path: root/doc/src
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authorDavid Boddie <>2010-08-23 13:01:38 (GMT)
committerDavid Boddie <>2010-08-23 13:01:38 (GMT)
commitee7e17bb48c7f6ca0c74f1df3e146e99f56f2060 (patch)
tree522130620dec2d374e755fe6b8ef4fe8d216edb1 /doc/src
parent338c408970212211228882e0adc305add694a2d6 (diff)
Doc: Started to reorganize the QML documentation structure.
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/src')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/doc/src/declarative/declarativeui.qdoc b/doc/src/declarative/declarativeui.qdoc
index ed8b734..506d774 100644
--- a/doc/src/declarative/declarativeui.qdoc
+++ b/doc/src/declarative/declarativeui.qdoc
@@ -32,28 +32,36 @@
\brief Qt Quick provides a declarative framework for building highly
dynamic, custom user interfaces.
-Qt Quick provides a declarative framework for building highly dynamic,
-custom user interfaces from a rich set of \l{QML Elements}{QML elements}.
-Qt Quick helps programmers and designers collaborate to
-build the fluid user interfaces that are becoming common in portable
-consumer devices, such as mobile phones, media players, set-top boxes
-and netbooks. Qt Quick consists of the QtDeclarative C++ module, QML, and
-the integration of both of these into the Qt Creator IDE. Using the QtDeclarative
-C++ module, you can load and interact with QML files from your Qt application.
-QML is an extension to \l{About JavaScript}{JavaScript}, that provides
-a mechanism to declaratively build an object tree of
-\l{QML Elements}{QML elements}. QML improves the integration between
-JavaScript and Qt's existing QObject-based type system, adds support for
-automatic \l{Property Binding}{property bindings} and provides
+\section1 Introduction
+Qt Quick is a collection of technologies that are designed to help
+developers create the kind of intuitive, modern-looking, fluid user
+interfaces that are increasingly used on mobile phones, media players,
+set-top boxes and other portable devices.
+Qt Quick consists of a rich set of user interface elements, a declarative
+language for describing user interfaces and a language runtime. A collection
+of C++ APIs is used to integrate these high level features with classic
+Qt applications.
+\section2 QML, Elements and the QtDeclarative Module
+User interfaces and their behavior are described using QML, an extension to
+\l{About JavaScript}{JavaScript} that lets developers and designers
+use a declarative syntax to specify each user interface in terms of
+\l{QML Elements}{QML elements}. These elements are a sophisticated set of
+graphical and behavioral building blocks that can be combined together in
+\l{QML Documents}{QML documents} to build components ranging in complexity
+from simple buttons and sliders, to complete Internet-enabled applications.
+QML improves the integration between JavaScript and Qt's existing
+QObject-based type system, adds support for automatic
+\l{Property Binding}{property bindings} and provides
\l{Network Transparency}{network transparency} at the language level.
-The \l{QML Elements}{QML elements} are a sophisticated set of
-graphical and behavioral building blocks. These different elements
-are combined together in \l{QML Documents}{QML documents} to build
-components ranging in complexity from simple buttons and sliders, to
-complete Internet-enabled applications like a photo browser for the
-popular \l{}{Flickr} photo-sharing site.
+The QtDeclarative module implements the interface between the QML language
+and the elements available to it. It also provides a C++ API that can be
+used to load and interact with QML files from within Qt applications.
Qt Quick builds on \l{QML for Qt programmers}{Qt's existing strengths}.
QML can be be used to incrementally extend an existing application or
@@ -65,33 +73,53 @@ Module.
\o \l{Introduction to the QML language}
-\o \l{QML Tutorial}{Tutorial: 'Hello World'}
-\o \l{QML Advanced Tutorial}{Tutorial: 'Same Game'}
-\o \l{QML Examples and Demos}
\o \l{QML for Qt Programmers}
\o \l{Getting Started Programming with QML}
\o \l{Beginning Qt Quick}
-\section1 Core QML Features
+\o \l{QML Tutorial}{Tutorial: "Hello World"}
+\o \l{QML Advanced Tutorial}{Tutorial: "Same Game"}
+\o \l{QML Examples and Demos}
+\section1 QML Concepts
\o \l{QML Documents}
\o \l{Property Binding}
-\o \l{Network Transparency}
\o \l{QML Scope}
-\o \l{Integrating JavaScript}
-\o \l{Data Models}
+\o \l{QML Modules}
\o \l{Anchor-based Layout in QML}
+\section1 User Interaction
+\o \l{Keyboard Focus in QML}
\o \l{QML States}
\o \l{QML Animation}
-\o \l{Keyboard Focus in QML}
-\o \l{QML Modules}
+\section1 Handling Data
+\o \l{Data Models}
+\o \l{Network Transparency}
+\section1 Architecture
+\o \l{Qt Declarative UI Runtime}
+\o \l{Integrating JavaScript}
\o \l{Extending types from QML}
\o \l{Dynamic Object Management in QML}
-\o \l{Qt Declarative UI Runtime}
\section1 Using QML with C++
\o \l{Using QML in C++ Applications}
\o \l{Integrating QML with existing Qt UI code}
@@ -100,6 +128,7 @@ Module.
\section1 Reference
\o \l{QML Elements}
\o \l{QML Global Object}
@@ -111,4 +140,12 @@ Module.
\o \l{QML Performance}
\o \l{QML Coding Conventions}
+\section1 Online Examples
+\o Forum Nokia:
+\l{}{Qt Quick
+examples for porting}