diff options
authorSteven Knight <>2008-09-15 07:02:59 (GMT)
committerSteven Knight <>2008-09-15 07:02:59 (GMT)
commiteaf7039be25dc2489fae5313642405ba17dc0eaf (patch)
parent506225e8835622c2f5f1b77dc290fe59a72028a9 (diff)
Issue 2102: Add support for Visual Studio 9 and newer Platform
SDK versions. (Dmitri Rubinstein)
3 files changed, 202 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/CHANGES.txt b/src/CHANGES.txt
index 618c9e2..a023c6a 100644
--- a/src/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/src/CHANGES.txt
@@ -93,6 +93,11 @@ RELEASE 1.X - XXX
- Make the subdirectory in which the SConsignFile() file will
live, if the subdirectory doesn't already exist.
+ From Dmitri Rubinstein:
+ - Add support for detecting Visual Studio 9 and newer Platform SDK
+ versions.
From Ali Tofigh:
- Add a test to verify duplication of files in VariantDir subdirectories.
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
index 8828d7d..9c02806 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
@@ -532,6 +532,70 @@ def _get_msvc8_default_paths(env, version, suite, use_mfc_dirs):
exe_path = string.join(exe_paths, os.pathsep )
return (include_path, lib_path, exe_path)
+def _get_msvc9_default_paths(env, version, suite, use_mfc_dirs):
+ """Return a 3-tuple of (INCLUDE, LIB, PATH) as the values of those
+ three environment variables that should be set in order to execute
+ the MSVC 9 tools properly, if the information wasn't available
+ from the registry."""
+ MVSdir = None
+ paths = {}
+ exe_paths = []
+ lib_paths = []
+ include_paths = []
+ try:
+ paths = SCons.Tool.msvs.get_msvs_install_dirs(version, suite)
+ MVSdir = paths['VSINSTALLDIR']
+ except (KeyError, SCons.Util.RegError, SCons.Errors.InternalError):
+ if os.environ.has_key('VSCOMNTOOLS'):
+ MVSdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.environ['VSCOMNTOOLS'],'..','..'))
+ else:
+ # last resort -- default install location
+ MVSdir = os.getenv('ProgramFiles') + r'\Microsoft Visual Studio ' + str(version)
+ if MVSdir:
+ if SCons.Util.can_read_reg and paths.has_key('VCINSTALLDIR'):
+ MVSVCdir = paths['VCINSTALLDIR']
+ else:
+ MVSVCdir = os.path.join(MVSdir,'VC')
+ MVSCommondir = os.path.join(MVSdir, 'Common7')
+ include_paths.append( os.path.join(MVSVCdir, 'include') )
+ lib_paths.append( os.path.join(MVSVCdir, 'lib') )
+ for base, subdir in [(MVSCommondir,'IDE'), (MVSVCdir,'bin'),
+ (MVSCommondir,'Tools'), (MVSCommondir,r'Tools\bin')]:
+ exe_paths.append( os.path.join( base, subdir) )
+ if paths.has_key('PLATFORMSDKDIR'):
+ PlatformSdkDir = paths['PLATFORMSDKDIR']
+ else:
+ PlatformSdkDir = os.path.join(MVSVCdir,'PlatformSDK')
+ platform_include_path = os.path.join( PlatformSdkDir, 'Include' )
+ include_paths.append( platform_include_path )
+ lib_paths.append( os.path.join( PlatformSdkDir, 'Lib' ) )
+ if use_mfc_dirs:
+ if paths.has_key('PLATFORMSDKDIR'):
+ include_paths.append( os.path.join( platform_include_path, 'mfc' ) )
+ include_paths.append( os.path.join( platform_include_path, 'atl' ) )
+ else:
+ atlmfc_path = os.path.join( MVSVCdir, 'atlmfc' )
+ include_paths.append( os.path.join( atlmfc_path, 'include' ) )
+ lib_paths.append( os.path.join( atlmfc_path, 'lib' ) )
+ if SCons.Util.can_read_reg and paths.has_key('FRAMEWORKSDKDIR'):
+ fwdir = paths['FRAMEWORKSDKDIR']
+ include_paths.append( os.path.join( fwdir, 'include' ) )
+ lib_paths.append( os.path.join( fwdir, 'lib' ) )
+ exe_paths.append( os.path.join( fwdir, 'bin' ) )
+ if SCons.Util.can_read_reg and paths.has_key('FRAMEWORKDIR') and paths.has_key('FRAMEWORKVERSION'):
+ exe_paths.append( os.path.join( paths['FRAMEWORKDIR'], paths['FRAMEWORKVERSION'] ) )
+ include_path = string.join( include_paths, os.pathsep )
+ lib_path = string.join(lib_paths, os.pathsep )
+ exe_path = string.join(exe_paths, os.pathsep )
+ return (include_path, lib_path, exe_path)
def get_msvc_paths(env, version=None, use_mfc_dirs=0):
"""Return a 3-tuple of (INCLUDE, LIB, PATH) as the values
of those three environment variables that should be set
@@ -553,7 +617,10 @@ def get_msvc_paths(env, version=None, use_mfc_dirs=0):
