path: root/demos
diff options
authorJustin McPherson <>2010-08-06 00:45:39 (GMT)
committerJustin McPherson <>2010-08-06 00:45:39 (GMT)
commite7a19af4430b45f371bb33120f0ed39a2c83b733 (patch)
treec0751ed9a7d0bc77e191db54e8584c9f5814e717 /demos
parent262bdce40f7bb38f000eff09ed546a08cfe74fa3 (diff)
parent719e22c7fd34112460cddecb1491c3575c5a8c86 (diff)
Merge branch '4.7' of into 4.7
Diffstat (limited to 'demos')
6 files changed, 105 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/demos/declarative/flickr/flickr.qml b/demos/declarative/flickr/flickr.qml
index 48db476..152f9f9 100644
--- a/demos/declarative/flickr/flickr.qml
+++ b/demos/declarative/flickr/flickr.qml
@@ -57,21 +57,20 @@ Item {
Item {
id: views
- x: 2; width: parent.width - 4
+ width: parent.width titleBar.bottom; anchors.bottom:
- Mobile.GridDelegate { id: gridDelegate }
GridView {
- x: (width/4-79)/2; y: x
- id: photoGridView; model: rssModel; delegate: gridDelegate; cacheBuffer: 100
- cellWidth: (parent.width-2)/4; cellHeight: cellWidth; width: parent.width; height: parent.height - 1; z: 6
+ id: photoGridView; model: rssModel; delegate: Mobile.GridDelegate {}
+ cacheBuffer: 100
+ cellWidth: (parent.width-2)/4; cellHeight: cellWidth; width: parent.width; height: parent.height
- Mobile.ListDelegate { id: listDelegate }
ListView {
- id: photoListView; model: rssModel; delegate: listDelegate; z: 6
+ id: photoListView; model: rssModel; delegate: Mobile.ListDelegate { }
width: parent.width; height: parent.height; x: -(parent.width * 1.5); cacheBuffer: 100;
states: State {
name: "ListView"; when: screen.inListView == true
PropertyChanges { target: photoListView; x: 0 }
@@ -81,13 +80,16 @@ Item {
transitions: Transition {
NumberAnimation { properties: "x"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
+ Mobile.ImageDetails { id: imageDetails; width: parent.width; anchors.left: views.right; height: parent.height }
+ Item { id: foreground; anchors.fill: parent }
- Mobile.ImageDetails { id: imageDetails; width: parent.width; anchors.left: views.right; height: parent.height; z:1 }
- Mobile.TitleBar { id: titleBar; z: 5; width: parent.width; height: 40; opacity: 0.9 }
+ Mobile.TitleBar { id: titleBar; width: parent.width; height: 40; opacity: 0.9 }
Mobile.ToolBar {
- id: toolBar; z: 5
+ id: toolBar
height: 40; anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; width: parent.width; opacity: 0.9
button1Label: "Update"; button2Label: "View mode"
onButton1Clicked: rssModel.reload()
diff --git a/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/GridDelegate.qml b/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/GridDelegate.qml
index cbb00a2..c368e95 100644
--- a/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/GridDelegate.qml
+++ b/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/GridDelegate.qml
@@ -39,75 +39,73 @@
- import Qt 4.7
+import Qt 4.7
- Component {
- id: photoDelegate
- Item {
- id: wrapper; width: 79; height: 79
+Item {
+ id: wrapper; width: GridView.view.cellWidth; height: GridView.view.cellHeight
- function photoClicked() {
- imageDetails.photoTitle = title;
- imageDetails.photoTags = tags;
- imageDetails.photoWidth = photoWidth;
- imageDetails.photoHeight = photoHeight;
- imageDetails.photoType = photoType;
- imageDetails.photoAuthor = photoAuthor;
- imageDetails.photoDate = photoDate;
- imageDetails.photoUrl = url;
- imageDetails.rating = 0;
- scaleMe.state = "Details";
- }
+ function photoClicked() {
+ imageDetails.photoTitle = title;
+ imageDetails.photoTags = tags;
+ imageDetails.photoWidth = photoWidth;
+ imageDetails.photoHeight = photoHeight;
+ imageDetails.photoType = photoType;
+ imageDetails.photoAuthor = photoAuthor;
+ imageDetails.photoDate = photoDate;
+ imageDetails.photoUrl = url;
+ imageDetails.rating = 0;
+ scaleMe.state = "Details";
+ }
- Item {
- anchors.centerIn: parent
- scale: 0.0
- Behavior on scale { NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad} }
