diff options
authordkf <>2019-12-31 22:58:01 (GMT)
committerdkf <>2019-12-31 22:58:01 (GMT)
commitc4f94adb460fd2389bbf4b3db9befcbfb97dae0b (patch)
parentd4b3d3a460efcdaa6f0ef897a6c3e52b3331e421 (diff)
Other list-returning [info class] subcommands are plurals, so change property -> properties
6 files changed, 113 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/doc/configurable.n b/doc/configurable.n
index f01f051..9a2a478 100644
--- a/doc/configurable.n
+++ b/doc/configurable.n
@@ -179,25 +179,25 @@ These slots, and their intended semantics, are:
The set of properties of a class (not including those from its superclasses)
that may be read from when configuring an instance of the class. This slot can
-also be read with the \fBinfo class property\fR command.
+also be read with the \fBinfo class properties\fR command.
The set of properties of a class (not including those from its superclasses)
that may be written to when configuring an instance of the class. This slot
-can also be read with the \fBinfo class property\fR command.
+can also be read with the \fBinfo class properties\fR command.
The set of properties of an object instance (not including those from its
classes) that may be read from when configuring the object. This slot can
-also be read with the \fBinfo object property\fR command.
+also be read with the \fBinfo object properties\fR command.
The set of properties of an object instance (not including those from its
classes) that may be written to when configuring the object. This slot can
-also be read with the \fBinfo object property\fR command.
+also be read with the \fBinfo object properties\fR command.
Note that though these are slots, they are \fInot\fR in the standard
\fBoo::define\fR or \fBoo::objdefine\fR namespaces; in order to use them
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ system, and not directly used by normal user code.
The implementation of the \fBconfigure\fR method uses
-\fBinfo object property\fR with the \fB\-all\fR option to discover what
+\fBinfo object properties\fR with the \fB\-all\fR option to discover what
properties it may manipulate.
diff --git a/doc/info.n b/doc/info.n
index ecf438b..cffaf49 100644
--- a/doc/info.n
+++ b/doc/info.n
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ be discovered with \fBinfo class forward\fR.
This subcommand returns a list of all classes that have been mixed into the
class named \fIclass\fR.
-\fBinfo class property\fI class\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR
+\fBinfo class properties\fI class\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR
.VS "TIP 558"
This subcommand returns a sorted list of properties defined on the class named
\fIclass\fR. The \fIoptions\fR define exactly which properties are returned:
@@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ object named \fIobject\fR.
This subcommand returns the name of the internal namespace of the object named
-\fBinfo object property\fI object\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR
+\fBinfo object properties\fI object\fR ?\fIoptions...\fR
.VS "TIP 558"
This subcommand returns a sorted list of properties defined on the object
named \fIobject\fR. The \fIoptions\fR define exactly which properties are
diff --git a/generic/tclOOInfo.c b/generic/tclOOInfo.c
index ed44cc8..ffdcc10 100644
--- a/generic/tclOOInfo.c
+++ b/generic/tclOOInfo.c
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static const EnsembleImplMap infoObjectCmds[] = {
{"methodtype", InfoObjectMethodTypeCmd, TclCompileBasic2ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"mixins", InfoObjectMixinsCmd, TclCompileBasic1ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"namespace", InfoObjectNsCmd, TclCompileInfoObjectNamespaceCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
- {"property", InfoObjectPropCmd, TclCompileBasicMin1ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
+ {"properties", InfoObjectPropCmd, TclCompileBasicMin1ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"variables", InfoObjectVariablesCmd, TclCompileBasic1Or2ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"vars", InfoObjectVarsCmd, TclCompileBasic1Or2ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ static const EnsembleImplMap infoClassCmds[] = {
{"methods", InfoClassMethodsCmd, TclCompileBasicMin1ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"methodtype", InfoClassMethodTypeCmd, TclCompileBasic2ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"mixins", InfoClassMixinsCmd, TclCompileBasic1ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
- {"property", InfoClassPropCmd, TclCompileBasicMin1ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
+ {"properties", InfoClassPropCmd, TclCompileBasicMin1ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"subclasses", InfoClassSubsCmd, TclCompileBasic1Or2ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"superclasses", InfoClassSupersCmd, TclCompileBasic1ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
{"variables", InfoClassVariablesCmd, TclCompileBasic1Or2ArgCmd, NULL, NULL, 0},
@@ -1723,8 +1723,8 @@ InfoClassCallCmd(
* InfoClassPropCmd, InfoObjectPropCmd --
- * Implements [info class property $clsName ?$option...?] and
- * [info object property $objName ?$option...?]
