path: root/tcl8.6/tools/makeTestCases.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2017-10-17 19:52:11 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2017-10-17 19:52:11 (GMT)
commitda0aaf36f00f649cd910b1bcb972b4ad476cd5fd (patch)
tree3d5215355c39587ed375451b86b7f9962f739a5f /tcl8.6/tools/makeTestCases.tcl
parent9bfb1e415c87790341c6a3520b081292fcdb058b (diff)
parentc8bc058c566bbcbcd23e732197d64fecc739008f (diff)
Merge commit 'c8bc058c566bbcbcd23e732197d64fecc739008f' as 'tcl8.6'
Diffstat (limited to 'tcl8.6/tools/makeTestCases.tcl')
1 files changed, 1180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcl8.6/tools/makeTestCases.tcl b/tcl8.6/tools/makeTestCases.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6cc033b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcl8.6/tools/makeTestCases.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,1180 @@
+# TODO - When integrating this with the Core, path names will need to be
+# swizzled here.
+package require msgcat
+set d [file dirname [file dirname [info script]]]
+puts "getting transition data from [file join $d library tzdata America Detroit]"
+source [file join $d library/tzdata/America/Detroit]
+namespace eval ::tcl::clock {
+ ::msgcat::mcmset en_US_roman {
+ {-62164627200 {} 0}
+ {-59008867200 c 100}
+ {-55853107200 cc 200}
+ {-52697347200 ccc 300}
+ {-49541587200 cd 400}
+ {-46385827200 d 500}
+ {-43230067200 dc 600}
+ {-40074307200 dcc 700}
+ {-36918547200 dccc 800}
+ {-33762787200 cm 900}
+ {-30607027200 m 1000}
+ {-27451267200 mc 1100}
+ {-24295507200 mcc 1200}
+ {-21139747200 mccc 1300}
+ {-17983987200 mcd 1400}
+ {-14828227200 md 1500}
+ {-11672467200 mdc 1600}
+ {-8516707200 mdcc 1700}
+ {-5364662400 mdccc 1800}
+ {-2208988800 mcm 1900}
+ {946684800 mm 2000}
+ }
+ ? i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix
+ x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix
+ xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix
+ xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxv xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii xxxix
+ xl xli xlii xliii xliv xlv xlvi xlvii xlviii xlix
+ l li lii liii liv lv lvi lvii lviii lix
+ lx lxi lxii lxiii lxiv lxv lxvi lxvii lxviii lxix
+ lxx lxxi lxxii lxxiii lxxiv lxxv lxxvi lxxvii lxxviii lxxix
+ lxxx lxxxi lxxxii lxxxiii lxxxiv lxxxv lxxxvi lxxxvii lxxxviii
+ lxxxix
+ xc xci xcii xciii xciv xcv xcvi xcvii xcviii xcix
+ c
+ }
+ DATE_FORMAT {%m/%d/%Y}
+ LOCALE_DATE_FORMAT {die %Od mensis %Om annoque %EY}
+ }
+# listYears --
+# List the years to test in the common clock test cases.
+# Parameters:
+# startOfYearArray - Name of an array in caller's scope that will
+# be initialized as
+# Results:
+# None
+# Side effects:
+# Determines the year numbers of one common year, one leap year, one year
+# following a common year, and one year following a leap year -- starting
+# on each day of the week -- in the XIXth, XXth and XXIth centuries.
+# Initializes the given array to have keys equal to the year numbers and
+# values equal to [clock seconds] at the start of the corresponding
+# years.
