path: root/doc/man
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authorSteven Knight <>2003-04-23 03:54:48 (GMT)
committerSteven Knight <>2003-04-23 03:54:48 (GMT)
commit6a62c2995bb3d60005b839a5c5a1285ecd5aa859 (patch)
treef3d9a137283b24eb6202f5ee13bb79f0075ef1d5 /doc/man
parent78d494e47d685a52b47ba9e071025be152086c74 (diff)
Add SConf infrastructure (Autoconf functionality). (Chrisoph Wiedemann)
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/man')
1 files changed, 277 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/man/scons.1 b/doc/man/scons.1
index 18c5d80..91afc37 100644
--- a/doc/man/scons.1
+++ b/doc/man/scons.1
@@ -2868,6 +2868,283 @@ method:
env2 = env.Copy(CC="cl.exe")
+.SS Configure contexts
+.B scons
+.I configure contexts,
+an integrated mechanism similar to the
+various AC_CHECK macros in GNU autoconf
+for testing for the existence of C header
+files, libraries, etc.
+In contrast to autoconf,
+.B scons
+does not maintain an explicit cache of the tested values,
+but uses its normal dependency tracking to keep the checked values
+up to date.
+The following methods can be used to perform checks:
+.RI Configure( env ", [" custom_tests ", " conf_dir ", " log_file ])
+This creates a configure context, which can be used to perform checks.
+.I env
+specifies the environment for building the tests.
+This environment may be modified when performing checks.
+.I custom_tests
+is a dictionary containing custom tests.
+See also the section about custom tests below.
+By default, no custom tests are added to the configure context.
+.I conf_dir
+specifies a directory where the test cases are built.
+Note that this directory is not used for building
+normal targets.
+The default value is the directory
+.I log_file
+specifies a file which collects the output from commands
+that are executed to check for the existence of header files, libraries, etc.
+The default is the file #/config.log.
+If you are using the
+.B BuildDir
+you may want to specify a subdirectory under your build directory.
+A created
+.B Configure
+instance has the following associated methods:
+.RI Configure.Finish( self )
+This method should be called after configuration is done.
+It returns the environment as modified
+by the configuration checks performed.
+After this method is called, no further checks can be performed
+with this configuration context.
+However, you can create a new
+.RI Configure
+context to perform additional checks.
+Only one context should be active at a time.
+The following Checks are predefined.
+(This list will likely grow larger as time
+goes by and developers contribute new useful tests.)
+.RI Configure.CheckCHeader( self ", " header )
+Checks if
+.I header
+is usable in the C-language.
+Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
+.RI Configure.CheckCXXHeader( self ", " header )
+Checks if
+.I header
+is usable in the C++ language.
+Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
+.RI Configure.CheckLib( self ", [" library ", " symbol ", " autoadd ])
+Checks if
+.I library
+.IR symbol .
+If the value of
+.I autoadd
+is 1 and the library provides the specified
+.IR symbol ,
+appends the library to the LIBS construction environment variable.
+.I library
+may also be None (the default),
+in which case
+.I symbol
+is checked with the current LIBS variable.
+The default
+.I symbol
+is "main",
+which just check if
+you can link against the specified
+.IR library .
+The default value for
+.I autoadd
+is 1.
+It is assumed, that the C-language is used.
+This method returns 1 on success and 0 on error.
+.RI Configure.CheckLibWithHeader( self ", " library ", " header ", " language ", [" call ", " autoadd ])
+In contrast to the
+.RI Configure.CheckLib
+call, this call provides a more sophisticated way to check against libraries.
+.I library
+specifies the library to check.
+.I header
+specifies a header to check for.
+.I language
+may be one of 'C','c','CXX','cxx','C++' and 'c++'.
+.I call
+can be any valid expression (with a trailing ';'). The default is 'main();'.
+.I autoadd
+specifies whether to add the library to the environment (only if the check
+succeeds). This method returns 1 on success and 0 on error.
+Example of a typical Configure usage:
+env = Environment()
+conf = Configure( env )
+if not conf.CheckCHeader( 'math.h' ):
+ print 'We really need math.h!'