+ * Implements [info class properties $clsName ?$option...?] and
+ * [info object properties $objName ?$option...?]
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1867,7 +1867,9 @@ InfoObjectPropCmd(
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* SortPropList --
- * Sort a list of names of properties. Simple support function.
+ * Sort a list of names of properties. Simple support function. Assumes
+ * that the list Tcl_Obj is unshared and doesn't have a string
+ * representation.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/generic/tclOOScript.h b/generic/tclOOScript.h
index e8fd814..9782875 100644
--- a/generic/tclOOScript.h
+++ b/generic/tclOOScript.h
@@ -297,32 +297,24 @@ static const char *tclOOSetupScript =
+"\t\t\t\tset reader <ReadProp$realprop>\n"
+"\t\t\t\tset writer <WriteProp$realprop>\n"
"\t\t\t\tswitch $kind {\n"
"\t\t\t\t\treadable {\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$readslot -append $realprop]\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$writeslot -remove $realprop]\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmethod <ReadProp$realprop> {} $getter]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list $readslot -append $realprop]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list $writeslot -remove $realprop]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list method $reader -unexport {} $getter]\n"
"\t\t\t\t\twritable {\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$readslot -remove $realprop]\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$writeslot -append $realprop]\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmethod <WriteProp$realprop> {value} $setter]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list $readslot -remove $realprop]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list $writeslot -append $realprop]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list method $writer -unexport {value} $setter]\n"
"\t\t\t\t\treadwrite {\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$readslot -append $realprop]\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$writeslot -append $realprop]\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmethod <ReadProp$realprop> {} $getter]\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list \\\n"
-"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tmethod <WriteProp$realprop> {value} $setter]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list $readslot -append $realprop]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list $writeslot -append $realprop]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list method $reader -unexport {} $getter]\n"
+"\t\t\t\t\t\tuplevel 2 [list method $writer -unexport {value} $setter]\n"
@@ -333,6 +325,7 @@ static const char *tclOOSetupScript =
"\t\t\t\t\t::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties \\\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties {*}$args\n"
+"\t\t\t::proc properties args {::tailcall property {*}$args}\n"
"\t\t\t::namespace path ::oo::define\n"
"\t\t\t::namespace export property\n"
@@ -342,12 +335,13 @@ static const char *tclOOSetupScript =
"\t\t\t\t\t::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties \\\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties {*}$args\n"
+"\t\t\t::proc properties args {::tailcall property {*}$args}\n"
"\t\t\t::namespace path ::oo::objdefine\n"
"\t\t\t::namespace export property\n"
"\t\tproc ReadAll {object my} {\n"
"\t\t\tset result {}\n"
-"\t\t\tforeach prop [info object property $object -all -readable] {\n"
+"\t\t\tforeach prop [info object properties $object -all -readable] {\n"
"\t\t\t\ttry {\n"
"\t\t\t\t\tdict set result $prop [$my <ReadProp$prop>]\n"
"\t\t\t\t} on error {msg opt} {\n"
@@ -367,7 +361,7 @@ static const char *tclOOSetupScript =
"\t\t\treturn $result\n"
"\t\tproc ReadOne {object my propertyName} {\n"
-"\t\t\tset props [info object property $object -all -readable]\n"
+"\t\t\tset props [info object properties $object -all -readable]\n"
"\t\t\tset prop [prefix match -message \"property\" -error [list\\\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t-level 2 -errorcode [list \\\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t\tTCL LOOKUP INDEX property $propertyName]] \\\n"
@@ -390,7 +384,7 @@ static const char *tclOOSetupScript =
"\t\t\treturn $value\n"
"\t\tproc WriteMany {object my setterMap} {\n"
-"\t\t\tset props [info object property $object -all -writable]\n"
+"\t\t\tset props [info object properties $object -all -writable]\n"
"\t\t\tforeach {prop value} $setterMap {\n"
"\t\t\t\tset prop [prefix match -message \"property\" -error [list\\\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t-level 2 -errorcode [list \\\n"
diff --git a/tests/oo.test b/tests/oo.test
index 631c84d..3fce886 100644
--- a/tests/oo.test
+++ b/tests/oo.test
@@ -2424,7 +2424,7 @@ test oo-16.2 {OO: object introspection} -body {
} -returnCodes 1 -result {NOTANOBJECT does not refer to an object}
test oo-16.3 {OO: object introspection} -body {
info object gorp oo::object
-} -returnCodes 1 -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be call, class, creationid, definition, filters, forward, isa, methods, methodtype, mixins, namespace, property, variables, or vars}
+} -returnCodes 1 -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be call, class, creationid, definition, filters, forward, isa, methods, methodtype, mixins, namespace, properties, variables, or vars}
test oo-16.4 {OO: object introspection} -setup {
oo::class create meta { superclass oo::class }
[meta create instance1] create instance2
