path: root/ast/frame.h
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authorWilliam Joye <>2019-05-10 18:53:10 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2019-05-10 18:53:10 (GMT)
commita213dadabce2b2e02eca8376765fa425f01792f5 (patch)
tree9a21116c977447511fed092e80415ae664a92945 /ast/frame.h
parent9ef925b353e71b6b8abd23b59ca1adef488e3a3b (diff)
upgrade ast 8.7.1
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/frame.h')
1 files changed, 1459 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ast/frame.h b/ast/frame.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91a628e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ast/frame.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1459 @@
+#if !defined( FRAME_INCLUDED ) /* Include this file only once */
+* Name:
+* frame.h
+* Type:
+* C include file.
+* Purpose:
+* Define the interface to the Frame class.
+* Invocation:
+* #include "frame.h"
+* Description:
+* This include file defines the interface to the Frame class and
+* provides the type definitions, function prototypes and macros, etc.
+* needed to use this class.
+* A Frame object encapsulates information about a coordinate
+* system, including its axes. It may also act as a "template" to
+* be matched against another Frame object. This process determines
+* whether it is possible to perform a coordinate transformation
+* between the two coordinates systems they describe.
+* Inheritance:
+* The Frame class inherits from the Mapping class.
+* Attributes Over-Ridden:
+* Nin (integer, readonly)
+* The Frame class sets this value to be equal to the number of
+* Frame axes.
+* Nout (integer, readonly)
+* The Frame class sets this value to be equal to the number of
+* Frame axes.
+* New Attributes Defined:
+* AlignSystem (string)
+* This attribute takes a value to identify the coordinate system
+* in which the Frame should be aligned with other Frames.
+* Digits [or Digits(axis)] (integer)
+* Specifies how many digits of precision are required by
+* default when a coordinate value for a Frame is formatted
+* (e.g. using the astFormat method). The Digits value acts as a
+* default only and is over-ridden if a Format string is
+* specified for an axis explicitly.
+* The default Digits value for a Frame is 7. This attribute
+* normally applies to all the Frame's axes, but reference may
+* be made to a particular axis by adding an axis subscript
+* (e.g. Digits(1)). If a value is set for an individual axis,
+* it will over-ride the Digits value for the Frame as a whole
+* when formatting values for that axis.
+* Direction(axis) (integer)
+* A boolean value which specifies how coordinate values for
+* each Frame axis should be displayed (e.g. in graphs). By
+* default, it has the value one, indicating that they should be
+* shown in the conventional sense (i.e. increasing left to
+* right for an abscissa and bottom to top for an ordinate). If
+* set to zero, this attribute indicates that the direction
+* should be reversed (as would often be done for an
+* astronomical magnitude or a right ascension axis, for
+* example).
+* Epoch (double)
+* This value is used to qualify coordinate systems by
+* giving the moment in time when the coordinates are known to
+* be correct. Often, this will be the date of observation.
+* Format(axis) (string)
+* Specifies the format to be used to display coordinate values
+* for each Frame axis (i.e. to convert them from binary to
+* character form). The interpretation of this string (e.g. by
+* derived classes) is left to the astFormat method which, in
+* turn will invoke the astAxisFormat for the Axis object that
+* describes each axis. By default, the Frame class supplies an
+* Axis class object for each axis and this will interpret this
+* parameter as a C "printf" format string which should be
+* capable of formatting a single coordinate value stored as a
+* double (e.g. "%1.7G"). If no Format string is set, the
+* default format is based on the value of the Digits attribute.
+* Label(axis) (string)
+* Specifies the label to be attached to each Frame axis when it
+* is represented in (e.g.) a graph. It is intended purely for
+* interpretation by human readers and not by software. The
+* default supplied by the Frame class is the string "Axis <n>",
+* where <n> is 1, 2, etc. for each successive axis.
+* MatchEnd (integer)
+* A boolean value that controls how a Frame behaves when used
+* as a template to match another Frame. If it is zero and a
+* template Frame matches a target frame which has a different
+* number of axes, then the axes wich occur first in the target
+* frame will be matched and any trailing axes in either the
+* target or template will be discarded (if necessary). If it is
+* non-zero, however, the last axes in each frame will be
+* matched and any un-matched leading axes will be discarded
+* instead. The default value supplied by the Frame class is
+* zero.
+* MaxAxes (integer)
+* Specifies the maximum number of axes in a target Frame that
+* can be matched when using the Frame as a template. Normally,
+* by default, this value is equal to the number of Frame axes,
+* so that a Frame will only match another Frame with the same
+* number of axes as itself. By setting a different value,
+* however, Frames with different numbers of axes may be matched
+* (the MatchEnd attribute then determines which of the
+* individual axes are matched).
+* When setting this value, the value of the MinAxes attribute
+* may be silently changed so that it remains consistent with
+* (i.e. does not exceed) the new value. The default value may
+* also be reduced if necessary to remain consistent with the
+* MinAxes value.
+* MinAxes (integer)
+* Specifies the minimum number of axes in a target Frame that
+* can be matched when using the Frame as a template. Normally,
+* by default, this value is equal to the number of Frame axes,
+* so that a Frame will only match another Frame with the same
+* number of axes as itself. By setting a different value,
+* however, Frames with different numbers of axes may be matched
+* (the MatchEnd attribute then determines which of the
+* individual axes are matched).
+* When setting this value, the value of the MaxAxes attribute
+* may be silently changed so that it remains consistent with
+* (i.e. is not less than) the new value. The default value may
+* also be reduced if necessary to remain consistent with the
+* MaxAxes value.
+* Domain (string)
+* A string which may be used to identify the physical domain to
+* which a Frame applies and used as an additional key when
+* matching a target Frame with a template. If the Domain
+* attribute in the template Frame is set, then only target
+* frames with the same Domain value will be matched. If a
+* Domain is not set in the template Frame, the target Frame's
+* Domain value will be ignored and has no effect on
+* matching. The default value supplied by the Frame class is an
+* empty string. Domain values are automatically converted to
+* upper case and all white space is removed before use.
