path: root/fickle/examples
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2017-07-27 20:41:06 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2017-07-27 20:41:06 (GMT)
commit3071f542c5b8d2957f22f92e8382006d9c7446d3 (patch)
tree5af359bb04c40bac592b81b9c83d0a10b5a753b2 /fickle/examples
parenta89231ca666294b1855b4469fcd8907ccb5c846f (diff)
backout parser changes
Diffstat (limited to 'fickle/examples')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 522 deletions
diff --git a/fickle/examples/Makefile b/fickle/examples/Makefile
deleted file mode 100755
index 4a40f68..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 2004/07/23 19:22:41 tang Exp $
-# A simple Makefile that calls fickle upon the example specification
-# files.
-FCL_EXS=cat.tcl verbs.tcl wc.tcl wc2.tcl cl.tcl csa.tcl tsa.tcl
-all: fcl_exs
-fcl_exs: $(FCL_EXS)
-%.tcl: %.fcl
- -$(TCL) $(FICKLE) $<
- -rm -f $(FCL_EXS:.fcl=.tcl)
-.PHONY: clean
diff --git a/fickle/examples/README b/fickle/examples/README
deleted file mode 100755
index 117e566..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-$Id: README,v 2004/07/23 19:22:41 tang Exp $
-The example fickle code programs are based upon the lex examples found
-within "lex & yacc" by John R. Levine, Tony Mason, and Doug Brown (by
-O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN 1-56592-000-7). For more information on
-using lex and yacc, see
-Run the Makefile to generate resulting Tcl code. Descriptions of
-individual files are below. The reader is assumed to have a familiarity
-with flex; if not consider purchasing the aforementioned book.
-This is the simplest fickle example possible. It copies its input (from
-stdin) to output (stdout), much like the cat(1) program does without any
-arguments. Note that one must explicitly call yylex to run the lexer.
-This examples demonstrates a verbatim section (the text between '%{'
-and '%}'). Also note how fickle specification files may have
-Tcl-style comments embedded within. This program searches its input
-for various English verbs and copies it to the output. The program
-makes use of the variable $yytext (really just an upvar'ed version of
-the global ::yytext variable) to print out the text that matched.
-This program will count the number of characters, words, and lines in
-its input, much like wc(1). Called without any arguments, wc.tcl reads
-from stdin; it reads from a file if given an argument. Unless otherwise
-specified, 'yyin' points to stdin and 'yyout' to stdout. Overriding
-these variables forces the lexer to read from another stream. This
-program also uses $yyleng (an upvar'ed version of ::yyleng) which is
-set to [string length $::yytext].
-This example supports multiple filenames. With more than one argument,
-wc2 will print a report for each line and a summary line totalling all
-metrics. No summary is displayed given zero or one argument.
-wc2 handles multiple files by overriding the definition for yywrap.
-yywrap returns 0 when additional files need to be processed.
-The directive `%option noheaders' causes fickle to not include
-comments about the autogenerated functions within wc2.tcl. Note the
-difference in size between wc2.tcl and wc.tcl.
-This example demonstrates how to feed the lexer input from a source
-other than a file -- in this case, the command line. One must rewrite
-YY_INPUT to use the alternative source. The first parameter should be
-'upvar'ed; it holds the next string to scan. 'result' should be the
-size of the buffer, or zero to indicate an end of file; this too needs
-to be 'upvar'ed. The final parameter indicates the maximum allowed
-buffer size. By default this is 1024; use the `%option buffersize'
-directive to change this amount.
-Also note the use of `%option nodefault'. By default fickle will
-write to yyout any unmatched input through the ECHO function. Use
-`%option nodefault' to abort the program upon unmatched input; this is
-useful during debugging sessions. One can also invoke this
-suppression behavior with the `-s' flag on the fickle command line.
-The next example is a C source analyzer. It takes a single C source
-file as a parameter; it then counts the lines of code, comments, and
-whitespace within.