@@ -2643,7 +2643,7 @@ test oo-17.3 {OO: class introspection} -setup {
} -result {"foo" is not a class}
test oo-17.4 {OO: class introspection} -body {
info class gorp oo::object
-} -returnCodes 1 -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be call, constructor, definition, definitionnamespace, destructor, filters, forward, instances, methods, methodtype, mixins, property, subclasses, superclasses, or variables}
+} -returnCodes 1 -result {unknown or ambiguous subcommand "gorp": must be call, constructor, definition, definitionnamespace, destructor, filters, forward, instances, methods, methodtype, mixins, properties, subclasses, superclasses, or variables}
test oo-17.5 {OO: class introspection} -setup {
oo::class create testClass
} -body {
@@ -5455,15 +5455,15 @@ test oo-44.1 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
set result {}
} -body {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set a b c
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set f e d
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set a a a
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {a b c} {} {d e f} {} a {} {} {}}
@@ -5473,15 +5473,15 @@ test oo-44.2 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
set result {}
} -body {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set a b c
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set f e d
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set a a a
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {a b c} {} {d e f} {} a {} {} {}}
@@ -5491,15 +5491,15 @@ test oo-44.3 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
set result {}
} -body {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set a b c
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set f e d
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set a a a
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set
- lappend result [info class property c] [info class property c -writable]
+ lappend result [info class properties c] [info class properties c -writable]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {} {a b c} {} {d e f} {} a {} {}}
@@ -5509,15 +5509,15 @@ test oo-44.4 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
set result {}
} -body {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set a b c
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set f e d
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set a a a
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set
- lappend result [info class property c -all] [info class property c -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties c -all] [info class properties c -writable -all]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {} {a b c} {} {d e f} {} a {} {}}
@@ -5528,20 +5528,20 @@ test oo-44.5 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
} -body {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
oo::class create d {superclass c}
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set a b c
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set x y z
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set f e d
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set r p q
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set a a h
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set g h g
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {a b c x y z} {} {d e f p q r} {} {a g h} {} {g h} {} {} {}}
@@ -5552,20 +5552,20 @@ test oo-44.6 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
} -body {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
oo::class create d {superclass c}
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set a b c
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set x y z
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set f e d
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set r p q
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set a a h
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set g h g
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set
- lappend result [info class property d -all] [info class property d -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info class properties d -all] [info class properties d -writable -all]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {} {a b c x y z} {} {d e f p q r} {} {a g h} {} {g h} {} {}}
@@ -5576,15 +5576,15 @@ test oo-44.7 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
} -body {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
c create o
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties -set a b c
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties -set f e d
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties -set a a h
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties -set
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {a b c} {} {d e f} {} {a h} {} {} {}}
@@ -5595,15 +5595,15 @@ test oo-44.8 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
} -body {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
c create o
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties -set a b c
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties -set f e d
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties -set a a h
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties -set
- lappend result [info object property o] [info object property o -writable]
+ lappend result [info object properties o] [info object properties o -writable]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {} {a b c} {} {d e f} {} {a h} {} {}}
