path: root/ast/fchannel.c
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authorWilliam Joye <>2018-01-09 19:26:44 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2018-01-09 19:26:44 (GMT)
commit1332d38f2805d986ea130e43218c0d2e870b4dc1 (patch)
treeaa72853cb8d0d8fcd53a6f5eddf196a374226706 /ast/fchannel.c
parent5e545ec8058cc5238dc870468b34b5d4617f307f (diff)
update ast 8.6.2
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/fchannel.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 473 deletions
diff --git a/ast/fchannel.c b/ast/fchannel.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f70315..0000000
--- a/ast/fchannel.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-* Name:
-* fchannel.c
-* Purpose:
-* Define a FORTRAN 77 interface to the AST Channel class.
-* Type of Module:
-* C source file.
-* Description:
-* This file defines FORTRAN 77-callable C functions which provide
-* a public FORTRAN 77 interface to the Channel class.
-* Routines Defined:
-* Copyright:
-* Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
-* Research Councils
-* Licence:
-* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
-* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-* version.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-* License along with this program. If not, see
-* <>.
-* Authors:
-* RFWS: R.F. Warren-Smith (Starlink)
-* History:
-* 6-SEP-1996 (RFWS):
-* Original version.
-* 12-DEC-1996 (RFWS):
-* Added SOURCE and SINK arguments to AST_CHANNEL.
-* 13-NOV-2003 (DSB):
-* Made SourceWrap and SinkWrap into protected functions rather
-* than private functions, so that they can be used in fxmlchan.c
-/* Define the astFORTRAN77 macro which prevents error messages from
- AST C functions from reporting the file and line number where the
- error occurred (since these would refer to this file, they would
- not be useful). */
-#define astFORTRAN77
-/* Header files. */
-/* ============= */
-#include "f77.h" /* FORTRAN <-> C interface macros (SUN/209) */
-#include "c2f77.h" /* F77 <-> C support functions/macros */
-#include "error.h" /* Error reporting facilities */
-#include "memory.h" /* Memory handling facilities */
-#include "channel.h" /* C interface to the Channel class */
-#include <stddef.h>
-/* Module Variables. */
-/* ================= */
-static char *line_in = NULL; /* Pointer to incoming line of text */
-static const char *line_out = NULL; /* Pointer to outgoing line of text */
-/* Prototypes for external functions. */
-/* ================================== */
-/* This is the null function defined by the FORTRAN interface in fobject.c. */
-F77_SUBROUTINE(ast_null)( void );
-/* Source and sink function interfaces. */
-/* ==================================== */
-/* These functions are concerned with allowing FORTRAN implementations
- of Channel source and sink functions to be passed to the Channel
- class and invoked when necessary by C code in the main class
- implementation. All FORTRAN-specific aspects of this interface are
- encapsulated here. */
-* Name:
-* Purpose:
-* Obtain text to be written by a Channel sink routine.
-* Type:
-* Public function.
-* Synopsis:
-* Description:
-* This routine should only be used when implementing a routine
-* which will be passed as the SINK argument to AST_CHANNEL. It
-* should be used to obtain (from the AST library) each line of
-* text which is to be written to the external data sink. One such
-* line should be obtained in this way for each invocation of the
-* sink routine.
-* Parameters:
-* LINE = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Returned)
-* The line of text to be written. Depending on the length of
-* character variable supplied, the returned text may be
-* truncated if necessary. Note, however, that it will not be
-* padded with blanks in order to fill this variable.
-* L = INTEGER (Returned)
-* The number of characters returned, which may be zero. Note
-* that characters beyond the L'th character in the LINE
-* variable are not modified and may therefore contain junk.
-* STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
-* The global status.
-* Notes:
-* - This routine is only available in the Fortran interface to the
-* AST library.
