path: root/ast/devtools/simtest.c
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-11-02 19:11:06 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-11-02 19:11:06 (GMT)
commit33c55bd916dff8c4932b01c7db58f0103ac31c31 (patch)
treea4cdca3287dd2df5247ce8079c424ffa438b4c2e /ast/devtools/simtest.c
parent4121637f3d41d6dc23e6543a445b5a3aed9e6ddc (diff)
update ast
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/devtools/simtest.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 864 deletions
diff --git a/ast/devtools/simtest.c b/ast/devtools/simtest.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e36634c..0000000
--- a/ast/devtools/simtest.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,864 +0,0 @@
-#define astCLASS simtest
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "globals.h"
-#include "object.h"
-#include "fitschan.h"
-#include "mapping.h"
-#include "cmpmap.h"
-#include "error.h"
-#include "winmap.h"
-#include "tranmap.h"
-#include "frameset.h"
-#include "pointset.h"
-#include "f77.h"
-#include "memory.h"
-#include "switchmap.h"
-#include "unitmap.h"
-void DisplayList( AstMapping *, int, int, int * );
-void sink( const char * );
-const char *source( void );
-void tran( AstMapping *, int * );
-void diff( AstMapping *, int * );
-void tranm( AstMapping **, int *, int, int, int * );
-extern F77_SUBROUTINE(kpg1_asreg)( INTEGER(status) );
- char file[ 50 ], text[ 100 ];
- const char *class, *enc0;
- char *attrs, *kvalue;
- AstWinMap *winmap;
- AstFitsChan *fc, *fc2;
- AstChannel *ch, *channel;
- AstMapping *map, *map2, *tmap;
- AstObject *obj, *obj2;
- int opt, nin, nout, i;
- int *status;
- lstatus = 0;
- status = &lstatus;
-/* F77_CALL(kpg1_asreg)( INTEGER_ARG(&lstatus) ); */
- printf( "Input FITS or AST file [| fitschan attrs] > ");
- scanf( "%s", file );
- attrs = strchr( file, '|' );
- if( attrs ) {
- *attrs = 0;
- attrs++;
- } else {
- attrs = "Carlin=0";
- }
- fd = fopen( file, "r" );
- if( fd ){
- ch = (AstChannel *) astFitsChan( NULL, sink, attrs, status );
- if( astOK ) {
- fc = (AstFitsChan *) ch;
- while( astOK && fgets( text, 100, fd ) ){
- astPutFits( fc, text, 0 );
- }
- astClearCard( fc );
- enc0 = astGetC( fc, "encoding" );
- printf("Using %s encoding\n", enc0 );
- obj = astRead( fc );
- }
- if( !obj || !astOK ){
- printf("Attempting to read file %s as an AST file...\n", file );
- astClearStatus;
- ch = astChannel( source, NULL, "", status );
- fclose( fd );
- fd = NULL;
- fd = fopen( file, "r" );
- obj = astRead( ch );
- if( obj != NULL ) {
- fc = NULL;
- } else {
- astClearStatus;
- printf("Reverting to FitsChan and using a dummy UnitMap. \n", file );
- obj = (AstObject *) astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
- astAnnul( ch );
- ch = (AstChannel *) fc;
- }
- }
- fclose( fd );
- fd = NULL;
- } else {
- astError( 1, "Cannot open file '%s'.", status, file );
- }
- class = obj ? astGetClass( obj ) : NULL;
- if( obj && class ){
- printf( "%s %s has been read from file '%s'.\n",
- strspn( class, "AEIOUaeiou" )?"An":"A", class, file );
- }
- if( obj && astIsAFitsChan( obj ) ) {
- fc = (AstFitsChan *) obj;
- astClearCard( fc );
- enc0 = astGetC( fc, "encoding" );
- printf("Using %s encoding\n", enc0 );
- obj = astRead( fc );
- }
- if( obj && astIsAMapping( obj ) ){
- map = (AstMapping *) obj;
- while( astOK ){
- printf("\n"
- "0 - Quit\n"
- "1 - Transform points\n"
- "2 - Simplify\n"
- "3 - Display\n"
- "4 - Write\n"
- "5 - Shift and scale\n"
- "6 - Set mapping attributes\n"
- "7 - Get mapping attributes\n"
- "8 - Dump the FitsChan\n"
- "9 - Differentiate\n"
- "10 - Find a FITS keyword\n"
- "\n"
- "Option > " );
- opt = 0;
- scanf( "%d", &opt );
- if( opt == 0 ){
- break;
- } else if( opt == 1 ){
- tran( map, status );
- } else if( opt == 2 ){
- map2 = astSimplify( map );
- map = astAnnul( map );
