path: root/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001
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authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
commitea28451286d3ea4a772fa174483f9a7a66bb1ab3 (patch)
tree6ee9d8a7848333a7ceeee3b13d492e40225f8b86 /tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001
parentb5ca09bae0d6a1edce939eea03594dd56383f2c8 (diff)
parent7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569 (diff)
Merge commit '7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569' as 'tcllib'
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001')
6 files changed, 4504 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/README b/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac93470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/README
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Example application using tcllib modules.
+This application (oscon) extracts session, track and talk information
+from the O'Reilly OSCON webpages, collates them and writes some global
+reports. It uses the tcllib modules "htmlparse", "struct" ("matrix",
+"tree"), "csv", "report" and "log".
+It is called as
+ oscon <prefix> <htmlfile>...
+reads the provided HTML files containing the webpages to process and
+then produces the six files
+ <prefix>.main.csv All talks with time, location, track
+ information, as CSV file.
+ <prefix>.main.txt As above, ASCII report
+ <prefix>.main.html As above, as HTML table
+ <prefix>.sched.csv Track information, sorted by day and
+ start time, as CSV file
+ <prefix>.sched.txt As above, ASCII report
+ <prefix>.sched.html As above, as HTML table
+Adding other reports (like room usage, east/west usage, ...) should be
+rather easy.
+If "a2ps" is available the script will additionally generate .ps files
+out of the .txt files.
+*Note*: The webpages used to develop this application are provided
+here too to allow a successful operation of the example even if the
+actual webpages at O'Reilly changed their format or are not available
diff --git a/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/oscon b/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/oscon
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6523651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/oscon
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
+## -*- tcl -*-
+# Extract and report oscon schedule
+package require struct
+package require csv
+package require report
+package require htmlparse
+package require textutil
+package require log
+# Restrict logging to levels 'info' and higher.
+log::lvSuppressLE debug
+# 1. CSV structure filled by the parser = main data table
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# Day Time/Start Time/End Track Tower Room Speaker Title
+# Matrices: "dmain" and "dmainr"
+# Difference: dmainr contains gratituous newlines in the
+# speaker column which make for a better TXT report (less
+# wide).
+# This is also report 'main'.
+# 2. Schedule report to see conflicts, CSV structure
+# ----------------------------------------------
+# Day Time Location-Columns, one per Room
+# (15min granularity) (Content: Speaker + Topic)
+# Matrices: "sched" and "schedr". Difference as for dmain(r)
+# and the location columns
+# This will be report 'sched'.
+proc main {} {
+ global pfx argv
+ set pfx [lindex $argv 0]
+ set files [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ if {($pfx == {}) || ([llength $files] == 0)} {
+ usage
+ exit -1
+ }
+ initialize
+ foreach f $files {
+ log::log info "Scanning \"$f\" ..."
+ parse $f
+ }
+ gen_schedule
+ dump_main
+ dump_schedule
+ postscript
+ return
+proc usage {} {
+ global argv0
+ puts "usage: $argv0 prefix file..."
+proc initialize {} {
+ global rooms tracks
+ ::struct::matrix::matrix dmain ; # data 1
+ ::struct::matrix::matrix dmainr ; # data 1r
+ ::struct::matrix::matrix sched ; # data 2
+ ::struct::matrix::matrix schedr ; # data 2r
+ array set rooms {}
+ array set tracks {}
+ dmain add columns 8
+ dmain add row {Day Start End Track Tower Room Speaker Title}
+ dmainr add columns 8
+ dmainr add row {Day Start End Track Tower Room Speaker Title}
+ return
+proc parse {htmlfile} {
+ global rooms tracks
+ ::struct::tree::tree t
+ log::log info "Reading \"$htmlfile\" ..."
+ set html [read [set fh [open $htmlfile]]]
+ close $fh
+ log::log info "Parsing \"$htmlfile\" ..."
