path: root/src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp
diff options
authorSami Merila <>2011-05-23 10:43:56 (GMT)
committerSami Merila <>2011-05-23 10:43:56 (GMT)
commit26b640f62b789f26a4a1e16b602e3b5ced76888b (patch)
treeae1fb937ae756d41506f4b303df14aedad86b7bf /src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp
parent41eb5c5de54d71b23e90a377df9e0caf396a65fa (diff)
QS60Style: Remove 3.x specific code from style
Remove S60 3.x support from QS60Style. Task-number: QTBUG-18615 Reviewed-by: Miikka Heikkinen
Diffstat (limited to 'src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp b/src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp
index d68ef89..1098364 100644
--- a/src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp
+++ b/src/gui/styles/qs60style.cpp
@@ -91,11 +91,8 @@ static const qreal goldenRatio = 1.618;
const layoutHeader QS60StylePrivate::m_layoutHeaders[] = {
// *** generated layout data ***
-{240,320,1,19,"QVGA Landscape"},
-{320,240,1,19,"QVGA Portrait"},
{360,640,1,19,"NHD Landscape"},
{640,360,1,19,"NHD Portrait"},
-{352,800,1,12,"E90 Landscape"},
{480,640,1,19,"VGA Landscape"}
// *** End of generated data ***
@@ -104,11 +101,8 @@ const int QS60StylePrivate::m_numberOfLayouts =
const short QS60StylePrivate::data[][MAX_PIXELMETRICS] = {
// *** generated pixel metrics ***
// *** End of generated data ***
@@ -532,29 +526,14 @@ void QS60StylePrivate::setCurrentLayout(int index)
void QS60StylePrivate::drawPart(QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts skinPart,
QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, SkinElementFlags flags)
- static const bool doCache =
-#if defined(Q_WS_S60)
- // Freezes on 3.1. Anyways, caching is only really needed on touch UI
- !(QSysInfo::s60Version() == QSysInfo::SV_S60_3_1 || QSysInfo::s60Version() == QSysInfo::SV_S60_3_2);
- true;
- const QPixmap skinPartPixMap((doCache ? cachedPart : part)(skinPart, rect.size(), painter, flags));
+ const QPixmap skinPartPixMap((cachedPart)(skinPart, rect.size(), painter, flags));
if (!skinPartPixMap.isNull())
painter->drawPixmap(rect.topLeft(), skinPartPixMap);
void QS60StylePrivate::drawFrame(SkinFrameElements frameElement, QPainter *painter, const QRect &rect, SkinElementFlags flags)
- static const bool doCache =
-#if defined(Q_WS_S60)
- // Freezes on 3.1. Anyways, caching is only really needed on touch UI
- !(QSysInfo::s60Version() == QSysInfo::SV_S60_3_1 || QSysInfo::s60Version() == QSysInfo::SV_S60_3_2);
- true;
- const QPixmap frameElementPixMap((doCache ? cachedFrame : frame)(frameElement, rect.size(), flags));
+ const QPixmap frameElementPixMap((cachedFrame)(frameElement, rect.size(), flags));
if (!frameElementPixMap.isNull())
painter->drawPixmap(rect.topLeft(), frameElementPixMap);
@@ -1040,23 +1019,10 @@ void QS60Style::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl control, const QStyleOptionCom
drawPrimitive(PE_FrameFocusRect, optionSlider, painter, widget);*/
//Groove graphics
- if (QS60StylePrivate::hasSliderGrooveGraphic()) {
- const QS60StylePrivate::SkinElements grooveElement = horizontal ?
- QS60StylePrivate::SE_SliderGrooveHorizontal :
- QS60StylePrivate::SE_SliderGrooveVertical;
- QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinElement(grooveElement, painter, sliderGroove, flags);
- } else {
- const QPoint sliderGrooveCenter =;
- const bool horizontal = optionSlider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
- painter->save();
- if (widget)
- painter->setPen(widget->palette().windowText().color());
- if (horizontal)
- painter->drawLine(0, sliderGrooveCenter.y(), sliderGroove.right(), sliderGrooveCenter.y());
- else
- painter->drawLine(sliderGrooveCenter.x(), 0, sliderGrooveCenter.x(), sliderGroove.bottom());
- painter->restore();
- }
+ const QS60StylePrivate::SkinElements grooveElement = horizontal ?
