path: root/ds9/library/panzoom.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:01:15 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:01:15 (GMT)
commit12166aa342f7c8d905097e43a1f50e0775503069 (patch)
tree73a6e7296fbf9898633a02c2503a3e959789d8c3 /ds9/library/panzoom.tcl
parentd4d595fa7fb12903db9227d33d48b2b00120dbd1 (diff)
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'ds9/library/panzoom.tcl')
1 files changed, 823 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ds9/library/panzoom.tcl b/ds9/library/panzoom.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c843d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ds9/library/panzoom.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,823 @@
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2016
+# Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
+# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in "copyright"
+package provide DS9 1.0
+proc PanZoomDef {} {
+ global panzoom
+ global ipanzoom
+ global ppanzoom
+ global tcl_platform
+ set ipanzoom(top) .pz
+ set ipanzoom(mb) .pzmb
+ set ipanzoom(speed) 512
+ set ipanzoom(x) 0
+ set ipanzoom(last) {0 0}
+ set ipanzoom(state) 1
+ set panzoom(preserve) 0
+ set panzoom(lock) none
+ # set via wcs()
+ set panzoom(system) wcs
+ set panzoom(sky) fk5
+ set panzoom(skyformat) degrees
+ set ppanzoom(preserve) $panzoom(preserve)
+ # prefs only
+ set ppanzoom(mode) click
+ set ppanzoom(wheel) 1
+ set ppanzoom(wheel,factor) 1.2
+ # special case
+ switch -- $tcl_platform(os) {
+ Darwin {
+ switch [lindex [split $tcl_platform(osVersion) {.}] 0] {
+ 11 {set ppanzoom(wheel,factor) 1.01}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Pan
+proc CenterCurrentFrame {} {
+ global current
+ CenterFrame $current(frame)
+proc CenterAllFrame {} {
+ global ds9
+ foreach ff $ds9(frames) {
+ CenterFrame $ff
+ }
+proc CenterFrame {which} {
+ if {$which != {}} {
+ $which center
+ UpdatePan $which
+ UpdateZoomMenu
+ }
+proc Pan {x y sys {sky {}}} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ switch -- $sys {
+ canvas {$current(frame) pan $x $y}
+ default {$current(frame) pan $sys $sky $x $y}
+ }
+ UpdatePan $current(frame)
+ }
+proc PanTo {x y sys sky} {
+ global current
+ PanToFrame $current(frame) $x $y $sys $sky
+proc PanToFrame {which x y sys sky} {
+ global current
+ if {$which != {}} {
+ $which pan to $sys $sky $x $y
+ UpdatePan $which
+ }
+proc PanButton {which x y} {
+ global ppanzoom
+ switch -- $ppanzoom(mode) {
+ click {}
+ drag {$which pan motion begin $x $y}
+ panzoom {}
+ }
+proc PanMotion {which x y} {
+ global ppanzoom
+ switch -- $ppanzoom(mode) {
+ click {}
+ drag {$which pan motion $x $y}
+ panzoom {}
+ }
+proc PanRelease {which x y} {
+ global panzoom
+ global ipanzoom
+ global ppanzoom
+ global current
+ switch -- $ppanzoom(mode) {
+ click {$which pan to $x $y}
+ drag {$which pan motion end $x $y}
+ panzoom {
+ if {$ipanzoom(last) != "$x $y"} {
+ set ipanzoom(state) 1
+ }
+ switch -- $ipanzoom(state) {
+ 1 {
+ $which pan to $x $y
+ $which update now
+ set cc [$which get cursor canvas]
+ set xx [expr int([lindex $cc 0])]
+ set yy [expr int([lindex $cc 1])]
+ $which warp to $xx $yy
+ set ipanzoom(last) "$xx $yy"
+ set z [$current(frame) get zoom]
+ if {$z < 2} {
+ set ipanzoom(state) 2
+ } elseif {$z < 4} {
+ set ipanzoom(state) 3
+ } elseif {$z < 8} {
+ set ipanzoom(state) 4
+ } else {
+ set ipanzoom(state) 5
+ }
+ }
+ 2 {
+ $which zoom to 2 2 about $x $y
+ set ipanzoom(state) 3
+ }
+ 3 {
+ $which zoom to 4 4 about $x $y
+ set ipanzoom(state) 4
+ }
+ 4 {
+ $which zoom to 8 8 about $x $y
+ set ipanzoom(state) 5
+ }
+ 5 {
+ $which zoom to 1 1 about $x $y
+ set ipanzoom(state) 2
+ }
+ }
+ if {$which == $current(frame)} {
+ set current(zoom) [$current(frame) get zoom]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ UpdatePan $which
+proc PreservePan {} {
+ global current