-This example demonstrates the start state feature of fickle, enabled
-through the directive `%option stack'. fickle supports both exclusive
-start states (as indicated by '%x') as well as regular start states
-('%s', though not featured in this program). Start states specify
-when a pattern is allowed. Switch states through calls to 'BEGIN',
-'yy_push_state', and 'yy_pop_state'.
-The initial state is called, not surprisingly, 'INITIAL'. Unlike flex,
-'BEGIN 0' and 'BEGIN INITIAL' are not identical. To match all states,
-prepend the pattern with '<*>'. Patterns that have no state listed are
-defaulted to matching only INITIAL and any regular start state.[*]
-Note that if multiple patterns match the input, the largest match takes
-precedence. In case of a tie the pattern appearing earlier within the
-specification file wins.
-[*] Regular start states are a source of much confusion and are rarely
-useful. Avoid them like the plague.
-In comparison to the above this program instead analyzes Tcl code.
-It's not particularly foolproof but does get the job done.
diff --git a/fickle/examples/cat.fcl b/fickle/examples/cat.fcl
deleted file mode 100755
index ebbd8e9..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/cat.fcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-.|\n ECHO;
diff --git a/fickle/examples/cl.fcl b/fickle/examples/cl.fcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 0949843..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/cl.fcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: cl.fcl,v 2004/07/23 19:22:41 tang Exp $
-# Scans its command line for various arguments.
-# This is based upon example 'ape-05.l' (which is the flex version of
-# 'ch2-05.l') from "lex & yacc" by John R. Levine, Tony Mason, and
-# Doug Brown (by O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN 1-56592-000-7). For more
-# information on using lex and yacc, see
-# myinput() could have been written much more efficiently because Tcl
-# handles command line arguments as a list. For the sake of porting
-# the original example to Tcl, I used the same logic found within the
-# original flex code.
-%buffersize 1024
-%option nodefault
--h |
--\? |
--help {
- puts "usage is: $::progName \[-help | -h | -? \] \[-verbose | -v \] \[(-file | -f) filename\]"
- # actually, the -f option is not handled by this program.
- # that is left as an exercise to the reader.
- }
--v |
--verbose {
- puts "verbose mode is on"
- set ::verbose 1
- }
-proc YY_INPUT {buf result max} {
- upvar $result ret_val
- upvar $buf buf_data
- set ret_val [myinput buf_data $max]
-set ::offset 0
-proc myinput {buf max} {
- upvar $buf buf_data
- if {[llength $::targv] == 0} {
- # no arguments left, so return an EOF
- return 0
- }
- set len [string length [lindex $::targv 0]]
- if {$len >= $max} {
- set copylen [expr {$max - 1}]
- } else {
- set copylen $len
- }
- if {$len > 0} {
- set buf_data [string range [lindex $::targv 0] $::offset $copylen]
- }
- if {[string length [lindex $::targv 0]] >= $::offset + $copylen} {
- append buf " "
- incr copylen
- set ::offset 0
- set ::targv [lrange $::targv 1 end]
- } else {
- incr ::offset $copylen
- }
- return $copylen
-set progName $argv0
-set verbose 0
-set ::targv $argv ;# holds remainder of argument list
diff --git a/fickle/examples/csa.fcl b/fickle/examples/csa.fcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 3cd6dc3..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/csa.fcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: csa.fcl,v 2004/07/23 19:22:41 tang Exp $
-# Counts the lines of comments, code, and whitespace within a C
-# program.