+* Naxes (integer)
+* A read-only attribute that gives the number of axes in a
+* Frame (i.e. the number of dimensions of the space which the
+* Frame describes). This value is determined when the Frame is
+* created.
+* Permute (integer)
+* A boolean value which specifies whether the axis order of a
+* target Frame may be permuted in order to obtain a match with
+* a template. If this value is set to zero in the template
+* Frame, it will only match a target if it can do so without
+* changing the order of its axes. The default value supplied by
+* the Frame class is 1 (i.e. allow axis permutations).
+* PreserveAxes (integer)
+* A boolean value which determines how the "result" Frame is
+* produced whan a target frame is matched by a template. If
+* this value is zero in the template Frame, then the result
+* Frame will have the same number of axes as the template. If
+* it is non-zero, however, the axes of the target Frame will be
+* preserved, so that the result Frame will have the same number
+* of axes as the target. The default supplied by the Frame
+* class is zero (i.e. target axes are not preserved).
+* The main use for this attribute is when the MaxAxes and/or
+* MinAxes attributes have been set to search for a Frame which
+* may have a different number of axes from the template. For
+* example, if a 2-dimensional template Frame matches a
+* 3-dimensional target Frame, then by default the result is
+* 2-dimensional and the last axis (normally) will be
+* discarded. However, if the template's PreserveAxes value is
+* non-zero, the result will instead be 3-dimensional to
+* correspond with the target Frame.
+* Symbol(axis) (string)
+* Specifies the symbol to be used to represent coordinate
+* values for each Frame axis in "short form", such as in
+* algebraic expressions where a full description of the axis
+* would be inappropriate. Examples include "RA" and "Dec" (for
+* Right Ascension and Declination).
+* The default supplied by the Frame class is the string
+* "<Domain><n>", where <n> is 1, 2, etc. for successive axes,
+* and <Domain> is the value of the Frame's Domain attribute
+* (with any white space replaced by underscores and truncated
+* if necessary so that the final string does not exceed 15
+* characters). If no Domain value has been set, "x" is used as
+* the <Domain> value in constructing this default string.
+* System (string)
+* This attribute takes a value to identify the coordinate system
+* used to describe positions within the domain of the Frame.
+* Title (string)
+* Specifies a string to be used as a title on (e.g.) graphs to
+* describe the coordinate system which the Frame
+* represents. Examples would be "Detector Coordinates" or
+* "Galactic Coordinates". This string is intended solely for
+* interpretation by human readers and not by software. The
+* default supplied by the Frame class is "<n>-D Coordinate
+* System", where <n> is the number of Frame axes.
+* Unit(axis) (string)
+* Describes the units used to represent coordinate values on
+* each Frame axis. The default supplied by the Frame class is
+* an empty string.
+* Methods Over-Ridden:
+* Public:
+* astGetNin
+* Get the number of input coordinates for a Frame.
+* astGetNout
+* Get the number of output coordinates for a Frame.
+* astTransform
+* Use a Frame to transform a set of points.
+* Protected:
+* astClearAttrib
+* Clear an attribute value for a Frame.
+* astGetAttrib
+* Get an attribute value for a Frame.
+* astReportPoints
+* Report the effect of transforming a set of points using a Frame.
+* astSetAttrib
+* Set an attribute value for a Frame.
+* astTestAttrib
+* Test if an attribute value has been set for a Frame.
+* New Methods Defined:
+* Public:
+* astAngle
+* Calculate the angle between three points.
+* astAxAngle
+* Find the angle from an axis to a line through two points.
+* astAxDistance
+* Calculate the distance between two axis values
+* astAxOffset
+* Calculate an offset along an axis
+* astConvert
+* Determine how to convert between two coordinate systems.
+* astDistance
+* Calculate the distance between two points.
+* astFindFrame
+* Find a coordinate system with specified characteristics
+* astFormat
+* Format a coordinate value for a Frame axis.
+* astNorm
+* Normalise a set of Frame coordinates.
+* astOffset
+* Calculate an offset along a geodesic curve.
+* astOffset2
+* Calculate an offset along a geodesic curve for a 2D Frame.
+* astPermAxes
+* Permute the order of a Frame's axes.
+* astPickAxes
+* Create a new Frame by picking axes from an existing one.
+* astResolve
+* Resolve a vector into two orthogonal components.
+* astUnformat
+* Read a formatted coordinate value for a Frame axis.
+* Protected:
+* astAbbrev
+* Abbreviate a formatted Frame axis value by skipping
+* leading fields.
+* astCheckPerm
+* Check that an array contains a valid permutation.
+* astClearDigits
+* Clear the Digits attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearDirection
+* Clear the Direction attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astClearDomain
+* Clear the Domain attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearFormat
+* Clear the Format attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astClearLabel
+* Clear the Label attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astClearMatchEnd
+* Clear the MatchEnd attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearMaxAxes
+* Clear the MaxAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearMinAxes
+* Clear the MinAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearPermute
+* Clear the Permute attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearPreserveAxes
+* Clear the PreserveAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearSymbol
+* Clear the Symbol attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astClearSystem
+* Clear the value of the System attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearTitle
+* Clear the Title attribute for a Frame.
+* astClearUnit
+* Clear the Unit attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astConvertX
+* Determine how to convert between two coordinate systems.
+* astFields
+* Identify the fields within a formatted Frame axis value.
+* astCentre
+* Find a "nice" central value for tabulating Frame axis values.
+* astGap
+* Find a "nice" gap for tabulating Frame axis values.
+* astGetAxis
+* Obtain a pointer to a specified Axis from a Frame.
+* astGetDigits
+* Get the value of the Digits attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetDirection
+* Get the value of the Direction attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astGetDomain
+* Get a pointer to the Domain attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetFormat
+* Get a pointer to the Format attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astGetLabel
+* Get a pointer to the Label attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astGetMatchEnd
+* Get the value of the MatchEnd attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetMaxAxes
+* Get the value of the MaxAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetMinAxes
+* Get the value of the MinAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetNaxes
+* Determine how many axes a Frame has.
+* astGetPerm
+* Access the axis permutation array for a Frame.