+proc listYears { startOfYearArray } {
+ upvar 1 $startOfYearArray startOfYear
+ # List years after 1970
+ set y 1970
+ set s 0
+ set dw 4 ;# Thursday
+ while { $y < 2100 } {
+ if { $y % 4 == 0 && $y % 100 != 0 || $y % 400 == 0 } {
+ set l 1
+ incr dw 366
+ set s2 [expr { $s + wide( 366 * 86400 ) }]
+ } else {
+ set l 0
+ incr dw 365
+ set s2 [expr { $s + wide( 365 * 86400 ) }]
+ }
+ set x [expr { $y >= 2037 }]
+ set dw [expr {$dw % 7}]
+ set c [expr { $y / 100 }]
+ if { ![info exists do($x$c$dw$l)] } {
+ set do($x$c$dw$l) $y
+ set startOfYear($y) $s
+ set startOfYear([expr {$y + 1}]) $s2
+ }
+ set s $s2
+ incr y
+ }
+ # List years before 1970
+ set y 1970
+ set s 0
+ set dw 4; # Thursday
+ while { $y >= 1801 } {
+ set s0 $s
+ incr dw 371
+ incr y -1
+ if { $y % 4 == 0 && $y % 100 != 0 || $y % 400 == 0 } {
+ set l 1
+ incr dw -366
+ set s [expr { $s - wide(366 * 86400) }]
+ } else {
+ set l 0
+ incr dw -365
+ set s [expr { $s - wide(365 * 86400) }]
+ }
+ set dw [expr {$dw % 7}]
+ set c [expr { $y / 100 }]
+ if { ![info exists do($c$dw$l)] } {
+ set do($c$dw$l) $y
+ set startOfYear($y) $s
+ set startOfYear([expr {$y + 1}]) $s0
+ }
+ }
+# processFile -
+# Processes the 'clock.test' file, updating the test cases in it.
+# Parameters:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Replaces the file with a new copy, constructing needed test cases.
+proc processFile {d} {
+ # Open two files
+ set f1 [open [file join $d tests/clock.test] r]
+ set f2 [open [file join $d tests/] w]
+ # Copy leading portion of the test file
+ set state {}
+ while { [gets $f1 line] >= 0 } {
+ switch -exact -- $state {
+ {} {
+ puts $f2 $line
+ if { [regexp "^\# BEGIN (.*)" $line -> cases]
+ && [string compare {} [info commands $cases]] } {
+ set state inCaseSet
+ $cases $f2
+ }
+ }
+ inCaseSet {
+ if { [regexp "^\#\ END $cases\$" $line] } {
+ puts $f2 $line
+ set state {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Rotate the files
+ close $f1
+ close $f2
+ file delete -force [file join $d tests/clock.bak]
+ file rename -force [file join $d tests/clock.test] \
+ [file join $d tests/clock.bak]
+ file rename [file join $d tests/] [file join $d tests/clock.test]
+# testcases2 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-2.x' test cases.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for formatting in Gregorian calendar are written to the
+# output file.
+proc testcases2 { f2 } {
+ listYears startOfYear
+ # Define the roman numerals
+ set roman {
+ ? i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix
+ x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix
+ xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix
+ xxx xxxi xxxii xxxiii xxxiv xxxv xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii xxxix
+ xl xli xlii xliii xliv xlv xlvi xlvii xlviii xlix
+ l li lii liii liv lv lvi lvii lviii lix
+ lx lxi lxii lxiii lxiv lxv lxvi lxvii lxviii lxix
+ lxx lxxi lxxii lxxiii lxxiv lxxv lxxvi lxxvii lxxviii lxxix
+ lxxx lxxxi lxxxii lxxxiii lxxxiv lxxxv lxxxvi lxxxvii lxxxviii lxxxix
+ xc xci xcii xciii xciv xcv xcvi xcvii xcviii xcix
+ c
+ }
+ set romanc {
+ ? c cc ccc cd d dc dcc dccc cm
+ m mc mcc mccc mcd md mdc mdcc mdccc mcm
+ mm mmc mmcc mmccc mmcd mmd mmdc mmdcc mmdccc mmcm
+ mmm mmmc mmmcc mmmccc mmmcd mmmd mmmdc mmmdcc mmmdccc mmmcm
+ }
+ # Names of the months
+ set short {{} Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec}
+ set long {
+ {} January February March April May June July August September
+ October November December
+ }
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test formatting of Gregorian year, month, day, all formats"
