path: root/libxml2/xstc
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2017-05-03 15:21:49 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2017-05-03 15:21:49 (GMT)
commit4b8453f0303492a1de2dcf854555f6429fac550e (patch)
tree54abb57f4c5191452cadcac2f12feacbfc1f3218 /libxml2/xstc
parent7617e7a38edce33eab6ca4259b416b339e07ea29 (diff)
reinstall libxml2/libxslt
Diffstat (limited to 'libxml2/xstc')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1038 deletions
diff --git a/libxml2/xstc/ b/libxml2/xstc/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ef1819..0000000
--- a/libxml2/xstc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Definition for the tests from W3C
-TESTDIRS=$(TESTDIR)/msxsdtest $(TESTDIR)/suntest $(TESTDIR)/Datatypes
-# The local data and scripts
-# xstc-to-python.xsl
-# Nothing is done by make, only make tests and
-# only if Python and Schemas are enabled.
-# Rule to load the test description and extract the informations
-$(TESTDIRS) Tests/Metadata/$(NISTTESTDEF_2) Tests/Metadata/$(MSTTESTDEF) Tests/Metadata/$(SUNTESTDEF):
- -@(if [ ! -d Tests ] ; then \
- mkdir Tests ; \
- fi)
- -@(if [ ! -f $(TARBALL_2) ] ; then \
- if [ -f $(srcdir)/$(TARBALL_2) ] ; then \
- $(LN_S) $(srcdir)/$(TARBALL_2) $(TARBALL_2) ; else \
- echo "Missing the test suite description (2004-01-14), trying to fetch it" ;\
- if [ -x "$(WGET)" ] ; then \
- $(WGET) $(TARBALLURL_2) ; \
- else echo "Dont' know how to fetch $(TARBALLURL_2)" ; fi ; fi ; fi)
- -@(if [ -f $(TARBALL_2) ] ; then \
- echo -n "extracting test data (NIST)..." ; \
- $(TAR) -xzf $(TARBALL_2) --wildcards '*/Datatypes' '*/Metadata/$(NISTTESTDEF_2)' ; \
- echo "done" ; \
- fi)
- -@(if [ ! -f $(TARBALL) ] ; then \
- if [ -f $(srcdir)/$(TARBALL) ] ; then \
- $(LN_S) $(srcdir)/$(TARBALL) $(TARBALL) ; else \
- echo "Missing the test suite description (2002-01-16), trying to fetch it" ;\
- if [ -x "$(WGET)" ] ; then \
- else echo "Dont' know how to fetch $(TARBALLURL)" ; fi ; fi ; fi)
- -@(if [ -f $(TARBALL) ] ; then \
- echo -n "extracting test data (Sun, Microsoft)..." ; \
- $(TAR) -C Tests -xzf $(TARBALL) --wildcards '*/suntest' '*/msxsdtest' '*/$(MSTESTDEF)' '*/$(SUNTESTDEF)' ; \
- if [ -d Tests/suntest ] ; then rm -r Tests/suntest ; fi ; \
- if [ -d Tests/msxsdtest ] ; then rm -r Tests/msxsdtest ; fi ; \
- mv Tests/xmlschema2002-01-16/* Tests ; \
- mv Tests/*.testSet Tests/Metadata ; \
- rm -r Tests/xmlschema2002-01-16 ; \
- echo "done" ; \
- fi)
-# The python tests are generated via XSLT
-# Tests/Metadata/$(NISTTESTDEF_2) xstc-to-python.xsl
- -@(if [ -x $(XSLTPROC) ] ; then \
- echo "Rebuilding script (NIST)" $@ ; \
- $(XSLTPROC) --nonet --stringparam vendor NIST-2 \
- $(srcdir)/xstc-to-python.xsl \
- $(srcdir)/Tests/Metadata/$(NISTTESTDEF_2) > $@ ; \
- chmod +x $@ ; fi )
- Tests/Metadata/$(MSTTESTDEF) xstc-to-python.xsl
- -@(if [ -x $(XSLTPROC) ] ; then \
- echo "Rebuilding script (Microsoft)" $@ ; \
- $(XSLTPROC) --nonet --stringparam vendor MS \
- $(srcdir)/xstc-to-python.xsl \
- $(srcdir)/Tests/Metadata/$(MSTESTDEF) > $@ ; \
- chmod +x $@ ; fi )
- Tests/Metadata/$(SUNTESTDEF) xstc-to-python.xsl
- -@(if [ -x $(XSLTPROC) ] ; then \
- echo "Rebuilding script (Sun)" $@ ; \
- $(XSLTPROC) --nonet --stringparam vendor SUN \
- $(srcdir)/xstc-to-python.xsl \
- $(srcdir)/Tests/Metadata/$(SUNTESTDEF) > $@ ; \
- chmod +x $@ ; fi )
-# The actual test run if present. PYTHONPATH is updated to make sure