- map = map2;
- obj = (AstObject *) map2;
- } else if( opt == 3 ){
- if( astIsAFrameSet( map ) ) {
- tmap = astGetMapping( map, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
- } else {
- tmap = astClone( map );
- }
- DisplayList( tmap, 1, astGetInvert( tmap ), status );
- tmap = astAnnul( tmap );
- } else if( opt == 4 ){
- printf( "\n Output FITS file > ");
- scanf( "%s", file );
- fd = fopen( file, "w" );
- if( fd ){
- if( fc ) {
- printf(" Encoding (orig=%s)> ",enc0 );
- scanf( "%s", text );
- if( !strcmp( enc0, text ) && fc != NULL ){
- printf("Using existing FitsChan.\n");
- fc2 = astClone( fc );
- fc = astAnnul( fc );
- ch = NULL;
- astClearCard( fc2 );
- astSet( fc2, "encoding=%s", status, text );
- } else {
- printf("Creating new FitsChan.\n");
- fc2 = astFitsChan( NULL, sink, "encoding=%s", status, text );
- astPutFits( fc2, "NAXIS1 = 1", 1 );
- astPutFits( fc2, "NAXIS2 = 1", 1 );
- astPutFits( fc2, "NAXIS3 = 1", 1 );
- astPutFits( fc2, "NAXIS4 = 1", 1 );
- }
- } else {
- printf(" Encoding for new FitsChan > " );
- scanf( "%s", text );
- fc2 = astFitsChan( NULL, sink, "encoding=%s", status, text );
- astPutFits( fc2, "NAXIS1 = 1", 1 );
- astPutFits( fc2, "NAXIS2 = 1", 1 );
- astPutFits( fc2, "NAXIS3 = 1", 1 );
- astPutFits( fc2, "NAXIS4 = 1", 1 );
- }
- if( !astWrite( fc2, obj ) ){
- printf("No object written to file '%s'.\n", file );
- }
- fc2 = astAnnul( fc2 );
- fclose( fd );
- fd = NULL;
- } else {
- astError( 1, "Cannot open file '%s'.", status, file );
- }
- } else if( opt == 5 ){
- nin = astGetNin( map );
- winmap = astWinMap( nin, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, "", status );
- printf( "\n Enter %d axis shift values > ", nin );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) scanf( "%lg", (winmap->a) + i );
- printf( "\n Enter %d axis scale values > ", nin );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) scanf( "%lg", (winmap->b) + i );
- if( !strcmp( class, "FrameSet" ) ){
- astInvert( winmap );
- astRemapFrame( obj, AST__BASE, winmap );
- } else {
- map2 = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( winmap, map, 1, "", status );
- map = astAnnul( map );
- map = map2;
- obj = (AstObject *) map2;
- }
- winmap = astAnnul( winmap );
- } else if( opt == 6 ) {
- printf("Enter attribute specifications: ");
- scanf( "%s", text );
- astSet( map, text, status );
- if( !astOK ) astClearStatus;
- } else if( opt == 7 ) {
- printf("Enter attribute name: ");
- scanf( "%s", text );
- printf( "%s = %s\n", text, astGetC( map, text ) );
- if( !astOK ) astClearStatus;
- } else if( opt == 8 ) {
- printf( "\n Output text file > ");
- scanf( "%s", file );
- fd = fopen( file, "w" );
- if( fd ){
- channel = astChannel( NULL, sink, "Full=1", status );
- astDump( ch, channel );
- channel = astAnnul( channel );
- fclose( fd );
- fd = NULL;
- } else {
- printf("Failed to open output file '%s'.\n", file );
- perror(" ");
- }
- } else if( opt == 9 ){
- diff( map, status );
- } else if( opt == 10 ){
- if( fc ) {
- printf("Enter FITS keyword: ");
- scanf( "%s", text );
- if( astGetFitsS( fc, text, &kvalue ) ) {
- printf("%s = '%s'\n", text, kvalue );
- } else {
- printf("%s not found\n", text );
- }
- } else {
- printf("No FITS keywords are available\n", text );
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- astError( 1, "Object should be a Mapping).", status );
- }
- if( ch ) ch = astAnnul( ch );
- obj = astAnnul( obj );
-void DisplayList( AstMapping *map0, int series, int invert, int *status ){
- int nmap, i, inv, res, junk;
- AstMapping *mi, *mf, **map_list, *m, *m2, *map, *smap, *tm1, *tm2;
- AstCmpMap *cm;
- AstTranMap *tm;
- AstChannel *channel;
- int invi, invf, *invert_list, opt, old_inv, nin, in[20], *out, nout;
- int isswitch, tfwd, tinv;
- const char *class;
- char file[ 50 ];
