path: root/funtools/doc/pod
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authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-26 21:13:00 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-26 21:13:00 (GMT)
commitda2e3d212171bbe64c1af39114fd067308656990 (patch)
tree9601f7ed15fa1394762124630c12a792bc073ec2 /funtools/doc/pod
parent76b109ad6d97d19ab835596dc70149ef379f3733 (diff)
rm funtools for update
Diffstat (limited to 'funtools/doc/pod')
49 files changed, 0 insertions, 15004 deletions
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funcalc.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funcalc.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index f63cfc8..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funcalc.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funcalc - Funtools calculator (for binary tables)>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funcalc [-n] [-a argstr] [-e expr] [-f file] [-l link] [-p prog] <iname> [oname [columns]]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -a argstr # user arguments to pass to the compiled program
- -e expr # funcalc expression
- -f file # file containing funcalc expression
- -l libs # libs to add to link command
- -n # output generated code instead of compiling and executing
- -p prog # generate named program, no execution
- -u # die if any variable is undeclared (don't auto-declare)
-B<funcalc> is a calculator program that allows arbitrary
-expressions to be constructed, compiled, and executed on columns in a
-Funtools table (FITS binary table or raw event file). It works by
-integrating user-supplied expression(s) into a template C program,
-then compiling and executing the program. B<funcalc> expressions
-are C statements, although some important simplifications (such
-as automatic declaration of variables) are supported.
-B<funcalc> expressions can be specified in three ways: on the
-command line using the B<-e [expression]> switch, in a file using
-the B<-f [file]> switch, or from stdin (if neither B<-e> nor
-B<-f> is specified). Of course a file containing B<funcalc>
-expressions can be read from stdin.
-Each invocation of B<funcalc> requires an input Funtools table
-file to be specified as the first command line argument. The output
-Funtools table file is the second optional argument. It is needed only
-if an output FITS file is being created (i.e., in cases where the
-B<funcalc> expression only prints values, no output file is
-needed). If input and output file are both specified, a third optional
-argument can specify the list of columns to activate (using
-FunColumnActivate()). Note
-that B<funcalc> determines whether or not to generate code for
-writing an output file based on the presence or absence of an
-output file argument.
-A B<funcalc> expression executes on each row of a table and
-consists of one or more C statements that operate on the columns of
-that row (possibly using temporary variables). Within an expression,
-reference is made to a column of the B<current> row using the C
-struct syntax B<cur->[colname]>, e.g. cur->x, cur->pha, etc.
-Local scalar variables can be defined using C declarations at very the
-beginning of the expression, or else they can be defined automatically
-by B<funcalc> (to be of type double). Thus, for example, a swap of
-columns x and y in a table can be performed using either of the
-following equivalent B<funcalc> expressions:
- double temp;
- temp = cur->x;
- cur->x = cur->y;
- cur->y = temp;
- temp = cur->x;
- cur->x = cur->y;
- cur->y = temp;
-When this expression is executed using a command such as:
- funcalc -f swap.expr itest.ev otest.ev
-the resulting file will have values of the x and y columns swapped.
-By default, the data type of the variable for a column is the same as
-the data type of the column as stored in the file. This can be changed
-by appending ":[dtype]" to the first reference to that column. In the
-example above, to force x and y to be output as doubles, specify the
-type 'D' explicitly:
- temp = cur->x:D;
- cur->x = cur->y:D;
- cur->y = temp;
-Data type specifiers follow standard FITS table syntax for defining
-columns using TFORM:
-=over 4
-=item *
-A: ASCII characters
-=item *
-B: unsigned 8-bit char
-=item *
-I: signed 16-bit int
-=item *
-U: unsigned 16-bit int (not standard FITS)
-=item *
-J: signed 32-bit int
-=item *
-V: unsigned 32-bit int (not standard FITS)
-=item *
-E: 32-bit float
-=item *
-D: 64-bit float
-=item *
-X: bits (treated as an array of chars)
-Note that only the first reference to a column should contain the
-explicit data type specifier.
-Of course, it is important to handle the data type of the columns
-correctly. One of the most frequent cause of error in B<funcalc>
-programming is the implicit use of the wrong data type for a column in
-expression. For example, the calculation:
- dx = (cur->x - cur->y)/(cur->x + cur->y);
-usually needs to be performed using floating point arithmetic. In
-cases where the x and y columns are integers, this can be done by
-reading the columns as doubles using an explicit type specification:
- dx = (cur->x:D - cur->y:D)/(cur->x + cur->y);
-Alternatively, it can be done using C type-casting in the expression:
- dx = ((double)cur->x - (double)cur->y)/((double)cur->x + (double)cur->y);
-In addition to accessing columns in the current row, reference also
-can be made to the B<previous> row using B<prev->[colname]>,
-and to the B<next> row using B<next->[colname]>. Note that if
-B<prev->[colname]> is specified in the B<funcalc>
-expression, the very first row is not processed. If
-B<next->[colname]> is specified in the B<funcalc>
-expression, the very last row is not processed. In this way,
-B<prev> and B<next> are guaranteed always to point to valid
-rows. For example, to print out the values of the current x column
-and the previous y column, use the C fprintf function in a
-B<funcalc> expression:
- fprintf(stdout, "%d %d\n", cur->x, prev->y);
-New columns can be specified using the same B<cur->[colname]>
-syntax by appending the column type (and optional tlmin/tlmax/binsiz
-specifiers), separated by colons. For example, cur->avg:D will define
-a new column of type double. Type specifiers are the same those
-used above to specify new data types for existing columns.
-For example, to create and output a new column that is the average value of the
-x and y columns, a new "avg" column can be defined:
- cur->avg:D = (cur->x + cur->y)/2.0
-Note that the final ';' is not required for single-line expressions.
-As with FITS TFORM data type specification, the column data type
-specifier can be preceded by a numeric count to define an array, e.g.,
-"10I" means a vector of 10 short ints, "2E" means two single precision
-floats, etc. A new column only needs to be defined once in a
-B<funcalc> expression, after which it can be used without
-re-specifying the type. This includes reference to elements of a
-column array:
- cur->avg[0]:2D = (cur->x + cur->y)/2.0;
- cur->avg[1] = (cur->x - cur->y)/2.0;
-The 'X' (bits) data type is treated as a char array of dimension
-(numeric_count/8), i.e., 16X is processed as a 2-byte char array. Each
-8-bit array element is accessed separately:
- cur->stat[0]:16X = 1;
- cur->stat[1] = 2;
-Here, a 16-bit column is created with the MSB is set to 1 and the LSB set to 2.
-By default, all processed rows are written to the specified output
-file. If you want to skip writing certain rows, simply execute the C
-"continue" statement at the end of the B<funcalc> expression,
-since the writing of the row is performed immediately after the
-expression is executed. For example, to skip writing rows whose
-average is the same as the current x value:
- cur->avg[0]:2D = (cur->x + cur->y)/2.0;
- cur->avg[1] = (cur->x - cur->y)/2.0;
- if( cur->avg[0] == cur->x )
- continue;
-If no output file argument is specified on the B<funcalc> command
-line, no output file is opened and no rows are written. This is useful
-in expressions that simply print output results instead of generating
-a new file:
- fpv = (cur->av3:D-cur->av1:D)/(cur->av1+cur->av2:D+cur->av3);
- fbv = cur->av2/(cur->av1+cur->av2+cur->av3);
- fpu = ((double)cur->au3-cur->au1)/((double)cur->au1+cur->au2+cur->au3);
- fbu = cur->au2/(double)(cur->au1+cur->au2+cur->au3);
- fprintf(stdout, "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", fpv, fbv, fpu, fbu);
-In the above example, we use both explicit type specification
-(for "av" columns) and type casting (for "au" columns) to ensure that
-all operations are performed in double precision.
-When an output file is specified, the selected input table is
-processed and output rows are copied to the output file. Note that
-the output file can be specified as "stdout" in order to write the
-output rows to the standard output. If the output file argument is
-passed, an optional third argument also can be passed to specify which
-columns to process.
-In a FITS binary table, it sometimes is desirable to copy all of the
-other FITS extensions to the output file as well. This can be done by
-appending a '+' sign to the name of the extension in the input file
-name. See B<funtable> for a related example.
-B<funcalc> works by integrating the user-specified expression
-into a template C program called tabcalc.c.
-The completed program then is compiled and executed. Variable
-declarations that begin the B<funcalc> expression are placed in
-the local declaration section of the template main program. All other
-lines are placed in the template main program's inner processing
-loop. Other details of program generation are handled
-automatically. For example, column specifiers are analyzed to build a
-C struct for processing rows, which is passed to
-FunColumnSelect() and used
-in FunTableRowGet(). If
-an unknown variable is used in the expression, resulting in a
-compilation error, the program build is retried after defining the
-unknown variable to be of type double.
-Normally, B<funcalc> expression code is added to
-B<funcalc> row processing loop. It is possible to add code
-to other parts of the program by placing this code inside
-special directives of the form:
- [directive name]
- ... code goes here ...
- end
-The directives are:
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<global> add code and declarations in global space, before the main routine.
-=item *
-B<local> add declarations (and code) just after the local declarations in
-=item *
-B<before> add code just before entering the main row processing loop
-=item *
-B<after> add code just after exiting the main row processing loop
-Thus, the following B<funcalc> expression will declare global
-variables and make subroutine calls just before and just after the
-main processing loop:
- global
- double v1, v2;
- double init(void);
- double finish(double v);
- end
- before
- v1 = init();
- end
- ... process rows, with calculations using v1 ...
- after
- v2 = finish(v1);
- if( v2 < 0.0 ){
- fprintf(stderr, "processing failed %g -> %g\n", v1, v2);
- exit(1);
- }
- end
-Routines such as init() and finish() above are passed to the generated
-program for linking using the B<-l [link directives ...]>
-switch. The string specified by this switch will be added to the link
-line used to build the program (before the funtools library). For
-example, assuming that init() and finish() are in the library
-libmysubs.a in the /opt/special/lib directory, use:
- funcalc -l "-L/opt/special/lib -lmysubs" ...
-User arguments can be passed to a compiled funcalc program using a string
-argument to the "-a" switch. The string should contain all of the
-user arguments. For example, to pass the integers 1 and 2, use:
- funcalc -a "1 2" ...
-The arguments are stored in an internal array and are accessed as
-strings via the ARGV(n) macro. For example, consider the following
- local
- int pmin, pmax;
- end
- before
- pmin=atoi(ARGV(0));
- pmax=atoi(ARGV(1));
- end
- if( (cur->pha >= pmin) && (cur->pha <= pmax) )
- fprintf(stderr, "%d %d %d\n", cur->x, cur->y, cur->pha);
-This expression will print out x, y, and pha values for all rows in which
-the pha value is between the two user-input values:
- funcalc -a '1 12' -f foo snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]'
- 512 512 6
- 512 512 8
- 512 512 5
- 512 512 5
- 512 512 8
- funcalc -a '5 6' -f foo snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]'
- 512 512 6
- 512 512 5
- 512 512 5
-Note that it is the user's responsibility to ensure that the correct
-number of arguments are passed. The ARGV(n) macro returns a NULL if a
-requested argument is outside the limits of the actual number of args,
-usually resulting in a SEGV if processed blindly. To check the
-argument count, use the ARGC macro:
- local
- long int seed=1;
- double limit=0.8;
- end
- before
- if( ARGC >= 1 ) seed = atol(ARGV(0));
- if( ARGC >= 2 ) limit = atof(ARGV(1));
- srand48(seed);
- end
- if ( drand48() > limit ) continue;
-The macro WRITE_ROW expands to the FunTableRowPut() call that writes
-the current row. It can be used to write the row more than once. In
-addition, the macro NROW expands to the row number currently being
-processed. Use of these two macros is shown in the following example:
- if( cur->pha:I == cur->pi:I ) continue;
- a = cur->pha;
- cur->pha = cur->pi;
- cur->pi = a;
- cur->AVG:E = (cur->pha+cur->pi)/2.0;
- cur->NR:I = NROW;
- if( NROW < 10 ) WRITE_ROW;
-If the B<-p [prog]> switch is specified, the expression is not
-executed. Rather, the generated executable is saved with the specified
-program name for later use.
-If the B<-n> switch is specified, the expression is not
-executed. Rather, the generated code is written to stdout. This is
-especially useful if you want to generate a skeleton file and add your
-own code, or if you need to check compilation errors. Note that the
-comment at the start of the output gives the compiler command needed
-to build the program on that platform. (The command can change from
-platform to platform because of the use of different libraries,
-compiler switches, etc.)
-As mentioned previously, B<funcalc> will declare a scalar
-variable automatically (as a double) if that variable has been used
-but not declared. This facility is implemented using a sed script
-named funcalc.sed, which processes the
-compiler output to sense an undeclared variable error. This script
-has been seeded with the appropriate error information for gcc, and for
-cc on Solaris, DecAlpha, and SGI platforms. If you find that automatic
-declaration of scalars is not working on your platform, check this sed
-script; it might be necessary to add to or edit some of the error
-messages it senses.
-In order to keep the lexical analysis of B<funcalc> expressions
-(reasonably) simple, we chose to accept some limitations on how
-accurately C comments, spaces, and new-lines are placed in the
-generated program. In particular, comments associated with local
-variables declared at the beginning of an expression (i.e., not in a
-B<local...end> block) will usually end up in the inner loop, not
-with the local declarations:
- /* this comment will end up in the wrong place (i.e, inner loop) */
- double a; /* also in wrong place */
- /* this will be in the the right place (inner loop) */
- if( cur->x:D == cur->y:D ) continue; /* also in right place */
- a = cur->x;
- cur->x = cur->y;
- cur->y = a;
- cur->avg:E = (cur->x+cur->y)/2.0;
-Similarly, spaces and new-lines sometimes are omitted or added in a
-seemingly arbitrary manner. Of course, none of these stylistic
-blemishes affect the correctness of the generated code.
-Because B<funcalc> must analyze the user expression using the data
-file(s) passed on the command line, the input file(s) must be opened
-and read twice: once during program generation and once during
-execution. As a result, it is not possible to use stdin for the
-input file: B<funcalc> cannot be used as a filter. We will
-consider removing this restriction at a later time.
-Along with C comments, B<funcalc> expressions can have one-line
-internal comments that are not passed on to the generated C
-program. These internal comment start with the B<#> character and
-continue up to the new-line:
- double a; # this is not passed to the generated C file
- # nor is this
- a = cur->x;
- cur->x = cur->y;
- cur->y = a;
- /* this comment is passed to the C file */
- cur->avg:E = (cur->x+cur->y)/2.0;
-As previously mentioned, input columns normally are identified by
-their being used within the inner event loop. There are rare cases
-where you might want to read a column and process it outside the main
-loop. For example, qsort might use a column in its sort comparison
-routine that is not processed inside the inner loop (and therefore not
-implicitly specified as a column to be read). To ensure that such a
-column is read by the event loop, use the B<explicit> keyword.
-The arguments to this keyword specify columns that should be read into
-the input record structure even though they are not mentioned in the
-inner loop. For example:
- explicit pi pha
-will ensure that the pi and pha columns are read for each row,
-even if they are not processed in the inner event loop. The B<explicit>
-statement can be placed anywhere.
-Finally, note that B<funcalc> currently works on expressions
-involving FITS binary tables and raw event files. We will consider
-adding support for image expressions at a later point, if there is
-demand for such support from the community.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funcen.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funcen.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f10795..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funcen.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funcen - find centroid (for binary tables)>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funcen [-i] [-n iter] [-t tol] [-v lev] <iname> <region>
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -i # use image filtering (default: event filtering)
- -n iter # max number of iterations (default: 0)
- -t tol # pixel tolerance distance (default: 1.0)
- -v [0,1,2,3] # output verbosity level (default: 0)
-B<funcen> iteratively calculates the centroid position within one
-or more regions of a Funtools table (FITS binary table or raw event
-file). Starting with an input table, an initial region specification,
-and an iteration count, the program calculates the average x and y
-position within the region and then uses this new position as the
-region center for the next iteration. Iteration terminates when the
-maximum number of iterations is reached or when the input tolerance
-distance is met for that region. A count of events in the final region
-is then output, along with the pixel position value (and, where
-available, WCS position).
-The first argument to the program specifies the Funtools table file to
-process. Since the file must be read repeatedly, a value of "stdin"
-is not permitted when the number of iterations is non-zero. Use
-Funtools Bracket Notation to specify FITS
-extensions and filters.
-The second required argument is the initial region descriptor. Multiple
-regions are permitted. However, compound regions (accelerators,
-variable argument regions and regions connected via boolean algebra)
-are not permitted. Points and polygons also are illegal. These
-restrictions might be lifted in a future version, if warranted.
-The B<-n> (iteration number) switch specifies the maximum number of
-iterations to perform. The default is 0, which means that the program will
-simply count and display the number of events in the initial region(s).
-Note that when iterations is 0, the data can be input via stdin.
-The B<-t> (tolerance) switch specifies a floating point tolerance
-value. If the distance between the current centroid position value and
-the last position values is less than this value, iteration terminates.
-The default value is 1 pixel.
-The B<-v> (verbosity) switch specifies the verbosity level of the
-output. The default is 0, which results in a single line of output for
-each input region consisting of the following values:
- counts x y [ra dec coordsys]
-The last 3 WCS values are output if WCS information is available in the
-data file header. Thus, for example:
- [sh] funcen -n 0 snr.ev "cir 505 508 5"
- 915 505.00 508.00 345.284038 58.870920 j2000
- [sh] funcen -n 3 snr.ev "cir 505 508 5"
- 1120 504.43 509.65 345.286480 58.874587 j2000
-The first example simply counts the number of events in the initial region.
-The second example iterates the centroid calculation three times to determine
-a final "best" position.
-Higher levels of verbosity obviously imply more verbose output. At
-level 1, the output essentially contains the same information as level
-0, but with keyword formatting:
- [sh] funcen -v 1 -n 3 snr.ev "cir 505 508 5"
- event_file: snr.ev
- initial_region: cir 505 508 5
- tolerance: 1.0000
- iterations: 1
- events: 1120
- x,y(physical): 504.43 509.65
- ra,dec(j2000): 345.286480 58.874587
- final_region1: cir 504.43 509.65 5
-Level 2 outputs results from intermediate calculations as well.
-Ordinarily, region filtering is performed using analytic (event)
-filtering, i.e. that same style of filtering as is performed by
-B<fundisp> and B<funtable>. Use the B<-i> switch to specify image
-filtering, i.e. the same style filtering as is performed by B<funcnts>.
-Thus, you can perform a quick calculation of counts in regions, using
-either the analytic or image filtering method, by specifying the
- B<-n 0> and optional B<-i> switches. These two method often
-give different results because of how boundary events are processed:
- [sh] funcen snr.ev "cir 505 508 5"
- 915 505.00 508.00 345.284038 58.870920 j2000
- [sh] funcen -i snr.ev "cir 505 508 5"
- 798 505.00 508.00 345.284038 58.870920 j2000
-See Region Boundaries for more information
-about how boundaries are calculated using these two methods.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funclose.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funclose.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 48357a3..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funclose.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunClose - close a Funtools data file>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- void FunClose(Fun fun)
-The B<FunClose()> routine closes a previously-opened Funtools data
-file, freeing control structures. If a
-Funtools reference handle
-was passed to
-the FunOpen() call for this file,
-and if copy mode also was specified for that file, then
-FunClose() also will copy the
-remaining extensions from the input file to the output file (if the
-input file still is open). Thus, we recommend always closing the
-output Funtools file B<before> the input file. (Alternatively,
-you can call FunFlush()
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funcnts.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funcnts.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d5dfe5..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funcnts.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funcnts - count photons in specified regions, with bkgd subtraction>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funcnts [switches] <source_file> [source_region] [bkgd_file] [bkgd_region|bkgd_value]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -e "source_exposure[;bkgd_exposure]"
- # source (bkgd) FITS exposure image using matching files
- -w "source_exposure[;bkgd_exposure]"
- # source (bkgd) FITS exposure image using WCS transform
- -t "source_timecorr[;bkgd_timecorr]"
- # source (bkgd) time correction value or header parameter name
- -g # output using nice g format
- -G # output using %.14g format (maximum precision)
- -i "[column;]int1;int2..." # column-based intervals
- -m # match individual source and bkgd regions
- -p # output in pixels, even if wcs is present
- -r # output inner/outer radii (and angles) for annuli (and pandas)
- -s # output summed values
- -v "scol[;bcol]" # src and bkgd value columns for tables
- -T # output in starbase/rdb format
- -z # output regions with zero area
-B<funcnts> counts photons in the specified source regions and
-reports the results for each region. Regions are specified using the
-Spatial Region Filtering mechanism.
-Photons are also counted in the specified bkgd regions applied to the
-same data file or a different data file. (Alternatively, a constant
-background value in counts/pixel**2 can be specified.) The bkgd regions
-are either paired one-to-one with source regions or pooled and
-normalized by area, and then subtracted from the source counts in each
-region. Displayed results include the bkgd-subtracted counts in each
-region, as well as the error on the counts, the area in
-each region, and the surface brightness (cnts/area**2) calculated for
-each region.
-The first argument to the program specifies the FITS input image, array, or
-raw event file to process. If "stdin" is specified, data are read from
-the standard input. Use Funtools Bracket
-Notation to specify FITS extensions, image sections, and filters.
-The optional second argument is the source region descriptor. If no
-region is specified, the entire field is used.
-The background arguments can take one of two forms, depending on
-whether a separate background file is specified. If the source
-file is to be used for background as well, the third argument can be
-either the background region, or a constant value denoting background
-cnts/pixel. Alternatively, the third argument can be a background
-data file, in which case the fourth argument is the background region.
-If no third argument is specified, a constant value of 0 is used
-(i.e., no background).
-In summary, the following command arguments are valid:
- [sh] funcnts sfile # counts in source file
- [sh] funcnts sfile sregion # counts in source region
- [sh] funcnts sfile sregion bregion # bkgd reg. is from source file
- [sh] funcnts sfile sregion bvalue # bkgd reg. is constant
- [sh] funcnts sfile sregion bfile bregion # bkgd reg. is from separate file
-NB: unlike other Funtools programs, source and background regions are
-specified as separate arguments on the command line, rather than being
-placed inside brackets as part of the source and background filenames.
-This is because regions in funcnts are not simply used as data
-filters, but also are used to calculate areas, exposure, etc. If you
-put the source region inside the brackets (i.e. use it simply as a
-filter) rather than specifying it as argument two, the program still
-will only count photons that pass the region filter. However, the area
-calculation will be performed on the whole field, since field() is the
-default source region. This rarely is the desired behavior. On the
-other hand, with FITS binary tables, it often is useful to put a column
-filter in the filename brackets, so that only events matching the
-column filter are counted inside the region.
-For example, to extract the counts within a radius of 22 pixels from the
-center of the FITS binary table snr.ev and subtract the background determined
-from the same image within an annulus of radii 50-100 pixels:
- [sh] funcnts snr.ev "circle(502,512,22)" "annulus(502,512,50,100)"
- # source
- # data file: snr.ev
- # degrees/pix: 0.00222222
- # background
- # data file: snr.ev
- # column units
- # area: arcsec**2
- # surf_bri: cnts/arcsec**2
- # surf_err: cnts/arcsec**2
- # background-subtracted results
- reg net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 3826.403 66.465 555.597 5.972 96831.98 0.040 0.001
- # the following source and background components were used:
- source region(s)
- ----------------
- circle(502,512,22)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- 1 4382.000 1513
- background region(s)
- --------------------
- annulus(502,512,50,100)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- all 8656.000 23572
-The area units for the output columns labeled "area", "surf_bri"
-(surface brightness) and "surf_err" will be given either in
-arc-seconds (if appropriate WCS information is in the data file
-header(s)) or in pixels. If the data file has WCS info, but you do not
-want arc-second units, use the B<-p> switch to force output in
-pixels. Also, regions having zero area are not normally included in
-the primary (background-subtracted) table, but are included in the
-secondary source and bkgd tables. If you want these regions to be
-included in the primary table, use the B<-z> switch.
-Note that a simple sed command will extract the background-subtracted results
-for further analysis:
- [sh] cat funcnts.sed
- 1,/---- .*/d
- /^$/,$d
- [sh] sed -f funcnts.sed funcnts.out
- 1 3826.403 66.465 555.597 5.972 96831.98 0.040 0.001
-If separate source and background files are specified, B<funcnts> will
-attempt to normalize the the background area so that the background
-pixel size is the same as the source pixel size. This normalization
-can only take place if the appropriate WCS information is contained in
-both files (e.g. degrees/pixel values in CDELT). If either
-file does not contain the requisite size information, the normalization
-is not performed. In this case, it is the user's responsibility to
-ensure that the pixel sizes are the same for the two files.
-Normally, if more than one background region is specified, B<funcnts>
-will combine them all into a single region and use this background
-region to produce the background-subtracted results for each source
-region. The B<-m> (match multiple backgrounds) switch tells
-B<funcnts> to make a one to one correspondence between background and
-source regions, instead of using a single combined background region.
-For example, the default case is to combine 2 background
-regions into a single region and then apply that region to each of the
-source regions:
- [sh] funcnts snr.ev "annulus(502,512,0,22,n=2)" "annulus(502,512,50,100,n=2)"
- # source
- # data file: snr.ev
- # degrees/pix: 0.00222222
- # background
- # data file: snr.ev
- # column units
- # area: arcsec**2
- # surf_bri: cnts/arcsec**2
- # surf_err: cnts/arcsec**2
- # background-subtracted results
- reg net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 3101.029 56.922 136.971 1.472 23872.00 0.130 0.002
- 2 725.375 34.121 418.625 4.500 72959.99 0.010 0.000
- # the following source and background components were used:
- source region(s)
- ----------------
- annulus(502,512,0,22,n=2)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- 1 3238.000 373
- 2 1144.000 1140
- background region(s)
- --------------------
- annulus(502,512,50,100,n=2)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- all 8656.000 23572
-Note that the basic region filter rule "each photon is counted once
-and no photon is counted more than once" still applies when using The
-B<-m> to match background regions. That is, if two background
-regions overlap, the overlapping pixels will be counted in only one of
-them. In a worst-case scenario, if two background regions are the same
-region, the first will get all the counts and area and the second
-will get none.
-Using the B<-m> switch causes B<funcnts> to use each of the two
-background regions independently with each of the two source regions:
- [sh] funcnts -m snr.ev "annulus(502,512,0,22,n=2)" "ann(502,512,50,100,n=2)"
- # source
- # data file: snr.ev
- # degrees/pix: 0.00222222
- # background
- # data file: snr.ev
- # column units
- # area: arcsec**2
- # surf_bri: cnts/arcsec**2
- # surf_err: cnts/arcsec**2
- # background-subtracted results
- reg net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 3087.015 56.954 150.985 2.395 23872.00 0.129 0.002
- 2 755.959 34.295 388.041 5.672 72959.99 0.010 0.000
- # the following source and background components were used:
- source region(s)
- ----------------
- annulus(502,512,0,22,n=2)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- 1 3238.000 373
- 2 1144.000 1140
- background region(s)
- --------------------
- ann(502,512,50,100,n=2)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- 1 3975.000 9820
- 2 4681.000 13752
-Note that most floating point quantities are displayed using "f"
-format. You can change this to "g" format using the B<-g>
-switch. This can be useful when the counts in each pixel is very
-small or very large. If you want maximum precision and don't care
-about the columns lining up nicely, use B<-G>, which outputs
-all floating values as %.14g.
-When counting photons using the annulus and panda (pie and annuli)
-shapes, it often is useful to have access to the radii (and panda
-angles) for each separate region. The B<-r> switch will add radii
-and angle columns to the output table:
- [sh] funcnts -r snr.ev "annulus(502,512,0,22,n=2)" "ann(502,512,50,100,n=2)"
- # source
- # data file: snr.ev
- # degrees/pix: 0.00222222
- # background
- # data file: snr.ev
- # column units
- # area: arcsec**2
- # surf_bri: cnts/arcsec**2
- # surf_err: cnts/arcsec**2
- # radii: arcsecs
- # angles: degrees
- # background-subtracted results
- reg net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err radius1 radius2 angle1 angle2
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 3101.029 56.922 136.971 1.472 23872.00 0.130 0.002 0.00 88.00 NA NA
- 2 725.375 34.121 418.625 4.500 72959.99 0.010 0.000 88.00 176.00 NA NA
- # the following source and background components were used:
- source region(s)
- ----------------
- annulus(502,512,0,22,n=2)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- 1 3238.000 373
- 2 1144.000 1140
- background region(s)
- --------------------
- ann(502,512,50,100,n=2)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- all 8656.000 23572
-Radii are given in units of pixels or arc-seconds (depending on the
-presence of WCS info), while the angle values (when present) are in
-degrees. These columns can be used to plot radial profiles. For
-example, the script B<funcnts.plot> in the funtools
-distribution) will plot a radial profile using gnuplot (version 3.7 or
-above). A simplified version of this script is shown below:
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ x"$1" = xgnuplot ]; then
- if [ x`which gnuplot 2>/dev/null` = x ]; then
- echo "ERROR: gnuplot not available"
- exit 1
- fi
- awk '
- BEGIN{HEADER=1; DATA=0; FILES=""; XLABEL="unknown"; YLABEL="unknown"}
- HEADER==1{
- if( $1 == "#" && $2 == "data" && $3 == "file:" ){
- if( FILES != "" ) FILES = FILES ","
- }
- else if( $1 == "#" && $2 == "radii:" ){
- XLABEL = $3
- }
- else if( $1 == "#" && $2 == "surf_bri:" ){
- YLABEL = $3
- }
- else if( $1 == "----" ){
- printf "set nokey; set title \"funcnts(%s)\"\n", FILES
- printf "set xlabel \" radius(%s)\"\n", XLABEL
- printf "set ylabel \"surf_bri(%s)\"\n", YLABEL
- print "plot \"-\" using 3:4:6:7:8 with boxerrorbars"
- HEADER = 0
- DATA = 1
- next
- }
- }
- DATA==1{
- if( NF == 12 ){
- print $9, $10, ($9+$10)/2, $7, $8, $7-$8, $7+$8, $10-$9
- }
- else{
- exit
- }
- }
- ' | gnuplot -persist - 1>/dev/null 2>&1
- elif [ x"$1" = xds9 ]; then
- awk '
- BEGIN{HEADER=1; DATA=0; XLABEL="unknown"; YLABEL="unknown"}
- HEADER==1{
- if( $1 == "#" && $2 == "data" && $3 == "file:" ){
- if( FILES != "" ) FILES = FILES ","
- }
- else if( $1 == "#" && $2 == "radii:" ){
- XLABEL = $3
- }
- else if( $1 == "#" && $2 == "surf_bri:" ){
- YLABEL = $3
- }
- else if( $1 == "----" ){
- printf "funcnts(%s) radius(%s) surf_bri(%s) 3\n", FILES, XLABEL, YLABEL
- HEADER = 0
- DATA = 1
- next
- }
- }
- DATA==1{
- if( NF == 12 ){
- print $9, $7, $8
- }
- else{
- exit
- }
- }
- '
- else
- echo "funcnts -r ... | funcnts.plot [ds9|gnuplot]"
- exit 1
- fi
-Thus, to run B<funcnts> and plot the results using gnuplot (version 3.7
-or above), use:
- funcnts -r snr.ev "annulus(502,512,0,50,n=5)" ... | funcnts.plot gnuplot
-The B<-s> (sum) switch causes B<funcnts> to produce an
-additional table of summed (integrated) background subtracted values,
-along with the default table of individual values:
- [sh] funcnts -s snr.ev "annulus(502,512,0,50,n=5)" "annulus(502,512,50,100)"
- # source
- # data file: snr.ev
- # degrees/pix: 0.00222222
- # background
- # data file: snr.ev
- # column units
- # area: arcsec**2
- # surf_bri: cnts/arcsec**2
- # surf_err: cnts/arcsec**2
- # summed background-subtracted results
- upto net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 2880.999 54.722 112.001 1.204 19520.00 0.148 0.003
- 2 3776.817 65.254 457.183 4.914 79679.98 0.047 0.001
- 3 4025.492 71.972 1031.508 11.087 179775.96 0.022 0.000
- 4 4185.149 80.109 1840.851 19.786 320831.94 0.013 0.000
- 5 4415.540 90.790 2873.460 30.885 500799.90 0.009 0.000
- # background-subtracted results
- reg counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 2880.999 54.722 112.001 1.204 19520.00 0.148 0.003
- 2 895.818 35.423 345.182 3.710 60159.99 0.015 0.001
- 3 248.675 29.345 574.325 6.173 100095.98 0.002 0.000
- 4 159.657 32.321 809.343 8.699 141055.97 0.001 0.000
- 5 230.390 37.231 1032.610 11.099 179967.96 0.001 0.000
- # the following source and background components were used:
- source region(s)
- ----------------
- annulus(502,512,0,50,n=5)
- reg counts pixels sumcnts sumpix
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ ---------
- 1 2993.000 305 2993.000 305
- 2 1241.000 940 4234.000 1245
- 3 823.000 1564 5057.000 2809
- 4 969.000 2204 6026.000 5013
- 5 1263.000 2812 7289.000 7825
- background region(s)
- --------------------
- annulus(502,512,50,100)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- all 8656.000 23572
-The B<-t> and B<-e> switches can be used to apply timing and
-exposure corrections, respectively, to the data. Please note that
-these corrections are meant to be used qualitatively, since
-application of more accurate correction factors is a complex and
-mission-dependent effort. The algorithm for applying these simple
-corrections is as follows:
- C = Raw Counts in Source Region
- Ac= Area of Source Region
- Tc= Exposure time for Source Data
- Ec= Average exposure in Source Region, from exposure map
- B= Raw Counts in Background Region
- Ab= Area of Background Region
- Tb= (Exposure) time for Background Data
- Eb= Average exposure in Background Region, from exposure map
-Then, Net Counts in Source region is
- Net= C - B * (Ac*Tc*Ec)/(Ab*Tb*Eb)
-with the standard propagation of errors for the Error on Net.
-The net rate would then be
- Net Rate = Net/(Ac*Tc*Ec)
-The average exposure in each region is calculated by summing up the
-pixel values in the exposure map for the given region and then
-dividing by the number of pixels in that region. Exposure maps often
-are generated at a block factor > 1 (e.g., block 4 means that each
-exposure pixel contains 4x4 pixels at full resolution) and
-B<funcnts> will deal with the blocking automatically. Using the
-B<-e> switch, you can supply both source and background exposure
-files (separated by ";"), if you have separate source and background
-data files. If you do not supply a background exposure file to go with
-a separate background data file, B<funcnts> assumes that exposure
-already has been applied to the background data file. In addition, it
-assumes that the error on the pixels in the background data file is
-NB: The B<-e> switch assumes that the exposure map overlays the
-image file B<exactly>, except for the block factor. Each pixel in
-the image is scaled by the block factor to access the corresponding
-pixel in the exposure map. If your exposure map does not line up
-exactly with the image, B<do not use> the B<-e> exposure
-correction. In this case, it still is possible to perform exposure
-correction B<if> both the image and the exposure map have valid
-WCS information: use the B<-w> switch so that the transformation
-from image pixel to exposure pixel uses the WCS information. That is,
-each pixel in the image region will be transformed first from image
-coordinates to sky coordinates, then from sky coordinates to exposure
-coordinates. Please note that using B<-w> can increase the time
-required to process the exposure correction considerably.
-A time correction can be applied to both source and
-background data using the B<-t> switch. The value for the correction can
-either be a numeric constant or the name of a header parameter in
-the source (or background) file:
- [sh] funcnts -t 23.4 ... # number for source
- [sh] funcnts -t "LIVETIME;23.4" ... # param for source, numeric for bkgd
-When a time correction is specified, it is applied to the net counts
-as well (see algorithm above), so that the units of surface brightness
-become cnts/area**2/sec.
-The B<-i> (interval) switch is used to run B<funcnts> on multiple
-column-based intervals with only a single pass through the data. It is
-equivalent to running B<funcnts> several times with a different column
-filter added to the source and background data each time. For each
-interval, the full B<funcnts> output is generated, with a linefeed
-character (^L) inserted between each run. In addition, the output for
-each interval will contain the interval specification in its header.
-Intervals are very useful for generating X-ray hardness ratios
-efficiently. Of course, they are only supported when the input data
-are contained in a table.
-Two formats are supported for interval specification. The most general
-format is semi-colon-delimited list of filters to be used as intervals:
- funcnts -i "pha=1:5;pha=6:10;pha=11:15" snr.ev "circle(502,512,22)" ...
-Conceptually, this will be equivalent to running B<funcnts> three times:
- funcnts snr.ev'[pha=1:5]' "circle(502,512,22)"
- funcnts snr.ev'[pha=6:10]' "circle(502,512,22)"
- funcnts snr.ev'[pha=11:15]' "circle(502,512,22)"
-However, using the B<-i> switch will require only one pass through
-the data.
-Note that complex filters can be used to specify intervals:
- funcnts -i "pha=1:5&&pi=4;pha=6:10&&pi=5;pha=11:15&&pi=6" snr.ev ...
-The program simply runs the data through each filter in turn and generates
-three B<funcnts> outputs, separated by the line-feed character.
-In fact, although the intent is to support intervals for hardness ratios,
-the specified filters do not have to be intervals at all. Nor does one
-"interval" filter have to be related to another. For example:
- funcnts -i "pha=1:5;pi=6:10;energy=11:15" snr.ev "circle(502,512,22)" ...
-is equivalent to running B<funcnts> three times with unrelated filter
-A second interval format is supported for the simple case in which a
-single column is used to specify multiple homogeneous intervals for
-that column. In this format, a column name is specified first,
-followed by intervals:
- funcnts -i "pha;1:5;6:10;11:15" snr.ev "circle(502,512,22)" ...
-This is equivalent to the first example, but requires less typing. The
-B<funcnts> program will simply prepend "pha=" before each of the specified
-intervals. (Note that this format does not contain the "=" character in
-the column argument.)
-Ordinarily, when B<funcnts> is run on a FITS binary table (or a
-raw event table), one integral count is accumulated for each row
-(event) contained within a given region. The B<-v "scol[;bcol]">
-(value column) switch will accumulate counts using the value from the
-specified column for the given event. If only a single column is
-specified, it is used for both the source and background regions. Two
-separate columns, separated by a semi-colon, can be specified for source
-and background. The special token '$none' can be used to specify that
-a value column is to be used for one but not the other. For example,
-'pha;$none' will use the pha column for the source but use integral
-counts for the background, while '$none;pha' will do the converse.
-If the value column is of type logical, then the value used will be 1
-for T and 0 for F. Value columns are used, for example, to integrate
-probabilities instead of integral counts.
-If the B<-T> (rdb table) switch is used, the output will conform
-to starbase/rdb data base format: tabs will be inserted between
-columns rather than spaces and line-feed will be inserted between
-Finally, note that B<funcnts> is an image program, even though it
-can be run directly on FITS binary tables. This means that image
-filtering is applied to the rows in order to ensure that the same
-results are obtained regardless of whether a table or the equivalent
-binned image is used. Because of this, however, the number of counts
-found using B<funcnts> can differ from the number of events found
-using row-filter programs such as B<fundisp> or B<funtable>
-For more information about these difference, see the discussion of
-Region Boundaries.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funcolumnactivate.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funcolumnactivate.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index d5f6e3a..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funcolumnactivate.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunColumnActivate - activate Funtools columns>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- void FunColumnActivate(Fun fun, char *s, char *plist)
-The B<FunColumnActivate()> routine determines which columns (set up
-by FunColumnSelect())
-ultimately will be read and/or written. By default, all columns that
-are selected using
-are activated. The
-routine can be used to turn off/off activation of specific columns.
-The first argument is the Fun handle associated with this set of
-columns. The second argument is a space-delimited list of columns to
-activate or de-activate. Columns preceded by "+" are activated and
-columns preceded by a "-" are de-activated. If a column is named
-without "+" or "-", it is activated. The reserved strings "$region"
-and '$n' are used to activate a special columns containing the filter
-region value and row value, respectively, associated with
-this row. For example, if a filter containing two circular regions is
-specified as part of the Funtools file name, this column will contain
-a value of 1 or 2, depending on which region that row was in. The
-reserved strings "$x" and "$y" are used to activate the current
-binning columns. Thus, if the columns DX and DY are specified as
-binning columns:
- [sh $] fundisp foo.fits[bincols=(DX,DY)]
-then "$x" and "$y" will refer to these columns in a call to
-In addition, if the activation string contains only columns to be
-activated, then the routine will de-activate all other columns.
-Similarly, if the activation string contains only
-columns to de-activate, then the routine will activate all other columns
-before activating the list. This makes it simple to change the
-activation state of all columns without having to know all of the
-column names. For example:
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<"pi pha time"> # only these three columns will be active
-=item *
-B<"-pi -pha -time"> # all but these columns will be active
-=item *
-B<"pi -pha"> # only pi is active, pha is not, others are not
-=item *
-B<"+pi -pha"> # same as above
-=item *
-B<"pi -pha -time"> # only pi is active, all others are not
-=item *
-B<"pi pha"> # pha and pi are active, all others are not
-=item *
-B<"pi pha -x -y"> # pha and pi are active, all others are not
-You can use the column activation list to reorder columns, since
-columns are output in the order specified. For example:
- # default output order
- fundisp snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]'
- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------------------- -------- --------
- 512 512 6 7 79493997.45854475 578 574
- 512 512 8 9 79494575.58943175 579 573
- 512 512 5 6 79493631.03866175 578 575
- 512 512 5 5 79493290.86521725 578 575
- 512 512 8 9 79493432.00990875 579 573
- # re-order the output by specifying explicit order
- fundisp snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' "time x y dy dx pi pha"
- --------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
- 79493997.45854475 512 512 574 578 7 6
- 79494575.58943175 512 512 573 579 9 8
- 79493631.03866175 512 512 575 578 6 5
- 79493290.86521725 512 512 575 578 5 5
- 79493432.00990875 512 512 573 579 9 8
-A "+" sign by itself means to activate all columns, so that you can reorder
-just a few columns without specifying all of them:
- # reorder 3 columns and then output the rest
- fundisp snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' "time pi pha +"
- --------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
- 79493997.45854475 7 6 512 512 578 574
- 79494575.58943175 9 8 512 512 579 573
- 79493631.03866175 6 5 512 512 578 575
- 79493290.86521725 5 5 512 512 578 575
- 79493432.00990875 9 8 512 512 579 573
-The column activation/deactivation is performed in the order of the
-specified column arguments. This means you can mix "+", "-" (which
-de-activates all columns) and specific column names to reorder and
-select columns in one command. For example, consider the following:
- # reorder and de-activate
- fundisp snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' "time pi pha + -x -y"
- --------------------- -------- -------- -------- --------
- 79493997.45854475 7 6 578 574
- 79494575.58943175 9 8 579 573
- 79493631.03866175 6 5 578 575
- 79493290.86521725 5 5 578 575
- 79493432.00990875 9 8 579 573
-We first activate "time", "pi", and "pha" so that they are output first.
-We then activate all of the other columns, and then de-activate "x" and "y".
-Note that this is different from:
- # probably not what you want ...
- fundisp snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' "time pi pha -x -y +"
- --------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------
- 79493997.45854475 7 6 512 512 578 574
- 79494575.58943175 9 8 512 512 579 573
- 79493631.03866175 6 5 512 512 578 575
- 79493290.86521725 5 5 512 512 578 575
- 79493432.00990875 9 8 512 512 579 573
-Here, "x" and "y" are de-activated, but then all columns including "x" and
-"y" are again re-activated.