+ global panzoom
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) pan preserve $panzoom(preserve)
+ }
+proc UpdatePan {which} {
+ LockFrame $which
+ UpdateGraphXAxis $which
+ UpdatePanZoomDialog
+ SAMPSendCoordPointAtSkyCmd $which
+# Zoom
+proc ZoomToFit {} {
+ global current
+ global grid
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ # we need to update the grid because titles are zoom dependant
+ if {$grid(view) && $grid(type) == "publication"} {
+ # recalculate to make room for labels
+ $current(frame) zoom to fit .8
+ set current(zoom) [$current(frame) get zoom]
+ } else {
+ $current(frame) zoom to fit
+ set current(zoom) [$current(frame) get zoom]
+ }
+ UpdateZoom $current(frame)
+ }
+proc ChangeZoom {} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) zoom to $current(zoom)
+ UpdateZoom $current(frame)
+ }
+proc Zoom {zx zy} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ ZoomFrame $current(frame) $zx $zy
+ }
+proc ZoomFrame {which zx zy} {
+ global current
+ $which zoom $zx $zy
+ if {$which == $current(frame)} {
+ set current(zoom) [$current(frame) get zoom]
+ }
+ UpdateZoom $which
+proc ZoomButton {which x y} {
+ global current
+ $which zoom 2 2 about $x $y
+ if {$current(frame) == $which} {
+ set current(zoom) [$current(frame) get zoom]
+ }
+ UpdateZoom $which
+proc ZoomShift {which} {
+ global current
+ $which zoom .5 .5
+ if {$current(frame) == $which} {
+ set current(zoom) [$current(frame) get zoom]
+ }
+ UpdateZoom $which
+proc UpdateZoom {which} {
+ LockFrame $which
+ UpdateGraphXAxis $which
+ UpdatePanZoomDialog
+ GridUpdateZoom
+ RefreshInfoBox $which
+# Orient
+proc ChangeOrient {} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) orient $current(orient)
+ UpdateRotate $current(frame)
+ }
+# Rotate
+proc Rotate {value} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) rotate $value
+ set current(rotate) [$current(frame) get rotate]
+ UpdateRotate $current(frame)
+ }
+proc ChangeRotate {} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) rotate to $current(rotate)
+ UpdateRotate $current(frame)
+ }
+proc RotateButton {which x y} {
+ global ipanzoom
+ $which rotate motion begin
+ set ipanzoom(x) $x
+proc RotateMotion {which x y} {
+ global current
+ global ipanzoom
+ global icursor
+ $which rotate motion [expr double($ipanzoom(x)-$x)/$ipanzoom(speed) * 180.]
+ if {$current(frame) == $which} {
+ set current(rotate) [$which get rotate]
+ }
+ RefreshInfoBox $which
+proc RotateRelease {which x y} {
+ global current
+ $which rotate motion end
+ if {$current(frame) == $which} {
+ set current(rotate) [$which get rotate]
+ }
+ UpdateRotate $which
+proc UpdateRotate {which} {
+ LockFrame $which
+ UpdateGraphXAxis $which
+ UpdatePanZoomDialog
+ RefreshInfoBox $which
+proc PanZoomDialog {} {
+ global panzoom
+ global ipanzoom
+ global dpanzoom
+ global ds9
+ global current
+ # see if we already have a window visible
+ if {[winfo exists $ipanzoom(top)]} {
+ raise $ipanzoom(top)
+ return
+ }
+ # create the window
+ set w $ipanzoom(top)
+ set mb $ipanzoom(mb)
+ Toplevel $w $mb 6 [msgcat::mc {Pan Zoom Rotate Parameters}] \
+ PanZoomDestroyDialog
+ # for CoordMenuButton
+ set panzoom(frame) $current(frame)
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {File}] -menu $mb.file
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Edit}] -menu $mb.edit
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Pan}] -menu $mb.pan
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Zoom}] -menu $mb.zoom
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Orientation}] -menu $mb.orient
+ $mb add cascade -label [msgcat::mc {Rotate}] -menu $mb.rotate
+ menu $mb.file
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Apply}] \
+ -command PanZoomApplyDialog
+ $mb.file add separator
+ $mb.file add command -label [msgcat::mc {Close}] \
+ -command PanZoomDestroyDialog