-# we run the version from the loacl build and not preinstalled bindings
-pytests: $(PYSCRIPTS) $(TESTDIRS)
- -@(if [ -x -a -d $(TESTDIR)/Datatypes ] ; then \
- echo "## Running XML Schema tests (NIST)"; \
- PYTHONPATH="../python:../python/.libs:..:../.libs:$$PYTHONPATH" ;\
- export PYTHONPATH; \
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(top_builddir)/.libs:$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ; \
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; \
- $(CHECKER) $(PYTHON) -s -b $(srcdir) ; fi)
- -@(if [ -x -a -d $(TESTDIR)/suntest ] ; then \
- echo "## Running Schema tests (Sun)"; \
- PYTHONPATH="../python:../python/.libs:..:../.libs:$$PYTHONPATH" ;\
- export PYTHONPATH; \
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(top_builddir)/.libs:$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ; \
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; \
- $(CHECKER) $(PYTHON) -s -b $(srcdir) ; fi)
- -@(if [ -x -a -d $(TESTDIR)/msxsdtest ] ; then \
- echo "## Running Schema tests (Microsoft)"; \
- PYTHONPATH="../python:../python/.libs:..:../.libs:$$PYTHONPATH" ;\
- export PYTHONPATH; \
- LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(top_builddir)/.libs:$$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" ; \
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH; \
- $(CHECKER) $(PYTHON) -s -b $(srcdir) ; fi)
- -@(if [ -x $(PYTHON) ] ; then \
- $(MAKE) pytests ; fi);
-# Heavy, works well only on RHEL3
- -@(if [ -x $(PYTHON) ] ; then \
- echo '## Running the regression tests under Valgrind' ; \
- $(MAKE) CHECKER='valgrind -q' pytests ; fi);
diff --git a/libxml2/xstc/ b/libxml2/xstc/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6e33d1c..0000000
--- a/libxml2/xstc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -u
-import sys, os
-import libxml2
-baseDir = os.path.join('msxsdtest', 'Particles')
-filenames = os.listdir(baseDir)
-mainXSD = str()
-signature = str()
-dictXSD = dict()
-def gatherFiles():
- for file in filenames:
- if (file[-5] in ["a", "b", "c"]) and (file[-3:] == 'xsd'):
- # newfilename = string.replace(filename, ' ', '_')
- signature = file[:-5]
- mainXSD = signature + ".xsd"
- imports = []
- for sub in filenames:
- if (mainXSD != sub) and (sub[-3:] == 'xsd') and sub.startswith(signature):
- imports.append(sub)
- if len(imports) != 0:
- dictXSD[mainXSD] = imports
-def debugMsg(text):
- #pass
- print "DEBUG:", text
-def fixup():
- for mainXSD in dictXSD:
- debugMsg("fixing '%s'..." % mainXSD)
- schemaDoc = None
- xpmainCtx = None
- # Load the schema document.
- schemaFile = os.path.join(baseDir, mainXSD)
- schemaDoc = libxml2.parseFile(schemaFile)
- if (schemaDoc is None):
- print "ERROR: doc '%s' not found" % mainXSD
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- xpmainCtx = schemaDoc.xpathNewContext()
- xpmainCtx.xpathRegisterNs("xs", "");
- xpres = xpmainCtx.xpathEval("/xs:schema")
- if len(xpres) == 0:
- print "ERROR: doc '%s' has no <schema> element" % mainXSD
- sys.exit(1)
- schemaElem = xpres[0]
- schemaNs = schemaElem.ns()
- # Select all <import>s.
- xpres = xpmainCtx.xpathEval("/xs:schema/xs:import")
- if len(xpres) != 0:
- for elem in xpres:
- loc = elem.noNsProp("schemaLocation")
- if (loc is not None):
- debugMsg(" imports '%s'" % loc)
- if loc in dictXSD[mainXSD]:
- dictXSD[mainXSD].remove(loc)
- for loc in dictXSD[mainXSD]:
- # Read out the targetNamespace.