+ htmlparse::2tree $html t
+ htmlparse::removeVisualFluff t
+ htmlparse::removeFormDefs t
+ log::log info "Extracting information"
+ #puts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ # Navigate and extract the information
+ #t walk root -command {print %t %n}
+ #exit
+ set base [walk {1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0}]
+ set day [walkf $base {0 0}]
+ set day [escape [t get $day -key data]]
+ log::log debug "Day = $day"
+ set day [string range $day 0 2]
+ # Walk through the sessions of that day.
+ set sess [t next $base]
+ while {$sess != {}} {
+ set start [cvtdate [escape [t get [walkf $sess {0 0}] -key data]]]
+ set track [string trim [escape [t get [walkf $sess {1 0}] -key data]]]
+ set loc [escape [t get [walkf $sess {1 1 0}] -key data]]
+ set loc [string trimright $loc "\n\r\t:"]
+ log::log debug " $start - $track - $loc"
+ # Separate Room/Tower information ...
+ regexp {(.*) in the (.*) Tower} $loc -> room tower
+ set room [string trim $room]
+ set tower [string trim $tower]
+ set rooms($tower/$room) .
+ set tracks($track) .
+ set talk [walkf $sess {1 1 3}]
+ while {$talk != {}} {
+ set time [escape [t get $talk -key data]]
+ set talk [t next $talk]
+ set title [escape [t get [walkf $talk {0 0 0}] -key data]]
+ set speaker [escape [t get [walkf $talk {0 2}] -key data]]
+ # Now we have everything to fill the main table ...
+ # (After a bit of munging of the strings we got)
+ foreach {start end} [split $time -] break
+ set start [cvtdate $start]
+ set end [cvtdate $end]
+ regsub -all \r $speaker \n speaker
+ regsub -all \n+ $speaker \n speaker
+ regsub -all " *\n *" $speaker "\n" speaker
+ set speakerc [split $speaker "\n"]
+ set speakerc [join $speakerc ", "]
+ log::log debug " $start - $end - $speakerc - $title"
+ #puts >>$speakerc<<
+ #puts >>$speaker<<
+ # Day Time/Start Time/End Tower Room Speaker Title
+ dmainr add row [list $day $start $end $track $tower $room $speaker $title]
+ dmain add row [list $day $start $end $track $tower $room $speakerc $title]
+ # Forward to next talk
+ catch {set talk [t next $talk]}
+ catch {set talk [t next $talk]}
+ }
+ set sess [t next $sess]
+ }
+ t destroy
+ return
+proc print {t n} {
+ set tp [$t get $n -key type]
+ set d [$t depth $n]
+ set idx ""
+ catch {set idx [$t index $n]}
+ incr d $d
+ incr d $d
+ switch -exact -- $tp {
+ a {
+ log::log debug "[textutil::strRepeat " " $d]$idx $tp ([$t get $n -key data]...)"
+ }
+ log::log debug "[textutil::strRepeat " " $d]$idx $tp ([string range [$t get $n -key data] 0 20]...)"
+ }
+ default {
+ log::log debug "[textutil::strRepeat " " $d]$idx $tp"
+ }
+ }
+proc walkf {n p} {
+ #log::log info "$n + $p ="
+ foreach idx $p {
+ if {$n == ""} {break}
+ set n [lindex [t children $n] $idx]
+ #log::log info "$idx :- $n"
+ }
+ return $n
+proc walk {p} {
+ return [walkf root $p]
+proc cvtdate {date} {
+ clock format [clock scan $date] -format "%H:%M"
+proc escape {text} {
+ # Special escape for nbsp, convert into space and not the
+ # character specified by the standard.
+ regsub -all {&nbsp;} $text { } text
+ htmlparse::mapEscapes $text
+proc gen_schedule {} {
+ global rooms tracks
+ dmain set rect 0 1 [lsort -decreasing -index 0 [lsort -index 1 [dmain get rect 0 1 end end]]]
+ dmainr set rect 0 1 [lsort -decreasing -index 0 [lsort -index 1 [dmainr get rect 0 1 end end]]]
+ sched add columns 2
+ schedr add columns 2
+ #sched add columns [array size rooms]
+ #schedr add columns [array size rooms]
+ sched add columns [array size tracks]
+ schedr add columns [array size tracks]
+ #log::log info Tracks=[array size tracks]
+ #log::log info Rooms.=[array size rooms]
+ set res [list Day Time]
+ set c 2
+ foreach k [lsort [array names tracks]] {
+ lappend res $k
+ set tracks($k) $c
+ incr c
+ }
+ sched add row $res
+ schedr add row $res
+ # Data in dmain is already sorted by day. By starting time only
+ # partially, there are back references.
