path: root/Modules/WriteCompilerDetectionHeader.cmake
diff options
authorStephen Kelly <>2013-10-21 14:59:40 (GMT)
committerBrad King <>2014-05-14 17:57:30 (GMT)
commit62a4a67dc54f3b796cd2735b230a863815d932b2 (patch)
tree004d214d0fbfd240540b5941601cd39b86d4a549 /Modules/WriteCompilerDetectionHeader.cmake
parentf782417b8cf3d9295ce33ca7214674e5db03efdd (diff)
Add the WriteCompilerDetectionHeader module.
Provide a function to write a portable header to detect compiler features. Generate a preprocessor #error for unknown compilers and compiler versions whose features are not yet recorded. This error condition might be relaxed in the future, but for now it is useful for verification of expectations.
Diffstat (limited to 'Modules/WriteCompilerDetectionHeader.cmake')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Modules/WriteCompilerDetectionHeader.cmake b/Modules/WriteCompilerDetectionHeader.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd236c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Modules/WriteCompilerDetectionHeader.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+# WriteCompilerDetectionHeader
+# ----------------------------
+# This module provides the function write_compiler_detection_header().
+# The ``WRITE_COMPILER_DETECTION_HEADER`` function can be used to generate
+# a file suitable for preprocessor inclusion which contains macros to be
+# used in source code::
+# write_compiler_detection_header(
+# FILE <file>
+# PREFIX <prefix>
+# COMPILERS <compiler> [...]
+# FEATURES <feature> [...]
+# [VERSION <version>]
+# [PROLOG <prolog>]
+# [EPILOG <epilog>]
+# )
+# The ``write_compiler_detection_header`` function generates the
+# file ``<file>`` with macros which all have the prefix ``<prefix>``.
+# ``VERSION`` may be used to specify the API version to be generated.
+# Future versions of CMake may introduce alternative APIs. A given
+# API is selected by any ``<version>`` value greater than or equal
+# to the version of CMake that introduced the given API and less
+# than the version of CMake that introduced its succeeding API.
+# The value of the :variable:`CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_VERSION`
+# variable is used if no explicit version is specified.
+# (As of CMake version |release| there is only one API version.)
+# ``PROLOG`` may be specified as text content to write at the start of the
+# header. ``EPILOG`` may be specified as text content to write at the end
+# of the header
+# At least one ``<compiler>`` and one ``<feature>`` must be listed. Compilers
+# which are known to CMake, but not specified are detected and a preprocessor
+# ``#error`` is generated for them. A preprocessor macro matching
+# ``<PREFIX>_COMPILER_IS_<compiler>`` is generated for each compiler
+# known to CMake to contain the value ``0`` or ``1``.
+# Possible compiler identifiers are documented with the
+# :variable:`CMAKE_<LANG>_COMPILER_ID` variable.
+# Available features in this version of CMake are listed in the
+# :prop_gbl:`CMAKE_CXX_KNOWN_FEATURES` global property.
+# Feature Test Macros
+# ===================
+# For each compiler, a preprocessor test of the compiler version is generated
+# denoting whether each feature is enabled. A preprocessor macro
+# matching ``<PREFIX>_COMPILER_<FEATURE>``, where ``<FEATURE>`` is the
+# upper-case ``<feature>`` name, is generated to contain the value
+# ``0`` or ``1`` depending on whether the compiler in use supports the
+# feature:
+# .. code-block:: cmake
+# write_compiler_detection_header(
+# FILE climbingstats_compiler_detection.h
+# PREFIX ClimbingStats
+# FEATURES cxx_variadic_templates
+# )
+# .. code-block:: c++
+# template<typename... T>
+# void someInterface(T t...) { /* ... */ }
+# #else
+# // Compatibility versions
+# template<typename T1>
+# void someInterface(T1 t1) { /* ... */ }
+# template<typename T1, typename T2>
+# void someInterface(T1 t1, T2 t2) { /* ... */ }
+# template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
+# void someInterface(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3) { /* ... */ }
+# #endif
+# Symbol Macros
+# =============
+# Some additional symbol-defines are created for particular features for
+# use as symbols which may be conditionally defined empty:
+# .. code-block:: c++
+# class MyClass ClimbingStats_DECL_CXX_FINAL
+# {
+# ClimbingStats_DECL_CXX_CONSTEXPR int someInterface() { return 42; }
+# };
+# The ``ClimbingStats_DECL_CXX_FINAL`` macro will expand to ``final`` if the
+# compiler (and its flags) support the ``cxx_final`` feature, and the
+# ``ClimbingStats_DECL_CXX_CONSTEXPR`` macro will expand to ``constexpr``
+# if ``cxx_constexpr`` is supported.
