path: root/ast/frameset.h
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authorWilliam Joye <>2018-09-21 17:02:41 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2018-09-21 17:02:41 (GMT)
commitbd7d67f66c53df36bb50e3423bfc91eae8618201 (patch)
tree343b06f7a9f2decdfa8d3e4aae885be3e909aa14 /ast/frameset.h
parentf2f490ba0f98917b590fd7e538b9514e4119e640 (diff)
update ast
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/frameset.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 714 deletions
diff --git a/ast/frameset.h b/ast/frameset.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6629cfb..0000000
--- a/ast/frameset.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,714 +0,0 @@
-* Name:
-* frameset.h
-* Type:
-* C include file.
-* Purpose:
-* Define the interface to the FrameSet class.
-* Invocation:
-* #include "frameset.h"
-* Description:
-* This include file defines the interface to the FrameSet class and
-* provides the type definitions, function prototypes and macros, etc.
-* needed to use this class.
-* A FrameSet consists of a set of one or more Frames, which are
-* inter-related by Mappings in such a way that it is possible to
-* obtain a Mapping between any pair of the Frames. The Frames are
-* identified by an integer index, with Frames being numbered
-* consecutively from one as they are added to the FrameSet.
-* At any time, there is a "base" Frame and a "current" Frame
-* (which are allowed to be the same). Any of the Frames may be
-* nominated to hold these positions, and the choice is determined
-* by the values of the FrameSet's Base and Current attributes
-* which hold the indices of the relevant Frames. By default, the
-* first Frame added to a FrameSet is its base Frame, and the last
-* one added is its current Frame.
-* The base Frame describes the "native" coordinate system of
-* whatever the FrameSet is used to calibrate (e.g. the pixel
-* coordinates of an image) and the current Frame describes the
-* "apparent" coordinate system in which it should be viewed
-* (e.g. displayed, etc.). The other Frames represent alternative
-* coordinate systems which may be selected by making them current.
-* When Frame methods are invoked on a FrameSet (e.g. to obtain a
-* Title value or to determine the number of axes), they are
-* applied to the current Frame. Thus, a FrameSet may be used in
-* place of its current Frame in most situations.
-* When Mapping methods are invoked on a FrameSet, the Mapping used
-* is the one between its base Frame and its current Frame. Thus, a
-* FrameSet may be used to convert "native" coordinates into
-* "apparent" ones, and vice versa. A FrameSet may also be
-* inverted, which has the effect of interchanging its base and
-* current Frames (and hence of reversing the Mapping between
-* them).
-* The FrameSet class also defines methods of its own, which are
-* used to manage the Frames and Mappings that it contains and to
-* convert between coordinate systems described by different
-* FrameSets.
-* Inheritance:
-* The FrameSet class inherits from the Frame class.
-* Attributes Over-Ridden:
-* Digits (integer)
-* Direction(axis) (integer)
-* Domain (string)
-* Format(axis) (string)
-* Label(axis) (string)
-* MatchEnd (integer)
-* MaxAxes (integer)
-* MinAxes (integer)
-* Naxes (integer)
-* Permute (integer)
-* PreserveAxes (integer)
-* Symbol(axis) (string)
-* Title (string)
-* Unit(axis) (string)
-* The FrameSet acquires all of these attributes from its
-* current Frame, so their meanings, values and defaults are
-* determined by this Frame and may change if a different
-* current Frame is selected.
-* Nin (integer)
-* Nout (integer)
-* TranForward (integer)
-* TranInverse (integer)
-* The FrameSet interprets all of these as applying to the
-* Mapping that converts coordinates between its base Frame and
-* its current Frame, so their values may change if a different
-* base or current Frame is selected.
-* Invert (integer)
-* Report (integer)
-* The FrameSet interprets these as applying to the Mapping that
-* converts coordinates between its base Frame and its current
-* Frame, but their values are not affected by selecing a
-* different base or current Frame.