-FunColumnActivate() uses a
-list of columns that are passed into the program from the command line. For
-example, the code for funtable contains the following:
- char *cols=NULL;
- /* open the input FITS file */
- if( !(fun = FunOpen(argv[1], "rc", NULL)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen input file: %s\n", argv[1]);
- /* set active flag for specified columns */
- if( argc >= 4 ) cols = argv[3];
- FunColumnActivate(fun, cols, NULL);
-The FunOpen() call sets the
-default columns to be all columns in the input file. The
-FunColumnActivate() call
-then allows the user to control which columns ultimately will be
-activated (i.e., in this case, written to the new file). For example:
- funtable test.ev foo.ev "pi pha time"
-will process only the three columns mentioned, while:
- funtable test.ev foo.ev "-time"
-will process all columns except "time".
-If FunColumnActivate()
-is called with a null string, then the environment variable
-B<FUN_COLUMNS> will be used to provide a global value, if present.
-This is the reason why we call the routine even if no columns
-are specified on the command line (see example above), instead
-of calling it this way:
- /* set active flag for specified columns */
- if( argc >= 4 ){
- FunColumnActivate(fun, argv[3], NULL);
- }
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index bfdf5c0..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunColumnLookup - lookup a Funtools column>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- int FunColumnLookup(Fun fun, char *s, int which,
- char **name, int *type, int *mode,
- int *offset, int *n, int *width)
-The B<FunColumnLookup()> routine returns information about a named
-(or indexed) column. The first argument is the Fun handle associated
-with this set of columns. The second argument is the name of the
-column to look up. If the name argument is NULL, the argument that
-follows is the zero-based index into the column array of the column
-for which information should be returned. The next argument is a
-pointer to a char *, which will contain the name of the column. The
-arguments that follow are the addresses of int values into which
-the following information will be returned:
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<type>: data type of column:
-=over 4
-=item *
-A: ASCII characters
-=item *
-B: unsigned 8-bit char
-=item *
-I: signed 16-bit int
-=item *
-U: unsigned 16-bit int (not standard FITS)
-=item *
-J: signed 32-bit int
-=item *
-V: unsigned 32-bit int (not standard FITS)
-=item *
-E: 32-bit float
-=item *
-D: 64-bit float
-=item *
-B<mode>: bit flag status of column, including:
-=over 4
-=item *
-COL_ACTIVE 1 is column activated?
-=item *
-COL_IBUF 2 is column in the raw input data?
-=item *
-COL_PTR 4 is column a pointer to an array?
-=item *
-COL_READ 010 is read mode selected?
-=item *
-COL_WRITE 020 is write mode selected?
-=item *
-COL_REPLACEME 040 is this column being replaced by user data?
-=item *
-B<offset>: byte offset in struct
-=item *
-B<n>: number of elements (i.e. size of vector) in this column
-=item *
-B<width>: size in bytes of this column
-If the named column exists, the routine returns a positive integer,
-otherwise zero is returned. (The positive integer is the index+1 into
-the column array where this column was located.)
-If NULL is passed as the return address of one (or more) of these
-values, no data is passed back for that information. For
- if( !FunColumnLookup(fun, "phas", 0, NULL NULL, NULL, NULL, &npha, NULL) )
- gerror(stderr, "can't find phas column\n");
-only returns information about the size of the phas vector.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index ce65d38..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunColumnSelect - select Funtools columns>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- int FunColumnSelect(Fun fun, int size, char *plist,
- char *name1, char *type1, char *mode1, int offset1,
- char *name2, char *type2, char *mode2, int offset2,
- ...,
- int FunColumnSelectArr(Fun fun, int size, char *plist,
- char **names, char **types, char **modes,
- int *offsets, int nargs);
-The B<FunColumnSelect()> routine is used to select the columns
-from a Funtools binary table extension or raw event file for
-processing. This routine allows you to specify how columns in a file
-are to be read into a user record structure or written from a user
-record structure to an output FITS file.
-The first argument is the Fun handle associated with this set of
-columns. The second argument specifies the size of the user record
-structure into which columns will be read. Typically, the sizeof()
-macro is used to specify the size of a record structure. The third
-argument allows you to specify keyword directives for the selection
-and is described in more detail below.
-Following the first three required arguments is a variable length list of
-column specifications. Each column specification will consist of four
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<name>: the name of the column
-=item *
-B<type>: the data type of the column as it will be stored in
-the user record struct (not the data type of the input file). The
-following basic data types are recognized:
-=over 4
-=item *
-A: ASCII characters
-=item *
-B: unsigned 8-bit char
-=item *
-I: signed 16-bit int
-=item *
-U: unsigned 16-bit int (not standard FITS)
-=item *
-J: signed 32-bit int
-=item *
-V: unsigned 32-bit int (not standard FITS)
-=item *
-E: 32-bit float
-=item *
-D: 64-bit float
-The syntax used is similar to that which defines the TFORM parameter
-in FITS binary tables. That is, a numeric repeat value can precede
-the type character, so that "10I" means a vector of 10 short ints, "E"
-means a single precision float, etc. Note that the column value from
-the input file will be converted to the specified data type as the
-data is read by
-[ A short digression regarding bit-fields: Special attention is
-required when reading or writing the FITS bit-field type
-("X"). Bit-fields almost always have a numeric repeat character
-preceding the 'X' specification. Usually this value is a multiple of 8
-so that bit-fields fit into an integral number of bytes. For all
-cases, the byte size of the bit-field B is (N+7)/8, where N is the
-numeric repeat character.
-A bit-field is most easily declared in the user struct as an array of
-type char of size B as defined above. In this case, bytes are simply
-moved from the file to the user space. If, instead, a short or int
-scalar or array is used, then the algorithm for reading the bit-field
-into the user space depends on the size of the data type used along
-with the value of the repeat character. That is, if the user data
-size is equal to the byte size of the bit-field, then the data is
-simply moved (possibly with endian-based byte-swapping) from one to
-the other. If, on the other hand, the data storage is larger than the
-bit-field size, then a data type cast conversion is performed to move
-parts of the bit-field into elements of the array. Examples will help
-make this clear:
-=over 4
-=item *
-If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a 2B
-char array[2], then the bit-field is moved directly into the char array.
-=item *
-If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a 1I
-scalar short int, then the bit-field is moved directly into the short int.
-=item *
-If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a 1J
-scalar int, then the bit-field is type-cast to unsigned int before
-being moved (use of unsigned avoids possible sign extension).
-=item *
-If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a 2J
-int array[2], then the bit-field is handled as 2 chars, each of which
-are type-cast to unsigned int before being moved (use of unsigned
-avoids possible sign extension).
-=item *
-If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a 1B
-char, then the bit-field is treated as a char, i.e., truncation will
-=item *
-If the file contains a 16X bit-field and user space specifies a 4J
-int array[4], then the results are undetermined.
-For all user data types larger than char, the bit-field is byte-swapped
-as necessary to convert to native format, so that bits in the
-resulting data in user space can be tested, masked, etc. in the same
-way regardless of platform.]
-In addition to setting data type and size, the B<type>
-specification allows a few ancillary parameters to be set, using the
-full syntax for B<type>:
- [@][n]<type>[[['B']poff]][:[tlmin[:tlmax[:binsiz]]]]
-The special character "@" can be prepended to this specification to
-indicated that the data element is a pointer in the user record,
-rather than an array stored within the record.
-The [n] value is an integer that specifies the
-number of elements that are in this column (default is 1). TLMIN,
-TLMAX, and BINSIZ values also can be specified for this column after
-the type, separated by colons. If only one such number is specified,
-it is assumed to be TLMAX, and TLMIN and BINSIZ are set to 1.
-The [poff] value can be used to specify the offset into an
-array. By default, this offset value is set to zero and the data
-specified starts at the beginning of the array. The offset usually
-is specified in terms of the data type of the column. Thus an offset
-specification of [5] means a 20-byte offset if the data type is a
-32-bit integer, and a 40-byte offset for a double. If you want to
-specify a byte offset instead of an offset tied to the column data type,
-precede the offset value with 'B', e.g. [B6] means a 6-bye offset,
-regardless of the column data type.
-The [poff] is especially useful in conjunction with the pointer @
-specification, since it allows the data element to anywhere stored
-anywhere in the allocated array. For example, a specification such as
-"@I[2]" specifies the third (i.e., starting from 0) element in the
-array pointed to by the pointer value. A value of "@2I[4]" specifies
-the fifth and sixth values in the array. For example, consider the
-following specification:
- typedef struct EvStruct{
- short x[4], *atp;
- } *Event, EventRec;
- /* set up the (hardwired) columns */
- FunColumnSelect( fun, sizeof(EventRec), NULL,
- "2i", "2I ", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, x),
- "2i2", "2I[2]", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, x),
- "at2p", "@2I", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, atp),
- "at2p4", "@2I[4]", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, atp),
- "atp9", "@I[9]", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, atp),
- "atb20", "@I[B20]", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Event, atb),
- NULL);
-Here we have specified the following columns:
-=over 4
-=item *
-2i: two short ints in an array which is stored as part the
-=item *
-2i2: the 3rd and 4th elements of an array which is stored
-as part of the record
-=item *
-an array of at least 10 elements, not stored in the record but
-allocated elsewhere, and used by three different columns:
-=over 4
-=item *
-at2p: 2 short ints which are the first 2 elements of the allocated array
-=item *
-at2p4: 2 short ints which are the 5th and 6th elements of
-the allocated array
-=item *
-atp9: a short int which is the 10th element of the allocated array
-=item *
-atb20: a short int which is at byte offset 20 of another allocated array
-In this way, several columns can be specified, all of which are in a
-single array. B<NB>: it is the programmer's responsibility to
-ensure that specification of a positive value for poff does not point
-past the end of valid data.
-=item *
-B<read/write mode>: "r" means that the column is read from an
-input file into user space by
-FunTableRowGet(), "w" means that
-the column is written to an output file. Both can specified at the same
-=item *
-B<offset>: the offset into the user data to store
-this column. Typically, the macro FUN_OFFSET(recname, colname) is used
-to define the offset into a record structure.
-When all column arguments have been specified, a final NULL argument
-must added to signal the column selection list.
-As an alternative to the varargs
-routine, a non-varargs routine called
-also is available. The first three arguments (fun, size, plist) of this
-routine are the same as in
-Instead of a variable
-argument list, however,
-takes 5 additional arguments. The first 4 arrays arguments contain the
-names, types, modes, and offsets, respectively, of the columns being
-selected. The final argument is the number of columns that are
-contained in these arrays. It is the user's responsibility to free
-string space allocated in these arrays.
-Consider the following example:
- typedef struct evstruct{
- int status;
- float pi, pha, *phas;
- double energy;
- } *Ev, EvRec;
- FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
- "status", "J", "r", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, status),
- "pi", "E", "r", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pi),
- "pha", "E", "r", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pha),
- "phas", "@9E", "r", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, phas),
- NULL);
-Each time a row is read into the Ev struct, the "status" column is
-converted to an int data type (regardless of its data type in the
-file) and stored in the status value of the struct. Similarly, "pi"
-and "pha", and the phas vector are all stored as floats. Note that the
-"@" sign indicates that the "phas" vector is a pointer to a 9 element
-array, rather than an array allocated in the struct itself. The row
-record can then be processed as required:
- /* get rows -- let routine allocate the row array */
- while( (ebuf = (Ev)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got)) ){
- /* process all rows */
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- /* point to the i'th row */
- ev = ebuf+i;
- ev->pi = (ev->pi+.5);
- ev->pha = (ev->pi-.5);
- }
-can also be called to define "writable" columns in order to generate a FITS
-Binary Table, without reference to any input columns. For
-example, the following will generate a 4-column FITS binary table when
-FunTableRowPut() is used to
-write Ev records:
- typedef struct evstruct{
- int status;
- float pi, pha
- double energy;
- } *Ev, EvRec;
- FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
- "status", "J", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, status),
- "pi", "E", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pi),
- "pha", "E", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pha),
- "energy", "D", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, energy),
- NULL);
-All columns are declared to be write-only, so presumably the column
-data is being generated or read from some other source.
-In addition,
-can be called to define B<both> "readable" and "writable" columns.
-In this case, the "read" columns
-are associated with an input file, while the "write" columns are
-associated with the output file. Of course, columns can be specified as both
-"readable" and "writable", in which case they are read from input
-and (possibly modified data values are) written to the output.
-call itself is made by passing the input Funtools handle, and it is
-assumed that the output file has been opened using this input handle
-as its
-Funtools reference handle.
-Consider the following example:
- typedef struct evstruct{
- int status;
- float pi, pha, *phas;
- double energy;
- } *Ev, EvRec;
- FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
- "status", "J", "r", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, status),
- "pi", "E", "rw", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pi),
- "pha", "E", "rw", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pha),
- "phas", "@9E", "rw", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, phas),
- "energy", "D", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, energy),
- NULL);
-As in the "read" example above, each time an row is read into the Ev
-struct, the "status" column is converted to an int data type
-(regardless of its data type in the file) and stored in the status
-value of the struct. Similarly, "pi" and "pha", and the phas vector
-are all stored as floats. Since the "pi", "pha", and "phas" variables
-are declared as "writable" as well as "readable", they also will be
-written to the output file. Note, however, that the "status" variable
-is declared as "readable" only, and hence it will not be written to
-an output file. Finally, the "energy" column is declared as
-"writable" only, meaning it will not be read from the input file. In
-this case, it can be assumed that "energy" will be calculated in the
-program before being output along with the other values.
-In these simple cases, only the columns specified as "writable" will
-be output using
-FunTableRowPut(). However,
-it often is the case that you want to merge the user columns back in
-with the input columns, even in cases where not all of the input
-column names are explicitly read or even known. For this important
-case, the B<merge=[type]> keyword is provided in the plist string.
-The B<merge=[type]> keyword tells Funtools to merge the columns from
-the input file with user columns on output. It is normally used when
-an input and output file are opened and the input file provides the
-Funtools reference handle
-for the output file. In this case, each time
-FunTableRowGet() is called, the
-raw input rows are saved in a special buffer. If
-FunTableRowPut() then is called
-(before another call to
-FunTableRowGet()), the contents
-of the raw input rows are merged with the user rows according to the
-value of B<type> as follows:
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<update>: add new user columns, and update value of existing ones (maintaining the input data type)
-=item *
-B<replace>: add new user columns, and replace the data type
-and value of existing ones. (Note that if tlmin/tlmax values are not
-specified in the replacing column, but are specified in the original
-column being replaced, then the original tlmin/tlmax values are used
-in the replacing column.)
-=item *
-B<append>: only add new columns, do not "replace" or "update" existing ones
-Consider the example above. If B<merge=update> is specified in the
-plist string, then "energy" will be added to the input columns, and
-the values of "pi", "pha", and "phas" will be taken from the user
-space (i.e., the values will be updated from the original values, if
-they were changed by the program). The data type for "pi", "pha", and
-"phas" will be the same as in the original file. If
-B<merge=replace> is specified, both the data type and value of
-these three input columns will be changed to the data type and value
-in the user structure. If B<merge=append> is specified, none of
-these three columns will be updated, and only the "energy" column will
-be added. Note that in all cases, "status" will be written from the
-input data, not from the user record, since it was specified as read-only.
-Standard applications will call
-to define user columns. However, if this routine is not called, the
-default behavior is to transfer all input columns into user space. For
-this purpose a default record structure is defined such that each data
-element is properly aligned on a valid data type boundary. This
-mechanism is used by programs such as fundisp and funtable to process
-columns without needing to know the specific names of those columns.
-It is not anticipated that users will need such capabilities (contact
-us if you do!)
-By default, FunColumnSelect()
-reads/writes rows to/from an "array of structs", where each struct contains
-the column values for a single row of the table. This means that the
-returned values for a given column are not contiguous. You can
-set up the IO to return a "struct of arrays" so that each of the
-returned columns are contiguous by specifying B<org=structofarrays>
-(abbreviation: B<org=soa>) in the plist.
-(The default case is B<org=arrayofstructs> or B<org=aos>.)
-For example, the default setup to retrieve rows from a table would be
-to define a record structure for a single event and then call
- FunColumnSelect()
-as follows:
- typedef struct evstruct{
- short region;
- double x, y;
- int pi, pha;
- double time;
- } *Ev, EvRec;
- got = FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
- "x", "D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, x),
- "y", "D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, y),
- "pi", "J", mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pi),
- "pha", "J", mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, pha),
- "time", "1D", mode, FUN_OFFSET(Ev, time),
- NULL);
-Subsequently, each call to
-will return an array of structs, one for each returned row. If instead you
-wanted to read columns into contiguous arrays, you specify B<org=soa>:
- typedef struct aevstruct{
- short region[MAXROW];
- double x[MAXROW], y[MAXROW];
- int pi[MAXROW], pha[MAXROW];
- double time[MAXROW];
- } *AEv, AEvRec;
- got = FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(AEvRec), "org=soa",
- "x", "D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, x),
- "y", "D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, y),
- "pi", "J", mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, pi),
- "pha", "J", mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, pha),
- "time", "1D", mode, FUN_OFFSET(AEv, time),
- NULL);
-Note that the only modification to the call is in the plist string.
-Of course, instead of using staticly allocated arrays, you also can specify
-dynamically allocated pointers:
- /* pointers to arrays of columns (used in struct of arrays) */
- typedef struct pevstruct{
- short *region;
- double *x, *y;
- int *pi, *pha;
- double *time;
- } *PEv, PEvRec;
- got = FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(PEvRec), "org=structofarrays",
- "$region", "@I", mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, region),
- "x", "@D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, x),
- "y", "@D:10:10", mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, y),
- "pi", "@J", mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, pi),
- "pha", "@J", mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, pha),
- "time", "@1D", mode, FUN_OFFSET(PEv, time),
- NULL);
-Here, the actual storage space is either allocated by the user or by the
-FunColumnSelect() call).
-In all of the above cases, the same call is made to retrieve rows, e.g.:
- buf = (void *)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got);
-However, the individual data elements are accessed differently.
-For the default case of an "array of structs", the
-individual row records are accessed using:
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- ev = (Ev)buf+i;
- fprintf(stdout, "%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%21.8f\n",
- ev->x, ev->y, ev->pi, ev->pha, ev->dx, ev->dy, ev->time);
- }
-For a struct of arrays or a struct of array pointers, we have a single struct
-through which we access individual columns and rows using:
- aev = (AEv)buf;
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- fprintf(stdout, "%.2f\t%.2f\t%d\t%d\t%.4f\t%.4f\t%21.8f\n",
- aev->x[i], aev->y[i], aev->pi[i], aev->pha[i],
- aev->dx[i], aev->dy[i], aev->time[i]);
- }
-Support for struct of arrays in the
-call is handled analogously.
-See the evread example code
-evmerge example code
-for working examples of how
-FunColumnSelect() is used.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index 946d304..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunCombine: Combining Region and Table Filters>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document discusses the conventions for combining region and table
-filters, especially with regards to the comma operator.
-B<Comma Conventions>
-Filter specifications consist of a series of boolean expressions,
-separated by commas. These expressions can be table filters,
-spatial region filters, or combinations thereof. Unfortunately,
-common usage requires that the comma operator must act differently
-in different situations. Therefore, while its use is intuitive in
-most cases, commas can be a source of confusion.
-According to long-standing usage in IRAF, when a comma separates two
-table filters, it takes on the meaning of a boolean B<and>. Thus:
- foo.fits[pha==1,pi==2]
-is equivalent to:
- foo.fits[pha==1 && pi==2]
-When a comma separates two spatial region filters, however, it has
-traditionally taken on the meaning of a boolean B<or>. Thus:
- foo.fits[circle(10,10,3),ellipse(20,20,8,5)]
-is equivalent to:
- foo.fits[circle(10,10,3) || ellipse(20,20,8,5)]
-(except that in the former case, each region is given a unique id
-in programs such as funcnts).
-Region and table filters can be combined:
- foo.fits[circle(10,10,3),pi=1:5]
-or even:
- foo.fits[pha==1&&circle(10,10,3),pi==2&&ellipse(20,20,8,5)]
-In these cases, it is not obvious whether the command should utilize an
-B<or> or B<and> operator. We therefore arbitrarily chose to
-implement the following rule:
-=over 4
-=item *
-if both expressions contain a region, the operator used is B<or>.
-=item *
-if one (or both) expression(s) does not contain a region, the operator
-used is B<and>.
-This rule handles the cases of pure regions and pure column filters properly.
-It unambiguously assigns the boolean B<and> to all mixed cases. Thus:
- foo.fits[circle(10,10,3),pi=1:5]
- foo.fits[pi=1:5,circle(10,10,3)]
-both are equivalent to:
- foo.fits[circle(10,10,3) && pi=1:5]
-[NB: This arbitrary rule B<replaces the previous arbitrary rule>
-(pre-funtools 1.2.3) which stated:
-=over 4
-=item *
-if the 2nd expression contains a region, the operator used is B<or>.
-=item *
-if the 2nd expression does not contain a region, the operator
-used is B<and>.
-In that scenario, the B<or> operator was implied by:
- pha==4,circle 5 5 1
-while the B<and> operator was implied by
- circle 5 5 1,pha==4
-Experience showed that this non-commutative treatment of the comma
-operator was confusing and led to unexpected results.]
-The comma rule must be considered provisional: comments and complaints
-are welcome to help clarify the matter. Better still, we recommend
-that the comma operator be avoided in such cases in favor of an
-explicit boolean operator.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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-=head1 NAME
-B<funcone - cone search of a binary table containing RA, Dec columns>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funcone <switches> <iname> <oname> <ra[hdr]> <dec[hdr]> <radius[dr'"]> [columns]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -d deccol:[hdr] # Dec column name, units (def: DEC:d)
- -j # join columns from list file
- -J # join columns from list file, output all rows
- -l listfile # read centers and radii from a list
- -L listfile # read centers and radii from a list, output list rows
- -n # don't use cone limits as a filter
- -r racol:[hdr] # RA column name, units (def: RA:h)
- -x # append RA_CEN, DEC_CEN, RAD_CEN, CONE_KEY cols
- -X # append RA_CEN, DEC_CEN, RAD_CEN, CONE_KEY cols, output all rows
-Funcone performs a cone search on the RA and Dec columns of a FITS
-binary table. The distance from the center RA, Dec position to the RA,
-Dec in each row in the table is calculated. Rows whose distance is
-less than the specified radius are output.
-The first argument to the program specifies the FITS file, raw event
-file, or raw array file. If "stdin" is specified, data are read from
-the standard input. Use Funtools Bracket
-Notation to specify FITS extensions, and filters. The second
-argument is the output FITS file. If "stdout" is specified, the FITS
-binary table is written to the standard output.
-The third and fourth required arguments are the RA and Dec center
-position. By default, RA is specified in hours while Dec is specified
-in degrees. You can change the units of either of these by appending
-the character "d" (degrees), "h" (hours) or "r" (radians). Sexagesimal
-notation is supported, with colons or spaces separating hms and dms.
-(When using spaces, please ensure that the entire string is quoted.)
-The fifth required argument is the radius of the cone search. By default,
-the radius value is given in degrees. The units can be changed by appending
-the character "d" (degrees), "r" (radians), "'" (arc minutes) or
-'"' (arc seconds).
-By default, all
-columns of the input file are copied to the output file. Selected
-columns can be output using an optional sixth argument in the form:
- "column1 column1 ... columnN"
-A seventh argument allows you to output selected columns from the list
-file when B<-j> switch is used. Note that the RA and Dec columns
-used in the cone calculation must not be de-selected.
-Also by default, the RA and Dec column names are named "RA" and "Dec",
-and are given in units of hours and degrees respectively. You can
-change both the name and the units using the -r [RA] and/or -d [Dec]
-switches. Once again, one of "h", "d", or "r" is appended to the
-column name to specify units but in this case, there must be a colon ":"
-between the name and the unit specification.
-If the B<-l [listfile]> switch is used, then one or more of the
-center RA, center Dec, and radius can be taken from a list file (which
-can be a FITS table or an ASCII column text file). In this case, the
-third (center RA), fourth (center Dec), and fifth (radius) command
-line arguments can either be a column name in the list file (if that
-parameter varies) or else a numeric value (if that parameter is
-static). When a column name is specified for the RA, Dec, or radius,
-you can append a colon followed by "h", "d", or "r" to specify units
-(also ' and " for radius). The cone search algorithm is run once for
-each row in the list, taking RA, Dec, and radius values from the
-specified columns or from static numeric values specified on the
-command line.
-When using a list, all valid rows from each iteration are written to a
-single output file. Use the B<-x> switch to help delineate which
-line of the list file was used to produce the given output row(s).
-This switch causes the values for the center RA, Dec, radius, and row
-number to be appended to the output file, in columns called RA_CEN,
-DEC_CEN, RAD_CEN and CONE_KEY, respectively. Alternatively, the
-B<-j> (join) switch will append all columns from the list row to
-the output row (essentially a join of the list row and input row),
-along with the CONE_KEY row number. These two switches are mutually
-The B<-X> and B<-J> switches write out the same data as their
-lower case counterparts for each row satisfying a cone search. In
-addition, these switches also write out rows from the event file that
-do not satisfy any cone search. In such cases, that CONE_KEY column
-will be given a value of -1 and the center and list position information
-will be set to zero for the given row. Thus, all rows of the input
-event file are guaranteed to be output, with rows satisfying at least
-one cone search having additional search information.
-The B<-L> switch acts similarly to the B<-l> switch in that it
-takes centers from a list file. However, it also implicitly sets the
--j switch, so that output rows are the join of the input event row and
-the center position row. In addition, this switch also writes out all
-center position rows for which no event satisfies the cone search
-criteria of that row. The CONE_KEY column will be given a value of -2
-for center rows that were not close to any data row and the event
-columns will be zeroed out for such rows. In this way, all centers
-rows are guaranteed to be output at least once.
-If any of "all row" switches (B<-X>, B<-J>, or B<-L>) are
-specified, then a new column named JSTAT is added to the output table.
-The positive values in this column indicate the center position row number
-(starting from 1) in the list file that this data row successful matched
-in a cone search. A value of -1 means that the data row did not match
-any center position. A value of -2 means that the center position was
-not matched by any data row.
-Given a center position and radius, the cone search algorithm
-calculates limit parameters for a box enclosing the specified cone,
-and only tests rows whose positions values lie within those limits.
-For small files, the overhead associated with this cone limit
-filtering can cause the program to run more slowly than if all events
-were tested. You can turn off cone limit filtering using the B<-n>
-switch to see if this speeds up the processing (especially useful when
-processing a large list of positions).
-For example, the default cone search uses columns "RA" and "Dec" in hours
-and degrees (respectively) and RA position in hours, Dec and radius in degrees:
- funone in.fits out.fits 23.45 34.56 0.01
-To specify the RA position in degrees:
- funcone in.fits out.fits 23.45d 34.56 0.01
-To get RA and Dec from a list but use a static value for radius (and
-also write identifying info for each row in the list):
- funcone -x -l list.txt in.fits out.fits MYRA MYDec 0.01
-User specified columns in degrees, RA position in hours (sexagesimal
-notation), Dec position in degrees (sexagesimal notation) and radius
-in arc minutes:
- funcone -r myRa:d -d myDec in.fits out.fits 12:30:15.5 30:12 15'
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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-=head1 NAME
-B<fundisp - display data in a Funtools data file>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-fundisp [-f format] [-l] [-n] [-T] <iname> [columns|bitpix=n]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -f # format string for display
- -l # display image as a list containing the columns X, Y, VAL
- -n # don't output header
- -F [c] # use specified character as column separator (def: space)
- -T # output in rdb/starbase format (tab separators)
-B<fundisp> displays the data in the specified
-FITS Extension
-Image Section
-of a FITS file, or in a
-of a non-FITS array or raw event file.
-The first argument to the program specifies the FITS input image, array, or
-raw event file to display. If "stdin" is specified, data are read from
-the standard input. Use Funtools Bracket
-Notation to specify FITS extensions, image sections, and filters.
-If the data being displayed are columns (either in a FITS binary table
-or a raw event file), the individual rows are listed. Filters can be
-added using bracket notation. Thus:
- [sh] fundisp "test.ev[time-(int)time>.15]"
- ------- ------- ------- --------- ---------------- ---------- ----------
- 10 8 10 8 17.1600 8.50 10.50
- 9 9 9 9 17.1600 9.50 9.50
- 10 9 10 9 18.1600 9.50 10.50
- 10 9 10 9 18.1700 9.50 10.50
- 8 10 8 10 17.1600 10.50 8.50
- 9 10 9 10 18.1600 10.50 9.50
- 9 10 9 10 18.1700 10.50 9.50
- 10 10 10 10 19.1600 10.50 10.50
- 10 10 10 10 19.1700 10.50 10.50
- 10 10 10 10 19.1800 10.50 10.50
-[NB: The FITS binary table test file test.ev, as well as the FITS
-image test.fits, are contained in the funtools funtest directory.]
-When a table is being displayed using B<fundisp>, a second optional
-argument can be used to specify the columns to display. For example:
- [sh] fundisp "test.ev[time-(int)time>=.99]" "x y time"
- -------- -------- ---------------------
- 5 -6 40.99000000
- 4 -5 59.99000000
- -1 0 154.99000000
- -2 1 168.99000000
- -3 2 183.99000000
- -4 3 199.99000000
- -5 4 216.99000000
- -6 5 234.99000000
- -7 6 253.99000000
-The special column B<$REGION> can be specified to display the
-region id of each row:
- [sh $] fundisp "test.ev[time-(int)time>=.99&&annulus(0 0 0 10 n=3)]" 'x y time $REGION'
- -------- -------- --------------------- ----------
- 5 -6 40.99000000 3
- 4 -5 59.99000000 2
- -1 0 154.99000000 1
- -2 1 168.99000000 1
- -3 2 183.99000000 2
- -4 3 199.99000000 2
- -5 4 216.99000000 2
- -6 5 234.99000000 3
- -7 6 253.99000000 3
-Here only rows with the proper fractional time and whose position also is
-within one of the three annuli are displayed.
-Columns can be excluded from display using a minus sign before the
- [sh $] fundisp "test.ev[time-(int)time>=.99]" "-time"
- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ----------- -----------
- 5 -6 5 -6 5.50 -6.50
- 4 -5 4 -5 4.50 -5.50
- -1 0 -1 0 -1.50 0.50
- -2 1 -2 1 -2.50 1.50
- -3 2 -3 2 -3.50 2.50
- -4 3 -4 3 -4.50 3.50
- -5 4 -5 4 -5.50 4.50
- -6 5 -6 5 -6.50 5.50
- -7 6 -7 6 -7.50 6.50
-All columns except the time column are displayed.
-The special column B<$N> can be specified to display the
-ordinal value of each row. Thus, continuing the previous example:
- fundisp "test.ev[time-(int)time>=.99]" '-time $n'
- ------- -------- -------- ---------- ----------- ----------- ----------
- 5 -6 5 -6 5.50 -6.50 337
- 4 -5 4 -5 4.50 -5.50 356
- -1 0 -1 0 -1.50 0.50 451
- -2 1 -2 1 -2.50 1.50 465
- -3 2 -3 2 -3.50 2.50 480
- -4 3 -4 3 -4.50 3.50 496
- -5 4 -5 4 -5.50 4.50 513
- -6 5 -6 5 -6.50 5.50 531
- -7 6 -7 6 -7.50 6.50 550
-Note that the column specification is enclosed in single quotes to protect
-'$n' from begin expanded by the shell.
-In general, the rules for activating and de-activating columns are:
-=over 4
-=item *
-If only exclude columns are specified, then all columns but
-the exclude columns will be activated.
-=item *
-If only include columns are specified, then only the specified columns
-are activated.
-=item *
-If a mixture of include and exclude columns are specified, then
-all but the exclude columns will be active; this last case
-is ambiguous and the rule is arbitrary.
-In addition to specifying columns names explicitly, the special
-symbols B<+> and B<-> can be used to activate and
-de-activate B<all> columns. This is useful if you want to
-activate the $REGION column along with all other columns. According
-to the rules, the syntax "$REGION" only activates the region column
-and de-activates the rest. Use "+ $REGION" to activate all
-columns as well as the region column.
-If the data being displayed are image data (either in a FITS primary
-image, a FITS image extension, or an array file), an mxn pixel display
-is produced, where m and n are the dimensions of the image. By
-default, pixel values are displayed using the same data type as in the
-file. However, for integer data where the BSCALE and BZERO header parameters
-are present, the data is displayed as floats. In either case, the
-display data type can be overridden using an optional second argument
-of the form:
- bitpix=n
-where n is 8,16,32,-32,-64, for unsigned char, short, int, float and double,
-Of course, running B<fundisp> on anything but the smallest image
-usually results in a display whose size makes it unreadable.
-Therefore, one can uses bracket notation (see below)
-to apply section and/or blocking to the image before generating a
-display. For example:
- [sh] fundisp "test.fits[2:6,2:7]" bitpix=-32
- 2 3 4 5 6
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- 2: 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00
- 3: 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00
- 4: 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00
- 5: 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00
- 6: 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00
- 7: 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00
-Note that is is possible to display a FITS binary table as an image
-simply by passing the table through B<funimage> first:
- [sh] ./funimage test.ev stdout | fundisp "stdin[2:6,2:7]" bitpix=8
- 2 3 4 5 6
- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
- 2: 3 4 5 6 7
- 3: 4 5 6 7 8
- 4: 5 6 7 8 9
- 5: 6 7 8 9 10
- 6: 7 8 9 10 11
- 7: 8 9 10 11 12
-If the B<-l> (list) switch is used, then an image is displayed as a
-list containing the columns: X, Y, VAL. For example:
- fundisp -l "test1.fits[2:6,2:7]" bitpix=-32
- ---------- ---------- -----------
- 2 2 6.00
- 3 2 1.00
- 4 2 1.00
- 5 2 1.00
- 6 2 1.00
- 2 3 1.00
- 3 3 5.00
- 4 3 1.00
- 5 3 1.00
- 6 3 1.00
- 2 4 1.00
- 3 4 1.00
- 4 4 4.00
- 5 4 1.00
- 6 4 1.00
- 2 5 1.00
- 3 5 1.00
- 4 5 1.00
- 5 5 3.00
- 6 5 1.00
- 2 6 1.00
- 3 6 1.00
- 4 6 1.00
- 5 6 1.00
- 6 6 2.00
- 2 7 1.00
- 3 7 1.00
- 4 7 1.00
- 5 7 1.00
- 6 7 1.00
-If the B<-n> (nohead) switch is used, then no header is output for
-tables. This is useful, for example, when fundisp output is being
-directed into gnuplot.
-The B<fundisp> program uses a default set of display formats:
- datatype TFORM format
- -------- ----- --------
- double D "%21.8f"
- float E "%11.2f"
- int J "%10d"
- short I "%8d"
- byte B "%6d"
- string A "%12.12s"
- bits X "%8x"
- logical L "%1x"
-Thus, the default display of 1 double and 2 shorts gives:
- [sh] fundisp snr.ev "time x y"
- --------------------- -------- --------
- 79494546.56818075 546 201
- 79488769.94469175 548 201
- ...
-You can change the display format for individual columns or for all
-columns of a given data types by means of the -f switch. The format
-string that accompanies -f is a space-delimited list of keyword=format
-values. The keyword values can either be column names (in which case
-the associated format pertains only to that column) or FITS table
-TFORM specifiers (in which case the format pertains to all columns
-having that data type). For example, you can change the double and
-short formats for all columns like this:
- [sh] fundisp -f "D=%22.11f I=%3d" snr.ev "time x y"
- ---------------------- --- ---
- 79494546.56818075478 546 201
- 79488769.94469174743 548 201
- ...
-Alternatively, you can change the format of the time and x columns like this:
- [sh] fundisp -f "time=%22.11f x=%3d" snr.ev "time x y"
- ---------------------- --- --------
- 79494546.56818075478 546 201
- 79488769.94469174743 548 201
- ...
-Note that there is a potential conflict if a column has the same name
-as one of the TFORM specifiers. In the examples above, the the "X"
-column in the table has the same name as the X (bit) datatype. To
-resolve this conflict, the format string is processed such that
-TFORM datatype specifiers are checked for first, using a
-case-sensitive comparison. If the specified format value is not an
-upper case TFORM value, then a case-insensitive check is made on the
-column name. This means that, in the examples above, "X=%3d" will refer
-to the X (bit) datatype, while "x=%3d" will refer to the X column:
- [sh] fundisp -f "X=%3d" snr.ev "x y"
- X Y
- -------- --------
- 546 201
- 548 201
- ...
- [sh] fundisp -f "x=%3d" snr.ev "x y"
- X Y
- --- --------
- 546 201
- 548 201
- ...
-As a rule, therefore, it is best always to specify the column name in
-lower case and TFORM data types in upper case.
-The B<-f [format]> will change the format for a single execution
-of fundisp. You also can use the B<FUN_FORMAT> envronment variable
-to change the format for all invocations of fundisp. The format of this
-environment variable's value is identical to that used with
-the B<-f> switch. This global value can be overridden in
-individual cases by use of the B<-f [format]> switch.
-Caveats: Please also note that it is the user's responsibility to
-match the format specifier to the column data type correctly. Also
-note that, in order to maintain visual alignment between names and
-columns, the column name will be truncated (on the left) if the
-format width is less than the length of the name. However, truncation
-is not performed if the output is in RDB format (using the -T switch).
-[An older-style format string is supported but deprecated. It
-consists of space-delimited C format statements for all data types,
-specified in the following order:
- double float int short byte string bit.
-This order of the list is based on the assumption that people generally
-will want to change the float formats.
-If "-" is entered instead of a format statement for a given data type, the
-default format is used. Also, the format string can be terminated without
-specifying all formats, and defaults will be used for the rest of the
-list. Note that you must supply a minimum field width, i.e., "%6d" and
-"%-6d" are legal, "%d" is not legal.
-By using -f [format], you can change the double and short formats like this:
- [sh] fundisp -f "22.11f - - 3d" snr.ev "time x y"
- ---------------------- --- ---
- 79494546.56818075478 546 201
- 79488769.94469174743 548 201
- ...
-NB: This format is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.]
-The B<-F[c]> switch can be used to specify a (single-character)
-column separator (where the default is a space). Note that column
-formatting will almost certainly also add spaces to pad individual
-columns to the required width. These can be removed with a program
-such as sed, at the cost of generating unaligned columns. For example:
-fundisp -F',' snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]'
- 512, 512, 6, 7, 79493997.45854475, 578, 574
- 512, 512, 8, 9, 79494575.58943175, 579, 573
- 512, 512, 5, 6, 79493631.03866175, 578, 575
- 512, 512, 5, 5, 79493290.86521725, 578, 575
- 512, 512, 8, 9, 79493432.00990875, 579, 573
-fundisp -F',' snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' | sed 's/ *, */,/g'
- 512,512,6,7,79493997.45854475,578,574
- 512,512,8,9,79494575.58943175,579,573
- 512,512,5,6,79493631.03866175,578,575
- 512,512,5,5,79493290.86521725,578,575
- 512,512,8,9,79493432.00990875,579,573
-fundisp -f "x=%3d y=%3d pi=%1d pha=%1d time=%20.11f dx=%3d dy=%3d" -F',' snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' | sed 's/ *, */,/g'
-If the B<-T> (rdb table) switch is used, the output will conform
-to starbase/rdb data base format: tabs will be inserted between
-columns rather than spaces. This format is not available when
-displaying image pixels (except in conjunction with the B<-l>
-Finally, note that B<fundisp> can be used to create column filters from
-the auxiliary tables in a FITS file. For example, the following shell code
-will generate a good-time interval (GTI) filter for X-ray data files that
-contain a standard GTI extension:
- #!/bin/sh
- sed '1,/---- .*/d
- /^$/,$d' | awk 'tot>0{printf "||"};{printf "time="$1":"$2; tot++}'
-If this script is placed in a file called "mkgti", it can be used in a
-command such as:
- fundisp foo.fits"[GTI]" | mkgti > gti.filter
-The resulting filter file can then be used in various funtools programs:
- funcnts foo.fits"[@gti.filter]" ...
-to process only the events in the good-time intervals.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunDS9: Funtools and DS9 Image Display>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Describes how funtools can be integrated into the ds9 Analysis menu.
-SAOImage/DS9 is an astronomical imaging and data visualization
-application used by astronomers around the world. DS9 can display
-standard astronomical FITS images and binary tables, but also has
-support for displaying raw array files, shared memory files, and data
-files automatically retrieved via FTP and HTTP. Standard functional
-capabilities include multiple frame buffers, colormap and region
-manipulation, and many data scaling algorithms. DS9's advanced
-features include TrueColor visuals, deep frame buffers, true
-PostScript printing, and display of image mosaics. The program's
-support of image tiling, "blinking", arbitrary zoom, rotation, and pan
-is unparalleled in astronomy. It also has innovative support for
-automatic retrieval and display of standard image data such as the
-Digital Sky Survey (using servers at SAO, StScI, or ESO).
-DS9 can communicate with external programs such as Funtools using the
-messaging system. In addition, programs can be integrated directly
-into the DS9 GUI by means of a configurable Analysis menu. By
-default, the DS9 Analysis menu contains algorithms deemed essential to
-the core functions of DS9, e.g., display cross-cuts of data,
-iso-intensity contours, and WCS grids. However, new programs can be
-added to DS9 by creating a set-up file which can be loaded into DS9
-to reconfigure the Analysis menu.
-The basic format of the analysis set-up file is:
- #
- # Analysis command descriptions:
- # menu label/description
- # file templates for this command
- # "menu" (add to menu) |"bind" (bind to key)
- # analysis command line
-For example, the funcnts program can be specified in this way:
- Funcnts (counts in source/bkgd regions; options: none)
- *
- menu
- funcnts $filename $regions(source,,) $regions(background,,) | $text
-As shown above, DS9 supports a macro facility to provide information
-as well as task support to command lines. For example, the $regions
-macro is expanded by DS9 to provide the current source and/or
-background region to the analysis command. The $text macro is expanded
-to generate a text window display. It also is possible to query for
-parameters using a $param macro, plot data using a $plot macro,
-etc. See the DS9 documentation for further details.
-A set-up file called funtools.ds9 will
-load some useful Funtools applications (counts in regions, radial
-profile, X-ray light curve and energy spectrum, 1D histogram) into the DS9
-Analysis menu (version 2.1 and above). The file resides in the bin
-directory where Funtools programs are installed. It can be manually
-loaded into DS9 from the B<Load Analysis Commands ...> option of
-the B<Analysis> menu. Alternatively, you can tell DS9 to load
-this file automatically at start-up time by adding the pathname to the
-B<Edit>->B<Preferences>->B<Analysis Menu>->Analysis
-File menu option. (NB: make sure you select
-B<Edit>->B<Preferences>->B<Save Preferences> after setting
-the pathname.)
-The tasks in this setup file generally process the original disk-based
-FITS file. Funcnts-based results (radial profile, counts in regions)
-are presented in WCS units, if present in the FITS header. For
-situations where a disk file is not available (e.g., image data
-generated and sent to DS9's 'fits' XPA access point), versions of the
-radial profile and counts in regions tasks also are also offered
-utilizing DS9's internal image data. Results are presented in pixels.
-Aside from the units, the results should be identical to the file-based
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunEnv: Funtools Environment Variables>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Describes the environment variables which can be used to tailor the overall
-Funtools environment.
-The following environment variables are supported by Funtools:
-=over 4
-=item *
-The B<FITS_EXTNAME> environment variable specifies the
-default FITS extension name when FunOpen() is called on a file lacking
-a primary image. Thus,
-will allow you to call FunOpen() on files without specifying NEWEV in
-Funtools bracket specification.
-If no FITS_EXTNAME variable is defined and the extension name also is
-not passed in the bracket specification, then the default will be to
-look for standard X-ray event table extension names "EVENTS" or
-"STDEVT" (we are, after all, and X-ray astronomy group at heart!).