+ # Just move them to the correct rooms and rows!
+ #-- Day Time Location-Columns, one per Room --
+ set n [dmain rows]
+ set p 0
+ array set rmap {}
+ for {set r 1} {$r < $n} {incr r} {
+ foreach {day start end track tower room speaker title} [dmain get row $r] break
+ #[list $day $start $end $tower $room $speakerc $title]
+ set key $day,$start
+ if {![info exists rmap($key)]} {
+ log::log info "Track schedule $day $start"
+ sched add row
+ schedr add row
+ incr p
+ set rmap($key) $p
+ sched set cell 0 $p $day
+ sched set cell 1 $p $start
+ schedr set cell 0 $p $day
+ schedr set cell 1 $p $start
+ }
+ sched set cell $tracks($track) $rmap($key) "$tower; $room; $speaker; $title"
+ schedr set cell $tracks($track) $rmap($key) "$tower $room\n$speaker\n$title"
+ }
+ # Squeeze the columns 2+ in the report matrix
+ set cols [schedr columns]
+ for {set c 2} {$c < $cols} {incr c} {
+ if {[schedr columnwidth $c] > 21} {
+ log::log debug "Squeezing $c"
+ set col [schedr get column $c]
+ set res [list]
+ foreach item $col {
+ lappend res [wrap $item 21]
+ }
+ schedr set column $c $res
+ }
+ }
+ # Now sort by day (primary key) and starting time (secondary key).
+ # (Meaning we have to sort by time first, and then the day)
+ # sched setrect 0 0 [lsort -decreasing -index 0 [lsort -index 1 [sched getrect 0 0 end end]]]
+ # schedr setrect 0 0 [lsort -decreasing -index 0 [lsort -index 1 [schedr getrect 0 0 end end]]]
+ return
+proc dump_main {} {
+ global pfx
+ log::log info "Writing talk information /CSV"
+ set f [open ${pfx}.main.csv w]
+ csv::writematrix dmain $f
+ close $f
+ log::log info "Writing talk information /TXT"
+ # Compute width of report and squeeze the title column to fit
+ # below 80 char/line
+ # Day Time/Start Time/End Track Tower Room Speaker Title
+ set total 0
+ incr total [dmain columnwidth 0]
+ incr total [dmain columnwidth 1]
+ incr total [dmain columnwidth 2]
+ incr total [dmain columnwidth 3]
+ incr total [dmain columnwidth 4]
+ incr total [dmain columnwidth 5]
+ incr total [dmain columnwidth 6]
+ #log::log info Total=$total
+ if {$total < 80} {
+ set total [expr {80 - $total}]
+ set titles [dmain getcolumn 7]
+ set res [list]
+ foreach t $titles {
+ lappend res [textutil::adjust $t -length $total]
+ }
+ dmain setcolumn 7 $res
+ }
+ ::report::report r [dmainr columns] style captionedtable 1
+ set f [open ${pfx}.main.txt w]
+ r printmatrix2channel dmainr $f
+ close $f
+ r destroy
+ # Now the HTML report, use 'dmain' as base, actually formatting
+ # into lines is done by the browser.
+ log::log info "Writing talk information /HTML"
+ ::report::report r [dmain columns] style html
+ set f [open ${pfx}.main.html w]
+ puts $f "<html><head><title>Talk information and schedule</title></head><body>"
+ puts $f "<h1>Talk information and schedule</h1>"
+ puts $f "<p><table border=1>"
+ r printmatrix2channel dmain $f
+ puts $f "</table></p></body></html>"
+ close $f
+ r destroy
+proc dump_schedule {} {
+ global pfx
+ log::log info "Writing track schedule /CSV"
+ set f [open ${pfx}.sched.csv w]
+ csv::writematrix sched $f
+ close $f
+ log::log info "Writing track schedule /TXT"
+ ::report::report r [schedr columns] style captionedtable 1
+ r datasep set [r top get]
+ r datasep enable
+ set f [open ${pfx}.sched.txt w]
+ r printmatrix2channel schedr $f
+ close $f
+ r destroy
+ # Now the HTML report, use 'sched' as base, actually formatting
+ # into lines is done by the browser.
