path: root/trunk/doc/markdown.doc
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 605 deletions
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- *
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1997-2012 by Dimitri van Heesch.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
- * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
- * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
- * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
- * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
- *
- */
-/*! \page markdown Markdown support
-[Markdown] support
-was introduced in doxygen version 1.8.0. It is a plain text formatting
-syntax written by John Gruber, with the following underlying design goal:
-> The design goal for Markdown's formatting syntax is to
-> make it as readable as possible. The idea is that a Markdown-formatted
-> document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without
-> looking like it's been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.
-> While Markdown's syntax has been influenced by several existing
-> text-to-HTML filters, the single biggest source of inspiration
-> for Markdown's syntax is the format of plain text email.
-In the \ref markdown_std "next section" the standard Markdown features
-are briefly discussed. The reader is referred to the [Markdown site][markdown]
-for more details.
-Some enhancements were made, for instance [PHP Markdown Extra][mdextra], and
-[GitHub flavored Markdown][github]. The section \ref markdown_extra discusses
-the extensions that doxygen supports.
-Finally section \ref markdown_dox discusses some specifics for doxygen's
-implementation of the Markdown standard.
-\section markdown_std Standard Markdown
-\subsection md_para Paragraphs
-Even before doxygen had Markdown support it supported the same way
-of paragraph handling as Markdown: to make a paragraph you just separate
-consecutive lines of text by one or more blank lines.
-An example:
- Here is text for one paragraph.
- We continue with more text in another paragraph.
-\subsection md_headers Headers
-Just like Markdown, doxygen supports two types of headers
-Level 1 or 2 headers can be made as the follows
- This is an level 1 header
- =========================
- This is an level 2 header
- -------------------------
-A header is followed by a line containing only ='s or -'s.
-Note that the exact amount of ='s or -'s is not important.
-Alternatively, you can use #'s at the start of a line to make a header.
-The number of #'s at the start of the line determines the level (up to 6 levels are supported).
-You can end a header by any number of #'s.
-Here is an example:
- # This is a level 1 header
- ### This is level 3 header #######
-\subsection md_blockquotes Block quotes
-Block quotes can be created by starting each line with one or more >'s,
-similar to what is used in text-only emails.
- > This is a block quote
- > spanning multiple lines
-Lists and code blocks (see below) can appear inside a quote block.
-Quote blocks can also be nested.
-Note that doxygen requires that you put a space after the (last) > character
-to avoid false positives, i.e. when writing
- 0 if OK\n
- >1 if NOK
-the second line will not be seen as a block quote.
-\subsection md_lists Lists
-Simple bullet lists can be made by starting a line with -, +, or *.
- - Item 1
- More text for this item.
- - Item 2
- + nested list item.
- + another nested item.
- - Item 3
-List items can span multiple paragraphs (if each paragraph starts with
-the proper indentation) and lists can be nested.
-You can also make a numbered list like so
- 1. First item.
- 2. Second item.
-\subsection md_codeblock Code Blocks
-Preformatted verbatim blocks can be created by indenting
-each line in a block of text by at least 4 extra spaces
- This a normal paragraph
- This is a code block
- We continue with a normal paragraph again.
-Doxygen will remove the mandatory indentation from the code block.
-Note that you cannot start a code block in the middle of a paragraph
-(i.e. the line preceding the code block must be empty).
-See section \ref mddox_code_blocks for more info how doxygen handles
-indentation as this is slightly different than standard Markdown.
-\subsection md_rulers Horizontal Rulers
-A horizontal ruler will be produced for lines containing at least three or more
-hyphens, asterisks, or underscores. The line may also include any amount of whitespace.
- - - -
- ______
-Note that using asterisks in comment blocks does not work. See
-\ref mddox_stars for details.
-\subsection md_emphasis Emphasis
-To emphasize a text fragment you start and end the fragment with an underscore or star.
-Using two stars or underscores will produce strong emphasis.
- *single asterisks*
- _single underscores_
- **double asterisks**
- __double underscores__
-See section \ref mddox_emph_spans for more info how doxygen handles
-emphasis spans slightly different than standard Markdown.
-\subsection md_codespan code spans
-To indicate a span of code, you should wrap it in backticks (`). Unlike code blocks,
-code spans appear inline in a paragraph. An example:
- Use the `printf()` function.
-To show a literal backtick inside a code span use double backticks, i.e.
- To assign the output of command `ls` to `var` use ``var=`ls```.
-See section \ref mddox_code_spans for more info how doxygen handles
-code spans slightly different than standard Markdown.
-\subsection md_links Links
-Doxygen supports both styles of make links defined by Markdown: *inline* and *reference*.
-For both styles the link definition starts with the link text delimited by [square
-\subsubsection md_inlinelinks Inline Links
-For an inline link the link text is followed by a URL and an optional link title which
-together are enclosed in a set of regular parenthesis.
-The link title itself is surrounded by quotes.