+ QS60StylePrivate::SE_SliderGrooveHorizontal :
+ QS60StylePrivate::SE_SliderGrooveVertical;
+ QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinElement(grooveElement, painter, sliderGroove, flags);
//Handle graphics
const QRect sliderHandle = subControlRect(control, optionSlider, SC_SliderHandle, widget);
@@ -1979,36 +1945,31 @@ void QS60Style::drawControl(ControlElement element, const QStyleOption *option,
if (!tbWidget || (widget && qobject_cast<QToolBar *>(widget->parentWidget())))
- // Normally in S60 5.0+ there is no background for toolbar, but in some cases with versatile QToolBar,
+ // Normally in S60 there is no background for toolbar, but in some cases with versatile QToolBar,
// it looks a bit strange. So, lets fillRect with Button.
- if (!QS60StylePrivate::isToolBarBackground()) {
- QList<QAction *> actions = tbWidget->actions();
- bool justToolButtonsInToolBar = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); ++i) {
- QWidget *childWidget = tbWidget->widgetForAction(;
- const QToolButton *button = qobject_cast<const QToolButton *>(childWidget);
- if (!button){
- justToolButtonsInToolBar = false;
- }
- }
- // Draw frame background
- // for vertical toolbars with text only and
- // for toolbars with extension buttons and
- // for toolbars with widgets in them.
- if (!justToolButtonsInToolBar ||
- (tbWidget &&
- (tbWidget->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) &&
- (tbWidget->toolButtonStyle() == Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly))) {
- painter->save();
- if (widget)
- painter->setBrush(widget->palette().button());
- painter->setOpacity(0.3);
- painter->fillRect(toolBar->rect, painter->brush());
- painter->restore();
- }
- } else {
- QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinElement(QS60StylePrivate::SE_ToolBar, painter, toolBar->rect, flags);
+ QList<QAction *> actions = tbWidget->actions();
+ bool justToolButtonsInToolBar = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < actions.size(); ++i) {
+ QWidget *childWidget = tbWidget->widgetForAction(;
+ const QToolButton *button = qobject_cast<const QToolButton *>(childWidget);
+ if (!button)
+ justToolButtonsInToolBar = false;
+ }
+ // Draw frame background
+ // for vertical toolbars with text only and
+ // for toolbars with extension buttons and
+ // for toolbars with widgets in them.
+ if (!justToolButtonsInToolBar
+ || (tbWidget
+ && tbWidget->orientation() == Qt::Vertical
+ && tbWidget->toolButtonStyle() == Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly)) {
+ painter->save();
+ if (widget)
+ painter->setBrush(widget->palette().button());
+ painter->setOpacity(0.3);
+ painter->fillRect(toolBar->rect, painter->brush());
+ painter->restore();
@@ -2416,52 +2377,46 @@ void QS60Style::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption *opti
case PE_IndicatorBranch:
#if defined(Q_WS_S60)
- // 3.1 AVKON UI does not have tree view component, use common style for drawing there
- if (QSysInfo::s60Version() == QSysInfo::SV_S60_3_1) {
- if (true) {
- QCommonStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget);
- } else {
- if (const QStyleOptionViewItemV2 *vopt = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionViewItemV2 *>(option)) {
- const bool rightLine = option->state & State_Item;
- const bool downLine = option->state & State_Sibling;
- const bool upLine = option->state & (State_Open | State_Children | State_Item | State_Sibling);
- QS60StylePrivate::SkinElementFlags adjustedFlags = flags;
- QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts skinPart;
- bool drawSkinPart = false;
- if (rightLine && downLine && upLine) {
- skinPart = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlLineBranch;
- drawSkinPart = true;
- } else if (rightLine && upLine) {
- skinPart = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlLineEnd;
- drawSkinPart = true;
- } else if (upLine && downLine) {
- skinPart = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlLineStraight;
- drawSkinPart = true;
- }
- if (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft)
- adjustedFlags |= QS60StylePrivate::SF_Mirrored_X_Axis;
- if (drawSkinPart)
- QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinPart(skinPart, painter, option->rect, adjustedFlags);
- if (option->state & State_Children) {
- QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts skinPart =
- (option->state & State_Open) ? QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlColSuper : QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlExpSuper;
- const QRect selectionRect = subElementRect(SE_ItemViewItemCheckIndicator, vopt, widget);
- const int minDimension = qMin(option->rect.width(), option->rect.height());
- const int magicTweak = (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) ? -3 : 3; //@todo: magic
- //The branch indicator icon in S60 is supposed to be superimposed on top of branch lines.
