path: root/libxslt/vms
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-19 18:25:21 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-19 18:25:21 (GMT)
commitd72feaf69933b069cff3c0cb20a5f5f03ecba77b (patch)
treebf51d2814f4be65c850dba86dc2a5db0ad38bedf /libxslt/vms
parent34be72f9ed749a5c013d3f7f47d810e8caf652cb (diff)
parent49e8fbec2420ef55b3246aabd89328b13530810c (diff)
Merge commit '49e8fbec2420ef55b3246aabd89328b13530810c' as 'libxslt'
Diffstat (limited to 'libxslt/vms')
3 files changed, 517 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libxslt/vms/ b/libxslt/vms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89371f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libxslt/vms/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+$! Build the XSLT library
+$! Arguments:
+$! p1 - "DEBUG" is you want to build with debug
+$! This package requires libxml to have already been installed. You need
+$! to ensure that the logical name LIBXML is defined and points to the
+$! directory containing libxml's .h files
+$! This procedure creates the object libraries
+$! and the program
+$! After the library is built, you can link these routines into
+$! your code with the command
+$! Change History
+$! --------------
+$! Command file author : John A Fotheringham (
+$! Last update : 2 Nov 2001
+$!- configuration -------------------------------------------------------------
+$!- compile command.
+$ if p1.eqs."DEBUG"
+$ then
+$ debug = "Y"
+$ cc_command = "CC''cc_opts'/DEBUG/NOOPTIMIZE/LIST/SHOW=ALL"
+$ else
+$ debug = "N"
+$ cc_command = "CC''cc_opts'"
+$ endif
+$!- configure multiple build passes for each library. -------------------------
+$! For each pass:
+$! "libname" is the name of the library or module being created
+$! "progname" is the name of the program being created
+$! "src" is the list of sources to be built into the library or program
+$! - This should be compared to the definition of
+$! "<NAME>_la_SOURCES" in the MAKEFILE.IN file in
+$! corresponding directory.
+$ num_passes = 3 ! two libraries and a program
+$!- pass 1 - library LIBXSLT
+$ libname_1 = "LIBXSLT"
+$ h_file_1 = "xslt.h"
+$ progname_1 = ""
+$ ! see "libxslt_la_SOURCES" in [.libxslt]
+$ src_1 = "xslt.c xsltutils.c pattern.c templates.c variables.c keys.c"
+$ src_1 = src_1 + " numbers.c extensions.c extra.c functions.c"
+$ src_1 = src_1 + " namespaces.c imports.c attributes.c documents.c"
+$ src_1 = src_1 + " preproc.c transform.c security.c"
+$!- pass 2 - library LIBEXSLT
+$ libname_2 = "LIBEXSLT"
+$ h_file_2 = "exslt.h"
+$ progname_2 = ""
+$ ! see "libexslt_la_SOURCES" in [.libexslt]
+$ src_2 = "exslt.c common.c math.c sets.c functions.c strings.c date.c saxon.c dynamic.c"
+$!- pass 3 - program XSLTPROC
+$ libname_3 = ""
+$ h_file_3 = ""
+$ progname_3 = "XSLTPROC"
+$ ! see "xsltproc_SOURCES" in [.xsltproc]
+$ src_3 = "xsltproc.c"
+$!- set up and check logicals -----------------------------------------------
+$! XML_LIBDIR - object library directory
+$! XML_SRCDIR - top-level build directory of libxml package -- needed for config.h and trio.h
+$! LIBXML - source directory containing .h files for libxml package
+$ if f$trnlnm("XML_LIBDIR").eqs.""
+$ then
+$ on error then continue
+$ globfile = f$search("[--...]libxml.olb")
+$ if globfile.eqs.""
