path: root/Modules/Internal
diff options
authorAlex Opie <>2024-06-01 03:46:48 (GMT)
committerBrad King <>2024-06-03 15:28:49 (GMT)
commit0f4d3664a94c96a131e1a4aec0698ed7f5f92521 (patch)
tree88923a2cb0a4dba2af81761769a4673590b17ebc /Modules/Internal
parent140766867b2c8f8dff0e4d0d73e481b6944b5284 (diff)
CPack/NuGet: Build dependencies in groups
This allows particular frameworks to be targeted by particular dependencies, and for empty dependency groups to satisfy NuGet's framework-matching requirements.
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/Internal')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/Internal/CPack/CPackNuGet.cmake b/Modules/Internal/CPack/CPackNuGet.cmake
index 67f318a..bfd3ce5 100644
--- a/Modules/Internal/CPack/CPackNuGet.cmake
+++ b/Modules/Internal/CPack/CPackNuGet.cmake
@@ -316,38 +316,132 @@ function(_cpack_nuget_render_spec)
# Handle dependencies
- _cpack_nuget_variable_fallback(_deps DEPENDENCIES)
+ # Primary deps (not specific to any framework)
+ _cpack_nuget_render_deps_group("" rendered_group)
+ string(APPEND _CPACK_NUGET_DEPENDENCIES_TAG "${rendered_group}")
+ # Framework-specific deps
+ _cpack_nuget_variable_fallback(_tfms TFMS)
+ foreach(tfm IN LISTS _tfms)
+ _cpack_nuget_render_deps_group("${tfm}" rendered_group)
+ string(APPEND _CPACK_NUGET_DEPENDENCIES_TAG "${rendered_group}")
+ endforeach()
+ # If there are any dependencies to include, wrap them with the appropriate tag
+ string(PREPEND _CPACK_NUGET_DEPENDENCIES_TAG "<dependencies>\n")
+ string(APPEND _CPACK_NUGET_DEPENDENCIES_TAG " </dependencies>")
+ endif()
+ # Render the spec file
+ # NOTE The spec filename doesn't matter. Being included into a package,
+ # NuGet will name it properly.
+ _cpack_nuget_debug("Rendering `${CPACK_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY}/CPack.NuGet.nuspec` file...")
+ configure_file(
+ "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Internal/CPack/"
+ )
+# Call this function once for each TWFM (e.g., 'net48') to generate the dependencies for
+# that framework. It can also be called with an empty TWFM for the "general" set of
+# dependencies, which are not specific to a framework.
+function(_cpack_nuget_render_deps_group TFM OUTPUT_VAR_NAME)
+ _cpack_nuget_debug(" rendering deps for ${TFM}")
+ if(TFM)
+ set(_tfm "_${TFM}")
+ else()
+ set(_tfm "")
+ endif()
+ _cpack_nuget_variable_fallback(_deps DEPENDENCIES${_tfm})
foreach(_dep IN LISTS _deps)
+ set(_ver) # Ensure we don't accidentally use the version from the previous dep in the list
_cpack_nuget_debug(" checking dependency `${_dep}`")
- _cpack_nuget_variable_fallback(_ver DEPENDENCIES_${_dep}_VERSION)
+ _cpack_nuget_variable_fallback(_ver DEPENDENCIES${_tfm}_${_dep}_VERSION)
if(NOT _ver)
string(TOUPPER "${_dep}" _dep_upper)
- _cpack_nuget_variable_fallback(_ver DEPENDENCIES_${_dep_upper}_VERSION)
+ _cpack_nuget_variable_fallback(_ver DEPENDENCIES${_tfm}_${_dep_upper}_VERSION)
_cpack_nuget_debug(" got `${_dep}` dependency version ${_ver}")
- string(CONCAT _collected_deps "${_collected_deps}" " <dependency id=\"${_dep}\" version=\"${_ver}\" />\n")
+ string(APPEND _collected_deps " <dependency id=\"${_dep}\" version=\"${_ver}\" />\n")
# Render deps into the variable
+ if(TFM)
+ _cpack_nuget_convert_tfm_to_frameworkname("${TFM}" framework_name)
+ _cpack_nuget_debug(" converted ${TFM} to ${framework_name}")
+ endif()
+ set(rendered_group)
- string(CONCAT _CPACK_NUGET_DEPENDENCIES_TAG "<dependencies>\n" "${_collected_deps}" " </dependencies>")
+ if(TFM)
+ _cpack_nuget_debug(" rendering group for framework ${framework_name}")
+ string(CONCAT rendered_group " <group targetFramework=\"${framework_name}\">\n" "${_collected_deps}" " </group>\n")
+ else()
+ _cpack_nuget_debug(" rendering primary group")
+ string(CONCAT rendered_group " <group>\n" "${_collected_deps}" " </group>\n")
+ endif()
+ elseif(TFM)
+ _cpack_nuget_debug(" no deps for ${TFM}, rendering empty group")
+ # Insert an empty group for a framework that doesn't have any specific dependencies listed, as the existence
+ # of this group can be used by NuGet to see that the framework is supported.