+* astGetPermute
+* Get the value of the Permute attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetPreserveAxes
+* Get the value of the PreserveAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetSymbol
+* Get a pointer to the Symbol attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astGetSystem
+* Get the value of the System attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetTitle
+* Get a pointer to the Title attribute for a Frame.
+* astGetUnit
+* Get a pointer to the Unit attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astIsUnitFrame
+* Returns a flag indicating if a Frame is equivalent to a UnitMap.
+* astMatch
+* Determine if conversion is possible between two coordinate systems.
+* astOverlay
+* Overlay the attributes of a template Frame on to another Frame.
+* astPrimaryFrame
+* Uniquely identify a primary Frame and one of its axes.
+* astResolvePoints
+* Resolve many vectors into two orthogonal components.
+* astSetAxis
+* Set a new Axis for a Frame.
+* astSetDigits
+* Set the value of the Digits attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetDirection
+* Set the value of the Direction attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astSetDomain
+* Set the value of the Domain attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetFormat
+* Set the value of the Format attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astSetLabel
+* Set the value of the Label attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astSetMatchEnd
+* Set the value of the MatchEnd attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetMaxAxes
+* Set the value of the MaxAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetMinAxes
+* Set the value of the MinAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetPermute
+* Set the value of the Permute attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetPreserveAxes
+* Set the value of the PreserveAxes attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetSymbol
+* Set the value of the Symbol attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astSetSystem
+* Set the value of the System attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetTitle
+* Set the value of the Title attribute for a Frame.
+* astSetUnit
+* Set the value of the Unit attribute for a Frame axis.
+* astSubFrame
+* Select axes from a Frame and convert to the new coordinate system.
+* astTestDigits
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Digits attribute of a
+* Frame.
+* astTestDirection
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Direction attribute of a
+* Frame axis.
+* astTestDomain
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Domain attribute of a
+* Frame.
+* astTestFormat
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Format attribute of a
+* Frame axis.
+* astTestLabel
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Label attribute of a
+* Frame axis.
+* astTestMatchEnd
+* Test whether a value has been set for the MatchEnd attribute of a
+* Frame.
+* astTestMaxAxes
+* Test whether a value has been set for the MaxAxes attribute of a
+* Frame.
+* astTestMinAxes
+* Test whether a value has been set for the MinAxes attribute of a
+* Frame.
+* astTestPermute
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Permute attribute of a
+* Frame.
+* astTestPreserveAxes
+* Test whether a value has been set for the PreserveAxes attribute of
+* a Frame.
+* astTestSymbol
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Symbol attribute of a
+* Frame axis.
+* astTestSystem
+* Test whether a value has been set for the System attribute of a
+* Frame.
+* astTestTitle
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Title attribute of a
+* Frame.
+* astTestUnit
+* Test whether a value has been set for the Unit attribute of a Frame
+* axis.
+* astValidateAxis
+* Validate and permute a Frame's axis index.
+* astValidateAxisSelection
+* Check that a set of axes selected from a Frame is valid.
+* astValidateSystem
+* Validate a Frame's System attribute.
+* astSystemString
+* Return a string representation of a System code.
+* astSystemCode
+* Return a code for a string representation of a System value
+* Other Class Functions:
+* Public:
+* astFrame
+* Create a Frame.
+* astIsAFrame
+* Test class membership.
+* Protected:
+* astCheckFrame
+* Validate class membership.
+* astInitFrame
+* Initialise a Frame.
+* astInitFrameVtab
+* Initialise the virtual function table for the Frame class.
+* astLoadFrame
+* Load a Frame.
+* Macros:
+* Public:
+* None.
+* Protected:
+* A "bad" (undefined) value for the System attribute.
+* Type Definitions:
+* Public:
+* AstFrame
+* Frame object type.
+* Protected:
+* AstFrameVtab
+* Frame virtual function table type.
+* AstSystemType
+* Enumerated type used for the System attribute.
+* Feature Test Macros:
+* astCLASS
+* If the astCLASS macro is undefined, only public symbols are
+* made available, otherwise protected symbols (for use in other
+* class implementations) are defined. This macro also affects
+* the reporting of error context information, which is only
+* provided for external calls to the AST library.
+* Copyright:
+* Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
+* Research Councils
+* Licence:
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
+* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+* version.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
+* License along with this program. If not, see
+* <>.
+* Authors:
+* RFWS: R.F. Warren-Smith (Starlink)
+* DSB: B.S. Berry (Starlink)
+* History:
+* 1-MAR-1996 (RFWS):
+* Original version.
+* 25-APR-1996 (RFWS):
+* Tidied up, etc.
+* 11-SEP-1996 (RFWS):
+* Added astGap (written by DSB).
+* 10-JUN-1997 (RFWS):
+* Revised astConvert and added astFindFrame.
+* 15-FEB-1998 (RFWS):
+* Added astUnformat.
+* 21-JUN-2001 (DSB):
+* Added astAngle and astOffset2.
+* 29-AUG-2001 (DSB):
+* Added astAxDistance and astAxOffset.
+* 4-SEP-2001 (DSB):
+* Added astResolve.
+* 9-SEP-2001 (DSB):
+* Added astBear.
+* 21-SEP-2001 (DSB):
+* Replace astBear with astAxAngle.
+* 15-NOV-2002 (DSB):
+* Moved System and Epoch attributes from SkyFrame into this class.
+* Added AlignSystem attribute.
+* 8-JAN-2003 (DSB):
+* Added protected astInitFrameVtab method.
+* 24-JAN-2004 (DSB):
+* o Added astFields.
+* o Added argument "fmt" to astAbbrev.
+* 24-JUN-2004 (DSB):
+* Remove unused entry "void (* SetMatchRange)( AstFrame *, int, int );"
+* from AstFrameVtab structure.
+* 9-NOV-2004 (DSB):
+* Added protected astIsAUnitFrame method.
+* 12-AUG-2005 (DSB):
+* Added ObsLat and ObsLon attributes.
+* 14-OCT-2006 (DSB):
+* Added dut1 to the Frame structure.
+* Added Dut1 accessor methods.
+* 17-MAY-2007 (DSB):
+* Added NormUnit attribute.
+* 14-JAN-2009 (DSB):
+* Added astIntersect method.