+ puts $f2 "\# Formats tested: %b %B %c %Ec %C %EC %d %Od %e %Oe %h %j %J %m %Om %N %x %Ex %y %Oy %Y %EY"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ # Generate the test cases for the first and last day of every month
+ # from 1896 to 2045
+ set n 0
+ foreach { y } [lsort -integer [array names startOfYear]] {
+ set s [expr { $startOfYear($y) + wide(12*3600 + 34*60 + 56) }]
+ set m 0
+ set yd 1
+ foreach hath { 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31 } {
+ incr m
+ if { $m == 2 && ( $y%4 == 0 && $y%100 != 0 || $y%400 == 0 ) } {
+ incr hath
+ }
+ set b [lindex $short $m]
+ set B [lindex $long $m]
+ set C [format %02d [expr { $y / 100 }]]
+ set h $b
+ set j [format %03d $yd]
+ set mm [format %02d $m]
+ set N [format %2d $m]
+ set yy [format %02d [expr { $y % 100 }]]
+ set J [expr { ( $s / 86400 ) + 2440588 }]
+ set dt $y-$mm-01
+ set result ""
+ append result $b " " $B " " \
+ $mm /01/ $y " 12:34:56 " \
+ "die i mensis " [lindex $roman $m] " annoque " \
+ [lindex $romanc [expr { $y / 100 }]] \
+ [lindex $roman [expr { $y % 100 }]] " " \
+ [lindex $roman 12] " h " [lindex $roman 34] " m " \
+ [lindex $roman 56] " s " \
+ $C " " [lindex $romanc [expr { $y / 100 }]] \
+ " 01 i 1 i " \
+ $h " " $j " " $J " " $mm " " [lindex $roman $m] " " $N \
+ " " $mm "/01/" $y \
+ " die i mensis " [lindex $roman $m] " annoque " \
+ [lindex $romanc [expr { $y / 100 }]] \
+ [lindex $roman [expr { $y % 100 }]] \
+ " " $yy " " [lindex $roman [expr { $y % 100 }]] " " $y
+ puts $f2 "test clock-2.[incr n] {conversion of $dt} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock format $s \\"
+ puts $f2 "\t-format {%b %B %c %Ec %C %EC %d %Od %e %Oe %h %j %J %m %Om %N %x %Ex %y %Oy %Y} \\"
+ puts $f2 "\t-gmt true -locale en_US_roman"
+ puts $f2 "} {$result}"
+ set hm1 [expr { $hath - 1 }]
+ incr s [expr { 86400 * ( $hath - 1 ) }]
+ incr yd $hm1
+ set dd [format %02d $hath]
+ set ee [format %2d $hath]
+ set j [format %03d $yd]
+ set J [expr { ( $s / 86400 ) + 2440588 }]
+ set dt $y-$mm-$dd
+ set result ""
+ append result $b " " $B " " \
+ $mm / $dd / $y " 12:34:56 " \
+ "die " [lindex $roman $hath] " mensis " [lindex $roman $m] \
+ " annoque " \
+ [lindex $romanc [expr { $y / 100 }]] \
+ [lindex $roman [expr { $y % 100 }]] " " \
+ [lindex $roman 12] " h " [lindex $roman 34] " m " \
+ [lindex $roman 56] " s " \
+ $C " " [lindex $romanc [expr { $y / 100 }]] \
+ " " $dd " " [lindex $roman $hath] " " \
+ $ee " " [lindex $roman $hath] " "\
+ $h " " $j " " $J " " $mm " " [lindex $roman $m] " " $N \
+ " " $mm "/" $dd "/" $y \
+ " die " [lindex $roman $hath] " mensis " [lindex $roman $m] \
+ " annoque " \
+ [lindex $romanc [expr { $y / 100 }]] \
+ [lindex $roman [expr { $y % 100 }]] \
+ " " $yy " " [lindex $roman [expr { $y % 100 }]] " " $y
+ puts $f2 "test clock-2.[incr n] {conversion of $dt} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock format $s \\"
+ puts $f2 "\t-format {%b %B %c %Ec %C %EC %d %Od %e %Oe %h %j %J %m %Om %N %x %Ex %y %Oy %Y} \\"
+ puts $f2 "\t-gmt true -locale en_US_roman"
+ puts $f2 "} {$result}"
+ incr s 86400
+ incr yd
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases2: $n test cases"
+# testcases3 --
+# Generate test cases for ISO8601 calendar.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 - Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None
+# Side effects:
+# Makes a test case for the first and last day of weeks 51, 52, and 1
+# plus the first and last day of a year. Does so for each possible
+# weekday on which a Common Year or Leap Year can begin.