+$ then
+$ write sys$output ""
+$ write sys$output " You need to define the XML_LIBDIR logical name to"
+$ write sys$output " point to the directory containing your object"
+$ write sys$output " libraries. This should already contain LIBXML.OLB"
+$ write sys$output " from the libxml package, and will be the directory"
+$ write sys$output " the new LIBXSLT.OLB library will be placed in"
+$ write sys$output ""
+$ exit
+$ else
+$ srcdir = f$parse(globfile,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(globfile,,,"DIRECTORY")
+$ define/process XML_LIBDIR "''srcdir'"
+$ write sys$output "Defining XML_LIBDIR as ""''srcdir'"""
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ if f$trnlnm("libxml").eqs.""
+$ then
+$ ! look for globals.h in a directory installed paralle to this one
+$ on error then continue
+$ globfile = f$search("[--...]globals.h")
+$ if globfile.eqs.""
+$ then
+$ write sys$output ""
+$ write sys$output " You need to define a LIBXML logical directory to"
+$ write sys$output " point to the directory containing the .h files"
+$ write sys$output " for the libxml package"
+$ write sys$output ""
+$ exit
+$ else
+$ srcdir = f$element(0,"]",globfile)+ "]"
+$ define/process LIBXML "''srcdir'"
+$ write sys$output "Defining LIBXML as ""''srcdir'"""
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ if f$trnlnm("XML_SRCDIR").eqs.""
+$ then
+$ globfile = f$search("[--...]globals.c")
+$ if globfile.eqs.""
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "Can't locate globals.c. You need to manually define a XML_SRCDIR logical"
+$ exit
+$ else
+$ srcdir = f$parse(globfile,,,"DEVICE") + f$parse(globfile,,,"DIRECTORY")
+$ define/process XML_SRCDIR "''srcdir'"
+$ write sys$output "Defining XML_SRCDIR as ""''srcdir'"""
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$!- set up some working logicals -------------------
+$ pass_no = 1
+$ set_pass_logical:
+$ if pass_no.le.num_passes
+$ then
+$ Libname = libname_'pass_no'
+$ progname = progname_'pass_no'
+$ if libname.nes.""
+$ then
+$ logname = "''libname'_SRCDIR"
+$ else
+$ logname = "''progname'_SRCDIR"
+$ endif
+$ findfile = f$element(0," ",src_'pass_no')
+$!--- set up a source directory logical
+$ if f$trnlnm("''logname'").eqs.""
+$ then
+$ ! look for the target file in a parallel subdirectory
+$ globfile = f$search("[-...]''findfile'")
+$ if globfile.eqs.""
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "Can't locate ''findfile'. You need to manually define a ''logname' logical"
+$ exit
+$ else
+$ srcdir = f$element(0,"]",globfile)+ "]"
+$ define/process 'logname' "''srcdir'"
+$ write sys$output "Defining ''logname' as ""''srcdir'"""
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$!--- if it's a library, set up a logical pointing to the .h files
+$ if libname.nes.""
+$ then
+$ if f$trnlnm("''libname'").eqs.""
+$ then
+$ ! look for the target .h file in a parallel subdirectory
+$ h_file = h_file_'pass_no'
+$ globfile = f$search("[-...]''h_file'")
+$ if globfile.eqs.""
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "Can't locate ''h_file'. You need to manually define a ''libname' logical"
+$ exit
+$ else
+$ includedir = f$element(0,"]",globfile)+ "]"
+$ define/process 'libname' "''includedir'"
+$ write sys$output "Defining ''libname' as ""''includedir'"""
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$ pass_no = pass_no +1
+$ goto set_pass_logical
+$ endif ! for each pass
+$!- set up error handling (such as it is) -------------------------------------
+$ exit_status = 1
+$ saved_default = f$environment("default")
+$ on error then goto ERROR_OUT
+$ on control_y then goto ERROR_OUT
+$ goto start_here
+$ start_here: ! move this line to debug/rerun parts of this command file
+$!- compile modules into the library ------------------------------------------
+$ pass_no = 1 ! make three passes, one for each library, one for XSLTPROC
+$ pass_loop:
+$ if pass_no.le.num_passes
+$ then
+$ Libname = libname_'pass_no'
+$ progname = progname_'pass_no'
+$ if libname.nes.""
