
--- a/Lib/
+++ b/Lib/
@@ -1942,9 +1942,9 @@ class Decimal(object):
nonzero. For efficiency, other._exp should not be too large,
so that 10**abs(other._exp) is a feasible calculation."""
- # In the comments below, we write x for the value of self and
- # y for the value of other. Write x = xc*10**xe and y =
- # yc*10**ye.
+ # In the comments below, we write x for the value of self and y for the
+ # value of other. Write x = xc*10**xe and abs(y) = yc*10**ye, with xc
+ # and yc positive integers not divisible by 10.
# The main purpose of this method is to identify the *failure*
# of x**y to be exactly representable with as little effort as
@@ -1952,13 +1952,12 @@ class Decimal(object):
# eliminate the possibility of x**y being exact. Only if all
# these tests are passed do we go on to actually compute x**y.
- # Here's the main idea. First normalize both x and y. We
- # express y as a rational m/n, with m and n relatively prime
- # and n>0. Then for x**y to be exactly representable (at
- # *any* precision), xc must be the nth power of a positive
- # integer and xe must be divisible by n. If m is negative
- # then additionally xc must be a power of either 2 or 5, hence
- # a power of 2**n or 5**n.
+ # Here's the main idea. Express y as a rational number m/n, with m and
+ # n relatively prime and n>0. Then for x**y to be exactly
+ # representable (at *any* precision), xc must be the nth power of a
+ # positive integer and xe must be divisible by n. If y is negative
+ # then additionally xc must be a power of either 2 or 5, hence a power
+ # of 2**n or 5**n.
# There's a limit to how small |y| can be: if y=m/n as above
# then:
@@ -2030,21 +2029,43 @@ class Decimal(object):
return None
# now xc is a power of 2; e is its exponent
e = _nbits(xc)-1
- # find e*y and xe*y; both must be integers
- if ye >= 0:
- y_as_int = yc*10**ye
- e = e*y_as_int
- xe = xe*y_as_int
- else:
- ten_pow = 10**-ye
- e, remainder = divmod(e*yc, ten_pow)
- if remainder:
- return None
- xe, remainder = divmod(xe*yc, ten_pow)
- if remainder:
- return None
- if e*65 >= p*93: # 93/65 > log(10)/log(5)
+ # We now have:
+ #
+ # x = 2**e * 10**xe, e > 0, and y < 0.
+ #
+ # The exact result is:
+ #
+ # x**y = 5**(-e*y) * 10**(e*y + xe*y)
+ #
+ # provided that both e*y and xe*y are integers. Note that if
+ # 5**(-e*y) >= 10**p, then the result can't be expressed
+ # exactly with p digits of precision.
+ #
+ # Using the above, we can guard against large values of ye.
+ # 93/65 is an upper bound for log(10)/log(5), so if
+ #
+ # ye >= len(str(93*p//65))
+ #
+ # then
+ #
+ # -e*y >= -y >= 10**ye > 93*p/65 > p*log(10)/log(5),
+ #
+ # so 5**(-e*y) >= 10**p, and the coefficient of the result
+ # can't be expressed in p digits.
+ # emax >= largest e such that 5**e < 10**p.
+ emax = p*93//65
+ if ye >= len(str(emax)):
+ return None
+ # Find -e*y and -xe*y; both must be integers
+ e = _decimal_lshift_exact(e * yc, ye)
+ xe = _decimal_lshift_exact(xe * yc, ye)
+ if e is None or xe is None:
+ return None
+ if e > emax:
return None
xc = 5**e
@@ -2058,19 +2079,20 @@ class Decimal(object):
while xc % 5 == 0:
xc //= 5
e -= 1
- if ye >= 0:
- y_as_integer = yc*10**ye
- e = e*y_as_integer
- xe = xe*y_as_integer
- else:
- ten_pow = 10**-ye
- e, remainder = divmod(e*yc, ten_pow)
- if remainder:
- return None
- xe, remainder = divmod(xe*yc, ten_pow)
- if remainder:
- return None
- if e*3 >= p*10: # 10/3 > log(10)/log(2)
+ # Guard against large values of ye, using the same logic as in
+ # the 'xc is a power of 2' branch. 10/3 is an upper bound for
+ # log(10)/log(2).