-* New Attributes Defined:
-* Base (integer)
-* The (one-based) index of the Frame which is to be regarded as
-* the base Frame in the FrameSet. By default, this is the first
-* Frame added to the FrameSet (i.e. when it was created),
-* unless the Frameset has been inverted, in which case it is
-* the last Frame added. Inverting a FrameSet interchanges the
-* values of its Base and Current attributes.
-* Current (integer)
-* The (one-based) index of the Frame which is to be regarded as
-* the current Frame in the FrameSet. By default, this is the
-* last Frame added to the FrameSet, unless the Frameset has
-* been inverted, in which case it is the first Frame added
-* (i.e. when the FrameSet was created). Inverting a FrameSet
-* interchanges the values of its Base and Current attributes.
-* Nframe (integer)
-* A read-only value giving the number of Frames in a
-* FrameSet. This value will change as Frames are added or
-* removed.
-* Methods Over-Ridden:
-* Public:
-* astClear
-* Clear attribute values for a FrameSet.
-* astConvert
-* Determine how to convert between two coordinate systems.
-* astDistance
-* Calculate the distance between two points.
-* astFindFrame
-* Find a coordinate system with specified characteristics
-* astFormat
-* Format a coordinate value for a FrameSet axis.
-* astGetAxis
-* Obtain a pointer to a specified Axis from a FrameSet.
-* astGetNaxes
-* Determine how many axes a FrameSet has.
-* astGetNin
-* Get the number of input coordinates for a FrameSet.
-* astGetNout
-* Get the number of output coordinates for a FrameSet.
-* astNorm
-* Normalise a set of FrameSet coordinates.
-* astOffset
-* Calculate an offset along a geodesic curve.
-* astPermAxes
-* Permute the order of a FrameSet's axes.
-* astPickAxes
-* Create a new Frame by picking axes from a FrameSet.
-* astSetAxis
-* Set a new Axis for a FrameSet.
-* astSimplify
-* Simplify the Mappings in a FrameSet.
-* astTransform
-* Transform a set of points.
-* astUnformat
-* Read a formatted coordinate value for a FrameSet axis.
-* Protected:
-* astAbbrev
-* Abbreviate a formatted FrameSet axis value by skipping leading
-* fields.
-* astClearDigits
-* Clear the value of the Digits attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearDirection
-* Clear the value of the Direction attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astClearDomain
-* Clear the value of the Domain attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearFormat
-* Clear the value of the Format attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astClearLabel
-* Clear the value of the Label attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astClearMatchEnd
-* Clear the value of the MatchEnd attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearMaxAxes
-* Clear the value of the MaxAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearMinAxes
-* Clear the value of the MinAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearPermute
-* Clear the value of the Permute attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearPreserveAxes
-* Clear the value of the PreserveAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearSymbol
-* Clear the value of the Symbol attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astClearTitle
-* Clear the value of the Title attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearUnit
-* Clear the value of the Unit attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astConvertX
-* Determine how to convert between two coordinate systems.
-* astGap
-* Find a "nice" gap for tabulating FrameSet axis values.
-* astGetDigits
-* Get the value of the Digits attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetDirection
-* Get the value of the Direction attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astGetDomain
-* Get the value of the Domain attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetFormat
-* Get the value of the Format attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astGetLabel
-* Get the value of the Label attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astGetMatchEnd
-* Get the value of the MatchEnd attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetMaxAxes
-* Get the value of the MaxAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetMinAxes
-* Get the value of the MinAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetPerm
-* Access the axis permutation array for the current Frame of
-* a FrameSet.
-* astGetPermute
-* Get the value of the Permute attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetPreserveAxes
-* Get the value of the PreserveAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetSymbol
-* Get the value of the Symbol attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astGetTitle
-* Get the value of the Title attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetTranForward
-* Determine if a Mapping can perform a "forward" coordinate
-* transformation.
-* astGetTranInverse
-* Determine if a Mapping can perform an "inverse" coordinate
-* transformation.
