path: root/ast/specfluxframe.c
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authorWilliam Joye <>2019-05-10 15:55:01 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2019-05-10 15:55:01 (GMT)
commit9646e8d50bc1481de77459d59738826f9c256ad6 (patch)
treee47684c08ae346d96e3c6ea8780f3886fe74e6f6 /ast/specfluxframe.c
parent37e757832a7f2c690cea41df5bf9cfa9ee18f67f (diff)
upgrade ast 8.7.1
Diffstat (limited to 'ast/specfluxframe.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2189 deletions
diff --git a/ast/specfluxframe.c b/ast/specfluxframe.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ea00d49..0000000
--- a/ast/specfluxframe.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2189 +0,0 @@
-* Name:
-* SpecFluxFrame
-* Purpose:
-* Compound spectrum/flux Frame.
-* Constructor Function:
-c astSpecFluxFrame
-* Description:
-* A SpecFluxFrame combines a SpecFrame and a FluxFrame into a single
-* 2-dimensional compound Frame. Such a Frame can for instance be used
-* to describe a Plot of a spectrum in which the first axis represents
-* spectral position and the second axis represents flux.
-* Inheritance:
-* The SpecFluxFrame class inherits from the CmpFrame class.
-* Attributes:
-* The SpecFluxFrame class does not define any new attributes beyond
-* those which are applicable to all CmpFrames. However, the attributes
-* of the component Frames can be accessed as if they were attributes
-* of the SpecFluxFrame. For instance, the SpecFluxFrame will recognise
-* the "StdOfRest" attribute and forward access requests to the component
-* SpecFrame. An axis index can optionally be appended to the end of any
-* attribute name, in which case the request to access the attribute will
-* be forwarded to the primary Frame defining the specified axis.
-* Functions:
-c The SpecFluxFrame class does not define any new functions beyond those
-f The SpecFluxFrame class does not define any new routines beyond those
-* which are applicable to all CmpFrames.
-* Copyright:
-* Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
-* Research Councils
-* Licence:
-* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-* License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
-* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
-* version.
-* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-* License along with this program. If not, see
-* <>.
-* Authors:
-* DSB: David S. Berry (Starlink)
-* History:
-* 8-DEC-2004 (DSB):
-* Original version.
-* 29-APR-2011 (DSB):
-* Prevent astFindFrame from matching a subclass template against a
-* superclass target.
-/* Module Macros. */
-/* ============== */
-/* Set the name of the class we are implementing. This indicates to
- the header files that define class interfaces that they should make
- "protected" symbols available. */
-#define astCLASS SpecFluxFrame
-/* Define the first and last acceptable System values. */
-/* Include files. */
-/* ============== */
-/* Interface definitions. */
-/* ---------------------- */
-#include "globals.h" /* Thread-safe global data access */
-#include "error.h" /* Error reporting facilities */
-#include "memory.h" /* Memory allocation facilities */
-#include "globals.h" /* Thread-safe global data access */
-#include "object.h" /* Base Object class */
-#include "mapping.h" /* Coordinate Mappings */
-#include "unitmap.h" /* Unit Mappings */
-#include "permmap.h" /* Coordinate permutation Mappings */
-#include "cmpmap.h" /* Compound Mappings */
-#include "axis.h" /* Coordinate axes */
-#include "cmpframe.h" /* Parent CmpFrame class */
-#include "tranmap.h" /* Separated transformation Mappings */
-#include "mathmap.h" /* Algebraic Mappings */
-#include "ratemap.h" /* Differential Mappings */
-#include "specframe.h" /* SpecFrame class */
-#include "fluxframe.h" /* FluxFrame class */
-#include "specfluxframe.h" /* Interface definition for this class */
-/* Error code definitions. */
-/* ----------------------- */
-#include "ast_err.h" /* AST error codes */
-/* C header files. */
-/* --------------- */
-#include <float.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* Module Variables. */
-/* ================= */
-/* Address of this static variable is used as a unique identifier for
- member of this class. */
-static int class_check;
-/* Pointers to parent class methods which are extended by this class. */
-static int (* parent_match)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int, int **, int **, AstMapping **, AstFrame **, int * );
-static int (* parent_subframe)( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int, const int *, const int *, AstMapping **, AstFrame **, int * );
-static const char *(* parent_gettitle)( AstFrame *, int * );
-/* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
-/* Define how to initialise thread-specific globals. */
-#define GLOBAL_inits \
- globals->Class_Init = 0; \
- globals->GetTitle_Buff[ 0 ] = 0;
-/* Create the function that initialises global data for this module. */
-/* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
-#define class_init astGLOBAL(SpecFluxFrame,Class_Init)
-#define class_vtab astGLOBAL(SpecFluxFrame,Class_Vtab)
-#define gettitle_buff astGLOBAL(SpecFluxFrame,GetTitle_Buff)
-/* If thread safety is not needed, declare and initialise globals at static
- variables. */
-static char gettitle_buff[ 101 ];
-/* Define the class virtual function table and its initialisation flag
- as static variables. */
-static AstSpecFluxFrameVtab class_vtab; /* Virtual function table */
-static int class_init = 0; /* Virtual function table initialised? */
-/* External Interface Function Prototypes. */
-/* ======================================= */
-/* The following functions have public prototypes only (i.e. no
- protected prototypes), so we must provide local prototypes for use
- within this module. */
-AstSpecFluxFrame *astSpecFluxFrameId_( void *, void *, const char *, ... );
-/* Prototypes for Private Member Functions. */
-/* ======================================== */
-static AstFluxFrame *GetFluxFrame( AstSpecFluxFrame *, int, int * );
-static AstMapping *MakeMap2( AstSpecFluxFrame *, int * );
-static AstMapping *MakeMap3( AstSpecFluxFrame *, AstSpecFluxFrame *, int * );
-static AstMapping *MakeMapF( AstFluxFrame *, AstSpecFrame *, AstFluxFrame *, AstSpecFrame *, int * );
-static AstMapping *MakeMapI( AstFluxFrame *, AstSpecFrame *, AstFluxFrame *, AstSpecFrame *, int * );
-static AstSpecFrame *GetSpecFrame( AstSpecFluxFrame *, int, int * );
-static const char *GetTitle( AstFrame *, int * );
-static int MakeSFMapping( AstSpecFluxFrame *, AstSpecFluxFrame *, AstMapping **, int * );
-static int Match( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int, int **, int **, AstMapping **, AstFrame **, int * );
-static int SubFrame( AstFrame *, AstFrame *, int, const int *, const int *, AstMapping **, AstFrame **, int * );
-static void Dump( AstObject *, AstChannel *, int * );
-/* Member functions. */
-/* ================= */
-static AstFluxFrame *GetFluxFrame( AstSpecFluxFrame *this, int std, int *status ){
-* Name:
-* GetFluxFrame
-* Purpose:
-* Return a pointer to the FluxFrame in a FluxSpecFrame.
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstFluxFrame *GetFluxFrame( AstSpecFluxFrame *this, int std, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function.
-* Description:
-* Returns a pointer to the FluxFrame in a SpecFluxFrame.
-* Parameters:
-* this
-* Pointer to the SpecFluxFrame.
-* std
-* If non zero, then the returned FluxFrame is a standardised copy of
-* the FluxFrame in the supplied SpecFluxFrame, in which the System has
-* been set explicitly (rather than potentially being defaulted), and
-* the Units have been cleared to use default units appropriate to
-* the flux System.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to the FluxFrame. Should be freed using astAnnul when no
-* longer needed.
-* Notes:
-* NULL is returned if this function is invoked with the global error
-* status set or if it should fail for any reason.
-/* Local Variables; */
- AstFluxFrame *ff;
- AstFluxFrame *ret;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
-/* The FluxFrame is always the second Frame in the parent CmpFrame. */
- ff = (AstFluxFrame *) ((AstCmpFrame *)this)->frame2;
-/* Produce a standardised copy of the FluxFrame if required, or clone the
- above pointer otherwise. */
- if( std ) {
- ret = astCopy( ff );
- astSetSystem( ret, astGetSystem( ff ) );
- astClearUnit( ret, 0 );
- } else {
- ret = astClone( ff );
- }
-/* Annul the returned pointer if anything went wrong. */
- if( !astOK ) ret = astAnnul( ret );
-/* Return the result. */
- return ret;
-static AstSpecFrame *GetSpecFrame( AstSpecFluxFrame *this, int std, int *status ){
-* Name:
-* GetSpecFrame
-* Purpose:
-* Return a pointer to the SpecFrame in a FluxSpecFrame.