+# The following features generate corresponding symbol defines:
+# ========================== =================================== =================
+# Feature Define Symbol
+# ========================== =================================== =================
+# ``cxx_constexpr`` ``<PREFIX>_CONSTEXPR`` ``constexpr``
+# ``cxx_deleted_functions`` ``<PREFIX>_DELETED_FUNCTION`` ``= delete``
+# ``cxx_extern_templates`` ``<PREFIX>_EXTERN_TEMPLATE`` ``extern``
+# ``cxx_final`` ``<PREFIX>_FINAL`` ``final``
+# ``cxx_noexcept`` ``<PREFIX>_NOEXCEPT`` ``noexcept``
+# ``cxx_noexcept`` ``<PREFIX>_NOEXCEPT_EXPR(X)`` ``noexcept(X)``
+# ``cxx_override`` ``<PREFIX>_OVERRIDE`` ``override``
+# ========================== =================================== =================
+# Compatibility Implementation Macros
+# ===================================
+# Some features are suitable for wrapping in a macro with a backward
+# compatibility implementation if the compiler does not support the feature.
+# When the ``cxx_static_assert`` feature is not provided by the compiler,
+# a compatibility implementation is available via the
+# ``<PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(COND, MSG)`` function-like macros. The macros
+# expand to ``static_assert`` where that compiler feature is available, and
+# to a compatibility implementation otherwise. In the first form, the
+# condition is stringified in the message field of ``static_assert``. In
+# the second form, the message ``MSG`` is passed to the message field of
+# ``static_assert``, or ignored if using the backward compatibility
+# implementation.
+# ====================== ================================ ===================
+# Feature Define Symbol
+# ====================== ================================ ===================
+# ``cxx_alignas`` ``<PREFIX>_ALIGNAS`` ``alignas``
+# ``cxx_alignof`` ``<PREFIX>_ALIGNOF`` ``alignof``
+# ``cxx_nullptr`` ``<PREFIX>_NULLPTR`` ``nullptr``
+# ``cxx_static_assert`` ``<PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT`` ``static_assert``
+# ``cxx_static_assert`` ``<PREFIX>_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG`` ``static_assert``
+# ====================== ================================ ===================
+# Copyright 2014 Stephen Kelly <>
+# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License");
+# see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+# This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+# See the License for more information.
+# (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full
+# License text for the above reference.)
+function(_load_compiler_variables CompilerId lang)
+ include("${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Compiler/${CompilerId}-${lang}-FeatureTests.cmake" OPTIONAL)
+ set(_cmake_oldestSupported_${CompilerId} ${_cmake_oldestSupported} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ foreach(feature ${ARGN})
+ set(_cmake_feature_test_${CompilerId}_${feature} ${_cmake_feature_test_${feature}} PARENT_SCOPE)
+ endforeach()
+ file_keyword file_arg
+ prefix_keyword prefix_arg
+ )
+ if (NOT file_keyword STREQUAL FILE)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "write_compiler_detection_header: FILE parameter missing.")
+ endif()
+ if (NOT prefix_keyword STREQUAL PREFIX)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "write_compiler_detection_header: PREFIX parameter missing.")
+ endif()
+ set(options)
+ set(multiValueArgs COMPILERS FEATURES)
+ cmake_parse_arguments(_WCD "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid arguments. write_compiler_detection_header requires at least one compiler.")
+ endif()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Invalid arguments. write_compiler_detection_header requires at least one feature.")
+ endif()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Unparsed arguments: ${_WCD_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}")
+ endif()
+ endif()
+ if (_WCD_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.1.0) # Version which introduced this function
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "VERSION parameter too low.")
+ endif()
+ set(compilers
+ )
+ foreach(_comp ${_WCD_COMPILERS})
+ list(FIND compilers ${_comp} idx)
+ if (idx EQUAL -1)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported compiler ${_comp}.")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ set(file_content "
+// This is a generated file. Do not edit!