-=item *
-The B<FITS_EXTNUM> environment variable specifies the
-default FITS extension number when FunOpen() is called on a file lacking
-a primary image. Thus,
- setenv FITS_EXTNUM 7
-will allow you to call FunOpen() on files to open the seventh
-extension without specifying the number in the
-Funtools bracket specification.
-=item *
-These environment variable specifies the default binning key for
-FITS binary tables and raw event files, respectively. They can be
-over-ridden using the B<bincols=[naxis1,naxis2]> keyword in a
-Funtools bracket specification.
-The value of each environment variable
-is a pair of comma-delimited columns, enclosed in parentheses, to use
-for binning. For example, if you want to bin on detx and dety by
-default, then use:
- setenv FITS_BINCOLS "(detx,dety)"
-in preference to adding a bincols specification to each filename:
- foo.fits[bincols=(detx,dety)]
-=item *
-These environment variable specifies the default bitpix value for
-binning FITS binary tables and raw event files, respectively. They can
-be over-ridden using the B<bitpix=[value]> keyword in a
-Funtools bracket specification. The value
-of each environment variable is one of the standard FITS bitpix values
-(8,16,32,-32,-64). For example, if you want binning routines to
-create a floating array, then use:
- setenv FITS_BITPIX -32
-in preference to adding a bitpix specification to each filename:
- foo.fits[bitpix=-32]
-=item *
-The B<ARRAY> environment variable specifies the default
-definition of an array file for Funtools.
-It is used if there is no array specification passed in the
-B<ARRAY()> directive in a
-Non-FITS Array specification.
-The value of the environment variable is a valid array specification such as:
- setenv ARRAY "s100.150"
- foo.arr[ARRAY()]
-This can be defined in preference to adding the specification to each filename:
- foo.arr[ARRAY(s100.150)]
-=item *
-The B<EVENTS> environment variable specifies the default
-definition of an raw event file for Funtools.
-It is used if there is no EVENTS specification passed in the
-B<EVENTS()> directive in a
-Non-FITS EVENTS specification.
-The value of the environment variable is a valid EVENTS specification such as:
- setenv EVENTS "x:J:1024,y:J:1024,pi:I,pha:I,time:D,dx:E:1024,dx:E:1024"
- foo.ev[EVENTS()]
-This can be defined in preference to adding the specification to each filename:
- foo.ev[EVENTS(x:J:1024,y:J:1024,pi:I,pha:I,time:D,dx:E:1024,dx:E:1024)]
-The following filter-related environment variables are supported by Funtools:
-=over 4
-=item *
-The B<FILTER_PTYPE> environment variable specifies how to
-build a filter. There are three possible methods:
-=over 4
-=item *
-process or p
-The filter is compiled and linked against the funtools library (which
-must therefore be accessible in the original install directory) to produce
-a slave program. This program is fed events or image data and returns
-filter results.
-=item *
-dynamic or d (gcc only)
-The filter is compiled and linked against the funtools library (which
-must therefore be accessible in the original install directory) to produce
-a dynamic shared object, which is loaded into the funtools program and
-executed as a subroutine. (Extensive testing has shown that, contrary to
-expectations, this method is no faster than using a slave process.)
-=item *
-contained or c
-The filter and all supporting region code is compiled and linked
-without reference to the funtools library to produce a slave program
-(which is fed events or image data and returns filter results). This method
-is slower than the other two, because of the time it takes to compile the
-region filtering code. It is used by stand-alone programs such as ds9,
-which do not have access to the funtools library.
-By default, B<dynamic> is generally used for gcc compilers and
-B<process> for other compilers. However the filter building algorithm
-will check for required external files and will use B<contained> is
-these are missing.
-=item *
-The B<FUN_MAXROW> environment variable is used by core
-row-processing Funtools programs (funtable, fundisp, funcnts, funhist,
-funmerge, and funcalc) to set the maximum number of rows read at once
-(i.e. it sets the third argument to the FunTableRowGet() call). The
-default is 8192. Note that this variable is a convention only: it will
-not be a part of a non-core Funtools program unless code is explicitly
-added, since each call to FunTableRowGet() specifies its own maximum
-number of rows to read. NB: if you make this value very large, you
-probably will need to increase B<FUN_MAXBUFSIZE> (see below) as well.
-=item *
-The B<FUN_MAXBUFSIZE> environment variable is used to limit the
-max buffer size that will be allocated to hold table row data. This
-buffer size is calculated to be the row size of the table multiplied
-by the maximum number of rows read at once (see above). Since the
-row size is unlimited (and we have examples of it being larger than 5
-Mb), it is possible that the total buffer size will exceed the machine
-capabilities. We therefore set a default value of 5Mb for the max buffer
-size, and adjust maxrow so that the total size calculated is less than
-this max buffer size. (If the row size is greater than this max buffer
-size, then maxrow is set to 1.) This environment variable will change
-the max buffer size allowed.
-=item *
-The B<FILTER_CC> environment variable specifies the compiler to
-use for compiling a filter specification. You also can use the B<CC>
-environment variable. If neither has been set, then gcc will be used
-if available. Otherwise cc is used if available.
-=item *
-The B<FILTER_EXTRA> environment variable specifies extra options
-to add to a filter compile command line. In principle, you can add libraries,
-include files, and compiler switches. This variable should be used with care.
-=item *
-The B<FILTER_TMPDIR> environment variable specifies the temporary
-directory for filter compilation intermediate files. You also can use
-the B<TMPDIR> and B<TMP> variables. By default, /tmp is used
-as the temporary directory.
-=item *
-The B<FILTER_KEEP> environment variable specifies whether the
-intermediate filter files (i.e. C source file and compile log file)
-should be saved after a filter is built. The default is "false", so that
-these intermediate files are deleted. This variable is useful for debugging,
-but care should be taken to reset its value to false when debugging is
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funfiles.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funfiles.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 7efb464..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funfiles.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1019 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunFiles: Funtools Data Files>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document describes the data file formats (FITS, array, raw
-events) as well as the file types (gzip, socket, etc.) supported
-by Funtools.
-Funtools supports FITS images and binary tables, and binary files
-containing array (homogeneous) data or event (heterogeneous) data.
-IRAF-style brackets are appended to the filename to specify various
-kinds of information needed to characterize these data:
- file[ext|ind|ARRAY()|EVENTS(),section][filters]
- or
- file[ext|ind|ARRAY()|EVENTS(),section,filters]
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<file> is the Funtools file name
-=item *
-B<ext> is the FITS extension name
-=item *
-B<ind> is the FITS extension number
-=item *
-B<ARRAY()> is an array specification
-=item *
-B<EVENTS()> is an event specification
-=item *
-B<section> is the image section specification
-=item *
-B<filters> are spatial region and table (row) filters
-B<Supported Data Formats>
-Funtools programs (and the underlying libraries) support the
-following data file formats:
-=over 4
-=item *
-FITS images (and image extensions)
-=item *
-FITS binary tables
-=item *
-binary files containing an array of homogeneous data
-=item *
-binary files containing events, i.e. records of heterogeneous data
-=item *
-column-based text files, which are documented here
-=item *
-non-disk files and lists of files
-Information needed to identify and characterize
-the event or image data can be specified on the command line
-using IRAF-style bracket notation appended to the filename:
- foo.fits # open FITS default extension
- image.fits[3] # open FITS extension #3
- events.fits[EVENTS] # open EVENTS extension
- array.file[ARRAY(s1024)] # open 1024x1024 short array
- events.file[EVENTS(x:1024,y:1024...)] # open non-FITS event list
-Note that in many Unix shells (e.g., csh and tcsh), filenames must
-be enclosed in quotes to protect the brackets from shell processing.
-B<FITS Images and Binary Tables>
-When FunOpen() opens a FITS file
-without a bracket specifier, the default behavior is to look for a
-valid image in the primary HDU. In the absence of a primary image,
-Funtools will try to open an extension named either B<EVENTS> or
-B<STDEVT>, if one of these exists. This default behavior supports
-both FITS image processing and standard X-ray event list processing
-(which, after all, is what we at SAO/HEAD do).
-In order to open a FITS binary table or image extension explicitly, it
-is necessary to specify either the extension name or the extension
-number in brackets:
- foo.fits[1] # open extension #1: the primary HDU
- foo.fits[3] # open extension #3 of a FITS file
- foo.fits[GTI] # open GTI extension of a FITS file
-The ext argument specifies the name of the FITS extension (i.e. the
-value of the EXTENSION header parameter in a FITS extension), while
-the index specifies the value of the FITS EXTVER header parameter.
-Following FITS conventions, extension numbers start at 1.
-When a FITS data file is opened for reading using
-FunOpen(), the specified extension
-is automatically located and is used to initialize the Funtools internal
-data structures.
-B<Non-FITS Raw Event Files>
-In addition to FITS tables, Funtools programs and libraries can operate
-on non-FITS files containing heterogeneous event records. To specify
-such an event file, use:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-where B<event-spec> is a string that specified the names, data
-types, and optional image dimensions for each element of the event
-=over 4
-=item *
-Data types follow standard conventions for FITS binary tables, but include
-two extra unsigned types ('U' and 'V'):
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<B> -- unsigned 8-bit char
-=item *
-B<I> -- signed 16-bit int
-=item *
-B<J> -- signed 32-bit int
-=item *
-B<K> -- signed 64-bit int
-=item *
-B<E> -- 32-bit float
-=item *
-B<D> -- 64-bit float
-=item *
-B<U> -- unsigned 16-bit int
-=item *
-B<V> -- unsigned 32-bit int
-An optional integer value B<n> can be prefixed to the type to indicate
-that the element is an array of n values. For example:
- foo.fits[EVENTS(x:I,y:I,status:4J)]
-defines x and y as 16-bit ints and status as an array of 4 32-bit ints.
-Furthermore, image dimensions can be attached to the event specification
-in order to tell Funtools how to bin the events into an image. They
-follow the conventions for the FITS TLMIN/TLMAX keywords. If the low
-image dimension is not specified, it defaults to 1. Thus:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-both specify that the dimension of this column runs from 1 to 100.
-NB: it is required that all padding be specified in the record
-definition. Thus, when writing out whole C structs instead of
-individual record elements, great care must be taken to include
-the compiler-added padding in the event definition.
-For example, suppose a FITS binary table has the following set of column
- TTYPE1 = 'X ' / Label for field
- TFORM1 = '1I ' / Data type for field
- TLMIN1 = 1 / Min. axis value
- TLMAX1 = 10 / Max. axis value
- TTYPE2 = 'Y ' / Label for field
- TFORM2 = '1I ' / Data type for field
- TLMIN2 = 2 / Min. axis value
- TLMAX2 = 11 / Max. axis value
- TTYPE3 = 'PHA ' / Label for field
- TFORM3 = '1I ' / Data type for field
- TTYPE4 = 'PI ' / Label for field
- TFORM4 = '1J ' / Data type for field
- TTYPE5 = 'TIME ' / Label for field
- TFORM5 = '1D ' / Data type for field
- TTYPE6 = 'DX ' / Label for field
- TFORM6 = '1E ' / Data type for field
- TLMIN6 = 1 / Min. axis value
- TLMAX6 = 10 / Max. axis value
- TTYPE7 = 'DY ' / Label for field
- TFORM7 = '1E ' / Data type for field
- TLMIN7 = 3 / Min. axis value
- TLMAX7 = 12 / Max. axis value
-An raw event file containing these same data would have the event
- EVENTS(X:I:10,Y:I:2:11,PHA:I,PI:J,TIME:D,DX:E:10,DY:E:3:12)
-If no event specification string is included within the EVENTS() operator,
-then the event specification is taken from the B<EVENTS> environment
- setenv EVENTS "X:I:10,Y:I:10,PHA:I,PI:J,TIME:D,DX:E:10,DY:E:10"
-In addition to knowing the data structure, it is necessary to know the
-I<endian> ordering of the data, i.e., whether or not the data is
-in I<bigendian> format, so that we can convert to the native
-format for this platform. This issue does not arise for FITS Binary
-Tables because all FITS files use big-endian ordering, regardless of
-platform. But for non-FITS data, big-endian data produced on a Sun
-workstation but read on a Linux PC needs to be byte-swapped, since PCs
-use little-endian ordering. To specify an ordering, use the
-I<bigendian=> or I<endian=> keywords on the command-line
-or the EVENTS_BIGENDIAN or EVENTS_ENDIAN environment variables. The
-value of the I<bigendian> variables should be "true" or "false",
-while the value of the I<endian> variables should be "little" or
-For example, a PC can access data produced by a Sun using:
- hrc.nepr[EVENTS(),bigendian=true]
- hrc.nepr[EVENTS(),endian=big]
- setenv EVENTS_BIGENDIAN true
- setenv EVENTS_ENDIAN big
-If none of these are specified, the data are assumed to follow the
-format for that platform and no byte-swapping is performed.
-B<Non-FITS Array Files>
-In addition to FITS images, Funtools programs and libraries can operate
-on non-FITS files containing arrays of homogeneous data. To specify
-an array file, use:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-where array-spec is of the form:
-=over 4
-=item *
-and where [type] is:
-=over 4
-=item *
-b (8-bit unsigned char)
-=item *
-s (16-bit short int)
-=item *
-u (16-bit unsigned short int)
-=item *
-i (32-bit int)
-=item *
-r,f (32-bit float)
-=item *
-d (64-bit float)
-The dim1 specification is required, but dim2 is optional and defaults
-to dim1. The skip specification is optional and defaults to 0. The
-optional endian specification can be 'l' or 'b' and defaults to the
-endian type for the current machine.
-If no array specification is included within the ARRAY() operator,
-then the array specification is taken from the B<ARRAY> environment
-variable. For example:
- foo.arr[ARRAY(r512)] # bitpix=-32 dim1=512 dim2=512
- foo.arr[ARRAY(r512.400)] # bitpix=-32 dim1=512 dim2=400
- foo.arr[ARRAY(r512.400]) # bitpix=-32 dim1=512 dim2=400
- foo.arr[ARRAY(r512.400:2880)] # bitpix=-32 dim1=512 dim2=400 skip=2880
- foo.arr[ARRAY(r512l)] # bitpix=-32 dim1=512 dim2=512 endian=little
- setenv ARRAY "r512.400:2880"
- foo.arr[ARRAY()] # bitpix=-32 dim1=512 dim2=400 skip=2880
-B<Specifying Image Sections>
-Once a data file (and possibly, a FITS extension) has been specified,
-the next (optional) part of a bracket specification can be used to
-select image B<section> information, i.e., to specify the x,y
-limits of an image section, as well as the blocking factor to apply to
-that section. This information can be added to any file specification but
-only is used by Funtools image processing routines.
-The format of the image section specification is one of the following:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-where the limit values can be ints or "*" for default. A single "*"
-can be used instead of val:val, as shown. Note that blocking is
-applied to the section after it is extracted.
-In addition to image sections specified by the lo and hi x,y limits, image
-sections using center positions can be specified:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-Note that the (float) values for dim, dim1, dim2, xcen, ycen must be
-specified or else the expression does not make sense!
-In all cases, block is optional and defaults to 1. An 's' or 'a' can
-be appended to signify "sum" or "average" blocking (default is "sum").
-Section specifications are given in image coordinates by default. If you
-wish to specify physical coordinates, add a 'p' as the last character
-of the section specification, before the closing bracket.
-For example:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-A section can be specified in any Funtools file name. If the operation
-to be applied to that file is an imaging operation, then the
-specification will be utilized. If the operation is purely a table
-operation, then the section specification is ignored.
-Do not be confused by:
- foo.fits[2]
- foo.fits[*,2]
-The former specifies opening the second extension of the FITS file.
-The latter specifies application of block 2 to the image section.
-Note that the section specification must come after
-any of FITS B<ext> name or B<ind> number,
-but all sensible defaults are supported:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-B<Binning FITS Binary Tables and Non-FITS Event Files>
-If a FITS binary table or a non-FITS raw event file is to be binned
-into a 2D image (e.g., using the
-program), it is necessary to specify the two columns to be used for the
-binning, as well as the dimensions of the image. Funtools first looks
-for a specifier of the form:
- bincols=([xnam[:tlmin[:tlmax:[binsiz]]]],[ynam[:tlmin[:tlmax[:binsiz]]]])
-in bracket syntax, and uses the column names thus specified. The tlmin, tlmax,
-and binsiz specifiers determine the image binning dimensions using:
- dim = (tlmax - tlmin)/binsiz (floating point data)
- dim = (tlmax - tlmin)/binsiz + 1 (integer data)
-These tlmin, tlmax, and binsiz specifiers can be omitted if TLMIN,
-TLMAX, and TDBIN header parameters are present in the FITS binary
-table header, respectively. If only one parameter is specified, it is
-assumed to be tlmax, and tlmin defaults to 1. If two parameters are
-specified, they are assumed to be tlmin and tlmax.
-For example, to bin an HRC event list columns "VPOS" and "UPOS", use:
- hrc.nepr[bincols=(VPOS,UPOS)]
- hrc.nepr[bincols=(VPOS:49152,UPOS:4096)]
-Note that you can optionally specify the dimensions of these columns
-to cover cases where neither TLMAX keywords are defined in
-the header. If either dimension is specified, then both must be specified.
-You can set the FITS_BINCOLS or EVENTS_BINCOLS environment variable as
-an alternative to adding the "bincols=" specifier to each file name
-for FITS binary tables and raw event files, respectively. If no
-binning keywords or environment variables are specified, or if the
-specified columns are not in the binary table, the Chandra parameters
-CPREF (or PREFX) are searched for in the FITS binary table header.
-Failing this, columns named "X" and "Y" are sought. If these are not
-found, the code looks for columns containing the characters "X" and
-"Y". Thus, you can bin on "DETX" and "DETX" columns without
-specifying them, if these are the only column names containing the "X"
-and "Y" characters.
-Ordinarily, each event or row contributes one count to an image pixel
-during the 2D binning process. Thus, if five events all have the same
-(x,y) position, the image pixel value for that position will have a
-value of five. It is possible to specify a variable contribution
-for each event by using the vcol=[colname] filter spec:
- vcol=[colname]
-The vcol colname is a column containing a numeric value in each event row
-that will be used as the contribution of the given event to its image
-pixel. For example, consider an event file that has the following content:
- x:e:4 y:e:4 v:e
- ------ ------ ----
- 1 1 1.0
- 2 2 2.0
- 3 3 3.0
- 4 4 0.0
- 1 1 1.0
- 2 2 2.0
- 3 3 3.0
- 4 4 4.0
-There are two events with x,y value of (1,1) so ordinarily a 2D image will
-have a value of 2 in the (1,1) pixel. If the v column is specified as the
-value column:
- foo.fits'[vcol=v]'
-then each pixel will contain the additive sum of the associated (x,y)
-column values from the v column. For example, image pixel (1,1) will
-contain 1. + 1. = 2, image pixel (2,2) will contain (2 + 2) = 4, etc.
-An important variation on the use of a value column to specify the
-contribution an event makes to an image pixel is when the value column
-contains the reciprocal of the event contribution. For this case, the
-column name should be prefixed with a / (divide sign) thus:
- foo.fits'[vcol=/v]'
-Each image pixel value will then be the sum of the reciprocals of the value
-column. A zero in the value column results in NaN (not a number).
-Thus, in the above example, image pixel (1.1) will contain 1/1 + 1/1 = 2,
-image pixel (2,2) will contain (1/2 + 1/2) = 1, etc. Image pixel (4,4)
-will contain (1/0 + 1/4) = NaN.
-You can set the FITS_VCOL or EVENTS_VCOL environment variable as
-an alternative to adding the "vcol=" specifier to each file name
-for FITS binary tables and raw event files, respectively.
-Finally, when binning events, the data type of the resulting 2D image
-must be specified. This can be done with the "bitpix=[n]" keyword in
-the bracket specification. For example:
- events.fits[bincols=(VPOS,UPOS),bitpix=-32]
-will create a floating point image binned on columns VPOS and UPOS.
-If no bitpix keyword is specified, bitpix=32 is assumed. As with
-bincols values, you also can use the FITS_BITPIX and EVENTS_BITPIX
-environment variables to set this value for FITS binary tables and
-raw event files, respectively.
-The B<funimage> program also allows you to create a 1D image projection
-along any column of a table by using the B<bincols=[column]>
-filter specification and specifying a single column.
-For example, the following command projects a 1D image along
-the chipx column of a table:
- funimage ev.fits'[bincols=chipx]' im.fits
-See funimage for more
-information about creating 1D and 2D images.
-Finally, please note that Funtools supports most FITS standards.
-We will add missing support as required by the community. In general,
-however, we do not support non-standard extensions. For example, we
-sense the presence of the binary table 'variable length array'
-proposed extension and we pass it along when copying and filtering
-files, but we do not process it. We will add support for new standards
-as they become official.
-B<Table and Spatial Region Filters>
-Note that, in addition extensions and image sections, Funtools bracket
-notation can be used to specify table and spatial region filters. These
-filters are always placed after the image section information. They
-can be specified in the same bracket or in a separate bracket
-immediately following:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<file> is the Funtools file name
-=item *
-B<ARRAY()> is an array specification
-=item *
-B<EVENTS()> is an event list specification
-=item *
-B<ext> is the FITS extension name
-=item *
-B<ind> is the FITS extension number
-=item *
-B<section> is the image section to extract
-=item *
-B<filters> are spatial region and table (row) filters to apply
-The topics of table and region filtering are covered in detail in:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Table Filtering
-=item *
-Spatial Region Filtering
-B<Disk Files and Other Supported File Types>
-The specified B<file> usually is an ordinary disk file. In
-addition, gzip'ed files are supported in Funtools: gzip'ed input files
-are automatically uncompressed as they are read, and gzip'ed output
-files are compressed as they are written. NB: if a FITS binary table
-is written in gzip format, the number of rows in the table will be set
-to -1. Such a file will work with Funtools programs but will not work
-with other FITS programs such as ds9.
-The special keywords "stdin" and "stdout" designate Unix standard
-input and standard output, respectively. The string "-" (hyphen) will
-be taken to mean "stdin" if the file is opened for reading and
-"stdout" if the file is opened for writing.
-A file also can be an INET socket on the same or another machine using
-the syntax:
- machine:port
-Thus, for example:
- karapet:1428
-specifies that I/O should be performed to/from port 1428 on the
-machine karapet. If no machine name is specified, the default is to
-use the current machine:
- :1428
-This means to open port 1428 on the current machine. Socket support
-allows you to generate a distributed pipe:
- on karapet: funtask1 in.fits bynars:1428
- on bynars: funtask2 :1428 out.fits
-The socket mechanism thus supports simple parallel processing using
-B<process decomposition>. Note that parallel processing using
-B<data decomposition> is supported via the B<section> specifier (see
-below), and the B<row#> specifier, which is part of
-Table Filtering.
-A file also can be a pointer to shared memory using the syntax:
- shm:[id|@key][:size]
-A shared memory segment is specified with a B<shm:> prefix,
-followed by either the shared memory id or the shared memory key
-(where the latter is prefixed by the '@' character). The size (in
-bytes) of the shared memory segment can then be appended (preceded by
-the ':' character). If the size specification is absent, the code will
-attempt to determine the length automatically.
-If the open mode contains the string "w+", then the memory segment will be
-created if it does not exist. (It also will be released and deleted when the
-file is closed.) In the case where a memory segment is being created, the
-length of the segment is required.
-A file also can be Unix piped command (i.e. a program to run) using the syntax:
- "pipe: command arg1 ... argn"
-The output from the command must be a valid FITS file. It is important
-to use quotes to protect spaces so that command arguments are passed
-correctly. A silly example is:
- fundisp "pipe: funtable 'foo.fits[cir 512 512 .1]' stdout"
-This seemed like a good idea at the time ...
-B<Lists of Files>
-Funtools also will process a list of files as a single file using the
- "list: file1 file2 ... filen"
-The files in the list are separated by whitespace. Any of the
-above file types can be used. For example, if two files, foo1.fits and
-foo2.fits, are part of the same observation, they can be processed as
-a single file (using their own filters):
- fundisp "list: foo1.fits[cir(512,512,10)] foo2.fits[cir(511,511,10)]"
- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------------------- -------- --------
- 512 512 6 7 79493997.45854475 578 574
- 512 512 8 9 79494575.58943175 579 573
- 512 512 5 6 79493631.03866175 578 575
- 512 512 5 5 79493290.86521725 578 575
- 512 512 8 9 79493432.00990875 579 573
- 511 511 5 5 79488631.09462625 580 575
- 511 511 10 11 79488780.60006675 580 573
- 511 511 4 4 79494562.35474326 580 575
- 511 511 6 6 79488203.01561825 580 575
- 511 511 6 6 79488017.99730176 580 575
- 511 511 4 4 79494332.45355175 580 575
- 511 511 9 10 79492685.94014275 581 574
- 511 511 5 5 79487708.71298325 580 575
- 511 511 8 9 79493719.00160225 581 573
-Again, note that it is important to avoid spaces in the filters
-because the list separator also is whitespace. To protect whitespace
-in a filter, enclose the file specification in quotes:
- fundisp "list: 'foo1.fits[cir 512 512 .1]' foo2.fits[cir(511,511,.1)]"
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index b9b6d83..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funfilters.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,521 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<Funfilters: Filtering Rows in a Table>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document contains a summary of the user interface for
-filtering rows in binary tables.
-Table filtering allows a program to select rows from an table (e.g.,
-X-ray event list) by checking each row against one or more expressions
-involving the columns in the table. When a table is filtered, only
-valid rows satisfying these expressions are passed through for processing.
-A filter expression is specified using bracket notation appended to
-the filename of the data being processed:
- foo.fits[pha==1&&pi==2]
-It is also possible to put region specification inside a file and
-then pass the filename in bracket notation:
- foo.fits[@my.reg]
-Filters must be placed after the extension and image section
-information, when such information is present. The correct order is:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-=over 4
-=item *
-B<file> is the Funtools file name
-=item *
-B<fileinfo> is an ARRAY, EVENT, FITS extension, or FITS index
-=item *
-B<sectioninfo> is the image section to extract
-=item *
-B<filters> are spatial region and table (row) filters to apply
-See Funtools Files for more information
-on file and image section specifications.
-B<Filter Expressions>
-Table filtering can be performed on columns of data in a FITS
-binary table or a raw event file. Table filtering is accomplished by
-means of B<table filter specifications>. An table filter
-specification consists of one or more B<filter expressions> Filter
-specifications also can contain comments and local/global processing
-More specifically, a filter specification consist of one or more lines
- # comment until end of line
- # include the following file in the table descriptor
- @file
- # each row expression can contain filters separated by operators
- [filter_expression] BOOLOP [filter_expression2], ...
- # each row expression can contain filters separated by the comma operator
- [filter_expression1], [filter_expression2], ...
- # the special row# keyword allows a range of rows to be processed
- row#=m:n
- # or a single row
- row#=m
- # regions are supported -- but are described elsewhere
- [spatial_region_expression]
-A single filter expression consists of an arithmetic, logical, or
-other operations involving one or more column values from a
-table. Columns can be compared to other columns, to header values,
-or to numeric constants. Standard math functions can be applied to
-columns. Separate filter expressions can be combined using boolean operators.
-Standard C semantics can be used when constructing expressions, with
-the usual precedence and associativity rules holding sway:
- Operator Associativity
- -------- -------------
- () left to right
- !! (logical not) right to left
- ! (bitwise not) - (unary minus) right to left
- * / left to right
- + - left to right
- < <= > >= left to right
- == != left to right
- & (bitwise and) left to right
- ^ (bitwise exclusive or) left to right
- | (bitwise inclusive or) left to right
- && (logical and) left to right
- || (logical or) left to right
- = right to left
-For example, if energy and pha are columns in a table,
-then the following are valid expressions:
- pha>1
- energy == pha
- (pha>1) && (energy<=2)
- max(pha,energy)>=2.5
-Comparison values can be integers or floats. Integer comparison values can be
-specified in decimal, octal (using '0' as prefix), hex (using '0x' as prefix)
-or binary (using '0b' as prefix). Thus, the following all specify the same
-comparison test of a status mask:
- (status & 15) == 8 # decimal
- (status & 017) == 010 # octal
- (status & 0xf) == 0x8 # hex
- (status & 0b1111) == 0b1000 # binary
-The special keyword row# allows you to process a range of rows.
-When row# is specified, the filter code skips to the designated
-row and only processes the specified number of rows. The
-"*" character can be utilized as the high limit value to denote
-processing of the remaining rows. Thus:
- row#=100:109
-processes 10 rows, starting with row 100 (counting from 1),
- row#=100:*
-specifies that all but the first 99 rows are to be processed.
-Spatial region filtering allows a program to select regions of an
-image or rows of a table (e.g., X-ray events) using simple geometric
-shapes and boolean combinations of shapes. For a complete description
-of regions, see Spatial Region Filtering.
-B<Separators Also Are Operators>
-As mentioned previously, multiple filter expressions can be specified
-in a filter descriptor, separated by commas or new-lines.
-When such a comma or new-line separator is used, the boolean AND operator
-is automatically generated in its place. Thus and expression such as:
- pha==1,pi=2:4
-is equivalent to:
- (pha==1) && (pi>=2&&pi<=4)
-[Note that the behavior of separators is different for filter expressions
-and spatial region expressions. The former uses AND as the operator, while
-the latter user OR. See
-Combining Region and Table Filters
-for more information about these conventions and how they are treated
-when combined.]
-B<Range Lists>
-Aside from the standard C syntax, filter expressions can make use of
-IRAF-style B<range lists> which specify a range of values. The
-syntax requires that the column name be followed by an '=' sign, which
-is followed by one or more comma-delimited range expressions of the form:
- col = vv # col == vv in range
- col = :vv # col <= vv in range
- col = vv: # col >= vv in range
- col = vv1:vv2 # vv1 <= col <= vv2 in range
-The vv's above must be numeric constants; the right hand side of a
-range list cannot contain a column name or header value.
-Note that, unlike an ordinary comma separator, the comma separator used
-between two or more range expressions denotes OR. Thus, when two or
-more range expressions are combined with a comma separator, the resulting
-expression is a shortcut for more complicated boolean logic. For example:
- col = :3,6:8,10:
-is equivalent to:
- (col=6 && col =10)
-Note also that the single-valued rangelist:
- col = val
-is equivalent to the C-based filter expression:
- col == val
-assuming, of course, that val is a numeric constant.
-B<Math Operations and Functions>
-It is permissible to specify C math functions as part of the filter syntax.
-When the filter parser recognizes a function call, it automatically
-includes the math.h and links in the C math library. Thus, it is
-possible to filter rows by expressions such as these:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-=item *
-The function feq(a,b) returns true (1) if the difference between a and b
-(taken as double precision values) is less than approximately 10E-15.
-The function div(a,b) divides a by b, but returns NaN (not a number)
-if b is 0. It is a safe way to avoid floating point errors when
-dividing one column by another.
-B<Include Files>
-The special B<@filename> directive specifies an include file
-containing filter expressions. This file is processed as part of
-the overall filter descriptor:
- foo.fits[pha==1,@foo]
-B<Header Parameters>
-The filter syntax supports comparison between a column value and a
-header parameter value of a FITS binary tables (raw event files have no
-such header). The header parameters can be taken from the binary
-table header or the primary header. For example, assuming there is a
-header value MEAN_PHA in one of these headers, you can select photons
-having exactly this value using:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Table filtering is more easily described by means of examples.
-Consider data containing the following table structure:
-=over 4
-=item *
-double TIME
-=item *
-int X
-=item *
-int Y
-=item *
-short PI
-=item *
-short PHA
-=item *
-int DX
-=item *
-int DY
-Tables can be filtered on these columns using IRAF/QPOE range syntax or
-any valid C syntax. The following examples illustrate the possibilities:
-=over 4
-=item *
-=item *
-select rows whose pha value is exactly 10
-=item *
-select rows whose pha value is in the range of 10 to 50
-=item *
-select rows whose pha value is in the range of 10 to 50 or is
-equal to 100
-=item *
-pha>=10 && pha<=50
-select rows whose pha value is in the range of 10 to 50
-=item *
-select rows whose pha value is 1 or 2 and whose pi value is 3
-=item *
-pi=1,2 || pha>3
-select rows whose pha value is 1 or 2 or whose pi value is 3
-=item *
-select rows whose pha value is 1 less than the pi value
-=item *
-(pha==pi+1) && (time>50000.0)
-select rows whose pha value is 1 less than the pi value
-and whose time value is greater than 50000
-=item *
-select rows in which the sum of the pi and pha values is greater
-than 20
-=item *
-select rows in which the pi value is odd
-Currently, integer range list limits cannot be specified in binary
-notation (use decimal, hex, or octal instead). Please contact us if
-this is a problem.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index b525ad2..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunFlush - flush data to output file>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- void FunFlush(Fun fun, char *plist)
-The B<FunFlush> routine will flush data to a FITS output file. In
-particular, it can be called after all rows have been written (using
-the FunTableRowPut() routine)
-in order to add the null padding that is required to complete a FITS
-block. It also should be called after completely writing an image using
-FunImagePut() or after writing
-the final row of an image using
-The B<plist> (i.e., parameter list) argument is a string
-containing one or more comma-delimited B<keyword=value>
-parameters. If the plist string contains the parameter
-"copy=remainder" and the file was opened with a reference file, which,
-in turn, was opened for extension copying (i.e. the input
-FunOpen() mode also was "c" or "C"),
-then FunFlush also will copy the remainder of the FITS extensions from
-the input reference file to the output file. This normally would be
-done only at the end of processing.
-Note that FunFlush() is called
-with "copy=remainder" in the mode string by FunClose(). This means
-that if you close the output file before the reference input file, it
-is not necessary to call
-FunFlush() explicitly, unless you
-are writing more than one extension. See the
-evmerge example code. However, it is safe to
-call FunFlush() more than once
-without fear of re-writing either the padding or the copied
-In addition, if FunFlush() is
-called on an output file with the plist set to "copy=reference" and if
-the file was opened with a reference file, the reference extension is
-written to the output file. This mechanism provides a simple way to
-copy input extensions to an output file without processing the former.
-For example, in the code fragment below, an input extension is set to
-be the reference file for a newly opened output extension. If that
-reference extension is not a binary table, it is written to the output
- /* process each input extension in turn */
- for(ext=0; ;ext++){
- /* get new extension name */
- sprintf(tbuf, "%s[%d]", argv[1], ext);
- /* open input extension -- if we cannot open it, we are done */
- if( !(ifun=FunOpen(tbuf, "r", NULL)) )
- break;
- /* make the new extension the reference handle for the output file */
- FunInfoPut(ofun, FUN_IFUN, &ifun, 0);
- /* if its not a binary table, just write it out */
- if( !(s=FunParamGets(ifun, "XTENSION", 0, NULL, &got)) ||
- strcmp(s, "BINTABLE")){
- if( s ) free(s);
- FunFlush(ofun, "copy=reference");
- FunClose(ifun);
- continue;
- }
- else{
- /* process binary table */
- ....
- }
- }
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funhead.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funhead.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index ee224cc..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funhead.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funhead - display a header in a Funtools file>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funhead [-a] [-s] [-t] [-L] <iname> [oname ename]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -a # display all extension headers
- -s # display 79 chars instead of 80 before the new-line
- -t # prepend data type char to each line of output
- -L # output in rdb/starbase list format
-B<funhead> displays the FITS header parameters in the specified
-FITS Extension.
-The first argument to the program specifies the Funtools input file
-to display. If "stdin" is specified, data are read from
-the standard input. Funtools Bracket
-Notation is used to specify particular FITS extension to process.
-Normally, the full 80 characters of each header card is output,
-followed by a new-line.
-If the B<-a> switch is specified, the header from each FITS
-extensions in the file is displayed. Note, however, that the B<-a>
-switch does not work with FITS files input via stdin. We hope to
-remove this restriction in a future release.
-If the B<-s> switch is specified, only 79 characters are output
-before the new-line. This helps the display on 80 character terminals.
-If the B<-t> switch is specified, the data type of the parameter
-is output as a one character prefix, followed by 77 characters of the
-param. The parameter data types are defined as: FUN_PAR_UNKNOWN
-('i'), FUN_PAR_STRING ('s'), FUN_PAR_REAL ('r'), FUN_PAR_COMPLEX ('x').
-If the B<-L> (rdb table) switch is used, the output will conform
-to starbase/rdb data base list format.
-For example to display the EVENTS extension (binary table):
- [sh] funhead "foo.fits[EVENTS]"
- BITPIX = 8 / Binary data
- NAXIS = 2 / Table is a matrix
- NAXIS1 = 20 / Width of table in bytes
- NAXIS2 = 30760 / Number of entries in table
- PCOUNT = 0 / Random parameter count
- GCOUNT = 1 / Group count
- TFIELDS = 7 / Number of fields in each row
- EXTNAME = 'EVENTS ' / Table name
- EXTVER = 1 / Version number of table
- TFORM1 = '1I ' / Data type for field
- TTYPE1 = 'X ' / Label for field
- TUNIT1 = ' ' / Physical units for field
- TFORM2 = '1I ' / Data type for field
- etc. ...
-To display the third header:
- [sh] funhead "foo.fits[3]"
- BITPIX = 8 / Binary data
- NAXIS = 2 / Table is a matrix
- NAXIS1 = 32 / Width of table in bytes
- NAXIS2 = 40 / Number of entries in table
- PCOUNT = 0 / Random parameter count
- GCOUNT = 1 / Group count
- TFIELDS = 7 / Number of fields in each row
- EXTNAME = 'TGR ' / Table name
- EXTVER = 1 / Version number of table
- TFORM1 = '1D ' / Data type for field
- etc. ...
-To display the primary header (i.e., extension 0):
- sh> funhead "coma.fits[0]"
- NAXIS1 = 800 /
- NAXIS2 = 800 /
-The funhead program also can edit (i.e. add, delete, or modify) or
-display individual headers parameters. Edit mode is signalled by the
-presence of two additional command-line arguments: output file and
-edit command file, in that order. Edit mode acts as a filter: the
-output file will contain the entire input FITS file, including other
-extensions. The edit command file can be "stdin", in which case edit
-command are read from the standard input.
-The edit command file contains parameter comments (having '#' in the
-first column) and delete and assignment(modify or add) operations. A
-delete operation is specified by preceding the parameter name with a
-minus sign "-". A display operation (very useful in interactive
-sessions, i.e., where the edit commands are taken from stdin) is
-specified by preceding the parameter name with a question mark "?". In
-either case, a parameter value need not be specified. An assignment
-operation is specified in the same two ways that a parameter is
-specified in a text header (but without the comment character that
-precedes header params), i.e.:
-=over 4
-=item *
-FITS-style comments have an equal sign "=" between the keyword and
-value and an optional slash "/" to signify a comment. The strict FITS
-rules on column positions are not enforced.
-=item *
-Free-form comments can have an optional colon separator between the
-keyword and value. In the absence of quote, all tokens after the
-keyword are part of the value, i.e. no comment is allowed.
-For example, the following interactive session checks for the
-existence of parameters, adds new parameters, modifies them, and
-modifies and deletes existing parameters:
- sh$ ./funhead snr.ev foo.fits -
- # look for FOO1
- ? FOO1
- WARNING: FOO1 not found
- # add new foo1
- FOO1 = 100
- # add foo2
- FOO2 = 200
- # reset foo1 to a different value
- FOO1 -1
- # delete foo2
- -FOO2
- # change existing value
- XS-SORT = 'EOF ' / type of event sort
- # delete existing value
- # exit
- ^D
-See Column-based Text Files
-for more information about header parameter format.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index fc1885d..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funhist.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funhist - create a 1D histogram of a column (from a FITS binary table or raw event file) or an image>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funhist [-n|-w|-T] <iname> [column] [[lo:hi:]bins]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -n # normalize bin value by the width of each bin
- -w # specify bin width instead of number of bins in arg3
- -T # output in rdb/starbase format (tab separators)
-B<funhist> creates a one-dimensional histogram from the specified
-columns of a FITS Extension
-binary table of a FITS file (or from a non-FITS raw event file), or
-from a FITS image or array, and writes that histogram as an ASCII
-table. Alternatively, the program can perform a 1D projection of one
-of the image axes.
-The first argument to the program is required, and specifies the
-Funtools file: FITS table or image, raw event file, or array. If
-"stdin" is specified, data are read from the standard input. Use
-Funtools Bracket Notation to specify FITS
-extensions, and filters.
-For a table, the second argument also is required. It specifies the
-column to use in generating the histogram. If the data file is of
-type image (or array), the column is optional: if "x" (or "X"), "y"
-(or "Y") is specified, then a projection is performed over the x
-(dim1) or y (dim2) axes, respectively. (That is, this projection will
-give the same results as a histogram performed on a table containing
-the equivalent x,y event rows.) If no column name is specified or
-"xy" (or "XY") is specified for the image, then a histogram is
-performed on the values contained in the image pixels.
-The argument that follows is optional and specifies the number of bins
-to use in creating the histogram and, if desired, the range of bin
-values. For image and table histograms, the range should specify the
-min and max data values. For image histograms on the x and y axes,
-the range should specify the min and max image bin values. If this
-argument is omitted, the number of output bins for a table is
-calculated either from the TLMIN/TLMAX headers values (if these exist
-in the table FITS header for the specified column) or by going through
-the data to calculate the min and max value. For an image, the number
-of output bins is calculated either from the DATAMIN/DATAMAX header
-values, or by going through the data to calculate min and max value.
-(Note that this latter calculation might fail if the image cannot be
-fit in memory.) If the data are floating point (table or image) and
-the number of bins is not specified, an arbitrary default of 128 is
-For binary table processing, the B<-w> (bin width) switch can be used
-to specify the width of each bin rather than the number of bins. Thus:
- funhist test.ev pha 1:100:5
-means that 5 bins of width 20 are used in the histogram, while:
- funhist -w test.ev pha 1:100:5
-means that 20 bins of width 5 are used in the histogram.
-The data are divvied up into the specified number of bins and the
-resulting 1D histogram (or projection) is output in ASCII table
-format. For a table, the output displays the low_edge (inclusive) and
-hi_edge (exclusive) values for the data. For example, a 15-row table
-containing a "pha" column whose values range from -7.5 to 7.5
-can be processed thus:
- [sh] funhist test.ev pha
- # data file: /home/eric/data/test.ev
- # column: pha
- # min,max,bins: -7.5 7.5 15
- bin value lo_edge hi_edge
- ------ --------- --------------------- ---------------------
- 1 22 -7.50000000 -6.50000000
- 2 21 -6.50000000 -5.50000000
- 3 20 -5.50000000 -4.50000000
- 4 19 -4.50000000 -3.50000000
- 5 18 -3.50000000 -2.50000000
- 6 17 -2.50000000 -1.50000000
- 7 16 -1.50000000 -0.50000000
- 8 30 -0.50000000 0.50000000
- 9 16 0.50000000 1.50000000
- 10 17 1.50000000 2.50000000
- 11 18 2.50000000 3.50000000
- 12 19 3.50000000 4.50000000
- 13 20 4.50000000 5.50000000
- 14 21 5.50000000 6.50000000
- 15 22 6.50000000 7.50000000
- [sh] funhist test.ev pha 1:6
- # data file: /home/eric/data/test.ev
- # column: pha
- # min,max,bins: 0.5 6.5 6
- bin value lo_edge hi_edge
- ------ --------- --------------------- ---------------------
- 1 16 0.50000000 1.50000000
- 2 17 1.50000000 2.50000000
- 3 18 2.50000000 3.50000000
- 4 19 3.50000000 4.50000000
- 5 20 4.50000000 5.50000000
- 6 21 5.50000000 6.50000000
- [sh] funhist test.ev pha 1:6:3
- # data file: /home/eric/data/test.ev
- # column: pha
- # min,max,bins: 0.5 6.5 3
- bin value lo_edge hi_edge
- ------ --------- --------------------- ---------------------
- 1 33 0.50000000 2.50000000
- 2 37 2.50000000 4.50000000
- 3 41 4.50000000 6.50000000
-For a table histogram, the B<-n>(normalize) switch can be used to
-normalize the bin value by the width of the bin (i.e., hi_edge-lo_edge):
- [sh] funhist -n test.ev pha 1:6:3
- # data file: test.ev
- # column: pha
- # min,max,bins: 0.5 6.5 3
- # width normalization (val/(hi_edge-lo_edge)) is applied
- bin value lo_edge hi_edge
- ------ --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
- 1 16.50000000 0.50000000 2.50000000
- 2 6.16666667 2.50000000 4.50000000
- 3 4.10000000 4.50000000 6.50000000
-This could used, for example, to produce a light curve with values
-having units of counts/second instead of counts.