- double dv;
- nmap = 0;
- map_list = NULL;
- invert_list = NULL;
- map = astClone( map0 );
- isswitch = astIsASwitchMap( map );
- if( isswitch ) {
- astSwitchList( (AstSwitchMap *) map, invert, &nmap, &map_list,
- &invert_list, status );
- } else {
- astMapList( map, series, invert, &nmap, &map_list, &invert_list );
- }
- while( 1 ){
- if( isswitch ) {
- printf("\nSwitchMap: (fwd selector, inv selector, routes )\n" );
- printf(" -3 - <transform points>\n");
- } else {
- printf("\nMappings in %s:\n", series?"series":"parallel" );
- printf(" -8 - <invert>\n");
- printf(" -7 - <write list to text file>\n");
- printf(" -6 - <split>\n");
- printf(" -5 - <simplify whole list>\n");
- printf(" -4 - <merge a single mapping>\n");
- printf(" -3 - <transform points>\n");
- printf(" -2 - <show to text file>\n");
- printf(" -1 - <show to screen>\n");
- }
- printf(" 0 - <up>\n");
- for( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ){
- m = map_list[ i ];
- class = m ? astGetClass( m ) :"(NULL)";
- printf( " %d - %s\n", i + 1, class );
- }
- printf("\n Option > ", 0 );
- opt = 0;
- scanf("%d", &opt );
- if ( opt == -8 ) {
- for( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) map_list[ i ] = astAnnul( map_list[ i ] );
- map_list = astFree( map_list );
- invert_list = astFree( invert_list );
- nmap = 0;
- invert = ( invert == 0 );
- if( isswitch ) {
- astSwitchList( (AstSwitchMap *) map, invert, &nmap,
- &map_list, &invert_list, status );
- } else {
- astMapList( map, series, invert, &nmap, &map_list, &invert_list );
- }
- } else if ( opt == -7 && !isswitch ) {
- printf( "\n Output text file > ");
- scanf( "%s", file );
- fd = fopen( file, "w" );
- if( fd ){
- channel = astChannel( NULL, sink, "", status );
- for( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) {
- inv = astGetInvert( map_list[ i ] );
- astSetInvert( map_list[ i ], invert_list[ i ] );
- astDump( map_list[ i ], channel );
- astSetInvert( map_list[ i ], inv );
- }
- channel = astAnnul( channel );
- fclose( fd );
- fd = NULL;
- } else {
- printf("Failed to open output file.\n" );
- }
- } else if( opt == -6 && !isswitch ) {
- old_inv = astGetInvert( map );
- astSetInvert( map, invert );
- printf( "\n Pick how many input axes (max=%d)? > ",
- astGetNin( map ) );
- scanf( "%lg", &dv );
- nin = dv;
- printf( "\n Enter %d zero-based axis indices > ", nin );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- scanf( "%lg", &dv );
- in[ i ] = dv;
- }
- out = astMapSplit( map, nin, in, &smap );
- astSetInvert( map, old_inv );
- if( out ) {
- printf( "Corresponding outputs are: " );
- nout = astGetNout( smap );
- for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ) printf( "%d ", out[ i ] );
- printf("\n");
- out = astFree( out );
- map = astAnnul( map );
- map = smap;
- } else {
- printf( "Selected inputs do not correspond to a subset of outputs\n");
- }
- for( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) map_list[ i ] = astAnnul( map_list[ i ] );
- map_list = astFree( map_list );
- invert_list = astFree( invert_list );
- nmap = 0;
- astMapList( map, series, invert, &nmap, &map_list, &invert_list );
- } else if( opt == -5 && !isswitch ) {
- old_inv = astGetInvert( map );
- astSetInvert( map, invert );
- smap = astSimplify( map );
- if( smap == map ) printf("\n No simplification performed\n" );
- astSetInvert( map, old_inv );
- map = astAnnul( map );
- map = smap;
- for( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) map_list[ i ] = astAnnul( map_list[ i ] );
- map_list = astFree( map_list );
- invert_list = astFree( invert_list );
- nmap = 0;
- astMapList( map, series, invert, &nmap, &map_list, &invert_list );
- } else if( opt == -4 && !isswitch ) {
- printf("\n Mapping index > ", 0 );
- scanf("%d", &i );
- i--;
- res = astMapMerge( map_list[ i ], i, series, &nmap,