- impTargetNs = None
- impFile = os.path.join(baseDir, loc)
- impDoc = libxml2.parseFile(impFile)
- try:
- xpimpCtx = impDoc.xpathNewContext()
- try:
- xpimpCtx.setContextDoc(impDoc)
- xpimpCtx.xpathRegisterNs("xs", "");
- xpres = xpimpCtx.xpathEval("/xs:schema")
- impTargetNs = xpres[0].noNsProp("targetNamespace")
- finally:
- xpimpCtx.xpathFreeContext()
- finally:
- impDoc.freeDoc()
- # Add the <import>.
- debugMsg(" adding <import namespace='%s' schemaLocation='%s'/>" % (impTargetNs, loc))
- newElem = schemaDoc.newDocNode(schemaNs, "import", None)
- if (impTargetNs is not None):
- newElem.newProp("namespace", impTargetNs)
- newElem.newProp("schemaLocation", loc)
- if schemaElem.children is not None:
- schemaElem.children.addPrevSibling(newElem)
- schemaDoc.saveFile(schemaFile)
- finally:
- xpmainCtx.xpathFreeContext()
- schemaDoc.freeDoc()
- gatherFiles()
- fixup()
- libxml2.cleanupParser()
- if libxml2.debugMemory(1) != 0:
- print "Memory leak %d bytes" % (libxml2.debugMemory(1))
- libxml2.dumpMemory()
diff --git a/libxml2/xstc/xstc-to-python.xsl b/libxml2/xstc/xstc-to-python.xsl
deleted file mode 100755
index 78d55cd..0000000
--- a/libxml2/xstc/xstc-to-python.xsl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- xmlns:xsl=""
- xmlns:ts="TestSuite" version="1.0"
- xmlns:xl="">
- <xsl:param name="vendor" select="'NIST'"/>
- <xsl:output method="text"/>
- <xsl:template match="/">
- <xsl:text>#!/usr/bin/python -u
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-# This file is generated from the W3C test suite description file.
-import xstc
-from xstc import XSTCTestRunner, XSTCTestGroup, XSTCSchemaTest, XSTCInstanceTest
-xstc.vendor = "</xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$vendor"/><xsl:text>"
-r = XSTCTestRunner()
-# Group definitions.
- <xsl:apply-templates select="ts:testSet/ts:testGroup" mode="group-def"/>
-# Test definitions.
- <xsl:apply-templates select="ts:testSet/ts:testGroup" mode="test-def"/>
- <xsl:text>
- </xsl:template>
- <!-- groupName, descr -->
- <xsl:template match="ts:testGroup" mode="group-def">
- <xsl:text>r.addGroup(XSTCTestGroup("</xsl:text>
- <!-- group -->
- <xsl:value-of select="@name"/><xsl:text>", "</xsl:text>
- <!-- main schema -->
- <xsl:value-of select="ts:schemaTest[1]/ts:schemaDocument/@xl:href"/><xsl:text>", """</xsl:text>
- <!-- group-description -->
- <xsl:call-template name="str">
- <xsl:with-param name="str" select="ts:annotation/ts:documentation/text()"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- <xsl:text>"""))
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template name="str">
- <xsl:param name="str"/>
- <xsl:choose>
- <xsl:when test="contains($str, '&quot;')">
- <xsl:call-template name="str">
- <xsl:with-param name="str" select="substring-before($str, '&quot;')"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- <xsl:text>'</xsl:text>
- <xsl:call-template name="str">
- <xsl:with-param name="str" select="substring-after($str, '&quot;')"/>
- </xsl:call-template>
- </xsl:when>
- <xsl:otherwise>
- <xsl:value-of select="$str"/>
- </xsl:otherwise>
- </xsl:choose>
- </xsl:template>
- <xsl:template match="ts:testGroup" mode="test-def">
- <xsl:param name="group" select="@name"/>
- <xsl:for-each select="ts:schemaTest">
- <!-- groupName, isSchema, Name, Accepted, File, Val, Descr -->
- <xsl:text>r.addTest(XSTCSchemaTest("</xsl:text>
- <!-- group -->
- <xsl:value-of select="$group"/><xsl:text>", "</xsl:text>
- <!-- test-name -->
- <xsl:value-of select="@name"/><xsl:text>", </xsl:text>
- <!-- accepted -->
- <xsl:value-of select="number(ts:current/@status = 'accepted')"/><xsl:text>, "</xsl:text>
- <!-- filename -->
- <xsl:value-of select="ts:schemaDocument/@xl:href"/><xsl:text>", </xsl:text>
- <!-- validity -->
- <xsl:value-of select="number(ts:expected/@validity = 'valid')"/><xsl:text>, "</xsl:text>
- <!-- test-description -->
- <xsl:value-of select="ts:annotation/ts:documentation/text()"/><xsl:text>"))
- </xsl:for-each>
- <xsl:for-each select="ts:instanceTest">
- <!-- groupName, isSchema, Name, Accepted, File, Val, Descr -->