-# This is based upon example 'ch2-09.l' from "lex & yacc" by John
-# R. Levine, Tony Mason, and Doug Brown (by O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN
-# 1-56592-000-7). For more information on using lex and yacc, see
-set comments 0
-set code 0
-set whitespace 0
-proc update_count { a b c } {
- incr ::comments $a
- incr ::code $b
- incr ::whitespace $c
- puts -nonewline "code: $::code, comments: $::comments, whitespace: $::whitespace\r"
- flush stdout
-%option noheaders stack nodefault
-^[ \t]*"/*" { BEGIN COMMENT }
-^[ \t]*"/*".*"*/"[ \t]*\n { update_count 1 0 0 }
-<COMMENT>"*/"[ \t]*\n { BEGIN INITIAL; update_count 1 0 0 }
-<COMMENT>\n { update_count 1 0 0 }
-<COMMENT>.\n { update_count 1 0 0 }
-^[ \t]*\n { update_count 0 0 1 }
-.+"/*".*"*/".*\n { update_count 0 1 0 }
-.*"/*".*"*/".+\n { update_count 0 1 0 }
-.+"/*".*\n { BEGIN COMMENT; update_count 0 1 0 }
-.\n { update_count 0 1 0 }
-<*>. # do nothing
-if {[llength $argv] == 0} {
- puts stderr "C source analyzer needs a filename."
- exit 0
-if {[catch {open [lindex $argv 0] r} yyin]} {
- puts stderr "Could not open [lindex $argv 0]"
- exit 0
-close $yyin
-puts ""
diff --git a/fickle/examples/tsa.fcl b/fickle/examples/tsa.fcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 86a3733..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/tsa.fcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-#$Id: tsa.fcl,v 2004/07/23 19:22:41 tang Exp $
-# Counts lines of comments, logical lines of code, and function
-# invocations in Tcl code.
-# The patterns can handle most "normal" Tcl code. There are some
-# instances where it will not correctly detect a function call.
-proc found_func {funcname} {
- if [info exist ::func($funcname)] {
- incr ::func($funcname)
- } else {
- set ::func($funcname) 1
- }
-proc spin {} {
- if {$::numlines % 8 == 0} {
- puts -nonewline "."
- flush stdout
- }
-set comments 0
-set numlines 0
-set spinner_count 0
-%option stack
-%x ARG
-<*>^\s*\n { incr ::numlines; spin }
-<*>;?\s*#.*\n { incr ::comments; incr ::numlines; spin }
-<*>\n { yy_pop_state; incr ::numlines; spin }
-<*>\s # ignore whitespace
-<*>\\(.|\n) # ignore escaped characters
-<*>\d+ # numbers are ignored
-<INITIAL>\w+ { found_func $yytext; yy_push_state ARG }
-<ARG>\w+ # ignore arguments
-<*>\[\s*\w+ { set start [string first "\[" $yytext]
- set func [string range $yytext [expr {$start + 1}] end]
- found_func [string trim $func]
- yy_push_state ARG }
-<ARG>\] { yy_pop_state }
-<*>; { yy_pop_state }
-<*>. # unknown character; ignore it
-# start of main
-if {[llength $argv] > 0} {
- if {[catch {open [lindex $argv 0]} yyin]} {
- puts stderr "could not open file"
- exit 0
- }
-if {[llength $argv] > 0} {
- close $yyin
-puts ""
-puts "Comments: $comments"
-puts "Num lines: $numlines"
-puts "Function calls:"
-parray func
-set totalcalls 0
-foreach {name calls} [array get func] {
- incr totalcalls $calls
-puts "Total calls: $totalcalls"
diff --git a/fickle/examples/verbs.fcl b/fickle/examples/verbs.fcl
deleted file mode 100755
index c9317ae..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/verbs.fcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: verbs.fcl,v 2004/07/23 19:22:41 tang Exp $
-# Recognizes various English verbs in sentences.
-# This is based upon example 'ch1-02.l' from "lex & yacc" by John
-# R. Levine, Tony Mason, and Doug Brown (by O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN
-# 1-56592-000-7). For more information on using lex and yacc, see
-[\t ]+ # ignore whitespace
-is |
-am |
-are |
-were |
-was |
-be |
-being |
-been |
-do |
-does |
-did |
-will puts "$yytext: is a verb"
-[a-zA-Z]+ puts "$yytext: is not a verb"
-.|\n ECHO ;# normal default anyway
diff --git a/fickle/examples/wc.fcl b/fickle/examples/wc.fcl
deleted file mode 100755
index 871b3ad..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/wc.fcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Counts characters, words, and lines within its input.