+ string(CONCAT rendered_group " <group targetFramework=\"${framework_name}\" />\n")
+ set(${OUTPUT_VAR_NAME} "${rendered_group}" PARENT_SCOPE)
- # Render the spec file
- # NOTE The spec filename doesn't matter. Being included into a package,
- # NuGet will name it properly.
- _cpack_nuget_debug("Rendering `${CPACK_TEMPORARY_DIRECTORY}/CPack.NuGet.nuspec` file...")
- configure_file(
- "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Internal/CPack/"
- )
+# Tries to look up a Framework Name (e.g., '.NETFramework4.8') from a Target Framework Moniker (TFM) (e.g., 'net48')
+function(_cpack_nuget_convert_tfm_to_frameworkname TFM OUTPUT_VAR_NAME)
+ # There are a few patterns to handle:
+ # 1a. net4 -> .NETFramework4
+ # 1b. net5.0 -> net5.0 From version 5 onwards, the name just looks the same as the moniker, and both need to have a dot
+ # 2. netstandard13 -> .NETStandard1.3
+ # 3. netcoreapp21 -> .NETCoreApp2.1
+ # 4. dotnet50 -> .NETPlatform5.0
+ if(TFM MATCHES "^net([1-4](.[\.0-9])?)$") # CMAKE_MATCH_1 holds the version part
+ _cpack_nuget_get_dotted_version("${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" dotted_version)
+ set(framework_name ".NETFramework${dotted_version}")
+ elseif(TFM MATCHES "^net[1-9](\.[0-9]+)+$")
+ set(framework_name "${TFM}")
+ elseif(TFM MATCHES "^netstandard([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)$")
+ _cpack_nuget_get_dotted_version("${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" dotted_version)
+ set(framework_name ".NETStandard${dotted_version}")
+ elseif(TFM MATCHES "^netcoreapp([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)$")
+ _cpack_nuget_get_dotted_version("${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" dotted_version)
+ set(framework_name ".NETCoreApp${dotted_version}")
+ elseif(TFM MATCHES "^dotnet([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*)$")
+ _cpack_nuget_get_dotted_version("${CMAKE_MATCH_1}" dotted_version)
+ set(framework_name ".NETPlatform${dotted_version}")
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Target Framework Moniker '${TFM}' not recognized")
+ endif()
+ set(${OUTPUT_VAR_NAME} ${framework_name} PARENT_SCOPE)
+function(_cpack_nuget_get_dotted_version VERSION OUTPUT_VAR_NAME)
+ # The version already has dots in it, just reuse the numbers given
+ set(dotted_version "${VERSION}")
+ else()
+ # No dots in the version, treat each digit as a version part
+ string(LENGTH "${VERSION}" length)
+ math(EXPR last_index "${length} - 1")
+ string(SUBSTRING "${VERSION}" 0 1 digit)
+ set(dotted_version "${digit}")
+ foreach(i RANGE 1 ${last_index})
+ string(SUBSTRING "${VERSION}" ${i} 1 digit)
+ string(APPEND dotted_version ".${digit}")
+ endforeach()
+ endif()
+ # This would be a good place to remove any superfluous ".0"s from the end of the version string, but
+ # for now it should be fine to just expect the caller not to supply them in the first place.
+ set(${OUTPUT_VAR_NAME} "${dotted_version}" PARENT_SCOPE)