path: root/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx')
1 files changed, 104 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx b/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx
index cddbb9b..2ec62d9 100644
--- a/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx
@@ -167,7 +167,9 @@ auto const TryCompileBaseArgParser =
auto const TryCompileBaseSourcesArgParser =
cmArgumentParser<Arguments>{ TryCompileBaseArgParser }
- .Bind("SOURCES"_s, &Arguments::Sources)
+ .Bind("SOURCES_TYPE"_s, &Arguments::SetSourceType)
+ .BindWithContext("SOURCES"_s, &Arguments::Sources,
+ &Arguments::SourceTypeContext)
.Bind("COMPILE_DEFINITIONS"_s, TryCompileCompileDefs,
ArgumentParser::ExpectAtLeast{ 0 })
.Bind("LINK_LIBRARIES"_s, &Arguments::LinkLibraries)
@@ -184,9 +186,12 @@ auto const TryCompileBaseSourcesArgParser =
auto const TryCompileBaseNewSourcesArgParser =
cmArgumentParser<Arguments>{ TryCompileBaseSourcesArgParser }
- .Bind("SOURCE_FROM_CONTENT"_s, &Arguments::SourceFromContent)
- .Bind("SOURCE_FROM_VAR"_s, &Arguments::SourceFromVar)
- .Bind("SOURCE_FROM_FILE"_s, &Arguments::SourceFromFile)
+ .BindWithContext("SOURCE_FROM_CONTENT"_s, &Arguments::SourceFromContent,
+ &Arguments::SourceTypeContext)
+ .BindWithContext("SOURCE_FROM_VAR"_s, &Arguments::SourceFromVar,
+ &Arguments::SourceTypeContext)
+ .BindWithContext("SOURCE_FROM_FILE"_s, &Arguments::SourceFromFile,
+ &Arguments::SourceTypeContext)
/* keep semicolon on own line */;
auto const TryCompileBaseProjectArgParser =
@@ -221,12 +226,44 @@ auto const TryRunOldArgParser = makeTryRunParser(TryCompileOldArgParser);
std::string const TryCompileDefaultConfig = "DEBUG";
+ArgumentParser::Continue cmCoreTryCompile::Arguments::SetSourceType(
+ cm::string_view sourceType)
+ bool matched = false;
+ if (sourceType == "NORMAL"_s) {
+ this->SourceTypeContext = SourceType::Normal;
+ matched = true;
+ } else if (sourceType == "CXX_MODULE"_s) {
+ bool const supportCxxModuleSources = cmExperimental::HasSupportEnabled(
+ *this->Makefile, cmExperimental::Feature::CxxModuleCMakeApi);
+ if (supportCxxModuleSources) {
+ this->SourceTypeContext = SourceType::CxxModule;
+ matched = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!matched && this->SourceTypeError.empty()) {
+ bool const supportCxxModuleSources = cmExperimental::HasSupportEnabled(
+ *this->Makefile, cmExperimental::Feature::CxxModuleCMakeApi);
+ auto const* message = "'SOURCE'";
+ if (supportCxxModuleSources) {
+ message = "one of 'SOURCE' or 'CXX_MODULE'";
+ }
+ // Only remember one error at a time; all other errors related to argument
+ // parsing are "indicate one error and return" anyways.
+ this->SourceTypeError =
+ cmStrCat("Invalid 'SOURCE_TYPE' '", sourceType, "'; must be ", message);
+ }
+ return ArgumentParser::Continue::Yes;
Arguments cmCoreTryCompile::ParseArgs(
const cmRange<std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator>& args,
const cmArgumentParser<Arguments>& parser,
std::vector<std::string>& unparsedArguments)
- auto arguments = parser.Parse(args, &unparsedArguments, 0);
+ Arguments arguments{ this->Makefile };
+ parser.Parse(arguments, args, &unparsedArguments, 0);
if (!arguments.MaybeReportError(*(this->Makefile)) &&
!unparsedArguments.empty()) {
std::string m = "Unknown arguments:";
@@ -434,6 +471,11 @@ cm::optional<cmTryCompileResult> cmCoreTryCompile::TryCompileCode(
"SOURCE_FROM_FILE requires exactly two arguments");
return cm::nullopt;
+ if (!arguments.SourceTypeError.empty()) {
+ this->Makefile->IssueMessage(MessageType::FATAL_ERROR,
+ arguments.SourceTypeError);
+ return cm::nullopt;
+ }
} else {
// only valid for srcfile signatures
if (!arguments.LangProps.empty()) {
@@ -486,42 +528,45 @@ cm::optional<cmTryCompileResult> cmCoreTryCompile::TryCompileCode(
// Choose sources.
