path: root/ds9/library/mask.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:01:15 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:01:15 (GMT)
commit12166aa342f7c8d905097e43a1f50e0775503069 (patch)
tree73a6e7296fbf9898633a02c2503a3e959789d8c3 /ds9/library/mask.tcl
parentd4d595fa7fb12903db9227d33d48b2b00120dbd1 (diff)
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'ds9/library/mask.tcl')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ds9/library/mask.tcl b/ds9/library/mask.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa3de7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ds9/library/mask.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+# Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+package provide DS9 1.0
+proc MaskDef {} {
+ global mask
+ global imask
+ global pmask
+ set imask(top) .msk
+ set imask(mb) .mskmb
+ set mask(color) red
+ set mask(mark) 1
+ set mask(transparency) 0
+ array set pmask [array get mask]
+proc MaskTransparency {} {
+ global mask
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) mask transparency $mask(transparency)
+ }
+proc MaskClear {} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) mask clear
+ }
+proc MaskDialog {} {
+ global mask
+ global imask
+ global current
+ global ds9
+ # see if we already have a ctr window visible
+ if {[winfo exists $imask(top)]} {
+ raise $imask(top)
+ return
+ }
+ # create the mask window
+ set w $imask(top)
+ set mb $imask(mb)
+ Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {Mask Parameters}] MaskDestroyDialog
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit
+ menu $mb.file
+ $mb.file add command -label "[msgcat::mc {Open}]..." \
+ -command [list OpenDialog fits mask]
+ $mb.file add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Open as}] \
+ -menu $
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Import}] \
+ -menu $mb.file.import
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command MaskApplyDialog
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Clear}] -command MaskClear
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command MaskDestroyDialog
+ menu $
+ $ add command \
+ -label "[msgcat::mc {Mosaic WCS}]..." \
+ -command [list OpenDialog mosaicimagewcs mask]
+ $ add command \
+ -label "[msgcat::mc {Mosaic WCS Segment}]..." \
+ -command [list OpenDialog mosaicwcs mask]
+ $ add command \
+ -label "[msgcat::mc {Mosaic IRAF}]..." \
+ -command [list OpenDialog mosaicimageiraf mask]
+ $ add command \
+ -label "[msgcat::mc {Mosaic IRAF Segment}]..." \
+ -command [list OpenDialog mosaiciraf mask]
+ menu $mb.file.import
+ $mb.file.import add command \
+ -label "[msgcat::mc {Array}]..." \
+ -command [list ImportDialog array mask]
+ $mb.file.import add command \
+ -label "[msgcat::mc {NRRD}]..." \
+ -command [list ImportDialog nrrd mask]
+ EditMenu $mb imask
+ # Param
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.param]
+ slider $f.slider 0 100 [msgcat::mc {Transparency}] \
+ mask(transparency) [list MaskTransparency]
+ grid $f.slider -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky ew
+ grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
+ # Buttons
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons]
+ ttk::button $f.apply -text [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command MaskApplyDialog
+ ttk::button $f.clear -text [msgcat::mc {Clear}] -command MaskClear
+ ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] -command MaskDestroyDialog
+ pack $f.apply $f.clear $f.close -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4
+ # Fini
+ ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal
+ pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true
+proc MaskApplyDialog {} {
+ global mask
+ MaskTransparency
+proc MaskDestroyDialog {} {
+ global imask
+ if {[winfo exists $imask(top)]} {
+ destroy $imask(top)
+ destroy $imask(mb)
+ }
+proc UpdateMaskMenu {} {
+ global mask
+ global current
+ global ds9
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,update)} {
+ puts stderr "UpdateMaskMenu"
+ }
+ if {$current(frame) == {}} {
+ return
+ }
+ set mask(color) [$current(frame) get mask color]
+ set mask(mark) [$current(frame) get mask mark]
+ set mask(transparency) [$current(frame) get mask transparency]
+ switch -- [$current(frame) get type] {
+ base {
+ $ds9(mb).analysis entryconfig \
+ "[msgcat::mc {Mask Parameters}]..." -state normal
+ }
+ 3d -
+ rgb {
+ $ds9(mb).analysis entryconfig \
+ "[msgcat::mc {Mask Parameters}]..." -state disabled
+ }
+ }
+proc MaskLoad {} {
+ global current
+ global mask
+ set rr [MaskParamsDialog]
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ if {$rr} {
+ $current(frame) mask color $mask(color)
+ $current(frame) mask mark $mask(mark)
+ }
+ }
+ return $rr
+proc MaskParamsDialog {} {
+ global mask
+ global ed
+ set w {.mskd}
+ set ed(ok) 0
+ set ed(color) $mask(color)
+ set ed(mark) $mask(mark)
+ DialogCreate $w [msgcat::mc {Mask Parameters}] ed(ok)
+ # Param
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.param]
+ ttk::label $f.colortitle -text [msgcat::mc {Color}]
+ ColorMenuButton $f.colorbutton ed color {}
+ ttk::label $f.marktitle -text [msgcat::mc {Block}]
+ ttk::radiobutton $f.markz -text [msgcat::mc {Zero}] \
+ -variable ed(mark) -value 0
+ ttk::radiobutton $f.marknz -text [msgcat::mc {Non-zero}] \
+ -variable ed(mark) -value 1
+ ttk::label $f.marktitle2 -text [msgcat::mc {Value}]
+ grid $f.colortitle $f.colorbutton - -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
+ grid $f.marktitle $f.markz $f.marknz $f.marktitle2 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
+ # Buttons
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons]
+ ttk::button $f.ok -text [msgcat::mc {OK}] -command {set ed(ok) 1} \
+ -default active
+ ttk::button $f.cancel -text [msgcat::mc {Cancel}] -command {set ed(ok) 0}
+ pack $f.ok $f.cancel -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4
+ bind $w <Return> {set ed(ok) 1}
+ # Fini
+ ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal
+ pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true
+ DialogCenter $w
+ DialogWait $w ed(ok)
+ DialogDismiss $w
+ if {$ed(ok)} {
+ set mask(color) [string tolower $ed(color)]
+ set mask(mark) $ed(mark)
+ }
+ set rr $ed(ok)
+ unset ed
+ return $rr
+proc MaskBackup {ch which} {
+ puts $ch "$which mask color [$which get mask color]"
+ puts $ch "$which mask mark [$which get mask mark]"
+ puts $ch "$which mask transparency [$which get mask transparency]"
+proc ProcessMaskCmd {varname iname} {
+ upvar $varname var
+ upvar $iname i
+ global mask
+ global current
+ set rr {}
+ switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] {
+ open {MaskDialog}
+ close {MaskDestroyDialog}
+ color {
+ incr i
+ set mask(color) [lindex $var $i]
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) mask color $mask(color)
+ }
+ }
+ mark {
+ incr i
+ set mask(mark) [lindex $var $i]
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) mask mark $mask(mark)
+ }
+ }
+ transparency {
+ incr i
+ set mask(transparency) [lindex $var $i]
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) mask transparency $mask(transparency)
+ }
+ MaskTransparency
+ }
+ clear {
+ MaskClear
+ }
+ default {
+ set rr mask
+ incr i -1
+ }
+ }
+ return $rr
+proc ProcessSendMaskCmd {proc id param} {
+ global mask
+ switch -- [string tolower $param] {
+ color {$proc $id "$mask(color)\n"}
+ mark {$proc $id "$mask(mark)\n"}
+ transparency {$proc $id "$mask(transparency)\n"}
+ }