path: root/Source/QtDialog/CMakeIngestOSXBundleLibraries.cmake
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/QtDialog/CMakeIngestOSXBundleLibraries.cmake')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/Source/QtDialog/CMakeIngestOSXBundleLibraries.cmake b/Source/QtDialog/CMakeIngestOSXBundleLibraries.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f5cf00..0000000
--- a/Source/QtDialog/CMakeIngestOSXBundleLibraries.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-# CMakeIngestOSXBundleLibraries.cmake
-# Only for the Mac build.
-# Depends on OS tools:
-# otool
-# install_name_tool
-# This script ingests libraries and frameworks into an existing .app bundle and
-# then uses install_name_tool to fixup the references to the newly embedded
-# libraries so that they all refer to each other via "@executable_path."
-# The main intent (and simplifying assumption used for developing the script)
-# is to have a single executable .app bundle that becomes "self-contained" by
-# copying all non-system libs that it depends on into itself. The further
-# assumption is that all such dependencies are simple .dylib shared library
-# files or Mac Framework libraries.
-# This script can be used as part of the build via ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND, or used
-# only during make install via INSTALL SCRIPT.
-if(NOT DEFINED input_file)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "
-${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_LINE}): error: Variable input_file is not defined.
-Use a command line like this to use this script:
- cmake \"-Dinput_file=filename\" \"-Dextra_libs=/path/to/lib1;/path/to/lib2\" \"-Dlib_path=/path/to/unqualified/libs\" -P \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\"
-'input_file' should be the main executable inside a Mac bundle directory structure.
-For example, use 'bin/' from a ParaView binary dir.
-'extra_libs' should be a semi-colon separated list of full path names to extra libraries
-to copy into the bundle that cannot be derived from otool -L output. For example, you may
-also want to fixup dynamically loaded plugins from your build tree and copy them into the
-'lib_path' should be the path where to find libraries referenced without a path name in
-otool -L output.
-endif(NOT DEFINED input_file)
-message("ingest ${input_file}")
-set(eol_char "E")
- set(dep_tool "otool")
- set(dep_cmd_args "-L")
- set(dep_regex "^\t([^\t]+) \\(compatibility version ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+), current version ([0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+)\\)${eol_char}$")
-message("# Script \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\" running...")
-message("input_file: '${input_file}'")
-message("extra_libs: '${extra_libs}'")
-message("lib_path: '${lib_path}'")
-get_filename_component(input_file_full "${input_file}" ABSOLUTE)
-message("input_file_full: '${input_file_full}'")
-get_filename_component(bundle "${input_file_full}/../../.." ABSOLUTE)
-message("bundle: '${bundle}'")
-find_program(dep_cmd ${dep_tool})
-# find the full path to the framework in path set the result
-# in pathout
-macro(find_framework_full_path path pathout)
- set(${pathout} "${path}")
- if(NOT EXISTS "${path}")
- set(FRAMEWORK_SEARCH "/Library/Frameworks"
- "/System/Library/Frameworks" )
- set(__FOUND FALSE)
- foreach(f ${FRAMEWORK_SEARCH})
- set(newd "${f}/${path}")
- if(EXISTS "${newd}" AND NOT __FOUND)
- set(${pathout} "${newd}")
- set(__FOUND TRUE)
- endif(EXISTS "${newd}" AND NOT __FOUND)
- endforeach(f)
- endif(NOT EXISTS "${path}")
-macro(append_unique au_list_var au_value)
- set(${au_list_var} ${${au_list_var}} "${au_value}")
-macro(gather_dependents gd_target gd_dependents_var)
- execute_process(
- COMMAND ${dep_cmd} ${dep_cmd_args} ${gd_target}
- OUTPUT_VARIABLE dep_tool_ov
- )
- string(REGEX REPLACE ";" "\\\\;" dep_candidates "${dep_tool_ov}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" "${eol_char};" dep_candidates "${dep_candidates}")
- set(${gd_dependents_var} "")
- foreach(candidate ${dep_candidates})
- if("${candidate}" MATCHES "${dep_regex}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "${dep_regex}" "\\1" raw_item "${candidate}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "${dep_regex}" "\\2" raw_compat_version "${candidate}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "${dep_regex}" "\\3" raw_current_version "${candidate}")
- set(item "${raw_item}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\1" compat_major_version "${raw_compat_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\2" compat_minor_version "${raw_compat_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\3" compat_patch_version "${raw_compat_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\1" current_major_version "${raw_current_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\2" current_minor_version "${raw_current_version}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)$" "\\3" current_patch_version "${raw_current_version}")
- #message("${raw_item} - compat ${raw_compat_version} - current ${raw_current_version}")
- append_unique("${gd_dependents_var}" "${item}")
- else("${candidate}" MATCHES "${dep_regex}")
- if("${candidate}" STREQUAL "${gd_target}:${eol_char}")
- #message("info: ignoring target name...")