+proc testcases3 { f2 } {
+ listYears startOfYear
+ set case 0
+ foreach { y } [lsort -integer [array names startOfYear]] {
+ set secs $startOfYear($y)
+ set ym1 [expr { $y - 1 }]
+ set dow [expr { ( $secs / 86400 + 4 ) % 7}]
+ switch -exact $dow {
+ 0 {
+ # Year starts on a Sunday.
+ # Prior year started on a Friday or Saturday, and was
+ # a 52-week year.
+ # 1 January is ISO week 52 of the prior year. 2 January
+ # begins ISO week 1 of the current year.
+ # 1 January is week 1 according to %U. According to %W,
+ # week 1 begins on 2 January
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 1 [expr { $secs - 6*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 6 [expr { $secs - 86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 7 $secs
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 1 [expr { $secs + 86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 6 [expr { $secs + 6*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 7 [expr { $secs + 7*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 2 1 [expr { $secs + 8*86400 }]
+ }
+ 1 {
+ # Year starts on a Monday.
+ # Previous year started on a Saturday or Sunday, and was
+ # a 52-week year.
+ # 1 January is ISO week 1 of the current year
+ # According to %U, it's week 0 until 7 January
+ # 1 January is week 1 according to %W
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 1 [expr { $secs - 7*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 6 [expr {$secs - 2*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 7 [expr { $secs - 86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 1 $secs
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 6 [expr {$secs + 5*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 7 [expr { $secs + 6*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 2 1 [expr { $secs + 7*86400 }]
+ }
+ 2 {
+ # Year starts on a Tuesday.
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 1 [expr { $secs - 8*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 6 [expr {$secs - 3*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 7 [expr { $secs - 2*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 1 [expr { $secs - 86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 2 $secs
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 6 [expr {$secs + 4*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 7 [expr { $secs + 5*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 2 1 [expr { $secs + 6*86400 }]
+ }
+ 3 {
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 1 [expr { $secs - 9*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 6 [expr {$secs - 4*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 7 [expr { $secs - 3*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 1 [expr { $secs - 2*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 3 $secs
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 6 [expr {$secs + 3*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 7 [expr { $secs + 4*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 2 1 [expr { $secs + 5*86400 }]
+ }
+ 4 {
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 1 [expr { $secs - 10*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 6 [expr {$secs - 5*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 7 [expr { $secs - 4*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 1 [expr { $secs - 3*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 4 $secs
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 6 [expr {$secs + 2*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 7 [expr { $secs + 3*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 2 1 [expr { $secs + 4*86400 }]
+ }
+ 5 {
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 53 1 [expr { $secs - 4*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 53 5 $secs
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 53 6 [expr {$secs + 86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 53 7 [expr { $secs + 2*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 1 [expr { $secs + 3*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 6 [expr {$secs + 8*86400}]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 7 [expr { $secs + 9*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 2 1 [expr { $secs + 10*86400 }]
+ }
+ 6 {
+ # messy case because previous year may have had 52 or 53 weeks
+ if { $y%4 == 1 } {
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 53 1 [expr { $secs - 5*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 53 6 $secs
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 53 7 [expr { $secs + 86400 }]
+ } else {
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 1 [expr { $secs - 5*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 6 $secs
+ testISO $f2 $ym1 52 7 [expr { $secs + 86400 }]
+ }
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 1 [expr { $secs + 2*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 6 [expr { $secs + 7*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 1 7 [expr { $secs + 8*86400 }]
+ testISO $f2 $y 2 1 [expr { $secs + 9*86400 }]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases3: $case test cases."