- &map_list, &invert_list );
- if( res != -1 ) {
- printf( "Index of first modified Mapping: %d\n", res + 1 );
- } else {
- printf( "No mappings modified\n" );
- }
- } else if( opt == -3 && series && !isswitch ) {
- if( invert == astGetInvert( map ) ) {
- tfwd = astGetTranForward( map );
- tinv = astGetTranInverse( map );
- } else {
- tinv = astGetTranForward( map );
- tfwd = astGetTranInverse( map );
- }
- if( !tfwd ) {
- printf( "\n No forward transformation available\n" );
- } else if( !tinv ) {
- printf( "\n No inverse transformation available\n" );
- tranm( map_list, invert_list, nmap, 0, status );
- } else {
- tranm( map_list, invert_list, nmap, 1, status );
- }
- } else if( opt == -3 && isswitch ) {
- if( invert == astGetInvert( map ) ) {
- tfwd = astGetTranForward( map );
- tinv = astGetTranInverse( map );
- } else {
- tinv = astGetTranForward( map );
- tfwd = astGetTranInverse( map );
- }
- if( !tfwd ) {
- printf( "\n No forward transformation available\n" );
- } else if( !tinv ) {
- printf( "\n No inverse transformation available\n" );
- tranm( &map, &invert, 1, 0, status );
- } else {
- tranm( &map, &invert, 1, 1, status );
- }
- } else if( opt == -3 && !series && !isswitch ) {
- old_inv = astGetInvert( map );
- astSetInvert( map, invert );
- tran( map, status );
- astSetInvert( map, old_inv );
- } else if ( opt == -2 && !isswitch ) {
- for( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) {
- inv = astGetInvert( map_list[ i ] );
- astSetInvert( map_list[ i ], invert_list[ i ] );
- if( i == 0 ) {
- tm1 = astClone( map_list[ 0 ] );
- } else {
- tm2 = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( tm1, map_list[ i ], series, "", status );
- tm1 = astAnnul( tm1 );
- tm1 = tm2;
- }
- astSetInvert( map_list[ i ], inv );
- }
- printf( "\n Output text file > ");
- scanf( "%s", file );
- fd = fopen( file, "w" );
- if( fd ){
- channel = astChannel( NULL, sink, "", status );
- old_inv = astGetInvert( tm1 );
- astSetInvert( tm1, invert );
- astDump( tm1, channel );
- astSetInvert( tm1, old_inv );
- channel = astAnnul( channel );
- fclose( fd );
- fd = NULL;
- } else {
- printf("Failed to open output file.\n" );
- }
- tm1= astAnnul( tm1 );
- } else if ( opt == -1 && !isswitch ) {
- for( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) {
- inv = astGetInvert( map_list[ i ] );
- astSetInvert( map_list[ i ], invert_list[ i ] );
- if( i == 0 ) {
- tm1 = astClone( map_list[ 0 ] );
- } else {
- tm2 = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( tm1, map_list[ i ],
- series, "", status );
- tm1 = astAnnul( tm1 );
- tm1 = tm2;
- }
- astSetInvert( map_list[ i ], inv );
- }
- channel = astChannel( NULL, NULL, "Full=1", status );
- old_inv = astGetInvert( tm1);
- astSetInvert( tm1, invert );
- astDump( tm1, channel );
- astSetInvert( tm1, old_inv );
- channel = astAnnul( channel );
- tm1= astAnnul( tm1 );
- } else if( opt > 0 && opt <= nmap && map_list[ opt - 1 ] ){
- m2 = map_list[ opt - 1 ];
- inv = invert_list[ opt - 1 ];
- class = astGetClass( m2 );
- if( m2 && astIsAFrameSet( m2 ) ){
- m = astGetMapping( m2, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
- class = astGetClass( m );
- } else if( astIsATranMap( m2 ) ){
- astDecompose( m2, &mf, &mi, &invf, &invi, &junk );
- if( inv ) {
- m = mi;
- inv = invi;
- } else {
- m = mf;
- inv = invf;
- }
- class = astGetClass( m );
- } else {
- m = astClone( m2 );
- }
- if( strcmp( class, "CmpMap" ) ){
- DisplayList( m, 1, inv, status );
- } else {
- cm = (AstCmpMap *) m;
- DisplayList( m, cm->series, inv, status );
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- for( i = 0; i < nmap; i++ ) map_list[ i ] = astAnnul( map_list[ i ] );
- map_list = astFree( map_list );
- invert_list = astFree( invert_list );
- nmap = 0;
-void sink( const char *text ){