- <xsl:text>r.addTest(XSTCInstanceTest("</xsl:text>
- <!-- group -->
- <xsl:value-of select="$group"/><xsl:text>", "</xsl:text>
- <!-- test-name -->
- <xsl:value-of select="@name"/><xsl:text>", </xsl:text>
- <!-- accepted -->
- <xsl:value-of select="number(ts:current/@status = 'accepted')"/><xsl:text>, "</xsl:text>
- <!-- filename -->
- <xsl:value-of select="ts:instanceDocument/@xl:href"/><xsl:text>", </xsl:text>
- <!-- validity -->
- <xsl:value-of select="number(ts:expected/@validity = 'valid')"/><xsl:text>, "</xsl:text>
- <!-- test-description -->
- <xsl:value-of select="ts:annotation/ts:documentation/text()"/><xsl:text>"))
- </xsl:for-each>
- </xsl:template>
-</xsl:stylesheet> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libxml2/xstc/ b/libxml2/xstc/
deleted file mode 100755
index ca011bb..0000000
--- a/libxml2/xstc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,693 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# This is the MS subset of the W3C test suite for XML Schemas.
-# This file is generated from the MS W3c test suite description file.
-import sys, os
-import exceptions, optparse
-import libxml2
-opa = optparse.OptionParser()
-opa.add_option("-b", "--base", action="store", type="string", dest="baseDir",
- default="",
- help="""The base directory; i.e. the parent folder of the
- "nisttest", "suntest" and "msxsdtest" directories.""")
-opa.add_option("-o", "--out", action="store", type="string", dest="logFile",
- default="test.log",
- help="The filepath of the log file to be created")
-opa.add_option("--log", action="store_true", dest="enableLog",
- default=False,
- help="Create the log file")
-opa.add_option("--no-test-out", action="store_true", dest="disableTestStdOut",
- default=False,
- help="Don't output test results")
-opa.add_option("-s", "--silent", action="store_true", dest="silent", default=False,
- help="Disables display of all tests")
-opa.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose",
- default=False,
- help="Displays all tests (only if --silent is not set)")
-opa.add_option("-x", "--max", type="int", dest="maxTestCount",
- default="-1",
- help="The maximum number of tests to be run")
-opa.add_option("-t", "--test", type="string", dest="singleTest",
- default=None,
- help="Runs the specified test only")
-opa.add_option("--tsw", "--test-starts-with", type="string", dest="testStartsWith",
- default=None,
- help="Runs the specified test(s), starting with the given string")
-opa.add_option("--rieo", "--report-internal-errors-only", action="store_true",
- dest="reportInternalErrOnly", default=False,
- help="Display erroneous tests of type 'internal' only")
-opa.add_option("--rueo", "--report-unimplemented-errors-only", action="store_true",
- dest="reportUnimplErrOnly", default=False,
- help="Display erroneous tests of type 'unimplemented' only")
-opa.add_option("--rmleo", "--report-mem-leak-errors-only", action="store_true",
- dest="reportMemLeakErrOnly", default=False,
- help="Display erroneous tests of type 'memory leak' only")
-opa.add_option("-c", "--combines", type="string", dest="combines",
- default=None,
- help="Combines to be run (all if omitted)")
-opa.add_option("--csw", "--csw", type="string", dest="combineStartsWith",
- default=None,
- help="Combines to be run (all if omitted)")
-opa.add_option("--rc", "--report-combines", action="store_true",
- dest="reportCombines", default=False,
- help="Display combine reports")
-opa.add_option("--rec", "--report-err-combines", action="store_true",
- dest="reportErrCombines", default=False,
- help="Display erroneous combine reports only")
-opa.add_option("--debug", action="store_true",
- dest="debugEnabled", default=False,
- help="Displays debug messages")
-opa.add_option("--info", action="store_true",
- dest="info", default=False,
- help="Displays info on the suite only. Does not run any test.")
-opa.add_option("--sax", action="store_true",
- dest="validationSAX", default=False,
- help="Use SAX2-driven validation.")
-opa.add_option("--tn", action="store_true",
- dest="displayTestName", default=False,
- help="Display the test name in every case.")