- [The link text](
- [The link text]( "Link title")
- [The link text](/relative/path/to/index.html "Link title")
- [The link text](somefile.html)
-In addition doxygen provides a similar way to link a documented entity:
- [The link text](@ref MyClass)
-\subsubsection md_reflinks Reference Links
-Instead of putting the URL inline, you can also define the link separately
-and then refer to it from within the text.
-The link definition looks as follows:
- [link name]: "Optional title"
-Instead of double quotes also single quotes or parenthesis can
-be used for the title part.
-Once defined, the link looks as follows
- [link text][link name]
-If the link text and name are the same, also
- [link name][]
-or even
- [link name]
-can be used to refer to the link.
-Note that the link name matching is not case sensitive
-as is shown in the following example:
- I get 10 times more traffic from [Google] than from
- [Yahoo] or [MSN].
- [google]: "Google"
- [yahoo]: "Yahoo Search"
- [msn]: "MSN Search"
-Link definitions will not be visible in the output.
-Like for inline links doxygen also supports \@ref inside a link definition:
- [myclass]: @ref MyClass "My class"
-\subsection md_images Images
-Markdown syntax for images is similar to that for links.
-The only difference is an additional ! before the link text.
- ![Caption text](/path/to/img.jpg)
- ![Caption text](/path/to/img.jpg "Image title")
- ![Caption text][img def]
- ![img def]
- [img def]: /path/to/img.jpg "Optional Title"
-Also here you can use \@ref to link to an image:
- ![Caption text](@ref image.png)
- ![img def]
- [img def]: @ref image.png "Caption text"
-The caption text is optional.
-\subsection md_autolink Automatic Linking
-To create a link to an URL or e-mail address Markdown supports the following
- <>
- <>
-Note that doxygen will also produce the links without the angle brackets.
-\section markdown_extra Markdown Extensions
-\subsection md_toc Table of Contents
-Doxygen supports a special link marker `[TOC]` which can be placed in a page
-to produce a table of contents at the start of the page, listing all sections.
-Note that using `[TOC]` is the same as using a
-\ref cmdtableofcontents "\\tableofcontents" command.
-\subsection md_tables Tables
-Of the features defined by "Markdown Extra" is support for
-<a href="">simple tables</a>:
-A table consists of a header line, a separator line, and at least one
-row line. Table columns are separated by the pipe (|) character.
-Here is an example:
- First Header | Second Header
- ------------- | -------------
- Content Cell | Content Cell
- Content Cell | Content Cell
-which will produce the following table:
-First Header | Second Header
-------------- | -------------
-Content Cell | Content Cell
-Content Cell | Content Cell
-Column alignment can be controlled via one or two colons
-at the header separator line:
- | Right | Center | Left |
- | ----: | :----: | :---- |
- | 10 | 10 | 10 |
- | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 |
-which will look as follows:
-| Right | Center | Left |
-| ----: | :----: | :---- |
-| 10 | 10 | 10 |
-| 1000 | 1000 | 1000 |
-\subsection md_fenced Fenced Code Blocks
-Another feature defined by "Markdown Extra" is support for
-<a href="">
-fenced code blocks</a>:
-A fenced code block does not require indentation, and is
-defined by a pair of "fence lines". Such a line consists of 3 or
-more tilde (~) characters on a line. The end of the block should have the
-same number of tildes. Here is an example:
- This is a paragraph introducing:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- a one-line code block
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-By default the output is the same as for a normal code block.
-For languages supported by doxygen you can also make the code block
-appear with syntax highlighting. To do so you need to
-indicate the typical file extension that corresponds to the
-programming language after the opening fence. For highlighting according
-to the Python language for instance, you would need to write the following:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.py}
- # A class
- class Dummy:
- pass
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-which will produce:
-# A class
-class Dummy:
- pass
-and for C you would write:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}
- int func(int a,int b) { return a*b; }
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-which will produce:
-int func(int a,int b) { return a*b; }
-The curly braces and dot are optional by the way.
-\subsection md_header_id Header Id Attributes
-Standard Markdown has no support for labeling headers, which
-is a problem if you want to link to a section.
-PHP Markdown Extra allows you to label a header by adding
-the following to the header
- Header 1 {#labelid}
- ========
- ## Header 2 ## {#labelid2}
-To link to a section in the same comment block you can use
- [Link text](#labelid)
-to link to a section in general, doxygen allows you to use \@ref
- [Link text](@ref labelid)
-Note this only works for the headers of level 1 to 4.
-\section markdown_dox Doxygen specifics
-Even though doxygen tries to following the Markdown standard as closely as
-possible, there are couple of deviation and doxygen specifics additions.
-\subsection md_page_header Including Markdown files as pages
-Doxygen can process files with Markdown formatting.
-For this to work the extension for such a file should
-be `.md` or `.markdown` (see
-\ref cfg_extension_mapping "EXTENSION_MAPPING" if your Markdown files have
-a different extension, and use `md` as the name of the parser).
-Each file is converted to a page (see the \ref cmdpage "page" command for
-By default the name and title of the page are derived from the file name.
-If the file starts with a level 1 header however, it is used as the title
-of the page. If you specify a label for the
-header (as shown \ref md_header_id "here") doxygen will use that as the
-page name.
