path: root/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h
diff options
authorSebastian Holtermann <>2019-04-12 08:56:08 (GMT)
committerSebastian Holtermann <>2019-04-15 14:07:13 (GMT)
commita3f062091f488237c0151f3f4753e0668f37c60d (patch)
treef38195bddc8e824cc3fab93aef0776010128da11 /Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h
parent8cb26a0a2ad57ca9012f97c7437711ee94f1a9db (diff)
Autogen: Rename `cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic` class to `cmQtAutoMocUic`
The class name `cmQtAutoGeneratorMocUic` is long and cumbersome. This renames it to `cmQtAutoMocUic`.
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h')
1 files changed, 413 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h b/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3902abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/cmQtAutoMocUic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+/* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
+ file Copyright.txt or for details. */
+#ifndef cmQtAutoMocUic_h
+#define cmQtAutoMocUic_h
+#include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include "cmQtAutoGen.h"
+#include "cmQtAutoGenerator.h"
+#include "cmWorkerPool.h"
+#include "cmsys/RegularExpression.hxx"
+#include <array>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory> // IWYU pragma: keep
+#include <mutex>
+#include <set>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+class cmMakefile;
+// @brief AUTOMOC and AUTOUIC generator
+class cmQtAutoMocUic : public cmQtAutoGenerator
+ cmQtAutoMocUic();
+ ~cmQtAutoMocUic() override;
+ cmQtAutoMocUic(cmQtAutoMocUic const&) = delete;
+ cmQtAutoMocUic& operator=(cmQtAutoMocUic const&) = delete;
+ // -- Types
+ typedef std::multimap<std::string, std::array<std::string, 2>> IncludesMap;
+ /// @brief Search key plus regular expression pair
+ ///
+ struct KeyExpT
+ {
+ KeyExpT() = default;
+ KeyExpT(const char* key, const char* exp)
+ : Key(key)
+ , Exp(exp)
+ {
+ }
+ KeyExpT(std::string key, std::string const& exp)
+ : Key(std::move(key))
+ , Exp(exp)
+ {
+ }
+ std::string Key;
+ cmsys::RegularExpression Exp;
+ };
+ /// @brief Common settings
+ ///
+ class BaseSettingsT
+ {
+ public:
+ // -- Volatile methods
+ BaseSettingsT(FileSystem* fileSystem)
+ : MultiConfig(false)
+ , IncludeProjectDirsBefore(false)
+ , QtVersionMajor(4)
+ , NumThreads(1)
+ , FileSys(fileSystem)
+ {
+ }
+ BaseSettingsT(BaseSettingsT const&) = delete;
+ BaseSettingsT& operator=(BaseSettingsT const&) = delete;
+ // -- Const methods
+ std::string AbsoluteBuildPath(std::string const& relativePath) const;
+ bool FindHeader(std::string& header,
+ std::string const& testBasePath) const;
+ // -- Attributes
+ // - Config
+ bool MultiConfig;
+ bool IncludeProjectDirsBefore;
+ unsigned int QtVersionMajor;
+ unsigned int NumThreads;
+ // - Directories
+ std::string ProjectSourceDir;
+ std::string ProjectBinaryDir;
+ std::string CurrentSourceDir;
+ std::string CurrentBinaryDir;
+ std::string AutogenBuildDir;
+ std::string AutogenIncludeDir;
+ // - Files
+ std::vector<std::string> HeaderExtensions;
+ // - File system
+ FileSystem* FileSys;
+ };
+ /// @brief Moc settings
+ ///
+ class MocSettingsT
+ {
+ public:
+ MocSettingsT(FileSystem* fileSys)
+ : FileSys(fileSys)
+ {
+ }
+ MocSettingsT(MocSettingsT const&) = delete;
+ MocSettingsT& operator=(MocSettingsT const&) = delete;
+ // -- Const methods
+ bool skipped(std::string const& fileName) const;
+ std::string FindMacro(std::string const& content) const;
+ std::string MacrosString() const;
+ std::string FindIncludedFile(std::string const& sourcePath,
+ std::string const& includeString) const;
+ void FindDependencies(std::string const& content,
+ std::set<std::string>& depends) const;