+ Exit(1)
+if conf.CheckLibWithHeader( 'qt', 'qapp.h', 'c++', 'QApplication qapp(0,0);' ):
+ # do stuff for qt - usage, e.g.
+ conf.env.Append( CPPFLAGS = '-DWITH_QT' )
+env = conf.Finish()
+You can define your own custom checks.
+in addition to the predefined checks.
+These are passed in a dictionary to the Configure function.
+This dictionary maps the names of the checks
+to user defined Python callables
+(either Python functions or class instances implementing the
+.I __call__
+The first argument of the call is always a
+.I CheckContext
+instance followed by the arguments,
+which must be supplied by the user of the check.
+These CheckContext instances define the following methods:
+.RI CheckContext.Message( self ", " text )
+Usually called before the check is started.
+.I text
+will be displayed to the user, e.g. 'Checking for library X...'
+.RI CheckContext.Result( self, ", " res )
+Usually called after the check is done.
+.I res
+can be either an integer or a string. In the former case, 'ok' (res != 0)
+or 'failed' (res == 0) is displayed to the user, in the latter case the
+given string is displayed.
+.RI CheckContext.TryCompile( self ", " text ", " extension )
+Checks if a file with the specified
+.I extension
+(e.g. '.c') containing
+.I text
+can be compiled using the environment's
+.B Object
+builder. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
+.RI CheckContext.TryLink( self ", " text ", " extension )
+Checks, if a file with the specified
+.I extension
+(e.g. '.c') containing
+.I text
+can be compiled using the environment's
+.B Program
+builder. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.
+.RI CheckContext.TryRun( self ", " text ", " extension )
+Checks, if a file with the specified
+.I extension
+(e.g. '.c') containing
+.I text
+can be compiled using the environment's
+.B Program
+builder. On success, the program is run. If the program
+executes successfully
+(that is, its return status is 0),
+a tuple
+.I (1, outputStr)
+is returned, where
+.I outputStr
+is the standard output of the
+If the program fails execution
+(its return status is non-zero),
+then (0, '') is returned.
+.RI CheckContext.TryAction( self ", " action ", [" text ", " extension ])
+Checks if the specified
+.I action
+with an optional source file (contents
+.I text
+, extension
+.I extension
+= ''
+) can be executed.
+.I action
+may be anything which can be converted to a
+.B scons
+.RI Action.
+On success,
+.I (1, outputStr)
+is returned, where
+.I outputStr
+is the content of the target file.
+On failure
+.I (0, '')
+is returned.
+.RI CheckContext.TryBuild( self ", " builder ", [" text ", " extension ])
+Low level implementation for testing specific builds;
+the methods above are based on this metho.
+Given the Builder instance
+.I builder
+and the optional
+.I text
+of a source file with optional
+.IR extension ,
+this method returns 1 on success and 0 on failure. In addition,
+.I self.lastTarget
+is set to the build target node, if the build was successful.
+Example for implementing and using custom tests:
+def CheckQt(context, qtdir):
+ context.Message( 'Checking for qt ...' )
+ lastLIBS = context.env['LIBS']
+ lastLIBPATH = context.env['LIBPATH']
+ lastCPPPATH= context.env['CPPPATH']
+ context.env.Append(LIBS = 'qt', LIBPATH = qtdir + '/lib', CPPPATH = qtdir + '/include' )
+ ret = context.TryLink("""
+#include <qapp.h>
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ QApplication qapp(argc, argv);
+ return 0;
+ if not ret:
+ context.env.Replace(LIBS = lastLIBS, LIBPATH=lastLIBPATH, CPPPATH=lastCPPPATH)
+ context.Result( ret )
+ return ret
+env = Environment()
+conf = Configure( env, custom_tests = 'CheckQt' : CheckQt )
+if not conf.CheckQt('/usr/lib/qt'):
+ print 'We really need qt!'
+ Exit(1)
+env = conf.Finish()
.SS Construction Variable Options
Often when building software, various options need to be specified at build