path: root/src/filedef.cpp
diff options
authorDimitri van Heesch <>2003-08-08 12:54:22 (GMT)
committerDimitri van Heesch <>2003-08-08 12:54:22 (GMT)
commit8626ab32d671ffcdc75dffce04dd05a671cfb42c (patch)
tree7c2d3f65b509d762729291b5341f0751138192fd /src/filedef.cpp
parent3c3a5b287bbaa5d073eac5e561f88a305c5cbe26 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/filedef.cpp')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/filedef.cpp b/src/filedef.cpp
index 0e9104e..0278688 100644
--- a/src/filedef.cpp
+++ b/src/filedef.cpp
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "message.h"
#include "code.h"
#include "docparser.h"
+#include "ftvhelp.h"
//#include "xml.h"
class DevNullCodeDocInterface : public BaseCodeDocInterface
@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ void FileDef::writeDetailedDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF"))
- ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),0,0,briefDescription(),FALSE);
+ ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),this,0,briefDescription(),FALSE,FALSE);
if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") &&
@@ -176,7 +177,7 @@ void FileDef::writeDetailedDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
//if (!='.' &&!='!' &&!='?')
// doc+='.';
- ol.parseDoc(docFile(),docLine(),0,0,documentation()+"\n",FALSE);
+ ol.parseDoc(docFile(),docLine(),this,0,documentation()+"\n",TRUE,FALSE);
//printf("Writing source ref for file %s\n",name().data());
if (Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER"))
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ void FileDef::writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
else if (briefDescription())
- ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),0,0,briefDescription(),FALSE);
+ ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),this,0,briefDescription(),TRUE,FALSE);
ol.writeString(" \n");
@@ -779,3 +780,217 @@ void FileDef::addListReferences()
+static int findMatchingPart(const QCString &path,const QCString dir)
+ int si1;
+ int pos1=0,pos2=0;
+ while ((si1=path.find('/',pos1))!=-1)
+ {
+ int si2=dir.find('/',pos2);
+ //printf(" found slash at pos %d in path %d: %s<->%s\n",si1,si2,
+ // path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2).data(),dir.mid(pos2).data());
+ if (si2==-1 && path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2)==dir.mid(pos2)) // match at end
+ {
+ return dir.length();
+ }
+ if (si1!=si2 || path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2)!=dir.mid(pos2,si2-pos2)) // no match in middle
+ {
+ return QMAX(pos1-1,0);
+ }
+ pos1=si1+1;
+ pos2=si2+1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static Directory *findDirNode(Directory *root,const QCString &name)
+ QListIterator<DirEntry> dli(root->children());
+ DirEntry *de;
+ for (dli.toFirst();(de=dli.current());++dli)
+ {
+ if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+ {
+ Directory *dir = (Directory *)de;
+ QCString dirName=dir->name();
+ int sp=findMatchingPart(name,dirName);
+ //printf("findMatchingPart(%s,%s)=%d\n",,,sp);
+ if (sp>0) // match found
+ {
+ if ((uint)sp==dirName.length()) // whole directory matches
+ {
+ // recurse into the directory
+ return findDirNode(dir,name.mid(dirName.length()+1));
+ }
+ else // partial match => we need to split the path into three parts
+ {
+ QCString baseName =dirName.left(sp);
+ QCString oldBranchName=dirName.mid(sp+1);
+ QCString newBranchName=name.mid(sp+1);
+ // strip file name from path
+ int newIndex=newBranchName.findRev('/');
+ if (newIndex>0) newBranchName=newBranchName.left(newIndex);
+ //printf("Splitting off part in new branch \n"
+ // "base=%s old=%s new=%s\n",
+ //,
+ //,
+ //
+ // );
+ Directory *base = new Directory(root,baseName);
+ Directory *newBranch = new Directory(base,newBranchName);
+ dir->reParent(base);
+ dir->rename(oldBranchName);
+ base->addChild(dir);
+ base->addChild(newBranch);
+ dir->setLast(FALSE);
+ // remove DirEntry container from list (without deleting it)
+ root->children().setAutoDelete(FALSE);
+ root->children().removeRef(dir);
+ root->children().setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ // add new branch to the root
+ if (!root->children().isEmpty())
+ {
+ root->children().last()->setLast(FALSE);
+ }
+ root->addChild(base);
+ return newBranch;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int si=name.findRev('/');
+ if (si==-1) // no subdir
+ {
+ return root; // put the file under the root node.
+ }
+ else // need to create a subdir
+ {
+ QCString baseName = name.left(si);
+ //printf("new subdir %s\n",;
+ Directory *newBranch = new Directory(root,baseName);
+ if (!root->children().isEmpty())
+ {
+ root->children().last()->setLast(FALSE);
+ }
+ root->addChild(newBranch);
+ return newBranch;
+ }
+static void mergeFileDef(Directory *root,FileDef *fd)
+ QCString rootPath = root->name();
+ QCString filePath = fd->absFilePath();
+ //printf("merging %s\n",;
+ Directory *dirNode = findDirNode(root,filePath);
+ if (!dirNode->children().isEmpty())
+ {
+ dirNode->children().last()->setLast(FALSE);
+ }
+ DirEntry *e=new DirEntry(dirNode,fd);
+ dirNode->addChild(e);
+static void generateIndent(QTextStream &t,DirEntry *de,int level)
+ if (de->parent())
+ {
+ generateIndent(t,de->parent(),level+1);
+ }
+ // from the root up to node n do...
+ if (level==0) // item before a dir or document
+ {
+ if (de->isLast())
+ {
+ if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+ {
+ t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(plastnode) << "/>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(lastnode) << "/>";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+ {
+ t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(pnode) << "/>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(node) << "/>";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // item at another level
+ {
+ if (de->isLast())
+ {
+ t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(blank) << "/>";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(vertline) << "/>";
+ }
+ }
+static void writeDirTreeNode(QTextStream &t,Directory *root,int level)
+ QCString indent;
+ indent.fill(' ',level*2);
+ QListIterator<DirEntry> dli(root->children());
+ DirEntry *de;
+ for (dli.toFirst();(de=dli.current());++dli)
+ {
+ t << indent << "<p>";
+ generateIndent(t,de,0);
+ if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+ {
+ Directory *dir=(Directory *)de;
+ //printf("%s [dir]: %s (last=%d,dir=%d)\n",,dir->name().data(),dir->isLast(),dir->kind()==DirEntry::Dir);
+ t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(folderclosed) << "/>";
+ t << dir->name();
+ t << "</p>\n";
+ t << indent << "<div>\n";
+ writeDirTreeNode(t,dir,level+1);
+ t << indent << "</div>\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //printf("%s [file]: %s (last=%d,dir=%d)\n",,de->file()->name().data(),de->isLast(),de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir);
+ t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(doc) << "/>";
+ t << de->file()->name();
+ t << "</p>\n";
+ }
+ }
+void generateFileTree(QTextStream &t)
+ FTVHelp::generateTreeViewImages();
+ Directory *root=new Directory(0,"");
+ root->setLast(TRUE);
+ FileNameListIterator fnli(Doxygen::inputNameList);
+ FileName *fn;
+ for (fnli.toFirst();(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
+ {
+ FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
+ FileDef *fd;
+ for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
+ {
+ mergeFileDef(root,fd);
+ }
+ }
+ t << "<div class=\"directory\">\n";
+ writeDirTreeNode(t,root,0);
+ t << "</div>\n";
+ delete root;