<title>Feature Requests</title>

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<h1><small>scons</small><br />Feature Requests</h1>

<strong>You must now
<a href="http://www.tigris.org/servlets/Login">log in</a>
to a <a href="http://www.tigris.org">tigris.org</a> account
before submitting a feature request!</strong>

Feature requests should be submitted to the
<a href="http://scons.tigris.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?component=scons&subcomponent=scons&issue_type=FEATURE">"Enter Issue" page</a>.
A more detailed set of <a href="feature-request.html#steps">submission steps</a>
can be found below.

The "Enter Issue" links on this page,
by default, create a <tt>FEATURE</tt> request,
a request for completely new SCons functionality.
If your request is for modified behavior
of an already-existing SCons feature,
you may wish to change the Issue type
to an <tt>ENHANCEMENT</tt> request.
If you're not sure, leave the issue as a <tt>FEATURE</tt> request;
it can be reclassified in the future, if necessary.

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<h2 id="steps">Steps for Submitting a Feature Request</h2>

The following guides you step-by-step through the
process of submitting a feature request.

<strong><a href="http://www.tigris.org/servlets/Login">Log in</a> at tigris.org</strong>
If you do not already have a tigris.org account,
register for one at
<a href="http://www.tigris.org/servlets/Join">http://www.tigris.org/servlets/Join</a>.
We no longer accept anonymous feature requests,
due to spambot abuse of the open-door policy.
<strong>Go to the
<a href="http://scons.tigris.org/issues/enter_bug.cgi?component=scons&subcomponent=scons&issue_type=FEATURE">"Enter issue" page</a>
By default, the "scons" subcomponent is selected;
if this bug is for a different subcomponent, select that instead.
<strong>Fill in a good Summary line describing the feature you're requesting</strong>
This line is what shows up in summary reports,
so it should be descriptive but not too long.
<strong>Fill in the Description field</strong>
This is where you should go into detail
about what you'd like to see SCons do differently.
When in doubt, include more information rather than less.
<strong>Press the "Submit issue" to submit your request</strong>
You will now receive a <tt>Posting issue</tt> page
that gives you the number of the issue you submitted.
If you want to attach a file to your feature request,
you can do so by clicking the
<tt>Attach a file to this issue</tt>
link and using that page to upload a file.