+ emax = p*10//3
+ if ye >= len(str(emax)):
+ return None
+ e = _decimal_lshift_exact(e * yc, ye)
+ xe = _decimal_lshift_exact(xe * yc, ye)
+ if e is None or xe is None:
+ return None
+ if e > emax:
return None
xc = 2**e
@@ -5463,6 +5485,27 @@ def _nbits(n, correction = {
hex_n = "%x" % n
return 4*len(hex_n) - correction[hex_n[0]]
+def _decimal_lshift_exact(n, e):
+ """ Given integers n and e, return n * 10**e if it's an integer, else None.
+ The computation is designed to avoid computing large powers of 10
+ unnecessarily.
+ >>> _decimal_lshift_exact(3, 4)
+ 30000
+ >>> _decimal_lshift_exact(300, -999999999) # returns None
+ """
+ if n == 0:
+ return 0
+ elif e >= 0:
+ return n * 10**e
+ else:
+ # val_n = largest power of 10 dividing n.
+ str_n = str(abs(n))
+ val_n = len(str_n) - len(str_n.rstrip('0'))
+ return None if val_n < -e else n // 10**-e
def _sqrt_nearest(n, a):
"""Closest integer to the square root of the positive integer n. a is
an initial approximation to the square root. Any positive integer
diff --git a/Lib/test/decimaltestdata/extra.decTest b/Lib/test/decimaltestdata/extra.decTest
index fe8b77a..b630d8e 100644
--- a/Lib/test/decimaltestdata/extra.decTest
+++ b/Lib/test/decimaltestdata/extra.decTest
@@ -222,12 +222,25 @@ extr1700 power 10 1e-999999999 -> 1.000000000000000 Inexact Rounded
extr1701 power 100.0 -557.71e-742888888 -> 1.000000000000000 Inexact Rounded
extr1702 power 10 1e-100 -> 1.000000000000000 Inexact Rounded
+-- Another one (see issue #12080). Thanks again to Stefan Krah.
+extr1703 power 4 -1.2e-999999999 -> 1.000000000000000 Inexact Rounded
-- A couple of interesting exact cases for power. Note that the specification
-- requires these to be reported as Inexact.
extr1710 power 1e375 56e-3 -> 1.000000000000000E+21 Inexact Rounded
extr1711 power 10000 0.75 -> 1000.000000000000 Inexact Rounded
extr1712 power 1e-24 0.875 -> 1.000000000000000E-21 Inexact Rounded
+-- Some more exact cases, exercising power with negative second argument.
+extr1720 power 400 -0.5 -> 0.05000000000000000 Inexact Rounded
+extr1721 power 4096 -0.75 -> 0.001953125000000000 Inexact Rounded
+extr1722 power 625e4 -0.25 -> 0.02000000000000000 Inexact Rounded
+-- Nonexact cases, to exercise some of the early exit conditions from
+-- _power_exact.
+extr1730 power 2048 -0.75 -> 0.003284751622084822 Inexact Rounded
-- Tests for the is_* boolean operations
precision: 9
maxExponent: 999
diff --git a/Misc/NEWS b/Misc/NEWS
index 70ccec6..f68a346 100644
--- a/Misc/NEWS
+++ b/Misc/NEWS
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ Core and Builtins
+- Issue #12080: Fix a performance issue in Decimal._power_exact that caused
+ some corner-case Decimal.__pow__ calls to take an unreasonably long time.
- Named tuples now work correctly with vars().
- sys.setcheckinterval() now updates the current ticker count as well as updating