+* 18-JUN-2009 (DSB):
+* Added ObsAlt attribute.
+* 17-APR-2015 (DSB):
+* Added astCentre.
+* 27-APR-2015 (DSB):
+* Added InternalUnit attribute.
+* 26-OCT-2016 (DSB):
+* Added method astAxNorm.
+* 11-JAN-2017 (GSB):
+* Add Dtai attribute.
+/* Include files. */
+/* ============== */
+/* Interface definitions. */
+/* ---------------------- */
+#include "object.h" /* Base Object class */
+#include "axis.h" /* Coordinate Axis class */
+#include "mapping.h" /* Coordinate mappings (parent class) */
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+#include "channel.h" /* I/O channels */
+/* C header files. */
+/* --------------- */
+#include <stddef.h>
+/* Macros. */
+/* ------- */
+#if defined(astCLASS) || defined(astFORTRAN77)
+#define STATUS_PTR status
+#define STATUS_PTR astGetStatusPtr
+/* Define a dummy __attribute__ macro for use on non-GNU compilers. */
+#ifndef __GNUC__
+# define __attribute__(x) /*NOTHING*/
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+/* A bad value for the System attribute. */
+#define AST__BADSYSTEM -1
+/* The legal System values recognized by this class of Frame. */
+#define AST__CART 0
+/* Flag bitmasks for use with astSetFrameFlags. */
+# define AST__INTFLAG 1 /* FrameSet integrity is currently being restored */
+/* Define constants used to size global arrays in this module. */
+#define AST__FRAME_LABEL_BUFF_LEN 100 /* Max length of default axis Label string */
+#define AST__FRAME_SYMBOL_BUFF_LEN 50 /* Max length of default axis Symbol string */
+#define AST__FRAME_TITLE_BUFF_LEN 100 /* Max length of default title string */
+#define AST__FRAME_GETATTRIB_BUFF_LEN 50 /* Max length of string returned by GetAttrib */
+#define AST__FRAME_ASTFMTDECIMALYR_BUFF_LEN 50 /* Max length of string returned by GetAttrib */
+#define AST__FRAME_ASTFORMATID_MAX_STRINGS 50 /* Number of string values buffer by astFormatID*/
+/* Type Definitions. */
+/* ================= */
+/* Integer type used to store the System attribute values. */
+typedef int AstSystemType;
+/* Frame structure. */
+/* ------------------- */
+/* This structure contains all information that is unique to each object in
+ the class (e.g. its instance variables). */
+typedef struct AstFrame {
+/* Attributes inherited from the parent class. */
+ AstMapping mapping; /* Parent class structure */
+/* Attributes specific to objects in this class. */
+ AstAxis **axis; /* Pointer to array of Axis objects */
+ char *domain; /* Pointer to Domain string */
+ char *title; /* Pointer to Title string */
+ double epoch; /* Epoch as Modified Julian Date */
+ double obslat; /* Geodetic latitude of observer */
+ double obslon; /* Geodetic longitude of observer */
+ double obsalt; /* Height above reference spheroid (geodetic, metres) */
+ double dtai; /* TAI-UTC in seconds */
+ double dut1; /* UT1-UTC in seconds */
+ int *perm; /* Pointer to axis permutation array */
+ int digits; /* Default digits of precision */
+ int match_end; /* Match final axes of target? */
+ int active_unit; /* Use Unit when aligning Frames? */
+ int max_axes; /* Minimum no. axes matched */
+ int min_axes; /* Max. no. axes matched */
+ int naxes; /* Number of axes */
+ int permute; /* Permute axes in order to match? */
+ int preserve_axes; /* Preserve target axes? */
+ AstSystemType system; /* Code identifying coordinate system */
+ AstSystemType alignsystem; /* Code for Alignment coordinate system */
+ int flags; /* Bit mask containing various protected flags */
+ struct AstFrameSet *variants; /* FrameSet defining alternative properties for the Frame */
+} AstFrame;
+/* Cached Line structure. */
+/* ---------------------- */
+/* This structure contains information describing a line segment within a
+ 2D Frame. It is used by other classes to store intermediate cached values
+ relating to the line in order to speed up repeated operations on the
+ line. */
+typedef struct AstLineDef {
+ AstFrame *frame; /* Pointer to Frame in which the line is defined */
+ double length; /* Line length */
+ int infinite; /* Disregard the start and end of the line? */
+ double start[2]; /* Frame axis values at line start */
+ double end[2]; /* Frame axis values at line end */
+ double dir[2]; /* Unit vector defining line direction */
+ double q[2]; /* Unit vector perpendicular to line */
+} AstLineDef;
+/* Virtual function table. */
+/* ----------------------- */
+/* The virtual function table makes a forward reference to the
+ AstFrameSet structure which is not defined until "frameset.h" is
+ included (below). Hence make a preliminary definition available
+ now. */
+struct AstFrameSet;
+/* This table contains all information that is the same for all objects in the
+ class (e.g. pointers to its virtual functions). */
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+typedef struct AstFrameVtab {
+/* Properties (e.g. methods) inherited from the parent class. */
+ AstMappingVtab mapping; /* Parent class virtual function table */
+/* A Unique identifier to determine class membership. */
+ AstClassIdentifier id;
+/* Properties (e.g. methods) specific to this class. */
+ AstAxis *(* GetAxis)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ AstFrame *(* PickAxes)( AstFrame *, int, const int[], AstMapping **, int * );
+ AstLineDef *(* LineDef)( AstFrame *, const double[2], const double[2], int * );
+ AstPointSet *(* ResolvePoints)( AstFrame *, const double [], const double [], AstPointSet *, AstPointSet *, int * );
+ const char *(* Abbrev)( AstFrame *, int, const char *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+ const char *(* Format)( AstFrame *, int, double, int * );
+ const char *(* GetDomain)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ const char *(* GetFormat)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ const char *(* GetLabel)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ const char *(* GetSymbol)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ const char *(* GetTitle)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ const char *(* GetInternalUnit)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ const char *(* GetNormUnit)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ const char *(* GetUnit)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ const int *(* GetPerm)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ double (* Angle)( AstFrame *, const double[], const double[], const double[], int * );
+ double (* Distance)( AstFrame *, const double[], const double[], int * );
+ double (* Centre)( AstFrame *, int, double, double, int * );
+ double (* Gap)( AstFrame *, int, double, int *, int * );
+ int (* Fields)( AstFrame *, int, const char *, const char *, int, char **, int *, double *, int * );
+ double (* AxDistance)( AstFrame *, int, double, double, int * );
+ void (* AxNorm)( AstFrame *, int, int, int, double *, int * );
+ double (* AxOffset)( AstFrame *, int, double, double, int * );
+ int (* AxIn)( AstFrame *, int, double, double, double, int, int * );
+ int (* GetDigits)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* GetDirection)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* GetMatchEnd)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* GetMaxAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* GetMinAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* GetNaxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* GetPermute)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* GetPreserveAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* IsUnitFrame)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* LineCrossing)( AstFrame *, AstLineDef *, AstLineDef *, double **, int * );