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstSpecFrame *GetSpecFrame( AstSpecFluxFrame *this, int std, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function.
-* Description:
-* Returns a pointer to the SpecFrame in a SpecFluxFrame.
-* Parameters:
-* this
-* Pointer to the SpecFluxFrame.
-* std
-* If non zero, then the returned SpecFrame is a standardised copy of
-* the SpecFrame in the supplied SpecFluxFrame, in which the System
-* and Units have been set explicitly to the values appropriate to the
-* flux system in use in the FluxFrame in the supplied SpecFluxFrame.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to the FluxFrame. Should be freed using astAnnul when no
-* longer needed.
-* Notes:
-* NULL is returned if this function is invoked with the global error
-* status set or if it should fail for any reason.
-/* Local Variables; */
- AstFluxFrame *ff;
- AstSpecFrame *ret;
- AstSpecFrame *sf;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
-/* Get a pointer to the SpecFrame (the first Frame in the parent CmpFrame). */
- sf = (AstSpecFrame *) ((AstCmpFrame *)this)->frame1;
-/* If we want a standardised version of the SpecFrame... */
- if( std ) {
-/* The FluxFrame is always the second Frame in the parent CmpFrame. */
- ff = (AstFluxFrame *) ((AstCmpFrame *)this)->frame2;
-/* Produce a copy of the SpecFrame and set its System and Units
- appropriate to the flux system (expressed in default units). */
- ret = astCopy( sf );
- astSetSystem( ret, astGetDensitySystem( ff ) );
- astSetUnit( ret, 0, astGetDensityUnit( ff ) );
-/* If we are not standardising the SpecFrame, just return a clone of the
- pointer in the parent CmpFrame. */
- } else {
- ret = astClone( sf );
- }
-/* Annul the returned pointer if anything went wrong. */
- if( !astOK ) ret = astAnnul( ret );
-/* Return the result. */
- return ret;
-static const char *GetTitle( AstFrame *this_frame, int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* GetTitle
-* Purpose:
-* Obtain a pointer to the Title string for a SpecFluxFrame.
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* const char *GetTitle( AstFrame *this_frame, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function (over-rides the astGetTitle method
-* inherited from the CmpFrame class).
-* Description:
-* This function returns a pointer to the Title string for a SpecFluxFrame.
-* A pointer to a suitable default string is returned if no Title value has
-* previously been set.
-* Parameters:
-* this
-* Pointer to the SpecFluxFrame.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* Pointer to a null-terminated character string containing the requested
-* information.
-* Notes:
-* - A NULL pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
-* global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstSpecFluxFrame *this;
- AstSpecFrame *sf;
- AstFluxFrame *ff;
- const char *result;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
-/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
- astGET_GLOBALS(this_frame);
-/* Initialise. */
- result = NULL;
-/* Obtain a pointer to the SpecFluxFrame structure. */
- this = (AstSpecFluxFrame *) this_frame;
-/* See if a Title string has been set. If so, use the parent astGetTitle
- method to obtain a pointer to it. */
- if ( astTestTitle( this ) ) {
- result = (*parent_gettitle)( this_frame, status );
-/* Otherwise, we will generate a default Title string. Obtain the values of the
- SpecFrame's attributes that determine what this string will be. */
- } else {
- ff = GetFluxFrame( this, 0, status );
- sf = GetSpecFrame( this, 0, status );
- if( astOK ) {
- sprintf( gettitle_buff, "%s versus %s", astGetLabel( ff, 0 ),
- astGetLabel( sf, 0 ) );
- gettitle_buff[ 0 ] = toupper( gettitle_buff[ 0 ] );
- result = gettitle_buff;
- }
- ff = astAnnul( ff );
- sf = astAnnul( sf );
- }
-/* If an error occurred, clear the returned pointer value. */
- if ( !astOK ) result = NULL;
-/* Return the result. */
- return result;
-void astInitSpecFluxFrameVtab_( AstSpecFluxFrameVtab *vtab, const char *name, int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* astInitSpecFluxFrameVtab
-* Purpose:
-* Initialise a virtual function table for a SpecFluxFrame.
-* Type:
-* Protected function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* void astInitSpecFluxFrameVtab( AstSpecFluxFrameVtab *vtab, const char *name )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame vtab initialiser.
-* Description:
-* This function initialises the component of a virtual function
-* table which is used by the SpecFluxFrame class.
-* Parameters:
-* vtab
-* Pointer to the virtual function table. The components used by
-* all ancestral classes will be initialised if they have not already
-* been initialised.
-* name
-* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
-* the name of the class to which the virtual function table belongs (it
-* is this pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the Object
-* astClass function).
-/* Local Variables: */
- astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
- AstObjectVtab *object; /* Pointer to Object component of Vtab */
- AstFrameVtab *frame; /* Pointer to Frame component of Vtab */
- AstMappingVtab *mapping; /* Pointer to Mapping component of Vtab */
-/* Check the local error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return;
-/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
-/* Initialize the component of the virtual function table used by the
- parent class. */
- astInitCmpFrameVtab( (AstCmpFrameVtab *) vtab, name );
-/* Store a unique "magic" value in the virtual function table. This
- will be used (by astIsASpecFluxFrame) to determine if an object belongs
- to this class. We can conveniently use the address of the (static)
- class_check variable to generate this unique value. */
- vtab->id.check = &class_check;
- vtab->id.parent = &(((AstCmpFrameVtab *) vtab)->id);
-/* Initialise member function pointers. */
-/* ------------------------------------ */
-/* Store pointers to the member functions (implemented here) that
- provide virtual methods for this class. */
-/* Save the inherited pointers to methods that will be extended, and
- replace them with pointers to the new member functions. */
- object = (AstObjectVtab *) vtab;
- frame = (AstFrameVtab *) vtab;
- mapping = (AstMappingVtab *) vtab;
-/* Store replacement pointers for methods which will be over-ridden by
- new member functions implemented here. */
- parent_match = frame->Match;
- frame->Match = Match;
- parent_subframe = frame->SubFrame;
- frame->SubFrame = SubFrame;
- parent_gettitle = frame->GetTitle;
- frame->GetTitle = GetTitle;
-/* Declare the copy constructor, destructor and class dump
- function. */
- astSetDump( vtab, Dump, "SpecFluxFrame",
- "Compound spectral/flux coordinate system description" );
-/* If we have just initialised the vtab for the current class, indicate
- that the vtab is now initialised, and store a pointer to the class
- identifier in the base "object" level of the vtab. */
- if( vtab == &class_vtab ) {
- class_init = 1;
- astSetVtabClassIdentifier( vtab, &(vtab->id) );
- }
-static AstMapping *MakeMap2( AstSpecFluxFrame *this, int *status ){
-* Name:
-* MakeMap2
-* Purpose:
-* Generate the second Mapping required by MakeSFMapping
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstMapping *MakeMap2( AstSpecFluxFrame *this, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function.
-* Description:
-* The second Mapping used by MakeSFMapping contains three Mappings in
-* parallel which converts v1 (flux value) and x1 (spectral position) into
-* default units, and passes the third axis (a copy of flux value)
-* unchanged.
-* Parameters:
-* this
-* Pointer to the SpecFluxFrame to use.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to the required Mapping, or NULL if the Mapping cannot be
-* created. The Mapping will have 3 inputs and 3 outputs.