-For an image histogram, the output displays the low and high image
-values (both inclusive) used to generate the histogram. For example,
-in the following example, 184 pixels had a value of 1, 31 had a value
-of 2, while only 2 had a value of 3,4,5,6, or 7:
- [sh] funhist test.fits
- # data file: /home/eric/data/test.fits
- # min,max,bins: 1 7 7
- bin value lo_val hi_val
- ------ --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
- 1 184.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000
- 2 31.00000000 2.00000000 2.00000000
- 3 2.00000000 3.00000000 3.00000000
- 4 2.00000000 4.00000000 4.00000000
- 5 2.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000
- 6 2.00000000 6.00000000 6.00000000
- 7 2.00000000 7.00000000 7.00000000
-For the axis projection of an image, the output displays the low and
-high image bins (both inclusive) used to generate the projection. For
-example, in the following example, 21 counts had their X bin value of
-2, etc.:
- [sh] funhist test.fits x 2:7
- # data file: /home/eric/data/test.fits
- # column: X
- # min,max,bins: 2 7 6
- bin value lo_bin hi_bin
- ------ --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
- 1 21.00000000 2.00000000 2.00000000
- 2 20.00000000 3.00000000 3.00000000
- 3 19.00000000 4.00000000 4.00000000
- 4 18.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000
- 5 17.00000000 6.00000000 6.00000000
- 6 16.00000000 7.00000000 7.00000000
- [sh] funhist test.fits x 2:7:2
- # data file: /home/eric/data/test.fits
- # column: X
- # min,max,bins: 2 7 2
- bin value lo_bin hi_bin
- ------ --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------
- 1 60.00000000 2.00000000 4.00000000
- 2 51.00000000 5.00000000 7.00000000
-You can use gnuplot or other plotting programs to graph the
-results, using a script such as:
- #!/bin/sh
- sed -e '1,/---- .*/d
- /^$/,$d' | \
- awk '\
- BEGIN{print "set nokey; set title \"funhist\"; set xlabel \"bin\"; set ylabel \"counts\"; plot \"-\" with boxes"} \
- {print $3, $2, $4-$3}' | \
- gnuplot -persist - 1>/dev/null 2>&1
-Similar plot commands are supplied in the script B<funhist.plot>:
- funhist test.ev pha ... | funhist.plot gnuplot
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index 37bb712..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funidx.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<Funidx: Using Indexes to Filter Rows in a Table>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document contains a summary of the user interface for
-filtering rows in binary tables with indexes.
-Funtools Table Filtering allows rows in a
-table to be selected based on the values of one or more columns in the
-row. Because the actual filter code is compiled on the fly, it is very
-efficient. However, for very large files (hundreds of Mb or larger),
-evaluating the filter expression on each row can take a long time. Therefore,
-funtools supports index files for columns, which are used automatically during
-filtering to reduce dramatically the number of row evaluations performed.
-The speed increase for indexed filtering can be an order of magnitude or
-more, depending on the size of the file.
-The funindex program creates an
-index on one or more columns in a binary table. For example, to create an index
-for the column pi in the file huge.fits, use:
- funindex huge.fits pi
-This will create an index named huge_pi.idx.
-When a filter expression is initialized for row evaluation, funtools
-looks for an index file for each column in the filter expression. If
-found, and if the file modification date of the index file is later
-than that of the data file, then the index will be used to reduce the
-number of rows that are evaluated in the filter. When
-Spatial Region Filtering is part of the
-expression, the columns associated with the region are checked for index
-If an index file is not available for a given column, then in general,
-all rows must be checked when that column is part of a filter
-expression. This is not true, however, when a non-indexed column is
-part of an AND expression. In this case, only the rows that pass the
-other part of the AND expression need to be checked. Thus, in some cases,
-filtering speed can increase significantly even if all columns are not
-Also note that certain types of filter expression syntax cannot make
-use of indices. For example, calling functions with column names as
-arguments implies that all rows must be checked against the function
-value. Once again, however, if this function is part of an AND
-expression, then a significant improvement in speed still is possible
-if the other part of the AND expression is indexed.
-For example, note below the dramatic speedup in searching a 1 Gb
-file using an AND filter, even when one of the columns (pha) has no
- time fundisp \
- huge.fits'[idx_activate=0,idx_debug=1,pha=2348&&cir 4000 4000 1]' \
- "x y pha"
- x y pha
- ---------- ----------- ----------
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 42.36u 13.07s 6:42.89 13.7%
- time fundisp \
- huge.fits'[idx_activate=1,idx_debug=1,pha=2348&&cir 4000 4000 1]' \
- "x y pha"
- x y pha
- ---------- ----------- ----------
- idxeq: [INDEF]
- idxand sort: x[ROW 8037025:8070128] y[ROW 5757665:5792352]
- idxand(1): INDEF [IDX_OR_SORT]
- idxall(1): [IDX_OR_SORT]
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 1.55u 0.37s 1:19.80 2.4%
-When all columns are indexed, the increase in speed can be even more dramatic:
- time fundisp \
- huge.fits'[idx_activate=0,idx_debug=1,pi=770&&cir 4000 4000 1]' \
- "x y pi"
- x y pi
- ---------- ----------- ----------
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 42.60u 12.63s 7:28.63 12.3%
- time fundisp \
- huge.fits'[idx_activate=1,idx_debug=1,pi=770&&cir 4000 4000 1]' \
- "x y pi"
- x y pi
- ---------- ----------- ----------
- idxeq: pi start=9473025,stop=9492240 => pi[ROW 9473025:9492240]
- idxand sort: x[ROW 8037025:8070128] y[ROW 5757665:5792352]
- idxor sort/merge: pi[ROW 9473025:9492240] [IDX_OR_SORT]
- idxmerge(5): [IDX_OR_SORT] pi[ROW]
- idxall(1): [IDX_OR_SORT]
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 1.67u 0.30s 0:24.76 7.9%
-The miracle of indexed filtering (and indeed, of any indexing) is the
-speed of the binary search on the index, which is of order log2(n)
-instead of n. (The funtools binary search method is taken from
-, to whom
-grateful acknowledgement is made.) This means that the larger the
-file, the better the performance. Conversely, it also means that for
-small files, using an index (and the overhead involved) can slow
-filtering down somewhat. Our tests indicate that on a file containing
-a few tens of thousands of rows, indexed filtering can be 10 to 20
-percent slower than non-indexed filtering. Of course, your mileage
-will vary with conditions (disk access speed, amount of available
-memory, process load, etc.)
-Any problem encountered during index processing will result in
-indexing being turned off, and replaced by filtering all rows. You can turn
-filtering off manually by setting the idx_activate variable to 0 (in a filter
-expression) or the FILTER_IDX_ACTIVATE environment variable to 0 (in the global
-environment). Debugging output showing how the indexes are being processed can
-be displayed to stderr by setting the idx_debug variable to 1 (in a filter
-expression) or the FILTER_IDX_DEBUG environment variable to 1 (in the global
-Currently, indexed filtering only works with FITS binary tables and raw
-event files. It does not work with text files. This restriction might be
-removed in a future release.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funimage.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funimage.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ec3f93..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funimage.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funimage - create a FITS image from a Funtools data file>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funimage [-a] <iname> <oname> [bitpix=n]
-funimage [-l] <iname> <oname> <xcol:xdims> <ycol:ydims> <vcol> [bitpix=n]
-funimage [-p x|y] <iname> <oname> [bitpix=n]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -a # append to existing output file as an image extension
- -l # input is a list file containing xcol, ycol, value
- -p [x|y] # project along x or y axis to create a 1D image
-B<funimage> creates a primary FITS image from the specified
-FITS Extension
-Image Section
-of a FITS file, or from an
-Image Section
-of a non-FITS array, or from a raw event file.
-The first argument to the program specifies the FITS input image,
-array, or raw event file to process. If "stdin" is specified, data are
-read from the standard input. Use Funtools
-Bracket Notation to specify FITS extensions, image sections, and
-filters. The second argument is the output FITS file. If "stdout" is
-specified, the FITS image is written to the standard output. By
-default, the output pixel values are of the same data type as those of the
-input file (or type "int" when binning a table), but this can be
-overridden using an optional third argument of the form:
- bitpix=n
-where n is 8,16,32,-32,-64, for unsigned char, short, int, float and double,
-If the input data are of type image, the appropriate section is
-extracted and blocked (based on how the
-Image Section is specified), and
-the result is written to the FITS primary image. When an integer
-image containing the BSCALE and BZERO keywords is converted to float,
-the pixel values are scaled and the scaling keywords are deleted from the
-output header. When converting integer scaled data to integer
-(possibly of a different size), the pixels are not scaled and the
-scaling keywords are retained.
-If the input data is a binary table or raw event file, these are
-binned into an image, from which a section is extracted and blocked,
-and written to a primary FITS image. In this case, it is necessary to
-specify the two columns that will be used in the 2D binning. This can
-be done on the command line using the B<bincols=(x,y)> keyword:
- funcnts "foo.ev[EVENTS,bincols=(detx,dety)]"
-The full form of the B<bincols=> specifier is:
- bincols=([xname[:tlmin[:tlmax:[binsiz]]]],[yname[:tlmin[:tlmax[:binsiz]]]])
-where the tlmin, tlmax, and binsiz specifiers determine the image binning
- dim = (tlmax - tlmin)/binsiz (floating point data)
- dim = (tlmax - tlmin)/binsiz + 1 (integer data)
-Using this syntax, it is possible to bin any two columns of a binary
-table at any bin size. Note that the tlmin, tlmax, and binsiz
-specifiers can be omitted if TLMIN, TLMAX, and TDBIN header parameters
-(respectively) are present in the FITS binary table header for the
-column in question. Note also that if only one parameter is specified,
-it is assumed to be tlmax, and tlmin defaults to 1. If two parameters
-are specified, they are assumed to be tlmin and tlmax.
-See Binning FITS Binary Tables and Non-FITS
-Event Files for more information about binning parameters.
-By default, a new 2D FITS image file is created and the image is written
-to the primary HDU. If the B<-a> (append) switch is specified,
-the image is appended to an existing FITS file as an IMAGE extension.
-(If the output file does not exist, the switch is effectively ignored
-and the image is written to the primary HDU.) This can be useful in a
-shell programming environment when processing multiple FITS images
-that you want to combine into a single final FITS file.
-B<funimage> also can take input from a table containing columns of
-x, y, and value (e.g., the output from B<fundisp -l> which
-displays each image x and y and the number of counts at that
-position.) When the B<-l> (list) switch is used, the input file is
-taken to be a FITS or ASCII table containing (at least) three columns
-that specify the x and y image coordinates and the value of that
-image pixel. In this case, B<funimage> requires four extra
-arguments: xcolumn:xdims, ycolumn:ydims, vcolumn and bitpix=n. The x
-and y col:dim information takes the form:
- name:dim # values range from 1 to dim
- name:min:max # values range from min to max
- name:min:max:binsiz # dimensions scaled by binsize
-In particular, the min value should be used whenever the
-minimum coordinate value is something other than one. For example:
- funimage -l foo.lst foo.fits xcol:0:512 ycol:0:512 value bitpix=-32
-The list feature also can be used to read unnamed columns from standard
-input: simply replace the column name with a null string. Note
-that the dimension information is still required:
- funimage -l stdin foo.fits "":0:512 "":0:512 "" bitpix=-32
- 240 250 1
- 255 256 2
- ...
- ^D
-The list feature provides a simple way to generate a blank image.
-If you pass a Column-based Text File
-to funimage in which the text header contains the required image
-information, then funimage will correctly make a blank image. For
-example, consider the following text file (called foo.txt):
- x:I:1:10 y:I:1:10
- ------ ------
- 0 0
-This text file defines two columns, x and y, each of data type 32-bit int and
-image dimension 10. The command:
- funimage foo.txt foo.fits bitpix=8
-will create an empty FITS image called foo.fits containing a 10x10
-image of unsigned char:
- fundisp foo.fits
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
- 10: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 9: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 8: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 6: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 3: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 1: 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-Note that the text file must contain at least
-one row of data. However, in the present example, event position 0,0 is
-outside the limits of the image and will be ignored. (You can, of course,
-use real x,y values to seed the image with data.)
-Furthermore, you can use the TEXT filter specification to obviate the need for
-an input text file altogether. The following command will create the same
-10x10 char image without an actual input file:
- funimage stdin'[TEXT(x:I:10,y:I:10)]' foo.fits bitpix=8 < /dev/null
- funimage /dev/null'[TEXT(x:I:10,y:I:10)]' foo.fits bitpix=8
-You also can use either of these methods to generate a region mask simply
-by appending a region inside the filter brackets and specfying B<mask=all>
-along with the bitpix. For example, the following command will generate a
-10x10 char mask using 3 regions:
- funimage stdin'[TEXT(x:I:10,y:I:10),cir(5,5,4),point(10,1),-cir(5,5,2)]' \
- foo.fits bitpix=8,mask=all < /dev/null
-The resulting mask looks like this:
- fundisp foo.fits
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
- 10: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 9: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 8: 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
- 7: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
- 6: 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
- 5: 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
- 4: 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0
- 3: 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
- 2: 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
- 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
-You can use B<funimage> to create 1D image projections along the x
-or y axis using the B<-p [x|y]> switch. This capability works for
-both images and tables. For example consider a FITS table named ev.fits
-containing the following rows:
- X Y
- -------- --------
- 1 1
- 1 2
- 1 3
- 1 4
- 1 5
- 2 2
- 2 3
- 2 4
- 2 5
- 3 3
- 3 4
- 3 5
- 4 4
- 4 5
- 5 5
-A corresponding 5x5 image, called dim2.fits, would therefore contain:
- 1 2 3 4 5
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- 5: 1 1 1 1 1
- 4: 1 1 1 1 0
- 3: 1 1 1 0 0
- 2: 1 1 0 0 0
- 1: 1 0 0 0 0
-A projection along the y axis can be performed on either the table or
-the image:
- funimage -p y ev.fits stdout | fundisp stdin
- 1 2 3 4 5
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- 1: 1 2 3 4 5
- funimage -p y dim2.fits stdout | fundisp stdin
- 1 2 3 4 5
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- 1: 1 2 3 4 5
-Furthermore, you can create a 1D image projection along any column of
-a table by using the B<bincols=[column]> filter specification and
-specifying a single column. For example, the following command
-projects the same 1D image along the y axis of a table as use of
-the B<-p y> switch:
- funimage ev.fits'[bincols=y]' stdout | fundisp stdin
- 1 2 3 4 5
- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
- 1: 1 2 3 4 5
-Create a FITS image from a FITS binary table:
- [sh] funimage test.ev test.fits
-Display the FITS image generated from a blocked section of FITS binary table:
- [sh] funimage "test.ev[2:8,3:7,2]" stdout | fundisp stdin
- 1 2 3
- --------- --------- ---------
- 1: 20 28 36
- 2: 28 36 44
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funimageget.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funimageget.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index a569bba..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funimageget.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunImageGet - get an image or image section>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- void *FunImageGet(Fun fun, void *buf, char *plist)
-The B<FunImageGet()> routine returns an binned image array of the
-specified section of a Funtools data file. If the input data are
-already of type image, the array is generated by extracting the
-specified image section and then binning it according to the specified
-bin factor. If the input data are contained in a binary table or raw
-event file, the rows are binned on the columns specified by the
-B<bincols=> keyword (using appropriate default columns as
-necessary), after which the image section and bin factors are
-applied. In both cases, the data is automatically converted from FITS
-to native format, if necessary.
-The first argument is the Funtools handle returned by
-FunOpen(). The second B<buf>
-argument is a pointer to a data buffer to fill. If NULL is specified,
-FunImageGet will allocate a buffer of the appropriate size. Generally
-speaking, you always want Funtools to allocate the buffer because
-the image dimensions will be determined by
-Funtools image sectioning
-on the command line.
-The third B<plist> (i.e., parameter list) argument is a string
-containing one or more comma-delimited B<keyword=value>
-parameters. It can be used to specify the return data type using the
-B<bitpix=> keyword. If no such keyword is specified in the plist
-string, the data type of the returned image is the same as the data type
-of the original input file, or is of type int for FITS binary tables.
-If the B<bitpix=> keyword is supplied in the plist string, the data
-type of the returned image will be one of the supported FITS image
-data types:
-=over 4
-=item *
-8 unsigned char
-=item *
-16 short
-=item *
-32 int
-=item *
--32 float
-=item *
--64 double
-For example:
- void *buf;
- /* extract data section into an image buffer */
- if( !(buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, NULL)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunImageGet: %s\n", iname);
-will allocate buf and retrieve the image in the file data format. In
-this case, you will have to determine the data type (using the
-FUN_SECT_BITPIX value in the
-and then use a switch statement to process each data type:
- int bitpix;
- void *buf;
- unsigned char *cbuf;
- short *sbuf;
- int *ibuf;
- ...
- buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, NULL);
- FunInfoGet(fun, FUN_SECT_BITPIX, &bitpix, 0);
- /* set appropriate data type buffer to point to image buffer */
- switch(bitpix){
- case 8:
- cbuf = (unsigned char *)buf; break;
- case 16:
- sbuf = (short *)buf; break;
- case 32:
- ibuf = (int *)buf; break;
- ...
-See the
-imblank example code
-for more details on how to process an image when the data type is not
-specified beforehand.
-It often is easier to specify the data type directly:
- double *buf;
- /* extract data section into a double image buffer */
- if( !(buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, "bitpix=-64")) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunImageGet: %s\n", iname);
-will extract the image while converting to type double.
-On success, a pointer to the image buffer is returned. (This will be
-the same as the second argument, if NULL is not passed to the latter.)
-On error, NULL is returned.
-In summary, to retrieve image or row data into a binned image, you simply
-call FunOpen() followed by
-FunImageGet(). Generally, you
-then will want to call
-to retrieve the
-axis dimensions (and data type) of the section you are processing
-(so as to take account of sectioning and blocking of the original data):
- double *buf;
- int i, j;
- int dim1, dim2;
- ... other declarations, etc.
- /* open the input FITS file */
- if( !(fun = FunOpen(argv[1], "rc", NULL)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen input file: %s\n", argv[1]);
- /* extract and bin the data section into a double float image buffer */
- if( !(buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, "bitpix=-64")) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunImageGet: %s\n", argv[1]);
- /* get dimension information from funtools structure */
- FunInfoGet(fun, FUN_SECT_DIM1, &dim1, FUN_SECT_DIM2, &dim2, 0);
- /* loop through pixels and reset values below limit to value */
- for(i=0; i<dim1*dim2; i++){
- if( buf[i] <= blimit ) buf[i] = bvalue;
- }
-Another useful plist string value is "mask=all", which returns an
-image populated with regions id values. Image pixels within a region
-will contain the associated region id (region values start at 1), and
-otherwise will contain a 0 value. Thus, the returned image is a
-region mask which can be used to process the image data (which
-presumably is retrieved by a separate call to FunImageGet) pixel by
-If a FITS binary table or a non-FITS raw event file is being binned
-into an image, it is necessary to specify the two columns that will be
-used in the 2D binning. This usually is done on the command line
-using the B<bincols=(x,y)> keyword:
- funcnts "foo.ev[EVENTS,bincols=(detx,dety)]"
-The full form of the B<bincols=> specifier is:
- bincols=([xname[:tlmin[:tlmax:[binsiz]]]],[yname[:tlmin[:tlmax[:binsiz]]]])
-where the tlmin, tlmax, and binsiz specifiers determine the image binning
- dim = (tlmax - tlmin)/binsiz (floating point data)
- dim = (tlmax - tlmin)/binsiz + 1 (integer data)
-These tlmin, tlmax, and binsiz specifiers can be omitted if TLMIN,
-TLMAX, and TDBIN header parameters (respectively) are present in the
-FITS binary table header for the column in question. Note that if
-only one parameter is specified, it is assumed to be tlmax, and tlmin
-defaults to 1. If two parameters are specified, they are assumed to be
-tlmin and tlmax.
-If B<bincols> is not specified on the command line, Funtools tries
-to use appropriate defaults: it looks for the environment variable
-FITS_BINCOLS (or FITS_BINKEY). Then it looks for the Chandra
-parameters CPREF (or PREFX) in the FITS binary table header. Failing
-this, it looks for columns named "X" and "Y" and if these are not
-found, it looks for columns containing the characters "X" and "Y".
-See Binning FITS Binary Tables and
-Non-FITS Event Files for more information.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funimageput.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funimageput.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 60eea7d..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funimageput.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunImagePut - put an image to a Funtools file>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- int FunImagePut(Fun fun, void *buf, int dim1, int dim2, int bitpix,
- char *plist)
-The B<FunImagePut()> routine outputs an image array to a FITS
-file. The image is written either as a primary header/data unit or as
-an image extension, depending on whether other data have already been
-written to the file. That is, if the current file position is at the
-beginning of the file, a primary HDU is written. Otherwise, an
-image extension is written.
-The first argument is the Funtools handle returned by
-FunOpen(). The second B<buf>
-argument is a pointer to a data buffer to write. The B<dim1>and
-B<dim2> arguments that follow specify the dimensions of the image,
-where dim1 corresponds to naxis1 and dim2 corresponds to naxis2. The
-B<bitpix> argument specifies the data type of the image and can
-have the following FITS-standard values:
-=over 4
-=item *
-8 unsigned char
-=item *
-16 short
-=item *
-32 int
-=item *
--32 float
-=item *
--64 double
-When FunTableRowPut() is first
-called for a given image, Funtools checks to see if the primary header
-has already been written (by having previously written an image or a
-binary table.) If not, this image is written to the primary HDU.
-Otherwise, it is written to an image extension.
-Thus, a simple program to generate a FITS image might look like this:
- int i;
- int dim1=512, dim2=512;
- double *dbuf;
- Fun fun;
- dbuf = malloc(dim1*dim2*sizeof(double));
- /* open the output FITS image, preparing to copy input params */
- if( !(fun = FunOpen(argv[1], "w", NULL)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen output file: %s\n", argv[1]);
- for(i=0; i<(dim1*dim2); i++){
- ... fill dbuf ...
- }
- /* put the image (header will be generated automatically */
- if( !FunImagePut(fun, buf, dim1, dim2, -64, NULL) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunImagePut: %s\n", argv[1]);
- FunClose(fun);
- free(dbuf);
-In addition, if a
-Funtools reference handle
-was specified when this table was opened, the
-parameters from this
-Funtools reference handle
-are merged into the new image
-header. Furthermore, if a reference image was specified during
-FunOpen(), the values of
-B<dim1>, B<dim2>, and B<bitpix> in the calling sequence
-can all be set to 0. In this case, default values are taken from the
-reference image section. This is useful if you are reading an image
-section in its native data format, processing it, and then writing
-that section to a new FITS file. See the
-imblank example code.
-The data are assumed to be in the native machine format and will
-automatically be swapped to FITS big-endian format if necessary. This
-behavior can be over-ridden with the B<convert=[true|false]>
-keyword in the B<plist> param list string.
-When you are finished writing the image, you should call
-FunFlush() to write out the FITS
-image padding. However, this is not necessary if you subsequently call
-FunClose() without doing any other I/O to the FITS file.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index 91c776a..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunImageRowGet - get row(s) of an image>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- void *FunImageRowGet(Fun fun, void *buf, int rstart, int rstop,
- char *plist)
-The B<FunImageRowGet()> routine returns one or more image rows
-from the specified section of a Funtools data file. If the input data
-are of type image, the array is generated by extracting the specified
-image rows and then binning them according to the specified bin
-factor. If the input data are contained in a binary table or raw
-event file, the rows are binned on the columns specified by the
-B<bincols=> keyword (using appropriate default columns as needed),
-after which the image section and bin factors are applied.
-The first argument is the Funtools handle returned by
-FunOpen(). The second B<buf>
-argument is a pointer to a data buffer to fill. If NULL is specified,
-FunImageGet() will allocate a buffer of the appropriate size.
-The third and fourth arguments specify the first and last row to
-retrieve. Rows are counted starting from 1, up to the value of
-FUN_YMAX(fun). The final B<plist> (i.e., parameter list) argument
-is a string containing one or more comma-delimited
-B<keyword=value> parameters. It can be used to specify the return
-data type using the B<bitpix=> keyword. If no such keyword is
-specified in the plist string, the data type of the image is the same
-as the data type of the original input file, or is of type int for
-FITS binary tables.
-If the B<bitpix=>value is supplied in the plist string, the data
-type of the returned image will be one of the supported FITS image
-data types:
-=over 4
-=item *
-8 unsigned char
-=item *
-16 short
-=item *
-32 int
-=item *
--32 float
-=item *
--64 double
-For example:
- double *drow;
- Fun fun;
- ... open files ...
- /* get section dimensions */
- FunInfoGet(fun, FUN_SECT_DIM1, &dim1, FUN_SECT_DIM2, &dim2, 0);
- /* allocate one line's worth */
- drow = malloc(dim1*sizeof(double));
- /* retrieve and process each input row (starting at 1) */
- for(i=1; i <= dim2; i++){
- if( !FunImageRowGet(fun, drow, i, i, "bitpix=-64") )
- gerror(stderr, "can't FunImageRowGet: %d %s\n", i, iname);
- /* reverse the line */
- for(j=1; j<=dim1; j++){
- ... process drow[j-1] ...
- }
- }
- ...
-On success, a pointer to the image buffer is returned. (This will be
-the same as the second argument, if NULL is not passed to the latter.)
-On error, NULL is returned. Note that the considerations described
-above for specifying binning columns in
-FunImageGet() also apply to
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index 2ff05cc..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunImageRowPut - put row(s) of an image>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- void *FunImageRowPut(Fun fun, void *buf, int rstart, int rstop,
- int dim1, int dim2, int bitpix, char *plist)
-The B<FunImageRowPut()> routine writes one or more image rows to
-the specified FITS image file. The first argument is the Funtools
-handle returned by FunOpen().
-The second B<buf> argument is a pointer to the row data buffer,
-while the third and fourth arguments specify the starting and ending
-rows to write. Valid rows values range from 1 to dim2, i.e., row is
-The B<dim1>and B<dim2> arguments that follow specify the
-dimensions, where dim1 corresponds to naxis1 and dim2 corresponds to
-naxis2. The B<bitpix> argument data type of the image and can
-have the following FITS-standard values:
-=over 4
-=item *
-8 unsigned char
-=item *
-16 short
-=item *
-32 int
-=item *
--32 float
-=item *
--64 double
-For example:
- double *drow;
- Fun fun, fun2;
- ... open files ...
- /* get section dimensions */
- FunInfoGet(fun, FUN_SECT_DIM1, &dim1, FUN_SECT_DIM2, &dim2, 0);
- /* allocate one line's worth */
- drow = malloc(dim1*sizeof(double));
- /* retrieve and process each input row (starting at 1) */
- for(i=1; i <= dim2; i++){
- if( !FunImageRowGet(fun, drow, i, i, "bitpix=-64") )
- gerror(stderr, "can't FunImageRowGet: %d %s\n", i, iname);
- ... process drow ...
- if( !FunImageRowPut(fun2, drow, i, i, 64, NULL) )
- gerror(stderr, "can't FunImageRowPut: %d %s\n", i, oname);
- }
- ...
-The data are assumed to be in the native machine format and will
-automatically be swapped to big-endian FITS format if necessary. This
-behavior can be over-ridden with the B<convert=[true|false]>
-keyword in the B<plist> param list string.
-When you are finished writing the image, you should call
-FunFlush() to write out the FITS
-image padding. However, this is not necessary if you subsequently call
-FunClose() without doing any other I/O to the FITS file.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funindex.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funindex.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc2fc7..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funindex.pod
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@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funindex - create an index for a column of a FITS binary table>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funindex <switches> <iname> <key> [oname]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- NB: these options are not compatible with Funtools processing. Please
- use the defaults instead.
- -c # compress output using gzip"
- -a # ASCII output, ignore -c (default: FITS table)"
- -f # FITS table output (default: FITS table)"
- -l # long output, i.e. with key value(s) (default: long)"
- -s # short output, i.e. no key value(s) (default: long)"
-The funindex script creates an index for the specified column (key) by
-running funtable -s (sort) and then saving the column value and the
-record number for each sorted row. This index will be used automatically
- by funtools filtering of that column, provided the index file's modification
-date is later than that of the data file.
-The first required argument is the name of the FITS binary table
-to index. Please note that text files cannot be indexed at this time.
-The second required argument is the column (key) name to index. While
-multiple keys can be specified in principle, the funtools index processing
-assume a single key and will not recognize files containing multiple keys.
-By default, the output index file name is [root]_[key].idx, where [root]
-is the root of the input file. Funtools looks for this specific file name
-when deciding whether to use an index for faster filtering. Therefore, the
-optional third argument (output file name) should not be used for funtools
-For example, to create an index on column Y for a given FITS file, use:
- funindex foo.fits Y
-This will generate an index named foo_y.idx, which will be used by funtools
-for filters involving the Y column.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index e4cabaa..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-=head1 NAME
-B<Funindexes: Using Indexes to Filtering Rows in a Table>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document contains a summary of the user interface for
-filtering rows in binary tables with indexes.
-Funtools Table Filtering allows rows in a
-table to be selected based on the values of one or more columns in the
-row. Because the actual filter code is compiled on the fly, it is very
-efficient. For very large files (hundreds of Mb or larger), however,
-evaluating the filter expression on each row can take a long time. Therefore,
-funtools supports index files for columns, which are used automatically during
-filtering to reduce dramatically the number of row evaluations performed.
-The speed increase for indexed filtering can be an order of magnitude or
-more, depending on the size of the file.
-The funindex program creates a
-index on column in a binary table. For example, to create an index
-for the column pi in the file huge.fits, use:
- funindex huge.fits pi
-This will create an index named huge_pi.idx.
-When a filter expression is initialized for row evaluation, funtools
-looks for an index file for each column in the filter expression. If
-found, and if the file modification date of the index file is later
-than that of the data file, then the index will be used to reduce the
-number of rows that are evaluated in the filter. When <A
-HREF="./regions.html">Spatial Region Filtering is part of the
-expression, the columns associated with the region checked for index
-If an index file is not available for a given column, then in general,
-all rows must be checked when that column is part of a filter
-expression. This is not true, however, when a non-indexed column is
-part of an AND expression. In this case, only the rows that pass the
-other part of the AND expression need to be checked. Thus, in some cases,
-filtering speed can increase significantly even if all columns are not
-Also note that certain types of filter expression syntax cannot make
-use of indices. For example, calling functions with column names as
-arguments implies that all rows must be checked against the function
-value. Once again, however, if this function is part of an AND
-expression, then a significant improvement in speed still is possible
-if the other part of the AND expression is indexed.
-As an example, note below the dramatic speedup in searching a 1 Gb
-file using an AND filter, even when one of the columns (pha) has no
-bynars-16: time fundisp huge.fits'[idx_use=0,idx_debug=1,pha=2348&&cir 4000 4000 1]' "x y pha"
- x y pha
------------ ----------- ----------
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
-42.36u 13.07s 6:42.89 13.7%
-bynars-17: time fundisp huge.fits'[idx_use=1,idx_debug=1,pha=2348&&cir 4000 4000 1]' "x y pha"
- x y pha
------------ ----------- ----------
-idxeq: [INDEF]
-idxand sort: x[ROW 8037025:8070128] y[ROW 5757665:5792352]
-idxand(1): INDEF [IDX_OR_SORT]
-idxall(1): [IDX_OR_SORT]
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
- 3999.48 4000.47 2348
-1.55u 0.37s 1:19.80 2.4%
-When all columns are indexed, the increase in speed can be even more dramatic:
-bynars-20: time fundisp huge.fits'[idx_use=0,idx_debug=1,pi=770&&cir 4000 4000 1]' "x y pi"
- x y pi
------------ ----------- ----------
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
-42.60u 12.63s 7:28.63 12.3%
-bynars-21: time fundisp huge.fits'[idx_use=1,idx_debug=1,pi=770&&cir 4000 4000 1]' "x y pi"
- x y pi
------------ ----------- ----------
-idxeq: pi start=9473025,stop=9492240 => pi[ROW 9473025:9492240]
-idxand sort: x[ROW 8037025:8070128] y[ROW 5757665:5792352]
-idxor sort/merge: pi[ROW 9473025:9492240] [IDX_OR_SORT]
-idxmerge(5): [IDX_OR_SORT] pi[ROW]
-idxall(1): [IDX_OR_SORT]
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
- 3999.48 4000.47 770
-1.67u 0.30s 0:24.76 7.9%
-The miracle of indexed filtering (and indeed, of any indexing) is due
-to the speed of the binary search on the index, which is of order
-log2(n) instead of n. (The funtools binary search method is taken from
-, to whom
-grateful acknowledgement is made.) This means that the larger the
-file, the better the performance. Conversely, it also means that
-for small files, using an index (and the overhead involved) can slow
-filtering down somewhat. Our tests indicate that on a file containing
-a few tens of thousands of rows, indexed filtering can be 10-20
-percent slower. Of course, your mileage will vary with conditions
-(disk access speed, amount of available memory, process load, etc.)
-Any problem encountered during index processing is supposed to result in
-indexing being turned off, replaced by filtering all rows. You can turn
-filtering off manually by setting the idx_use variable to 0 (in a filter
-expression) or the FILTER_IDX_USE environment variable to 0 (in the global
-environment). Debugging output showing how the indexes are being processed can
-be displayed to stderr by setting the idx_debug variable to 1 (in a filter
-expression) or the FILTER_IDX_DEBUG environment variable to 1 (in the global
-Currently, indexed filtering only works with FITS binary tables and raw
-event files. It does not work with text files. This restriction might be
-removed in a future release.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funinfoget.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funinfoget.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 456ac0c..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funinfoget.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunInfoGet - get information from Funtools struct>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- int FunInfoGet(Fun fun, int type, char *addr, ...)
-The B<FunInfoGet()> routine returns information culled from the
-Funtools structure. The first argument is the Fun handle from which
-information is to be retrieved. This first required argument is followed
-by a variable length list of pairs of arguments. Each pair consists
-of an integer representing the type of information to retrieve and the
-address where the information is to be stored. The list is terminated by a 0.
-The routine returns the number of get actions performed.
-The full list of available information is described below. Please note
-that only a few of these will be useful to most application developers.
-For imaging applications, the most important types are:
- FUN_SECT_DIM1 int /* dim1 for section */
- FUN_SECT_DIM2 int /* dim2 for section */
- FUN_SECT_BITPIX int /* bitpix for section */
-These would be used to determine the dimensions and data type of image
-data retrieved using the
-FunImageGet() routine. For
- /* extract and bin the data section into an image buffer */
- buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, NULL);
- /* get required information from funtools structure.
- this should come after the FunImageGet() call, in case the call
- changed sect_bitpix */
- FunInfoGet(fun,
- FUN_SECT_BITPIX, &bitpix,
- FUN_SECT_DIM1, &dim1,
- FUN_SECT_DIM2, &dim2,
- 0);
- /* loop through pixels and reset values below limit to value */
- for(i=0; i<dim1*dim2; i++){
- switch(bitpix){
- case 8:
- if( cbuf[i] <= blimit ) cbuf[i] = bvalue;
- ...
- }
-It is important to bear in mind that the call to
-can change the value of FUN_SECT_BITPIX (e.g. if "bitpix=n" is passed
-in the param list). Therefore, a call to
-should be made B<after> the call to
-in order to retrieve the updated bitpix value.
-See the imblank example code for more
-It also can be useful to retrieve the World Coordinate System
-information from the Funtools structure. Funtools uses the the WCS
-Library developed by Doug Mink at SAO, which is available
-(More information about the WCSTools project in general can be found
-The FunOpen() routine initializes
-two WCS structures that can be used with this WCS Library.
-Applications can retrieve either of these two WCS structures using
- FUN_WCS struct WorldCoor * /* wcs structure, for image coordinates*/
- FUN_WCS0 struct WorldCoor * /* wcs structure, for physical coordinates */
-The structure retrieved by FUN_WCS is a WCS library handle containing
-parameters suitable for use with image coordinates, regardless of whether the
-data are images or tables. For this structure, the WCS reference point
-(CRPIX) has been converted to image coordinates if the underlying file
-is a table (and therefore in physical coordinates). You therefore must
-ensure that the positions being passed to a routine like pix2wcs are in
-image coordinates. The FUN_WCS0 structure has not had its WCS
-reference point converted to image coordinates. It therefore is useful
-when passing processing physical coordinates from a table.
-Once a WCS structure has been retrieved, it can be used as the first
-argument to the WCS library routines. (If the structure is NULL, no
-WCS information was contained in the file.) The two important WCS routines
-that Funtools uses are:
- #include <wcs.h&gt
- void pix2wcs (wcs,xpix,ypix,xpos,ypos)
- struct WorldCoor *wcs; /* World coordinate system structure */
- double xpix,ypix; /* x and y coordinates in pixels */
- double *xpos,*ypos; /* RA and Dec in degrees (returned) */
-which converts pixel coordinates to sky coordinates, and:
- void wcs2pix (wcs, xpos, ypos, xpix, ypix, offscl)
- struct WorldCoor *wcs; /* World coordinate system structure */
- double xpos,ypos; /* World coordinates in degrees */
- double *xpix,*ypix; /* coordinates in pixels */
- int *offscl; /* 0 if within bounds, else off scale */
-which converts sky coordinates to pixel coordinates. Again, please note
-that the wcs structure returned by FUN_WCS assumes that image coordinates
-are passed to the pix2wcs routine, while FUN_WCS0 assumes that physical
-coordinates are passed.
-Note that funtools.h file automatically includes wcs.h. An example
-program that utilizes these WCS structure to call WCS Library routines
-is twcs.c.
-The following is the complete list of information that can be returned:
- name type comment
- --------- -------- ---------------------------------------------
- FUN_FNAME char * /* file name */
- FUN_GIO GIO /* gio handle */
- FUN_HEADER FITSHead /* fitsy header struct */
- FUN_BITPIX int /* bits/pixel in file */
- FUN_MIN1 int /* tlmin of axis1 -- tables */
- FUN_MAX1 int /* tlmax of axis1 -- tables */
- FUN_MIN2 int /* tlmin of axis2 -- tables */
- FUN_MAX2 int /* tlmax of axis2 -- tables */
- FUN_DIM1 int /* dimension of axis1 */
- FUN_DIM2 int /* dimension of axis2 */
- FUN_ENDIAN int /* 0=little, 1=big endian */
- FUN_FILTER char * /* supplied filter */
- FUN_IFUN FITSHead /* pointer to reference header */
- FUN_IFUN0 FITSHead /* same as above, but no reset performed */
- /* image information */
- FUN_DTYPE int /* data type for images */
- FUN_DLEN int /* length of image in bytes */
- FUN_DPAD int /* padding to end of extension */
- FUN_DOBLANK int /* was blank keyword defined? */
- FUN_BLANK int /* value for blank */
- FUN_SCALED int /* was bscale/bzero defined? */
- FUN_BSCALE double /* bscale value */
- FUN_BZERO double /* bzero value */
- /* table information */
- FUN_NROWS int /* number of rows in file (naxis2) */
- FUN_ROWSIZE int /* size of user row struct */
- FUN_BINCOLS char * /* specified binning columns */
- FUN_OVERFLOW int /* overflow detected during binning? */
- /* array information */
- FUN_SKIP int /* bytes to skip in array header */
- /* section information */
- FUN_SECT_X0 int /* low dim1 value of section */
- FUN_SECT_X1 int /* hi dim1 value of section */
- FUN_SECT_Y0 int /* low dim2 value of section */
- FUN_SECT_Y1 int /* hi dim2 value of section */
- FUN_SECT_BLOCK int /* section block factor */
- FUN_SECT_BTYPE int /* 's' (sum), 'a' (average) for binning */
- FUN_SECT_DIM1 int /* dim1 for section */
- FUN_SECT_DIM2 int /* dim2 for section */
- FUN_SECT_BITPIX int /* bitpix for section */
- FUN_SECT_DTYPE int /* data type for section */
- FUN_RAWBUF char * /* pointer to raw row buffer */
- FUN_RAWSIZE int /* byte size of raw row records */
- /* column information */
- FUN_NCOL int /* number of row columns defined */
- FUN_COLS FunCol /* array of row columns */
- /* WCS information */
- FUN_WCS struct WorldCoor * /* wcs structure, converted for images*/
- FUN_WCS0 struct WorldCoor * /* wcs structure, not converted */
-Row applications would not normally need any of this information.
-An example of how these values can be used in more complex programs is
-the evnext example code. In this program, the
-time value for each row is changed to be the value of the succeeding
-row. The program thus reads the time values for a batch of rows,
-changes the time values to be the value for the succeeding row, and
-then merges these changed time values back with the other columns to
-the output file. It then reads the next batch, etc.
-This does not work for the last row read in each batch, since there
-is no succeeding row until the next batch is read. Therefore, the
-program saves that last row until it has read the next batch, then
-processes the former before starting on the new batch. In order to
-merge the last row successfully, the code uses FUN_RAWBUF to save
-and restore the raw input data associated with each batch of
-rows. Clearly, this requires some information about how funtools
-works internally. We are happy to help you write such programs as the
-need arises.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5124dfc..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunInfoPut - put information into a Funtools struct>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- int FunInfoPut(Fun fun, int type, char *addr, ...)
-The B<FunInfoPut()> routine puts information into a Funtools
-structure. The first argument is the Fun handle from which
-information is to be retrieved. After this first required argument
-comes a variable length list of pairs of arguments. Each pair consists
-of an integer representing the type of information to store and the
-address of the new information to store in the struct. The variable
-list is terminated by a 0. The routine returns the number of put
-actions performed.
-The full list of available information is described above with the
-FunInfoPut() routine. Although
-use of this routine is expected to be uncommon, there is one
-important situation in which it plays an essential part: writing
-multiple extensions to a single output file.
-For input, multiple extensions are handled by calling
-FunOpen() for each extension to be
-processed. When opening multiple inputs, it sometimes is the case that
-you will want to process them and then write them (including their
-header parameters) to a single output file. To accomplish this, you
-open successive input extensions using
-FunOpen() and then call
-B<FunInfoPut()> to set the
-Funtools reference handle
-of the output file to that of the newly opened input extension:
- /* open a new input extension */
- ifun=FunOpen(tbuf, "r", NULL)) )
- /* make the new extension the reference handle for the output file */
- FunInfoPut(ofun, FUN_IFUN, &ifun, 0);
-Resetting FUN_IFUN has same effect as when a funtools handle is passed
-as the final argument to
-FunOpen(). The state of the output
-file is reset so that a new extension is ready to be written.
-Thus, the next I/O call on the output extension will output the
-header, as expected.
-For example, in a binary table, after resetting FUN_IFUN you can then
-call FunColumnSelect() to
-select the columns for output. When you then call
-FunImagePut() or <A
-HREF="./library.html#funtablerowput">FunTableRowPut(), a new
-extension will be written that contains the header parameters from the
-reference extension. Remember to call
-FunFlush() to complete output of a
-given extension.