+ int (* LineContains)( AstFrame *, AstLineDef *, int, double *, int * );
+ int (* Match)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int, int **, int **, AstMapping **, AstFrame **, int * );
+ int (* SubFrame)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int, const int *, const int *, AstMapping **, AstFrame **, int * );
+ int (* TestDigits)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestDirection)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* TestDomain)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestFormat)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* TestLabel)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* TestMatchEnd)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestMaxAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestMinAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestPermute)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestPreserveAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestSymbol)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* TestTitle)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestUnit)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* Unformat)( AstFrame *, int, const char *, double *, int * );
+ int (* ValidateAxis)( AstFrame *, int, int, const char *, int * );
+ AstSystemType (* ValidateSystem)( AstFrame *, AstSystemType, const char *, int * );
+ AstSystemType (* SystemCode)( AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+ const char *(* SystemString)( AstFrame *, AstSystemType, int * );
+ struct AstFrameSet *(* Convert)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+ struct AstFrameSet *(* ConvertX)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+ struct AstFrameSet *(* FindFrame)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+ void (* MatchAxes)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int[], int * );
+ void (* MatchAxesX)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int[], int * );
+ void (* CheckPerm)( AstFrame *, const int *, const char *, int * );
+ void (* ClearDigits)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearDirection)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* ClearDomain)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearFormat)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* ClearLabel)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* ClearMatchEnd)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearMaxAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearMinAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearPermute)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearPreserveAxes)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearSymbol)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* ClearTitle)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearUnit)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* Intersect)( AstFrame *, const double[2], const double[2], const double[2], const double[2], double[2], int * );
+ void (* Norm)( AstFrame *, double[], int * );
+ void (* NormBox)( AstFrame *, double *, double *, AstMapping *, int * );
+ void (* Offset)( AstFrame *, const double[], const double[], double, double[], int * );
+ double (* AxAngle)( AstFrame *, const double[2], const double[2], int, int * );
+ double (* Offset2)( AstFrame *, const double[2], double, double, double[2], int * );
+ void (* Overlay)( AstFrame *, const int *, AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* PermAxes)( AstFrame *, const int[], int * );
+ void (* PrimaryFrame)( AstFrame *, int, AstFrame **, int *, int * );
+ void (* Resolve)( AstFrame *, const double [], const double [], const double [], double [], double *, double *, int * );
+ void (* SetAxis)( AstFrame *, int, AstAxis *, int * );
+ void (* SetDigits)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* SetDirection)( AstFrame *, int, int, int * );
+ void (* SetDomain)( AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+ void (* SetFormat)( AstFrame *, int, const char *, int * );
+ void (* SetLabel)( AstFrame *, int, const char *, int * );
+ void (* SetMatchEnd)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* SetMaxAxes)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* SetMinAxes)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* SetPermute)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* SetPreserveAxes)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* SetSymbol)( AstFrame *, int, const char *, int * );
+ void (* SetTitle)( AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+ void (* SetUnit)( AstFrame *, int, const char *, int * );
+ void (* ValidateAxisSelection)( AstFrame *, int, const int *, const char *, int * );
+ void (* LineOffset)( AstFrame *, AstLineDef *, double, double, double[2], int * );
+ AstPointSet *(* FrameGrid)( AstFrame *, int, const double *, const double *, int * );
+ struct AstFrameSet *(* GetFrameVariants)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetFrameVariants)( AstFrame *, struct AstFrameSet *, int * );
+ double (* GetTop)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* TestTop)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* ClearTop)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* SetTop)( AstFrame *, int, double, int * );
+ double (* GetBottom)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* TestBottom)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* ClearBottom)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ void (* SetBottom)( AstFrame *, int, double, int * );
+ AstSystemType (* GetSystem)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestSystem)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearSystem)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetSystem)( AstFrame *, AstSystemType, int * );
+ AstSystemType (* GetAlignSystem)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestAlignSystem)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearAlignSystem)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetAlignSystem)( AstFrame *, AstSystemType, int * );
+ double (* GetEpoch)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestEpoch)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearEpoch)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetEpoch)( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+ int (* TestActiveUnit)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* GetActiveUnit)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetActiveUnit)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ double (* GetObsLon)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestObsLon)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearObsLon)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetObsLon)( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+ double (* GetObsLat)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestObsLat)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearObsLat)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetObsLat)( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+ double (* GetObsAlt)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestObsAlt)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearObsAlt)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetObsAlt)( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+ double (* GetDtai)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestDtai)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearDtai)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetDtai)( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+ double (* GetDut1)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ int (* TestDut1)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* ClearDut1)( AstFrame *, int * );