-* Notes:
-* NULL is returned if this function is invoked with the global error
-* status set or if it should fail for any reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstFrame *f1;
- AstFrame *f2;
- AstFrameSet *fs;
- AstMapping *ax1_map;
- AstMapping *ax2_map;
- AstMapping *ax3_map;
- AstMapping *ret;
- AstMapping *tmap;
-/* Initialise. */
- ret = NULL;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return ret;
-/* Input 0 is the supplied FluxFrame value and output 0 is the corresponding
- value in the default units for the FluxFrame system. Take a copy of the
- supplied FluxFrame, and fix its System value (which may be a default value
- based on the Units string), and then clear the Units so that it represents
- default units for the System. */
- f1 = (AstFrame *) GetFluxFrame( this, 0, status );
- f2 = (AstFrame *) GetFluxFrame( this, 1, status );
-/* Now, if conversion was possible, get the Mapping from the supplied
- FluxFrame to the default units FluxFrame. */
- fs = astConvert( f1, f2, "" );
- f1 = astAnnul( f1 );
- f2 = astAnnul( f2 );
- if( fs ) {
- ax1_map = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
- fs = astAnnul( fs );
-/* Input 1 is the supplied SpecFrame value and output 1 is the corresponding
- value in the spectral system used by the flux system (wavelength or
- frequency). Take a copy of the supplied SpecFrame, and fix its System
- value to wavelength or frequency (depending on the System value of the
- FluxFrame), and set up units of Hz or Angstrom (these are the spectral
- position units used within the default flux units for a FluxFrame). */
- f1 = (AstFrame *) GetSpecFrame( this, 0, status );
- f2 = (AstFrame *) GetSpecFrame( this, 1, status );
-/* Now, if conversion was possible, get the Mapping from the supplied
- SpecFrame to the required SpecFrame. */
- fs = astConvert( f1, f2, "" );
- f1 = astAnnul( f1 );
- f2 = astAnnul( f2 );
- if( fs ) {
- ax2_map = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
- fs = astAnnul( fs );
-/* Create a UnitMap for the 3rd axis. */
- ax3_map = (AstMapping *) astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
-/* Create a parallel CmpMap containing the three Mappings. */
- tmap = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( ax1_map, ax2_map, 0, "", status );
- ret = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( tmap, ax3_map, 0, "", status );
-/* Free remaining resources. */
- tmap = astAnnul( tmap );
- ax2_map = astAnnul( ax2_map );
- ax3_map = astAnnul( ax3_map );
- }
- ax1_map = astAnnul( ax1_map );
- }
-/* If an error has occurred, return NULL. */
- if( !astOK ) ret = astAnnul( ret );
-/* Return the result */
- return ret;
-static AstMapping *MakeMap3( AstSpecFluxFrame *target, AstSpecFluxFrame *result, int *status ){
-* Name:
-* MakeMap3
-* Purpose:
-* Generate the third Mapping required by MakeSFMapping
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstMapping *MakeMap3( AstSpecFluxFrame *target, AstSpecFluxFrame *result, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function.
-* Description:
-* The third Mapping used by MakeSFMapping converts input (v1,x1) in
-* default units to output (v2,x2) in default units. The third axis (x1)
-* in original units is converted to x2 in original units.
-* Parameters:
-* target
-* Pointer to the first SpecFluxFrame.
-* result
-* Pointer to the second SpecFluxFrame.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to the required Mapping, or NULL if the Mapping cannot be
-* created. The Mapping will have 3 inputs and 3 outputs.
-* Notes:
-* NULL is returned if this function is invoked with the global error
-* status set or if it should fail for any reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstFluxFrame *ff2;
- AstFluxFrame *ff1;
- AstFrameSet *fs;
- AstMapping *fmap;
- AstMapping *imap;
- AstMapping *mapa;
- AstMapping *mapb;
- AstMapping *ret;
- AstSpecFrame *sf2;
- AstSpecFrame *sf1;
-/* Initialise */
- ret = NULL;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return ret;
-/* The first two inputs and outputs are related by a TranMap which
- converts between standardised (v1,x1) and standardised (v2,x2). Get
- pointers to the standardised SpecFrames and FluxFrames in the two
- supplied SpecFluxFrames. */
- ff1 = GetFluxFrame( target, 1, status );
- sf1 = GetSpecFrame( target, 1, status );
- ff2 = GetFluxFrame( result, 1, status );
- sf2 = GetSpecFrame( result, 1, status );
-/* Create the Mapping which defines the forward transformation of the
- required TranMap. The forward transformation of this Mapping goes from
- (v1,x1) to (v2,x2). */
- fmap = MakeMapF( ff1, sf1, ff2, sf2, status );
-/* Create the Mapping which defines the inverse transformation of the
- required TranMap. The inverse transformation of this Mapping goes from
- (v2,x2) to (v1,x1). */
- imap = MakeMapI( ff1, sf1, ff2, sf2, status );
-/* Combine these into a TranMap */
- if( fmap && imap ) {
- mapa = (AstMapping *) astTranMap( fmap, imap, "", status );
- } else {
- mapa = NULL;
- }
-/* Free resources. */
- ff1 = astAnnul( ff1 );
- sf1 = astAnnul( sf1 );
- ff2 = astAnnul( ff2 );
- sf2 = astAnnul( sf2 );
- if( fmap ) fmap = astAnnul( fmap );
- if( imap ) imap = astAnnul( imap );
-/* The third input and output are related by a Mapping which converts
- between supplied (x1) and supplied (x2). Get pointers to the original
- unmodified SpecFrames in the two supplied SpecFluxFrames. */
- sf1 = GetSpecFrame( target, 0, status );
- sf2 = GetSpecFrame( result, 0, status );
-/* Find the Mapping from the first to the second. */
- fs = astConvert( sf1, sf2, "" );
- if( fs ) {
- mapb = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
- fs = astAnnul( fs );
- } else {
- mapb = NULL;
- }
-/* Free resources. */
- sf1 = astAnnul( sf1 );
- sf2 = astAnnul( sf2 );
-/* Combine the two Mappings in parallel. */
- if( mapa && mapb ) ret = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( mapa, mapb, 0, "", status );
- if( mapa ) mapa = astAnnul( mapa );
- if( mapb ) mapb = astAnnul( mapb );
-/* If an error has occurred, return NULL. */
- if( !astOK ) ret = astAnnul( ret );
-/* Return the result */
- return ret;
-static AstMapping *MakeMapF( AstFluxFrame *v1, AstSpecFrame *x1,
- AstFluxFrame *v2, AstSpecFrame *x2, int *status ){
-* Name:
-* MakeMapF
-* Purpose:
-* Generate the forward part of the third Mapping required by MakeSFMapping
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstMapping *MakeMapF( AstFluxFrame *v1, AstSpecFrame *x1,
-* AstFluxFrame *v2, AstSpecFrame *x2, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function.
-* Description:
-* Theis creates a 2-input 2-output Mapping which transforms
-* input (v1,x1) in default units to output (v2,x2) in default units.
-* Parameters:
-* v1
-* Pointer to the standardised input FluxFrame.
-* x1
-* Pointer to the standardised input SpecFrame.
-* v2
-* Pointer to the standardised output FluxFrame.
-* x2
-* Pointer to the standardised output SpecFrame.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to the required Mapping, or NULL if the Mapping cannot be
-* created.
-* Notes:
-* NULL is returned if this function is invoked with the global error
-* status set or if it should fail for any reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstCmpMap *cmap1;
- AstCmpMap *cmap2;
- AstCmpMap *cmap3;
- AstFrameSet *fs;
- AstMapping *m;
- AstMapping *ret;
- AstMathMap *div;
- AstPermMap *perm;
- AstRateMap *rate;
- AstUnitMap *unit;
- const char *fwd[1];
- const char *inv[2];
- int inperm[ 2 ];
- int outperm[ 3 ];
-/* Initialise */
- ret = NULL;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return ret;
-/* First create the required component Mappings.
- --------------------------------------------- */
-/* A Mapping which maps input spectral position (x1) into output spectral
- position (x2). */
- fs = astConvert( x1, x2, "" );
- if( fs ) {
- m = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
-/* A 1-input 1-output Mapping in which the input is spectral position (x1)
- and the output is the rate of change of output spectral position (x2)
- with respect to input spectral position (x1). */
- rate = astRateMap( m, 0, 0, "", status );
-/* A MathMap which is used to divide the flux value (v1) by the absolute rate
- of change of x2 wrt x1 */
- fwd[ 0 ] = "out=in0/abs(in1)";
- inv[ 0 ] = "in0";
- inv[ 1 ] = "in1";
- div = astMathMap( 2, 1, 1, fwd, 2, inv, "", status );
-/* A 1D UnitMap used to copy v1. */
- unit = astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
-/* A PermMap which is used to produce an extra output copy of x1. */
- inperm[ 0 ] = 0;
- inperm[ 1 ] = 2;
- outperm[ 0 ] = 0;
- outperm[ 1 ] = 1;
- outperm[ 2 ] = 1;
- perm = astPermMap( 2, inperm, 3, outperm, NULL, "", status );
-/* Now combine these component Mappings together.