- QRect iconRect(QPoint(option->rect.left() + magicTweak, + 1), QSize(minDimension, minDimension));
- if (!QS60StylePrivate::isTouchSupported())
- iconRect.translate(0, -4); //@todo: magic
- QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinPart(skinPart, painter, iconRect, adjustedFlags);
- }
+ if (const QStyleOptionViewItemV2 *vopt = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionViewItemV2 *>(option)) {
+ const bool rightLine = option->state & State_Item;
+ const bool downLine = option->state & State_Sibling;
+ const bool upLine = option->state & (State_Open | State_Children | State_Item | State_Sibling);
+ QS60StylePrivate::SkinElementFlags adjustedFlags = flags;
+ QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts skinPart;
+ bool drawSkinPart = false;
+ if (rightLine && downLine && upLine) {
+ skinPart = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlLineBranch;
+ drawSkinPart = true;
+ } else if (rightLine && upLine) {
+ skinPart = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlLineEnd;
+ drawSkinPart = true;
+ } else if (upLine && downLine) {
+ skinPart = QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlLineStraight;
+ drawSkinPart = true;
+ }
+ if (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft)
+ adjustedFlags |= QS60StylePrivate::SF_Mirrored_X_Axis;
+ if (drawSkinPart)
+ QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinPart(skinPart, painter, option->rect, adjustedFlags);
+ if (option->state & State_Children) {
+ QS60StyleEnums::SkinParts skinPart =
+ (option->state & State_Open) ? QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlColSuper : QS60StyleEnums::SP_QgnIndiHlExpSuper;
+ const QRect selectionRect = subElementRect(SE_ItemViewItemCheckIndicator, vopt, widget);
+ const int minDimension = qMin(option->rect.width(), option->rect.height());
+ const int magicTweak = (option->direction == Qt::RightToLeft) ? -3 : 3;
+ //The branch indicator icon in S60 is supposed to be superimposed on top of branch lines.
+ QRect iconRect(QPoint(option->rect.left() + magicTweak, + 1), QSize(minDimension, minDimension));
+ iconRect.translate(0, -4);
+ QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinPart(skinPart, painter, iconRect, adjustedFlags);
+ QCommonStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget);
case PE_PanelItemViewRow: // ### Qt 5: remove
@@ -2483,10 +2438,7 @@ void QS60Style::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption *opti
case PE_PanelScrollAreaCorner:
case PE_IndicatorItemViewItemDrop:
- if (QS60StylePrivate::isTouchSupported())
- QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinElement(QS60StylePrivate::SE_DropArea, painter, option->rect, flags);
- else
- commonStyleDraws = true;
+ QS60StylePrivate::drawSkinElement(QS60StylePrivate::SE_DropArea, painter, option->rect, flags);
// todo: items are below with #ifdefs "just in case". in final version, remove all non-required cases
case PE_FrameLineEdit:
@@ -2662,13 +2614,11 @@ QSize QS60Style::sizeFromContents(ContentsType ct, const QStyleOption *opt,
sz = QCommonStyle::sizeFromContents( ct, opt, csz, widget);
- if (QS60StylePrivate::isTouchSupported()) {
- //Make itemview easier to use in touch devices
- sz.setHeight(sz.height() + 2 * pixelMetric(PM_FocusFrameVMargin));
- //QCommonStyle does not adjust height with horizontal margin, it only adjusts width
- if (ct == CT_MenuItem)
- sz.setHeight(sz.height() - 8); //QCommonstyle adds 8 to height that this style handles through PM values
- }
+ //Make itemview easier to use in touch devices
+ sz.setHeight(sz.height() + 2 * pixelMetric(PM_FocusFrameVMargin));
+ //QCommonStyle does not adjust height with horizontal margin, it only adjusts width
+ if (ct == CT_MenuItem)
+ sz.setHeight(sz.height() - 8); //QCommonstyle adds 8 to height that this style handles through PM values
case CT_ComboBox: {
@@ -3302,8 +3252,7 @@ void QS60Style::polish(QApplication *application)
d->m_originalPalette = application->palette();
- if (QS60StylePrivate::isTouchSupported())
- qApp->installEventFilter(this);
+ qApp->installEventFilter(this);
@@ -3318,8 +3267,7 @@ void QS60Style::unpolish(QApplication *application)
const QPalette newPalette = QApplication::style()->standardPalette();
- if (QS60StylePrivate::isTouchSupported())
- qApp->removeEventFilter(this);
+ qApp->removeEventFilter(this);
@@ -3330,11 +3278,10 @@ bool QS60Style::event(QEvent *e)
const QEvent::Type eventType = e->type();
- if ((eventType == QEvent::FocusIn ||
- eventType == QEvent::FocusOut ||
- eventType == QEvent::EnterEditFocus ||
- eventType == QEvent::LeaveEditFocus) &&
- QS60StylePrivate::isTouchSupported())
+ if (eventType == QEvent::FocusIn
+ || eventType == QEvent::FocusOut
+ || eventType == QEvent::EnterEditFocus
+ || eventType == QEvent::LeaveEditFocus)
return false;