-A complete example of this capability is given
-in the evcol example code.
-The central algorithm is:
-=over 4
-=item *
-open the output file without a reference handle
-=item *
-loop: open each input extension in turn
-=over 4
-=item *
-set the reference handle for output to the newly opened input extension
-=item *
-read the input rows or image and perform processing
-=item *
-write new rows or image to the output file
-=item *
-flush the output
-=item *
-close input extension
-=item *
-close output file
-Note that FunFlush() is called
-after processing each input extension in order to ensure that the
-proper padding is written to the output file. A call to
-FunFlush() also ensures that the
-extension header is written to the output file in the case where there
-are no rows to output.
-If you wish to output a new extension without using a
-Funtools reference handle, you can
-call FunInfoPut() to reset the FUN_OPS value directly. For a binary
-table, you would then call FunColumnSelect() to set up the columns for
-this new extension.
- /* reset the operations performed on this handle */
- int ops=0;
- FunInfoPut(ofun, FUN_OPS, &ops, 0);
- FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
- "MYCOL", "J", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, mycol),
- NULL);
-Once the FUN_OPS variable has been reset, the next I/O call on the
-output extension will output the header, as expected.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index d7830f9..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funjoin.pod
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-=head1 NAME
-B<funjoin - join two or more FITS binary tables on specified columns>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funjoin [switches] <ifile1> <ifile2> ... <ifilen> <ofile>
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -a cols # columns to activate in all files
- -a1 cols ... an cols # columns to activate in each file
- -b 'c1:bvl,c2:bv2' # blank values for common columns in all files
- -bn 'c1:bv1,c2:bv2' # blank values for columns in specific files
- -j col # column to join in all files
- -j1 col ... jn col # column to join in each file
- -m min # min matches to output a row
- -M max # max matches to output a row
- -s # add 'jfiles' status column
- -S col # add col as status column
- -t tol # tolerance for joining numeric cols [2 files only]
-B<funjoin> joins rows from two or more (up to 32)
-FITS Binary Table files, based on the values
-of specified join columns in each file. NB: the join columns must have
-an index file associated with it. These files are generated using the
-B<funindex> program.
-The first argument to the program specifies the first input FITS table
-or raw event file. If "stdin" is specified, data are read from the
-standard input. Subsequent arguments specify additional event files
-and tables to join. The last argument is the output FITS file.
-NB: Do B<not> use Funtools Bracket
-Notation to specify FITS extensions and row filters when running
-funjoin or you will get wrong results. Rows are accessed and joined
-using the index files directly, and this bypasses all filtering.
-The join columns are specified using the B<-j col> switch (which
-specifies a column name to use for all files) or with B<-j1 col1>,
-B<-j2 col2>, ... B<-jn coln> switches (which specify a column
-name to use for each file). A join column must be specified for each file.
-If both B<-j col> and B<-jn coln> are specified for a given
-file, then the latter is used. Join columns must either be of type
-string or type numeric; it is illegal to mix numeric and string
-columns in a given join. For example, to join three files using the
-same key column for each file, use:
- funjoin -j key in1.fits in2.fits in3.fits out.fits
-A different key can be specified for the third file in this way:
- funjoin -j key -j3 otherkey in1.fits in2.fits in3.fits out.fits
-The B<-a "cols"> switch (and B<-a1 "col1">,
-B<-a2 "cols2"> counterparts) can be used to specify columns to
-activate (i.e. write to the output file) for each input file. By
-default, all columns are output.
-If two or more columns from separate files have the same name, the
-second (and subsequent) columns are renamed to have an underscore
-and a numeric value appended.
-The B<-m min> and B<-M max> switches specify the minimum
-and maximum number of joins required to write out a row. The default
-minimum is 0 joins (i.e. all rows are written out) and the default maximum
-is 63 (the maximum number of possible joins with a limit of 32 input files).
-For example, to write out only those rows in which exactly two files
-have columns that match (i.e. one join):
- funjoin -j key -m 1 -M 1 in1.fits in2.fits in3.fits ... out.fits
-A given row can have the requisite number of joins without all of the
-files being joined (e.g. three files are being joined but only two
-have a given join key value). In this case, all of the columns of the
-non-joined file are written out, by default, using blanks (zeros or NULLs).
-The B<-b c1:bv1,c2:bv2> and
-B<-b1 'c1:bv1,c2:bv2' -b2 'c1:bv1,c2:bv2' ...>
-switches can be used to set the blank value for columns common to all
-files and/or columns in a specified file, respectively. Each blank value
-string contains a comma-separated list of column:blank_val specifiers.
-For floating point values (single or double), a case-insensitive string
-value of "nan" means that the IEEE NaN (not-a-number) should be
-used. Thus, for example:
- funjoin -b "AKEY:???" -b1 "A:-1" -b3 "G:NaN,E:-1,F:-100" ...
-means that a non-joined AKEY column in any file will contain the
-string "???", the non-joined A column of file 1 will contain a value
-of -1, the non-joined G column of file 3 will contain IEEE NaNs, while
-the non-joined E and F columns of the same file will contain values -1
-and -100, respectively. Of course, where common and specific blank values
-are specified for the same column, the specific blank value is used.
-To distinguish which files are non-blank components of a given row,
-the B<-s> (status) switch can be used to add a bitmask column named
-"JFILES" to the output file. In this column, a bit is set for each
-non-blank file composing the given row, with bit 0 corresponds to the
-first file, bit 1 to the second file, and so on. The file names
-themselves are stored in the FITS header as parameters named JFILE1,
-JFILE2, etc. The B<-S col> switch allows you to change the name
-of the status column from the default "JFILES".
-A join between rows is the Cartesian product of all rows in one file
-having a given join column value with all rows in a second file having
-the same value for its join column and so on. Thus, if file1 has 2
-rows with join column value 100, file2 has 3 rows with the same value,
-and file3 has 4 rows, then the join results in 2*3*4=24 rows being output.
-The join algorithm directly processes the index file associated with
-the join column of each file. The smallest value of all the current
-columns is selected as a base, and this value is used to join
-equal-valued columns in the other files. In this way, the index files
-are traversed exactly once.
-The B<-t tol> switch specifies a tolerance value for numeric
-columns. At present, a tolerance value can join only two files at a
-time. (A completely different algorithm is required to join more than
-two files using a tolerance, somethng we might consider implementing
-in the future.)
-The following example shows many of the features of funjoin. The input files
-t1.fits, t2.fits, and t3.fits contain the following columns:
- [sh] fundisp t1.fits
- ----------- ------ ------ ------
- aaa 0 0 1
- bbb 1 3 4
- ccc 2 6 7
- ddd 3 9 10
- eee 4 12 13
- fff 5 15 16
- ggg 6 18 19
- hhh 7 21 22
-fundisp t2.fits
- ----------- ------ ------ ------
- iii 8 24 25
- ggg 6 18 19
- eee 4 12 13
- ccc 2 6 7
- aaa 0 0 1
-fundisp t3.fits
------------- ------ -------- -------- -----------
- ggg 6 18 19 100.10
- jjj 9 27 28 200.20
- aaa 0 0 1 300.30
- ddd 3 9 10 400.40
-Given these input files, the following funjoin command:
- funjoin -s -a1 "-B" -a2 "-D" -a3 "-E" -b \
- "AKEY:???" -b1 "AKEY:XXX,A:255" -b3 "G:NaN,E:-1,F:-100" \
- -j key t1.fits t2.fits t3.fits foo.fits
-will join the files on the KEY column, outputting all columns except B
-(in t1.fits), D (in t2.fits) and E (in t3.fits), and setting blank
-values for AKEY (globally, but overridden for t1.fits) and A (in file
-1) and G, E, and F (in file 3). A JFILES column will be output to
-flag which files were used in each row:
- ------------ ------ ------ ------------ ------ ------ ------------ ------ -------- ----------- --------
- aaa 0 0 aaa 0 0 aaa 0 1 300.30 7
- bbb 1 3 ??? 0 0 ??? 0 -100 nan 1
- ccc 2 6 ccc 2 6 ??? 0 -100 nan 3
- ddd 3 9 ??? 0 0 ddd 3 10 400.40 5
- eee 4 12 eee 4 12 ??? 0 -100 nan 3
- fff 5 15 ??? 0 0 ??? 0 -100 nan 1
- ggg 6 18 ggg 6 18 ggg 6 19 100.10 7
- hhh 7 21 ??? 0 0 ??? 0 -100 nan 1
- XXX 0 255 iii 8 24 ??? 0 -100 nan 2
- XXX 0 255 ??? 0 0 jjj 9 28 200.20 4
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index 354e217..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunLib: the Funtools Programming Interface>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-A description of the Funtools library.
-B<Introduction to the Funtools Programming Interface>
-To create a Funtools application, you need to include
-the funtools.h definitions file in your code:
- #include <funtools.h>
-You then call Funtools subroutines and functions to access Funtools data.
-The most important routines are:
-=over 4
-=item *
-FunOpen: open a Funtools file
-=item *
-FunInfoGet: get info about an image or table
-=item *
-FunImageGet: retrieve image data
-=item *
-FunImageRowGet: retrieve image data by row
-=item *
-FunImagePut: output image data
-=item *
-FunImageRowPut: output image data by row
-=item *
-FunColumnSelect: select columns in a table for access
-=item *
-FunTableRowGet: retrieve rows from a table
-=item *
-FunTableRowPut: output rows to a table
-=item *
-FunClose: close a Funtools file
-Your program must be linked against the libfuntools.a library,
-along with the math library. The following libraries also might be required
-on your system:
-=over 4
-=item *
--lsocket -lnsl for socket support
-=item *
--ldl for dynamic loading
-For example, on a Solaris system using gcc, use the following link line:
- gcc -o foo foo.c -lfuntools -lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm
-On a Solaris system using Solaris cc, use the following link line:
- gcc -o foo foo.c -lfuntools -lsocket -lnsl -lm
-On a Linux system using gcc, use the following link line:
- gcc -o foo foo.c -lfuntools -ldl -lm
-Once configure has built a Makefile on your platform, the required
-"extra" libraries (aside from -lm, which always is required) are
-specified in that file's EXTRA_LIBS variable. For example, under
-Linux you will find:
- grep EXTRA_LIBS Makefile
- EXTRA_LIBS = -ldl
- ...
-The Funtools library contains both the zlib library
-( and Doug Mink's WCS library
-( It is not necessary
-to put these libraries on a Funtools link line. Include files
-necessary for using these libraries are installed in the Funtools
-include directory.
-B<Funtools Programming Tutorial>
-function is used to open a FITS file, an array, or a raw event file:
- /* open the input FITS file for reading */
- ifun = FunOpen(iname, "r", NULL);
- /* open the output FITS file for writing, and connect it to the input file */
- ofun = FunOpen(iname, "w", ifun);
-A new output file can inherit header parameters automatically from
-existing input file by passing the input Funtools handle as the last
-argument to the new file's
-call as shown above.
-For image data, you then can call
-to read an image into memory.
- float buf=NULL;
- /* extract and bin the data section into an image buffer */
- buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, "bitpix=-32");
-If the (second) buf argument to this call is NULL, buffer space is allocated
-automatically. The (third) plist argument can be used to specify the
-return data type of the array. If NULL is specified, the data type of
-the input file is used.
-To process an image buffer, you would generally make a call to
-FunInfoGet() to determine the
-dimensions of the image (which may have been changed from the original
-file dimensions due to Funtools image
-sectioning on the command line). In a FITS image, the index along
-the dim1 axis varies most rapidly, followed by the dim2 axis, etc.
-Thus, to access each pixel in an 2D image, use a double loop such as:
- buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, "bitpix=-32");
- FunInfoGet(fun, FUN_SECT_DIM1, &dim1, FUN_SECT_DIM2, &dim2, 0);
- for(i=1; i<=dim2; i++){
- for(j=1; j<=dim1; j++){
- ... process buf[((i-1)*dim1)+(j-1)] ...
- }
- }
- buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, "bitpix=-32");
- FunInfoGet(fun, FUN_SECT_DIM1, &dim1, FUN_SECT_DIM2, &dim2, 0);
- for(i=0; i<(dim1*dim2); i++){
- ... process buf[i] ...
- }
-Finally, you can write the resulting image to disk using
- FunImagePut(fun2, buf, dim1, dim2, -32, NULL);
-Note that Funtools automatically takes care of book-keeping tasks such as
-reading and writing FITS headers (although you can, of course, write
-your own header or add your own parameters to a header).
-For binary tables and raw event files, a call to
-will be followed by a call to the
-routine to select columns to be read from the input file and/or
-written to the output file:
- typedef struct evstruct{
- double time;
- int time2;
- } *Ev, EvRec;
- FunColumnSelect(fun, sizeof(EvRec), NULL,
- "time", "D", "rw", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, time),
- "time2", "J", "w", FUN_OFFSET(Ev, time2),
- NULL);
-Columns whose (third) mode argument contains an "r" are "readable",
-i.e., columns will be read from the input file and converted into the
-data type specified in the call's second argument. These columns
-values then are stored in the specified offset of the user record
-structure. Columns whose mode argument contains a "w" are
-"writable", i.e., these values will be written to the output file.
-routine also offers the option of automatically merging user
-columns with the original input columns when writing the output
-Once a set of columns has been specified, you can retrieve rows using
-and write the rows using
- Ev ebuf, ev;
- /* get rows -- let routine allocate the array */
- while( (ebuf = (Ev)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got)) ){
- /* process all rows */
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- /* point to the i'th row */
- ev = ebuf+i;
- /* time2 is generated here */
- ev->time2 = (int)(ev->time+.5);
- /* change the input time as well */
- ev->time = -(ev->time/10.0);
- }
- /* write out this batch of rows with the new column */
- FunTableRowPut(fun2, (char *)ebuf, got, 0, NULL);
- /* free row data */
- if( ebuf ) free(ebuf);
- }
-The input rows are retrieved into an array of user structs, which
-can be accessed serially as shown above. Once again, Funtools
-automatically takes care of book-keeping tasks such as reading and writing
-FITS headers (although you can, of course, write your own header or
-add your own parameters to a header).
-When all processing is done, you can call
-to close the file(s):
- FunClose(fun2);
- FunClose(fun);
-These are the basics of processing FITS files (and arrays or raw event
-data) using Funtools. The routines in these examples are described in
-more detail below, along with a few other routines that support
-parameter access, data flushing, etc.
-B<Compiling and Linking>
-To create a Funtools application, a software developer will include
-the funtools.h definitions file in Funtools code:
- #include <funtools.h>
-The program is linked against the libfuntools.a library, along with the
-math library (and the dynamic load library, if the latter is available
-on your system):
- gcc -o foo foo.c -lfuntools -ldl -lm
-If gcc is used, Funtools filtering can be performed using dynamically
-loaded shared objects that are built at run-time. Otherwise, filtering
-is performed using a slave process.
-Funtools has been built on the following systems:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Sun/Solaris 5.X
-=item *
-Linux/RedHat Linux 5.X,6.X,7.X
-=item *
-Dec Alpha/OSF1 V4.X
-=item *
-WindowsNT/Cygwin 1.0
-=item *
-SGI/IRIX64 6.5
-B<A Short Digression on Subroutine Order>
-There is a natural order for all I/O access libraries. You would not
-think of reading a file without first opening it, or writing a file
-after closing it. A large part of the experiment in funtools is to use
-the idea of "natural order" as a means of making programming
-easier. We do this by maintaining the state of processing for a given
-funtools file, so that we can do things like write headers and flush
-extension padding at the right time, without you having to do it.
-For example, if you open a new funtools file for writing using
-then generate an array of image data and call
-funtools knows to write the image header automatically.
-There is no need to think about writing a standard header.
-Of course, you can add parameters to the file first by
-calling one of the
-routines, and these parameters will automatically be added
-to the header when it is written out. There still is no
-need to write the header explicitly.
-Maintaining state in this way means that there are certain rules of
-order which should be maintained in any funtools program. In particular,
-we strongly recommend the following ordering rules be adhered to:
-=over 4
-=item *
-When specifying that input extensions be copied to an output file
-via a reference handle, open the output file B<before> reading the
-input file. (Otherwise the initial copy will not occur).
-=item *
-Always write parameters to an output file using one of the
-FunParamPut() calls
-B<before> writing any data. (This is a good idea for all FITS
-libraries, to avoid having to recopy data is the FITS header needs
-to be extended by adding a single parameter.)
-=item *
-If you retrieve an image, and need to know the data
-type, use the FUN_SECT_BITPIX option of
-B<after> calling
-FunImageGet(), since
-it is possible to change the value of BITPIX from the latter.
-=item *
-When specifying that input extensions be copied to an output file
-via a reference handle, close the output file B<before> closing
-input file, or else use
-explicitly on the output file
-B<before> closing the input file. (Otherwise the final copy will
-not occur).
-We believe that these are the natural rules that are implied in most
-FITS programming tasks. However, we recognize that making explicit use
-of "natural order" to decide what automatic action to take on behalf
-of the programmer is experimental. Therefore, if you find that your
-needs are not compatible with our preferred order, please let us know
--- it will be most illuminating for us as we evaluate this experiment.
-B<Funtools Programming Examples>
-The following complete coding examples are provided to illustrate the
-simplicity of Funtools applications. They can be found in the funtest
-subdirectory of the Funtools distribution. In many cases, you should
-be able to modify one of these programs to generate your own Funtools
-=over 4
-=item *
-evread.c: read and write binary tables
-=item *
-evcols.c: add column and rows to binary tables
-=item *
-evmerge.c: merge new columns with existing columns
-=item *
-evnext.c: manipulate raw data pointers
-=item *
-imblank.c: blank out image values below a threshold
-=item *
-asc2fits.c: convert a specific ASCII table to FITS binary table
-B<The Funtools Programming Reference Manual>
-#include <funtools.h>
-Fun FunOpen(char *name, char *mode, Fun ref)
-void *FunImageGet(Fun fun, void *buf, char *plist)
-int FunImagePut(Fun fun, void *buf, int dim1, int dim2, int bitpix, char *plist)
-void * FunImageRowGet(Fun fun, void *buf, int rstart, int rstop, char *plist)
-void * FunImageRowPut(Fun fun, void *buf, int rstart, int rstop, int dim1, int dim2, int bitpix, char *plist)
-int FunColumnSelect(Fun fun, int size, char *plist, ...)
-void FunColumnActivate(Fun fun, char *s, char *plist)
-int FunColumnLookup(Fun fun, char *s, int which, char **name, int *type, int *mode, int *offset, int *n, int *width)
-void *FunTableRowGet(Fun fun, void *rows, int maxrow, char *plist, int *nrow)
-int FunTableRowPut(Fun fun, void *rows, int nev, int idx, char *plist)
-int FunParamGetb(Fun fun, char *name, int n, int defval, int *got)
-int FunParamGeti(Fun fun, char *name, int n, int defval, int *got)
-double FunParamGetd(Fun fun, char *name, int n, double defval, int *got)
-char *FunParamGets(Fun fun, char *name, int n, char *defval, int *got)
-int FunParamPutb(Fun fun, char *name, int n, int value, char *comm, int append)
-int FunParamPuti(Fun fun, char *name, int n, int value, char *comm, int append)
-int FunParamPutd(Fun fun, char *name, int n, double value, int prec, char *comm, int append)
-int FunParamPuts(Fun fun, char *name, int n, char *value, char *comm, int append)
-int FunInfoGet(Fun fun, int type, ...)
-int FunInfoPut(Fun fun, int type, ...)
-void FunFlush(Fun fun, char *plist)
-void FunClose(Fun fun)
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funmerge.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funmerge.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cb9216..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funmerge.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funmerge - merge one or more Funtools table files>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funmerge [-w|-x] -f [colname] <iname1> <iname2> ... <oname>
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -f # output a column specifying file from which this event came
- -w # adjust position values using WCS info
- -x # adjust position values using WCS info and save old values
-B<funmerge> merges FITS data from one or more
-FITS Binary Table files
-or raw event files.
-The first argument to the program specifies the first input FITS table
-or raw event file. If "stdin" is specified, data are read from the
-standard input. Use Funtools Bracket
-Notation to specify FITS extensions and row filters. Subsequent
-arguments specify additional event files and tables to merge. (NB: Stdin
-cannot not be used for any of these additional input file arguments.)
-The last argument is the output FITS file. The columns in each input table
-must be identical.
-If an input file begins with the '@' character, it is processed as an
-include file, i.e., as a text file containing event file names (as
-well as blank lines and/or comment lines starting with the '#' sign).
-If standard input is specified as an include file ('@stdin'), then
-file names are read from the standard input until EOF (^D). Event
-files and include files can be mixed on a command line.
-Rows from each table are written sequentially to the output
-file. If the switch B<-f [colname]> is specified on the command
-line, an additional column is added to each row containing the number
-of the file from which that row was taken (starting from one). In
-this case, the corresponding file names are stored in the header
-parameters having the prefix B<FUNFIL>, i.e., FUNFIL01,
-FUNFIL02, etc.
-Using the B<-w> switch (or B<-x> switch as described
-below), B<funmerge> also can adjust the position column values
-using the WCS information in each file. (By position columns, we mean
-the columns that the table is binned on, i.e., those columns defined
-by the B<bincols=> switch, or (X,Y) by default.) To perform WCS
-alignment, the WCS of the first file is taken as the base WCS. Each
-position in subsequent files is adjusted by first converting it to the
-sky coordinate in its own WCS coordinate system, then by converting
-this sky position to the sky position of the base WCS, and finally
-converting back to a pixel position in the base system. Note that in
-order to perform WCS alignment, the appropriate WCS and TLMIN/TLMAX
-keywords must already exist in each FITS file.
-When performing WCS alignment, you can save the original positions in
-the output file by using the B<-x> (for "xtra") switch instead
-of the B<-w> switch (i.e., using this switch also implies using
-B<-w>) The old positions are saved in columns having the same
-name as the original positional columns, with the added prefix "OLD_".
-Merge two tables, and preserve the originating file number for
-each row in the column called "FILE" (along with the corresponding
-file name in the header):
- [sh] funmerge -f "FILE" test.ev test2.ev merge.ev
-Merge two tables with WCS alignment, saving the old position values in
-2 additional columns:
- [sh] funmerge -x test.ev test2.ev merge.ev
-This program only works on raw event files and binary tables. We have
-not yet implemented image and array merging.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funopen.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funopen.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d6ab3e..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funopen.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunOpen - open a Funtools data file>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- Fun FunOpen(char *name, char *mode, Fun ref);
-The B<FunOpen()> routine opens a Funtools data file for reading or
-appending, or creates a new FITS file for writing. The B<name>
-argument specifies the name of the Funtools data file to open. You can
-use IRAF-style bracket notation to specify
-Funtools Files, Extensions, and Filters.
-A separate call should be made each time a different FITS extension is
- Fun fun;
- char *iname;
- ...
- if( !(fun = FunOpen(iname, "r", NULL)) ){
- fprintf(stderr, "could not FunOpen input file: %s\n", iname);
- exit(1);
- }
-If B<mode> is "r", the file is opened for reading, and processing
-is set up to begin at the specified extension. For reading,
-B<name> can be B<stdin>, in which case the standard input is read.
-If B<mode> is "w", the file is created if it does not exist, or
-opened and truncated for writing if it does exist. Processing starts
-at the beginning of the file. The B<name> can be B<stdout>,
-in which case the standard output is readied for processing.
-If B<mode> is "a", the file is created if it does not exist, or
-opened if it does exist. Processing starts at the end of the file.
-The B<name> can be B<stdout>, in which case the standard
-output is readied for processing.
-When a Funtools file is opened for writing or appending, a previously
-opened Funtools reference
-handle can be specified as the third argument. This handle
-typically is associated with the input Funtools file that will be used
-to generate the data for the output data. When a reference file is
-specified in this way, the output file will inherit the (extension)
-header parameters from the input file:
- Fun fun, fun2;
- ...
- /* open input file */
- if( !(fun = FunOpen(argv[1], "r", NULL)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen input file: %s\n", argv[1]);
- /* open the output FITS image, inheriting params from input */
- if( !(fun2 = FunOpen(argv[2], "w", fun)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen output file: %s\n", argv[2]);
-Thus, in the above example, the output FITS binary table file will
-inherit all of the parameters associated with the input binary table
-A file opened for writing with a
-Funtools reference handle also
-inherits the selected columns (i.e. those columns chosen for
-processing using the
-FunColumnSelect() routine)
-from the reference file as its default columns. This makes it easy to
-open an output file in such a way that the columns written to the
-output file are the same as the columns read in the input file. Of
-course, column selection can easily be tailored using the
-FunColumnSelect() routine.
-In particular, it is easy to merge user-defined columns with the input
-columns to generate a new file. See the
-evmerge for a complete example.
-In addition, when a
-Funtools reference handle
-is supplied in a FunOpen() call,
-it is possible also to specify that all other extensions from the
-reference file (other than the input extension being processed) should
-be copied from the reference file to the output file. This is useful,
-for example, in a case where you are processing a FITS binary table
-or image and you want to copy all of the other extensions to
-the output file as well. Copy of other extensions is controlled by
-adding a "C" or "c" to the mode string of the
-FunOpen() call of the input
-reference file. If "C" is specified, then other extensions are
-B<always> copied (i.e., copy is forced by the application). If
-"c" is used, then other extensions are copied if the user requests
-copying by adding a plus sign "+" to the extension name in the bracket
-specification. For example, the B<funtable> program utilizes
-"c" mode, giving users the option of copying all other extensions:
- /* open input file -- allow user copy of other extensions */
- if( !(fun = FunOpen(argv[1], "rc", NULL)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen input file: %s\n", argv[1]);
- /* open the output FITS image, inheriting params from input */
- if( !(fun2 = FunOpen(argv[2], "w", fun)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen output file: %s\n", argv[2]);
-Thus, B<funtable> supports either of these command lines:
- # copy only the EVENTS extension
- csh> funtable "test.ev[EVENTS,circle(512,512,10)]" foo.ev
- # copy ALL extensions
- csh> funtable "test.ev[EVENTS+,circle(512,512,10)]" foo.ev
-Use of a Funtools reference
-handle implies that the input file is opened before the output
-file. However, it is important to note that if copy mode ("c" or "C")
-is specified for the input file, the actual input file open is delayed
-until just after the output file is opened, since the copy of prior
-extensions to the output file takes place while Funtools is seeking to
-the specified input extension. This implies that the output file
-should be opened before any I/O is done on the input file or else the
-copy will fail. Note also that the copy of subsequent extension will
-be handled automatically by
-if the output file is
-closed before the input file. Alternatively, it can be done explicitly
-by FunFlush(), but again, this
-assumes that the input file still is open.
-Upon success FunOpen() returns a
-Fun handle that is used in subsequent Funtools calls. On error, NULL
-is returned.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funparamget.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funparamget.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d06d10..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funparamget.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunParamGet - get a Funtools param value>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- int FunParamGetb(Fun fun, char *name, int n, int defval, int *got)
- int FunParamGeti(Fun fun, char *name, int n, int defval, int *got)
- double FunParamGetd(Fun fun, char *name, int n, double defval, int *got)
- char *FunParamGets(Fun fun, char *name, int n, char *defval, int *got)
-The four routines B<FunParamGetb()>, B<FunParamGeti()>,
-B<FunParamGetd()>, and B<FunParamGets()>, return the value of
-a FITS header parameter as a boolean, int, double, and string,
-respectively. The string returned by B<FunParamGets()> is a malloc'ed
-copy of the header value and should be freed when no longer needed.
-The first argument is the Fun handle associated with the FITS header
-being accessed. Normally, the header is associated with the FITS
-extension that you opened with B<FunOpen()>. However, you can use
-FunInfoPut() to specify access of the primary header. In particular,
-if you set the FUN_PRIMARYHEADER parameter to 1, then the primary
-header is used for all parameter access until the value is reset to
-0. For example:
- int val;
- FunParamGeti(fun, "NAXIS", 1, 0, &got); # current header
- val=1;
- FunInfoPut(fun, FUN_PRIMARYHEADER, &val, 0); # switch to ...
- FunParamGeti(fun, "NAXIS", 1, 0, &got); # ... primary header
- FunParamGeti(fun, "NAXIS", 2, 0, &got); # ... primary header
- val=0;
- FunInfoPut(fun, FUN_PRIMARYHEADER, &val, 0); # switch back to ...
- FunParamGeti(fun, "NAXIS", 2, 0, &got); # current header
-Alternatively, you can use the FUN_PRIMARY macro to access parameters
-from the primary header on a per-parameter basis:
- FunParamGeti(fun, "NAXIS1", 0, 0, &got); # current header
- FunParamGeti(FUN_PRIMARY(fun), "NAXIS1", 0, 0, &got); # primary header
-B<NB: FUN_PRIMARY is deprecated.>
-It makes use of a global parameter and therefore will not not
-appropriate for threaded applications, when we make funtools
-thread-safe. We recommend use of FunInfoPut() to switch between the
-extension header and the primary header.
-For output data, access to the primary header is only possible until
-the header is written out, which usually takes place when the first
-data are written.
-The second argument is the name of the parameter to access. The third
-B<n> argument, if non-zero, is an integer that will be added as a
-suffix to the parameter name. This makes it easy to use a simple loop
-to process parameters having the same root name. For example, to
-gather up all values of TLMIN and TLMAX for each column in a binary
-table, you can use:
- for(i=0, got=1; got; i++){
- fun->cols[i]->tlmin = (int)FunParamGeti(fun, "TLMIN", i+1, 0.0, &got);
- fun->cols[i]->tlmax = (int)FunParamGeti(fun, "TLMAX", i+1, 0.0, &got);
- }
-The fourth B<defval> argument is the default value to return if
-the parameter does not exist. Note that the data type of this
-parameter is different for each specific FunParamGet() call. The final
-B<got> argument will be 0 if no param was found. Otherwise the
-data type of the parameter is returned as follows: FUN_PAR_UNKNOWN
-('i'), FUN_PAR_STRING ('s'), FUN_PAR_REAL ('r'), FUN_PAR_COMPLEX ('x').
-These routines return the value of the header parameter, or the
-specified default value if the header parameter does not exist. The
-returned value is a malloc'ed string and should be freed when no
-longer needed.
-By default, B<FunParamGets()> returns the string value of the
-named parameter. However, you can use FunInfoPut() to retrieve the
-raw 80-character FITS card instead. In particular, if you set the
-FUN_RAWPARAM parameter to 1, then card images will be returned by
-FunParamGets() until the value is reset to 0.
-Alternatively, if the FUN_RAW macro is applied to the name, then the
-80-character raw FITS card is returned instead.
-B<NB: FUN_RAW is deprecated.>
-It makes use of a global parameter and therefore will not not
-appropriate for threaded applications, when we make funtools
-thread-safe. We recommend use of FunInfoPut() to switch between the
-extension header and the primary header.
-Note that in addition to the behaviors described above, the
-routine B<FunParamGets()> will return the 80 raw characters of the
-B<nth> FITS card (including the comment) if B<name> is specified as
-NULL and B<n> is positive. For example, to loop through all FITS
-header cards in a given extension and print out the raw card, use:
- for(i=1; ;i++){
- if( (s = FunParamGets(fun, NULL, i, NULL, &got)) ){
- fprintf(stdout, "%.80s\n", s);
- free(s);
- }
- else{
- break;
- }
- }
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index 65d1b55..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funparamput.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunParamPut - put a Funtools param value>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- int FunParamPutb(Fun fun, char *name, int n, int value, char *comm,
- int append)
- int FunParamPuti(Fun fun, char *name, int n, int value, char *comm,
- int append)
- int FunParamPutd(Fun fun, char *name, int n, double value, int prec,
- char *comm, int append)
- int FunParamPuts(Fun fun, char *name, int n, char *value, char *comm,
- int append)
-The four routines B<FunParamPutb()>, B<FunParamPuti()>,
-B<FunParamPutd()>, and B<FunParamPuts()>, will set the value
-of a FITS header parameter as a boolean, int, double, and string,
-The first argument is the Fun handle associated with the FITS header
-being accessed. Normally, the header is associated with the FITS
-extension that you opened with B<FunOpen()>.
-However, you can use FunInfoPut() to specify that use of the primary
-header. In particular, if you set the FUN_PRIMARYHEADER parameter to
-1, then the primary header is used for all parameter access until the
-value is reset to 0. For example:
- int val;
- FunParamPuti(fun, "NAXIS1", 0, 10, NULL, 1); # current header
- val=1;
- FunInfoPut(fun, FUN_PRIMARYHEADER, &val, 0); # switch to ...
- FunParamPuti(fun, "NAXIS1", 0, 10, NULL, 1); # primary header
-(You also can use the deprecated FUN_PRIMARY macro, to access
-parameters from the primary header.)
-The second argument is the B<name> of the parameter. (
-In accordance with FITS standards, the special names B<COMMENT>
-and B<HISTORY>, as well as blank names, are output without the "= "
-value indicator in columns 9 and 10.
-The third B<n> argument, if non-zero, is an integer that will be
-added as a suffix to the parameter name. This makes it easy to use a
-simple loop to process parameters having the same root name. For
-example, to set the values of TLMIN and TLMAX for each column in a
-binary table, you can use:
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- FunParamPutd(fun, "TLMIN", i+1, tlmin[i], 7, "min column val", 1);
- FunParamPutd(fun, "TLMAX", i+1, tlmax[i], 7, "max column val", 1);
- }
-The fourth B<defval> argument is the value to set. Note that the
-data type of this argument is different for each specific
-FunParamPut() call. The B<comm> argument is the comment
-string to add to this header parameter. Its value can be NULL. The
-final B<append> argument determines whether the parameter is added
-to the header if it does not exist. If set to a non-zero value, the
-header parameter will be appended to the header if it does not exist.
-If set to 0, the value will only be used to change an existing parameter.
-Note that the double precision routine FunParamPutd() supports an
-extra B<prec> argument after the B<value> argument, in order
-to specify the precision when converting the double value to ASCII. In
-general a 20.[prec] format is used (since 20 characters are alloted to
-a floating point number in FITS) as follows: if the double value being
-put to the header is less than 0.1 or greater than or equal to
-10**(20-2-[prec]), then %20.[prec]e format is used (i.e., scientific
-notation); otherwise %20.[prec]f format is used (i.e., numeric
-As a rule, parameters should be set before writing the table or image.
-It is, however, possible to update the value of an B<existing>
-parameter after writing an image or table (but not to add a new
-one). Such updating only works if the parameter already exists and if
-the output file is seekable, i.e. if it is a disk file or is stdout
-being redirected to a disk file.
-It is possible to add a new parameter to a header after the data has
-been written, but only if space has previously been reserved. To reserve
-space, add a blank parameter whose value is the name of the parameter you
-eventually will update. Then, when writing the new parameter, specify a
-value of 2 for the append flag. The parameter writing routine will
-first look to update an existing parameter, as usual. If an existing
-parameter is not found, an appropriately-valued blank parameter will be
-searched for and replaced. For example:
- /* add blank card to be used as a place holder for IPAR1 update */
- FunParamPuts(fun, NULL, 0, "IPAR1", "INTEGER Param", 0);
- ...
- /* write header and data */
- FunTableRowPut(fun, events, got, 0, NULL);
- ...
- /* update param in file after writing data -- note append = 2 here */
- FunParamPuti(fun, "IPAR", 1, 400, "INTEGER Param", 2);
-The parameter routines return a 1 if the routine was successful and a 0 on
-failure. In general, the major reason for failure is that you did not
-set the append argument to a non-zero value and the parameter did not
-already exist in the file.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funref.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funref.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 13b158f..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funref.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<FunRef: the Funtools Reference Handle>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-A description of how to use a Funtools reference handle to connect a
-Funtools input file to an output file.
-The Funtools reference handle connects a Funtools input file to a
-Funtools output file so that parameters (or even whole extensions) can
-be copied from the one to the other. To make the connection, the Funtools
-handle of the input file is passed to the
-final argument of the
-FunOpen() call for the output file:
- if( !(ifun = FunOpen(argv[1], "r", NULL)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen input file: %s\n", argv[1]);
- if( !(ofun = FunOpen(argv[2], "w", ifun)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen output file: %s\n", argv[2]);
-It does not matter what type of input or output file (or extension) is
-opened, or whether they are the same type. When the output image or
-binary table is written using
-an appropriate header will be written first, with parameters copied
-from the input extension. Of course, invalid parameters will be
-removed first, e.g., if the input is a binary table and the output is
-an image, then binary table parameters such as TFORM, TUNIT,
-etc. parameters will not be copied to the output.
-Use of a reference handle also allows default values to be passed
-FunImagePut() in order to
-write out an output image with the same dimensions and data type
-as the input image. To use the defaults from the input, a value
-of 0 is entered for dim1, dim2, and bitpix. For example:
- fun = FunOpen(argv[1], "r", NULL);
- fun2 = FunOpen(argv[2], "w", fun);
- buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, NULL);
- ... process image data ...
- FunImagePut(fun2, buf, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
-Of course, you often want to get information about the data type
-and dimensions of the image for processing. The above code
-is equivalent to the following:
- fun = FunOpen(argv[1], "r", NULL);
- fun2 = FunOpen(argv[2], "w", fun);
- buf = FunImageGet(fun, NULL, NULL);
- FunInfoGet(fun, FUN_SECT_DIM1, &dim1, FUN_SECT_DIM2, &dim2,
- FUN_SECT_BITPIX, &bitpix, 0);
- ... process image data ...
- FunImagePut(fun2, buf, dim1, dim2, bitpix, NULL);
-It is possible to change the reference handle for a given output Funtools
-handle using the
-FunInfoPut() routine:
- /* make the new extension the reference handle for the output file */
- FunInfoPut(fun2, FUN_IFUN, &fun, 0);
-When this is done, Funtools specially resets the output file to start
-a new output extension, which is connected to the new input reference
-handle. You can use this mechanism to process multiple input extensions
-into a single output file, by successively opening the former and
-setting the reference handle for the latter. For example:
- /* open a new output FITS file */
- if( !(fun2 = FunOpen(argv[2], "w", NULL)) )
- gerror(stderr, "could not FunOpen output file: %s\n", argv[2]);
- /* process each input extension in turn */
- for(ext=0; ;ext++){
- /* get new extension name */
- sprintf(tbuf, "%s[%d]", argv[1], ext);
- /* open it -- if we cannot open it, we are done */
- if( !(fun=FunOpen(tbuf, "r", NULL)) )
- break;
- /* make the new extension the reference handle for the output file */
- FunInfoPut(fun2, FUN_IFUN, &fun, 0);
- ... process ...
- /* flush output extension (write padding, etc.) */
- FunFlush(fun2, NULL);
- /* close the input extension */
- FunClose(fun);
- }
-In this example, the output file is opened first. Then each successive
-input extension is opened, and the output reference handle is set to
-the newly opened input handle. After data processing is performed, the
-output extension is flushed and the input extension is closed, in
-preparation for the next input extension.
-Finally, a reference handle can be used to copy other extensions from
-the input file to the output file. Copy of other extensions is
-controlled by adding a "C" or "c" to the mode string of the
-call B<of the input reference file>. If "C" is specified, then
-other extensions are B<always> copied (i.e., copy is forced by the
-application). If "c" is used, then other extensions are copied if the
-user requests copying by adding a plus sign "+" to the extension name
-in the bracket specification. For example, the B<funtable>
-program utilizes user-specified "c" mode so that the second example
-below will copy all extensions:
- # copy only the EVENTS extension
- csh> funtable "test.ev[EVENTS,circle(512,512,10)]" foo.ev
- # copy ALL extensions
- csh> funtable "test.ev[EVENTS+,circle(512,512,10)]" foo.ev
-When extension copy is specified in the input file, the call to
-on the input file delays the actual file open until the output file
-also is opened (or until I/O is performed on the input file, which
-ever happens first). Then, when the output file is opened, the input
-file is also opened and input extensions are copied to the output
-file, up to the specific extension being opened. Processing of input
-and output extensions then proceed.
-When extension processing is complete, the remaining extensions need to
-be copied from input to output. This can be done explicitly, using the
-call with the "copy=remaining" plist:
- FunFlush(fun, "copy=remaining");
-Alternatively, this will happen automatically, if the output file
-is closed B<before> the input file:
- /* we could explicitly flush remaining extensions that need copying */
- /* FunFlush(fun2, "copy=remaining"); */
- /* but if we close output before input, end flush is done automatically */
- FunClose(fun2);
- FunClose(fun);
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funregions.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funregions.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f975ad..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funregions.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<Regions: Spatial Region Filtering>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document contains a summary of the user interface for spatial
-region filtering images and tables.
-Spatial region filtering allows a program to select regions of an
-image or rows of a table (e.g., X-ray events) to process using
-simple geometric shapes and boolean combinations of shapes. When an
-image is filtered, only pixels found within these shapes are
-processed. When a table is filtered, only rows found within these
-shapes are processed.
-Spatial region filtering for images and tables is accomplished by
-means of B<region specifications>. A region specification
-consists of one or more B<region expressions>, which are geometric
-shapes,combined according to the rules of boolean algebra. Region
-specifications also can contain comments and local/global processing
-Typically, region specifications are specified using bracket notation
-appended to the filename of the data being processed:
- foo.fits[circle(512,512,100)]
-It is also possible to put region specification inside a file and
-then pass the filename in bracket notation:
- foo.fits[@my.reg]
-When region filters are passed in bracket notation in this manner, the
-filtering is set up automatically when the file is opened and all
-processing occurs through the filter. Programs also can use the filter
-library API to open filters explicitly.
-B<Region Expressions>
-More specifically, region specifications consist of one or more lines
- # comment until end of line
- global keyword=value keyword=value ... # set global value(s)
- # include the following file in the region descriptor
- @file
- # use the FITS image as a mask (cannot be used with other regions)
- @fitsimage
- # each region expression contains shapes separated by operators
- [region_expression1], [region_expression2], ...
- [region_expression], [region_expression], ...
-A single region expression consists of:
- # parens and commas are optional, as is the + sign
- [+-]shape(num , num , ...) OP1 shape num num num OP2 shape ...
- ([+-]shape(num , num , ...) && shape num num || shape(num, num)
- # a comment can come after a region -- reserved for local properties
- [+-]shape(num , num , ...) # local properties go here, e.g. color=red
-Thus, a region descriptor consists of one or more region
-expressions or B<regions>, separated by comas, new-lines, or
-semi-colons. Each B<region> consists of one or more geometric
-shapes combined using standard boolean operation. Several types
-of shapes are supported, including:
- shape: arguments:
- ----- ----------------------------------------
- ANNULUS xcenter ycenter inner_radius outer_radius
- BOX xcenter ycenter xwidth yheight (angle)
- CIRCLE xcenter ycenter radius
- ELLIPSE xcenter ycenter xwidth yheight (angle)
- FIELD none
- LINE x1 y1 x2 y2
- PIE xcenter ycenter angle1 angle2
- POINT x1 y1
- POLYGON x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xn yn
-In addition, the following regions accept B<accelerator> syntax:
- shape arguments
- ----- ------------------------------------------
- ANNULUS xcenter ycenter radius1 radius2 ... radiusn
- ANNULUS xcenter ycenter inner_radius outer_radius n=[number]
- BOX xcenter ycenter xw1 yh1 xw2 yh2 ... xwn yhn (angle)
- BOX xcenter ycenter xwlo yhlo xwhi yhhi n=[number] (angle)
- CIRCLE xcenter ycenter r1 r2 ... rn # same as annulus
- CIRCLE xcenter ycenter rinner router n=[number] # same as annulus
- ELLIPSE xcenter ycenter xw1 yh1 xw2 yh2 ... xwn yhn (angle)
- ELLIPSE xcenter ycenter xwlo yhlo xwhi yhhi n=[number] (angle)
- PIE xcenter ycenter angle1 angle2 (angle3) (angle4) (angle5) ...