+$ then
+$ logname = "''libname'_SRCDIR"
+$ pass_description = "the XML_LIBDIR:''libname'.OLB object library"
+$ else
+$ logname = "''progname'_SRCDIR"
+$ pass_description = "the programs in ''progname'"
+$ endif
+$ src = src_'pass_no'
+$!- create the library if need
+$ if libname.nes.""
+$ then
+$ if f$search("XML_LIBDIR:''libname'.OLB").eqs.""
+$ then
+$ write sys$output "Creating new object library XML_LIBDIR:''libname'.OLB..."
+$ library/create XML_LIBDIR:'libname'.OLB
+$ endif
+$ endif
+$!- move to the source directory
+$ set def 'logname'
+$!- define the library and link commands (link command not used as is)
+$ if libname.nes.""
+$ then
+$ lib_command = "LIBRARY/REPLACE XML_LIBDIR:''libname'.OLB"
+$ link_command = ""
+$ else
+$ lib_command = ""
+$ link_command = "LINK"
+$ endif
+$ write sys$output ""
+$ write sys$output "Building ''pass_description'
+$ write sys$output ""
+$ s_no = 0
+$ src = f$edit(src,"COMPRESS")
+$ source_loop:
+$ next_source = f$element (S_no," ",src)
+$ if next_source.nes."" .and. next_source.nes." "
+$ then
+$ call build 'next_source'
+$ s_no = s_no + 1
+$ goto source_loop
+$ endif
+$ pass_no = pass_no + 1
+$ goto pass_loop
+$ endif ! for each pass
+$!- Th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks! ------------------------------------------
+$ set def 'saved_default
+$ exit 'exit_status
+$ exit_status = $status
+$ write sys$output "''f$message(exit_status)'"
+$ goto EXIT_OUT
+$!- the BUILD subroutine. Compile then insert into library or link as required
+$BUILD: subroutine
+$ on warning then goto EXIT_BUILD
+$ source_file = p1
+$ name = f$element(0,".",source_file)
+$ object_file = f$fao("XML_LIBDIR:!AS.OBJ",name)
+$!- compile
+$ write sys$output "Compiling ",p1,p2,"..."
+$ cc_command /object='object_file 'source_file' 'p2'
+$!- insert into library if command defined
+$ if lib_command.nes.""
+$ then
+$ lib_command 'object_file'
+$ delete/nolog 'object_file';*
+$ endif
+$!- link module if command defined
+$ if link_command.nes.""
+$ then
+$ text = f$element(0,".",p1) ! lose the ".c"
+$ write sys$output "Linking ",text,"..."
+$ dbgopts = ""
+$ if debug then dbgopts = "/DEBUG"
+$ link_command'dbgopts' 'object_file',-
+ XML_LIBDIR:libexslt/lib,-
+ XML_LIBDIR:libxslt/lib,-
+ XML_LIBDIR:libxml/library
+$ endif
+$ exit $status
diff --git a/libxslt/vms/diffs.vms b/libxslt/vms/diffs.vms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14b4d6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libxslt/vms/diffs.vms
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+< #if defined(VMS) || defined(__VMS)
+< xsltPreComputeFunction
+< xsltExtModElemPreComputeLookup
+< (const xmlChar *name,
+< const xmlChar *URI);
+< #define xsltExtModuleElementPreComputeLookup xsltExtModElemPreComputeLookup
+< #else
+< xsltPreComputeFunction
+> xsltPreComputeFunction
+< #endif
+< #if defined(VMS) || defined(__VMS)
+< xsltPreComputeFunction
+< xsltExtModElemPreComputeLookup (const xmlChar *name,
+< const xmlChar *URI) {
+< #else
+< #endif
diff --git a/libxslt/vms/readme.vms b/libxslt/vms/readme.vms
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7088ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libxslt/vms/readme.vms
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+Building XSLT under OpenVMS
+Here's a summary of the issues I encountered when building XSLT under
+VMS. I'd previously done the same for the LIBXML package, on which
+XSLT depends.