+ void (* SetDut1)( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+ void (* SetFrameFlags)( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+ int (* GetFrameFlags)( AstFrame *, int * );
+} AstFrameVtab;
+#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
+/* Define a structure holding all data items that are global within this
+ class. */
+typedef struct AstFrameGlobals {
+ AstFrameVtab Class_Vtab;
+ int Class_Init;
+ char GetAttrib_Buff[ AST__FRAME_GETATTRIB_BUFF_LEN + 1 ];
+ int AstFormatID_Istr;
+ int AstFormatID_Init;
+ char Label_Buff[ AST__FRAME_LABEL_BUFF_LEN + 1 ];
+ char Symbol_Buff[ AST__FRAME_SYMBOL_BUFF_LEN + 1 ];
+ char Title_Buff[ AST__FRAME_TITLE_BUFF_LEN + 1 ];
+ char AstFmtDecimalYr_Buff[ AST__FRAME_ASTFMTDECIMALYR_BUFF_LEN + 1 ];
+} AstFrameGlobals;
+/* More include files. */
+/* =================== */
+/* The interface to the FrameSet class must be included here (after
+ the type definitions for the Frame class) because "frameset.h"
+ itself includes this file ("frame.h"), although "frameset.h" refers
+ to the AstFrameSet structure above. This seems a little strange at
+ first, but is simply analogous to making a forward reference to a
+ structure type when recursively defining a normal C structure
+ (except that here the definitions happen to be in separate include
+ files). */
+#include "frameset.h"
+/* Function prototypes. */
+/* ==================== */
+/* Prototypes for standard class functions. */
+/* ---------------------------------------- */
+astPROTO_CHECK(Frame) /* Check class membership */
+astPROTO_ISA(Frame) /* Test class membership */
+/* Constructor. */
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+AstFrame *astFrame_( int, const char *, int *, ...);
+AstFrame *astFrameId_( int, const char *, ... )__attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+/* Initialiser. */
+AstFrame *astInitFrame_( void *, size_t, int, AstFrameVtab *, const char *,
+ int, int * );
+/* Vtab initialiser. */
+void astInitFrameVtab_( AstFrameVtab *, const char *, int * );
+/* Loader. */
+AstFrame *astLoadFrame_( void *, size_t, AstFrameVtab *,
+ const char *, AstChannel *channel, int * );
+/* Thread-safe initialiser for all global data used by this module. */
+#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
+void astInitFrameGlobals_( AstFrameGlobals * );
+/* Prototypes for member functions. */
+/* -------------------------------- */
+AstFrameSet *astConvert_( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+AstFrameSet *astFindFrame_( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+double astAngle_( AstFrame *, const double[], const double[], const double[], int * );
+double astAxAngle_( AstFrame *, const double[2], const double[2], int, int * );
+double astAxDistance_( AstFrame *, int, double, double, int * );
+double astAxOffset_( AstFrame *, int, double, double, int * );
+double astDistance_( AstFrame *, const double[], const double[], int * );
+double astOffset2_( AstFrame *, const double[2], double, double, double[2], int * );
+int astGetActiveUnit_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astAxNorm_( AstFrame *, int, int, int, double *, int * );
+void astIntersect_( AstFrame *, const double[2], const double[2], const double[2], const double[2], double[2], int * );
+void astMatchAxes_( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int[], int * );
+void astNorm_( AstFrame *, double[], int * );
+void astOffset_( AstFrame *, const double[], const double[], double, double[], int * );
+void astResolve_( AstFrame *, const double [], const double [], const double [], double [], double *, double *, int * );
+void astSetActiveUnit_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+AstFrameSet *astGetFrameVariants_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetFrameVariants_( AstFrame *, AstFrameSet *, int * );
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+void astNormBox_( AstFrame *, double *, double *, AstMapping *, int * );
+AstFrame *astPickAxes_( AstFrame *, int, const int[], AstMapping **, int * );
+const char *astFormat_( AstFrame *, int, double, int * );
+int astUnformat_( AstFrame *, int, const char *, double *, int * );
+void astPermAxes_( AstFrame *, const int[], int * );
+AstFrame *astPickAxesId_( AstFrame *, int, const int[], AstMapping **, int * );
+const char *astFormatId_( AstFrame *, int, double, int * );
+int astUnformatId_( AstFrame *, int, const char *, double *, int * );
+void astPermAxesId_( AstFrame *, const int[], int * );
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+int astAxIn_( AstFrame *, int, double, double, double, int, int * );
+AstAxis * astGetAxis_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+AstFrameSet *astConvertX_( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+void astMatchAxesX_( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int[], int * );
+AstLineDef *astLineDef_( AstFrame *, const double[2], const double[2], int * );
+AstPointSet *astResolvePoints_( AstFrame *, const double [], const double [], AstPointSet *, AstPointSet *, int * );
+const char *astAbbrev_( AstFrame *, int, const char *, const char *, const char *, int * );
+const char *astGetDomain_( AstFrame *, int * );
+const char *astGetFormat_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+const char *astGetLabel_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+const char *astGetSymbol_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+const char *astGetTitle_( AstFrame *, int * );
+const char *astGetUnit_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+const char *astGetInternalUnit_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+const char *astGetNormUnit_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+const int *astGetPerm_( AstFrame *, int * );
+double astCentre_( AstFrame *, int, double, double, int * );
+double astGap_( AstFrame *, int, double, int *, int * );
+int astFields_( AstFrame *, int, const char *, const char *, int, char **, int *, double *, int * );
+int astGetDigits_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astGetDirection_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astGetMatchEnd_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astGetMaxAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astGetMinAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astGetNaxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astGetPermute_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astGetPreserveAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astIsUnitFrame_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astLineCrossing_( AstFrame *, AstLineDef *, AstLineDef *, double **, int * );