-* astGetUnit
-* Get the value of the Unit attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astMatch
-* Determine if conversion is possible between two coordinate systems.
-* astOverlay
-* Overlay the attributes of a template FrameSet on to another Frame.
-* astPrimaryFrame
-* Uniquely identify a primary Frame and one of its axes.
-* astReportPoints
-* Report the effect of transforming a set of points using a FrameSet.
-* astSetAttrib
-* Set an attribute value for a FrameSet.
-* astSetDigits
-* Set the value of the Digits attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetDirection
-* Set the value of the Direction attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astSetDomain
-* Set the value of the Domain attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetFormat
-* Set the value of the Format attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astSetLabel
-* Set the value of the Label attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astSetMatchEnd
-* Set the value of the MatchEnd attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetMaxAxes
-* Set the value of the MaxAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetMinAxes
-* Set the value of the MinAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetPermute
-* Set the value of the Permute attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetPreserveAxes
-* Set the value of the PreserveAxes attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetSymbol
-* Set the value of the Symbol attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astSetTitle
-* Set the value of the Title attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetUnit
-* Set the value of the Unit attribute for a FrameSet axis.
-* astSubFrame
-* Select axes from a FrameSet and convert to the new coordinate
-* system.
-* astTestDigits
-* Test if a value has been set for the Digits attribute of a
-* FrameSet.
-* astTestDirection
-* Test if a value has been set for the Direction attribute of a
-* FrameSet axis.
-* astTestDomain
-* Test if a value has been set for the Domain attribute of a
-* FrameSet.
-* astTestFormat
-* Test if a value has been set for the Format attribute of a
-* FrameSet axis.
-* astTestLabel
-* Test if a value has been set for the Label attribute of a
-* FrameSet axis.
-* astTestMatchEnd
-* Test if a value has been set for the MatchEnd attribute of a
-* FrameSet.
-* astTestMaxAxes
-* Test if a value has been set for the MaxAxes attribute of a
-* FrameSet.
-* astTestMinAxes
-* Test if a value has been set for the MinAxes attribute of a
-* FrameSet.
-* astTestPermute
-* Test if a value has been set for the Permute attribute of a
-* FrameSet.
-* astTestPreserveAxes
-* Test if a value has been set for the PreserveAxes attribute of a
-* FrameSet.
-* astTestSymbol
-* Test if a value has been set for the Symbol attribute of a
-* FrameSet axis.
-* astTestTitle
-* Test if a value has been set for the Title attribute of a FrameSet.
-* astTestUnit
-* Test if a value has been set for the Unit attribute of a FrameSet
-* axis.
-* astValidateAxis
-* Validate and permute a FrameSet's axis index.
-* astVSet
-* Set values for a FrameSet's attributes.
-* New Methods Defined:
-* Public:
-* astAddFrame
-* Add a Frame to a FrameSet to define a new coordinate system.
-* astGetFrame
-* Obtain a pointer to a specified Frame in a FrameSet.
-* astGetMapping
-* Obtain a Mapping between two Frames in a FrameSet.
-* astRemapFrame
-* Modify a Frame's relationshp to the other Frames in a FrameSet.
-* astRemoveFrame
-* Remove a Frame from a FrameSet.
-* Protected:
-* astClearBase
-* Clear the value of the Base attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astClearCurrent
-* Clear the value of the Current attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetBase
-* Obtain the value of the Base attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetCurrent
-* Obtain the value of the Current attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astGetNframe
-* Determine the number of Frames in a FrameSet.
-* astSetBase
-* Set the value of the Base attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astSetCurrent
-* Set the value of the Current attribute for a FrameSet.
-* astTestBase
-* Test if a value has been set for the Base attribute of a FrameSet.
-* astTestCurrent
-* Test if a value has been set for the Current attribute of a
-* FrameSet.
-* astValidateFrameIndex
-* Validate a FrameSet Frame index number.
-* Other Class Functions:
-* Public:
-* astFrameSet
-* Create a FrameSet.