- else("${candidate}" STREQUAL "${gd_target}:${eol_char}")
- message("error: candidate='${candidate}'")
- endif("${candidate}" STREQUAL "${gd_target}:${eol_char}")
- endif("${candidate}" MATCHES "${dep_regex}")
- endforeach(candidate)
-message("Gathering dependent libraries for '${input_file_full}'...")
-gather_dependents("${input_file_full}" deps)
-# Order lexicographically:
-list(SORT deps)
-# Split into separate lists, "system" "embedded" and "nonsystem" libraries.
-# System libs are assumed to be available on all target runtime Macs and do not
-# need to be copied/fixed-up by this script. Embedded libraries are assumed to
-# be in the bundle and fixed-up already. Only non-system, non-embedded libs
-# need copying and fixing up...
-set(system_deps "")
-set(embedded_deps "")
-set(nonsystem_deps "")
-foreach(d ${deps})
- set(d_is_embedded_lib 0)
- set(d_is_system_lib 0)
- if("${d}" MATCHES "^(/System/Library|/usr/lib)")
- set(d_is_system_lib 1)
- else("${d}" MATCHES "^(/System/Library|/usr/lib)")
- if("${d}" MATCHES "^@executable_path")
- set(d_is_embedded_lib 1)
- endif("${d}" MATCHES "^@executable_path")
- endif("${d}" MATCHES "^(/System/Library|/usr/lib)")
- if(d_is_system_lib)
- set(system_deps ${system_deps} "${d}")
- else(d_is_system_lib)
- if(d_is_embedded_lib)
- set(embedded_deps ${embedded_deps} "${d}")
- else(d_is_embedded_lib)
- set(nonsystem_deps ${nonsystem_deps} "${d}")
- endif(d_is_embedded_lib)
- endif(d_is_system_lib)
-foreach(d ${system_deps})
- message("${d}")
-endforeach(d ${system_deps})
-foreach(d ${embedded_deps})
- message("${d}")
-endforeach(d ${embedded_deps})
-foreach(d ${nonsystem_deps})
- message("${d}")
-endforeach(d ${nonsystem_deps})
-macro(copy_library_into_bundle clib_bundle clib_libsrc clib_dstlibs clib_fixups)
- #
- # If the source library is a framework, copy just the shared lib bit of the framework
- # into the bundle under "${clib_bundle}/Contents/Frameworks" - if it is just a dylib
- # copy it into the same directory with the main bundle executable under
- # "${clib_bundle}/Contents/MacOS"
- #
- if("${clib_libsrc}" MATCHES ".framework/.*/.*/.*")
- # make sure clib_libsrc is a full path to the framework as a framework
- # maybe linked in with relative paths in some cases
- find_framework_full_path("${clib_libsrc}" fw_full_src)
- get_filename_component(fw_src "${fw_full_src}" ABSOLUTE)
- get_filename_component(fw_srcdir "${clib_libsrc}/../../.." ABSOLUTE)
- get_filename_component(fwdirname "${fw_srcdir}" NAME)
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.*)\\.framework$" "\\1" fwname "${fwdirname}")
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*/${fwname}\\.framework/(.*)$" "\\1" fwlibname "${clib_libsrc}")
- set(fw_dstdir "${clib_bundle}/Contents/Frameworks")
-# message("")
-# message("fwdirname: '${fwdirname}'")
-# message("fwname: '${fwname}'")
-# message("fwlibname: '${fwlibname}'")
-# message("fw_src: '${fw_src}'")
-# message("fw_srcdir: '${fw_srcdir}'")
-# message("fw_dstdir: '${fw_dstdir}'")
-# message("new_name: '@executable_path/../Frameworks/${fwdirname}/${fwlibname}'")
-# message("")
- message("Copying ${fw_srcdir} into bundle...")
