diff options
authorJason Evans <>2017-05-26 16:52:33 (GMT)
committerJason Evans <>2017-05-30 00:27:18 (GMT)
commit4f0963b883ea8a3a9e438f91f866627546a89d0c (patch)
parent168793a1c1986890cb8eaeecb320c762ed3b8033 (diff)
Add test for excessive retained memory.
2 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 16fe30f..868bf8c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ TESTS_UNIT := \
$(srcroot)test/unit/ql.c \
$(srcroot)test/unit/qr.c \
$(srcroot)test/unit/rb.c \
+ $(srcroot)test/unit/retained.c \
$(srcroot)test/unit/rtree.c \
$(srcroot)test/unit/SFMT.c \
$(srcroot)test/unit/size_classes.c \
diff --git a/test/unit/retained.c b/test/unit/retained.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..883bf4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/retained.c
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#include "test/jemalloc_test.h"
+static unsigned arena_ind;
+static size_t sz;
+static size_t esz;
+#define NEPOCHS 8
+#define PER_THD_NALLOCS 1
+static atomic_u_t epoch;
+static atomic_u_t nfinished;
+static unsigned
+do_arena_create(extent_hooks_t *h) {
+ unsigned arena_ind;
+ size_t sz = sizeof(unsigned);
+ assert_d_eq(mallctl("arenas.create", (void *)&arena_ind, &sz,
+ (void *)(h != NULL ? &h : NULL), (h != NULL ? sizeof(h) : 0)), 0,
+ "Unexpected mallctl() failure");
+ return arena_ind;
+static void
+do_arena_destroy(unsigned arena_ind) {
+ size_t mib[3];
+ size_t miblen;
+ miblen = sizeof(mib)/sizeof(size_t);
+ assert_d_eq(mallctlnametomib("arena.0.destroy", mib, &miblen), 0,
+ "Unexpected mallctlnametomib() failure");
+ mib[1] = (size_t)arena_ind;
+ assert_d_eq(mallctlbymib(mib, miblen, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), 0,
+ "Unexpected mallctlbymib() failure");
+static void
+do_refresh(void) {
+ uint64_t epoch = 1;
+ assert_d_eq(mallctl("epoch", NULL, NULL, (void *)&epoch,
+ sizeof(epoch)), 0, "Unexpected mallctl() failure");
+static size_t
+do_get_size_impl(const char *cmd, unsigned arena_ind) {
+ size_t mib[4];
+ size_t miblen = sizeof(mib) / sizeof(size_t);
+ size_t z = sizeof(size_t);
+ assert_d_eq(mallctlnametomib(cmd, mib, &miblen),
+ 0, "Unexpected mallctlnametomib(\"%s\", ...) failure", cmd);
+ mib[2] = arena_ind;
+ size_t size;
+ assert_d_eq(mallctlbymib(mib, miblen, (void *)&size, &z, NULL, 0),
+ 0, "Unexpected mallctlbymib([\"%s\"], ...) failure", cmd);
+ return size;
+static size_t
+do_get_active(unsigned arena_ind) {
+ return do_get_size_impl("stats.arenas.0.pactive", arena_ind) * PAGE;
+static size_t
+do_get_mapped(unsigned arena_ind) {
+ return do_get_size_impl("stats.arenas.0.mapped", arena_ind);
+static void *
+thd_start(void *arg) {
+ for (unsigned next_epoch = 1; next_epoch < NEPOCHS; next_epoch++) {
+ /* Busy-wait for next epoch. */
+ unsigned cur_epoch;
+ spin_t spinner = SPIN_INITIALIZER;
+ while ((cur_epoch = atomic_load_u(&epoch, ATOMIC_ACQUIRE)) !=
+ next_epoch) {
+ spin_adaptive(&spinner);
+ }
+ assert_u_eq(cur_epoch, next_epoch, "Unexpected epoch");
+ /*
+ * Allocate. The main thread will reset the arena, so there's
+ * no need to deallocate.
+ */
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < PER_THD_NALLOCS; i++) {
+ void *p = mallocx(sz, MALLOCX_ARENA(arena_ind) |
+ );
+ assert_ptr_not_null(p,
+ "Unexpected mallocx() failure\n");
+ }
+ /* Let the main thread know we've finished this iteration. */
+ atomic_fetch_add_u(&nfinished, 1, ATOMIC_RELEASE);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+TEST_BEGIN(test_retained) {
+ test_skip_if(!config_stats);
+ arena_ind = do_arena_create(NULL);
+ sz = nallocx(HUGEPAGE, 0);
+ esz = sz + large_pad;
+ atomic_store_u(&epoch, 0, ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ unsigned nthreads = ncpus * 2;
+ VARIABLE_ARRAY(thd_t, threads, nthreads);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
+ thd_create(&threads[i], thd_start, NULL);
+ }
+ for (unsigned e = 1; e < NEPOCHS; e++) {
+ atomic_store_u(&nfinished, 0, ATOMIC_RELEASE);
+ atomic_store_u(&epoch, e, ATOMIC_RELEASE);
+ /* Wait for threads to finish allocating. */
+ spin_t spinner = SPIN_INITIALIZER;
+ while (atomic_load_u(&nfinished, ATOMIC_ACQUIRE) < nthreads) {
+ spin_adaptive(&spinner);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Assert that retained is no more than the sum of size classes
+ * that should have been used to satisfy the worker threads'
+ * requests, discounting per growth fragmentation.
+ */
+ do_refresh();
+ size_t allocated = esz * nthreads * PER_THD_NALLOCS;
+ size_t active = do_get_active(arena_ind);
+ assert_zu_le(allocated, active, "Unexpected active memory");
+ size_t mapped = do_get_mapped(arena_ind);
+ assert_zu_le(active, mapped, "Unexpected mapped memory");
+ arena_t *arena = arena_get(tsdn_fetch(), arena_ind, false);
+ size_t usable = 0;
+ size_t fragmented = 0;
+ for (pszind_t pind = psz2ind(HUGEPAGE); pind <
+ arena->extent_grow_next; pind++) {
+ size_t psz = pind2sz(pind);
+ size_t psz_fragmented = psz % esz;
+ size_t psz_usable = psz - psz_fragmented;
+ /*
+ * Only consider size classes that wouldn't be skipped.
+ */
+ if (psz_usable > 0) {
+ assert_zu_lt(usable, allocated,
+ "Excessive retained memory "
+ "(%#zx[+%#zx] > %#zx)", usable, psz_usable,
+ allocated);
+ fragmented += psz_fragmented;
+ usable += psz_usable;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Clean up arena. Destroying and recreating the arena
+ * is simpler that specifying extent hooks that deallocate
+ * (rather than retaining) during reset.
+ */
+ do_arena_destroy(arena_ind);
+ assert_u_eq(do_arena_create(NULL), arena_ind,
+ "Unexpected arena index");
+ }
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) {
+ thd_join(threads[i], NULL);
+ }
+ do_arena_destroy(arena_ind);
+main(void) {
+ return test(
+ test_retained);