-* astIsAFrameSet
-* Test class membership.
-* Protected:
-* astCheckFrameSet
-* Validate class membership.
-* astInitFrameSet
-* Initialise a FrameSet.
-* astInitFrameSetVtab
-* Initialise the virtual function table for the FrameSet class.
-* astLoadFrameSet
-* Load a FrameSet.
-* Macros:
-* None.
-* Type Definitions:
-* Public:
-* AstFrameSet
-* FrameSet object type.
-* Protected:
-* AstFrameSetVtab
-* FrameSet virtual function table type.
-* Macros:
-* Public:
-* Expands to a constant int that may be used as a Frame index to
-* refer to a FrameSet's base Frame.
-* Expands to a constant int that may be used as a Frame index to
-* refer to a FrameSet's current Frame.
-* Expands to a constant int that is guaranteed not to be valid when
-* used as a Frame index for a FrameSet.
-* Protected:
-* None.
-* Feature Test Macros:
-* astCLASS
-* If the astCLASS macro is undefined, only public symbols are
-* made available, otherwise protected symbols (for use in other
-* class implementations) are defined. This macro also affects
-* the reporting of error context information, which is only
-* provided for external calls to the AST library.
-* Copyright:
-* Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
-* Research Councils
-* Licence:
-* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
-* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-* version.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-* License along with this program. If not, see
-* <>.
-* Authors:
-* RFWS: R.F. Warren-Smith (Starlink)
-* History:
-* 16-FEB-1996 (RFWS):
-* Original version.
-* 5-JUN-1996 (RFWS):
-* Tidied up, etc.
-* 12-AUG-1996 (RFWS):
-* Added support for the public interface.
-* 25-SEP-1996 (RFWS):
-* Added I/O facilities.
-* 20-JAN-1998 (RFWS):
-* Implemented preservation of FrameSet integrity when attribute
-* values associated with the current Frame are modified.
-* 25-FEB-1998 (RFWS):
-* Over-ride the astUnformat method.
-* 8-JAN-2003 (DSB):
-* Added protected astInitFrameSetVtab method.
-/* Include files. */
-/* ============== */
-/* Interface definitions. */
-/* ---------------------- */
-#include "frame.h" /* Parent Frame class */
-/* Note that the usual setting of the FRAMESET_INCLUDED flag, which
- prevents this file being included more than once, must be deferred
- until after including the "frame.h" file. This is because "frame.h"
- needs to include the present interface definition (as a form of
- "forward reference") in order to have access to FrameSets
- itself. */
-#if !defined( FRAMESET_INCLUDED )
-/* Macros. */
-/* ======= */
-/* Define a dummy __attribute__ macro for use on non-GNU compilers. */
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-# define __attribute__(x) /*NOTHING*/
-#if defined(astCLASS) || defined(astFORTRAN77)
-#define STATUS_PTR status
-#define STATUS_PTR astGetStatusPtr
-#define AST__BASE (0) /* Identify base Frame */
-#define AST__CURRENT (-1) /* Identify current Frame */
-#define AST__NOFRAME (-99) /* An invalid Frame index */
-#define AST__ALLFRAMES (-199) /* A value representing all Frames */
-#define AST__FRAMESET_GETALLVARIANTS_BUFF_LEN 200 /* Length for AllVariants buffer */
-#define AST__FRAMESET_GETATTRIB_BUFF_LEN 200 /* Length for GetAtribb buffer */
-/* Type Definitions. */
-/* ================= */
-/* FrameSet structure. */
-/* ------------------- */
-/* This structure contains all information that is unique to each object in
- the class (e.g. its instance variables). */
-typedef struct AstFrameSet {
-/* Attributes inherited from the parent class. */
- AstFrame parent; /* Parent class structure */
-/* Attributes specific to objects in this class. */
- AstFrame **frame; /* Array of Frame pointers */
- AstMapping **map; /* Array of Mapping pointers */
- int *varfrm; /* Array of variants Frames indices */
- int *invert; /* Array of Mapping Invert values */
- int *link; /* Parent node index for each node */
- int *node; /* Index of node associated with Frame */
- int base; /* Index of base Frame */
- int current; /* Index of current Frame */
- int nframe; /* Number of Frames */
- int nnode; /* Number of nodes */