# base installation from the registry and deduce the default
# directories.
version_num, suite = SCons.Tool.msvs.msvs_parse_version(version)
- if version_num >= 8.0:
+ if version_num >= 9.0:
+ suite = SCons.Tool.msvs.get_default_visualstudio9_suite(env)
+ defpaths = _get_msvc9_default_paths(env, version, suite, use_mfc_dirs)
+ elif version_num >= 8.0:
suite = SCons.Tool.msvs.get_default_visualstudio8_suite(env)
defpaths = _get_msvc8_default_paths(env, version, suite, use_mfc_dirs)
elif version_num >= 7.0:
diff --git a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
index e9d73da..a0ac21b 100644
--- a/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
+++ b/src/engine/SCons/Tool/
@@ -1217,8 +1217,10 @@ def get_visualstudio_versions():
vs = r'Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98'
elif version_num < 8.0:
vs = r'Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Common7\IDE'
- else:
+ elif version_num < 9.0:
vs = r'Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE'
+ else:
+ vs = r'Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE'
id = [ os.path.join(files_dir, vs) ]
if os.path.exists(id[0]):
L.append(p + suite_suffix)
@@ -1305,6 +1307,74 @@ def get_visualstudio8_suites():
return suites
+def get_default_visualstudio9_suite(env):
+ """
+ Returns the Visual Studio 2008 suite identifier set in the env, or the
+ highest suite installed.
+ """
+ if not env.has_key('MSVS') or not SCons.Util.is_Dict(env['MSVS']):
+ env['MSVS'] = {}
+ if env.has_key('MSVS_SUITE'):
+ suite = env['MSVS_SUITE'].upper()
+ suites = [suite]
+ else:
+ suite = 'EXPRESS'
+ suites = [suite]
+ if SCons.Util.can_read_reg:
+ suites = get_visualstudio9_suites()
+ if suites:
+ suite = suites[0] #use best suite by default
+ env['MSVS_SUITE'] = suite
+ env['MSVS']['SUITES'] = suites
+ env['MSVS']['SUITE'] = suite
+ return suite
+def get_visualstudio9_suites():
+ """
+ Returns a sorted list of all installed Visual Studio 2008 suites found
+ in the registry. The highest version should be the first entry in the list.
+ """
+ suites = []
+ # Detect Standard, Professional and Team edition
+ try:
+ idk = SCons.Util.RegOpenKeyEx(SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
+ r'Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0')
+ SCons.Util.RegQueryValueEx(idk, 'InstallDir')
+ editions = { 'PRO': r'Setup\VS\Pro',
+ 'TS' : r'Setup\VS\VSTS' # Team system
+ # ToDo: add standard and team editions
+ }
+ for name, key_suffix in editions.items():
+ try:
+ idk = SCons.Util.RegOpenKeyEx(SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
+ r'Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0' + '\\' + key_suffix )
+ suites.append(name)
+ except SCons.Util.RegError:
+ pass
+ # fallback suite is STD
+ if len(suites) == 0:
+ suites.append('STD')
+ except SCons.Util.RegError:
+ pass
+ # Detect Express edition
+ try:
+ idk = SCons.Util.RegOpenKeyEx(SCons.Util.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
+ r'Software\Microsoft\VCExpress\9.0')
+ SCons.Util.RegQueryValueEx(idk, 'InstallDir')
+ suites.append('EXPRESS')
+ except SCons.Util.RegError:
+ pass
+ return suites
def is_msvs_installed():
Check the registry for an installed visual studio.
@@ -1334,7 +1404,17 @@ def get_msvs_install_dirs(version = None, vs8suite = None):
version_num, suite = msvs_parse_version(version)
K = 'Software\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\' + str(version_num)
- if (version_num >= 8.0):
+ if (version_num >= 9.0):
+ if vs8suite == None:
+ # We've been given no guidance about which Visual Studio 9
+ # suite to use, so attempt to autodetect.
+ suites = get_visualstudio9_suites()
+ if suites:
+ vs8suite = suites[0]
+ if vs8suite == 'EXPRESS':
+ K = 'Software\\Microsoft\\VCExpress\\' + str(version_num)
+ elif (version_num >= 8.0):
if vs8suite == None:
# We've been given no guidance about which Visual Studio 8
# suite to use, so attempt to autodetect.
@@ -1412,6 +1492,7 @@ def get_msvs_install_dirs(version = None, vs8suite = None):
'7.0' : 'v1.0',
'7.1' : 'v1.1',
'8.0' : 'v2.0',
+ '9.0' : 'v3.5'
# TODO: Does .NET 3.0 need to be worked into here somewhere?
@@ -1489,6 +1570,52 @@ def get_msvs_install_dirs(version = None, vs8suite = None):
except SCons.Util.RegError:
+ # Newer MS SDK versions
+ if not rv.has_key('PLATFORMSDKDIR'):
+ # list of main registry keys to check
+ locs = [
+ # MS SDK v6.0a (later versions too?)
+ r'Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SDKs\Windows',
+ r'Software\Microsoft\MicrosoftSDK\InstalledSDKs'
+ ]
+ installDirs = []
+ for location in locs:
+ try:
+ for rootKey in rootKeys:
+ k = SCons.Util.RegOpenKeyEx(rootKey, location)
+ i = 0
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ key = SCons.Util.RegEnumKey(k,i)
+ sdk = SCons.Util.RegOpenKeyEx(k,key)
+ j = 0
+ installDir = ''
+ while 1:
+ try:
+ (vk,vv,t) = SCons.Util.RegEnumValue(sdk,j)
+ if (vk.lower() == 'installationfolder' or
+ vk.lower() == 'install dir'):
+ installDir = vv
+ break
+ j = j + 1
+ except SCons.Util.RegError:
+ break
+ if installDir:
+ installDirs.append(installDir)
+ i = i + 1
+ except SCons.Util.RegError:
+ break
+ except SCons.Util.RegError:
+ pass
+ if len(installDirs) > 0:
+ rv['PLATFORMSDKDIR'] = installDirs[0]
return rv
def GetMSVSProjectSuffix(target, source, env, for_signature):