+ EditMenu $mb ipanzoom
+ menu $mb.pan
+ $mb.pan add command -label [msgcat::mc {Center Image}] \
+ -command CenterCurrentFrame
+ $mb.pan add checkbutton -label [msgcat::mc {Align}] \
+ -variable current(align) -command AlignWCSFrame
+ menu $mb.zoom
+ $mb.zoom add command -label [msgcat::mc {Zoom In}] -command {Zoom 2 2}
+ $mb.zoom add command -label [msgcat::mc {Zoom Out}] -command {Zoom .5 .5}
+ $mb.zoom add command -label [msgcat::mc {Zoom Fit}] -command ZoomToFit
+ $mb.zoom add separator
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 1/32" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 0.03125 0.03125 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 1/16" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 0.0625 0.0625 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 1/8" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 0.125 0.125 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 1/4" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 0.25 0.25 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 1/2" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 0.5 0.5 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 1" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 1 1 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 2" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 2 2 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 4" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 4 4 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 8" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 8 8 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 16" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 16 16 } -command ChangeZoom
+ $mb.zoom add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Zoom}] 32" \
+ -variable current(zoom) -value { 32 32 } -command ChangeZoom
+ menu $mb.orient
+ $mb.orient add radiobutton -label [msgcat::mc {None}] \
+ -variable current(orient) -value none -command ChangeOrient
+ $mb.orient add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Invert}] X" \
+ -variable current(orient) -value x -command ChangeOrient
+ $mb.orient add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Invert}] Y" \
+ -variable current(orient) -value y -command ChangeOrient
+ $mb.orient add radiobutton -label "[msgcat::mc {Invert}] XY" \
+ -variable current(orient) -value xy -command ChangeOrient
+ menu $mb.rotate
+ $mb.rotate add radiobutton -label "0 [msgcat::mc {Degrees}]" \
+ -variable current(rotate) -value 0 -command ChangeRotate
+ $mb.rotate add radiobutton -label "90 [msgcat::mc {Degrees}]" \
+ -variable current(rotate) -value 90 -command ChangeRotate
+ $mb.rotate add radiobutton -label "180 [msgcat::mc {Degrees}]" \
+ -variable current(rotate) -value 180 -command ChangeRotate
+ $mb.rotate add radiobutton -label "270 [msgcat::mc {Degrees}]" \
+ -variable current(rotate) -value 270 -command ChangeRotate
+ # Param
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.param]
+ ttk::label $f.zoomtitle -text [msgcat::mc {Zoom}]
+ ttk::entry $f.zoomx -textvariable dpanzoom(zoom,x) -width 14
+ ttk::entry $f.zoomy -textvariable dpanzoom(zoom,y) -width 14
+ ttk::label $f.rottitle -text [msgcat::mc {Rotate}]
+ ttk::entry $f.rotvalue -textvariable dpanzoom(rotate) -width 14
+ ttk::label $f.rottitle2 -text [msgcat::mc {Degrees}]
+ ttk::label $f.pantitle -text [msgcat::mc {Pan}]
+ ttk::entry $f.panx -textvariable dpanzoom(x) -width 14
+ ttk::entry $f.pany -textvariable dpanzoom(y) -width 14
+ set dpanzoom(cb) $f.pansystem
+ CoordMenuButton $dpanzoom(cb) panzoom system 1 sky skyformat \
+ UpdatePanZoomDialog
+ grid $f.zoomtitle $f.zoomx $f.zoomy -padx 2 -pady 2
+ grid $f.rottitle $f.rotvalue $f.rottitle2 -padx 2 -pady 2 -sticky w
+ grid $f.pantitle $f.panx $f.pany $f.pansystem -padx 2 -pady 2
+ # Buttons
+ set f [ttk::frame $w.buttons]