+proc testISO { f2 G V u secs } {
+ upvar 1 case case
+ set longdays {Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday}
+ set shortdays {Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun}
+ puts $f2 "test clock-3.[incr case] {ISO week-based calendar [format %04d-W%02d-%d $G $V $u]} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock format $secs -format {%a %A %g %G %u %U %V %w %W} -gmt true; \# $G-W[format %02d $V]-$u"
+ puts $f2 "} {[lindex $shortdays $u] [lindex $longdays $u]\
+ [format %02d [expr { $G % 100 }]] $G\
+ $u\
+ [clock format $secs -format %U -gmt true]\
+ [format %02d $V] [expr { $u % 7 }]\
+ [clock format $secs -format %W -gmt true]}"
+# testcases4 --
+# Makes the test cases that test formatting of time of day.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 - Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Writes test cases to the output.
+proc testcases4 { f2 } {
+ puts $f2 {}
+ puts $f2 "\# Test formatting of time of day"
+ puts $f2 "\# Format groups tested: %H %OH %I %OI %k %Ok %l %Ol %M %OM %p %P %r %R %S %OS %T %X %EX %+"
+ puts $f2 {}
+ set i 0
+ set fmt "%H %OH %I %OI %k %Ok %l %Ol %M %OM %p %P %r %R %S %OS %T %X %EX %+"
+ foreach { h romanH I romanI am } {
+ 0 ? 12 xii AM
+ 1 i 1 i AM
+ 11 xi 11 xi AM
+ 12 xii 12 xii PM
+ 13 xiii 1 i PM
+ 23 xxiii 11 xi PM
+ } {
+ set hh [format %02d $h]
+ set II [format %02d $I]
+ set hs [format %2d $h]
+ set Is [format %2d $I]
+ foreach { m romanM } { 0 ? 1 i 58 lviii 59 lix } {
+ set mm [format %02d $m]
+ foreach { s romanS } { 0 ? 1 i 58 lviii 59 lix } {
+ set ss [format %02d $s]
+ set x [expr { ( $h * 60 + $m ) * 60 + $s }]
+ set result ""
+ append result $hh " " $romanH " " $II " " $romanI " " \
+ $hs " " $romanH " " $Is " " $romanI " " $mm " " $romanM " " \
+ $am " " [string tolower $am] " " \
+ $II ":" $mm ":" $ss " " [string tolower $am] " " \
+ $hh ":" $mm " " \
+ $ss " " $romanS " " \
+ $hh ":" $mm ":" $ss " " \
+ $hh ":" $mm ":" $ss " " \
+ $romanH " h " $romanM " m " $romanS " s " \
+ "Thu Jan 1 " $hh : $mm : $ss " GMT 1970"
+ puts $f2 "test clock-4.[incr i] { format time of day $hh:$mm:$ss } {"
+ puts $f2 " clock format $x \\"
+ puts $f2 " -format [list $fmt] \\"
+ puts $f2 " -locale en_US_roman \\"
+ puts $f2 " -gmt true"
+ puts $f2 "} {$result}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases4: $i test cases."
+# testcases5 --
+# Generates the test cases for Daylight Saving Time
+# Parameters:
+# f2 - Channel handle for the input file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Makes test cases for each known or anticipated time change
+# in Detroit.