-(options, args) = opa.parse_args()
-if options.combines is not None:
- options.combines = options.combines.split()
-# The vars below are not intended to be changed.
-msgSchemaNotValidButShould = "The schema should be valid."
-msgSchemaValidButShouldNot = "The schema should be invalid."
-msgInstanceNotValidButShould = "The instance should be valid."
-msgInstanceValidButShouldNot = "The instance should be invalid."
-vendorNIST = "NIST"
-vendorNIST_2 = "NIST-2"
-vendorSUN = "SUN"
-vendorMS = "MS"
-# Helper functions.
-vendor = None
-def handleError(test, msg):
- global options
- if not options.silent:
- test.addLibLog("'%s' LIB: %s" % (, msg))
- if msg.find("Unimplemented") > -1:
- test.failUnimplemented()
- elif msg.find("Internal") > -1:
- test.failInternal()
-def fixFileNames(fileName):
- if (fileName is None) or (fileName == ""):
- return ""
- dirs = fileName.split("/")
- if dirs[1] != "Tests":
- fileName = os.path.join(".", "Tests")
- for dir in dirs[1:]:
- fileName = os.path.join(fileName, dir)
- return fileName
-class XSTCTestGroup:
- def __init__(self, name, schemaFileName, descr):
- global vendor, vendorNIST_2
- = name
- self.descr = descr
- self.mainSchema = True
- self.schemaFileName = fixFileNames(schemaFileName)
- self.schemaParsed = False
- self.schemaTried = False
- def setSchema(self, schemaFileName, parsed):
- if not self.mainSchema:
- return
- self.mainSchema = False
- self.schemaParsed = parsed
- self.schemaTried = True
-class XSTCTestCase:
- # <!-- groupName, Name, Accepted, File, Val, Descr
- def __init__(self, isSchema, groupName, name, accepted, file, val, descr):
- global options
- #
- # Constructor.
- #
- self.testRunner = None
- self.isSchema = isSchema
- self.groupName = groupName
- = name
- self.accepted = accepted
- self.fileName = fixFileNames(file)
- self.val = val
- self.descr = descr
- self.failed = False
- self.combineName = None
- self.log = []
- self.libLog = []
- self.initialMemUsed = 0
- self.memLeak = 0
- self.excepted = False
- self.bad = False
- self.unimplemented = False
- self.internalErr = False
- self.noSchemaErr = False
- self.failed = False
- #
- # Init the log.
- #
- if not options.silent:
- if self.descr is not None:
- self.log.append("'%s' descr: %s\n" % (, self.descr))
- self.log.append("'%s' exp validity: %d\n" % (, self.val))
- def initTest(self, runner):
- global vendorNIST, vendorSUN, vendorMS, vendorNIST_2, options, vendor
- #
- # Get the test-group.
- #
- self.runner = runner
- = runner.getGroup(self.groupName)
- if vendor == vendorMS or vendor == vendorSUN:
- #
- # Use the last given directory for the combine name.
- #
- dirs = self.fileName.split("/")
- self.combineName = dirs[len(dirs) -2]
- elif vendor == vendorNIST:
- #
- # NIST files are named in the following form:
- # "NISTSchema-short-pattern-1.xsd"
- #
- tokens ="-")
- self.combineName = tokens[1]
- elif vendor == vendorNIST_2:
- #
- # Group-names have the form: "atomic-normalizedString-length-1"
- #
- tokens = self.groupName.split("-")
- self.combineName = "%s-%s" % (tokens[0], tokens[1])
- else:
- self.combineName = "unkown"
- raise Exception("Could not compute the combine name of a test.")
- if (not options.silent) and ( is not None):
- self.log.append("'%s' group-descr: %s\n" % (,
- def addLibLog(self, msg):
- """This one is intended to be used by the error handler
- function"""
- global options
- if not options.silent:
- self.libLog.append(msg)
- def fail(self, msg):
- global options
- self.failed = True
- if not options.silent:
- self.log.append("'%s' ( FAILED: %s\n" % (, msg))
- def failNoSchema(self):
- global options
- self.failed = True
- self.noSchemaErr = True
- if not options.silent:
- self.log.append("'%s' X NO-SCHEMA\n" % (
- def failInternal(self):
- global options
- self.failed = True
- self.internalErr = True
- if not options.silent:
- self.log.append("'%s' * INTERNAL\n" %
- def failUnimplemented(self):
- global options
- self.failed = True
- self.unimplemented = True
- if not options.silent:
- self.log.append("'%s' ? UNIMPLEMENTED\n" %
- def failCritical(self, msg):
- global options
- self.failed = True
- self.bad = True
- if not options.silent:
- self.log.append("'%s' ! BAD: %s\n" % (, msg))
- def failExcept(self, e):
- global options
- self.failed = True
- self.excepted = True
- if not options.silent:
- self.log.append("'%s' # EXCEPTION: %s\n" % (, e.__str__()))
- def setUp(self):
- #
- # Set up Libxml2.