- PIE xcenter ycenter angle1 angle2 (n=[number])
- POINT x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xn yn
-Note that the circle accelerators are simply aliases for the annulus
-accelerators. See region geometry
-for more information about accelerators.
-Finally, the following are combinations of pie with different shapes
-(called "panda" for "Pie AND Annulus") allow for easy specification of
-radial sections:
- shape: arguments:
- ----- ---------
- PANDA xcen ycen ang1 ang2 nang irad orad nrad # circular
- CPANDA xcen ycen ang1 ang2 nang irad orad nrad # circular
- BPANDA xcen ycen ang1 ang2 nang xwlo yhlo xwhi yhhi nrad (ang) # box
- EPANDA xcen ycen ang1 ang2 nang xwlo yhlo xwhi yhhi nrad (ang) # ellipse
-The panda and cpanda specify combinations of annulus and circle with pie,
-respectively and give identical results. The bpanda combines box and pie,
-while epanda combines ellipse and pie.
-See region geometry
-for more information about pandas.
-The following "shapes" are ignored by funtools (generated by ds9):
- shape: arguments:
- ----- ---------
- PROJECTION x1 y1 x2 y2 width # NB: ignored by funtools
- RULER x1 y1 x2 y2 # NB: ignored by funtools
- TEXT x y # NB: ignored by funtools
- GRID # NB: ignored by funtools
- TILE # NB: ignored by funtools
- COMPASS # NB: ignored by funtools
-All arguments to regions are real values; integer values are
-automatically converted to real where necessary. All angles are in
-degrees and run from the positive image x-axis to the positive image
-y-axis. If a rotation angle is part of the associated WCS header, that
-angle is added implicitly as well.
-Note that 3-letter abbreviations are supported for all shapes, so that
-you can specify "circle" or "cir".
-B<Columns Used in Region Filtering>
-By default, the x,y values in a region expression refer to the two
-"image binning" columns, i.e. the columns that would be used to
-bin the data into an image. For images, these are just the 2 dimensions
-of the image. For tables, these usually default to x and y but
-can be changed as required. For example, in Funtools, new binning
-columns are specified using a bincols=(col1,col2) statement within
-the bracket string on the command line.
-Alternate columns for region filtering can be specified by the syntax:
- (col1,col2)=region(...)
- (X,Y)=annulus(x,y,ri,ro)
- (PHA,PI)=circle(x,y,r)
- (DX,DY)=ellipse(x,y,a,b[,angle])
-B<Region Algebra>
-(See also Region Algebra for more complete
-Region shapes can be combined together using Boolean operators:
- Symbol Operation Use
- -------- --------- -----------------------------------
- ! not Exclude this shape from this region
- & or && and Include only the overlap of these shapes
- | or || inclusive or Include all of both shapes
- ^ exclusive or Include both shapes except their overlap
-Note that the !region syntax must be combined with another region in order
-that we be able to assign a region id properly. That is,
- !circle(512,512,10)
-is not a legal region because there is no valid region id to work with.
-To get the full field without a circle, combine the above with field(),
-as in:
- field() && !circle(512,512,10)
-B< Region Separators Also Are Operators>
-As mentioned previously, multiple region expressions can be specified
-in a region descriptor, separated by commas, new-lines, or
-semi-colons. When such a separator is used, the boolean OR operator
-is automatically generated in its place but, unlike explicit use of
-the OR operator, the region ID is incremented (starting from 1).
-For example, the two shapes specified in this example are given the
-same region value:
- foo.fits[circle(512,512,10)||circle(400,400,20)]
-On the other hand, the two shapes defined in the following example are
-given different region values:
- foo.fits[circle(512,512,10),circle(400,400,20)]
-Of course these two examples will both mask the same table rows or
-pixels. However, in programs that distinguish region id's (such as
-funcnts ), they will act
-differently. The explicit OR operator will result in one region
-expression consisting of two shapes having the same region id and
-funcnts will report a single region. The comma operator will cause
-funcnts to report two region expressions, each with one shape, in
-its output.
-In general, commas are used to separate region expressions entered
-in bracket notation on the command line:
- # regions are added to the filename in bracket notation
- foo.fits[circle(512,512,100),circle(400,400,20)]
-New-lines are used to separate region
-expressions in a file:
- # regions usually are separated by new-lines in a file
- # use @filename to include this file on the command line
- circle(512,512,100)
- circle(400,400,20)
-Semi-colons are provided for backward compatibility with the original
-IRAF/PROS implementation and can be used in either case.
-If a pixel is covered by two different regions expressions, it is
-given the mask value of the B<first> region that contains that
-pixel. That is, successive regions B<do not> overwrite previous
-regions in the mask, as was the case with the original PROS regions.
-In this way, an individual pixel is covered by one and only one
-region. This means that one must sometimes be careful about the order
-in which regions are defined. If region N is fully contained within
-region M, then N should be defined B<before> M, or else it will be
-"covered up" by the latter.
-B<Region Exclusion>
-Shapes also can be globally excluded from all the region specifiers in
-a region descriptor by using a minus sign before a region:
- operator arguments:
- -------- -----------
- - Globally exclude the region expression following '-' sign
- from ALL regions specified in this file
-The global exclude region can be used by itself; in such a case, field() is
-A global exclude differs from the local exclude (i.e. a shape prefixed
-by the logical not "!" symbol) in that global excludes are logically
-performed last, so that no region will contain pixels from a globally
-excluded shape. A local exclude is used in a boolean expression with
-an include shape, and only excludes pixels from that include shape.
-Global excludes cannot be used in boolean expressions.
-B<Include Files>
-The B<@filename> directive specifies an include file
-containing region expressions. This file is processed as part of
-the overall region descriptor:
- foo.fits[circle(512,512,10),@foo]
-A filter include file simply includes text without changing the state
-of the filter. It therefore can be used in expression. That is, if the
-file foo1 contains "pi==1" and foo2 contains "pha==2" then
-the following expressions are equivalent:
- "[@foo1&&@foo2]" is equivalent to "[pi==1&&pha==2]"
- "[pha==1||@foo2]" is equivalent to "[pi==1||pha==2]"
- "[@foo1,@foo2]" is equivalent to "[pi==1,pha==2]"
-Be careful that you specify evaluation order properly using
-parenthesis, especially if the include file contains multiple
-filter statements. For example, consider a file containing two
-regions such as:
- circle 512 512 10
- circle 520 520 10
-If you want to include only events (or pixels) that are in these regions
-and have a pi value of 4, then the correct syntax is:
- pi==4&&(@foo)
-since this is equivalent to:
- pi==4 && (circle 512 512 10 || circle 520 520 10)
-If you leave out the parenthesis, you are filtering this statement:
- pi==4 && circle 512 512 10 || circle 520 520 10)
-which is equivalent to:
- (pi==4 && circle 512 512 10) || circle 520 520 10)
-The latter syntax only applies the pi test to the first region.
-For image-style filtering, the B<@filename> can specify an 8-bit
-or 16-bit FITS image. In this case, the pixel values in the mask image
-are used as the region mask. The valid pixels in the mask must have
-positive values. Zero values are excluded from the mask and negative
-values are not allowed. Moreover, the region id value is taken as
-the image pixel value and the total number of regions is taken to be
-the highest pixel value. The dimensions of the image mask must be less
-than or equal to the image dimensions of the data. The mask will be
-replicated as needed to match the size of the image. (Thus, best
-results are obtained when the data dimensions are an even multiple of
-the mask dimensions.)
-An image mask can be used in any image filtering operation, regardless
-of whether the data is of type image or table. For example, the
-funcnts )
-program performs image filtering on images or tables, and so
-FITS image masks are valid input for either type of data in this
-program.. An image mask cannot be used in a program such as
-fundisp )
-when the input data is a table, because fundisp displays
-rows of a table and processes these rows using event-style filtering.
-B<Global and Local Properties of Regions>
-The ds9 image display program describes a host of properties such as
-color, font, fix/free state, etc. Such properties can be specified
-globally (for all regions) or locally (for an individual region).
-The B<global> keyword specifies properties and qualifiers for all
-regions, while local properties are specified in comments on the same
-line as the region:
- global color=red
- circle(10,10,2)
- circle(20,20,3) # color=blue
- circle(30,30,4)
-The first and third circles will be red, which the second circle will
-be blue. Note that funtools currently ignores region properties, as
-they are used in display only.
-B< Coordinate Systems>
-For each region, it is important to specify the coordinate system
-used to interpret the region, i.e., to set the context in which position and
-size values are interpreted. For this purpose, the following keywords
-are recognized:
- name description
- ---- ------------------------------------------
- PHYSICAL pixel coords of original file using LTM/LTV
- IMAGE pixel coords of current file
- FK4, B1950 sky coordinate systems
- FK5, J2000 sky coordinate systems
- GALACTIC sky coordinate systems
- ECLIPTIC sky coordinate systems
- ICRS currently same as J2000
- LINEAR linear wcs as defined in file
- AMPLIFIER mosaic coords of original file using ATM/ATV
- DETECTOR mosaic coords of original file using DTM/DTV
-B<Specifying Positions, Sizes, and Angles>
-The arguments to region shapes can be floats or integers describing
-positions and sizes. They can be specified as pure numbers or using
-explicit formatting directives:
- position arguments description
- ------------------ ------------------------------
- [num] context-dependent (see below)
- [num]d degrees
- [num]r radians
- [num]p physical pixels
- [num]i image pixels
- [num]:[num]:[num] hms for 'odd' position arguments
- [num]:[num]:[num] dms for 'even' position arguments
- [num]h[num]m[num]s explicit hms
- [num]d[num]m[num]s explicit dms
- size arguments description
- -------------- -----------
- [num] context-dependent (see below)
- [num]" arc seconds
- [num]' arc minutes
- [num]d degrees
- [num]r radians
- [num]p physical pixels
- [num]i image pixels
-When a "pure number" (i.e. one without a format directive such as 'd'
-for 'degrees') is specified, its interpretation depends on the context
-defined by the 'coordsys' keyword. In general, the rule is:
-All pure numbers have implied units corresponding to the current
-coordinate system.
-If no such system is explicitly specified, the default system is
-implicitly assumed to be PHYSICAL.
-In practice this means that for IMAGE and PHYSICAL systems, pure
-numbers are pixels. Otherwise, for all systems other than linear,
-pure numbers are degrees. For LINEAR systems, pure numbers are in the
-units of the linear system. This rule covers both positions and
-The input values to each shape can be specified in several coordinate
-systems including:
- name description
- ---- ----------------------------
- IMAGE pixel coords of current file
- LINEAR linear wcs as defined in file
- FK4, B1950 various sky coordinate systems
- FK5, J2000
- PHYSICAL pixel coords of original file using LTM/LTV
- AMPLIFIER mosaic coords of original file using ATM/ATV
- DETECTOR mosaic coords of original file using DTM/DTV
-If no coordinate system is specified, PHYSICAL is assumed. PHYSICAL or
-a World Coordinate System such as J2000 is preferred and most general.
-The coordinate system specifier should appear at the beginning of the
-region description, on a separate line (in a file), or followed by a
-new-line or semicolon; e.g.,
- global coordsys physical
- circle 6500 9320 200
-The use of celestial input units automatically implies WORLD
-coordinates of the reference image. Thus, if the world coordinate
-system of the reference image is J2000, then
- circle 10:10:0 20:22:0 3'
-is equivalent to:
- circle 10:10:0 20:22:0 3' # j2000
-Note that by using units as described above, you may mix coordinate
-systems within a region specifier; e.g.,
- circle 6500 9320 3' # physical
-Note that, for regions which accept a rotation angle:
-ellipse (x, y, r1, r2, angle)
-box(x, y, w, h, angle)
-the angle is relative to the specified coordinate system. In
-particular, if the region is specified in WCS coordinates, the angle
-is related to the WCS system, not x/y image coordinate axis. For WCS
-systems with no rotation, this obviously is not an issue. However,
-some images do define an implicit rotation (e.g., by using a non-zero
-CROTA value in the WCS parameters) and for these images, the angle
-will be relative to the WCS axes. In such case, a region specification
-such as:
-fk4;ellipse(22:59:43.985, +58:45:26.92,320", 160", 30)
-will not, in general, be the same region specified as:
-physical;ellipse(465, 578, 40, 20, 30)
-even when positions and sizes match. The angle is relative to WCS axes
-in the first case, and relative to physical x,y axes in the second.
-More detailed descriptions are available for:
-Region Geometry,
-Region Algebra,
-Region Coordinates, and
-Region Boundaries.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funsky.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funsky.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 421d5d7..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funsky.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,260 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funsky - convert between image and sky coordinates>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- funsky iname[ext] # RA,Dec (deg) or image pix from stdin
- funsky iname[ext] [lname] # RA, Dec (deg) or image pix from list
- funsky iname[ext] [col1] [col2] # named cols:units from stdin
- funsky iname[ext] [lname] [col1] [col2] # named cols:units from list
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -d # always use integer tlmin conversion (as ds9 does)
- -r # convert x,y to RA,Dec (default: convert RA,Dec to x,y)
- -o # include offset from the nominal target position (in arcsec)
- -v # display input values also (default: display output only)
- -T # output display in rdb format (w/header,tab delimiters)
-Funsky converts input sky coordinates (RA, Dec) to image coordinates (or vice
-versa) using the WCS information contained in the specified FITS file. Several
-calling sequences are supported in order to make it easy to specify
-coordinate positions in different ways.
-The first required argument is always the input FITS file (or
-extension) containing the WCS information in an extension header. Note
-that the data from this file is not used. By default, the program
-converts input RA and Dec values to X and Y using this WCS
-information. If the WCS is associated with a FITS image, then the X,Y
-values are image values. If the WCS is associated with a binary table,
-then the X, Y values are physical values. To convert X,Y to RA and
-Dec, use the B<-r> (reverse) switch.
-If no other command arguments are supplied, then the input positions
-are read from the standard input. Each line is assumed to contain a
-single coordinate position consisting of an RA in degrees (or X in
-pixels) followed by a Dec in degrees (or Y in pixels). The usual
-delimiters are supported (spaces, commas, tabs). For example:
- # read from stdin, default column names and units
- [sh] funsky snr.ev
- 22.982695 58.606523 # input RA (hrs), Dec(deg)
- 510.00 510.00
- 22.982127 58.607634 # input
- 512.00 510.50
- 22.981700 58.614301 # input
- 513.50 513.50
- ^D # end of input
-If a second argument is supplied, this argument is assumed to be
-a file containing RA (X) and Dec (Y) positions. The file can either be
-an ASCII table or a FITS binary table. The order of columns is
-unimportant, if the table has a column header. In this case, the
-names of the columns must be one of "RA", "DEC", or "X", "Y" for sky
-to image and image to sky conversions, respectively. If the table has
-no header, then once again, RA (X) is assumed to first, followed
-by DEC (Y).
-For example:
- # read from file, default column names and units
- [sh] cat
- --------- ---------
- 22.982695 58.606523
- 22.982127 58.607634
- 22.981700 58.614301
- [sh] funsky snr.ev
- 510.00 510.00
- 512.00 510.50
- 513.50 513.50
-If three arguments are supplied, then the input positions again are
-read from the standard input. Each line is assumed to contain a single
-coordinate position consisting of an RA (or X in pixels) followed by a
-Dec (or Y in pixels), with the usual delimiters supported. However,
-the second and third arguments now specify the column names and/or
-sky units using a colon-delimited syntax:
- [colname]:[h|d|r]
-If the colname is omitted, the names default to "RA", "DEC", "X", "Y",
-"COL1", or "COL2" as above. If the units are omitted, the default is degrees
-for both RA and Dec. When the -r switch is used (convert from image
-to sky) the units are applied to the output instead of the input. The following
-examples will serve to illustrate the options:
- # read from stdin, specifying column names (def. units: degrees)
- [sh] cat
- --------- ---------
- 22.982695 58.606523
- 22.982127 58.607634
- 22.981700 58.614301
- [sh] funsky snr.ev MYRA MYDEC <
- 510.00 510.00
- 512.00 510.50
- 513.50 513.50
- # read from stdin, specifying column names and units
- [sh] cat
- --------- ---------
- 344.740432 58.606523
- 344.731900 58.607634
- 344.725500 58.614301
- [sh] funsky snr.ev MYRA:d MYDEC:d <
- 510.00 510.00
- 512.00 510.50
- 513.50 513.50
- # read stdin, convert image to sky, specifying output sky units
- [sh] cat
- 510.00 510.00
- 512.00 510.50
- 513.50 513.50
- [sh] cat | funsky -r snr.ev :d :d
- 344.740432 58.606523
- 344.731900 58.607634
- 344.725500 58.614301
-Finally, four command arguments specify both and input file and column names
-and/or units:
- [sh] cat
- --------- ---------
- 344.740432 58.606523
- 344.731900 58.607634
- 344.725500 58.614301
- [sh] funsky snr.ev MYRA:d MYDEC:d
- 510.00 510.00
- 512.00 510.50
- 513.50 513.50
- # read file, convert image to sky, specifying output sky units
- [sh] cat
- 510.00 510.00
- 512.00 510.50
- 513.50 513.50
- [sh] funsky -r snr.ev :d :d
- 344.740432 58.606523
- 344.731900 58.607634
- 344.725500 58.614301
-By default, the output of funsky consists only of the converted coordinate
-position(s), one per output line. This makes parsing in shell scripts easy.
-Use the B<-v> (verbose) switch to specify that the input
-coordinates should be pre-pended to each line. For example:
- [sh] cat
- --------- ---------
- 344.740432 58.606523
- 344.731900 58.607634
- 344.725500 58.614301
- [sh] funsky snr.ev MYRA:d MYDEC:d
- 510.00 510.00
- 512.00 510.50
- 513.50 513.50
- [sh] funsky -v snr.ev MYRA:d MYDEC:d
- 344.740432 58.606523 510.00 510.00
- 344.731900 58.607634 512.00 510.50
- 344.725500 58.614301 513.50 513.50
-In addition, a full starbase table can be output using the B<-T>
-(table) switch. This switch can be used with or without the -v
-switch. If the -T and -v are both specified, then a descriptive header
-parameters are output before the table (mainly to remind you of the
-sky units):
- # output table in non-verbose mode
- [sh] funsky -T snr.ev MYRA:d MYDEC:d
- X Y
- ------------ ------------
- 510.00 510.00
- 512.00 510.50
- 513.50 513.50
- # output table in verbose mode
- [sh] funsky -T -v snr.ev MYRA:d MYDEC:d
- # IFILE = /Users/eric/data/snr.ev
- # ICOL1 = MYRA
- # IUNITS1 = d
- # IUNITS2 = d
- # OCOL1 = X
- # OCOL2 = Y
- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------
- 344.740432 58.606523 510.00 510.00
- 344.731900 58.607634 512.00 510.50
- 344.725500 58.614301 513.50 513.50
-Finally, the B<-d> (ds9) switch mimicks ds9's use of integer TLMIN
-and TLMAX values for all coordinate transformations. FITS conventions
-seem to call for use of floating point TLMIN and TLMAX when the data are
-floats. This convention is followed by funsky but results in a
-small discrepancy with ds9's converted values for floating point
-data. We will remedy this conflict in the future, maybe.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funtable.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funtable.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index d4e8475..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funtable.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funtable - copy selected rows from a Funtools file to a FITS binary table>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funtable [-a] [-i|-z] [-m] [-s cols] <iname> <oname> [columns]
-=head1 OPTIONS
- -a # append to existing output file as a table extension
- -i # for image data, only generate X and Y columns
- -m # for tables, write a separate file for each region
- -s "col1 ..." # columns on which to sort
- -z # for image data, output zero-valued pixels
-B<funtable> selects rows from the specified
-FITS Extension
-(binary table only) of a FITS file, or from a non-FITS raw event
-file, and writes those rows to a FITS binary table file. It also
-will create a FITS binary table from an image or a raw array file.
-The first argument to the program specifies the FITS file, raw event
-file, or raw array file. If "stdin" is specified, data are read from
-the standard input. Use Funtools Bracket
-Notation to specify FITS extensions, and filters. The second
-argument is the output FITS file. If "stdout" is specified, the FITS
-binary table is written to the standard output. By default, all
-columns of the input file are copied to the output file. Selected
-columns can be output using an optional third argument in the form:
- "column1 column1 ... columnN"
-The B<funtable> program generally is used to select rows from a
-FITS binary table using
-Table Filters
-Spatial Region Filters.
-For example, you can copy only selected rows (and output only selected
-columns) by executing in a command such as:
- [sh] funtable "test.ev[pha==1&&pi==10]" stdout "x y pi pha" | fundisp stdin
- ------- ------- ------- ---------
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
- 1 10 1 10
-The special column B<$REGION> can be specified to write the
-region id of each row:
- [sh $] funtable "test.ev[time-(int)time>=.99&&annulus(0 0 0 10 n=3)]" stdout 'x y time $REGION' | fundisp stdin
- -------- -------- --------------------- ----------
- 5 -6 40.99000000 3
- 4 -5 59.99000000 2
- -1 0 154.99000000 1
- -2 1 168.99000000 1
- -3 2 183.99000000 2
- -4 3 199.99000000 2
- -5 4 216.99000000 2
- -6 5 234.99000000 3
- -7 6 253.99000000 3
-Here only rows with the proper fractional time and whose position also is
-within one of the three annuli are written.
-Columns can be excluded from display using a minus sign before the
- [sh $] funtable "test.ev[time-(int)time>=.99]" stdout "-time" | fundisp stdin
- -------- -------- -------- ---------- ----------- -----------
- 5 -6 5 -6 5.50 -6.50
- 4 -5 4 -5 4.50 -5.50
- -1 0 -1 0 -1.50 0.50
- -2 1 -2 1 -2.50 1.50
- -3 2 -3 2 -3.50 2.50
- -4 3 -4 3 -4.50 3.50
- -5 4 -5 4 -5.50 4.50
- -6 5 -6 5 -6.50 5.50
- -7 6 -7 6 -7.50 6.50
-All columns except the time column are written.
-In general, the rules for activating and de-activating columns are:
-=over 4
-=item *
-If only exclude columns are specified, then all columns but
-the exclude columns will be activated.
-=item *
-If only include columns are specified, then only the specified columns
-are activated.
-=item *
-If a mixture of include and exclude columns are specified, then
-all but the exclude columns will be active; this last case
-is ambiguous and the rule is arbitrary.
-In addition to specifying columns names explicitly, the special
-symbols I<+> and I<-> can be used to activate and
-de-activate I<all> columns. This is useful if you want to
-activate the $REGION column along with all other columns. According
-to the rules, the syntax "$REGION" only activates the region column
-and de-activates the rest. Use "+ $REGION" to activate all
-columns as well as the region column.
-Ordinarily, only the selected table is copied to the output file. In
-a FITS binary table, it sometimes is desirable to copy all of the
-other FITS extensions to the output file as well. This can be done by
-appending a '+' sign to the name of the extension in the input file
-name. For example, the first command below copies only the EVENT table,
-while the second command copies other extensions as well:
- [sh] funtable "/proj/rd/data/snr.ev[EVENTS]" events.ev
- [sh] funtable "/proj/rd/data/snr.ev[EVENTS+]" eventsandmore.ev
-If the input file is an image or a raw array file, then
-B<funtable> will generate a FITS binary table from the pixel
-values in the image. Note that it is not possible to specify the
-columns to output (using command-line argument 3). Instead, there are
-two ways to create such a binary table from an image. By default, a
-3-column table is generated, where the columns are "X", "Y", and
-"VALUE". For each pixel in the image, a single row (event) is
-generated with the "X" and "Y" columns assigned the dim1 and dim2
-values of the image pixel, respectively and the "VALUE" column
-assigned the value of the pixel. With sort of table, running
-B<funhist> on the "VALUE" column will give the same results as
-running B<funhist> on the original image.
-If the B<-i> ("individual" rows) switch is specified, then only
-the "X" and "Y" columns are generated. In this case, each positive
-pixel value in the image generates n rows (events), where n is equal
-to the integerized value of that pixel (plus 0.5, for floating point
-data). In effect, B<-i> approximately recreates the rows of a
-table that would have been binned into the input image. (Of course,
-this is only approximately correct, since the resulting x,y positions
-are integerized.)
-If the B<-s [col1 col2 ... coln]> ("sort") switch is specified,
-the output rows of a binary table will be sorted using the
-specified columns as sort keys. The sort keys must be scalar columns
-and also must be part of the output file (i.e. you cannot sort on a
-column but not include it in the output). This facility uses the
-B<_sort> program (included with funtools), which must be accessible
-via your path.
-For binary tables, the B<-m> ("multiple files") switch will
-generate a separate file for each region in the filter specification
-i.e. each file contains only the rows from that region. Rows
-which pass the filter but are not in any region also are put in a
-separate file.
-The separate output file names generated by the B<-m> switch are
-produced automatically from the root output file to contain the region id of
-the associated region. (Note that region ids start at 1, so that the
-file name associated with id 0 contains rows that pass the filter but
-are not in any given region.) Output file names are generated as follows:
-=over 4
-=item *
-A $n specification can be used anywhere in the root file name (suitably
-quoted to protect it from the shell) and will be expanded to be the id
-number of the associated region. For example:
- funtable -m input.fits'[cir(512,512,1);cir(520,520,1)...]' 'foo.goo_$n.fits'
-will generate files named foo.goo_0.fits (for rows not in any region but
-still passing the filter), foo.goo_1.fits (rows in region id #1, the first
-region), foo.goo_2.fits (rows in region id #2), etc. Note that single quotes
-in the output root are required to protect the '$' from the shell.
-=item *
-If $n is not specified, then the region id will be placed before
-the first dot (.) in the filename. Thus:
- funtable -m input.fits'[cir(512,512,1);cir(520,520,1)...]' foo.evt.fits
-will generate files named foo0.evt.fits (for rows not in any region but
-still passing the filter), foo1.evt.fits (rows in region id #1),
-foo2.evt.fits (rows in region id #2), etc.
-=item *
-If no dot is specified in the root output file name, then
-the region id will be appended to the filename. Thus:
- funtable -m input.fits'[cir(512,512,1);cir(520,520,1)...]' 'foo_evt'
-will generate files named foo_evt0 (for rows not in any region but
-still passing the filter), foo_evt1 (rows in region id #1),
-foo_evt2 (rows in region id #2), etc.
-The multiple file mechanism provide a simple way to generate
-individual source data files with a single pass through the data.
-By default, a new FITS file is created and the binary table is written
-to the first extension. If the B<-a> (append) switch is specified,
-the table is appended to an existing FITS file as a BINTABLE extension.
-Note that the output FITS file must already exist.
-If the B<-z> ("zero" pixel values) switch is specified and
-B<-i> is not specified, then pixels having a zero value will
-be output with their "VALUE" column set to zero. Obviously, this
-switch does not make sense when individual events are output.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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deleted file mode 100644
index 86c1e66..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunTableRowGet - get Funtools rows>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- #include <funtools.h>
- void *FunTableRowGet(Fun fun, void *rows, int maxrow, char *plist,
- int *nrow)
-The B<FunTableRowGet()> routine retrieves rows from a Funtools
-binary table or raw event file, and places the values of columns
-selected by FunColumnSelect()
-into an array of user structs. Selected column values are
-automatically converted to the specified user data type (and to native
-data format) as necessary.
-The first argument is the Fun handle associated with this row data.
-The second B<rows> argument is the array of user structs into
-which the selected columns will be stored. If NULL is passed, the
-routine will automatically allocate space for this array. (This
-includes proper allocation of pointers within each struct, if the "@"
-pointer type is used in the selection of columns. Note that if you
-pass NULL in the second argument, you should free this space using the
-standard free() system call when you are finished with the array of
-rows.) The third B<maxrow> argument specifies the maximum number
-of rows to be returned. Thus, if B<rows> is allocated by the
-user, it should be at least of size maxrow*sizeof(evstruct).
-The fourth B<plist> argument is a param list string. Currently,
-the keyword/value pair "mask=transparent" is supported in the plist
-argument. If this string is passed in the call's plist argument, then
-all rows are passed back to the user (instead of just rows passing
-the filter). This is only useful when
-FunColumnSelect() also is
-used to specify "$region" as a column to return for each row. In
-such a case, rows found within a region have a returned region value
-greater than 0 (corresponding to the region id of the region in which
-they are located), rows passing the filter but not in a region have
-region value of -1, and rows not passing any filter have region
-value of 0. Thus, using "mask=transparent" and the returned region
-value, a program can process all rows and decide on an action based
-on whether a given row passed the filter or not.
-The final argument is a pointer to an int variable that will return
-the actual number of rows returned. The routine returns a pointer to
-the array of stored rows, or NULL if there was an error. (This pointer
-will be the same as the second argument, if the latter is non-NULL).
- /* get rows -- let routine allocate the row array */
- while( (buf = (Ev)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got)) ){
- /* process all rows */
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- /* point to the i'th row */
- ev = buf+i;
- /* rearrange some values. etc. */
- ev->energy = (ev->pi+ev->pha)/2.0;
- ev->pha = -ev->pha;
- ev->pi = -ev->pi;
- }
- /* write out this batch of rows */
- FunTableRowPut(fun2, buf, got, 0, NULL);
- /* free row data */
- if( buf ) free(buf);
- }
-As shown above, successive calls to
-FunTableRowGet() will return the
-next set of rows from the input file until all rows have been read,
-i.e., the routine behaves like sequential Unix I/O calls such as
-fread(). See evmerge example code for a
-more complete example.
-Note that FunTableRowGet() also can be called as FunEventsGet(), for
-backward compatibility.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index b063e43..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
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-=head1 NAME
-B<FunTableRowPut - put Funtools rows>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-int FunTableRowPut(Fun fun, void *rows, int nev, int idx, char *plist)
-The B<FunTableRowPut()> routine writes rows to a FITS binary
-table, taking its input from an array of user structs that contain
-column values selected by a previous call to
-FunColumnSelect(). Selected
-column values are automatically converted from native data format to
-FITS data format as necessary.
-The first argument is the Fun handle associated with this row data.
-The second B<rows> argument is the array of user structs to
-output. The third B<nrow> argument specifies the number number of
-rows to write. The routine will write B<nrow> records, starting
-from the location specified by B<rows>.
-The fourth B<idx> argument is the index of the first raw input
-row to write, in the case where rows from the user buffer are
-being merged with their raw input row counterparts (see below). Note
-that this B<idx> value is has nothing to do with the
-row buffer specified in argument 1. It merely matches the row
-being written with its corresponding (hidden) raw row. Thus, if you
-read a number of rows, process them, and then write them out all at
-once starting from the first user row, the value of B<idx>
-should be 0:
- Ev ebuf, ev;
- /* get rows -- let routine allocate the row array */
- while( (ebuf = (Ev)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got)) ){
- /* process all rows */
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- /* point to the i'th row */
- ev = ebuf+i;
- ...
- }
- /* write out this batch of rows, starting with the first */
- FunTableRowPut(fun2, (char *)ebuf, got, 0, NULL);
- /* free row data */
- if( ebuf ) free(ebuf);
- }
-On the other hand, if you write out the rows one at a time (possibly
-skipping rows), then, when writing the i'th row from the input
-array of rows, set B<idx> to the value of i:
- Ev ebuf, ev;
- /* get rows -- let routine allocate the row array */
- while( (ebuf = (Ev)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got)) ){
- /* process all rows */
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- /* point to the i'th row */
- ev = ebuf+i;
- ...
- /* write out the current (i.e., i'th) row */
- FunTableRowPut(fun2, (char *)ev, 1, i, NULL);
- }
- /* free row data */
- if( ebuf ) free(ebuf);
- }
-The final argument is a param list string that is not currently used.
-The routine returns the number of rows output. This should be equal
-to the value passed in the third nrow</B argument.
-When FunTableRowPut() is first
-called for a given binary table, Funtools checks to see of the primary
-header has already been written (either by writing a previous row
-table or by writing an image.) If not, a dummy primary header is
-written to the file specifying that an extension should be expected.
-After this, a binary table header is automatically written containing
-information about the columns that will populate this table. In
-addition, if a
-Funtools reference handle
-was specified when this table was opened, the parameters from this
-Funtools reference handle
-are merged into the new binary table header.
-In a typical Funtools row loop, you read rows using
-FunTableRowGet()() and write
-rows using FunTableRowPut(). The columns written by
-FunTableRowPut()() are those defined as writable by a previous call to
-FunColumnSelect(). If
-that call to FunColumnSelect also specified
-B<merge=[update|replace|append]>, then the entire corresponding
-raw input row record will be merged with the output row according
-to the B<merge> specification (see
-FunColumnSelect() above).
-A call to write rows can either be done once, after all rows in
-the input batch have been processed, or it can be done (slightly less
-efficiently) one row at a time (or anything in between). We do
-recommend that you write all rows associated with a given batch of
-input rows before reading new rows. This is B<required> if
-you are merging the output rows with the raw input rows (since
-the raw rows are destroyed with each successive call to get new rows).
-For example:
- Ev buf, ev;
- ...
- /* get rows -- let routine allocate the row array */
- while( (buf = (Ev)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got)) ){
- /* point to the i'th row */
- ev = buf + i;
- .... process
- }
- /* write out this batch of rows */
- FunTableRowPut(fun2, buf, got, 0, NULL);
- /* free row data */
- if( buf ) free(buf);
- }
- Ev buf, ev;
- ...
- /* get rows -- let routine allocate the row array */
- while( (buf = (Ev)FunTableRowGet(fun, NULL, MAXROW, NULL, &got)) ){
- /* process all rows */
- for(i=0; i<got; i++){
- /* point to the i'th row */
- ev = buf + i;
- ... process
- /* write out this batch of rows with the new column */
- if( dowrite )
- FunTableRowPut(fun2, buf, 1, i, NULL);
- }
- /* free row data */
- if( buf ) free(buf);
- }
-Note that the difference between these calls is that the first one
-outputs B<got> rows all at once and therefore passes
-B<idx=0> in argument four, so that merging starts at the first raw
-input row. In the second case, a check it made on each row to see
-if it needs to be output. If so, the value of B<idx> is passed as
-the value of the B<i> variable which points to the current row
-being processed in the batch of input rows.
-As shown above, successive calls to
-FunTableRowPut() will write
-rows sequentially. When you are finished writing all rows in a
-table, you should call
-FunFlush() to write out the FITS
-binary table padding. However, this is not necessary if you
-subsequently call FunClose() without doing any other I/O to the FITS
-Note that FunTableRowPut() also can be called as FunEventsPut(), for
-backward compatibility.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funtbl.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funtbl.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fb9bb0..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funtbl.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<funtbl - extract a table from Funtools ASCII output>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-funtable [-c cols] [-h] [-n table] [-p prog] [-s sep] <iname>
-[NB: This program has been deprecated in favor of the ASCII text processing
-support in funtools. You can now perform fundisp on funtools ASCII output
-files (specifying the table using bracket notation) to extract tables
-and columns.]
-The B<funtbl> script extracts a specified table (without the
-header and comments) from a funtools ASCII output file and writes the
-result to the standard output. The first non-switch argument is the
-ASCII input file name (i.e. the saved output from funcnts, fundisp,
-funhist, etc.). If no filename is specified, stdin is read. The
--n switch specifies which table (starting from 1) to extract. The
-default is to extract the first table. The -c switch is a
-space-delimited list of column numbers to output, e.g. -c "1 3 5"
-will extract the first three odd-numbered columns. The default is to
-extract all columns. The -s switch specifies the separator string to
-put between columns. The default is a single space. The -h switch
-specifies that column names should be added in a header line before
-the data is output. Without the switch, no header is prepended. The
--p program switch allows you to specify an awk-like program to run
-instead of the default (which is host-specific and is determined at
-build time). The -T switch will output the data in rdb format (i.e.,
-with a 2-row header of column names and dashes, and with data columns
-separated by tabs). The -help switch will print out a message
-describing program usage.
-For example, consider the output from the following funcnts command:
- [sh] funcnts -sr snr.ev "ann 512 512 0 9 n=3"
- # source
- # data file: /proj/rd/data/snr.ev
- # arcsec/pixel: 8
- # background
- # constant value: 0.000000
- # column units
- # area: arcsec**2
- # surf_bri: cnts/arcsec**2
- # surf_err: cnts/arcsec**2
- # summed background-subtracted results
- upto net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 147.000 12.124 0.000 0.000 1600.00 0.092 0.008
- 2 625.000 25.000 0.000 0.000 6976.00 0.090 0.004
- 3 1442.000 37.974 0.000 0.000 15936.00 0.090 0.002
- # background-subtracted results
- reg net_counts error background berror area surf_bri surf_err
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ --------- --------- --------- ---------
- 1 147.000 12.124 0.000 0.000 1600.00 0.092 0.008
- 2 478.000 21.863 0.000 0.000 5376.00 0.089 0.004
- 3 817.000 28.583 0.000 0.000 8960.00 0.091 0.003
- # the following source and background components were used:
- source_region(s)
- ----------------
- ann 512 512 0 9 n=3
- reg counts pixels sumcnts sumpix
- ---- ------------ --------- ------------ ---------
- 1 147.000 25 147.000 25
- 2 478.000 84 625.000 109
- 3 817.000 140 1442.000 249
-There are four tables in this output. To extract the last one, you
-can execute:
- [sh] funcnts -s snr.ev "ann 512 512 0 9 n=3" | funtbl -n 4
- 1 147.000 25 147.000 25
- 2 478.000 84 625.000 109
- 3 817.000 140 1442.000 249
-Note that the output has been re-formatted so that only a single space
-separates each column, with no extraneous header or comment information.
-To extract only columns 1,2, and 4 from the last example (but with a header
-prepended and tabs between columns), you can execute:
- [sh] funcnts -s snr.ev "ann 512 512 0 9 n=3" | funtbl -c "1 2 4" -h -n 4 -s "\t"
- #reg counts sumcnts
- 1 147.000 147.000
- 2 478.000 625.000
- 3 817.000 1442.000
-Of course, if the output has previously been saved in a file named
-foo.out, the same result can be obtained by executing:
- [sh] funtbl -c "1 2 4" -h -n 4 -s "\t" foo.out
- #reg counts sumcnts
- 1 147.000 147.000
- 2 478.000 625.000
- 3 817.000 1442.000
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
diff --git a/funtools/doc/pod/funtext.pod b/funtools/doc/pod/funtext.pod
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e20d1f..0000000
--- a/funtools/doc/pod/funtext.pod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-=head1 NAME
-B<Funtext: Support for Column-based Text Files>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document contains a summary of the options for processing column-based
-text files.
-Funtools will automatically sense and process "standard"
-column-based text files as if they were FITS binary tables without any
-change in Funtools syntax. In particular, you can filter text files
-using the same syntax as FITS binary tables:
- fundisp foo.txt'[cir 512 512 .1]'
- fundisp -T foo.txt > foo.rdb
- funtable foo.txt'[pha=1:10,cir 512 512 10]' foo.fits
-The first example displays a filtered selection of a text file. The
-second example converts a text file to an RDB file. The third example
-converts a filtered selection of a text file to a FITS binary table.
-Text files can also be used in Funtools image programs. In this case,
-you must provide binning parameters (as with raw event files), using
-the bincols keyword specifier:
- bincols=([xname[:tlmin[:tlmax:[binsiz]]]],[yname[:tlmin[:tlmax[:binsiz]]]
-For example:
- funcnts foo'[bincols=(x:1024,y:1024)]' "ann 512 512 0 10 n=10"
-B<Standard Text Files>
-Standard text files have the following characteristics:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Optional comment lines start with #
-=item *
-Optional blank lines are considered comments
-=item *
-An optional table header consists of the following (in order):
-=over 4
-=item *
-a single line of alpha-numeric column names
-=item *
-an optional line of unit strings containing the same number of cols
-=item *
-an optional line of dashes containing the same number of cols
-=item *
-Data lines follow the optional header and (for the present) consist of
- the same number of columns as the header.
-=item *
-Standard delimiters such as space, tab, comma, semi-colon, and bar.
- # rdb file
- foo1 foo2 foo3 foos
- ---- ---- ---- ----
- 1 2.2 3 xxxx
- 10 20.2 30 yyyy
- # multiple consecutive whitespace and dashes
- foo1 foo2 foo3 foos
- --- ---- ---- ----
- 1 2.2 3 xxxx
- 10 20.2 30 yyyy
- # comma delims and blank lines
- foo1,foo2,foo3,foos
- 1,2.2,3,xxxx
- 10,20.2,30,yyyy
- # bar delims with null values
- foo1|foo2|foo3|foos
- 1||3|xxxx
- 10|20.2||yyyy
- # header-less data
- 1 2.2 3 xxxx
- 10 20.2 30 yyyy
-The default set of token delimiters consists of spaces, tabs, commas,
-semi-colons, and vertical bars. Several parsers are used
-simultaneously to analyze a line of text in different ways. One way
-of analyzing a line is to allow a combination of spaces, tabs, and
-commas to be squashed into a single delimiter (no null values between
-consecutive delimiters). Another way is to allow tab, semi-colon, and
-vertical bar delimiters to support null values, i.e. two consecutive
-delimiters implies a null value (e.g. RDB file). A successful parser
-is one which returns a consistent number of columns for all rows, with
-each column having a consistent data type. More than one parser can
-be successful. For now, it is assumed that successful parsers all
-return the same tokens for a given line. (Theoretically, there are
-pathological cases, which will be taken care of as needed). Bad parsers
-are discarded on the fly.
-If the header does not exist, then names "col1", "col2", etc. are
-assigned to the columns to allow filtering. Furthermore, data types
-for each column are determined by the data types found in the columns
-of the first data line, and can be one of the following: string, int,
-and double. Thus, all of the above examples return the following
- fundisp foo'[foo1>5]'
- ---------- --------------------- ---------- ------------
- 10 20.20000000 30 yyyy
-B<Comments Convert to Header Params>
-Comments which precede data rows are converted into header parameters and
-will be written out as such using funimage or funhead. Two styles of comments
-are recognized:
-1. FITS-style comments have an equal sign "=" between the keyword and
-value and an optional slash "/" to signify a comment. The strict FITS
-rules on column positions are not enforced. In addition, strings only
-need to be quoted if they contain whitespace. For example, the following
-are valid FITS-style comments:
- # fits0 = 100
- # fits1 = /usr/local/bin
- # fits2 = "/usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin"
- # fits3c = /usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin /usr/bin
- # fits4c = "/usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin" / path dir
-Note that the fits3c comment is not quoted and therefore its value is the
-single token "/usr/local/bin" and the comment is "opt/local/bin /usr/bin".
-This is different from the quoted comment in fits4c.
-2. Free-form comments can have an optional colon separator between the
-keyword and value. In the absence of quote, all tokens after the
-keyword are part of the value, i.e. no comment is allowed. If a string
-is quoted, then slash "/" after the string will signify a comment.
-For example:
- # com1 /usr/local/bin
- # com2 "/usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin"
- # com3 /usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin /usr/bin
- # com4c "/usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin" / path dir
- # com11: /usr/local/bin
- # com12: "/usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin"
- # com13: /usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin /usr/bin
- # com14c: "/usr/local/bin /opt/local/bin" / path dir
-Note that com3 and com13 are not quoted, so the whole string is part of
-the value, while comz4c and com14c are quoted and have comments following
-the values.
-Some text files have column name and data type information in the header.
-You can specify the format of column information contained in the
-header using the "hcolfmt=" specification. See below for a detailed
-B<Multiple Tables in a Single File>
-Multiple tables are supported in a single file. If an RDB-style file
-is sensed, then a ^L (vertical tab) will signify end of
-table. Otherwise, an end of table is sensed when a new header (i.e.,
-all alphanumeric columns) is found. (Note that this heuristic does not
-work for single column tables where the column type is ASCII and the
-table that follows also has only one column.) You also can specify
-characters that signal an end of table condition using the B<eot=>
-keyword. See below for details.