+#ifndef ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_DETECTION_H
+#define ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_DETECTION_H
+ if (_WCD_PROLOG)
+ set(file_content "${file_content}\n${_WCD_PROLOG}\n")
+ endif()
+ foreach(feature ${_WCD_FEATURES})
+ if (feature MATCHES "^cxx_")
+ list(APPEND _langs CXX)
+ list(APPEND CXX_features ${feature})
+ else()
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported feature ${feature}.")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _langs)
+ foreach(_lang ${_langs})
+ get_property(known_features GLOBAL PROPERTY CMAKE_${_lang}_KNOWN_FEATURES)
+ foreach(feature ${${_lang}_features})
+ list(FIND known_features ${feature} idx)
+ if (idx EQUAL -1)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported feature ${feature}.")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if(_lang STREQUAL CXX)
+ set(file_content "${file_content}\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n")
+ endif()
+ compiler_id_detection(ID_CONTENT ${_lang} PREFIX ${prefix_arg}_
+ )
+ set(file_content "${file_content}${ID_CONTENT}\n")
+ set(pp_if "if")
+ foreach(compiler ${_WCD_COMPILERS})
+ _load_compiler_variables(${compiler} ${_lang} ${${_lang}_features})
+ set(file_content "${file_content}\n# ${pp_if} ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_IS_${compiler}\n")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if !(${_cmake_oldestSupported_${compiler}})
+# error Unsupported compiler version
+# endif\n")
+ set(pp_if "elif")
+ foreach(feature ${${_lang}_features})
+ string(TOUPPER ${feature} feature_upper)
+ set(feature_PP "COMPILER_${feature_upper}")
+ set(_define_item "\n# define ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP} 0\n")
+ if (_cmake_feature_test_${compiler}_${feature} STREQUAL "1")
+ set(_define_item "\n# define ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP} 1\n")
+ elseif (_cmake_feature_test_${compiler}_${feature})
+ set(_define_item "\n# define ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP} 0\n")
+ set(_define_item "\n# if ${_cmake_feature_test_${compiler}_${feature}}\n# define ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP} 1\n# else${_define_item}# endif\n")
+ endif()
+ set(file_content "${file_content}${_define_item}")
+ endforeach()
+ endforeach()
+ if(pp_if STREQUAL "elif")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# else
+# error Unsupported compiler
+# endif\n")
+ endif()
+ foreach(feature ${${_lang}_features})
+ string(TOUPPER ${feature} feature_upper)
+ set(feature_PP "COMPILER_${feature_upper}")
+ set(def_name ${prefix_arg}_${feature_PP})
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_constexpr)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_DECL_${feature_upper}")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} constexpr
+# else
+# define ${def_value}
+# endif
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_final)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_DECL_${feature_upper}")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} final
+# else
+# define ${def_value}
+# endif
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_override)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_DECL_${feature_upper}")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} override
+# else
+# define ${def_value}
+# endif
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_static_assert)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_STATIC_ASSERT(X)")
+ set(def_value_msg "${prefix_arg}_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(X, MSG)")
+ set(static_assert_struct "template<bool> struct ${prefix_arg}StaticAssert;\ntemplate<> struct ${prefix_arg}StaticAssert<true>{};\n")
+ set(def_standard "# define ${def_value} static_assert(X, #X)\n# define ${def_value_msg} static_assert(X, MSG)")
+ set(def_alternative "${static_assert_struct}# define ${def_value} sizeof(${prefix_arg}StaticAssert<X>)\n# define ${def_value_msg} sizeof(${prefix_arg}StaticAssert<X>)")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}# if ${def_name}\n${def_standard}\n# else\n${def_alternative}\n# endif\n\n")
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_alignas)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_ALIGNAS(X)")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} alignas(X)
+# elif ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_IS_GNU
+# define ${def_value} __attribute__ ((__aligned__(X)))
+# else
+# define ${def_value}
+# endif
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_alignof)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_ALIGNOF(X)")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} alignof(X)
+# elif ${prefix_arg}_COMPILER_IS_GNU
+# define ${def_value} __alignof__(X)
+# endif
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_deleted_functions)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_DELETED_FUNCTION")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} = delete
+# else
+# define ${def_value}
+# endif
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_extern_templates)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_EXTERN_TEMPLATE")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} extern
+# else
+# define ${def_value}
+# endif
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_noexcept)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_NOEXCEPT")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} noexcept
+# define ${def_value}_EXPR(X) noexcept(X)
+# else
+# define ${def_value}
+# define ${def_value}_EXPR(X)
+# endif
+ endif()
+ if (feature STREQUAL cxx_nullptr)
+ set(def_value "${prefix_arg}_NULLPTR")
+ set(file_content "${file_content}
+# if ${def_name}
+# define ${def_value} nullptr
+# else
+# define ${def_value} static_cast<void*>(0)
+# endif
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if(_lang STREQUAL CXX)
+ set(file_content "${file_content}#endif\n")
+ endif()
+ endforeach()
+ if (_WCD_EPILOG)
+ set(file_content "${file_content}\n${_WCD_EPILOG}\n")
+ endif()
+ set(file_content "${file_content}\n#endif")
+ configure_file("${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/"
+ "${file_arg}"
+ )