- --------------------------------------------- */
-/* First put the UnitMap and the RateMap in parallel. This produces a 2-in
- 2-out Mapping in which the inputs are (v1,x1) and the outputs are
- (v1,dx2/dx1). */
- cmap1 = astCmpMap( unit, rate, 0, "", status );
-/* Now put this in series with the dividing MathMap. This results in a
- 2-in, 1-out Mapping in which the inputs are v1 and x1 and the single
- output is v2. */
- cmap2 = astCmpMap( cmap1, div, 1, "", status );
-/* Now put this in parallel with the x1->x2 Mapping. This results in a
- 3-in, 2-out Mapping in which the inputs are (v1,x1,x1) and the outputs
- are (v2,x2). */
- cmap3 = astCmpMap( cmap2, m, 0, "", status );
-/* Finally put this in series with the PermMap. This results in a 2-in,
- 2-out Mapping in which the inputs are (v1,x1) and the outputs are
- (v2,x2). */
- ret = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( perm, cmap3, 1, "", status );
-/* Free resources. */
- fs = astAnnul( fs );
- m = astAnnul( m );
- rate = astAnnul( rate );
- div= astAnnul( div );
- unit = astAnnul( unit );
- perm = astAnnul( perm );
- cmap1 = astAnnul( cmap1 );
- cmap2 = astAnnul( cmap2 );
- cmap3 = astAnnul( cmap3 );
- }
-/* If an error has occurred, return NULL. */
- if( !astOK ) ret = astAnnul( ret );
-/* Return the result */
- return ret;
-static AstMapping *MakeMapI( AstFluxFrame *v1, AstSpecFrame *x1,
- AstFluxFrame *v2, AstSpecFrame *x2, int *status ){
-* Name:
-* MakeMapI
-* Purpose:
-* Generate the inverse part of the third Mapping required by MakeSFMapping
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstMapping *MakeMapI( AstFluxFrame *v1, AstSpecFrame *x1,
-* AstFluxFrame *v2, AstSpecFrame *x2 )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function.
-* Description:
-* This creates a 2-input 2-output Mapping in which the inverse
-* transformation transforms "outputs" representing (v2,x2) into
-* "inputs" representing (v1,x1).
-* Parameters:
-* v1
-* Pointer to the standardised input FluxFrame.
-* x1
-* Pointer to the standardised input SpecFrame.
-* v2
-* Pointer to the standardised output FluxFrame.
-* x2
-* Pointer to the standardised output SpecFrame.
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to the required Mapping, or NULL if the Mapping cannot be
-* created.
-* Notes:
-* NULL is returned if this function is invoked with the global error
-* status set or if it should fail for any reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstCmpMap *cmap1;
- AstCmpMap *cmap2;
- AstCmpMap *cmap3;
- AstCmpMap *cmap4;
- AstCmpMap *cmap5;
- AstFrameSet *fs;
- AstMapping *m;
- AstMapping *ret;
- AstMathMap *mult;
- AstPermMap *perm;
- AstRateMap *rate;
- AstUnitMap *unit;
- const char *fwd[1];
- const char *inv[2];
- int inperm[ 2 ];
- int outperm[ 3 ];
-/* Initialise */
- ret = NULL;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return ret;
-/* We create a CmpMap in which the forward transformation foes from
- (v2,x2) to (v1,x1) and we finally invert this Mapping to get the
- required Mapping in which the *inverse* transformation goes from
- (v2,x2) to (v1,x1).
- First create the required component Mappings.
- --------------------------------------------- */
-/* A Mapping which maps spectral position x1 into spectral position x2. */
- fs = astConvert( x1, x2, "" );
- if( fs ) {
- m = astGetMapping( fs, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
-/* A 1-input 1-output Mapping in which the input is spectral position x1
- and the output is the rate of change of spectral position x2 with
- respect to spectral position x1. */
- rate = astRateMap( m, 0, 0, "", status );
-/* Now invert "m" so that its forward transformation goes from x2 to x1.
- The RateMap created above retains a copy of the original Invert flag
- for "m" and uses it in preference to the current value when transforming
- points. */
- astInvert( m );
-/* A MathMap which is used to multiple the flux value v2 by the
- absolute rate of change of x2 wrt x1 */
- fwd[ 0 ] = "out=in0*abs(in1)";
- inv[ 0 ] = "in0";
- inv[ 1 ] = "in1";
- mult = astMathMap( 2, 1, 1, fwd, 2, inv, "", status );
-/* A 1D UnitMap used to copy various values. */
- unit = astUnitMap( 1, "", status );
-/* A PermMap which is used to produce an extra copy of x1. */
- inperm[ 0 ] = 0;
- inperm[ 1 ] = 2;
- outperm[ 0 ] = 0;
- outperm[ 1 ] = 1;
- outperm[ 2 ] = 1;
- perm = astPermMap( 2, inperm, 3, outperm, NULL, "", status );
-/* Now combine these component Mappings together.
- --------------------------------------------- */
-/* First put the UnitMap and the RateMap in parallel. This produces a 2-in
- 2-out Mapping in which the inputs are (v2,x1) and the outputs are
- (v2,dx2/dx1). */
- cmap1 = astCmpMap( unit, rate, 0, "", status );
-/* Now put this in series with the multiplying MathMap. This results in a
- 2-in, 1-out Mapping in which the inputs are (v2,x1) and the single
- output is v1. */
- cmap2 = astCmpMap( cmap1, mult, 1, "", status );
-/* Now put this in parallel with the UnitMap to get a 3-in, 2-out Mapping
- in which the inputs are (v2,x1,x1) and the outputs are (v1,x1). */
- cmap3 = astCmpMap( cmap2, unit, 0, "", status );
-/* Now put this in series with the PermMap to get a 2-in, 2-out Mapping
- in which the inputs are (v2,x1) and the outputs are (v1,x1). */
- cmap4 = astCmpMap( perm, cmap3, 1, "", status );
-/* Now put the UnitMap in parallel with the (x2->x1 Mapping to get a
- 2-in, 2-out Mapping in which the inputs are (v2,x2) and the outputs are
- (v2,x1). */
- cmap5 = astCmpMap( unit, m, 0, "", status );
-/* Finally put this in series with "cmap4" to get a 2-in 2-out Mapping
- from (v2,x2) to (v1,x1). */
- ret = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( cmap5, cmap4, 1, "", status );
-/* Invert this so that the inverse transformation goes from (v2,x2) to
- (v1,x1). */
- astInvert( ret );
-/* Free resources. */
- fs = astAnnul( fs );
- m = astAnnul( m );
- rate = astAnnul( rate );
- mult = astAnnul( mult );
- unit = astAnnul( unit );
- perm = astAnnul( perm );
- cmap1 = astAnnul( cmap1 );
- cmap2 = astAnnul( cmap2 );
- cmap3 = astAnnul( cmap3 );
- cmap4 = astAnnul( cmap4 );
- cmap5 = astAnnul( cmap5 );
- }
-/* If an error has occurred, return NULL. */
- if( !astOK ) ret = astAnnul( ret );
-/* Return the result */
- return ret;
-static int MakeSFMapping( AstSpecFluxFrame *target, AstSpecFluxFrame *result,
- AstMapping **map, int *status ){
-* Name:
-* MakeSFMapping
-* Purpose:
-* Generate a Mapping between two SpecFluxFrames.
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* int MakeSFMapping( AstSpecFluxFrame *target, AstSpecFluxFrame *result,
-* AstMapping **map, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function.
-* Description:
-* This function takes two SpecFluxFrames and generates a Mapping that
-* converts between them, taking account of differences in their
-* coordinate systems, systems, units, etc. (but not allowing for any
-* axis permutations).
-* Parameters:
-* target
-* Pointer to the first SpecFluxFrame.
-* result
-* Pointer to the second SpecFluxFrame.
-* map
-* Pointer to a location which is to receive a pointer to the
-* returned Mapping. The forward transformation of this Mapping
-* will convert from "target" coordinates to "result"
-* coordinates, and the inverse transformation will convert in
-* the opposite direction (all coordinate values in radians).
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* Non-zero if the Mapping could be generated, or zero if the two
-* SpecFluxFrames are sufficiently un-related that no meaningful Mapping
-* can be produced.
