path: root/ast/fac_1521_err
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authorWilliam Joye <>2017-12-08 18:59:21 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2017-12-08 18:59:21 (GMT)
commit4432c8d7e1ccb371db03e13cdb5378fceaa5ad04 (patch)
tree52449d211eba99b24d2e4f6e66193f9511c60b59 /ast/fac_1521_err
parentd8a2dbd825159e4a57ec0c6f4465f62be9e05111 (diff)
upgrade AST
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/fac_1521_err')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/fac_1521_err b/ast/fac_1521_err
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3799f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/fac_1521_err
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+300,ATGER,attribute getting error
+301,ATSER,attribute setting error
+302,ATTIN,attribute value invalid
+303,AXIIN,axis index invalid
+304,BADAT,bad attribute name
+305,BADBX,zero-sized box given
+306,BADIN,bad input data
+307,BADNI,bad number of input coordinates
+308,BADNO,bad number of output coordinates
+309,BADPW,PolyMap contains illegal power value
+310,BADSM,ShiftMap contains no shift information
+311,BADWM,WinMap contains no bounds information
+312,BDBRK,bad break index
+313,BDFMT,bad field specifier
+314,BDFTS,invalid FITS keyword value found
+315,BDOBJ,inappropriate Object supplied
+316,CLPAX,wrong number of clipping axes
+317,CORNG,range of coordinates invalid
+318,CVBRK,too many breaks in a curve
+319,DIMIN,array dimensions invalid
+320,DTERR,date/time error
+321,ENDIN,invalid use of astEnd
+322,EOCHN,end of input Channel encountered
+323,EXPIN,attempt to export Object pointer from level zero
+324,FCRPT,corrupted FitsChan supplied
+325,FMTER,error while formatting coordinate value
+326,FRMIN,Frame index invalid
+327,FRSIN,FrameSet invalid
+328,FTCNV,cannot convert FITS data value type
+329,GRFER,low level graphics error
+330,INHAN,invalid Handle
+331,INNCO,incompatible numbers of coordinates
+332,INTER,internal programming error
+333,INTRD,incompatible transformation directions
+334,KYCIR,circular dependency between KeyMaps
+335,LDERR,class loader error
+336,LUTII,invalid lookup table increment
+337,LUTIN,invalid number of lookup table elements
+338,MEMIN,requested memory size invalid
+339,MTR23,not a 2d or 3d MatrixMap
+340,MTRAX,null rotation axis supplied
+341,MTRML,bad matrix shapes for multiplication
+342,MTRMT,null matrix supplied
+343,NAXIN,number of axes invalid
+344,NCHIN,number of characters invalid
+345,NCOIN,number of coordinates invalid
+346,NCPIN,number of coordinates per point invalid
+347,NELIN,number of array elements invalid
+348,NOCTS,number of output coordinates too small
+349,NODEF,transformation not defined
+350,NOFTS,required FITS keywords missing
+351,NOMEM,unable to allocate memory
+352,NOPTS,number of output points too small
+353,NOWRT,attribute is read-only
+354,NPTIN,number of points invalid
+355,OBJIN,Object invalid
+356,OPT,invalid Plot option
+357,PDSIN,points data structure invalid
+358,PLFMT,no numerical labels can be produced
+359,PRMIN,permutation invalid
+360,PTRIN,pointer invalid
+361,PTRNG,range of points invalid
+362,RDERR,read error
+363,REGIN,invalid or corrupted Region structure supplied
+364,REMIN,invalid attempt to remove last Frame
+365,SCSIN,sky coordinate system invalid
+366,SELIN,axis selection invalid
+367,SLAIN,bad SLALIB transformation type
+368,TRNND,coordinate transformation not defined
+369,UNMQT,unmatched quotes
+370,VSMAL,valid area too small
+371,WCSAX,non-existent longitude or latitude axis
+372,WCSNC,too few mapping coordinates
+373,WCSPA,invalid projection parameters
+374,WCSTY,unknown projection type
+375,XSOBJ,too many Objects in use at once
+376,ZOOMI,zoom factor invalid
+377,BADCI,bad coordinate index
+378,ILOST,FrameSet integrity lost