- if( fd && text ) fprintf( fd, "%s\n", text );
-const char *source( void ){
- static char text[2000];
- static char *ptext;
- if( fd ) {
- ptext = fgets( text, 2000, fd );
- } else {
- ptext = NULL;
- }
- return ptext;
-void tran( AstMapping *map, int *status ){
- char text[2000];
- AstFrame *infrm, *outfrm;
- AstPointSet *pset1, *pset2;
- double **ptr1, **ptr2;
- int nin, nout, i, ok;
- if( !astGetTranForward( map ) ) {
- printf( "\n No forward transformation available\n" );
- return;
- }
- if( !astGetTranInverse( map ) ) {
- printf( "\n No inverse transformation available\n" );
- }
- nin = astGetNin( map );
- nout = astGetNout( map );
- pset1 = astPointSet( 1, nin, "", status );
- ptr1 = astGetPoints( pset1 );
- pset2 = astPointSet( 1, nout, "", status );
- ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
- if( astIsAFrameSet( map ) ) {
- infrm = astGetFrame( map, AST__BASE );
- outfrm = astGetFrame( map, AST__CURRENT );
- } else if( astIsAFrame( map ) ) {
- infrm = (AstFrame *) map;
- outfrm = (AstFrame *) map;
- } else {
- infrm = NULL;
- outfrm = NULL;
- }
- if( astOK ){
- ok = 0;
- if( infrm != NULL ) {
- ok = 1;
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- printf( "\n Enter %s value (or <bad>) > ", astGetLabel( infrm, i ) );
- scanf( "%s", text );
- if( !astUnformat( infrm, i, text, ptr1[ i ] ) ) {
- ok = 0;
- printf( "Bad formatted value supplied! Now try unformatted axis values...\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if( !ok ) {
- printf( "\n Enter %d axis values (BAD=999) > ", nin );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- scanf( "%lg", ptr1[ i ] );
- if( ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] == 999.0 ) ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
- }
- }
- astTransform( map, pset1, 1, pset2 );
- printf( "\n Forward: [ " );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- if( ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) {
- printf( "999.0 " );
- } else {
- printf( "%.*g ", DBL_DIG, ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] );
- }
- }
- printf( "] -> [ " );
- for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ) {
- if( ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) {
- printf( "999.0 " );
- } else {
- printf( "%.*g ", DBL_DIG, ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] );
- }
- }
- printf( "]\n" );
- if( infrm != NULL && outfrm != NULL ) {
- printf( " ( " );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- printf( "%s ", astFormat( infrm, i, ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] ) );
- }
- printf( ") -> ( " );
- for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ) {
- printf( "%s ", astFormat( outfrm, i, ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] ) );
- }
- printf( ") formatted\n" );
- }
- if( astGetTranInverse( map ) ) {
- astTransform( map, pset2, 0, pset1 );
- printf( "\n Inverse: [ " );
- for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ) {
- if( ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) {
- printf( "999.0 " );
- } else {
- printf( "%.*g ", DBL_DIG, ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] );
- }
- }
- printf( "] -> [ " );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- if( ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) {
- printf( "999.0 " );
- } else {
- printf( "%.*g ", DBL_DIG, ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] );
- }
- }
- printf( "]\n" );
- if( infrm != NULL && outfrm != NULL ) {
- printf( " ( " );
- for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ) {
- printf( "%s ", astFormat( outfrm, i, ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] ) );
- }
- printf( ") -> ( " );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- printf( "%s ", astFormat( infrm, i, ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] ) );