- #
- self.initialMemUsed = libxml2.debugMemory(1)
- libxml2.initParser()
- libxml2.lineNumbersDefault(1)
- libxml2.registerErrorHandler(handleError, self)
- def tearDown(self):
- libxml2.schemaCleanupTypes()
- libxml2.cleanupParser()
- self.memLeak = libxml2.debugMemory(1) - self.initialMemUsed
- def isIOError(self, file, docType):
- err = None
- try:
- err = libxml2.lastError()
- except:
- # Suppress exceptions.
- pass
- if (err is None):
- return False
- if err.domain() == libxml2.XML_FROM_IO:
- self.failCritical("failed to access the %s resource '%s'\n" % (docType, file))
- def debugMsg(self, msg):
- global options
- if options.debugEnabled:
- sys.stdout.write("'%s' DEBUG: %s\n" % (, msg))
- def finalize(self):
- global options
- """Adds additional info to the log."""
- #
- # Add libxml2 messages.
- #
- if not options.silent:
- self.log.extend(self.libLog)
- #
- # Add memory leaks.
- #
- if self.memLeak != 0:
- self.log.append("%s + memory leak: %d bytes\n" % (, self.memLeak))
- def run(self):
- """Runs a test."""
- global options
- ##filePath = os.path.join(options.baseDir, self.fileName)
- # filePath = "%s/%s/%s/%s" % (options.baseDir, self.test_Folder, self.schema_Folder, self.schema_File)
- if options.displayTestName:
- sys.stdout.write("'%s'\n" %
- try:
- self.validate()
- except (Exception, libxml2.parserError, libxml2.treeError), e:
- self.failExcept(e)
-def parseSchema(fileName):
- schema = None
- ctxt = libxml2.schemaNewParserCtxt(fileName)
- try:
- try:
- schema = ctxt.schemaParse()
- except:
- pass
- finally:
- del ctxt
- return schema
-class XSTCSchemaTest(XSTCTestCase):
- def __init__(self, groupName, name, accepted, file, val, descr):
- XSTCTestCase.__init__(self, 1, groupName, name, accepted, file, val, descr)
- def validate(self):
- global msgSchemaNotValidButShould, msgSchemaValidButShouldNot
- schema = None
- filePath = self.fileName
- # os.path.join(options.baseDir, self.fileName)
- valid = 0
- try:
- #
- # Parse the schema.
- #
- self.debugMsg("loading schema: %s" % filePath)
- schema = parseSchema(filePath)
- self.debugMsg("after loading schema")
- if schema is None:
- self.debugMsg("schema is None")
- self.debugMsg("checking for IO errors...")
- if self.isIOError(file, "schema"):
- return
- self.debugMsg("checking schema result")
- if (schema is None and self.val) or (schema is not None and self.val == 0):
- self.debugMsg("schema result is BAD")
- if (schema == None):
- else:
- else:
- self.debugMsg("schema result is OK")
- finally:
-, schema is not None)
- del schema
-class XSTCInstanceTest(XSTCTestCase):
- def __init__(self, groupName, name, accepted, file, val, descr):
- XSTCTestCase.__init__(self, 0, groupName, name, accepted, file, val, descr)
- def validate(self):
- instance = None
- schema = None
- filePath = self.fileName
- # os.path.join(options.baseDir, self.fileName)
- if not and
- self.failNoSchema()
- return
- self.debugMsg("loading instance: %s" % filePath)
- parserCtxt = libxml2.newParserCtxt()
- if (parserCtxt is None):
- # TODO: Is this one necessary, or will an exception
- # be already raised?
- raise Exception("Could not create the instance parser context.")
- if not options.validationSAX:
- try:
- try:
- instance = parserCtxt.ctxtReadFile(filePath, None, libxml2.XML_PARSE_NOWARNING)
- except:
- # Suppress exceptions.
- pass
- finally:
- del parserCtxt
- self.debugMsg("after loading instance")
- if instance is None:
- self.debugMsg("instance is None")
- self.failCritical("Failed to parse the instance for unknown reasons.")