+int astLineContains_( AstFrame *, AstLineDef *, int, double *, int * );
+int astMatch_( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int, int **, int **, AstMapping **, AstFrame **, int * );
+int astSubFrame_( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int, const int *, const int *, AstMapping **, AstFrame **, int * );
+int astTestDigits_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestDirection_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astTestDomain_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestFormat_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astTestLabel_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astTestMatchEnd_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestMaxAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestMinAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestPermute_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestPreserveAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestSymbol_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astTestTitle_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestUnit_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astValidateAxis_( AstFrame *, int, int, const char *, int * );
+AstSystemType astValidateSystem_( AstFrame *, AstSystemType, const char *, int * );
+AstSystemType astSystemCode_( AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+const char *astSystemString_( AstFrame *, AstSystemType, int * );
+void astCheckPerm_( AstFrame *, const int *, const char *, int * );
+void astClearDigits_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearDirection_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astClearDomain_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearFormat_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astClearLabel_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astClearMatchEnd_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearMaxAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearMinAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearPermute_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearPreserveAxes_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearSymbol_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astClearTitle_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearUnit_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astOverlay_( AstFrame *, const int *, AstFrame *, int * );
+void astPrimaryFrame_( AstFrame *, int, AstFrame **, int *, int * );
+void astSetAxis_( AstFrame *, int, AstAxis *, int * );
+void astSetDigits_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astSetDirection_( AstFrame *, int, int, int * );
+void astSetDomain_( AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+void astSetFormat_( AstFrame *, int, const char *, int * );
+void astSetLabel_( AstFrame *, int, const char *, int * );
+void astSetMatchEnd_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astSetMaxAxes_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astSetMinAxes_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astSetPermute_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astSetPreserveAxes_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astSetSymbol_( AstFrame *, int, const char *, int * );
+void astSetTitle_( AstFrame *, const char *, int * );
+void astSetUnit_( AstFrame *, int, const char *, int * );
+void astValidateAxisSelection_( AstFrame *, int, const int *, const char *, int * );
+double astReadDateTime_( const char *, int * );
+const char *astFmtDecimalYr_( double, int, int * );
+void astLineOffset_( AstFrame *, AstLineDef *, double, double, double[2], int * );
+AstPointSet *astFrameGrid_( AstFrame *, int, const double *, const double *, int * );
+double astGetTop_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astTestTop_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astClearTop_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astSetTop_( AstFrame *, int, double, int * );
+double astGetBottom_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astTestBottom_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astClearBottom_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+void astSetBottom_( AstFrame *, int, double, int * );
+AstSystemType astGetSystem_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestSystem_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearSystem_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetSystem_( AstFrame *, AstSystemType, int * );
+AstSystemType astGetAlignSystem_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestAlignSystem_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearAlignSystem_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetAlignSystem_( AstFrame *, AstSystemType, int * );
+double astGetEpoch_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestEpoch_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearEpoch_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetEpoch_( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+double astGetObsLon_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestObsLon_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearObsLon_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetObsLon_( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+double astGetObsLat_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestObsLat_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearObsLat_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetObsLat_( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+double astGetObsAlt_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestObsAlt_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearObsAlt_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetObsAlt_( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+double astGetDtai_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestDtai_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearDtai_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetDtai_( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+double astGetDut1_( AstFrame *, int * );
+int astTestDut1_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astClearDut1_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetDut1_( AstFrame *, double, int * );
+int astTestActiveUnit_( AstFrame *, int * );
+void astSetFrameFlags_( AstFrame *, int, int * );
+int astGetFrameFlags_( AstFrame *, int * );
+/* Function interfaces. */
+/* ==================== */
+/* These macros are wrap-ups for the functions defined by this class to make
+ them easier to invoke (e.g. to avoid type mis-matches when passing pointers
+ to objects from derived classes). */
+/* Interfaces to standard class functions. */
+/* --------------------------------------- */
+/* Some of these functions provide validation, so we cannot use them to
+ validate their own arguments. We must use a cast when passing object
+ pointers (so that they can accept objects from derived classes). */
+/* Check class membership. */
+#define astCheckFrame(this) astINVOKE_CHECK(Frame,this,0)
+#define astVerifyFrame(this) astINVOKE_CHECK(Frame,this,1)
+/* Test class membership. */
+#define astIsAFrame(this) astINVOKE_ISA(Frame,this)
+/* Constructor. */