+proc testcases5 { f2 } {
+ variable TZData
+ puts $f2 {}
+ puts $f2 "\# Test formatting of Daylight Saving Time"
+ puts $f2 {}
+ set fmt {%H:%M:%S %z %Z}
+ set i 0
+ puts $f2 "test clock-5.[incr i] {does Detroit exist} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock format 0 -format {} -timezone :America/Detroit"
+ puts $f2 " concat"
+ puts $f2 "} {}"
+ puts $f2 "test clock-5.[incr i] {does Detroit have a Y2038 problem} detroit {"
+ puts $f2 " if { \[clock format 2158894800 -format %z -timezone :America/Detroit\] ne {-0400} } {"
+ puts $f2 " concat {y2038 problem}"
+ puts $f2 " } else {"
+ puts $f2 " concat {ok}"
+ puts $f2 " }"
+ puts $f2 "} ok"
+ foreach row $TZData(:America/Detroit) {
+ foreach { t offset isdst tzname } $row break
+ if { $t > -4000000000000 } {
+ set conds [list detroit]
+ if { $t > wide(0x7fffffff) } {
+ set conds [list detroit y2038]
+ }
+ incr t -1
+ set x [clock format $t -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} \
+ -timezone :America/Detroit]
+ set r [clock format $t -format $fmt \
+ -timezone :America/Detroit]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-5.[incr i] {time zone boundary case $x} [list $conds] {"
+ puts $f2 " clock format $t -format [list $fmt] \\"
+ puts $f2 " -timezone :America/Detroit"
+ puts $f2 "} [list $r]"
+ incr t
+ set x [clock format $t -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} \
+ -timezone :America/Detroit]
+ set r [clock format $t -format $fmt \
+ -timezone :America/Detroit]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-5.[incr i] {time zone boundary case $x} [list $conds] {"
+ puts $f2 " clock format $t -format [list $fmt] \\"
+ puts $f2 " -timezone :America/Detroit"
+ puts $f2 "} [list $r]"
+ incr t
+ set x [clock format $t -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} \
+ -timezone :America/Detroit]
+ set r [clock format $t -format $fmt \
+ -timezone :America/Detroit]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-5.[incr i] {time zone boundary case $x} [list $conds] {"
+ puts $f2 " clock format $t -format [list $fmt] \\"
+ puts $f2 " -timezone :America/Detroit"
+ puts $f2 "} [list $r]"
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases5: $i test cases"
+# testcases8 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-8.x' test cases.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for parsing dates in ccyymmdd format are written to the
+# output file.
+proc testcases8 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of ccyymmdd"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach year {1970 1971 2000 2001} {
+ foreach month {01 12} {
+ foreach day {02 31} {
+ set scanned [clock scan $year$month$day -gmt true]
+ foreach ccyy {%C%y %Y} {
+ foreach mm {%b %B %h %m %Om %N} {
+ foreach dd {%d %Od %e %Oe} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format "$ccyy $mm $dd" \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-8.[incr n] {parse ccyymmdd} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format [list $ccyy $mm $dd] -locale en_US_roman -gmt 1]"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach fmt {%x %D} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format $fmt \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-8.[incr n] {parse ccyymmdd} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format $fmt -locale en_US_roman -gmt 1]"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases8: $n test cases"
+# testcases11 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-11.x' test cases.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for precedence among YYYYMMDD and YYYYDDD are written
+# to f2.
+proc testcases11 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test precedence among yyyymmdd and yyyyddd"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ array set v {
+ Y 1970
+ m 01
+ d 01
+ j 002
+ }
+ set n 0
+ foreach {a b c d} {
+ Y m d j m Y d j d Y m j j Y m d
+ Y m j d m Y j d d Y j m j Y d m
+ Y d m j m d Y j d m Y j j m Y d
+ Y d j m m d j Y d m j Y j m d Y
+ Y j m d m j Y d d j Y m j d Y m
+ Y j d m m j d Y d j m Y j d m Y
+ } {
+ foreach x [list $a $b $c $d] {
+ switch -exact -- $x {
+ m - d {
+ set value 0
+ }
+ j {
+ set value 86400
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set format "%$a%$b%$c%$d"
+ set string "$v($a)$v($b)$v($c)$v($d)"
+ puts $f2 "test clock-11.[incr n] {precedence of ccyyddd and ccyymmdd} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format $format -gmt 1]"
+ puts $f2 "} $value"
+ }
+ puts "testcases11: $n test cases"
+# testcases12 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-12.x' test cases, parsing CCyyWwwd
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for parsing dates in Gregorian calendar are written to the
+# output file.