- return
- try:
- #
- # Validate the instance.
- #
- self.debugMsg("loading schema: %s" %
- schema = parseSchema(
- try:
- validationCtxt = schema.schemaNewValidCtxt()
- #validationCtxt = libxml2.schemaNewValidCtxt(None)
- if (validationCtxt is None):
- self.failCritical("Could not create the validation context.")
- return
- try:
- self.debugMsg("validating instance")
- if options.validationSAX:
- instance_Err = validationCtxt.schemaValidateFile(filePath, 0)
- else:
- instance_Err = validationCtxt.schemaValidateDoc(instance)
- self.debugMsg("after instance validation")
- self.debugMsg("instance-err: %d" % instance_Err)
- if (instance_Err != 0 and self.val == 1) or (instance_Err == 0 and self.val == 0):
- self.debugMsg("instance result is BAD")
- if (instance_Err != 0):
- else:
- else:
- self.debugMsg("instance result is OK")
- finally:
- del validationCtxt
- finally:
- del schema
- finally:
- if instance is not None:
- instance.freeDoc()
-# Test runner class.
-class XSTCTestRunner:
- CNT_RAN = 1
- CNT_BAD = 6
- def __init__(self):
- self.logFile = None
- self.counters = self.createCounters()
- self.testList = []
- self.combinesRan = {}
- self.groups = {}
- self.curGroup = None
- def createCounters(self):
- counters = {self.CNT_TOTAL:0, self.CNT_RAN:0, self.CNT_SUCCEEDED:0,
- return counters
- def addTest(self, test):
- self.testList.append(test)
- test.initTest(self)
- def getGroup(self, groupName):
- return self.groups[groupName]
- def addGroup(self, group):
- self.groups[] = group
- def updateCounters(self, test, counters):
- if test.memLeak != 0:
- counters[self.CNT_MEMLEAK] += 1
- if not test.failed:
- counters[self.CNT_SUCCEEDED] +=1
- if test.failed:
- counters[self.CNT_FAILED] += 1
- if test.bad:
- counters[self.CNT_BAD] += 1
- if test.unimplemented:
- counters[self.CNT_UNIMPLEMENTED] += 1
- if test.internalErr:
- counters[self.CNT_INTERNAL] += 1
- if test.noSchemaErr:
- counters[self.CNT_NOSCHEMA] += 1
- if test.excepted:
- counters[self.CNT_EXCEPTED] += 1
- if not test.accepted:
- counters[self.CNT_NOTACCEPTED] += 1
- if test.isSchema:
- counters[self.CNT_SCHEMA_TEST] += 1
- return counters
- def displayResults(self, out, all, combName, counters):
- out.write("\n")
- if all:
- if options.combines is not None:
- out.write("combine(s): %s\n" % str(options.combines))
- elif combName is not None:
- out.write("combine : %s\n" % combName)
- out.write(" total : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_TOTAL])
- if all or options.combines is not None:
- out.write(" ran : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_RAN])
- out.write(" (schemata) : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_SCHEMA_TEST])
- # out.write(" succeeded : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_SUCCEEDED])
- out.write(" not accepted : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_NOTACCEPTED])
- if counters[self.CNT_FAILED] > 0:
- out.write(" failed : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_FAILED])
- out.write(" -> internal : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_INTERNAL])
- out.write(" -> unimpl. : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_UNIMPLEMENTED])
- out.write(" -> skip-invalid-schema : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_NOSCHEMA])
- out.write(" -> bad : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_BAD])
- out.write(" -> exceptions : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_EXCEPTED])
- out.write(" memory leaks : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_MEMLEAK])
- def displayShortResults(self, out, all, combName, counters):
- out.write("Ran %d of %d tests (%d schemata):" % (counters[self.CNT_RAN],
- counters[self.CNT_TOTAL], counters[self.CNT_SCHEMA_TEST]))
- # out.write(" succeeded : %d\n" % counters[self.CNT_SUCCEEDED])
- if counters[self.CNT_NOTACCEPTED] > 0:
- out.write(" %d not accepted" % (counters[self.CNT_NOTACCEPTED]))
- if counters[self.CNT_FAILED] > 0 or counters[self.CNT_MEMLEAK] > 0:
- if counters[self.CNT_FAILED] > 0:
- out.write(" %d failed" % (counters[self.CNT_FAILED]))
- out.write(" (")
- if counters[self.CNT_INTERNAL] > 0:
- out.write(" %d internal" % (counters[self.CNT_INTERNAL]))
- if counters[self.CNT_UNIMPLEMENTED] > 0:
- out.write(" %d unimplemented" % (counters[self.CNT_UNIMPLEMENTED]))
- if counters[self.CNT_NOSCHEMA] > 0:
- out.write(" %d skip-invalid-schema" % (counters[self.CNT_NOSCHEMA]))
- if counters[self.CNT_BAD] > 0:
- out.write(" %d bad" % (counters[self.CNT_BAD]))
- if counters[self.CNT_EXCEPTED] > 0:
- out.write(" %d exception" % (counters[self.CNT_EXCEPTED]))
- out.write(" )")
- if counters[self.CNT_MEMLEAK] > 0:
- out.write(" %d leaks" % (counters[self.CNT_MEMLEAK]))
- out.write("\n")
- else:
- out.write(" all passed\n")
- def reportCombine(self, combName):
- global options
- counters = self.createCounters()
- #
- # Compute evaluation counters.