+ ttk::button $f.apply -text [msgcat::mc {Apply}] -command PanZoomApplyDialog
+ ttk::button $f.close -text [msgcat::mc {Close}] \
+ -command PanZoomDestroyDialog
+ pack $f.apply $f.close -side left -expand true -padx 2 -pady 4
+ # Fini
+ ttk::separator $w.sep -orient horizontal
+ pack $w.buttons $w.sep -side bottom -fill x
+ pack $w.param -side top -fill both -expand true
+ $w.param.zoomx select range 0 end
+ UpdatePanZoomDialog
+proc PanZoomApplyDialog {} {
+ global panzoom
+ global ipanzoom
+ global dpanzoom
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ set current(zoom) "$dpanzoom(zoom,x) $dpanzoom(zoom,y)"
+ set current(rotate) $dpanzoom(rotate)
+ $current(frame) zoom to $current(zoom) about \
+ $panzoom(system) $panzoom(sky) $dpanzoom(x) $dpanzoom(y)
+ $current(frame) rotate to $current(rotate)
+ LockFrameCurrent
+ UpdateGraphXAxis $current(frame)
+ UpdatePanZoomDialog
+ GridUpdateZoom
+ RefreshInfoBox $current(frame)
+ UpdateZoomMenu
+ SAMPSendCoordPointAtSkyCmd $current(frame)
+ }
+proc PanZoomDestroyDialog {} {
+ global ipanzoom
+ global dpanzoom
+ if {[winfo exists $ipanzoom(top)]} {
+ destroy $ipanzoom(top)
+ destroy $ipanzoom(mb)
+ }
+ unset dpanzoom
+proc UpdatePanZoomMenu {} {
+ # can be changed by wcs
+ SetCoordSystem panzoom system sky skyformat
+proc UpdatePanZoomDialog {} {
+ global panzoom
+ global ipanzoom
+ global dpanzoom
+ global current
+ global debug
+ if {$debug(tcl,update)} {
+ puts stderr "UpdatePanZoomDialog"
+ }
+ if {![winfo exists $ipanzoom(top)]} {
+ return
+ }
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ set panzoom(frame) $current(frame)
+ if {[$current(frame) has fits]} {
+ # now make sure we have the coord systems
+ AdjustCoordSystem panzoom system
+ CoordMenuEnable $dpanzoom(cb).menu panzoom system 1 sky skyformat
+ CoordMenuButtonCmd panzoom system sky {}
+ } else {
+ CoordMenuReset $dpanzoom(cb).menu panzoom system 1 sky skyformat
+ }
+ }
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ set zz [$current(frame) get zoom]
+ set dpanzoom(zoom,x) [lindex $zz 0]
+ set dpanzoom(zoom,y) [lindex $zz 1]
+ set dpanzoom(rotate) [$current(frame) get rotate]
+ set coord [$current(frame) get cursor $panzoom(system) \
+ $panzoom(sky) $panzoom(skyformat)]
+ set dpanzoom(x) [lindex $coord 0]
+ set dpanzoom(y) [lindex $coord 1]
+ } else {
+ set dpanzoom(zoom,x) {}
+ set dpanzoom(zoom,y) {}
+ set dpanzoom(rotate) {}
+ set dpanzoom(x) {}
+ set dpanzoom(y) {}
+ }
+# Other
+proc AlignWCSFrame {} {
+ global current
+ global ds9
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $current(frame) wcs align $current(align)
+ LockFrameCurrent
+ UpdateGraphXAxis $current(frame)
+ UpdatePanZoomDialog
+ }
+proc MatchFrameCurrent {sys} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ MatchFrame $current(frame) $sys
+ }
+proc MatchFrame {which sys} {
+ global ds9
+ global current
+ # NO-make sure matrices have been updated
+ # really messes up mousewheel events, just assume all is good
+ # RealizeDS9
+ switch -- $sys {
+ image -
+ physical -
+ amplifier -
+ detector {
+ set current(align) 0
+ $which wcs align 0
+ set pan [$which get cursor $sys]
+ set zoom [$which get zoom]
+ set rotate [$which get rotate]
+ set orient [$which get orient]
+ foreach ff $ds9(frames) {
+ if {$ff != $which} {
+ $ff pan to $sys $pan
+ $ff zoom to $zoom
+ $ff rotate to $rotate
+ $ff orient $orient
+ $ff wcs align 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wcs {
+ set www [$which get wcs]
+ set sys [lindex $www 0]
+ set sky [lindex $www 1]
+ if {[$which has wcs $sys]} {
+ set current(align) 1
+ $which wcs align 1
+ set align [$which get wcs align pointer]
+ set pan [$which get cursor $sys FK5]
+ set zoom [$which get zoom]
+ set rotate [$which get rotate]
+ set orient [$which get orient]
+ foreach ff $ds9(frames) {
+ if {$ff != $which} {
+ if {[$ff has wcs $sys]} {
+ $ff pan to $sys FK5 $pan