+proc testcases12 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of ccyyWwwd"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach year {1970 1971 2000 2001} {
+ foreach month {01 12} {
+ foreach day {02 31} {
+ set scanned [clock scan $year$month$day -gmt true]
+ foreach d {%a %A %u %w %Ou %Ow} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format "%G W%V $d" \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-12.[incr n] {parse ccyyWwwd} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format [list %G W%V $d] -locale en_US_roman -gmt 1]"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases12: $n test cases"
+# testcases14 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-14.x' test cases.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for parsing yymmdd dates are output.
+proc testcases14 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of yymmdd"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach year {1938 1970 2000 2037} {
+ foreach month {01 12} {
+ foreach day {02 31} {
+ set scanned [clock scan $year$month$day -gmt true]
+ foreach yy {%y %Oy} {
+ foreach mm {%b %B %h %m %Om %N} {
+ foreach dd {%d %Od %e %Oe} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format "$yy $mm $dd" \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-14.[incr n] {parse yymmdd} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format [list $yy $mm $dd] -locale en_US_roman -gmt 1]"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases14: $n test cases"
+# testcases17 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-17.x' test cases, parsing yyWwwd
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for parsing dates in Gregorian calendar are written to the
+# output file.
+proc testcases17 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of yyWwwd"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach year {1970 1971 2000 2001} {
+ foreach month {01 12} {
+ foreach day {02 31} {
+ set scanned [clock scan $year$month$day -gmt true]
+ foreach d {%a %A %u %w %Ou %Ow} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format "%g W%V $d" \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-17.[incr n] {parse yyWwwd} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format [list %g W%V $d] -locale en_US_roman -gmt 1]"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases17: $n test cases"
+# testcases19 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-19.x' test cases.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for parsing mmdd dates are output.
+proc testcases19 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of mmdd"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach year {1938 1970 2000 2037} {
+ set base [clock scan ${year}0101 -gmt true]
+ foreach month {01 12} {
+ foreach day {02 31} {
+ set scanned [clock scan $year$month$day -gmt true]
+ foreach mm {%b %B %h %m %Om %N} {
+ foreach dd {%d %Od %e %Oe} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format "$mm $dd" \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-19.[incr n] {parse mmdd} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format [list $mm $dd] -locale en_US_roman -base $base -gmt 1]"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases19: $n test cases"
+# testcases21 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-21.x' test cases, parsing Wwwd
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for parsing dates in Gregorian calendar are written to the
+# output file.
+proc testcases22 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of Wwwd"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach year {1970 1971 2000 2001} {
+ set base [clock scan ${year}0104 -gmt true]
+ foreach month {03 10} {
+ foreach day {01 31} {
+ set scanned [clock scan $year$month$day -gmt true]
+ foreach d {%a %A %u %w %Ou %Ow} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format "W%V $d" \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-22.[incr n] {parse Wwwd} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format [list W%V $d] -locale en_US_roman -gmt 1] -base $base"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases22: $n test cases"
+# testcases24 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-24.x' test cases.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for parsing naked day of the month are output.
+proc testcases24 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of naked day-of-month"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach year {1970 2000} {
+ foreach month {01 12} {
+ set base [clock scan ${year}${month}01 -gmt true]
+ foreach day {02 28} {
+ set scanned [clock scan $year$month$day -gmt true]
+ foreach dd {%d %Od %e %Oe} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format "$dd" \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-24.[incr n] {parse naked day of month} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format $dd -locale en_US_roman -base $base -gmt 1]"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases24: $n test cases"
+# testcases26 --
+# Outputs the 'clock-26.x' test cases, parsing naked day of week
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel handle to the output file
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Test cases for parsing dates in Gregorian calendar are written to the
+# output file.