+ log::log info "Writing track schedule /HTML"
+ ::report::report r [sched columns] style html
+ set f [open ${pfx}.sched.html w]
+ puts $f "<html><head><title>Track schedules</title></head><body>"
+ puts $f "<h1>Track schedules</h1>"
+ puts $f "<p><table border=1>"
+ r printmatrix2channel sched $f
+ puts $f "</table></p></body></html>"
+ close $f
+ r destroy
+proc postscript {} {
+ global pfx
+ # Transforms texts into printable postscript, using a2ps (if available)
+ catch {exec a2ps -o ${pfx} -1 -B -r -f7 ${pfx}.main.txt}
+ catch {exec a2ps -o ${pfx} -1 -B -r -f4 ${pfx}.sched.txt}
+ return
+proc wrap {text len} {
+ # @author Jeffrey Hobbs <jeff at hobbs org>
+ #
+ # @c Wraps the given <a text> into multiple lines not
+ # @c exceeding <a len> characters each. Lines shorter
+ # @c than <a len> characters might get filled up.
+ #
+ # @a text: The string to operate on.
+ # @a len: The maximum allowed length of a single line.
+ #
+ # @r Basically <a text>, but with changed newlines to
+ # @r restrict the length of individual lines to at most
+ # @r <a len> characters.
+ # @n This procedure is not checked by the testsuite.
+ # @i wrap, word wrap
+ # Convert all newlines into spaces and initialize the result
+ # see ::pool::string::oneLine too.
+ regsub -all "\n" $text { } text
+ incr len -1
+ set out {}
+ # As long as the string is longer than the intended length of
+ # lines in the result:
+ while {[string len $text] > $len} {
+ # - Find position of last space in the part of the text
+ # which could a line in the result.
+ # - We jump out of the loop if there is none and the whole
+ # text does not contain spaces anymore. In the latter case
+ # the rest of the text is one word longer than an intended
+ # line, we cannot avoid the longer line.
+ set i [string last { } [string range $text 0 $len]]
+ if {$i == -1 && [set i [string first { } $text]] == -1} {
+ break
+ }
+ # Get the just fitting part of the text, remove any heading
+ # and trailing spaces, then append it to the result string,
+ # don't close it with a newline!
+ append out [string trim [string range $text 0 [incr i -1]]]\n
+ # Shorten the text by the length of the processed part and
+ # the space used to split it, then iterate.
+ set text [string range $text [incr i 2] end]
+ }
+ return $out$text
+# -------------------------------------------
+# Define the required reports styles
+::report::defstyle simpletable {} {
+ data set [split "[string repeat "| " [columns]]|"]
+ top set [split "[string repeat "+ - " [columns]]+"]
+ bottom set [top get]
+ top enable
+ bottom enable
+::report::defstyle captionedtable {{n 1}} {
+ simpletable
+ topdata set [data get]
+ topcapsep set [top get]
+ topcapsep enable
+ tcaption $n
+::report::defstyle html {} {
+ set c [columns]
+ set cl $c ; incr cl -1
+ data set "<tr> [split [string repeat " " $cl] ""] </tr>"
+ for {set col 0} {$col < $c} {incr col} {
+ pad $col left "<td>"
+ pad $col right "</td>"
+ }
+ return
+# -------------------------------------------
diff --git a/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/osconwrap b/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/osconwrap
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b43ad1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/osconwrap
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+rm -f [1-4]*
+./oscon 1wed sessions_wednesday.html
+./oscon 2tue sessions_thursday.html
+./oscon 3fri sessions_friday.html
+./oscon 4all sessions_wednesday.html sessions_thursday.html sessions_friday.html
diff --git a/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/sessions_friday.html b/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/sessions_friday.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..437362f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/examples/oreilly-oscon2001/sessions_friday.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1217 @@
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+<!-- sc/374 p2p e_content_header -->
+<table border="0" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="2" width="100%">
+<td colspan="2" valign="top">
+<font size="3"><b>Innovate--Collaborate--Discover</b></font><br />
+<font size="5"><b>O'Reilly Open Source Convention</b></font><br />
+<font size="3"><b>Sheraton San Diego Hotel, San Diego, CA<br />
+July 23-27, 2001</b></font>
+<hr size="1" width="70%" />
+<table border="0" cellspacing="8" cellpadding="2" width="100%"><tr><td width="25%" valign="top" align="right">
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+<center><a href=""><font color="#008800"><img src="/images/regnow_oscon.gif" width="100" height="100" border="0" alt="Register Now!" /></font></a><br /><font size="-1" color="#990000"><b><a href=""><font color="#008800">Save up to $400</font></a><br />when you register<br />before June 22!</b></font></center>
+</td><td width="75%" valign="top">
+<h2>Sessions: Friday At-A-Glance</h2>
+<table width="100%" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0">
+<tr valign="top">
+<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#990000"><font size="4" color="#ffffff"><b>Friday, July 27</b></font></td>
+<!-- q/363 -->
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>8:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Keynote</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand A in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">8:45am - 10:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The State of Open Source</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Zope</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Network Mapping and Management in Zope</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:15am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">OIO on Zope</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Andrew Po-Jung&nbsp;Ho