-} AstFrameSet;
-/* Virtual function table. */
-/* ----------------------- */
-/* This table contains all information that is the same for all objects in the
- class (e.g. pointers to its virtual functions). */
-#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
-typedef struct AstFrameSetVtab {
-/* Properties (e.g. methods) inherited from the parent class. */
- AstFrameVtab frame_vtab; /* Parent class virtual function table */
-/* A Unique identifier to determine class membership. */
- AstClassIdentifier id;
-/* Properties (e.g. methods) specific to this class. */
- AstFrame *(* GetFrame)( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
- AstMapping *(* GetMapping)( AstFrameSet *, int, int, int * );
- int (* GetBase)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- int (* GetCurrent)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- int (* GetNframe)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- int (* TestBase)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- int (* TestCurrent)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- int (* ValidateFrameIndex)( AstFrameSet *, int, const char *, int * );
- void (* AddFrame)( AstFrameSet *, int, AstMapping *, AstFrame *, int * );
- void (* AddVariant)( AstFrameSet *, AstMapping *, const char *, int * );
- void (* MirrorVariants)( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
- void (* ClearBase)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- void (* ClearCurrent)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- void (* RemapFrame)( AstFrameSet *, int, AstMapping *, int * );
- void (* RemoveFrame)( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
- void (* SetBase)( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
- void (* SetCurrent)( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
- void (* ClearVariant)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- const char *(* GetVariant)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- void (* SetVariant)( AstFrameSet *, const char *, int * );
- int (* TestVariant)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- const char *(* GetAllVariants)( AstFrameSet *, int * );
- int (* GetNode)( AstFrameSet *, int, int *, int *, AstMapping **, int *, int * );
-} AstFrameSetVtab;
-#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
-/* Define a structure holding all data items that are global within this
- class. */
-typedef struct AstFrameSetGlobals {
- AstFrameSetVtab Class_Vtab;
- int Class_Init;
- char GetAttrib_Buff[ AST__FRAMESET_GETATTRIB_BUFF_LEN + 1 ];
- char GetAllVariants_Buff[ AST__FRAMESET_GETALLVARIANTS_BUFF_LEN + 1 ];
- AstFrame *Integrity_Frame;
- const char *Integrity_Method;
- int Integrity_Lost;
-} AstFrameSetGlobals;
-/* Function prototypes. */
-/* ==================== */
-/* Prototypes for standard class functions. */
-/* ---------------------------------------- */
-astPROTO_CHECK(FrameSet) /* Check class membership */
-astPROTO_ISA(FrameSet) /* Test class membership */
-/* Constructor. */
-#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
-AstFrameSet *astFrameSet_( void *, const char *, int *, ...);
-AstFrameSet *astFrameSetId_( void *, const char *, ... )__attribute__((format(printf,2,3)));
-#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
-/* Initialiser. */
-AstFrameSet *astInitFrameSet_( void *, size_t, int, AstFrameSetVtab *,
- const char *, AstFrame *, int * );
-/* Vtab initialiser. */
-void astInitFrameSetVtab_( AstFrameSetVtab *, const char *, int * );
-/* Loader. */
-AstFrameSet *astLoadFrameSet_( void *, size_t, AstFrameSetVtab *,
- const char *, AstChannel *, int * );
-/* Thread-safe initialiser for all global data used by this module. */
-#if defined(THREAD_SAFE)
-void astInitFrameSetGlobals_( AstFrameSetGlobals * );
-/* Prototypes for member functions. */
-/* -------------------------------- */
-AstFrame *astGetFrame_( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
-AstMapping *astGetMapping_( AstFrameSet *, int, int, int * );
-void astAddFrame_( AstFrameSet *, int , AstMapping *, AstFrame *, int * );