-# This is based upon example 'ch2-02.l' from "lex & yacc" by John
-# R. Levine, Tony Mason, and Doug Brown (by O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN
-# 1-56592-000-7). For more information on using lex and yacc, see
-set charCount 0
-set wordCount 0
-set lineCount 0
-word [^ \t\n]+
-eol \n
-{word} { incr ::wordCount; incr ::charCount $yyleng }
-{eol} { incr ::charCount; incr ::lineCount }
-. { incr ::charCount }
-if {[llength $argv] > 0} {
- if {[catch {open [lindex $argv 0]} f]} {
- puts stderr "could not open file [lindex $argv 0]"
- exit 1
- }
- set yyin $f
-puts "$charCount $wordCount $lineCount"
-return 0
diff --git a/fickle/examples/wc2.fcl b/fickle/examples/wc2.fcl
deleted file mode 100755
index e887003..0000000
--- a/fickle/examples/wc2.fcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Counts characters, words, and lines, with support for multiple
-# filenames.
-# This is based upon example 'ch2-03.l' from "lex & yacc" by John
-# R. Levine, Tony Mason, and Doug Brown (by O'Reilly & Associates, ISBN
-# 1-56592-000-7). For more information on using lex and yacc, see
-set charCount 0
-set wordCount 0
-set lineCount 0
-%option noheaders
-word [^ \t\n]+
-eol \n
-{word} { incr ::wordCount; incr ::charCount $yyleng }
-{eol} { incr ::charCount; incr ::lineCount }
-. { incr ::charCount }
-# lexer calls yywrap to handle EOF conditions (e.g., to
-# connect to a new file, as we do in this case.)
-proc yywrap {} {
- set file ""
- if {$::currentFile != 0 && $::nFiles > 1 && $::currentFile < $::nFiles} {
- # print out statstics for previous file
- puts [format "%8u %8u %8u %s" $::lineCount $::wordCount $::charCount \
- [lindex $::fileList [expr {$::currentFile - 1}]]]
- incr ::totalCC $::charCount
- incr ::totalWC $::wordCount
- incr ::totalLC $::lineCount
- set ::charCount 0
- set ::wordCount 0
- set ::lineCount 0
- close $::yyin
- }
- while {$::currentFile < $::nFiles} {
- if {[catch {open [lindex $::fileList $::currentFile] r} file]} {
- puts stderr "could not open [lindex $::fileList $::currentFile]"
- incr ::currentFile
- } else {
- set ::yyin $file
- incr ::currentFile
- break
- }
- }
- if {$file != ""} {
- return 0 ;# 0 means there's more input
- } else {
- return 1
- }
-set fileList ""
-set currentFile 0
-set nFiles 0
-set totalCC 0
-set totalWC 0
-set totalLC 0
-set fileList $argv
-set nFiles [llength $argv]
-if {[llength $argv] == 1} {
- # handle single file case differenly since we don't need to print a
- # summary line
- set currentFile 1
- if {[catch {open [lindex $argv 0] r} file]} {
- puts stderr "could not open file [lindex $argv 0]"
- exit 1
- }
- set yyin $file
-if {[llength $argv] > 1} {
- yywrap
-# handle zero or one file differently from multiple files
-if {[llength $argv] > 1} {
- puts [format "%8u %8u %8u %s" $lineCount $wordCount $charCount \
- [lindex $argv [expr {$currentFile - 1}]]]
- incr totalCC $charCount
- incr totalWC $wordCount
- incr totalLC $lineCount
- puts [format "%8u %8u %8u total" $totalLC $totalWC $totalCC]
-} else {
- puts [format "%8u %8u %8u" $lineCount $wordCount $charCount]
-return 0