- id: scaleMe
+ Item {
+ anchors.centerIn: parent
+ scale: 0.0
+ Behavior on scale { NumberAnimation { easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad} }
+ id: scaleMe
- Rectangle { height: 79; width: 79; id: blackRect; anchors.centerIn: parent; color: "black"; smooth: true }
- Rectangle {
- id: whiteRect; width: 77; height: 77; anchors.centerIn: parent; color: "#dddddd"; smooth: true
- Image { id: thumb; source: imagePath; x: 1; y: 1; smooth: true}
- Image { source: "images/gloss.png" }
- }
+ Item {
+ width: 77; height: 77; anchors.centerIn: parent
+ Rectangle {
+ id: whiteRect; width: 77; height: 77; color: "#dddddd"; smooth: true
+ Image { id: thumb; source: imagePath; x: 1; y: 1; smooth: true }
+ Image { source: "images/gloss.png" }
+ }
+ }
- Connections {
- target: toolBar
- onButton2Clicked: if (scaleMe.state == 'Details' ) scaleMe.state = 'Show'
- }
+ Connections {
+ target: toolBar
+ onButton2Clicked: if (scaleMe.state == 'Details' ) scaleMe.state = 'Show'
+ }
+ states: [
+ State {
+ name: "Show"; when: thumb.status == Image.Ready
+ PropertyChanges { target: scaleMe; scale: 1 }
+ },
+ State {
+ name: "Details"
+ PropertyChanges { target: scaleMe; scale: 1 }
+ ParentChange { target: whiteRect; x: 10; y: 20; parent: imageDetails.frontContainer }
+ PropertyChanges { target: background; state: "DetailedView" }
+ }
+ ]
+ transitions: [
+ Transition {
+ from: "Show"; to: "Details"
+ ParentAnimation {
+ via: foreground
+ NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
+ }
+ },
+ Transition {
+ from: "Details"; to: "Show"
+ ParentAnimation {
+ via: foreground
+ NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ MouseArea { anchors.fill: wrapper; onClicked: photoClicked() }
- states: [
- State {
- name: "Show"; when: thumb.status == Image.Ready
- PropertyChanges { target: scaleMe; scale: 1 }
- },
- State {
- name: "Details"
- PropertyChanges { target: scaleMe; scale: 1 }
- ParentChange { target: wrapper; parent: imageDetails.frontContainer }
- PropertyChanges { target: wrapper; x: 20; y: 60; z: 1000 }
- PropertyChanges { target: background; state: "DetailedView" }
- }
- ]
- transitions: [
- Transition {
- from: "Show"; to: "Details"
- ParentAnimation {
- NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
- }
- },
- Transition {
- from: "Details"; to: "Show"
- SequentialAnimation {
- ParentAnimation {
- NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad }
- }
- PropertyAction { targets: wrapper; properties: "z" }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- MouseArea { anchors.fill: wrapper; onClicked: { photoClicked() } }
- }
- }
diff --git a/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml b/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml
index b1a7359..ff902ce 100644
--- a/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml
+++ b/demos/declarative/flickr/mobile/ImageDetails.qml
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import "../common" as Common
Flipable {
id: container
- property variant frontContainer: containerFront
+ property alias frontContainer: containerFront
property string photoTitle: ""
property string photoTags: ""
property int photoWidth
@@ -76,17 +76,17 @@ Flipable {
Column {
spacing: 10
anchors {
- left: parent.left; leftMargin: 20
- right: parent.right; rightMargin: 20
- top:; topMargin: 180
+ left: parent.left; leftMargin: 10
+ right: parent.right; rightMargin: 10
+ top:; topMargin: 120
- Text { font.bold: true; color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: container.photoTitle }
- Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: "<b>Size:</b> " + container.photoWidth + 'x' + container.photoHeight }
- Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: "<b>Type:</b> " + container.photoType }
- Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: "<b>Author:</b> " + container.photoAuthor }
- Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: "<b>Published:</b> " + container.photoDate }
- Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: container.photoTags == "" ? "" : "<b>Tags:</b> " }
- Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: container.photoTags }
+ Text { font.bold: true; color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: container.photoTitle; width: parent.width }
+ Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: "Size: " + container.photoWidth + 'x' + container.photoHeight; width: parent.width }
+ Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: "Type: " + container.photoType; width: parent.width }
+ Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: "Author: " + container.photoAuthor; width: parent.width }
+ Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: "Published: " + container.photoDate; width: parent.width }
+ Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: container.photoTags == "" ? "" : "Tags: "; width: parent.width }
+ Text { color: "white"; elide: Text.ElideRight; text: container.photoTags; width: parent.width }
diff --git a/demos/declarative/snake/snake.qml b/demos/declarative/snake/snake.qml
index 46114f5..b1344af 100644
--- a/demos/declarative/snake/snake.qml
+++ b/demos/declarative/snake/snake.qml
@@ -208,17 +208,30 @@ Rectangle {
Keys.onUpPressed: if (state == "starting" || direction != 2) Logic.scheduleDirection(0);
Keys.onDownPressed: if (state == "starting" || direction != 0) Logic.scheduleDirection(2);
+ Connections {
+ target: startHeartbeatTimer
+ onRunningChanged: {
+ if (startHeartbeatTimer.running)
+ screen.state = "starting";
+ else
+ screen.state = "running"
+ }
+ }
+ Connections {
+ target: heartbeat
+ onRunningChanged: if (!heartbeat.running) screen.state = "";
+ }
states: [
State {
name: "starting"
- when: startHeartbeatTimer.running
PropertyChanges {target: progressIndicator; width: 200}
PropertyChanges {target: title; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges {target: progressBar; opacity: 1}
State {
name: "running"
- when: (heartbeat.running && !startHeartbeatTimer.running)
PropertyChanges {target: progressIndicator; width: 200}
PropertyChanges {target: title; opacity: 0}
PropertyChanges {target: skull; row: 0; column: 0; }
diff --git a/demos/qtdemo/examplecontent.cpp b/demos/qtdemo/examplecontent.cpp
index 19be3e0..65c078d 100644
--- a/demos/qtdemo/examplecontent.cpp
+++ b/demos/qtdemo/examplecontent.cpp
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ QString ExampleContent::loadDescription()
if (paragraphs.length() < 1 && Colors::verbose)
qDebug() << "- ExampleContent::loadDescription(): Could not load description:"
<< MenuManager::instance()->info[this->name]["docfile"];
- QString description = Colors::contentColor +
- QLatin1String("Could not load description. Ensure that the documentation for Qt is built.");
+ QString description = Colors::contentColor + QLatin1String("");
+ //QLatin1String("Could not load description. Ensure that the documentation for Qt is built."); // QTBUG-12522: If there is no description why show an error to the user when qDebug above communications the issue (if it is indeed an issue at all) when demos are built?
for (int p = 0; p < int(paragraphs.length()); ++p) {
description = this->extractTextFromParagraph(paragraphs.item(p));
if (this->isSummary(description)) {
diff --git a/demos/qtdemo/menumanager.cpp b/demos/qtdemo/menumanager.cpp
index 7168b57..c9ffecb 100644
--- a/demos/qtdemo/menumanager.cpp
+++ b/demos/qtdemo/menumanager.cpp
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ void MenuManager::showDocInAssistant(const QString &name)
// Send command through remote control even if the process
// was started to activate assistant and bring it to front:
QTextStream str(&this->assistantProcess);
- str << "SetSource " << url << QLatin1Char('\0') << endl;
+ str << "SetSource " << url << QLatin1Char('\n') << endl;
void MenuManager::launchExample(const QString &name)