+ // -- Attributes
+ bool Enabled = false;
+ bool SettingsChanged = false;
+ bool RelaxedMode = false;
+ std::string Executable;
+ std::string CompFileAbs;
+ std::string PredefsFileRel;
+ std::string PredefsFileAbs;
+ std::unordered_set<std::string> SkipList;
+ std::vector<std::string> IncludePaths;
+ std::vector<std::string> Includes;
+ std::vector<std::string> Definitions;
+ std::vector<std::string> Options;
+ std::vector<std::string> AllOptions;
+ std::vector<std::string> PredefsCmd;
+ std::vector<KeyExpT> DependFilters;
+ std::vector<KeyExpT> MacroFilters;
+ cmsys::RegularExpression RegExpInclude;
+ // - File system
+ FileSystem* FileSys;
+ };
+ /// @brief Uic settings
+ ///
+ class UicSettingsT
+ {
+ public:
+ UicSettingsT() = default;
+ UicSettingsT(UicSettingsT const&) = delete;
+ UicSettingsT& operator=(UicSettingsT const&) = delete;
+ // -- Const methods
+ bool skipped(std::string const& fileName) const;
+ // -- Attributes
+ bool Enabled = false;
+ bool SettingsChanged = false;
+ std::string Executable;
+ std::unordered_set<std::string> SkipList;
+ std::vector<std::string> TargetOptions;
+ std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> Options;
+ std::vector<std::string> SearchPaths;
+ cmsys::RegularExpression RegExpInclude;
+ };
+ /// @brief Abstract job class for concurrent job processing
+ ///
+ class JobT : public cmWorkerPool::JobT
+ {
+ protected:
+ /**
+ * @brief Protected default constructor
+ */
+ JobT(bool fence = false)
+ : cmWorkerPool::JobT(fence)
+ {
+ }
+ //! Get the generator. Only valid during Process() call!
+ cmQtAutoMocUic* Gen() const
+ {
+ return static_cast<cmQtAutoMocUic*>(UserData());
+ };
+ //! Get the file system interface. Only valid during Process() call!
+ FileSystem& FileSys() { return Gen()->FileSys(); }
+ //! Get the logger. Only valid during Process() call!
+ Logger& Log() { return Gen()->Log(); }
+ // -- Error logging with automatic abort
+ void LogError(GenT genType, std::string const& message) const;
+ void LogFileError(GenT genType, std::string const& filename,
+ std::string const& message) const;
+ void LogCommandError(GenT genType, std::string const& message,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command,
+ std::string const& output) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Run an external process. Use only during Process() call!
+ */
+ bool RunProcess(GenT genType, cmWorkerPool::ProcessResultT& result,
+ std::vector<std::string> const& command);
+ };
+ /// @brief Fence job utility class
+ ///
+ class JobFenceT : public JobT
+ {
+ public:
+ JobFenceT()
+ : JobT(true)
+ {
+ }
+ void Process() override{};
+ };
+ /// @brief Generate moc_predefs.h
+ ///
+ class JobMocPredefsT : public JobT
+ {
+ private:
+ void Process() override;
+ };
+ /// @brief Parses a source file
+ ///
+ class JobParseT : public JobT
+ {
+ public:
+ JobParseT(std::string fileName, bool moc, bool uic, bool header = false)
+ : FileName(std::move(fileName))
+ , AutoMoc(moc)
+ , AutoUic(uic)
+ , Header(header)
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ struct MetaT
+ {
+ std::string Content;
+ std::string FileDir;
+ std::string FileBase;
+ };
+ void Process() override;
+ bool ParseMocSource(MetaT const& meta);
+ bool ParseMocHeader(MetaT const& meta);
+ std::string MocStringHeaders(std::string const& fileBase) const;
+ std::string MocFindIncludedHeader(std::string const& includerDir,
+ std::string const& includeBase);
+ bool ParseUic(MetaT const& meta);
+ bool ParseUicInclude(MetaT const& meta, std::string&& includeString);
+ std::string UicFindIncludedFile(MetaT const& meta,
+ std::string const& includeString);
+ private:
+ std::string FileName;
+ bool AutoMoc = false;