- # This command copies the *entire* framework recursively:
- #
-# execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
-# "${fw_srcdir}" "${fw_dstdir}"
-# )
- # This command copies just the main shared lib of the framework:
- # (This technique will not work for frameworks that have necessary
- # resource or auxiliary files...)
- #
- message("fw_src = [${fw_src}] fw_full_src = [${fw_full_src}]")
- message("Copy: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy \"${fw_src}\" \"${fw_dstdir}/${fwlibname}\"")
- execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy
- "${fw_src}" "${fw_dstdir}/${fwlibname}"
- )
- get_filename_component(fw_src_path "${fw_src}" PATH)
- message("Checking ${fw_src_path}/Resources")
- if(EXISTS "${fw_src_path}/Resources")
- message("Copy: ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory \"${fw_src_path}/Resources/\" \"${fw_dstdir}/Resources/\"")
- execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory
- "${fw_src_path}/Resources/" "${fw_dstdir}/${fwdirname}/Resources/")
- endif(EXISTS "${fw_src_path}/Resources")
- execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool
- -id "@executable_path/../Frameworks/${fwlibname}"
- "${clib_bundle}/Contents/Frameworks/${fwlibname}"
- )
- set(${clib_dstlibs} ${${clib_dstlibs}}
- "${clib_bundle}/Contents/Frameworks/${fwlibname}"
- )
- set(${clib_fixups} ${${clib_fixups}}
- "-change"
- "${clib_libsrc}"
- "@executable_path/../Frameworks/${fwlibname}"
- )
- else("${clib_libsrc}" MATCHES ".framework/.*/.*/.*")
- if("${clib_libsrc}" MATCHES "/")
- set(clib_libsrcfull "${clib_libsrc}")
- else("${clib_libsrc}" MATCHES "/")
- set(clib_libsrcfull "${lib_path}/${clib_libsrc}")
- if(NOT EXISTS "${clib_libsrcfull}")
- message(FATAL_ERROR "error: '${clib_libsrcfull}' does not exist...")
- endif(NOT EXISTS "${clib_libsrcfull}")
- endif("${clib_libsrc}" MATCHES "/")
- get_filename_component(dylib_src "${clib_libsrcfull}" ABSOLUTE)
- get_filename_component(dylib_name "${dylib_src}" NAME)
- set(dylib_dst "${clib_bundle}/Contents/MacOS/${dylib_name}")
-# message("dylib_src: ${dylib_src}")
-# message("dylib_dst: ${dylib_dst}")
-# message("new_name: '@executable_path/${dylib_name}'")
- message("Copying ${dylib_src} into bundle...")
- execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy
- "${dylib_src}" "${dylib_dst}")
- execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool
- -id "@executable_path/${dylib_name}"
- "${dylib_dst}"
- )
- set(${clib_dstlibs} ${${clib_dstlibs}}
- "${dylib_dst}"
- )
- set(${clib_fixups} ${${clib_fixups}}
- "-change"
- "${clib_libsrc}"
- "@executable_path/${dylib_name}"
- )
- endif("${clib_libsrc}" MATCHES ".framework/.*/.*/.*")
-# Copy dependent "nonsystem" libraries into the bundle:
-message("Copying dependent libraries into bundle...")
-set(srclibs ${nonsystem_deps} ${extra_libs})
-set(dstlibs "")
-set(fixups "")
-foreach(d ${srclibs})
- message("copy it --- ${d}")
- copy_library_into_bundle("${bundle}" "${d}" dstlibs fixups)
-# Fixup references to copied libraries in the main bundle executable and in the
-# copied libraries themselves:
-if(NOT "${fixups}" STREQUAL "")
- message("Fixing up references...")
- foreach(d ${dstlibs} "${input_file_full}")
- message("fixing up references in: '${d}'")
- execute_process(COMMAND install_name_tool ${fixups} "${d}")
- endforeach(d)
- message("")
-endif(NOT "${fixups}" STREQUAL "")
-# List all references to eyeball them and make sure they look right:
-message("Listing references...")
-foreach(d ${dstlibs} "${input_file_full}")
- execute_process(COMMAND otool -L "${d}")
- message("")
-# Output file:
-#get_filename_component(script_name "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" NAME)
-#file(WRITE "${input_file_full}_${script_name}" "# Script \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\" completed.\n")
-message("# Script \"${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}\" completed.")