-* Notes:
-* A value of zero is returned if this function is invoked with the
-* global error status set or if it should fail for any reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstMapping *map1;
- AstMapping *map2;
- AstMapping *map3;
- AstMapping *map4;
- AstMapping *map5;
- AstMapping *tmap1;
- AstMapping *tmap2;
- AstMapping *tmap3;
- AstMapping *tmap4;
- int inperm[2];
- int match;
- int outperm[3];
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return 0;
-/* Initialise the returned values. */
- match = 0;
- *map = NULL;
-/* Initialise other things. */
- map1 = NULL;
- map2 = NULL;
- map3 = NULL;
- map4 = NULL;
- map5 = NULL;
- tmap1 = NULL;
- tmap2 = NULL;
- tmap3 = NULL;
- tmap4 = NULL;
-/* At the top level, the required Mapping consists of five Mappings in
- series. Inputs 0 and 1 of the total Mapping correspond to the SpecFrame
- and FluxFrame in the target SpecFluxFrame. These are referred to as X1
- and V1. Outputs 0 and 1 of the total Mapping correspond to the SpecFrame
- and FluxFrame in the result SpecFluxFrame. These are referred to as X2
- and V2. */
-/* Map1 is a PermMap which copies v1 to its first output and x1 to its
- second and third outputs. The inverse transformation copies v1 from
- its first output and x1 from its third output. */
- inperm[ 0 ] = 2;
- inperm[ 1 ] = 0;
- outperm[ 0 ] = 1;
- outperm[ 1 ] = 0;
- outperm[ 2 ] = 0;
- map1 = (AstMapping *) astPermMap( 2, inperm, 3, outperm, NULL, "", status );
-/* Map2 contains three Mappings in parallel which converts v1 and x1 into
- default units, and passes the third axis unchanged. */
- map2 = MakeMap2( target, status );
-/* Map3 converts ( v1,x1) in default units to (v2,x2) in default units.
- The third axis (x1) in original units is convert to x2 in original
- units. */
- map3 = map2 ? MakeMap3( target, result, status ) : NULL;
-/* Map4 converts (v2,x2) in default units to (v2,x2) in original units
- and passes the third axis unchanged. This is similar to Map2 but based
- on the result ratherthan the target, and in the opposite direction. */
- if( map3 ) {
- map4 = MakeMap2( result, status );
- if( map4 ) astInvert( map4 );
- } else {
- map4 = NULL;
- }
-/* Map5 is a PermMap which is the inverse of Map1. */
- map5 = map4 ? astCopy( map1 ) : NULL;
- if( map5 ) astInvert( map5 );
-/* Combine all 6 Mappings in series. */
- if( map5 ) {
- tmap1 = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( map1, map2, 1, "", status );
- tmap2 = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( tmap1, map3, 1, "", status );
- tmap3 = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( tmap2, map4, 1, "", status );
- tmap4 = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( tmap3, map5, 1, "", status );
-/* Return the simplified total Mapping. */
- *map = astSimplify( tmap4 );
- match = 1;
- }
-/* Free resources. */
- if( map1 ) map1 = astAnnul( map1 );
- if( map2 ) map2 = astAnnul( map2 );
- if( map3 ) map3 = astAnnul( map3 );
- if( map4 ) map4 = astAnnul( map4 );
- if( map5 ) map5 = astAnnul( map5 );
- if( tmap1 ) tmap1 = astAnnul( tmap1 );
- if( tmap2 ) tmap2 = astAnnul( tmap2 );
- if( tmap3 ) tmap3 = astAnnul( tmap3 );
- if( tmap4 ) tmap4 = astAnnul( tmap4 );
-/* If an error occurred, annul the returned Mapping and clear the
- returned values. */
- if ( !astOK ) {
- *map = astAnnul( *map );
- match = 0;
- }
-/* Return the result. */
- return match;
-static int Match( AstFrame *template_frame, AstFrame *target, int matchsub,
- int **template_axes, int **target_axes,
- AstMapping **map, AstFrame **result, int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* Match
-* Purpose:
-* Determine if conversion is possible between two coordinate systems.
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* int Match( AstFrame *template, AstFrame *target, int matchsub,
-* int **template_axes, int **target_axes,
-* AstMapping **map, AstFrame **result, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function (over-rides the protected astMatch
-* method inherited from the Frame class).
-* Description:
-* This function matches a "template" SpecFluxFrame to a "target" Frame
-* and determines whether it is possible to convert coordinates
-* between them. If it is, a Mapping that performs the
-* transformation is returned along with a new Frame that describes
-* the coordinate system that results when this Mapping is applied
-* to the "target" coordinate system. In addition, information is
-* returned to allow the axes in this "result" Frame to be
-* associated with the corresponding axes in the "target" Frame and
-* "template" SpecFluxFrame from which they are derived.
-* Parameters:
-* template
-* Pointer to the template SpecFluxFrame. This describes the
-* coordinate system (or set of possible coordinate systems)
-* into which we wish to convert our coordinates.
-* target
-* Pointer to the target Frame. This describes the coordinate
-* system in which we already have coordinates.
-* matchsub
-* If zero then a match only occurs if the template is of the same
-* class as the target, or of a more specialised class. If non-zero
-* then a match can occur even if this is not the case.
-* template_axes
-* Address of a location where a pointer to int will be returned
-* if the requested coordinate conversion is possible. This
-* pointer will point at a dynamically allocated array of
-* integers with one element for each axis of the "result" Frame
-* (see below). It must be freed by the caller (using astFree)
-* when no longer required.
-* For each axis in the result Frame, the corresponding element
-* of this array will return the (zero-based) index of the
-* template SpecFluxFrame axis from which it is derived. If it is not
-* derived from any template axis, a value of -1 will be
-* returned instead.
-* target_axes
-* Address of a location where a pointer to int will be returned
-* if the requested coordinate conversion is possible. This
-* pointer will point at a dynamically allocated array of
-* integers with one element for each axis of the "result" Frame
-* (see below). It must be freed by the caller (using astFree)
-* when no longer required.
-* For each axis in the result Frame, the corresponding element
-* of this array will return the (zero-based) index of the
-* target Frame axis from which it is derived. If it is not
-* derived from any target axis, a value of -1 will be returned
-* instead.
-* map
-* Address of a location where a pointer to a new Mapping will
-* be returned if the requested coordinate conversion is
-* possible. If returned, the forward transformation of this
-* Mapping may be used to convert coordinates between the
-* "target" Frame and the "result" Frame (see below) and the
-* inverse transformation will convert in the opposite
-* direction.
-* result
-* Address of a location where a pointer to a new Frame will be
-* returned if the requested coordinate conversion is
-* possible. If returned, this Frame describes the coordinate
-* system that results from applying the returned Mapping
-* (above) to the "target" coordinate system. In general, this
-* Frame will combine attributes from (and will therefore be
-* more specific than) both the target Frame and the template
-* SpecFluxFrame. In particular, when the template allows the
-* possibility of transformaing to any one of a set of
-* alternative coordinate systems, the "result" Frame will
-* indicate which of the alternatives was used.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* A non-zero value is returned if the requested coordinate
-* conversion is possible. Otherwise zero is returned (this will
-* not in itself result in an error condition).
-* Notes:
-* - By default, the "result" Frame will have its number of axes
-* and axis order determined by the "template" SpecFluxFrame. However,
-* if the PreserveAxes attribute of the template SpecFluxFrame is
-* non-zero, then the axis count and axis order of the "target"
-* Frame will be used instead.
-* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
-* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
-* reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstSpecFluxFrame *template; /* Pointer to template SpecFluxFrame structure */
- int match; /* Coordinate conversion possible? */
- int swap1; /* Template axes swapped? */
- int swap2; /* Target axes swapped? */
- int swap; /* Additional axis swap needed? */
-/* Initialise the returned values. */
- *template_axes = NULL;
- *target_axes = NULL;
- *map = NULL;
- *result = NULL;
- match = 0;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return match;
-/* Obtain a pointer to the template SpecFluxFrame structure. */
- template = (AstSpecFluxFrame *) template_frame;
-/* If the target is not a SpecFluxFrame, use the results returned by the
- parent Match method inherited from the CmpFrame class. */
- if( !astIsASpecFluxFrame( target ) ) {
- match = (*parent_match)( template_frame, target, matchsub, template_axes,
- target_axes, map, result, status );
-/* If the target is a SpecFluxFrame, see if we can convert between target
- and template */
- } else {
-/* We must now decide how the order of the axes in the result Frame relates to
- the order of axes in the target Frame. There are two factors involved. The
- first depends on whether the axis permutation array for the template
- SpecFluxFrame (whose method we are executing) causes an axis
- reversal. Determine this by permuting axis index zero. */
- swap1 = ( astValidateAxis( template, 0, 1, "astMatch" ) != 0 );
-/* The second factor depends on whether the axes of the target SpecFluxFrame
- causes an axis reversal. Determine this by permuting axis index zero. */
- swap2 = ( astValidateAxis( target, 0, 1, "astMatch" ) != 0 );
-/* Combine these to determine if an additional axis swap will be
- needed. */
- swap = ( swap1 != swap2 );
-/* Now check to see if this additional swap is permitted by the template's
- Permute attribute. */
- match = ( !swap || astGetPermute( template ) );
-/* Allocate the target and template axes arrays. */
- *template_axes = astMalloc( sizeof(int)*2 );
- *target_axes = astMalloc( sizeof(int)*2 );
-/* If the Frames still match, we next set up the axis association
- arrays. */
- if ( astOK && match ) {
-/* If the target axis order is to be preserved, then the target axis
- association involves no permutation but the template axis
- association may involve an axis swap. */
- if ( astGetPreserveAxes( template ) ) {
- (*template_axes)[ 0 ] = swap;
- (*template_axes)[ 1 ] = !swap;
- (*target_axes)[ 0 ] = 0;
- (*target_axes)[ 1 ] = 1;
-/* Otherwise, any swap applies to the target axis association
- instead. */
- } else {
- (*template_axes)[ 0 ] = 0;
- (*template_axes)[ 1 ] = 1;
- (*target_axes)[ 0 ] = swap;
- (*target_axes)[ 1 ] = !swap;
- }
-/* Use the target's "astSubFrame" method to create a new Frame (the
- result Frame) with copies of the target axes in the required
- order. This process also overlays the template attributes on to the
- target Frame and returns a Mapping between the target and result
- Frames which effects the required coordinate conversion. */
- match = astSubFrame( target, template, 2, *target_axes, *template_axes,
- map, result );
-/* If an error occurred, or conversion to the result Frame's
- coordinate system was not possible, then free all memory, annul the
- returned objects, and reset the returned value. */
- if ( !astOK || !match ) {
- *template_axes = astFree( *template_axes );
- *target_axes = astFree( *target_axes );
- if( *map ) *map = astAnnul( *map );
- if( *result ) *result = astAnnul( *result );
- match = 0;
- }
- }
- }
-/* Return the result. */
- return match;
-static int SubFrame( AstFrame *target_frame, AstFrame *template,
- int result_naxes, const int *target_axes,
- const int *template_axes, AstMapping **map,
- AstFrame **result, int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* SubFrame
-* Purpose:
-* Select axes from a SpecFluxFrame and convert to the new coordinate system.
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* int SubFrame( AstFrame *target, AstFrame *template,
-* int result_naxes, const int *target_axes,
-* const int *template_axes, AstMapping **map,
-* AstFrame **result, int *status )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame member function (over-rides the protected astSubFrame
-* method inherited from the Frame class).
-* Description:
-* This function selects a requested sub-set (or super-set) of the
-* axes from a "target" SpecFluxFrame and creates a new Frame with
-* copies of the selected axes assembled in the requested order. It
-* then optionally overlays the attributes of a "template" Frame on
-* to the result. It returns both the resulting Frame and a Mapping
-* that describes how to convert between the coordinate systems
-* described by the target and result Frames. If necessary, this
-* Mapping takes account of any differences in the Frames'
-* attributes due to the influence of the template.
-* Parameters:
-* target
-* Pointer to the target SpecFluxFrame, from which axes are to be selected.
-* template
-* Pointer to the template Frame, from which new attributes for
-* the result Frame are to be obtained. Optionally, this may be
-* NULL, in which case no overlaying of template attributes will
-* be performed.
-* result_naxes
-* Number of axes to be selected from the target Frame. This
-* number may be greater than or less than the number of axes in
-* this Frame (or equal).
-* target_axes
-* Pointer to an array of int with result_naxes elements, giving
-* a list of the (zero-based) axis indices of the axes to be
-* selected from the target SpecFluxFrame. The order in which these
-* are given determines the order in which the axes appear in
-* the result Frame. If any of the values in this array is set
-* to -1, the corresponding result axis will not be derived from
-* the target Frame, but will be assigned default attributes
-* instead.
-* template_axes
-* Pointer to an array of int with result_naxes elements. This
-* should contain a list of the template axes (given as
-* zero-based axis indices) with which the axes of the result
-* Frame are to be associated. This array determines which axes
-* are used when overlaying axis-dependent attributes of the
-* template on to the result. If any element of this array is
-* set to -1, the corresponding result axis will not receive any
-* template attributes.
-* If the template argument is given as NULL, this array is not
-* used and a NULL pointer may also be supplied here.
-* map
-* Address of a location to receive a pointer to the returned
-* Mapping. The forward transformation of this Mapping will
-* describe how to convert coordinates from the coordinate
-* system described by the target SpecFluxFrame to that described by
-* the result Frame. The inverse transformation will convert in
-* the opposite direction.
-* result
-* Address of a location to receive a pointer to the result Frame.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-* Returned Value:
-* A non-zero value is returned if coordinate conversion is
-* possible between the target and the result Frame. Otherwise zero
-* is returned and *map and *result are returned as NULL (but this
-* will not in itself result in an error condition). In general,
-* coordinate conversion should always be possible if no template
-* Frame is supplied but may not always be possible otherwise.
-* Notes:
-* - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
-* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
-* reason.
-* Implementation Deficiencies:
-* - It is not clear that the method of handling "extra" axes is
-* the best one, nor is the method of setting the "following" flag
-* necessarily correct. However, it is also not obvious that this
-* feature will ever be needed, so improvements have been left
-* until the requirement is clearer.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstMapping *tmpmap; /* Temporary Mapping pointer */
- AstPermMap *permmap; /* Pointer to PermMap */
- AstSpecFluxFrame *target; /* Pointer to target SpecFluxFrame structure */
- int match; /* Coordinate conversion is possible? */
- int perm[ 2 ]; /* Permutation array for axis swap */
- int result_swap; /* Swap result SpecFluxFrame coordinates? */
- int target_swap; /* Swap target SpecFluxFrame coordinates? */
-/* Initialise the returned values. */
- *map = NULL;
- *result = NULL;
- match = 0;
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return match;
-/* If the template is not a SpecFluxFrame we use the parent SubFrame
- method inherited form the CmpFrame class. */
- if( !template || !astIsASpecFluxFrame( template ) || result_naxes != 2 ) {
- match = (*parent_subframe)( target_frame, template, result_naxes,
- target_axes, template_axes, map, result, status );
-/* Otherwise... */
- } else {
-/* Obtain a pointer to the target SpecFluxFrame structure. */
- target = (AstSpecFluxFrame *) target_frame;
-/* Form the result from a copy of the target and then permute its axes
- into the order required. */
- *result = astCopy( target );
- astPermAxes( *result, target_axes );
-/* Overlay the template attributes on to the result SpecFrame. */
- astOverlay( template, template_axes, *result );
-/* Generate a Mapping that takes account of changes in the coordinate
- system (system, units, etc.) between the target SpecFluxFrame and the
- result SpecFluxFrame. If this Mapping can be generated, set "match" to
- indicate that coordinate conversion is possible. */
- match = MakeSFMapping( target, (AstSpecFluxFrame *) *result, map, status );
-/* If a Mapping has been obtained, it will expect coordinate values to be
- supplied in (flux,spec) pairs. Test whether we need to swap the
- order of the target SpecFluxFrame coordinates to conform with this. */
- if ( astOK && match ) {
- target_swap = ( astValidateAxis( target, 0, 1, "astSubFrame" ) != 0 );
-/* Coordinates will also be delivered in (flux,spec) pairs, so check
- to see whether the result SpecFluxFrame coordinate order should be
- swapped. */
- result_swap = ( target_swap != ( target_axes[ 0 ] != 0 ) );
-/* If either set of coordinates needs swapping, create a PermMap that
- will swap a pair of coordinates. */
- permmap = NULL;
- if ( target_swap || result_swap ) {
- perm[ 0 ] = 1;
- perm[ 1 ] = 0;
- permmap = astPermMap( 2, perm, 2, perm, NULL, "", status );
- }
-/* If necessary, prefix this PermMap to the main Mapping. */
- if ( target_swap ) {
- tmpmap = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( permmap, *map, 1, "", status );
- *map = astAnnul( *map );
- *map = tmpmap;
- }
-/* Also, if necessary, append it to the main Mapping. */
- if ( result_swap ) {
- tmpmap = (AstMapping *) astCmpMap( *map, permmap, 1, "", status );
- *map = astAnnul( *map );
- *map = tmpmap;
- }
-/* Annul the pointer to the PermMap (if created). */
- if ( permmap ) permmap = astAnnul( permmap );
- }
- }
-/* If an error occurred, clean up by annulling the result pointers and
- returning appropriate null values. */
- if ( !astOK ) {
- *map = astAnnul( *map );
- *result = astAnnul( *result );
- match = 0;
- }
-/* Return the result. */
- return match;
-/* Functions which access class attributes. */
-/* ---------------------------------------- */
-/* Implement member functions to access the attributes associated with
- the axes of a SpecFluxFrame using the private macros defined for this
- purpose at the start of this file. */
-/* Copy constructor. */
-/* ----------------- */
-/* Destructor. */
-/* ----------- */
-/* Dump function. */
-/* -------------- */
-static void Dump( AstObject *this_object, AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* Dump
-* Purpose:
-* Dump function for SpecFluxFrame objects.