-You can access the nth table (starting from 1) in a multi-table file
-by enclosing the table number in brackets, as with a FITS extension:
- fundisp foo'[2]'
-The above example will display the second table in the file.
-(Index values start at 1 in oder to maintain logical compatibility
-with FITS files, where extension numbers also start at 1).
-B<TEXT() Specifier>
-As with ARRAY() and EVENTS() specifiers for raw image arrays and raw
-event lists respectively, you can use TEXT() on text files to pass
-key=value options to the parsers. An empty set of keywords is
-equivalent to not having TEXT() at all, that is:
- fundisp foo
- fundisp foo'[TEXT()]'
-are equivalent. A multi-table index number is placed before the TEXT()
-specifier as the first token, when indexing into a multi-table:
- fundisp foo'[2,TEXT(...)]'
-The filter specification is placed after the TEXT() specifier, separated
-by a comma, or in an entirely separate bracket:
- fundisp foo'[TEXT(...),circle 512 512 .1]'
- fundisp foo'[2,TEXT(...)][circle 512 512 .1]'
-B<Text() Keyword Options>
-The following is a list of keywords that can be used within the TEXT()
-specifier (the first three are the most important):
-=over 4
-=item *
-Specify token delimiters for this file. Only a single parser having these
-delimiters will be used to process the file.
- fundisp foo.fits'[TEXT(delims="!")]'
- fundisp foo.fits'[TEXT(delims="\t%")]'
-=item *
-Specify comment characters. You must include "\n" to allow blank lines.
-These comment characters will be used for all standard parsers (unless delims
-are also specified).
- fundisp foo.fits'[TEXT(comchars="!\n")]'
-=item *
-cols="[name1:type1 ...]"
-Specify names and data type of columns. This overrides header
-names and/or data types in the first data row or default names and
-data types for header-less tables.
- fundisp foo.fits'[TEXT(cols="x:I,y:I,pha:I,pi:I,time:D,dx:E,dy:e")]'
-If the column specifier is the only keyword, then the cols= is not
-required (in analogy with EVENTS()):
- fundisp foo.fits'[TEXT(x:I,y:I,pha:I,pi:I,time:D,dx:E,dy:e)]'
-Of course, an index is allowed in this case:
- fundisp foo.fits'[2,TEXT(x:I,y:I,pha:I,pi:I,time:D,dx:E,dy:e)]'
-=item *
-eot="[eot delim]"
-Specify end of table string specifier for multi-table files. RDB
-files support ^L. The end of table specifier is a string and the whole
-string must be found alone on a line to signify EOT. For example:
- fundisp foo.fits'[TEXT(eot="END")]'
-will end the table when a line contains "END" is found. Multiple lines
-are supported, so that:
- fundisp foo.fits'[TEXT(eot="END\nGAME")]'
-will end the table when a line contains "END" followed by a line
-containing "GAME".
-In the absence of an EOT delimiter, a new table will be sensed when a new
-header (all alphanumeric columns) is found.
-=item *
-Specify data type of a single null value in row 1.
-Since column data types are determined by the first row, a null value
-in that row will result in an error and a request to specify names and
-data types using cols=. If you only have a one null in row 1, you don't
-need to specify all names and columns. Instead, use null1="type" to
-specify its data type.
-=item *
-Specify size in bytes for ASCII type columns.
-FITS binary tables only support fixed length ASCII columns, so a
-size value must be specified. The default is 16 bytes.
-=item *
-Specify whether to expect null values.
-Give the parsers a hint as to whether null values should be allowed. The
-default is to try to determine this from the data.
-=item *
-Specify whether surrounding white space should be kept as part of
-string tokens. By default surrounding white space is removed from
-=item *
-Specify whether to require a header. This is needed by tables
-containing all string columns (and with no row containing dashes), in
-order to be able to tell whether the first row is a header or part of
-the data. The default is false, meaning that the first row will be
-data. If a row dashes are present, the previous row is considered the
-column name row.
-=item *
-Specify whether to require a units line.
-Give the parsers a hint as to whether a row specifying units should be
-allowed. The default is to try to determine this from the data.
-=item *
-Specify whether to allow int to float conversions.
-If a column in row 1 contains an integer value, the data type for that
-column will be set to int. If a subsequent row contains a float in
-that same column, an error will be signaled. This flag specifies that,
-instead of an error, the float should be silently truncated to
-int. Usually, you will want an error to be signaled, so that you can
-specify the data type using cols= (or by changing the value of
-the column in row 1).
-=item *
-Specify whether comment signifies end of table.
-If comeot is 0 or false, then comments do not signify end of table and
-can be interspersed with data rows. If the value is true or 1 (the
-default for standard parsers), then non-blank lines (e.g. lines
-beginning with '#') signify end of table but blanks are allowed
-between rows. If the value is 2, then all comments, including blank
-lines, signify end of table.
-=item *
-Specify whether "lazy" end of table should be permitted (default is
-true for standard formats, except rdb format where explicit ^L is required
-between tables). A lazy EOT can occur when a new table starts directly
-after an old one, with no special EOT delimiter. A check for this EOT
-condition is begun when a given row contains all string tokens. If, in
-addition, there is a mismatch between the number of tokens in the
-previous row and this row, or a mismatch between the number of string
-tokens in the prev row and this row, a new table is assumed to have
-been started. For example:
- ival1 sval3
- ----- -----
- 1 two
- 3 four
- jval1 jval2 tval3
- ----- ----- ------
- 10 20 thirty
- 40 50 sixty
-Here the line "jval1 ..." contains all string tokens. In addition,
-the number of tokens in this line (3) differs from the number of
-tokens in the previous line (2). Therefore a new table is assumed
-to have started. Similarly:
- ival1 ival2 sval3
- ----- ----- -----
- 1 2 three
- 4 5 six
- jval1 jval2 tval3
- ----- ----- ------
- 10 20 thirty
- 40 50 sixty
-Again, the line "jval1 ..." contains all string tokens. The number of
-string tokens in the previous row (1) differs from the number of
-tokens in the current row(3). We therefore assume a new table as been
-started. This lazy EOT test is not performed if lazyeot is explicitly
-set to false.
-=item *
-hcolfmt=[header column format]
-Some text files have column name and data type information in the header.
-For example, VizieR catalogs have headers containing both column names
-and data types:
- #Column e_Kmag (F6.3) ?(k_msigcom) K total magnitude uncertainty (4) [ucd=ERROR]
- #Column Rflg (A3) (rd_flg) Source of JHK default mag (6) [ucd=REFER_CODE]
- #Column Xflg (I1) [0,2] (gal_contam) Extended source contamination (10) [ucd=CODE_MISC]
-while Sextractor files have headers containing column names alone:
- # 1 X_IMAGE Object position along x [pixel]
- # 2 Y_IMAGE Object position along y [pixel]
- # 3 ALPHA_J2000 Right ascension of barycenter (J2000) [deg]
- # 4 DELTA_J2000 Declination of barycenter (J2000) [deg]
-The hcolfmt specification allows you to describe which header lines
-contain column name and data type information. It consists of a string
-defining the format of the column line, using "$col" (or "$name") to
-specify placement of the column name, "$fmt" to specify placement of the
-data format, and "$skip" to specify tokens to ignore. You also can
-specify tokens explicitly (or, for those users familiar with how
-sscanf works, you can specify scanf skip specifiers using "%*").
-For example, the VizieR hcolfmt above might be specified in several ways:
- Column $col ($fmt) # explicit specification of "Column" string
- $skip $col ($fmt) # skip one token
- %*s $col ($fmt) # skip one string (using scanf format)
-while the Sextractor format might be specified using:
- $skip $col # skip one token
- %*d $col # skip one int (using scanf format)
-You must ensure that the hcolfmt statement only senses actual column
-definitions, with no false positives or negatives. For example, the
-first Sextractor specification, "$skip $col", will consider any header
-line containing two tokens to be a column name specifier, while the
-second one, "%*d $col", requires an integer to be the first token. In
-general, it is preferable to specify formats as explicitly as
-Note that the VizieR-style header info is sensed automatically by the
-funtools standard VizieR-like parser, using the hcolfmt "Column $col
-($fmt)". There is no need for explicit use of hcolfmt in this case.
-=item *
-Display debugging information during parsing.
-B<Environment Variables>
-Environment variables are defined to allow many of these TEXT() values to be
-set without having to include them in TEXT() every time a file is processed:
- keyword environment variable
- ------- --------------------
- delims TEXT_DELIMS
- comchars TEXT_COMCHARS
- eot TEXT_EOT
- null1 TEXT_NULL1
- alen TEXT_ALEN
- bincols TEXT_BINCOLS
- hcolfmt TEXT_HCOLFMT
-B<Restrictions and Problems>
-As with raw event files, the '+' (copy extensions) specifier is not
-supported for programs such as funtable.
-String to int and int to string data conversions are allowed by the
-text parsers. This is done more by force of circumstance than by
-conviction: these transitions often happens with VizieR catalogs,
-which we want to support fully. One consequence of allowing these
-transitions is that the text parsers can get confused by columns which
-contain a valid integer in the first row and then switch to a
-string. Consider the following table:
- xxx yyy zzz
- ---- ---- ----
- 111 aaa bbb
- ccc 222 ddd
-The xxx column has an integer value in row one a string in row two,
-while the yyy column has the reverse. The parser will erroneously
-treat the first column as having data type int:
- fundisp
- ---------- ------------ ------------
- 111 'aaa' 'bbb'
- 1667457792 '222' 'ddd'
-while the second column is processed correctly. This situation can be avoided
-in any number of ways, all of which force the data type of the first column
-to be a string. For example, you can edit the file and explicitly quote the
-first row of the column:
- xxx yyy zzz
- ---- ---- ----
- "111" aaa bbb
- ccc 222 ddd
- [sh] fundisp
- ------------ ------------ ------------
- '111' 'aaa' 'bbb'
- 'ccc' '222' 'ddd'
-You can edit the file and explicitly set the data type of the first column:
- xxx:3A yyy zzz
- ------ ---- ----
- 111 aaa bbb
- ccc 222 ddd
- [sh] fundisp
- ------------ ------------ ------------
- '111' 'aaa' 'bbb'
- 'ccc' '222' 'ddd'
-You also can explicitly set the column names and data types of all columns,
-without editing the file:
- [sh] fundisp'[TEXT(xxx:3A,yyy:3A,zzz:3a)]'
- ------------ ------------ ------------
- '111' 'aaa' 'bbb'
- 'ccc' '222' 'ddd'
-The issue of data type transitions (which to allow and which to disallow)
-is still under discussion.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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-=head1 NAME
-B<Funtools: FITS Users Need Tools>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document is the Table of Contents for Funtools.
-Funtools, is a "minimal buy-in" FITS library and utility package developed
-at the the High Energy Astrophysics Division of SAO. The Funtools
-library provides simplified access to a wide array of file types:
-standard astronomical FITS images and binary tables, raw arrays and
-binary event lists, and even tables of ASCII column data. A
-sophisticated region filtering library (compatible with ds9) filters
-images and tables using boolean operations between geometric shapes,
-support world coordinates, etc. Funtools also supports advanced
-capabilities such as optimized data searching using index files.
-The main goal of the Funtools project has been to develop a minimal buy-in
-FITS library for researchers who are occasional (but serious) coders. In
-this case, "minimal buy-in" means "easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to
-re-learn next month". We have tried to achieve this goal by emphasizing two
-essential capabilities. The first is the ability to develop FITS programs
-without knowing much about FITS, i.e., without having to deal with the
-arcane rules for generating a properly formatted FITS file. The second is
-to support the use of already-familiar C/Unix facilities, especially C
-structs and Unix stdio. Taken together, these two capabilities should allow
-researchers to leverage their existing programming expertise while
-minimizing the need to learn new and complex coding rules.
-Choose from the following topics:
-=over 4
-=item *
-Funtools User Programs
-=over 4
-=item *
-funcalc: Funtools calculator (for binary tables)
-=item *
-funcen: find centroid (for binary tables)
-=item *
-funcnts: count photons in specified regions
-=item *
-funcone: cone search on RA, Dec columns
-=item *
-fundisp: display data in a Funtools data file
-=item *
-funhead: display a header in a Funtools file
-=item *
-funhist: create a 1D histogram of a column
-=item *
-funimage: create a FITS image from a Funtools data file
-=item *
-funindex: create an index on a column in a binary table
-=item *
-funjoin: join two or more FITS binary tables on specified columns
-=item *
-funmerge: merge one or more Funtools table files
-=item *
-funsky: convert between image and sky coordinates, using WCS info from a FITS header
-=item *
-funtable: copy selected rows from a Funtools file to a FITS binary table
-=item *
-funtbl: extract a table from
-Funtools ASCII output
-=item *
-funtools and ds9 image display
-=item *
-Funtools Programming
-=over 4
-=item *
-Funtools Programming Summary
-=item *
-Funtools Programming Tutorial
-=item *
-A Short Digression on Subroutine Order
-=item *
-Compiling and Linking
-=item *
-The Funtools Reference Handle
-=item *
-The Funtools Programming Reference Manual
-=over 4
-=item *
-FunOpen: open a Funtools file
-=item *
-FunImageGet: retrieve image data
-=item *
-FunImagePut: output image data
-=item *
-FunImageRowGet: retrieve image data by row
-=item *
-FunImageRowPut: output image data by row
-=item *
-FunTableRowGet: retrieve rows from a table
-=item *
-FunTableRowPut: output rows to a table
-=item *
-FunColumnSelect: select columns in a table for access
-=item *
-FunColumnActivate: activate columns in a table for read/write
-=item *
-FunColumnLookup: lookup info about the columns in a table
-=item *
-FunInfoGet: get info about an image or table
-=item *
-FunInfoPut: put info about an image or table
-=item *
-FunParamGet: get header param
-=item *
-FunParamPut: put header param
-=item *
-FunFlush: flush I/O in a Funtools file
-=item *
-FunClose: close a Funtools file
-=item *
-Funtools Programming Examples
-=over 4
-=item *
-evmerge: merge new columns with existing columns
-=item *
-evcols: add column and rows to binary tables
-=item *
-imblank: blank out image values below a threshold
-=item *
-Funtools Data Files
-=over 4
-=item *
-Supported Data Formats
-=over 4
-=item *
-FITS File and Extensions
-=item *
-Non-FITS Raw Event Files
-=item *
-Non-FITS Array Files
-=item *
-Column-based Text (ASCII) Files
-=item *
-Database Views of Tables
-=item *
-Image Sections and Blocking
-=item *
-Binning FITS Binary Tables and Non-FITS Event Files
-=item *
-Disk Files and Other Supported File Types
-=item *
-Funtools Data Filtering
-=over 4
-=item *
-Table Filtering
-=item *
-Fast Table Filtering using Indexes
-=item *
-Spatial Region Filtering
-=over 4
-=item *
-Region Geometry
-=item *
-Region Algebra
-=item *
-Region Coordinates
-=item *
-Region Boundaries
-=item *
-Differences Between Funtools and IRAF Regions
-=item *
-Combining Table and Region Filters
-=item *
-=over 4
-=item *
-Funtools Environment Variables
-=item *
-Funtools ChangeLog
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-=head1 NAME
-B<Funview: Database View Support for Tables>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document contains a summary of the options for utilizing
-database-inspired Views of tables.
-B<Database Views>
-In database parlance, a B<View> defines a "virtual table", i.e.,
-a description of row and/or column selection filters (but with no
-permanent storage space allocated). When used in place of a table, a
-View selects the specified rows and/or columns from one or more real
-tables. Views enable you to see complicated data tables in a more
-convenient format. They also can be used as a security mechanism, by
-restricting user access to specific columns and/or rows. [See:
-for a good discussion of SQL Views.]
-Funtools supports an expanded notion of Views for all tabular data
-(FITS tables, raw binary tables, and ASCII column files). Funtools
-Views allow you to pre-set values for the filter specification, the
-columns to activate, and display format (though the latter is for
-fundisp only). Setting the filter and column activation values
-provides functionality equivalent to that of a classical database
-View, while the ability to set the format is similar to classical
-report writing capabilities.
-B<Funtools View Attributes>
-A Funtools View is a text file containing one or more of the following
- column description
- ------ -----------------------------
- view name of view
- file data file name or template
- filter filter specification
- columns columns to activate
- format fundisp format specification
-All of the attribute columns are optional, including
-the B<view> name itself. This means that a View can be named or
-unnamed. Unnamed Views can refer to a specific file or a template of
-files (obviously if neither the view or the file column is specified,
-the input View specification will never be used). You can specify any
-combination of filter, column, and format parameters. (It also is
-possible to apply file-specific View to other files; see the discussion
-on B<View Lists> below). Each column has a size limit of 1024 characters.
-For example, consider the following View file:
- view file format columns filter
- ---- ---------------------- ------ ------------ -------
- x3 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev I=%4d x y pi pha cir 512 512 .1
- x2 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev x y pi pha cir 512 512 .1
- x1 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev cir 512 512 .1
- x1a ${HOME}/data/snr.ev x y pi pha
- x0 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev
- xf I=%4d
- xc x y pi pha
- xr cir 512 512 .1
- *.ev x y pi pha
- *.fit x y dx dy cir 400 400 3
- *.fits I=%3d x y dx dy cir 400 400 3
-This database example is in rdb format, i.e. using tab delimiters and
-permitting null values. Any valid ASCII table format is acceptable,
-but if you use a format that does not permit null values, it will be
-necessary to quote the null strings.
-The first five entries (x3, x2, x1, x1a, x0) are named entries defining
-default values specifically for the snr.ev data file. Typically, you
-would use these Views by specifying View name, and the corresponding
-file, filter, column, and format values would be used. Note that the x0
-View is essentially an alias for the pathname of this file.
-The next three entries define defaults that can be applied to any
-file. You typically would use these View names in conjunction with
-a specific file name (see B<View Lists> below) so that the associated
-parameter(s) were applied to that file.
-The last three entry in the database define unnamed Views that
-pertains to all files ending with the specified templates. In these
-cases, any View that specifies a file name matching the file template
-would be processed with the associated parameter attributes.
-B<Invoking a Funtools View (in Place of an Input File)>
-To use a Funtools View, you simply pre-pend the "v:" prefix to a View name or
-a file name where an input file name usually is specified. For example:
- fundisp v:x3
-specifies that the View named x3 (with its file name and associated
-parameters) is processed as the input file to fundisp. Using the
-example database, above, this is equivalent to:
- fundisp -f "I=%4d" ${HOME}/data/snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' "x y pi pha"
-That is, the format is used with fundisp's -f (format) switch, while the
-filename and extension are composed of the x3 View's filename and
-region filter.
-Similarly, executing a command such as:
- fundisp
-will match the unnamed View associated with the template "*.fit".
-This is equivalent to executing:
- fundisp'[cir 400 400 3]' "x y dx dy"
-Of course, if you omit the "v:" prefix, then no View processing takes place:
- fundisp # process without any View parameters
- fundisp x3 # error (assuming there is no file named x3)
-B<Basic View Matching Rules>
-When a "v:" prefix is recognized, Funtools searches for a View database
-file in the following order:
- location description
- ------------ ------------------------------------
- FUN_VIEWFILE environment variable (any file name)
- ./ hidden file, default name
- $HOME/ hidden file, default name
-The first View database file located is used to construct a new
-filename, as well as an activation column specification and a format
-specification. The following rules are used:
-1. An attempt is made to match the input name (i.e., the part of the
-input View after the "v:" prefix) against the B<view> column value
-(if present) of each row in the database. If a match is found, the
-values of all non-blank columns are saved for later use. Also note
-that the first match terminates the search: i.e., the order of the
-database rows matters.
-2. If no B<view> match is made, an attempt is made to match the input
-name against the B<file> column value (if present). Matching is
-performed on the full pathname of both the input name and the
-database file name, and on the non-directory (root) part of these
-files. This means that the root specification:
- fundisp v:snr.ev
-will match a row in the database that has a full pathname in the file,
-allowing you to use a B<file>-matched View without having to
-specify the full pathname. In this example, the "v:snr.ev" View
-specification will match the first row (v:x3) in the database:
- x3 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev I=%4d x y pi pha cir 512 512 .1
-even though the row contains a fully qualified pathname as the file
-value. Once again, values of all non-blank columns are saved, and the
-first match terminates the search.
-3. If neither a B<view> or a B<view> match has been found,
-then a simple template match is attempted against the B<view>
-values. Template matching supports a simplified version of file
-globbing (not a regular expression), with support for a single "*"
-(all characters), "?" (single character), or "[...]" (range) specification.
-4. If no template match was found on the B<view> column, then a
-simple template match is attempted against the B<file> columns.
-5. If no match is found, then the filename (minus the "v:" prefix) is
-B<More on View Matching Rules: Single vs. Multiple Matches >
-The matching rules described above stop after the first match,
-regardless of whether that match provides values for all three
-parameters (filter, columns, and format). In cases where a B<view>
-or B<file> match does not provide all three values, it is possible
-that a template match might do so. With regard to the example View
-database above, the x1 View provides only a filter, while omitting
-both the format and columns values. But note that the final rows in
-the database could provide the values via a template match on the
-filename. This sort of multiple matching is especially valuable in
-order to provide "global" values to several Views.
-Obviously, multiple matching might not be wanted in every
-case. Therefore, we support both multiple matching and single matching
-according to the value of the FUN_VIEWMATCH environment variable. If
-the FUN_VIEWMATCH environment variable exists and if its value begins
-with "s", then a single match is used and missing parameters are not
-filled in with subsequent template matches on the file name. That is,
-matching rules above are followed exactly as explained above. If the
-value of this environment variable begins with "m" (or does not exist),
-then multiple matches are used to try to fill in missing parameters.
-In this case, template matching always takes place and missing values are
-taken from these template matches.
-Thus, in the example above, the View specification:
- fundisp v:x1
-will take the file name and filter value from the x1 View:
- x1 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev cir 512 512 .1
-The column value then will be taken from the "*.ev" file template match
-against the x1 file name:
- *.ev x y pi pha
-Note once again that order is important: missing values are taken in the
-order in which the template matches are processed.
-B<View Lists: Applying a View to Any File>
-It is possible to apply a named View, or even several Views, to any
-data file by appending a B<viewlist> immediately after the standard "v:"
-prefix. A viewlist takes the form:
- :v1,v2,
-where v1, v2, etc. are named Views. The two ":" colon characters surrounding
-the list are required. Thus, the syntax for applying a viewlist to a file is:
- v::view1,view2,...viewn:filename
-Note that the name after the last ":" is assumed to be a file; it is
-not permissible (or sensible) to use a View name.
-For example, the View specification:
- fundisp v::x2:foo
-applies the x2 View to the file foo (even if there is a View named foo)
-and (in using our example database) is equivalent to:
- ./fundisp foo'[cir 512 512 .1] "x y pi pha"
-The same command can be effected using a list of Views:
- fundisp v::x1,x1a:foo
-What happens if a viewlist is used and the file also matches a
-template? Consider, for example, this View specification:
- fundisp
-Here, the x2 View will supply filter and column values, while the
-template *.fit can also supply (different) filter and column
-values. In this case, the explicitly specified Views of the viewlist
-trump the matched view values.
-On the other hand, if a file template match can supply a View value
-that is not supplied by the viewlist, then that value will be taken
-from the file template match. For example:
- fundisp v::x2:foo.fits
-does not explicitly supply a format value, but the file match on *.fits
-can and does. You can avoid supplying missing values using file template
-matching by replacing the first ":" with a "-" in a viewlist
- fundisp v:-x2:foo.fits
-The use of ":+" to explicitly allow file template matching is also
-supported, but is the same as the default case. Note that the nuances
-of viewlist support are subject to change as our experience and
-understanding grow.
-B<Overriding Values Associated with a View>
-To override values associated with a View, simply supply the override
-values in the correct place on the command line. Thus, given
-the example database described above, the command:
- fundisp v:x3
-specifies that the View named x3, along with its file name and
-associated parameters, be processed as the input file to fundisp in
-this way:
- fundisp -f "I=%4d" ${HOME}/data/snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' "x y pi pha"
-To override one or more of these values, simply specify a new value
-for the format, filter, or columns. For example, if your input View file
-contains a filter, then the View will use that filter as an override
-of the View filter:
- fundisp v:x3'[cir 400 400 3]'
-will use the columns and format of the x3 View but not the x3 filter. Further
-examples are:
- fundisp v:x3 "x y dx dy" # activate a different set of columns
- fundisp -f "I=%3d" v:x3 # use a different format statement
-Note that extension names, extension index values, and other
-non-filter specifications B<do not> override the View
-filter. Thus:
- fundisp[3]
-will still use the filter associated with the .fit template (see above), since
-the "3" is an extension index, not a filter.
-B<Environment Variables>
-The following environment variables are used by Funtools Views:
-=over 4
-=item *
-The B<FUN_VIEWNAME> environment variable specifies the
-name and location of the View database file. If not present, the
-files ./ and $HOME/ are searched for, in
-that order.
-=item *
-The B<FUN_VIEWMATCH> environment variable specifies whether a
-single match or multiple match algorithm is used to locate parameter
-values. If the value of this environment variable begins with "s",
-then a single match is used and missing parameters are not filled in
-with subsequent template matches on the file name. If the value begins
-with "m", then multiple matches are used to try to fill in missing
-parameters. The default is to use multiple matches.
-B<Restrictions and Problems>
-Support for overriding a filter (while not overriding extension names,
-extension indexes, etc.) requires that we can sense the presence of a
-filter in a bracket specification. It is unclear yet whether our
-algorithm is perfect.
-Go to Funtools Help Index
-Last updated: August 3, 2007
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index 528ea50..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<Funvu: database View support for tables>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document contains a summary of the options for utilizing
-database-inspired Views of tables.
-B<Database Views>
-In database parlance, a B<View> defines a "virtual table", i.e.,
-a description of row and/or column selection filters (but with no
-permanent storage space allocated). When used in place of a table, a
-View selects the specified rows and/or columns from one or more real
-tables. Views enable users to see complicated data tables in a more
-convenient format. They also can be used as a security mechanism, by
-restricting user access to specific columns and/or rows. [See:
-for a good discussion of SQL Views.]
-Funtools supports an expanded notion of Views for all tabular data
-(FITS tables, raw binary tables, and ASCII column files). Funtools
-Views allow you to pre-set values for the filter specification, the
-columns to activate and display format (though the latter is for
-fundisp only). Setting the filter and column activation values
-provides functionality equivalent to that of a classical database
-View, while the ability to set the format is similar to classical
-report writing capabilities.
-B<Funtools View Attributes>
-A Funtools View consists of one or more of the following attributes:
- column description
- ------ -----------------------------
- view name of view
- file data file name or template
- filter filter specification
- columns columns to activate
- format fundisp format specification
-All of the attribute columns are optional, including
-the B<view> name itself. This means that a View can be named or
-unnamed. Unnamed Views can refer to a specific file or a template of
-files (obviously if neither the view or the file column is specified,
-the input View specification will never be used). You can specify any
-combination of filter, column, and format parameters. (It also is
-possible to apply file-specific View to other files; see the discussion
-on B<View Lists> below). Each column has a size limit of 1024 characters.
-For example, consider the following View database:
- view file format columns filter
- ---- ---------------------- ------ ------------ -------
- x3 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev I=%4d x y pi pha cir 512 512 .1
- x2 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev x y pi pha cir 512 512 .1
- x1 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev cir 512 512 .1
- x1a ${HOME}/data/snr.ev x y pi pha
- x0 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev
- xf I=%4d
- xc x y pi pha
- xr cir 512 512 .1
- *.ev x y pi pha
- *.fit x y dx dy cir 400 400 3
- *.fits I=%3d x y dx dy cir 400 400 3
-This database example is in rdb format, i.e. using tab delimiters and
-permitting null values. Any valid ASCII table format is acceptable,
-but if you use a format that does not permit null values, it will be
-necessary to quote the null strings.
-The first five entries (x3, x2, x1, x1a, x0) are named entries defining
-default values specifically for the snr.ev data file. Typically, you
-would use these Views by specifying View name, and the corresponding
-file, filter, column, and format values would be used. Note that the x0
-View is essentially an alias for the pathname of this file.
-The next three entries define defaults that can be applied to any
-file. Here, you typically would use these View names in conjunction with
-a specific file name (see B<View Lists> below) so that the associated
-parameter(s) were applied to that file.
-The last three entry in the database define unnamed Views that
-pertains to all files ending with the specified templates. In these
-cases, any View that specifies a file name matching the file template
-would be processed with the associated parameter attributes.
-B<Invoking a Funtools View (in Place of an Input File)>
-To specify a Funtools View, pre-pend the "v:" prefix to a View name or
-a file name where an input file name usually is specified. For example:
- fundisp v:x3
-specifies that the View named x3, its file name and associated
-parameters, be processed as the input file to fundisp. Using the
-example database, above, this is equivalent to:
- fundisp -f "I=%4d" ${HOME}/data/snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' "x y pi pha"
-That is, the format is used with fundisp's -f (format) switch, while the
-filename and extension are composed of the x3 View's filename and
-region filter.
-Similarly, executing a command such as:
- fundisp
-will match the unnamed View associated with the template "*.fit".
-This is equivalent to executing:
- fundisp'[cir 400 400 3]' "x y dx dy"
-Of course, if you omit the "v:" prefix, then no View processing takes place:
- fundisp # process without any View parameters
- fundisp x3 # error (assuming there is no file named x3)
-B<Basic View Matching Rules>
-When a "v:" prefix is recognized, Funtools searches for a View database
-file in the following order:
- location description
- ------------ ------------------------------------
- FUN_VIEWFILE environment variable (any file name)
- ./ hidden file, default name
- $HOME/ hidden file, default name
-The first View database file located is used to construct a new
-filename, as well as an activation column specification and a format
-specification. The following rules are used:
-1. An attempt is made to match the input name (i.e. the part of the
-input View after the "v:" prefix) against the B<view> column value
-(if present) of each row in the database. If a match is found, the
-values of all non-blank columns are saved for later use. Also note
-that the first match terminates the search: i.e. the order of the
-database rows does matter.
-2. If no B<view> match is made, an attempt is made to match the input
-name against the B<file> column value (if present). Matching is
-performed on the full pathname of both the input name and the
-database file name, and on the non-directory (root) part of these
-files. This means that the root specification:
- fundisp v:snr.ev
-will match a row in the database that has a full pathname in the file,
-allowing you to use a B<file>-matched View without having to
-specify the full pathname. In this example, the "v:snr.ev" View
-specification will match the first row (v:x3) in the database:
- x3 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev I=%4d x y pi pha cir 512 512 .1
-even though the row contains a fully qualified pathname as the file
-value. Once again, values of all non-blank columns are saved, and the
-first match terminates the search.
-3. If neither a B<view> or a B<view> match has been found,
-then a simple template is attempted against the B<view>
-values. The template matching supports a simplified version of file
-globbing (not a regular expression), with support for a single "*"
-(all characters), "?" (single character), or "[...]" (range) specification.
-4. If no template match was found on the B<view> column, then a
-simple template match is attempted against the B<file> columns.
-5. If no match is found, then the filename (minus the "v:" prefix) is
-B<More on View Matching Rules: Single vs. Multiple Matches >
-The matching rules described above stop after the first match,
-regardless of whether that match provides values for all three
-parameters (filter, columns, and format). In cases where a B<view>
-or B<file> match does not provide all three values, it is possible
-that a template match might do so. With regard to the example View
-database above, the x1 View provides only a filter, while omitting
-both the format and columns values. But note that the final rows in
-the database could provide the values via a template match on the
-filename. This sort of multiple matching is especially valuable in
-order to provide "global" values to several Views.
-Obviously, multiple matching might not be wanted in every
-case. Therefore, we support both multiple matching and single matching
-according to the value of the FUN_VIEWMATCH environment variable. If
-the FUN_VIEWMATCH environment variable exists and if its value begins
-with "s", then a single match is used and missing parameters are not
-filled in with subsequent template matches on the file name. That is,
-matching rules above are followed exactly as explained above. If the
-value of this environment variable begins with "m" (or does not exist),
-then multiple matches are used to try to fill in missing parameters.
-In this case, template matching always takes place and missing values are
-taken from these template matches.
-Thus, in the example above, the View specification:
- fundisp v:x1
-will take the file name and filter value from the x1 View:
- x1 ${HOME}/data/snr.ev cir 512 512 .1
-The column value then will be taken from the "*.ev" file template match
-against the x1 file name:
- *.ev x y pi pha
-Note once again that order is important: missing values are taken in the
-order in which the template matches are processed.
-B<View Lists: Applying a View to Any File>
-It is possible to apply a named View, or even several Views, to any
-data file by appending a B<viewlist> immediately after the standard "v:"
-prefix. A viewlist takes the form:
- :v1,v2,
-where v1, v2, etc. are named Views. The two ":" colon characters surrounding
-the list are required. Thus, the syntax for applying a viewlist to a file is:
- v::view1,view2,...viewn:filename
-Note that the name after the last ":" is assumed to be a file; it is
-not permissible (or sensible) to use a View name.
-For example, the View specification:
- fundisp v::x2:foo
-applies the x2 View to the file foo (even if there is a View named foo)
-and (in using our example database) is equivalent to:
- ./fundisp foo'[cir 512 512 .1] "x y pi pha"
-The same command can be effected using a list of Views:
- fundisp v::x1,x1a:foo
-What happens if a viewlist is used and the file also matches a
-template? Consider, for example, this View specification:
- fundisp
-Here, the x2 View will supply filter and column values, while the
-template *.fit can also supply (different) filter and column
-values. In this case, the explicitly specified Views of the viewlist
-trump the matched view values.
-On the other hand, if a file template match can supply a View value
-that is not supplied by the viewlist, then that value will be taken
-from the file template match. For example:
- fundisp v::x2:foo.fits
-does not explicitly supply a format value, but the file match on *.fits
-can and does. You can avoid supplying missing values using file template
-matching by replacing the first ":" with a "-" in a viewlist
- fundisp v:-x2:foo.fits
-The use of ":+" to explicitly allow file template matching is also
-supported, but is the same as the default case. Note that the nuances
-of viewlist support are subject to change as our experience and
-understanding grows.
-B<Overriding Values Associated with a View>
-To override values associated with a View, simply supply the override
-values in the correct place on the command line. For example, given
-the example database described above, the command:
- fundisp v:x3
-specifies that the View named x3, along with its file name and
-associated parameters, be processed as the input file to fundisp in
-this way:
- fundisp -f "I=%4d" ${HOME}/data/snr.ev'[cir 512 512 .1]' "x y pi pha"
-To override one or more of these values, simply specify a new value
-for the format, filter, or columns. For example, if your input View file
-contains a filter, then the View will use that filter as an override
-of the View filter:
- fundisp v:x3'[cir 400 400 3]'
-will use the columns and format of the x3 View but not the x3 filter. Further
-examples are:
- fundisp v:x3 "x y dx dy" # activate a different set of columns
- fundisp -f "I=%3d" v:x3 # use a different format statement
-Note that extension names, extension index values, and other
-non-filter specifications B<do not> override the View
-filter. Thus:
- fundisp[3]
-will still use the filter associated with the .fit template (see above), since
-the "3" is an extension index, not a filter.
-B<Environment Variables>
-The following environment variables are used by Funtools Views:
-=over 4
-=item *
-The B<FUN_VIEWNAME> environment variable specifies the
-name and location of the View database file. If not present, the
-files ./ and $HOME/ are searched for, in
-that order.
-=item *
-The B<FUN_VIEWMATCH> environment variable specifies whether a
-single match or multiple match algorithm is used to locate parameter
-values. If the value of this environment variable begins with "s",
-then a single match is used and missing parameters are not filled in
-with subsequent template matches on the file name. If the value begins
-with "m", then multiple matches are used to try to fill in missing
-parameters. The default is to use multiple matches.
-B<Restrictions and Problems>
-Support for overriding a filter (while not overriding extension names,
-extension indexes, etc.) requires that we can sense the presence of a
-filter in a bracket specification. It is unclear yet whether our
-algorithm is perfect.
-Go to Funtools Help Index
-Last updated: January 3, 2006
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index 4c6da88..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<RegAlgebra: Boolean Algebra on Spatial Regions>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document describes the boolean arithmetic defined for
-region expressions.
-When defining a region, several shapes can be combined using boolean
-operations. The boolean operators are (in order of precedence):
- Symbol Operator Associativity
- ------ -------- -------------
- ! not right to left
- & and left to right
- ^ exclusive or left to right
- | inclusive or left to right
-For example, to create a mask consisting of a large circle with a
-smaller box removed, one can use the B<and> and B<not>
- CIRCLE(11,11,15) & !BOX(11,11,3,6)
-and the resulting mask is:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 1:1111111111111111111111..................
- 2:1111111111111111111111..................
- 3:11111111111111111111111.................
- 4:111111111111111111111111................
- 5:111111111111111111111111................
- 6:1111111111111111111111111...............
- 7:1111111111111111111111111...............
- 8:1111111111111111111111111...............
- 9:111111111...1111111111111...............
- 10:111111111...1111111111111...............
- 11:111111111...1111111111111...............
- 12:111111111...1111111111111...............
- 13:111111111...1111111111111...............
- 14:111111111...1111111111111...............
- 15:1111111111111111111111111...............
- 16:1111111111111111111111111...............
- 17:111111111111111111111111................
- 18:111111111111111111111111................
- 19:11111111111111111111111.................
- 20:1111111111111111111111..................
- 21:1111111111111111111111..................
- 22:111111111111111111111...................
- 23:..11111111111111111.....................
- 24:...111111111111111......................
- 25:.....11111111111........................
- 26:........................................
- 27:........................................
- 28:........................................
- 29:........................................
- 30:........................................
- 31:........................................
- 32:........................................
- 33:........................................
- 34:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 40:........................................
-A three-quarter circle can be defined as:
- CIRCLE(20,20,10) & !PIE(20,20,270,360)
-and looks as follows:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 1:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 5:........................................
- 6:........................................
- 7:........................................
- 8:........................................
- 9:........................................
- 10:........................................
- 11:...............111111111................
- 12:..............11111111111...............
- 13:............111111111111111.............
- 14:............111111111111111.............
- 15:...........11111111111111111............
- 16:..........1111111111111111111...........
- 17:..........1111111111111111111...........
- 18:..........1111111111111111111...........
- 19:..........1111111111111111111...........
- 20:..........1111111111111111111...........
- 21:..........1111111111....................
- 22:..........1111111111....................
- 23:..........1111111111....................
- 24:..........1111111111....................
- 25:...........111111111....................
- 26:............11111111....................
- 27:............11111111....................
- 28:..............111111....................
- 29:...............11111....................
- 30:........................................
- 31:........................................
- 32:........................................
- 33:........................................
- 34:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 40:........................................
-Two non-intersecting ellipses can be made into the same region:
- ELL(20,20,10,20,90) | ELL(1,1,20,10,0)
-and looks as follows:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 1:11111111111111111111....................
- 2:11111111111111111111....................
- 3:11111111111111111111....................
- 4:11111111111111111111....................
- 5:1111111111111111111.....................
- 6:111111111111111111......................
- 7:1111111111111111........................
- 8:111111111111111.........................
- 9:111111111111............................
- 10:111111111...............................
- 11:...........11111111111111111............
- 12:........111111111111111111111111........
- 13:.....11111111111111111111111111111......
- 14:....11111111111111111111111111111111....
- 15:..11111111111111111111111111111111111...
- 16:.1111111111111111111111111111111111111..
- 17:111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
- 18:111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
- 19:111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
- 20:111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
- 21:111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
- 22:111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
- 23:111111111111111111111111111111111111111.
- 24:.1111111111111111111111111111111111111..
- 25:..11111111111111111111111111111111111...
- 26:...11111111111111111111111111111111.....
- 27:.....11111111111111111111111111111......
- 28:.......111111111111111111111111.........
- 29:...........11111111111111111............
- 30:........................................
- 31:........................................
- 32:........................................
- 33:........................................
- 34:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 40:........................................
-You can use several boolean operations in a single region expression,
-to create arbitrarily complex regions. With the important exception
-below, you can apply the operators in any order, using parentheses if
-necessary to override the natural precedences of the operators.
-NB: Using a panda shape is always much more efficient than explicitly
-specifying "pie & annulus", due to the ability of panda to place a
-limit on the number of pixels checked in the pie shape. If you are
-going to specify the intersection of pie and annulus, use panda
-As described in "help regreometry", the B<PIE> slice goes to the
-edge of the field. To limit its scope, B<PIE> usually is is
-combined with other shapes, such as circles and annuli, using boolean
-operations. In this context, it is worth noting that that there is a
-difference between B<-PIE> and B<&!PIE>. The former is a
-global exclude of all pixels in the B<PIE> slice, while the latter
-is a local excludes of pixels affecting only the region(s) with which
-the B<PIE> is combined. For example, the following region uses
-B<&!PIE> as a local exclude of a single circle. Two other circles
-are also defined and are unaffected by the local exclude:
- CIRCLE(1,8,1)
- CIRCLE(8,8,7)&!PIE(8,8,60,120)&!PIE(8,8,240,300)
- CIRCLE(15,8,2)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 15: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 14: . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . .
- 13: . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . .
- 12: . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . .
- 11: . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . .
- 10: . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . .
- 9: . . . . . . 2 2 2 . . . . 3 3
- 8: 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3
- 7: . . . . . . 2 2 2 . . . . 3 3
- 6: . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . .
- 5: . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . .
- 4: . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . .
- 3: . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . .
- 2: . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . .
- 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-Note that the two other regions are not affected by the B<&!PIE>,
-which only affects the circle with which it is combined.
-On the other hand, a B<-PIE> is an global exclude that does
-affect other regions with which it overlaps:
- CIRCLE(1,8,1)
- CIRCLE(8,8,7)
- -PIE(8,8,60,120)
- -PIE(8,8,240,300)
- CIRCLE(15,8,2)
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 15: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 14: . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . .
- 13: . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . .
- 12: . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . .
- 11: . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . .
- 10: . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . .
- 9: . . . . . . 2 2 2 . . . . . .
- 8: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- 7: . . . . . . 2 2 2 . . . . . .
- 6: . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . .
- 5: . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . .
- 4: . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . .
- 3: . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . .
- 2: . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 . . . .
- 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
-The two smaller circles are entirely contained within the two exclude
-B<PIE> slices and therefore are excluded from the region.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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-=head1 NAME
-B<RegBounds: Region Boundaries>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Describes how spatial region boundaries are handled.
-The golden rule for spatial region filtering was first enunciated by
-Leon VanSpeybroeck in 1986:
-Each photon will be counted once, and no photon will be counted
-more than once.
-This means that we must be careful about boundary
-conditions. For example, if a circle is contained in an annulus such
-that the inner radius of the annulus is the same as the radius of the
-circle, then photons on that boundary must always be assigned to one
-or the other region. That is, the number of photons in both regions
-must equal the sum of the number of photons in each region taken
-With this in mind, the rules for determining whether a boundary image
-pixel or table row are assigned to a region are defined below.
-B<Image boundaries : radially-symmetric shapes (circle, annuli, ellipse)>
-For image filtering, pixels whose center is inside the boundary are
-included. This also applies non-radially-symmetric shapes. When a
-pixel center is exactly on the boundary, the pixel assignment rule is:
-=over 4
-=item *
-the outer boundary of a symmetric shape does not include such pixels
-=item *
-the inner boundary of a symmetric shape (annulus) includes such pixels
-In this way, an annulus with radius from 0 to 1, centered exactly on a
-pixel, includes the pixel on which it is centered, but none of its
-These rules ensure that when defining concentric shapes, no pixels are
-omitted between concentric regions and no pixels are claimed by two
-regions. When applied to small symmetric shapes, the shape is less
-likely to be skewed, as would happen with non-radially-symmetric
-rules. These rules differ from the rules for box-like shapes, which
-are more likely to be positioned adjacent to one another.