+proc testcases26 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of naked day of week"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach year {1970 2001} {
+ foreach week {01 52} {
+ set base [clock scan ${year}W${week}4 \
+ -format %GW%V%u -gmt true]
+ foreach day {1 7} {
+ set scanned [clock scan ${year}W${week}${day} \
+ -format %GW%V%u -gmt true]
+ foreach d {%a %A %u %w %Ou %Ow} {
+ set string [clock format $scanned \
+ -format "$d" \
+ -locale en_US_roman \
+ -gmt true]
+ puts $f2 "test clock-26.[incr n] {parse naked day of week} {"
+ puts $f2 " [list clock scan $string -format $d -locale en_US_roman -gmt 1] -base $base"
+ puts $f2 "} $scanned"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases26: $n test cases"
+# testcases29 --
+# Makes test cases for parsing of time of day.
+# Parameters:
+# f2 -- Channel where tests are to be written
+# Results:
+# None.
+# Side effects:
+# Writes the tests.
+proc testcases29 { f2 } {
+ # Put out a header describing the tests
+ puts $f2 ""
+ puts $f2 "\# Test parsing of time of day"
+ puts $f2 ""
+ set n 0
+ foreach hour {0 1 11 12 13 23} \
+ hampm {12 1 11 12 1 11} \
+ lhour {? i xi xii xiii xxiii} \
+ lhampm {xii i xi xii i xi} \
+ ampmind {am am am pm pm pm} {
+ set sphr [format %2d $hour]
+ set 2dhr [format %02d $hour]
+ set sphampm [format %2d $hampm]
+ set 2dhampm [format %02d $hampm]
+ set AMPMind [string toupper $ampmind]
+ foreach minute {00 01 59} lminute {? i lix} {
+ foreach second {00 01 59} lsecond {? i lix} {
+ set time [expr { ( 60 * $hour + $minute ) * 60 + $second }]
+ foreach {hfmt afmt} [list \
+ %H {} %k {} %OH {} %Ok {} \
+ %I %p %l %p \
+ %OI %p %Ol %p \
+ %I %P %l %P \
+ %OI %P %Ol %P] \
+ {hfld afld} [list \
+ $2dhr {} $sphr {} $lhour {} $lhour {} \
+ $2dhampm $AMPMind $sphampm $AMPMind \
+ $lhampm $AMPMind $lhampm $AMPMind \
+ $2dhampm $ampmind $sphampm $ampmind \
+ $lhampm $ampmind $lhampm $ampmind] \
+ {
+ if { $second eq "00" } {
+ if { $minute eq "00" } {
+ puts $f2 "test clock-29.[incr n] {time parsing} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock scan {2440588 $hfld $afld} \\"
+ puts $f2 " -gmt true -locale en_US_roman \\"
+ puts $f2 " -format {%J $hfmt $afmt}"
+ puts $f2 "} $time"
+ }
+ puts $f2 "test clock-29.[incr n] {time parsing} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock scan {2440588 $hfld:$minute $afld} \\"
+ puts $f2 " -gmt true -locale en_US_roman \\"
+ puts $f2 " -format {%J $hfmt:%M $afmt}"
+ puts $f2 "} $time"
+ puts $f2 "test clock-29.[incr n] {time parsing} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock scan {2440588 $hfld:$lminute $afld} \\"
+ puts $f2 " -gmt true -locale en_US_roman \\"
+ puts $f2 " -format {%J $hfmt:%OM $afmt}"
+ puts $f2 "} $time"
+ }
+ puts $f2 "test clock-29.[incr n] {time parsing} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock scan {2440588 $hfld:$minute:$second $afld} \\"
+ puts $f2 " -gmt true -locale en_US_roman \\"
+ puts $f2 " -format {%J $hfmt:%M:%S $afmt}"
+ puts $f2 "} $time"
+ puts $f2 "test clock-29.[incr n] {time parsing} {"
+ puts $f2 " clock scan {2440588 $hfld:$lminute:$lsecond $afld} \\"
+ puts $f2 " -gmt true -locale en_US_roman \\"
+ puts $f2 " -format {%J $hfmt:%OM:%OS $afmt}"
+ puts $f2 "} $time"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ puts "testcases29: $n test cases"
+processFile $d