-void astAddVariant_( AstFrameSet *, AstMapping *, const char *, int * );
-void astMirrorVariants_( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
-void astRemapFrame_( AstFrameSet *, int, AstMapping *, int * );
-void astRemoveFrame_( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
-int astGetNodeId_( AstFrameSet *, int, int *, int *, AstMapping **, int *, int * );
-#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
-const char *astGetAllVariants_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-int astGetBase_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-int astGetCurrent_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-int astGetNframe_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-int astTestBase_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-int astTestCurrent_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-int astValidateFrameIndex_( AstFrameSet *, int, const char *, int * );
-void astClearBase_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-void astClearCurrent_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-void astSetBase_( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
-void astSetCurrent_( AstFrameSet *, int, int * );
-void astClearVariant_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-const char *astGetVariant_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-void astSetVariant_( AstFrameSet *, const char *, int * );
-int astTestVariant_( AstFrameSet *, int * );
-int astGetNode_( AstFrameSet *, int, int *, int *, AstMapping **, int *, int * );
-/* Function interfaces. */
-/* ==================== */
-/* These macros are wrap-ups for the functions defined by this class to make
- them easier to invoke (e.g. to avoid type mis-matches when passing pointers
- to objects from derived classes). */
-/* Interfaces to standard class functions. */
-/* --------------------------------------- */
-/* Some of these functions provide validation, so we cannot use them to
- validate their own arguments. We must use a cast when passing object
- pointers (so that they can accept objects from derived classes). */
-/* Check class membership. */
-#define astCheckFrameSet(this) astINVOKE_CHECK(FrameSet,this,0)
-#define astVerifyFrameSet(this) astINVOKE_CHECK(FrameSet,this,1)
-/* Test class membership. */
-#define astIsAFrameSet(this) astINVOKE_ISA(FrameSet,this)
-/* Constructor. */
-#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
-#define astFrameSet astINVOKE(F,astFrameSet_)
-#define astFrameSet astINVOKE(F,astFrameSetId_)
-#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
-/* Initialiser. */
-#define astInitFrameSet(mem,size,init,vtab,name,frame) \
-/* Vtab Initialiser. */
-#define astInitFrameSetVtab(vtab,name) astINVOKE(V,astInitFrameSetVtab_(vtab,name,STATUS_PTR))
-/* Loader. */
-#define astLoadFrameSet(mem,size,vtab,name,channel) \
-/* Interfaces to public member functions. */
-/* -------------------------------------- */
-/* Here we make use of astCheckFrameSet to validate FrameSet pointers before
- use. This provides a contextual error report if a pointer to the wrong sort
- of object is supplied. */
-#define astAddFrame(this,iframe,map,frame) \
-#define astAddVariant(this,map,name) \
-#define astMirrorVariants(this,iframe) \
-#define astGetFrame(this,iframe) \
-#define astGetMapping(this,iframe1,iframe2) \
-#define astRemapFrame(this,iframe,map) \
-#define astRemoveFrame(this,iframe) \
-#define astGetNode(this,inode,nnodes,iframe,map,parent) \
-/* Interfaces to protected member functions. */
-/* ----------------------------------------- */
-#if defined(astCLASS) /* Protected */
-#define astClearBase(this) \
-#define astClearCurrent(this) \
-#define astGetBase(this) \
-#define astGetCurrent(this) \
-#define astGetNframe(this) \
-#define astSetBase(this,ibase) \
-#define astSetCurrent(this,icurrent) \
-#define astTestBase(this) \
-#define astTestCurrent(this) \
-#define astValidateFrameIndex(this,iframe,method) \
-#define astClearVariant(this) \
-#define astGetVariant(this) \
-#define astSetVariant(this,variant) \
-#define astTestVariant(this) \
-#define astGetAllVariants(this) \