- }
- printf( ") formatted\n" );
- }
- }
- }
- pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
- pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
-void tranm( AstMapping **map, int *inv_list, int nmap, int inv, int *status ){
- AstPointSet *pset1, *pset2;
- double **ptr1, **ptr2;
- int nin, nout, i, j, inv0;
- inv0 = astGetInvert( map[ 0 ] );
- astSetInvert( map[ 0 ], inv_list[ 0 ] );
- nin = astGetNin( map[ 0 ] );
- astSetInvert( map[ 0 ], inv0 );
- pset1 = astPointSet( 1, nin, "", status );
- ptr1 = astGetPoints( pset1 );
- if( astOK ){
- printf( "\n Enter %d axis values (BAD=999) > ", nin );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- scanf( "%lg", ptr1[ i ] );
- if( ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] == 999.0 ) ptr1[ i ][ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
- }
- printf("Forward...\n");
- for( j=0; j<nmap; j++ ) {
- inv0 = astGetInvert( map[ j ] );
- astSetInvert( map[ j ], inv_list[ j ] );
- nout = astGetNout( map[ j ] );
- pset2 = astPointSet( 1, nout, "", status );
- ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
- astTransform( map[ j ], pset1, 1, pset2 );
- printf( " Mapping %d gave [ ", j+1 );
- for( i = 0; i < nout; i++ ) {
- if( ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) {
- printf( "999.0 " );
- } else {
- printf( "%.*g ", DBL_DIG, ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] );
- }
- }
- printf( "]\n" );
- pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
- astSetInvert( map[ j ], inv0 );
- pset1 = pset2;
- ptr1 = ptr2;
- nin = nout;
- }
- printf("Inverse...\n");
- for( j=nmap - 1; j>=0 && inv; j-- ) {
- inv0 = astGetInvert( map[ j ] );
- astSetInvert( map[ j ], inv_list[ j ] );
- nin = astGetNin( map[ j ] );
- pset2 = astPointSet( 1, nin, "", status );
- ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
- astTransform( map[ j ], pset1, 0, pset2 );
- printf( " Mapping %d gave [ ", j+1 );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- if( ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] == AST__BAD ) {
- printf( "999.0 " );
- } else {
- printf( "%.*g ", DBL_DIG, ptr2[ i ][ 0 ] );
- }
- }
- printf( "]\n" );
- pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
- astSetInvert( map[ j ], inv0 );
- pset1 = pset2;
- ptr1 = ptr2;
- nout = nin;
- }
- pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
- }
-void diff( AstMapping *map, int *status ){
- char text[200];
- AstFrame *infrm, *outfrm;
- int nin, nout, i, ok, ax1, ax2;
- double at[2000];
- nin = astGetNin( map );
- nout = astGetNout( map );
- if( astIsAFrameSet( map ) ) {
- infrm = astGetFrame( map, AST__BASE );
- outfrm = astGetFrame( map, AST__CURRENT );
- } else if( astIsAFrame( map ) ) {
- infrm = (AstFrame *) map;
- outfrm = (AstFrame *) map;
- } else {
- infrm = NULL;
- outfrm = NULL;
- }
- if( astOK ){
- ok = 0;
- if( infrm != NULL ) {
- ok = 1;
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- printf( "\n Enter %s value (or <bad>) > ", astGetLabel( infrm, i ) );
- scanf( "%s", text );
- if( !astUnformat( infrm, i, text, at + i ) ) {
- ok = 0;
- printf( "Bad formatted value supplied! Now try unformatted axis values...\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if( !ok ) {
- printf( "\n Enter %d axis values (BAD=999) > ", nin );
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- scanf( "%lg", at + i );
- if( at[ i ] == 999.0 ) at[ i ] = AST__BAD;
- printf("(got %.*g)\n", DBL_DIG, at[ i ] );
- }
- }
- for( i = 0; i < nin; i++ ) {
- printf("(%d: got %.*g)\n", i, DBL_DIG, at[ i ] );
- }
- printf( "\n Enter output to differentiate (zero-based index): > " );
- scanf( "%d", &ax1 );
- printf( "\n Enter input to vary (zero-based index): > " );
- scanf( "%d", &ax2 );
- printf( "%.*g \n", DBL_DIG, astRate( map, at, ax1, ax2 ) );
- }