+ $ff zoom to $zoom
+ $ff rotate to $rotate
+ $ff orient $orient
+ $ff wcs align $align
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc LockFrameCurrent {} {
+ global current
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ LockFrame $current(frame)
+ }
+proc LockFrame {which} {
+ global panzoom
+ switch -- $panzoom(lock) {
+ none {}
+ default {MatchFrame $which $panzoom(lock)}
+ }
+# Backup
+proc PanZoomBackup {ch which} {
+ puts $ch "$which pan preserve [$which get pan preserve]"
+ puts $ch "$which pan to physical [$which get cursor physical]"
+ puts $ch "$which zoom to [$which get zoom]"
+ puts $ch "$which rotate to [$which get rotate]"
+ puts $ch "$which orient [$which get orient]"
+ puts $ch "$which wcs align [$which get wcs align]"
+# Process Cmds
+proc ProcessPanCmd {varname iname} {
+ upvar $varname var
+ upvar $iname i
+ # we need to be realized
+ ProcessRealizeDS9
+ switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] {
+ open {PanZoomDialog}
+ close {PanZoomDestroyDialog}
+ to {
+ set x [lindex $var [expr $i+1]]
+ set y [lindex $var [expr $i+2]]
+ set sys [lindex $var [expr $i+3]]
+ set sky [lindex $var [expr $i+4]]
+ set format {}
+ incr i 2
+ incr i [FixSpec sys sky format physical fk5 degrees]
+ PanTo $x $y $sys $sky
+ }
+ default {
+ set x [lindex $var [expr $i+0]]
+ set y [lindex $var [expr $i+1]]
+ set sys [lindex $var [expr $i+2]]
+ set sky [lindex $var [expr $i+3]]
+ set format {}
+ incr i 1
+ incr i [FixSpec sys sky format physical fk5 degrees]
+ Pan $x $y $sys $sky
+ }
+ }
+proc ProcessSendPanCmd {proc id param} {
+ global current
+ set sys [lindex $param 0]
+ set sky [lindex $param 1]
+ set format [lindex $param 2]
+ FixSpec sys sky format physical fk5 degrees
+ if {$current(frame) != {}} {
+ $proc $id "[$current(frame) get cursor $sys $sky $format]\n"
+ }
+proc ProcessZoomCmd {varname iname} {
+ upvar $varname var
+ upvar $iname i
+ # we need to be realized
+ ProcessRealizeDS9
+ global current
+ switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] {
+ open {PanZoomDialog}
+ close {PanZoomDestroyDialog}
+ in {Zoom 2 2}
+ out {Zoom .5 .5}
+ to {
+ switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var [expr $i+1]]] {
+ fit {
+ ZoomToFit
+ incr i
+ }
+ default {
+ set z1 [lindex $var [expr $i+1]]
+ set z2 [lindex $var [expr $i+2]]
+ if {[string is double $z2] && $z2 != {}} {
+ set current(zoom) " $z1 $z2 "
+ incr i 2
+ } else {
+ set current(zoom) " $z1 $z1 "
+ incr i
+ }
+ ChangeZoom
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ default {
+ set z1 [lindex $var $i]
+ set z2 [lindex $var [expr $i+1]]
+ if {[string is double $z2] && $z2 != {}} {
+ Zoom $z1 $z2
+ incr i
+ } else {
+ Zoom $z1 $z1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc ProcessSendZoomCmd {proc id param} {
+ global current
+ set z1 [lindex $current(zoom) 0]
+ set z2 [lindex $current(zoom) 1]
+ if {$z1 != $z2} {
+ $proc $id "$current(zoom)\n"
+ } else {
+ $proc $id "$z1\n"
+ }
+proc ProcessOrientCmd {varname iname} {
+ upvar $varname var
+ upvar $iname i
+ # we need to be realized
+ ProcessRealizeDS9
+ global current
+ switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] {
+ open {PanZoomDialog}
+ close {PanZoomDestroyDialog}
+ default {
+ set current(orient) [string tolower [lindex $var $i]]
+ ChangeOrient
+ }
+ }
+proc ProcessSendOrientCmd {proc id param} {
+ global current
+ $proc $id "$current(orient)\n"
+proc ProcessRotateCmd {varname iname} {
+ upvar $varname var
+ upvar $iname i
+ # we need to be realized
+ ProcessRealizeDS9
+ global current
+ switch -- [string tolower [lindex $var $i]] {
+ open {PanZoomDialog}
+ close {PanZoomDestroyDialog}
+ to {
+ set current(rotate) [lindex $var [expr $i+1]]
+ ChangeRotate
+ incr i
+ }
+ default {Rotate [lindex $var $i]}
+ }
+proc ProcessSendRotateCmd {proc id param} {
+ global current
+ $proc $id "$current(rotate)\n"