+ bool AutoUic = false;
+ bool Header = false;
+ };
+ /// @brief Generates additional jobs after all files have been parsed
+ ///
+ class JobPostParseT : public JobFenceT
+ {
+ private:
+ void Process() override;
+ };
+ /// @brief Generate mocs_compilation.cpp
+ ///
+ class JobMocsCompilationT : public JobFenceT
+ {
+ private:
+ void Process() override;
+ };
+ /// @brief Moc a file job
+ ///
+ class JobMocT : public JobT
+ {
+ public:
+ JobMocT(std::string sourceFile, std::string includerFile,
+ std::string includeString)
+ : SourceFile(std::move(sourceFile))
+ , IncluderFile(std::move(includerFile))
+ , IncludeString(std::move(includeString))
+ {
+ }
+ void FindDependencies(std::string const& content);
+ private:
+ void Process() override;
+ bool UpdateRequired();
+ void GenerateMoc();
+ public:
+ std::string SourceFile;
+ std::string IncluderFile;
+ std::string IncludeString;
+ std::string BuildFile;
+ bool DependsValid = false;
+ std::set<std::string> Depends;
+ };
+ /// @brief Uic a file job
+ ///
+ class JobUicT : public JobT
+ {
+ public:
+ JobUicT(std::string sourceFile, std::string includerFile,
+ std::string includeString)
+ : SourceFile(std::move(sourceFile))
+ , IncluderFile(std::move(includerFile))
+ , IncludeString(std::move(includeString))
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ void Process() override;
+ bool UpdateRequired();
+ void GenerateUic();
+ public:
+ std::string SourceFile;
+ std::string IncluderFile;
+ std::string IncludeString;
+ std::string BuildFile;
+ };
+ /// @brief The last job
+ ///
+ class JobFinishT : public JobFenceT
+ {
+ private:
+ void Process() override;
+ };
+ // -- Const settings interface
+ const BaseSettingsT& Base() const { return this->Base_; }
+ const MocSettingsT& Moc() const { return this->Moc_; }
+ const UicSettingsT& Uic() const { return this->Uic_; }
+ // -- Parallel job processing interface
+ cmWorkerPool& WorkerPool() { return WorkerPool_; }
+ void AbortError() { Abort(true); }
+ void AbortSuccess() { Abort(false); }
+ bool ParallelJobPushMoc(cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT&& jobHandle);
+ bool ParallelJobPushUic(cmWorkerPool::JobHandleT&& jobHandle);
+ // -- Mocs compilation include file updated flag
+ void ParallelMocAutoUpdated() {; }
+ bool MocAutoFileUpdated() const { return MocAutoFileUpdated_.load(); }
+ // -- Mocs compilation file register
+ std::string ParallelMocAutoRegister(std::string const& baseName);
+ bool ParallelMocIncluded(std::string const& sourceFile);
+ std::set<std::string> const& MocAutoFiles() const
+ {
+ return this->MocAutoFiles_;
+ }
+ // -- Utility accessors
+ Logger& Log() { return Logger_; }
+ FileSystem& FileSys() { return FileSys_; }
+ // -- Abstract processing interface
+ bool Init(cmMakefile* makefile) override;
+ bool Process() override;
+ // -- Settings file
+ void SettingsFileRead();
+ bool SettingsFileWrite();
+ // -- Thread processing
+ void Abort(bool error);
+ // -- Generation
+ bool CreateDirectories();
+ // -- Utility
+ Logger Logger_;
+ FileSystem FileSys_;
+ // -- Settings
+ BaseSettingsT Base_;
+ MocSettingsT Moc_;
+ UicSettingsT Uic_;
+ // -- Moc meta
+ std::mutex MocMetaMutex_;
+ std::set<std::string> MocIncludedFiles_;
+ IncludesMap MocIncludes_;
+ std::set<std::string> MocAutoFiles_;
+ std::atomic<bool> MocAutoFileUpdated_ = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false);
+ // -- Uic meta
+ std::mutex UicMetaMutex_;
+ IncludesMap UicIncludes_;
+ // -- Settings file
+ std::string SettingsFile_;
+ std::string SettingsStringMoc_;
+ std::string SettingsStringUic_;
+ // -- Thread pool and job queue
+ std::atomic<bool> JobError_ = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(false);
+ cmWorkerPool WorkerPool_;