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authorAlan Alpert <>2009-11-10 03:14:52 (GMT)
committerAlan Alpert <>2009-11-10 03:35:01 (GMT)
commitca9f7764982b90bb316ccca55dbd57edc5b40d4f (patch)
parent8d930f43d6e0827ece00b61676b736421b50f290 (diff)
Fix samegame tutorial 3
the js file hadn't been updated to avoid global vars Also updating a missed particles element
2 files changed, 20 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/examples/declarative/tutorials/samegame/samegame3/samegame.js b/examples/declarative/tutorials/samegame/samegame3/samegame.js
index 528a73c..38efb3b 100644
--- a/examples/declarative/tutorials/samegame/samegame3/samegame.js
+++ b/examples/declarative/tutorials/samegame/samegame3/samegame.js
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ var floodBoard;//Set to 1 if the floodFill reaches off that node
function handleClick(x,y)
- xIdx = Math.floor(x/gameCanvas.tileSize);
- yIdx = Math.floor(y/gameCanvas.tileSize);
+ var xIdx = Math.floor(x/gameCanvas.tileSize);
+ var yIdx = Math.floor(y/gameCanvas.tileSize);
if(xIdx >= maxX || xIdx < 0 || yIdx >= maxY || yIdx < 0)
if(board[index(xIdx, yIdx)] == null)
@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@ function shuffleDown()
//Fall down
for(var xIdx=0; xIdx<maxX; xIdx++){
- fallDist = 0;
- for(yIdx=maxY-1; yIdx>=0; yIdx--){
+ var fallDist = 0;
+ for(var yIdx=maxY-1; yIdx>=0; yIdx--){
if(board[index(xIdx,yIdx)] == null){
fallDist += 1;
if(fallDist > 0){
- obj = board[index(xIdx,yIdx)];
+ var obj = board[index(xIdx,yIdx)];
obj.y += fallDist * gameCanvas.tileSize;
board[index(xIdx,yIdx+fallDist)] = obj;
board[index(xIdx,yIdx)] = null;
@@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ function shuffleDown()
//Fall to the left
- fallDist = 0;
- for(xIdx=0; xIdx<maxX; xIdx++){
+ var fallDist = 0;
+ for(var xIdx=0; xIdx<maxX; xIdx++){
if(board[index(xIdx, maxY - 1)] == null){
fallDist += 1;
if(fallDist > 0){
- for(yIdx=0; yIdx<maxY; yIdx++){
- obj = board[index(xIdx,yIdx)];
+ for(var yIdx=0; yIdx<maxY; yIdx++){
+ var obj = board[index(xIdx,yIdx)];
if(obj == null)
obj.x -= fallDist * gameCanvas.tileSize;
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ function shuffleDown()
function victoryCheck()
//awards bonuses for no tiles left
- deservesBonus = true;
- for(xIdx=maxX-1; xIdx>=0; xIdx--)
+ var deservesBonus = true;
+ for(var xIdx=maxX-1; xIdx>=0; xIdx--)
if(board[index(xIdx, maxY - 1)] != null)
deservesBonus = false;
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ function floodMoveCheck(xIdx, yIdx, type)
return false;
if(board[index(xIdx, yIdx)] == null)
return false;
- myType = board[index(xIdx, yIdx)].type;
+ var myType = board[index(xIdx, yIdx)].type;
if(type == myType)
return true;
return floodMoveCheck(xIdx + 1, yIdx, myType) ||
diff --git a/tests/benchmarks/declarative/qmlcomponent/samegame/BoomBlock.qml b/tests/benchmarks/declarative/qmlcomponent/samegame/BoomBlock.qml
index a495cd0..723e62a 100644
--- a/tests/benchmarks/declarative/qmlcomponent/samegame/BoomBlock.qml
+++ b/tests/benchmarks/declarative/qmlcomponent/samegame/BoomBlock.qml
@@ -21,14 +21,16 @@ Item { id:block
opacity: 0
- opacity: Behavior { NumberAnimation { properties:"opacity"; duration: 200 } }
+ opacity: Behavior { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } }
anchors.fill: parent
Particles { id: particles
- width:1; height:1; anchors.centerIn: parent; opacity: 0
- lifeSpan: 700; lifeSpanDeviation: 600; count:0; streamIn: false
- angle: 0; angleDeviation: 360; velocity: 100; velocityDeviation:30
+ width:1; height:1; anchors.centerIn: parent;
+ emissionRate: 0;
+ lifeSpan: 700; lifeSpanDeviation: 600;
+ angle: 0; angleDeviation: 360;
+ velocity: 100; velocityDeviation:30;
source: {
if(type == 0){
@@ -45,10 +47,9 @@ Item { id:block
PropertyChanges { target: img; opacity: 1 }
State{ name: "DeathState"; when: dying == true
- PropertyChanges { target: particles; count: 50 }
- PropertyChanges { target: particles; opacity: 1 }
- PropertyChanges { target: particles; emitting: false } // i.e. emit only once
+ StateChangeScript { script: particles.burst(50); }
PropertyChanges { target: img; opacity: 0 }
+ StateChangeScript { script: block.destroy(1000); }