-B<Image Boundaries: non-radially symmetric shapes (polygons, boxes)>
-For image filtering, pixels whose center is inside the boundary are
-included. This also applies radially-symmetric shapes. When a pixel
-center is exactly on the boundary of a non-radially symmetric region,
-the pixel is included in the right or upper region, but not the left
-or lower region. This ensures that geometrically adjoining regions
-touch but don't overlap.
-B<Row Boundaries are Analytic>
-When filtering table rows, the boundary rules are the same as for
-images, except that the calculation is not done on the center of a
-pixel, (since table rows, especially X-ray events rows, often have
-discrete, floating point positions) but are calculated exactly. That
-is, an row is inside the boundary without regard to its integerized
-pixel value. For rows that are exactly on a region boundary, the
-above rules are applied to ensure that all rows are counted once and
-no row is counted more than once.
-Because row boundaries are calculated differently from image boundaries,
-certain programs will give different results when filtering the same
-region file. In particular, fundisp/funtable (which utilize analytic
-row filtering) perform differently from funcnts (which performs image
-filtering, even on tables).
-B<Image Boundaries vs. Row Boundaries: Practical Considerations>
-You will sometimes notice a discrepancy between running funcnts on an
-binary table file and running fundisp on the same file with the same filter.
-For example, consider the following:
- fundisp test1.fits"[box(4219,3887,6,6,0)]" | wc
- 8893 320148 3752846
-Since fundisp has a 2-line header, there are actually 8891 photons
-that pass the filter. But then run funtable and select only the
-rows that pass this filter, placing them in a new file:
- ./funtable test1.fits"[box(4219,3887,6,6,0)]" test2.fits
-Now run funcnts using the original filter on the derived file:
- ./funcnts test2.fits "physical; box(4219,3887,6,6,0)"
- [... lot of processed output ...]
- # the following source and background components were used:
- source region(s)
- ----------------
- physical; box(4219,3887,6,6,0)
- reg counts pixels
- ---- ------------ ---------
- 1 7847.000 36
-There are 1044 rows (events) that pass the row filter in fundisp (or
-funtable) but fail to make it through funcnts. Why?
-The reason can be traced to how analytic row filtering (fundisp, funtable)
-differs from integerized pixel filtering(funcnts, funimage). Consider the
- box(4219,3887,6,6,0)
-Analytically (i.e., using row filtering), positions will pass this
-filter successfully if:
- 4216 <= x <= 4222
- 3884 <= y <= 3890
-For example, photons with position values of x=4216.4 or y=3884.08 will pass.
-Integerized image filtering is different in that the pixels that will
-pass this filter have centers at:
- x = 4217, 4218, 4219, 4220, 4221, 4222
- y = 3885, 3886, 3887, 3888, 3889, 3890
-Note that there are 6 pixels in each direction, as specified by the region.
-That means that positions will pass the filter successfully if:
- 4217 <= (int)x <= 4222
- 3885 <= (int)y <= 3890
-Photons with position values of x=4216.4 or y=3884.08 will NOT pass.
-Note that the position values are integerized, in effect, binned into
-image values. This means that x=4222.4 will pass this filter, but not
-the analytic filter above. We do this to maintain the design goal that
-either all counts in a pixel are included in an integerized filter, or
-else none are included.
-[It could be argued that the correct photon limits for floating point
-row data really should be:
- 4216.5 <= x <= 4222.5
- 3884.5 <= y <= 3890.5
-since each pixel extends for .5 on either side of the center. We chose
-to the maintain integerized algorithm for all image-style filtering so
-that funcnts would give the exact same results regardless of whether
-a table or a derived non-blocked binned image is used.]
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index a026a5c..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<RegCoords: Spatial Region Coordinates>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document describes the specification of coordinate systems, and the
-interpretation of coordinate values, for spatial region filtering.
-B<Pixel coordinate systems>
-The default coordinate system for regions is PHYSICAL, which means
-that region position and size values are taken from the original
-data. (Note that this is a change from the original IRAF/PROS
-implementation, in which the IMAGE coordinate system was the default.)
-PHYSICAL coordinates always refer to pixel positions on the original
-image (using IRAF LTM and LTV keywords). With PHYSICAL coordinates,
-if a set of coordinates specifies the position of an object in an
-original FITS file, the same coordinates will specify the same object
-in any FITS derived from the original. Physical coordinates are
-invariant with blocking of FITS files or taking sections of images,
-even when a blocked section is written to a new file.
-Thus, although a value in pixels refers, by default, to the PHYSICAL
-coordinate system, you may specify that position values refer to the
-image coordinate system using the B<global> or B<local>
-properties commands:
- global coordsys image
- circle 512 512 100
-The B<global> command changes the coordinate system for all
-regions that follow, while the B<local> command changes the
-coordinate system only for the region immediately following:
- local coordsys image
- circle 512 512 100
- circle 1024 1024 200
-This changes the coordinate system only for the region that follows.
-In the above example, the second region uses the global coordinate
-system (PHYSICAL by default).
-B<World Coordinate Systems>
-If World Coordinate System information is contained in the data file
-being filtered, it also is possible to define regions using a sky
-coordinate system. Supported systems include:
- name description
- ---- -----------
- PHYSICAL pixel coords of original file using LTM/LTV
- IMAGE pixel coords of current file
- FK4, B1950 sky coordinate systems
- FK5, J2000 sky coordinate systems
- GALACTIC sky coordinate systems
- ECLIPTIC sky coordinate systems
- ICRS currently same as J2000
- LINEAR linear wcs as defined in file
-In addition, two mosaic coordinate systems have been defined that
-utilize the (evolving) IRAF mosaic keywords:
- name description
- ---- -----------
- AMPLIFIER mosaic coords of original file using ATM/ATV
- DETECTOR mosaic coords of original file using DTM/DTV
-Again, to use one of these coordinate systems, the B<global> or
-B<local> properties commands are used:
- global coordsys galactic
-B<WCS Positions and Sizes>
-In addition to pixels, positional values in a WCS-enabled region can
-be specified using sexagesimal or degrees format:
- position arguments description
- ------------------ -----------
- [num] context-dependent (see below)
- [num]d degrees
- [num]r radians
- [num]p physical pixels
- [num]i image pixels
- [num]:[num]:[num] hms for 'odd' position arguments
- [num]:[num]:[num] dms for 'even' position arguments
- [num]h[num]m[num]s explicit hms
- [num]d[num]m[num]s explicit dms
-If ':' is used as sexagesimal separator, the value is considered to be
-specifying hours/minutes/seconds if it is the first argument of a
-positional pair, and degrees/minutes/seconds for the second argument
-of a pair (except for galactic coordinates, which always use degrees):
- argument description
- ----------- -----------
- 10:20:30.0 10 hours, 20 minutes, 30 seconds for 1st positional argument
- 10 degrees, 20 minutes, 30 seconds for 2nd positional argument
- 10h20m30.0 10 hours, 20 minutes, 30 seconds
- 10d20m30.0 10 degrees, 20 minutes, 30 seconds
- 10.20d 10.2 degrees
-Similarly, the units of size values are defined by the formating
-character(s) attached to a number:
- size arguments description
- -------------- -----------
- [num] context-dependent (see below)
- [num]" arc seconds
- [num]' arc minutes
- [num]d degrees
- [num]r radians
- [num]p physical pixels
- [num]i image pixels
-For example:
- argument description
- ----------- -----------
- 10 ten pixels
- 10' ten minutes of arc
- 10" ten seconds of arc
- 10d ten degrees
- 10p ten pixels
- 0.5r half of a radian
-An example of using sky coordinate systems follows:
- global coordsys B1950
- -box 175.54d 20.01156d 10' 10'
- local coordsys J2000
- pie 179.57d 22.4d 0 360 n=4 && annulus 179.57d 22.4d 3' 24' n=5
-At the FK4 1950 coordinates 175.54d RA, 20.01156d DEC exclude a 10
-minute by 10 minute box. Then at the FK5 2000 coordinates 179.57d RA
-22.4d DEC draw a radial profile regions pattern with 4 quadrants and 5
-annuli ranging from 3 minutes to 24 minutes in diameter. In this
-example, the default coordinate system is overridden by the commands
-in the regions spec.
-B<NB: The Meaning of Pure Numbers Are Context Sensitive>
-When a "pure number" (i.e. one without a format directive such as 'd'
-for 'degrees') is specified as a position or size, its interpretation
-depends on the context defined by the 'coordsys' keyword. In general,
-the rule is:
-All pure numbers have implied units corresponding to the current
-coordinate system.
-If no coordinate system is explicitly specified, the default system is
-implicitly assumed to be PHYSICAL. In practice this means that for
-IMAGE and PHYSICAL systems, pure numbers are pixels. Otherwise,
-for all systems other than LINEAR, pure numbers are degrees. For
-LINEAR systems, pure numbers are in the units of the linear system.
-This rule covers both positions and sizes.
-As a corollary, when a sky-formatted number is used with the IMAGE
-or PHYSICAL coordinate system (which includes the default case of no
-coordsys being specified), the formatted number is assumed to be in
-the units of the WCS contained in the current file. If no sky WCS is
-specified, an error results.
- circle(512,512,10)
- ellipse 202.44382d 47.181656d 0.01d 0.02d
-In the absence of a specified coordinate system, the circle uses the
-default PHYSICAL units of pixels, while the ellipse explicitly uses degrees,
-presumably to go with the WCS in the current file.
- global coordsys=fk5
- global color=green font="system 10 normal"
- circle 202.44382 47.181656 0.01
- circle 202.44382 47.181656 10p
- ellipse(512p,512p,10p,15p,20)
-Here, the circles use the FK5 units of degrees (except for the
-explicit use of pixels in the second radius), while the ellipse
-explicitly specifies pixels. The ellipse angle is in degrees.
-Note that Chandra data format appears to use "coordsys=physical"
-implicitly. Therefore, for most Chandra applications, valid regions
-can be generated safely by asking ds9 to save/display regions in
-pixels using the PHYSICAL coordsys.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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-=head1 NAME
-B<RegDiff:Differences Between Funtools and IRAF Regions>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Describes the differences between Funtools/ds9 regions and the old IRAF/PROS
-We have tried to make Funtools regions compatible with their
-predecessor, IRAF/PROS regions. For simple regions and simple boolean
-algebra between regions, there should be no difference between the two
-implementations. The following is a list of differences and
-incompatibilities between the two:
-=over 4
-=item *
-If a pixel is covered by two different regions expressions,
-Funtools assigns the mask value of the B<first> region that
-contains that pixel. That is, successive regions B<do not>
-overwrite previous regions in the mask, as was the case with the
-original PROS regions. This means that one must define overlapping
-regions in the reverse order in which they were defined in PROS. If
-region N is fully contained within region M, then N should be defined
-B<before> M, or else it will be "covered up" by the latter. This
-change is necessitated by the use of optimized filter compilation, i.e.,
-Funtools only tests individual regions until a proper match is made.
-=item *
-The B<PANDA> region has replaced the old PROS syntax in which
-a B<PIE> accelerator was combined with an B<ANNULUS> accelerator
-using B<AND>. That is,
- ANNULUS(20,20,0,15,n=4) & PIE(20,20,0,360,n=3)
-has been replaced by:
- PANDA(20,20,0,360,3,0,15,4)
-The PROS syntax was inconsistent with the meaning of the B<AND> operator.
-=item *
-The meaning of pure numbers (i.e., without format specifiers) in
-regions has been clarified, as has the syntax for specifying coordinate
-systems. See the general discussion on
-Spatial Region Filtering
-for more information.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages
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index 0d442d5..0000000
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-=head1 NAME
-B<RegGeometry: Geometric Shapes in Spatial Region Filtering>
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-This document describes the geometry of regions available for spatial
-filtering in IRAF/PROS analysis.
-B<Geometric shapes>
-Several geometric shapes are used to describe regions. The valid
-shapes are:
- shape: arguments:
- ----- ----------------------------------------
- ANNULUS xcenter ycenter inner_radius outer_radius
- BOX xcenter ycenter xwidth yheight (angle)
- CIRCLE xcenter ycenter radius
- ELLIPSE xcenter ycenter xwidth yheight (angle)
- FIELD none
- LINE x1 y1 x2 y2
- PIE xcenter ycenter angle1 angle2
- POINT x1 y1
- POLYGON x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xn yn
-All arguments are real values; integer values are automatically
-converted to real where necessary. All angles are in degrees and
-specify angles that run counter-clockwise from the positive y-axis.
-Shapes can be specified using "command" syntax:
- [shape] arg1 arg2 ...
-or using "routine" syntax:
- [shape](arg1, arg2, ...)
-or by any combination of the these. (Of course, the parentheses must
-balance and there cannot be more commas than necessary.) The shape
-keywords are case-insensitive. Furthermore, any shape can be
-specified by a three-character unique abbreviation. For example, one
-can specify three circular regions as:
- "foo.fits[CIRCLE 512 512 50;CIR(128 128, 10);cir(650,650,20)]"
-(Quotes generally are required to protect the region descriptor
-from being processed by the Unix shell.)
-The B<annulus> shape specifies annuli, centered at xcenter,
-ycenter, with inner and outer radii (r1, r2). For example,
- ANNULUS 25 25 5 10
-specifies an annulus centered at 25.0 25.0 with an inner radius of 5.0 and
-an outer radius of 10. Assuming (as will be done for all examples in this
-document, unless otherwise noted) this shape is used in a mask of size 40x40,
-it will look like this:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 34:....................111111111...........
- 33:...................11111111111..........
- 32:.................111111111111111........
- 31:.................111111111111111........
- 30:................11111111111111111.......
- 29:...............1111111.....1111111......
- 28:...............111111.......111111......
- 27:...............11111.........11111......
- 26:...............11111.........11111......
- 25:...............11111.........11111......
- 24:...............11111.........11111......
- 23:...............11111.........11111......
- 22:...............111111.......111111......
- 21:...............1111111.....1111111......
- 20:................11111111111111111.......
- 19:.................111111111111111........
- 18:.................111111111111111........
- 17:...................11111111111..........
- 16:....................111111111...........
- 15:........................................
- 14:........................................
- 13:........................................
- 12:........................................
- 11:........................................
- 10:........................................
- 9:........................................
- 8:........................................
- 7:........................................
- 6:........................................
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-The B<box> shape specifies an orthogonally oriented box,
-centered at xcenter, ycenter, of size xwidth, yheight. It requires four
-arguments and accepts an optional fifth argument to specify a rotation angle.
-When the rotation angle is specified (in degrees), the box is rotated by
-an angle that runs counter-clockwise from the positive y-axis.
-The B<box> shape specifies a rotated box, centered at
-xcenter, ycenter, of size xwidth, yheight. The box is rotated by an angle
-specified in degrees that runs counter-clockwise from the positive y-axis.
-If the angle argument is omitted, it defaults to 0.
-The B<circle> shape specifies a circle, centered at xcenter,
-ycenter, of radius r. It requires three arguments.
-The B<ellipse> shape specifies an ellipse, centered at
-xcenter, ycenter, with y-axis width a and the y-axis length b defined such
- x**2/a**2 + y**2/b**2 = 1
-Note that a can be less than, equal to, or greater than b. The ellipse
-is rotated the specified number of degrees. The rotation is done according
-to astronomical convention, counter-clockwise from the positive y-axis.
-An ellipse defined by:
- ELLIPSE 20 20 5 10 45
-will look like this:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 34:........................................
- 33:........................................
- 32:........................................
- 31:........................................
- 30:........................................
- 29:........................................
- 28:........................................
- 27:............111111......................
- 26:............11111111....................
- 25:............111111111...................
- 24:............11111111111.................
- 23:............111111111111................
- 22:............111111111111................
- 21:.............111111111111...............
- 20:.............1111111111111..............
- 19:..............111111111111..............
- 18:...............111111111111.............
- 17:...............111111111111.............
- 16:................11111111111.............
- 15:..................111111111.............
- 14:...................11111111.............
- 13:.....................111111.............
- 12:........................................
- 11:........................................
- 10:........................................
- 9:........................................
- 8:........................................
- 7:........................................
- 6:........................................
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-The B<field> shape specifies the entire field as a
-region. It is not usually specified explicitly, but is used implicitly in the
-case where no regions are specified, that is, in cases where either a null
-string or some abbreviation of the string "none" is input.
-B<Field> takes no arguments.
-The B<pie> shape specifies an angular wedge of the entire field,
-centered at xcenter, ycenter. The wedge runs between the two specified angles.
-The angles are given in degrees, running counter-clockwise from the positive
-x-axis. For example,
- PIE 20 20 90 180
-defines a region from 90 degrees to 180 degrees, i.e., quadrant 2 of the
-Cartesian plane. The display of such a region looks like this:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:11111111111111111111....................
- 39:11111111111111111111....................
- 38:11111111111111111111....................
- 37:11111111111111111111....................
- 36:11111111111111111111....................
- 35:11111111111111111111....................
- 34:11111111111111111111....................
- 33:11111111111111111111....................
- 32:11111111111111111111....................
- 31:11111111111111111111....................
- 30:11111111111111111111....................
- 29:11111111111111111111....................
- 28:11111111111111111111....................
- 27:11111111111111111111....................
- 26:11111111111111111111....................
- 25:11111111111111111111....................
- 24:11111111111111111111....................
- 23:11111111111111111111....................
- 22:11111111111111111111....................
- 21:11111111111111111111....................
- 20:........................................
- 19:........................................
- 18:........................................
- 17:........................................
- 16:........................................
- 15:........................................
- 14:........................................
- 13:........................................
- 12:........................................
- 11:........................................
- 10:........................................
- 9:........................................
- 8:........................................
- 7:........................................
- 6:........................................
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-The pie slice specified is always a counter-clockwise sweep between
-the angles, starting at the first angle and ending at the second. Thus:
- PIE 10 15 30 60
-describes a 30 degree sweep from 2 o'clock to 1 o'clock, while:
- PIE 10 15 60 30
-describes a 330 degree counter-clockwise sweep from 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock
-passing through 12 o'clock (0 degrees). Note in both of these examples that
-the center of the slice can be anywhere on the plane. The second mask looks
-like this:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:111111111111111111111111................
- 39:11111111111111111111111.................
- 38:11111111111111111111111.................
- 37:1111111111111111111111..................
- 36:1111111111111111111111..................
- 35:111111111111111111111...................
- 34:11111111111111111111....................
- 33:11111111111111111111....................
- 32:1111111111111111111....................1
- 31:1111111111111111111..................111
- 30:111111111111111111.................11111
- 29:111111111111111111................111111
- 28:11111111111111111...............11111111
- 27:1111111111111111..............1111111111
- 26:1111111111111111.............11111111111
- 25:111111111111111............1111111111111
- 24:111111111111111..........111111111111111
- 23:11111111111111.........11111111111111111
- 22:11111111111111........111111111111111111
- 21:1111111111111.......11111111111111111111
- 20:111111111111......1111111111111111111111
- 19:111111111111....111111111111111111111111
- 18:11111111111....1111111111111111111111111
- 17:11111111111..111111111111111111111111111
- 16:1111111111.11111111111111111111111111111
- 15:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 14:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 13:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 12:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 11:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 10:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 9:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 8:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 7:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 6:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 5:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 4:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 3:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 2:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
- 1:1111111111111111111111111111111111111111
-The pie slice goes to the edge of the field. To limit its scope, pie
-usually is is combined with other shapes, such as circles and annuli,
-using boolean operations. (See below and in "help regalgebra").
-Pie Performance Notes:
-Pie region processing time is proportional to the size of the image,
-and not the size of the region. This is because the pie shape is the
-only infinite length shape, and we essentially must check all y rows
-for inclusion (unlike other regions, where the y limits can be
-calculated beforehand). Thus, pie can run very slowly on large images.
-In particular, it will run MUCH more slowly than the panda shape in
-image-based region operations (such as funcnts). We recommend use of
-panda over pie where ever possible.
-If you must use pie, always try to put it last in a boolean &&
-expression. The reason for this is that the filter code is optimized
-to exit as soon as the result is know. Since pie is the slowest
-region, it is better to avoid executing it if another region can decide
-the result. Consider, for example, the difference in time required to
-process a Chandra ACIS file when a pie and circle are combined in
-two different orders:
- time ./funcnts nacis.fits "circle 4096 4096 100 && pie 4096 4096 10 78"
-2.87u 0.38s 0:35.08 9.2%
- time ./funcnts nacis.fits "pie 4096 4096 10 78 && circle 4096 4096 100 "
-89.73u 0.36s 1:03.50 141.8%
-Black-magic performance note:
-Panda region processing uses a B<quick test> pie region instead of
-the normal pie region when combining its annulus and pie shapes. This
-B<qtpie> shape differs from the normal pie in that it utilizes the
-y limits from the previous region with which it is combined. In a
-panda shape, which is a series of annuli combined with pies, the
-processing time is thus reduced to that of the annuli.
-You can use the qtpie shape instead of pie in cases where you are
-combining pie with another shape using the && operator. This will
-cause the pie limits to be set using limits from the other shape, and
-will speed up the processing considerably. For example, the above
-execution of funcnts can be improved considerably using this technique:
- time ./funcnts nacis.fits "circle 4096 4096 100 && qtpie 4096 4096 10 78"
-4.66u 0.33s 0:05.87 85.0%
-We emphasize that this is a quasi-documented feature and might change in
-the future. The qtpie shape is not recognized by ds9 or other programs.
-The B<line> shape allows single pixels in a line between (x1,y1) and
-(x2,y2) to be included or excluded. For example:
- LINE (5,6, 24,25)
-displays as:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 34:........................................
- 33:........................................
- 32:........................................
- 31:........................................
- 30:........................................
- 29:........................................
- 28:........................................
- 27:........................................
- 26:........................................
- 25:.......................1................
- 24:......................1.................
- 23:.....................1..................
- 22:....................1...................
- 21:...................1....................
- 20:..................1.....................
- 19:.................1......................
- 18:................1.......................
- 17:...............1........................
- 16:..............1.........................
- 15:.............1..........................
- 14:............1...........................
- 13:...........1............................
- 12:..........1.............................
- 11:.........1..............................
- 10:........1...............................
- 9:.......1................................
- 8:......1.................................
- 7:.....1..................................
- 6:....1...................................
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-The B<point> shape allows single pixels to be included or
-excluded. Although the (x,y) values are real numbers, they are truncated
-to integer and the corresponding pixel is included or excluded, as specified.
-Several points can be put in one region declaration; unlike the
-original IRAF implementation, each now is given a different region mask value.
-This makes it easier, for example, for funcnts to determine the number of
-photons in the individual pixels. For example,
- POINT (5,6, 10,11, 20,20, 35,30)
-will give the different region mask values to all four points, as shown below:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 34:........................................
- 33:........................................
- 32:........................................
- 31:........................................
- 30:..................................4.....
- 29:........................................
- 28:........................................
- 27:........................................
- 26:........................................
- 25:........................................
- 24:........................................
- 23:........................................
- 22:........................................
- 21:........................................
- 20:...................3....................
- 19:........................................
- 18:........................................
- 17:........................................
- 16:........................................
- 15:........................................
- 14:........................................
- 13:........................................
- 12:........................................
- 11:.........2..............................
- 10:........................................
- 9:........................................
- 8:........................................
- 7:........................................
- 6:....1...................................
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-The B<polygon> shape specifies a polygon with vertices
-(x1, y1) ... (xn, yn). The polygon is closed automatically: one should
-not specify the last vertex to be the same as the first. Any number of
-vertices are allowed. For example, the following polygon defines a
-right triangle as shown below:
- POLYGON (10,10, 10,30, 30,30)
-looks like this:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 34:........................................
- 33:........................................
- 32:........................................
- 31:........................................
- 30:..........11111111111111111111..........
- 29:..........1111111111111111111...........
- 28:..........111111111111111111............
- 27:..........11111111111111111.............
- 26:..........1111111111111111..............
- 25:..........111111111111111...............
- 24:..........11111111111111................
- 23:..........1111111111111.................
- 22:..........111111111111..................
- 21:..........11111111111...................
- 20:..........1111111111....................
- 19:..........111111111.....................
- 18:..........11111111......................
- 17:..........1111111.......................
- 16:..........111111........................
- 15:..........11111.........................
- 14:..........1111..........................
- 13:..........111...........................
- 12:..........11............................
- 11:..........1.............................
- 10:........................................
- 9:........................................
- 8:........................................
- 7:........................................
- 6:........................................
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-Note that polygons can get twisted upon themselves if edge lines
-cross. Thus:
- POL (10,10, 20,20, 20,10, 10,20)
-will produce an area which is two triangles, like butterfly wings, as shown
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 34:........................................
- 33:........................................
- 32:........................................
- 31:........................................
- 30:........................................
- 29:........................................
- 28:........................................
- 27:........................................
- 26:........................................
- 25:........................................
- 24:........................................
- 23:........................................
- 22:........................................
- 21:........................................
- 20:........................................
- 19:..........1........1....................
- 18:..........11......11....................
- 17:..........111....111....................
- 16:..........1111..1111....................
- 15:..........1111111111....................
- 14:..........1111..1111....................
- 13:..........111....111....................
- 12:..........11......11....................
- 11:..........1........1....................
- 10:........................................
- 9:........................................
- 8:........................................
- 7:........................................
- 6:........................................
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-The following are combinations of pie with different shapes
-(called "panda" for "Pie AND Annulus") allow for easy specification of
-radial sections:
- shape: arguments:
- ----- ---------
- PANDA xcen ycen ang1 ang2 nang irad orad nrad # circular
- CPANDA xcen ycen ang1 ang2 nang irad orad nrad # circular
- BPANDA xcen ycen ang1 ang2 nang xwlo yhlo xwhi yhhi nrad (ang) # box
- EPANDA xcen ycen ang1 ang2 nang xwlo yhlo xwhi yhhi nrad (ang) # ellipse
-The B<panda> (B<P>ies B<AND> B<A>nnuli) shape can be
-used to create combinations of pie and annuli markers. It is analogous
-to a Cartesian product on those shapes, i.e., the result is several
-shapes generated by performing a boolean AND between pies and
-annuli. Thus, the panda and cpanda specify combinations of annulus and
-circle with pie, respectively and give identical results. The bpanda
-combines box and pie, while epanda combines ellipse and pie.
-Consider the example shown below:
- PANDA(20,20, 0,360,3, 0,15,4)
-Here, 3 pie slices centered at 20, 20 are combined with 4 annuli, also
-centered at 20, 20. The result is a mask with 12 regions (displayed in
-base 16 to save characters):
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 34:..............44444444444...............
- 33:............444444444444444.............
- 32:...........88444444444444444............
- 31:.........888844443333344444444..........
- 30:........88888833333333333444444.........
- 29:........88888733333333333344444.........
- 28:.......8888877733333333333344444........
- 27:......888887777332222233333344444.......
- 26:......888877777622222222333334444.......
- 25:.....88887777766622222222333334444......
- 24:.....88887777666622222222233334444......
- 23:.....88887777666651111222233334444......
- 22:.....88877776666551111122223333444......
- 21:.....88877776666555111122223333444......
- 20:.....888777766665559999aaaabbbbccc......
- 19:.....888777766665559999aaaabbbbccc......
- 18:.....888777766665599999aaaabbbbccc......
- 17:.....88887777666659999aaaabbbbcccc......
- 16:.....888877776666aaaaaaaaabbbbcccc......
- 15:.....888877777666aaaaaaaabbbbbcccc......
- 14:......8888777776aaaaaaaabbbbbcccc.......
- 13:......888887777bbaaaaabbbbbbccccc.......
- 12:.......88888777bbbbbbbbbbbbccccc........
- 11:........888887bbbbbbbbbbbbccccc.........
- 10:........888888bbbbbbbbbbbcccccc.........
- 9:.........8888ccccbbbbbcccccccc..........
- 8:...........88ccccccccccccccc............
- 7:............ccccccccccccccc.............
- 6:..............ccccccccccc...............
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-Several regions with different mask values can be combined in the
-same mask. This supports comparing data from the different regions.
-(For information on how to combine different shapes into a single
-region, see "help regalgebra".) For example, consider the following
-set of regions:
- ANNULUS 25 25 5 10
- ELLIPSE 20 20 5 10 315
- BOX 15 15 5 10
-The resulting mask will look as follows:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........................................
- 35:........................................
- 34:....................111111111...........
- 33:...................11111111111..........
- 32:.................111111111111111........
- 31:.................111111111111111........
- 30:................11111111111111111.......
- 29:...............1111111.....1111111......
- 28:...............111111.......111111......
- 27:...............11111.222222..11111......
- 26:...............111112222222..11111......
- 25:...............111112222222..11111......
- 24:...............111112222222..11111......
- 23:...............111112222222..11111......
- 22:...............111111222222.111111......
- 21:..............211111112222.1111111......
- 20:............322211111111111111111.......
- 19:............32222111111111111111........
- 18:............22222111111111111111........
- 17:............222222211111111111..........
- 16:............22222222111111111...........
- 15:............222222222...................
- 14:............22222222....................
- 13:............222222......................
- 12:............33333.......................
- 11:............33333.......................
- 10:........................................
- 9:........................................
- 8:........................................
- 7:........................................
- 6:........................................
- 5:........................................
- 4:........................................
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-Note that when a pixel is in 2 or more regions, it is arbitrarily
-assigned to a one of the regions in question (often based on how a
-give C compiler optimizes boolean expressions).
-B<Region accelerators>
-Two types of \fBaccelerators, to simplify region specification,
-are provided as natural extensions to the ways shapes are described.
-These are: extended lists of parameters, specifying multiple regions,
-valid for annulus, box, circle, ellipse, pie, and points; and
-B<n=>, valid for annulus, box, circle, ellipse, and pie (not
-point). In both cases, one specification is used to define several
-different regions, that is, to define shapes with different mask
-values in the region mask.
-The following regions accept B<accelerator> syntax:
- shape arguments
- ----- ------------------------------------------
- ANNULUS xcenter ycenter radius1 radius2 ... radiusn
- ANNULUS xcenter ycenter inner_radius outer_radius n=[number]
- BOX xcenter ycenter xw1 yh1 xw2 yh2 ... xwn yhn (angle)
- BOX xcenter ycenter xwlo yhlo xwhi yhhi n=[number] (angle)
- CIRCLE xcenter ycenter r1 r2 ... rn # same as annulus
- CIRCLE xcenter ycenter rinner router n=[number] # same as annulus
- ELLIPSE xcenter ycenter xw1 yh1 xw2 yh2 ... xwn yhn (angle)
- ELLIPSE xcenter ycenter xwlo yhlo xwhi yhhi n=[number] (angle)
- PIE xcenter ycenter angle1 angle2 (angle3) (angle4) (angle5) ...
- PIE xcenter ycenter angle1 angle2 (n=[number])
- POINT x1 y1 x2 y2 ... xn yn
-Note that the circle accelerators are simply aliases for the annulus
-For example, several annuli at the same center can be specified in one
-region expression by specifying more than two radii. If B<N>
-radii are specified, then B<N>-1 annuli result, with the outer
-radius of each preceding annulus being the inner radius of the
-succeeding annulus. Each annulus is considered a separate region, and
-is given a separate mask value. For example,
- ANNULUS 20 20 0 2 5 10 15 20
-specifies five different annuli centered at 20 20, and is equivalent to:
- ANNULUS 20.0 20.0 0 2
- ANNULUS 20.0 20.0 2 5
- ANNULUS 20.0 20.0 5 10
- ANNULUS 20.0 20.0 10 15
- ANNULUS 20.0 20.0 15 20
-The mask is shown below:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:.............5555555555555..............
- 38:...........55555555555555555............
- 37:.........555555555555555555555..........
- 36:........55555555555555555555555.........
- 35:......555555555555555555555555555.......
- 34:.....55555555544444444444555555555......
- 33:....5555555544444444444444455555555.....
- 32:....5555555444444444444444445555555.....
- 31:...555555444444444444444444444555555....
- 30:..55555544444444444444444444444555555...
- 29:..55555544444443333333334444444555555...
- 28:.5555554444444333333333334444444555555..
- 27:.5555544444433333333333333344444455555..
- 26:555555444444333333333333333444444555555.
- 25:555554444443333333333333333344444455555.
- 24:555554444433333332222233333334444455555.
- 23:555554444433333322222223333334444455555.
- 22:555554444433333222222222333334444455555.
- 21:555554444433333222111222333334444455555.
- 20:555554444433333222111222333334444455555.
- 19:555554444433333222111222333334444455555.
- 18:555554444433333222222222333334444455555.
- 17:555554444433333322222223333334444455555.
- 16:555554444433333332222233333334444455555.
- 15:555554444443333333333333333344444455555.
- 14:555555444444333333333333333444444555555.
- 13:.5555544444433333333333333344444455555..
- 12:.5555554444444333333333334444444555555..
- 11:..55555544444443333333334444444555555...
- 10:..55555544444444444444444444444555555...
- 9:...555555444444444444444444444555555....
- 8:....5555555444444444444444445555555.....
- 7:....5555555544444444444444455555555.....
- 6:.....55555555544444444444555555555......
- 5:......555555555555555555555555555.......
- 4:........55555555555555555555555.........
- 3:.........555555555555555555555..........
- 2:...........55555555555555555............
- 1:.............5555555555555..............
-For boxes and ellipses, if an odd number of arguments is specified,
-then the last argument is assumed to be an angle. Otherwise, the
-angle is assumed to be zero. For example:
- ellipse 20 20 3 5 6 10 9 15 12 20 45
-specifies an 3 ellipses at a 45 degree angle:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:........................................
- 38:........................................
- 37:........................................
- 36:........33333333........................
- 35:......333333333333......................
- 34:.....3333333333333333...................
- 33:....333333333333333333..................
- 32:....33333332222233333333................
- 31:...3333332222222222333333...............
- 30:...33333222222222222233333..............
- 29:...333332222222222222223333.............
- 28:...3333222222211112222223333............
- 27:...33332222211111111222223333...........
- 26:...333322222111111111122223333..........
- 25:...3333222211111111111122223333.........
- 24:....3332222111111..1111122223333........
- 23:....333322211111.....11112222333........
- 22:....33332222111.......11112223333.......
- 21:.....33322221111.......11122223333......
- 20:.....33332221111.......11112223333......
- 19:.....33332222111.......11112222333......
- 18:......33332221111.......11122223333.....
- 17:.......33322221111.....111112223333.....
- 16:.......3333222211111..1111112222333.....
- 15:........3333222211111111111122223333....
- 14:.........333322221111111111222223333....
- 13:..........33332222211111111222223333....
- 12:...........3333222222111122222223333....
- 11:............333322222222222222233333....
- 10:.............33333222222222222233333....
- 9:..............3333332222222222333333....
- 8:...............33333333222223333333.....
- 7:.................333333333333333333.....
- 6:..................3333333333333333......
- 5:.....................333333333333.......
- 4:.......................33333333.........
- 3:........................................
- 2:........................................
- 1:........................................
-Note in the above example that the lower limit is not part of the
-region for boxes, circles, and ellipses. This makes circles and annuli
-equivalent, i.e.:
- circle 20 20 5 10 15 20
- annulus 20 20 5 10 15 20
-both give the following region mask:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........................................
- 39:.............3333333333333..............
- 38:...........33333333333333333............
- 37:.........333333333333333333333..........
- 36:........33333333333333333333333.........
- 35:......333333333333333333333333333.......
- 34:.....33333333322222222222333333333......
- 33:....3333333322222222222222233333333.....
- 32:....3333333222222222222222223333333.....
- 31:...333333222222222222222222222333333....
- 30:..33333322222222222222222222222333333...
- 29:..33333322222221111111112222222333333...
- 28:.3333332222222111111111112222222333333..
- 27:.3333322222211111111111111122222233333..
- 26:333333222222111111111111111222222333333.
- 25:333332222221111111111111111122222233333.
- 24:33333222221111111.....11111112222233333.
- 23:3333322222111111.......1111112222233333.
- 22:333332222211111.........111112222233333.
- 21:333332222211111.........111112222233333.
- 20:333332222211111.........111112222233333.
- 19:333332222211111.........111112222233333.
- 18:333332222211111.........111112222233333.
- 17:3333322222111111.......1111112222233333.
- 16:33333222221111111.....11111112222233333.
- 15:333332222221111111111111111122222233333.
- 14:333333222222111111111111111222222333333.
- 13:.3333322222211111111111111122222233333..
- 12:.3333332222222111111111112222222333333..
- 11:..33333322222221111111112222222333333...
- 10:..33333322222222222222222222222333333...
- 9:...333333222222222222222222222333333....
- 8:....3333333222222222222222223333333.....
- 7:....3333333322222222222222233333333.....
- 6:.....33333333322222222222333333333......
- 5:......333333333333333333333333333.......
- 4:........33333333333333333333333.........
- 3:.........333333333333333333333..........
- 2:...........33333333333333333............
- 1:.............3333333333333..............
-As a final example, specifying several angles in one pie slice
-expression is equivalent to specifying several separate slices with
-the same center. As with the annulus, if B<N> angles are
-specified, then B<N>-1 slices result, with the ending angle of
-each preceding slice being the starting angle of the succeeding slice.
-Each slice is considered a separate region, and is given a separate
-mask value. For example,
- PIE 12 12 315 45 115 270
-specifies three regions as shown below:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:2222222222222222222222222222222222222222
- 39:2222222222222222222222222222222222222221
- 38:2222222222222222222222222222222222222211
- 37:2222222222222222222222222222222222222111
- 36:2222222222222222222222222222222222221111
- 35:3222222222222222222222222222222222211111
- 34:3222222222222222222222222222222222111111
- 33:3322222222222222222222222222222221111111
- 32:3322222222222222222222222222222211111111
- 31:3332222222222222222222222222222111111111
- 30:3332222222222222222222222222221111111111
- 29:3333222222222222222222222222211111111111
- 28:3333222222222222222222222222111111111111
- 27:3333322222222222222222222221111111111111
- 26:3333322222222222222222222211111111111111
- 25:3333322222222222222222222111111111111111
- 24:3333332222222222222222221111111111111111
- 23:3333332222222222222222211111111111111111
- 22:3333333222222222222222111111111111111111
- 21:3333333222222222222221111111111111111111
- 20:3333333322222222222211111111111111111111
- 19:3333333322222222222111111111111111111111
- 18:3333333332222222221111111111111111111111
- 17:3333333332222222211111111111111111111111
- 16:3333333333222222111111111111111111111111
- 15:3333333333222221111111111111111111111111
- 14:3333333333322211111111111111111111111111
- 13:3333333333322111111111111111111111111111
- 12:33333333333.1111111111111111111111111111
- 11:3333333333331111111111111111111111111111
- 10:333333333333.111111111111111111111111111
- 9:333333333333..11111111111111111111111111
- 8:333333333333...1111111111111111111111111
- 7:333333333333....111111111111111111111111
- 6:333333333333.....11111111111111111111111
- 5:333333333333......1111111111111111111111
- 4:333333333333.......111111111111111111111
- 3:333333333333........11111111111111111111
- 2:333333333333.........1111111111111111111
- 1:333333333333..........111111111111111111
-The annulus, box, circle, ellipse, and pie shapes also accept an
-B<n=[int]> syntax for specifying multiple regions. The
-B<n=[int]>syntax interprets the previous (shape-dependent)
-arguments as lower and upper limits for the region and creates n
-shapes with evenly spaced boundaries. For example, if B<n=[int]>
-is specified in an annulus, the two immediately preceding radii
-(B<rn> and B<rm>) are divided into B<int> annuli, such
-that the inner radius of the first is B<rn> and the outer radius
-of the last is B<rm>. For example,
- ANNULUS 20 20 5 20 n=3
-is equivalent to:
- ANNULUS 20 20 5 10 15 20
-If this syntax is used with an ellipse or box, then the two preceding
-pairs of values are taken to be lower and upper limits for a set of
-ellipses or boxes. A circle uses the two preceding arguments for upper
-and lower radii. For pie, the two preceding angles are divided into n
-wedges such that the starting angle of the first is the lower bound
-and the ending angle of the last is the upper bound. In all cases,
-the B<n=[int]> syntax allows any single alphabetic character
-before the "=", i.e, i=3, z=3, etc. are all equivalent.
-Also note that for boxes and ellipses, the optional angle argument is
-always specified after the B<n=[int]> syntax. For example:
- ellipse 20 20 4 6 16 24 n=3 45
-specifies 3 elliptical regions at an angle of 45 degrees:
- 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890
- ----------------------------------------
- 40:........33333333........................
- 39:.....33333333333333.....................
- 38:....33333333333333333...................
- 37:...33333333333333333333.................
- 36:..33333333333333333333333...............
- 35:.3333333333222223333333333..............
- 34:3333333322222222222233333333............
- 33:33333332222222222222223333333...........
- 32:333333222222222222222222333333..........
- 31:3333322222222222222222222333333.........
- 30:33333222222222111122222222333333........
- 29:333332222222111111112222222333333.......
- 28:3333222222211111111111222222333333......
- 27:3333222222111111111111112222233333......
- 26:33332222221111111111111112222233333.....
- 25:33332222211111111.111111112222233333....
- 24:333322222111111......111111222223333....
- 23:333322222111111.......111112222233333...
- 22:33333222221111.........11111222223333...
- 21:333332222211111.........11112222233333..
- 20:.33332222211111.........11111222223333..
- 19:.33333222221111.........111112222233333.
- 18:..33332222211111.........11112222233333.
- 17:..333332222211111.......111111222233333.
- 16:...333322222111111......111111222223333.
- 15:...333332222211111111.111111112222233333
- 14:....333332222211111111111111122222233333
- 13:.....33333222221111111111111122222233333
- 12:.....33333322222211111111111222222233333
- 11:......3333332222222111111112222222333333
- 10:.......333333222222221111222222222333333
- 9:........33333322222222222222222222333333
- 8:.........333333222222222222222222333333.
- 7:..........33333332222222222222223333333.
- 6:...........3333333322222222222233333333.
- 5:.............3333333333222223333333333..
- 4:..............33333333333333333333333...
- 3:................33333333333333333333....
- 2:..................33333333333333333.....
- 1:....................33333333333333......
-Both the variable argument syntax and the B<n=[int]> syntax must
-occur alone in a region descriptor (aside from the optional angle for
-boxes and ellipses). They cannot be combined. Thus, it is not valid
-to precede or follow an B<n=[int]> accelerator with more angles or
-radii, as in this example:
- # INVALID -- one too many angles before a=5 ...
- # and no angles are allowed after a=5
- PIE 12 12 10 25 50 a=5 85 135
-Instead, use three separate specifications, such as:
- PIE 12 12 10 25
- PIE 12 12 25 50 a=5
- PIE 12 12 85 135
-The original (IRAF) implementation of region filtering permitted this
-looser syntax, but we found it caused more confusion than it was worth
-and therefore removed it.
-NB: Accelerators may be combined with other shapes in a boolean
-expression in any order. (This is a change starting with funtools
-v1.1.1. Prior to this release, the accelerator shape had to be
-specified last). The actual region mask id values returned depend on the
-order in which the shapes are specified, although the total number of
-pixels or rows that pass the filter will be consistent. For this
-reason, use of accelerators in boolean expressions is discouraged in
-programs such as funcnts, where region mask id values are used
-to count events or image pixels.
-[All region masks displayed in this document were generated using the
-B<fundisp> routine and the undocumented "mask=all" argument (with
-spaced removed using sed ):
- fundisp "funtools/funtest/test40.fits[ANNULUS 25 25 5 10]" mask=all |\
- sed 's/ //g'
-Note that you must supply an image of the appropriate size -- in this case,
-a FITS image of dimension 40x40 is used.]
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See funtools(n) for a list of Funtools help pages