- #
- for test in self.combinesRan[combName]:
- counters[self.CNT_TOTAL] += 1
- counters[self.CNT_RAN] += 1
- counters = self.updateCounters(test, counters)
- if options.reportErrCombines and (counters[self.CNT_FAILED] == 0) and (counters[self.CNT_MEMLEAK] == 0):
- pass
- else:
- if options.enableLog:
- self.displayResults(self.logFile, False, combName, counters)
- self.displayResults(sys.stdout, False, combName, counters)
- def displayTestLog(self, test):
- sys.stdout.writelines(test.log)
- sys.stdout.write("~~~~~~~~~~\n")
- def reportTest(self, test):
- global options
- error = test.failed or test.memLeak != 0
- #
- # Only erroneous tests will be written to the log,
- # except @verbose is switched on.
- #
- if options.enableLog and (options.verbose or error):
- self.logFile.writelines(test.log)
- self.logFile.write("~~~~~~~~~~\n")
- #
- # if not @silent, only erroneous tests will be
- # written to stdout, except @verbose is switched on.
- #
- if not options.silent:
- if options.reportInternalErrOnly and test.internalErr:
- self.displayTestLog(test)
- if options.reportMemLeakErrOnly and test.memLeak != 0:
- self.displayTestLog(test)
- if options.reportUnimplErrOnly and test.unimplemented:
- self.displayTestLog(test)
- if (options.verbose or error) and (not options.reportInternalErrOnly) and (not options.reportMemLeakErrOnly) and (not options.reportUnimplErrOnly):
- self.displayTestLog(test)
- def addToCombines(self, test):
- found = False
- if self.combinesRan.has_key(test.combineName):
- self.combinesRan[test.combineName].append(test)
- else:
- self.combinesRan[test.combineName] = [test]
- def run(self):
- global options
- if
- for test in self.testList:
- self.addToCombines(test)
- sys.stdout.write("Combines: %d\n" % len(self.combinesRan))
- sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % self.combinesRan.keys())
- return
- if options.enableLog:
- self.logFile = open(options.logFile, "w")
- try:
- for test in self.testList:
- self.counters[self.CNT_TOTAL] += 1
- #
- # Filter tests.
- #
- if options.singleTest is not None and options.singleTest != "":
- if ( != options.singleTest):
- continue
- elif options.combines is not None:
- if not options.combines.__contains__(test.combineName):
- continue
- elif options.testStartsWith is not None:
- if not
- continue
- elif options.combineStartsWith is not None:
- if not test.combineName.startswith(options.combineStartsWith):
- continue
- if options.maxTestCount != -1 and self.counters[self.CNT_RAN] >= options.maxTestCount:
- break
- self.counters[self.CNT_RAN] += 1
- #
- # Run the thing, dammit.
- #
- try:
- test.setUp()
- try:
- finally:
- test.tearDown()
- finally:
- #
- # Evaluate.
- #
- test.finalize()
- self.reportTest(test)
- if options.reportCombines or options.reportErrCombines:
- self.addToCombines(test)
- self.counters = self.updateCounters(test, self.counters)
- finally:
- if options.reportCombines or options.reportErrCombines:
- #
- # Build a report for every single combine.
- #
- # TODO: How to sort a dict?
- #
- self.combinesRan.keys().sort(None)
- for key in self.combinesRan.keys():
- self.reportCombine(key)
- #
- # Display the final report.
- #
- if options.silent:
- self.displayShortResults(sys.stdout, True, None, self.counters)
- else:
- sys.stdout.write("===========================\n")
- self.displayResults(sys.stdout, True, None, self.counters)