If you have not already done so, please log in before submitting a feature request!
Feature requests should be submitted to the "Enter Issue" page. A more detailed set of submission steps can be found below.
The "Enter Issue" links on this page, by default, create a FEATURE request, a request for completely new SCons functionality. If your request is for modified behavior of an already-existing SCons feature, you may wish to change the Issue type to an ENHANCEMENT request. If you're not sure, leave the issue as a FEATURE request; it can be reclassified in the future, if necessary.
The following guides you step-by-step through the process of submitting a feature request.
If you do not already have a tigris.org account, you can register for one at http://www.tigris.org/servlets/Join.
You can still submit a feature request anonymously, without logging in. If you choose not to create a tigris.org account, putting some identifying contact information in the description will be helpful in case the feature request requires some clarification.
By default, the "scons" subcomponent is selected; if this bug is for a different subcomponent, select that instead.
This line is what shows up in summary reports, so it should be descriptive but not too long.
This is where you should go into detail about what you'd like to see SCons do differently. When in doubt, include more information rather than less.
You will now receive a Posting issue page that gives you the number of the issue you submitted. If you want to attach a file to your feature request, you can do so by clicking the Attach a file to this issue link and using that page to upload a file.