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* void Dump( AstObject *this, AstChannel *channel, int *status )
-* Description:
-* This function implements the Dump function which writes out data
-* for the SpecFluxFrame class to an output Channel.
-* Parameters:
-* this
-* Pointer to the SpecFluxFrame whose data are being written.
-* channel
-* Pointer to the Channel to which the data are being written.
-* status
-* Pointer to the inherited status variable.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstSpecFluxFrame *this; /* Pointer to the SpecFluxFrame structure */
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return;
-/* Obtain a pointer to the SpecFluxFrame structure. */
- this = (AstSpecFluxFrame *) this_object;
-/* Write out values representing the instance variables for the
- SpecFluxFrame class. Accompany these with appropriate comment strings,
- possibly depending on the values being written.*/
-/* In the case of attributes, we first use the appropriate (private)
- Test... member function to see if they are set. If so, we then use
- the (private) Get... function to obtain the value to be written
- out.
- For attributes which are not set, we use the astGet... method to
- obtain the value instead. This will supply a default value
- (possibly provided by a derived class which over-rides this method)
- which is more useful to a human reader as it corresponds to the
- actual default attribute value. Since "set" will be zero, these
- values are for information only and will not be read back. */
-/* Standard class functions. */
-/* ========================= */
-/* Implement the astIsASpecFluxFrame and astCheckSpecFluxFrame functions using
- the macros defined for this purpose in the "object.h" header file. */
-AstSpecFluxFrame *astSpecFluxFrame_( void *frame1_void, void *frame2_void,
- const char *options, int *status, ...) {
-* Name:
-c astSpecFluxFrame
-* Purpose:
-* Create a SpecFluxFrame.
-* Type:
-* Public function.
-* Synopsis:
-c #include "specfluxframe.h"
-c AstSpecFluxFrame *astSpecFluxFrame( AstSpecFrame *frame1, AstFluxFrame *frame2,
-c const char *options, ... )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame constructor.
-* Description:
-* This function creates a new SpecFluxFrame and optionally initialises
-* its attributes.
-* A SpecFluxFrame combines a SpecFrame and a FluxFrame into a single
-* 2-dimensional compound Frame. Such a Frame can for instance be used
-* to describe a Plot of a spectrum in which the first axis represents
-* spectral position and the second axis represents flux.
-* Parameters:
-c frame1
-f FRAME1 = INTEGER (Given)
-* Pointer to the SpecFrame. This will form the first axis in the
-* new SpecFluxFrame.
-c frame2
-f FRAME2 = INTEGER (Given)
-* Pointer to the FluxFrame. This will form the second axis in the
-* new SpecFluxFrame. The "SpecVal" attribute of this FluxFrame is
-* not used by the SpecFluxFrame class and so may be set to AST__BAD
-* when the FluxFrame is created.
-c options
-f OPTIONS = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
-c Pointer to a null-terminated string containing an optional
-c comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
-c initialising the new SpecFluxFrame. The syntax used is identical to
-c that for the astSet function and may include "printf" format
-c specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way.
-f A character string containing an optional comma-separated
-f list of attribute assignments to be used for initialising the
-f new SpecFluxFrame. The syntax used is identical to that for the
-f AST_SET routine.
-c ...
-c If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then
-c an optional list of additional arguments may follow it in
-c order to supply values to be substituted for these
-c specifiers. The rules for supplying these are identical to
-c those for the astSet function (and for the C "printf"
-c function).
-f STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
-f The global status.
-* Returned Value:
-c astSpecFluxFrame()
-* A pointer to the new SpecFluxFrame.
-* Notes:
-* - The supplied Frame pointers are stored directly, rather than
-* being used to create deep copies of the supplied Frames. This means
-* that any subsequent changes made to the Frames via the supplied
-* pointers will result in equivalent changes being visible in the
-* SpecFluxFrame.
-* - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
-c function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
-f function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it
-* should fail for any reason.
-* Status Handling:
-* The protected interface to this function includes an extra
-* parameter at the end of the parameter list descirbed above. This
-* parameter is a pointer to the integer inherited status
-* variable: "int *status".
-* Implementation Notes:
-* - This function implements the basic SpecFluxFrame constructor which
-* is available via the protected interface to the SpecFluxFrame class.
-* A public interface is provided by the astSpecFluxFrameId_ function.
-* - Because this function has a variable argument list, it is
-* invoked by a macro that evaluates to a function pointer (not a
-* function invocation) and no checking or casting of arguments is
-* performed before the function is invoked. Because of this, the
-* "frame1" and "frame2" parameters are of type (void *) and are
-* converted and validated within the function itself.
-/* Local Variables: */
- astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
- AstSpecFluxFrame *new; /* Pointer to new SpecFluxFrame */
- AstFluxFrame *frame2; /* Pointer to FluxFrame structure */
- AstSpecFrame *frame1; /* Pointer to SpecFrame structure */
- va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
-/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
-/* Check the global status. */
- new = NULL;
- if ( !astOK ) return new;
-/* Obtain and validate pointers to the Frame structures provided. */
- frame1 = astCheckSpecFrame( frame1_void );
- frame2 = astCheckFluxFrame( frame2_void );
- if ( astOK ) {
-/* Initialise the SpecFluxFrame, allocating memory and initialising the
- virtual function table as well if necessary. */
- new = astInitSpecFluxFrame( NULL, sizeof( AstSpecFluxFrame ), !class_init,
- &class_vtab, "SpecFluxFrame", frame1, frame2 );
-/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
- initialised. */
- if ( astOK ) {
- class_init = 1;
-/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the
- options string to the astVSet method to initialise the new
- SpecFluxFrame's attributes. */
- va_start( args, status );
- astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
- va_end( args );
-/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
- if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
- }
- }
-/* Return a pointer to the new SpecFluxFrame. */
- return new;
-AstSpecFluxFrame *astSpecFluxFrameId_( void *frame1_void, void *frame2_void,
- const char *options, ... ) {
-* Name:
-* astSpecFluxFrameId_
-* Purpose:
-* Create a SpecFluxFrame.
-* Type:
-* Private function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstSpecFluxFrame *astSpecFluxFrameId_( void *frame1_void, void *frame2_void,
-* const char *options, ... )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame constructor.
-* Description:
-* This function implements the external (public) interface to the
-* astSpecFluxFrame constructor function. It returns an ID value
-* (instead of a true C pointer) to external users, and must be
-* provided because astSpecFluxFrame_ has a variable argument list which
-* cannot be encapsulated in a macro (where this conversion would
-* otherwise occur). For the same reason, the "frame1" and "frame2"
-* parameters are of type (void *) and are converted and validated
-* within the function itself.
-* The variable argument list also prevents this function from
-* invoking astSpecFluxFrame_ directly, so it must be a
-* re-implementation of it in all respects, except for the final
-* conversion of the result to an ID value.
-* Parameters:
-* As for astSpecFluxFrame_.
-* Returned Value:
-* The ID value associated with the new SpecFluxFrame.