@@ -5615,13 +5615,13 @@ test oo-44.9 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
oo::class create d {superclass c}
d create o
- lappend result [info object property o -all] [info object property o -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info object properties o -all] [info object properties o -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set a b
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties -set c d
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties -set e f
- lappend result [info object property o -all] [info object property o -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info object properties o -all] [info object properties o -writable -all]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties -set f e d b e
- lappend result [info object property o -all] [info object property o -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info object properties o -all] [info object properties o -writable -all]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {a b c d e f} {} {a b c d e f} {}}
@@ -5633,13 +5633,13 @@ test oo-44.10 {TIP 558: properties: core support} -setup {
oo::class create c {superclass parent}
oo::class create d {superclass c}
d create o
- lappend result [info object property o -all] [info object property o -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info object properties o -all] [info object properties o -writable -all]
oo::define c ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set a b
oo::define d ::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties -set c d
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties -set e f
- lappend result [info object property o -all] [info object property o -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info object properties o -all] [info object properties o -writable -all]
oo::objdefine o ::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties -set f e d b e
- lappend result [info object property o -all] [info object property o -writable -all]
+ lappend result [info object properties o -all] [info object properties o -writable -all]
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result {{} {} {} {a b c d e f} {} {a b c d e f}}
@@ -6111,6 +6111,19 @@ test oo-46.22 {TIP 558: properties: declaration semantics} -setup {
} -cleanup {
parent destroy
} -result ok
+test oo-46.23 {TIP 558: properties: declaration semantics} -setup {
+ oo::class create parent
+} -body {
+ oo::configurable create Point {
+ superclass parent
+ private property var
+ }
+ Point create pt
+ pt configure -var ok
+ pt configure -var
+} -cleanup {
+ parent destroy
+} -result ok
test oo-47.1 {TIP 558: properties: error details} -setup {
oo::class create parent
diff --git a/tools/tclOOScript.tcl b/tools/tclOOScript.tcl
index 56a7bf8..095a3ad 100644
--- a/tools/tclOOScript.tcl
+++ b/tools/tclOOScript.tcl
@@ -528,32 +528,24 @@
# Install the option
+ set reader <ReadProp$realprop>
+ set writer <WriteProp$realprop>
switch $kind {
readable {
- uplevel 2 [list \
- $readslot -append $realprop]
- uplevel 2 [list \
- $writeslot -remove $realprop]
- uplevel 2 [list \
- method <ReadProp$realprop> {} $getter]
+ uplevel 2 [list $readslot -append $realprop]
+ uplevel 2 [list $writeslot -remove $realprop]
+ uplevel 2 [list method $reader -unexport {} $getter]
writable {
- uplevel 2 [list \
- $readslot -remove $realprop]
- uplevel 2 [list \
- $writeslot -append $realprop]
- uplevel 2 [list \
- method <WriteProp$realprop> {value} $setter]
+ uplevel 2 [list $readslot -remove $realprop]
+ uplevel 2 [list $writeslot -append $realprop]
+ uplevel 2 [list method $writer -unexport {value} $setter]
readwrite {
- uplevel 2 [list \
- $readslot -append $realprop]
- uplevel 2 [list \
- $writeslot -append $realprop]
- uplevel 2 [list \
- method <ReadProp$realprop> {} $getter]
- uplevel 2 [list \
- method <WriteProp$realprop> {value} $setter]
+ uplevel 2 [list $readslot -append $realprop]
+ uplevel 2 [list $writeslot -append $realprop]
+ uplevel 2 [list method $reader -unexport {} $getter]
+ uplevel 2 [list method $writer -unexport {value} $setter]
@@ -575,6 +567,8 @@
::oo::configuresupport::readableproperties \
::oo::configuresupport::writableproperties {*}$args
+ # Plural alias just in case; deliberately NOT documented!
+ ::proc properties args {::tailcall property {*}$args}
::namespace path ::oo::define
::namespace export property
@@ -585,6 +579,8 @@
::oo::configuresupport::objreadableproperties \
::oo::configuresupport::objwritableproperties {*}$args
+ # Plural alias just in case; deliberately NOT documented!
+ ::proc properties args {::tailcall property {*}$args}
::namespace path ::oo::objdefine
::namespace export property
@@ -599,7 +595,7 @@
proc ReadAll {object my} {
set result {}
- foreach prop [info object property $object -all -readable] {
+ foreach prop [info object properties $object -all -readable] {
try {
dict set result $prop [$my <ReadProp$prop>]
} on error {msg opt} {
@@ -629,7 +625,7 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc ReadOne {object my propertyName} {
- set props [info object property $object -all -readable]
+ set props [info object properties $object -all -readable]
set prop [prefix match -message "property" -error [list\
-level 2 -errorcode [list \
TCL LOOKUP INDEX property $propertyName]] \
@@ -661,7 +657,7 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
proc WriteMany {object my setterMap} {
- set props [info object property $object -all -writable]
+ set props [info object properties $object -all -writable]
foreach {prop value} $setterMap {
set prop [prefix match -message "property" -error [list\
-level 2 -errorcode [list \