- std::vector<std::string> sources;
+ std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Arguments::SourceType>> sources;
if (arguments.Sources) {
sources = std::move(*arguments.Sources);
} else if (arguments.SourceDirectoryOrFile) {
- sources.emplace_back(*arguments.SourceDirectoryOrFile);
+ sources.emplace_back(*arguments.SourceDirectoryOrFile,
+ Arguments::SourceType::Directory);
if (arguments.SourceFromContent) {
auto const k = arguments.SourceFromContent->size();
for (auto i = decltype(k){ 0 }; i < k; i += 2) {
- const auto& name = (*arguments.SourceFromContent)[i + 0];
- const auto& content = (*arguments.SourceFromContent)[i + 1];
+ const auto& name = (*arguments.SourceFromContent)[i + 0].first;
+ const auto& content = (*arguments.SourceFromContent)[i + 1].first;
auto out = this->WriteSource(name, content, "SOURCE_FROM_CONTENT");
if (out.empty()) {
return cm::nullopt;
- sources.emplace_back(std::move(out));
+ sources.emplace_back(std::move(out),
+ (*arguments.SourceFromContent)[i + 0].second);
if (arguments.SourceFromVar) {
auto const k = arguments.SourceFromVar->size();
for (auto i = decltype(k){ 0 }; i < k; i += 2) {
- const auto& name = (*arguments.SourceFromVar)[i + 0];
- const auto& var = (*arguments.SourceFromVar)[i + 1];
+ const auto& name = (*arguments.SourceFromVar)[i + 0].first;
+ const auto& var = (*arguments.SourceFromVar)[i + 1].first;
const auto& content = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(var);
auto out = this->WriteSource(name, content, "SOURCE_FROM_VAR");
if (out.empty()) {
return cm::nullopt;
- sources.emplace_back(std::move(out));
+ sources.emplace_back(std::move(out),
+ (*arguments.SourceFromVar)[i + 0].second);
if (arguments.SourceFromFile) {
auto const k = arguments.SourceFromFile->size();
for (auto i = decltype(k){ 0 }; i < k; i += 2) {
- const auto& dst = (*arguments.SourceFromFile)[i + 0];
- const auto& src = (*arguments.SourceFromFile)[i + 1];
+ const auto& dst = (*arguments.SourceFromFile)[i + 0].first;
+ const auto& src = (*arguments.SourceFromFile)[i + 1].first;
if (!cmSystemTools::GetFilenamePath(dst).empty()) {
const auto& msg =
@@ -539,7 +584,8 @@ cm::optional<cmTryCompileResult> cmCoreTryCompile::TryCompileCode(
return cm::nullopt;
- sources.emplace_back(std::move(dstPath));
+ sources.emplace_back(std::move(dstPath),
+ (*arguments.SourceFromFile)[i + 0].second);
// TODO: ensure sources is not empty
@@ -547,7 +593,8 @@ cm::optional<cmTryCompileResult> cmCoreTryCompile::TryCompileCode(
// Detect languages to enable.
cmGlobalGenerator* gg = this->Makefile->GetGlobalGenerator();
std::set<std::string> testLangs;
- for (std::string const& si : sources) {
+ for (auto const& source : sources) {
+ auto const& si = source.first;
std::string ext = cmSystemTools::GetFilenameLastExtension(si);
std::string lang = gg->GetLanguageFromExtension(ext.c_str());
if (!lang.empty()) {
@@ -837,17 +884,43 @@ cm::optional<cmTryCompileResult> cmCoreTryCompile::TryCompileCode(
fprintf(fout, "set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY \"%s\")\n",
/* Create the actual executable. */
- fprintf(fout, "add_executable(%s", targetName.c_str());
+ fprintf(fout, "add_executable(%s)\n", targetName.c_str());
} else // if (targetType == cmStateEnums::STATIC_LIBRARY)
/* Put the static library at a known location (for COPY_FILE). */
fprintf(fout, "set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY \"%s\")\n",
/* Create the actual static library. */
- fprintf(fout, "add_library(%s STATIC", targetName.c_str());
+ fprintf(fout, "add_library(%s STATIC)\n", targetName.c_str());
- for (std::string const& si : sources) {
- fprintf(fout, " \"%s\"", si.c_str());
+ fprintf(fout, "target_sources(%s PRIVATE\n", targetName.c_str());
+ std::string file_set_name;
+ bool in_file_set = false;
+ for (auto const& source : sources) {
+ auto const& si = source.first;
+ switch (source.second) {
+ case Arguments::SourceType::Normal: {
+ if (in_file_set) {
+ fprintf(fout, " PRIVATE\n");
+ in_file_set = false;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case Arguments::SourceType::CxxModule: {
+ if (!in_file_set) {
+ file_set_name += 'a';
+ fprintf(fout,
+ "FILES\n",
+ file_set_name.c_str(),
+ this->Makefile->GetCurrentSourceDirectory().c_str());
+ in_file_set = true;
+ }
+ } break;
+ case Arguments::SourceType::Directory:
+ /* Handled elsewhere. */
+ break;
+ }
+ fprintf(fout, " \"%s\"\n", si.c_str());
// Add dependencies on any non-temporary sources.
if (!IsTemporary(si)) {
@@ -1025,6 +1098,7 @@ cm::optional<cmTryCompileResult> cmCoreTryCompile::TryCompileCode(
if (cmValue varListStr = this->Makefile->GetDefinition(
@@ -1077,8 +1151,16 @@ cm::optional<cmTryCompileResult> cmCoreTryCompile::TryCompileCode(
i++) {
auto const& data = cmExperimental::DataForFeature(
- if (data.ForwardThroughTryCompile) {
+ if (data.ForwardThroughTryCompile ==
+ cmExperimental::TryCompileCondition::Always ||
+ (data.ForwardThroughTryCompile ==
+ cmExperimental::TryCompileCondition::SkipCompilerChecks &&
+ arguments.CMakeInternal != "ABI"_s &&
+ arguments.CMakeInternal != "FEATURE_TESTING"_s)) {
+ for (auto const& var : data.TryCompileVariables) {
+ vars.insert(var);
+ }