-If the label is called `index` or `mainpage` doxygen will put the
-documentation on the front page (`index.html`).
-Here is an example of a file `` that will appear as the main page
-when processed by doxygen:
- My Main Page {#mainpage}
- ============
- Documentation that will appear on the main page
-\subsection md_html_blocks Treatment of HTML blocks
-Markdown is quite strict in the way it processes block-level HTML:
-> block-level HTML elements — e.g.
-> `<div>`, `<table>`, `<pre>`, `<p>`, etc. —
-> must be separated from surrounding content by blank lines,
-> and the start and end tags of the block should not be indented
-> with tabs or spaces.
-Doxygen does not have this requirement, and will also process
-Markdown formatting inside such HTML blocks. The only exception is
-`<pre>` blocks, which are passed untouched (handy for ASCII art).
-Doxygen will not process Markdown formatting inside verbatim or code blocks,
-and in other sections that need to be processed without changes
-(for instance formulas or inline dot graphs).
-\subsection mddox_code_blocks Code Block Indentation
-With Markdown any block that is indented by 4 spaces (and 8 spaces
-inside lists) is treated as a code block. This indentation amount
-is absolute, i.e. counting from the start of the line.
-Since doxygen comments can appear at any indentation level
-that is required by the programming language, it
-uses a relative indentation instead. The amount of
-indentation is counted relative to the preceding paragraph.
-In case there is no preceding paragraph (i.e. you want to start with a
-code block), the minimal amount of indentation of the whole comment block
-is used as a reference.
-In most cases this difference does not result in different output.
-Only if you play with the indentation of paragraphs the difference
-is noticeable:
- text
- text
- text
- code
-In this case Markdown will put the word code in a code block,
-whereas Doxygen will treat it as normal text, since although the absolute
-indentation is 4, the indentation with respect to the previous paragraph
-is only 1.
-Note that list markers are not counted when determining the
-relative indent:
- 1. Item1
- More text for item1
- 2. Item2
- Code block for item2
-For Item1 the indentation is 4 (when treating the list marker as whitespace),
-so the next paragraph "More text..." starts at the same indentation level
-and is therefore not seen as a code block.
-\subsection mddox_emph_spans Emphasis limits
-Unlike standard Markdown, doxygen will not touch internal underscores or
-stars, so the following will appear as-is:
- a_nice_identifier
-Futhermore, a `*` or `_` only starts an emphasis if
-- it is followed by an alphanumberical character, and
-- it is preceded by a space, newline, or one the following characters `<{([,:;`
-An emphasis ends if
-- it is not following by an alphanumerical character, and
-- it is not preceded by a space, newline, or one the following characters `({[<=+-\@`
-Lastly, the span of the emphasis is limited to a single paragraph.
-\subsection mddox_code_spans Code Spans Limits
-Note that unlike standard Markdown, doxygen leaves the following untouched.
- A `cool' word in a `nice' sentence.
-In other words; a single quote cancels the special treatment of a code span
-wrapped in a pair of backtick characters. This extra restriction was
-added for backward compatibility reasons.
-\subsection mddox_lists Lists Extensions
-With Markdown two lists separated by an empty line are joined together into
-a single list which can be rather unexpected and many people consider it to
-be a bug. Doxygen, however, will make two separate lists as you would expect.
- - Item1 of list 1
- - Item2 of list 1
- 1. Item1 of list 2
- 2. Item2 of list 2
-Historically doxygen has an additional way to create numbered
-lists by using `-#` markers:
- -# item1
- -# item2
-\subsection mddox_stars Use of asterisks
-Special care has to be taken when using *'s in a comment block
-to start a list or make a ruler.
-Doxygen will strip off any leading *'s from the comment before doing
-Markdown processing. So although the following works fine
- /** A list:
- * * item1
- * * item2
- */
-When you remove the leading *'s doxygen will strip the other stars
-as well, making the list disappear!
-Rulers created with *'s will not be visible at all. They only work
-in Markdown files.
-\subsection mddox_limits Limits on markup scope
-To avoid that a stray * or _ matches something many paragraphs later,
-and shows everything in between with emphasis, doxygen limits the scope
-of a * and _ to a single paragraph.
-For a code span, between the starting and ending backtick only two
-new lines are allowed.
-Also for links there are limits; the link text, and link title each can
-contain only one new line, the URL may not contain any newlines.
-\section markdown_debug Debugging of problems
-When doxygen parses the source code it first extracts the comments blocks,
-then passes these through the Markdown preprocessor. The output of the
-Markdown preprocessing consists of text with \ref cmd_intro "special commands"
-and \ref htmlcmds "HTML commands".
-A second pass takes the output of the Markdown preprocessor and
-converts it into the various output formats.
-During Markdown preprocessing no errors are produced. Anything that
-does not fit the Markdown syntax is simply passed on as-is. In the subsequent
-parsing phase this could lead to errors, which may not always be obvious
-as they are based on the intermediate format.
-To see the result after Markdown processing you can run doxygen with the
-`-d Markdown` option. It will then print each comment block before and
-after Markdown processing.