+379,ITFER,error in IntraMap transformation function
+380,ITFNI,IntraMap transformation function name invalid
+381,MBBNF,Mapping bounding box not found
+382,MRITF,multiple registration of IntraMap transformation function
+383,OCLUK,Object class unknown
+384,UNFER,error while unformatting a coordinate value
+385,URITF,unregistered IntraMap transformation function
+386,GBDIN,grid bounds invalid
+387,NGDIN,number of grid dimensions invalid
+388,PATIN,positional accuracy tolerance invalid
+389,SISIN,sub-pixel interpolation scheme invalid
+390,SSPIN,scale size in pixels invalid
+391,UINER,error in user-supplied sub-pixel interpolation function
+392,UK1ER,error in user-supplied 1-d sub-pixel interpolation kernel
+393,COMIN,invalid comma in expression
+394,CONIN,invalid constant in expression
+395,DUVAR,duplicate variable name
+396,INNTF,invalid number of transformation functions
+397,MIOPA,missing or invalid operand in expression
+398,MIOPR,missing or invalid operator in expression
+399,MISVN,missing variable name
+400,MLPAR,missing left parenthesis in expression
+401,MRPAR,missing right parenthesis in expression
+402,NORHS,missing right hand side in function
+403,UDVOF,undefined variable or function in expression
+404,VARIN,variable name invalid
+405,WRNFA,wrong number of function arguments in expression
+406,BADUN,invalid units specification
+407,NORSF,no rest frequency is defined
+408,NOSOR,no standard of rest is defined
+409,SPCIN,invalid SpecMap
+410,XMLNM,invalid XML name or prefix
+411,XMLCM,invalid XML comment text
+412,XMLPT,invalid XML processing instruction target text
+413,XMLIT,invalid XML content item index
+414,XMLWF,supplied XML document is not well formed
+415,ZERAX,Range of log axis scale includes zero
+416,BADOC,Invalid parameters for offset sky coordinate system
+417,MPGER,error getting a named value from a KeyMap
+418,MPIND,invalid integer index supplied for a KeyMap entry
+419,REGCN,region cannot be re-centred
+420,NOVAL,attribute has no usable value
+421,INCTS,incompatible time scales
+422,TIMIN,invalid TimeMap
+423,STCKEY,cannot use supplied AstroCoords info
+424,STCIND,invalid AstroCoords index
+425,CNFLX,cannot conserve flux whilst resampling an array of data
+426,TUNAM,Unknown AST tuning parameter name supplied
+427,BDPAR,Bad value supplied for a public function parameter
+428,3DFSET,Supplied FrameSet does not contain any independent axes
+429,PXFRRM,Attempt to delete original Plot3D base Frame
+430,BADSUB,Illegal syntax for string substitution template
+431,BADFLG,Incompatible flags for re-sampling or re-binning
+432,LCKERR,Error locking or unlocking an AST Object
+433,FUNDEF,FITS keyword had undefined value
+434,MPVIN,invalid integer index supplied for a KeyMap vector element
+435,OPRIN,operation specifier invalid
+436,NONIN,no inside point found
+437,MPKER,requested key not found in KeyMap
+438,MPPER,error putting a named value into a KeyMap
+439,BADKEY,Attempt made to add an entry to a locked KeyMap
+440,BADTYP,Bad data type
+441,OLDCOL,Column already exists with different properties
+442,BADNULL,Bad null value for a FITS table column
+443,BIGKEY,Key string is too long
+444,BADCOL,No such column exists in the table
+445,BIGTAB,Table is too large
+446,BADSIZ,Invalid array size
+447,BADTAB,Error reading WCS from FITS binary table
+448,NOTAB,Cannot access FITS binary table
+449,LEVMAR,Error in levmar Levenberg-Marquardt code
+450,NOFIT,Fit failed
+451,ISNAN,A transformation generated one or more NaN values
+452,WRERR,write error
+453,BDVNM,Bad variant Mapping name
+454,MIRRO,Attempt to add a variant Mapping to a mirror Frame
+455,MNPCK,Error in cminpack Levenberg-Marquardt code
+456,EXSPIX,Supplied array has too many pixels
+457,NOCNV,No mapping found between coordinate systems
+458,IMMUT,Attempt to change an immutable attribute