+I present this list "as is" to hopefully act as a guide to anyone
+having similar problems in the future.
+That's it. Good luck!
+John A Fotheringham (
+November 2001
+Installation kit
+- File attributes. When downloading essentially a Unix distribution,
+ some of the file attributes may not be correct... especially those
+ in the [.VMS] subdirectory. In EDT you could see line feeds and
+ carriage returns as <LF><CR> etc. To correct this use the command
+ $ set file <filespec> /attr=rfm=stm
+ This sets the record format to be "stream". Other variants may be
+ used instead depending on how you got the files onto your system.
+ Files will look okay in an EDT editor once the attributes are set.
+ Without this the command file may not run correctly, since it may
+ be interpreted as a single line.
+- VMS-specific files are in a [.VMS] directory. If you've found
+ this file then you already know this :-) This directory contains
+ BUILD_XSLT.COM - a build command file
+ README.VMS - these notes
+- Don't execute BUILD_LIBXML.COM until you've done all the
+ following
+ - read these notes
+ - define the logicals XMLOLB and LIBXML
+ - copy CONFIG.H to [.libxslt] and [.libexslt]
+ - reviewed the configuration section of BUILD_XSLT.COM, and in
+ particular update the module lists in line with MAKEFILE
+ - re-read these notes :-p
+ instructions for all these steps are below.
+- the XSLT package requires the LIBXML package to have been
+ previously been installed. The following logicals should be
+ defined
+ LIBXML - the directory containing LIBXML's .h files
+ XMLOLB - the directory to contain both the LIBXML and XSLT
+ object libraries
+- you'll need to copy config.h into the [.libxslt] and [.libexslt]
+ directories. If in the future a VMS-specific version is created,
+ use [.vms]config.vms instead.
+- The command file BUILD_XSLT.COM will do the following
+ - setup and test some logicals
+ - set def to the source directory
+ - compile modules and place them into a LIBXSLT.OLB library
+ - compile modules and place them into a LIBEZSLT.OLB library
+ - compile and link the XSLTPROC program
+ - set def back to the original directory (i.e. if it fails you
+ might not be where you started :-)
+ before running this command file review the configuration segment
+ at the top. In particular compare the lists of modules with those
+ in the most recent version of MAKEFILE.IN files sound in the source
+ directories. Instructions are contained in the command file itself.
+The TRIO package
+- The libxml package uses a sub-package TRIO to provide some
+ functions not naturally available under VMS. These include support
+ for infinite and undefined numbers, and specialised print functions
+ like "snprintf"
+ To build this software we need to add
+ to the compile command for xsltutils, and to any main program
+ that uses this functionality. BUILD_XSLT.COM should do this
+ for you.
+ Without this you are likely to get run-time errors like this
+ %SYSTEM-F-HPARITH, high performance arithmetic trap, Imask=00000000,
+ Fmask=00000 400, summary=02, PC=000000000006A330, PS=0000001B
+ -SYSTEM-F-FLTINV, floating invalid operation, PC=000000000006A330,
+ PS=0000001B
+ If this occurs you'll need to locate the modules that need the
+ above switches applied
+Compiler and linker errors
+- with respect to the TRIO package you'll get the error
+ "no main module for UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO"
+ You can suppress this "expected" messages by using the compile command
+- the Linker will report the following error
+ %LINK-W-MULDEF, symbol DECC$STRERROR multiply defined
+ This is complaining that DECC$STRERROR is multiply defined, which
+ in turn is because this system symbol is getting added to LIBXML.OLB
+ when strio.c was compiled in the libxml package.
+ I'm not sure what the solution for this is, but this is a fairly
+ benign error.
+Changes made to the codebase
+- In the module extensions.c the name
+ xsltExtModuleElementPreComputeLookup
+ is too long (more than 31 characters). The solution has been
+ to rename it to a shorter name on VMS builds, and to then
+ create a #define that maps the longer name to the shorter name,
+ so that all references to the longer name will work.
+ You may need to repeat this exercise with any future modules added.