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+#define astFrame astINVOKE(F,astFrame_)
+#define astFrame astINVOKE(F,astFrameId_)
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+/* Initialiser. */
+#define astInitFrame(mem,size,init,vtab,name,naxes) \
+/* Vtab Initialiser. */
+#define astInitFrameVtab(vtab,name) astINVOKE(V,astInitFrameVtab_(vtab,name,STATUS_PTR))
+/* Loader. */
+#define astLoadFrame(mem,size,vtab,name,channel) \
+/* Interfaces to public member functions. */
+/* -------------------------------------- */
+/* Here we make use of astCheckFrame to validate Frame pointers before
+ use. This provides a contextual error report if a pointer to the
+ wrong sort of Object is supplied. */
+#define astConvert(from,to,domainlist) \
+#define astAngle(this,a,b,c) \
+#define astDistance(this,point1,point2) \
+#define astFindFrame(target,template,domainlist) \
+#define astMatchAxes(frm1,frm2,axes) \
+#define astNorm(this,value) \
+#define astAxDistance(this,axis,v1,v2) \
+#define astAxNorm(this,axis,oper,nval,values) \
+#define astAxOffset(this,axis,v1,dist) \
+#define astOffset(this,point1,point2,offset,point3) \
+#define astAxAngle(this,a,b,axis) \
+#define astIntersect(this,a1,a2,b1,b2,cross) \
+#define astOffset2(this,point1,angle,offset,point2) \
+#define astResolve(this,point1,point2,point3,point4,d1,d2) \
+#define astGetActiveUnit(this) \
+#define astSetActiveUnit(this,value) \
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+#define astGetFrameVariants(this) \
+#define astSetFrameVariants(this,variants) \
+#define astNormBox(this,lbnd,ubnd,reg) \
+#define astFormat(this,axis,value) \
+#define astPermAxes(this,perm) \
+#define astPickAxes(this,naxes,axes,map) \
+astINVOKE(O,astPickAxes_(astCheckFrame(this),naxes,axes,(AstMapping **)(map),STATUS_PTR))
+#define astUnformat(this,axis,string,value) \
+#define astFormat(this,axis,value) \
+#define astPermAxes(this,perm) \
+#define astPickAxes(this,naxes,axes,map) \
+astINVOKE(O,astPickAxesId_(astCheckFrame(this),naxes,axes,(AstMapping **)(map),STATUS_PTR))
+#define astUnformat(this,axis,string,value) \
+#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
+#define astAxIn(this,axis,lo,hi,val,closed) \
+#define astAbbrev(this,axis,fmt,str1,str2) \
+#define astFields(this,axis,fmt,str,maxfld,fields,nc,val) \
+#define astCheckPerm(this,perm,method) \
+#define astResolvePoints(this,p1,p2,in,out) \
+#define astLineDef(this,p1,p2) \
+#define astLineOffset(this,line,par,prp,point) \
+#define astFrameGrid(this,size,lbnd,ubnd) \
+#define astLineCrossing(this,l1,l2,cross) \
+#define astLineContains(this,l,def,point) \
+#define astClearDigits(this) \
+#define astClearDirection(this,axis) \
+#define astClearDomain(this) \
+#define astClearFormat(this,axis) \
+#define astClearLabel(this,axis) \
+#define astClearMatchEnd(this) \
+#define astClearMaxAxes(this) \
+#define astClearMinAxes(this) \
+#define astClearPermute(this) \
+#define astClearPreserveAxes(this) \
+#define astClearSymbol(this,axis) \
+#define astClearTitle(this) \
+#define astClearUnit(this,axis) \
+#define astConvertX(to,from,domainlist) \
+#define astCentre(this,axis,value,gap) \
+#define astGap(this,axis,gap,ntick) \
+#define astGetAxis(this,axis) \
+#define astGetDigits(this) \
+#define astGetDirection(this,axis) \
+#define astGetDomain(this) \
+#define astGetFormat(this,axis) \
+#define astGetLabel(this,axis) \
+#define astGetMatchEnd(this) \
+#define astGetMaxAxes(this) \
+#define astGetMinAxes(this) \
+#define astGetNaxes(this) \
+#define astGetPerm(this) \
+#define astGetPermute(this) \
+#define astGetPreserveAxes(this) \
+#define astGetSymbol(this,axis) \
+#define astGetTitle(this) \
+#define astGetUnit(this,axis) \
+#define astGetNormUnit(this,axis) \
+#define astGetInternalUnit(this,axis) \
+#define astMatch(template,target,matchsub,template_axes,target_axes,map,result) \
+astINVOKE(V,astMatch_(astCheckFrame(template),astCheckFrame(target),matchsub,template_axes,target_axes,(AstMapping **)(map),(AstFrame **)(result),STATUS_PTR))
+#define astIsUnitFrame(this) \
+#define astOverlay(template,template_axes,result) \
+#define astPrimaryFrame(this,axis1,frame,axis2) \
+astINVOKE(V,astPrimaryFrame_(astCheckFrame(this),axis1,(AstFrame **)(frame),axis2,STATUS_PTR))
+#define astSetAxis(this,axis,newaxis) \
+#define astSetDigits(this,digits) \
+#define astSetDirection(this,axis,direction) \
+#define astSetDomain(this,domain) \
+#define astSetFormat(this,axis,format) \
+#define astSetLabel(this,axis,label) \
+#define astSetMatchEnd(this,value) \
+#define astSetMaxAxes(this,value) \
+#define astSetMinAxes(this,value) \
+#define astSetPermute(this,value) \
+#define astSetPreserveAxes(this,value) \
+#define astSetSymbol(this,axis,symbol) \
+#define astSetTitle(this,title) \
+#define astSetUnit(this,axis,unit) \
+#define astSubFrame(target,template,result_naxes,target_axes,template_axes,map,result) \
+astINVOKE(V,astSubFrame_(astCheckFrame(target),template?astCheckFrame(template):NULL,result_naxes,target_axes,template_axes,(AstMapping **)(map),(AstFrame **)(result),STATUS_PTR))
+#define astTestDigits(this) \
+#define astTestDirection(this,axis) \
+#define astTestDomain(this) \
+#define astTestFormat(this,axis) \
+#define astTestLabel(this,axis) \
+#define astTestMatchEnd(this) \
+#define astTestMaxAxes(this) \
+#define astTestMinAxes(this) \
+#define astTestPermute(this) \
+#define astTestPreserveAxes(this) \
+#define astTestSymbol(this,axis) \
+#define astTestTitle(this) \
+#define astTestUnit(this,axis) \
+#define astValidateAxis(this,axis,fwd,method) \
+#define astValidateAxisSelection(this,naxes,axes,method) \
+#define astMatchAxesX(frm2,frm1,axes) \
+#define astFmtDecimalYr(year,digits) astFmtDecimalYr_(year,digits,STATUS_PTR)
+#define astReadDateTime(value) astReadDateTime_(value,STATUS_PTR)
+#define astValidateSystem(this,system,method) \
+#define astSystemString(this,system) \
+#define astSystemCode(this,system) \
+#define astClearTop(this,axis) \
+#define astGetTop(this,axis) \
+#define astSetTop(this,axis,value) \
+#define astTestTop(this,axis) \
+#define astClearBottom(this,axis) \
+#define astGetBottom(this,axis) \
+#define astSetBottom(this,axis,value) \
+#define astTestBottom(this,axis) \
+#define astClearSystem(this) \
+#define astGetSystem(this) \
+#define astSetSystem(this,value) \
+#define astTestSystem(this) \
+#define astClearAlignSystem(this) \
+#define astGetAlignSystem(this) \
+#define astSetAlignSystem(this,value) \
+#define astTestAlignSystem(this) \
+#define astClearEpoch(this) \
+#define astGetEpoch(this) \
+#define astSetEpoch(this,value) \
+#define astTestEpoch(this) \
+#define astGetObsLon(this) \
+#define astTestObsLon(this) \
+#define astClearObsLon(this) \
+#define astSetObsLon(this,value) \
+#define astGetObsLat(this) \
+#define astTestObsLat(this) \
+#define astClearObsLat(this) \
+#define astSetObsLat(this,value) \
+#define astGetObsAlt(this) \
+#define astTestObsAlt(this) \
+#define astClearObsAlt(this) \
+#define astSetObsAlt(this,value) \
+#define astClearDtai(this) \
+#define astGetDtai(this) \
+#define astSetDtai(this,value) \
+#define astTestDtai(this) \
+#define astClearDut1(this) \
+#define astGetDut1(this) \
+#define astSetDut1(this,value) \
+#define astTestDut1(this) \
+#define astTestActiveUnit(this) \
+#define astSetFrameFlags(this,flags) \
+#define astGetFrameFlags(this) \