-/* Argument Pointers: */
-/* Local Variables: */
- int i; /* Loop counter for characters */
-/* Set the error context and watch the STATUS value. */
- astAt( "AST_GETLINE", NULL, 0 );
- astWatchSTATUS(
-/* Initialise the returned string length. */
- *L = 0;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return;
-/* If there is no outgoing line ready (e.g. if this routine has been
- called at an inappropriate point), we simply return
- nothing. Otherwise, loop to copy the text into the character
- argument supplied, ensuring that its length is not exceeded. */
- if ( line_out ) {
- for ( i = 0; line_out[ i ] && ( i < LINE_length ); i++ ) {
- LINE[ i ] = line_out[ i ];
- }
-/* Return the number of characters copied. */
- *L = i;
- }
- )
-* Name:
-* Purpose:
-* Store a text line read by a Channel source routine.
-* Type:
-* Public function.
-* Synopsis:
-* Description:
-* This routine should only be used when implementing a routine
-* which will be passed as the SOURCE argument to AST_CHANNEL. It
-* should be used to pass back (to the AST library) each line of
-* text read from the external data source. One such line should be
-* passed back in this way for each invocation of the source
-* routine.
-* Parameters:
-* LINE = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
-* A character string containing the line of input text which
-* has been read.
-* L = INTEGER (Given)
-* The number of characters in the input line, which may be
-* zero. If there is no more input available (e.g. an end of
-* file has been reached), this value should be set negative and
-* this will terminate the read operation on the Channel.
-* STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
-* The global status.
-* Notes:
-* - This routine is only available in the Fortran interface to the
-* AST library.
-/* Argument Pointers: */
-/* Local Variables: */
- int l; /* Number of characters in line */
-/* Set the error context and watch the STATUS value. */
- astAt( "AST_PUTLINE", NULL, 0 );
- astWatchSTATUS(
-/* Initialise the incoming line pointer. */
- line_in = NULL;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return;
-/* Obtain the number of characters in the line. */
- l = *L;
-/* Negative values (or STATUS set) indicate end of input. If the value
- is not negative, limit the number of characters to the length of
- the character variable supplied. */
- if ( l >= 0 ) {
- if ( l > LINE_length ) l = LINE_length;
-/* Create a dynamic string and fill it with the incoming data. Store
- the resulting pointer, which will be picked up by the SourceWrap
- function. */
- line_in = astString( LINE, l );
- }
- )
-void astSinkWrap_( void (* sink)( const char * ), const char *line, int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* astSinkWrap
-* Purpose:
-* Wrapper function to invoke a FORTRAN Channel sink function.
-* Type:
-* Protected function.
-* Synopsis:
-* void astSinkWrap( void (* sink)( const char * ), const char *line )
-* Description:
-* This function invokes the sink function whose pointer is
-* supplied in order to write an output line to an external data
-* store.
-* Parameters:
-* sink
-* Pointer to a sink function. This should result from a cast
-* applied to a pointer to a function, with a single FORTRAN
-* INTEGER error status argument, that returns void. This is
-* the form of Channel sink function employed by the FORTRAN
-* language interface to the AST library.
-* line
-* Pointer to a constant null-terminated string containing the
-* line of output text.
-/* Local Variables; */
- DECLARE_INTEGER(STATUS); /* FORTRAN error status variable */
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return;
-/* Store the pointer to the output text line in the (static)
- "line_out" variable, where it will be accessed by the sink function
- invoking AST_GETLINE. */
- line_out = line;
-/* Cast the sink function pointer to a pointer to the FORTRAN
- subroutine and then invoke it. Transfer the AST error status to and
- from the subroutine's error status argument. */
- STATUS = astStatus;
- ( *(void (*)()) sink )( INTEGER_ARG(&STATUS) );
- astSetStatus( STATUS );
-/* Clear the outgoing line pointer. */
- line_out = NULL;
-char *astSourceWrap_( const char *(* source)( void ), int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* astSourceWrap
-* Purpose:
-* Wrapper function to invoke a FORTRAN Channel source function.
-* Type:
-* Protected function.
-* Synopsis:
-* char *astSourceWrap( const char *(* source)( void ) )
-* Description:
-* This function invokes the source function whose pointer is
-* supplied in order to read the next input line from an external
-* data store. It then returns a pointer to a dynamic string
-* containing a copy of the text that was read.