-/* Local Variables: */
- astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
- AstSpecFluxFrame *new; /* Pointer to new SpecFluxFrame */
- AstSpecFrame *frame1; /* Pointer to first Frame structure */
- AstFluxFrame *frame2; /* Pointer to second Frame structure */
- va_list args; /* Variable argument list */
- int *status; /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
-/* Pointer to inherited status value */
-/* Get a pointer to the inherited status value. */
- status = astGetStatusPtr;
-/* Check the global status. */
- new = NULL;
- if ( !astOK ) return new;
-/* Obtain the Frame pointers from the ID's supplied and validate the
- pointers to ensure they identify valid Frames. */
- frame1 = astVerifySpecFrame( astMakePointer( frame1_void ) );
- frame2 = astVerifyFluxFrame( astMakePointer( frame2_void ) );
- if ( astOK ) {
-/* Initialise the SpecFluxFrame, allocating memory and initialising the
- virtual function table as well if necessary. */
- new = astInitSpecFluxFrame( NULL, sizeof( AstSpecFluxFrame ), !class_init,
- &class_vtab, "SpecFluxFrame", frame1, frame2 );
-/* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
- initialised. */
- if ( astOK ) {
- class_init = 1;
-/* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the
- options string to the astVSet method to initialise the new
- SpecFluxFrame's attributes. */
- va_start( args, options );
- astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
- va_end( args );
-/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
- if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
- }
- }
-/* Return an ID value for the new SpecFluxFrame. */
- return astMakeId( new );
-AstSpecFluxFrame *astInitSpecFluxFrame_( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
- AstSpecFluxFrameVtab *vtab, const char *name,
- AstSpecFrame *frame1, AstFluxFrame *frame2, int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* astInitSpecFluxFrame
-* Purpose:
-* Initialise a SpecFluxFrame.
-* Type:
-* Protected function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstSpecFluxFrame *astInitSpecFluxFrame( void *mem, size_t size, int init,
-* AstSpecFluxFrameVtab *vtab, const char *name,
-* AstSpecFrame *frame1, AstFluxFrame *frame2 )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame initialiser.
-* Description:
-* This function is provided for use by class implementations to
-* initialise a new SpecFluxFrame object. It allocates memory (if
-* necessary) to accommodate the SpecFluxFrame plus any additional data
-* associated with the derived class. It then initialises a
-* SpecFluxFrame structure at the start of this memory. If the "init"
-* flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a virtual
-* function table for a SpecFluxFrame at the start of the memory passed
-* via the "vtab" parameter.
-* Parameters:
-* mem
-* A pointer to the memory in which the SpecFluxFrame is to be
-* created. This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the
-* SpecFluxFrame data (sizeof(SpecFluxFrame)) plus any data used by the
-* derived class. If a value of NULL is given, this function
-* will allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
-* determine its size.
-* size
-* The amount of memory used by the SpecFluxFrame (plus derived class
-* data). This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
-* NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
-* stored in the SpecFluxFrame structure, so a valid value must be
-* supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
-* init
-* A logical flag indicating if the SpecFluxFrame's virtual function
-* table is to be initialised. If this value is non-zero, the
-* virtual function table will be initialised by this function.
-* vtab
-* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
-* associated with the new SpecFluxFrame.
-* name
-* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
-* contains the name of the class to which the new object
-* belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
-* returned by the Object astClass function).
-* frame1
-* Pointer to the SpecFrame
-* frame2
-* Pointer to the FluxFrame
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to the new SpecFluxFrame.
-* Notes:
-* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
-* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
-* reason.
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstSpecFluxFrame *new; /* Pointer to new SpecFluxFrame */
-/* Check the global status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
-/* If necessary, initialise the virtual function table. */
- if ( init ) astInitSpecFluxFrameVtab( vtab, name );
-/* Initialise a Frame structure (the parent class) as the first
- component within the SpecFluxFrame structure, allocating memory if
- necessary. Set the number of Frame axes to zero, since all axis
- information is stored within the component Frames. */
- new = astInitCmpFrame( mem, size, 0, (AstCmpFrameVtab *) vtab, name,
- frame1, frame2 );
- if ( astOK ) {
-/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
- if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
- }
-/* Return a pointer to the new object. */
- return new;
-AstSpecFluxFrame *astLoadSpecFluxFrame_( void *mem, size_t size,
- AstSpecFluxFrameVtab *vtab, const char *name,
- AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
-* Name:
-* astLoadSpecFluxFrame
-* Purpose:
-* Load a SpecFluxFrame.
-* Type:
-* Protected function.
-* Synopsis:
-* #include "specfluxframe.h"
-* AstSpecFluxFrame *astLoadSpecFluxFrame( void *mem, size_t size,
-* AstSpecFluxFrameVtab *vtab, const char *name,
-* AstChannel *channel )
-* Class Membership:
-* SpecFluxFrame loader.
-* Description:
-* This function is provided to load a new SpecFluxFrame using data read
-* from a Channel. It first loads the data used by the parent class
-* (which allocates memory if necessary) and then initialises a
-* SpecFluxFrame structure in this memory, using data read from the
-* input Channel.
-* Parameters:
-* mem
-* A pointer to the memory into which the SpecFluxFrame is to be
-* loaded. This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the
-* SpecFluxFrame data (sizeof(SpecFluxFrame)) plus any data used by
-* derived classes. If a value of NULL is given, this function
-* will allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
-* determine its size.
-* size
-* The amount of memory used by the SpecFluxFrame (plus derived class
-* data). This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
-* NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
-* stored in the SpecFluxFrame structure, so a valid value must be
-* supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
-* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "size" value is ignored
-* and sizeof(AstSpecFluxFrame) is used instead.
-* vtab
-* Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
-* associated with the new SpecFluxFrame. If this is NULL, a pointer
-* to the (static) virtual function table for the SpecFluxFrame class
-* is used instead.
-* name
-* Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
-* contains the name of the class to which the new object
-* belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
-* returned by the astGetClass method).
-* If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "name" value is ignored
-* and a pointer to the string "SpecFluxFrame" is used instead.
-* Returned Value:
-* A pointer to the new SpecFluxFrame.
-* Notes:
-* - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
-* with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
-* reason.
-/* Local Constants: */
- astDECLARE_GLOBALS /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
-#define KEY_LEN 50 /* Maximum length of a keyword */
-/* Local Variables: */
- AstSpecFluxFrame *new; /* Pointer to the new SpecFluxFrame */
-/* Initialise. */
- new = NULL;
-/* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
- astGET_GLOBALS(channel);
-/* Check the global error status. */
- if ( !astOK ) return new;
-/* If a NULL virtual function table has been supplied, then this is
- the first loader to be invoked for this SpecFluxFrame. In this case the
- SpecFluxFrame belongs to this class, so supply appropriate values to be
- passed to the parent class loader (and its parent, etc.). */
- if ( !vtab ) {
- size = sizeof( AstSpecFluxFrame );
- vtab = &class_vtab;
- name = "SpecFluxFrame";
-/* If required, initialise the virtual function table for this class. */
- if ( !class_init ) {
- astInitSpecFluxFrameVtab( vtab, name );
- class_init = 1;
- }
- }
-/* Invoke the parent class loader to load data for all the ancestral
- classes of the current one, returning a pointer to the resulting
- partly-built SpecFluxFrame. */
- new = astLoadCmpFrame( mem, size, (AstCmpFrameVtab *) vtab, name,
- channel );
- if ( astOK ) {
-/* Read input data. */
-/* ================ */
-/* Request the input Channel to read all the input data appropriate to
- this class into the internal "values list". */
- astReadClassData( channel, "SpecFluxFrame" );
-/* Now read each individual data item from this list and use it to
- initialise the appropriate instance variable(s) for this class. */
-/* In the case of attributes, we first read the "raw" input value,
- supplying the "unset" value as the default. If a "set" value is
- obtained, we then use the appropriate (private) Set... member
- function to validate and set the value properly. */
-/* (none) */
-/* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new SpecFluxFrame. */
- if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
- }
-/* Return the new SpecFluxFrame pointer. */
- return new;
-/* Undefine macros local to this function. */
-#undef KEY_LEN
-/* Virtual function interfaces. */
-/* ============================ */
-/* These provide the external interface to the virtual functions defined by
- this class. Each simply checks the global error status and then locates and
- executes the appropriate member function, using the function pointer stored
- in the object's virtual function table (this pointer is located using the
- astMEMBER macro defined in "object.h").
- Note that the member function may not be the one defined here, as it may
- have been over-ridden by a derived class. However, it should still have the
- same interface. */