-* Parameters:
-* source
-* Pointer to a source function. This should result from a cast
-* applied to a pointer to a function, with a single FORTRAN
-* INTEGER error status argument, that returns void. This is
-* the form of Channel source function employed by the FORTRAN
-* language interface to the AST library.
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to a dynamically allocated, null terminated string
-* containing a copy of the text that was read. This string must be
-* freed by the caller (using astFree) when no longer required.
-* A NULL pointer will be returned if there is no more input text
-* to read.
-* Notes:
-* - A NULL pointer value will be returned if this function is
-* invoked with the global error status set or if it should fail
-* for any reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- DECLARE_INTEGER(STATUS); /* FORTRAN error status variable */
- char *result; /* Result pointer to return */
-/* Initialise. */
- result = NULL;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return result;
-/* Initialise the incoming line pointer. */
- line_in = NULL;
-/* Cast the source function pointer to a pointer to the FORTRAN
- subroutine and then invoke it. Transfer the AST error status to and
- from the subroutine's error status argument. */
- STATUS = astStatus;
- ( *(void (*)()) source )( INTEGER_ARG(&STATUS) );
- astSetStatus( STATUS );
-/* This should result in a pointer to a dynamic string containing the
- input text being stored in the (static) "line_in" variable as a
- result of the source function invoking AST_PUTLINE. Save this
- string pointer and clear the original. */
- result = line_in;
- line_in = NULL;
-/* If an error occurred, free the returned string. */
- if ( ! astOK ) result = astFree( result );
-/* Return the result. */
- return result;
-/* FORTRAN interface functions. */
-/* ============================ */
-/* These functions implement the remainder of the FORTRAN interface. */
-F77_INTEGER_FUNCTION(ast_channel)( void (* SOURCE)(),
- void (* SINK)(),
- char *options;
- const char *(* source)( void );
- int i;
- void (* sink)( const char * );
- astAt( "AST_CHANNEL", NULL, 0 );
- astWatchSTATUS(
-/* Set the source and sink function pointers to NULL if a pointer to
- the null routine AST_NULL has been supplied. */
- source = (const char *(*)( void )) SOURCE;
- if ( source == (const char *(*)( void )) F77_EXTERNAL_NAME(ast_null) ) {
- source = NULL;
- }
- sink = (void (*)( const char * )) SINK;
- if ( sink == (void (*)( const char * )) F77_EXTERNAL_NAME(ast_null) ) {
- sink = NULL;
- }
- options = astString( OPTIONS, OPTIONS_length );
-/* Truncate the options string to exlucde any trailing spaces. */
- astChrTrunc( options );
-/* Change ',' to '\n' (see AST_SET in fobject.c for why). */
- if ( astOK ) {
- for ( i = 0; options[ i ]; i++ ) {
- if ( options[ i ] == ',' ) options[ i ] = '\n';
- }
- }
- RESULT = astP2I( astChannelFor( source, astSourceWrap, sink, astSinkWrap,
- "%s", options ) );
- astFree( options );
- )
- return RESULT;
- astAt( "AST_ISACHANNEL", NULL, 0 );
- astWatchSTATUS(
- RESULT = astIsAChannel( astI2P( *THIS ) ) ? F77_TRUE : F77_FALSE;
- )
- return RESULT;
- astAt( "AST_READ", NULL, 0 );
- astWatchSTATUS(
- RESULT = astP2I( astRead( astI2P( *THIS ) ) );
- )
- return RESULT;
- astAt( "AST_WRITE", NULL, 0 );
- astWatchSTATUS(
- RESULT = astWrite( astI2P( *THIS ), astI2P( *OBJECT ) );
- )
- return RESULT;
- astAt( "AST_WARNINGS", NULL, 0 );
- astWatchSTATUS(
- RESULT = astP2I( astWarnings( astI2P( *THIS ) ) );
- )
- return RESULT;