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using XML with Python</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Coronado A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Pervasive XML: Viewing the World Through Infoset-colored Glasses</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:15am - 11:45am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XML and the 80/20 Point</font></a></b><br />
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand B in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Slash: Taming the Beast</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Chris&nbsp;Nandor<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">File Conversion for Space Shuttle Issue Trouble Reports</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The Conway Channel</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Apache</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Automatic Content Insertion</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using Apache to Monitor Your Network for Disaster Recovery</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Mozilla</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island III in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Mozilla Developer Day</font></a></b><br />
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PHP 1</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Creating an API for a Bioinformatic Web Application: The Metalloprotein-site Database and Browser at TSRI</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PHP 1</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Marina II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">PHP Meeting</font></a></b><br />
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">A Tcl-Powered Handheld Computer for Telecommunications Test Automation</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:15am - 11:45am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">A New Method for Embedding Tcl/Tk into Windows Applications</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Fulfilling the Promise of [package unknown]</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Linux</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island I in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The Great Brain Race</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30pm - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">FVNC: A Scaling and Faster VNC Viewer for X</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Ricardo Ueda&nbsp;Karpischek
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Open Source</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Marina II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#008800">Open Source Speech Processing Tools</font></a></b><br />
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Zope</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using Perl with Zope</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Enterprise Zope</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using XML with Tcl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Jabber as a Platform for Specialized Messaging Services</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Carlos&nbsp;de la Guardia
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Coronado A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Bleeding Edge XML</font></a></b><br />
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand A in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">An Introduction to Mail::Audit</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Dissecting Regular Expressions</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Extreme Perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Object-oriented Delegation</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Apache</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Apache Portable Run-time: Why?</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PHP 1</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">bware cache: Extending PHP to Cache-compiled Code Inside Web Server Memory</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Large-scale Web Application Development with PHP</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">RetrievalWare Query Tool: Glueware Between Knowledge Retrieval and Data Mining</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Tcl/Tk in Survivability Modeling for Military Systems</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Ronald A.&nbsp;Bowers
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Robert G.&nbsp;Parker<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Paul G.&nbsp;Tanenbaum<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Computer Vision Scripting</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Christian&nbsp;Widmer<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Linux</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island I in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">RAD Programming on Linux</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Thin Clients and GNU/Linux Using LTSP</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:00pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">An Introduction to Crystal Space Games Toolkit</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Richard D.&nbsp;Shank
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Zope</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Zope Presentation Templates</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Content Management with Zope CMF</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XML User Interfaces: SMIL and VoiceXML</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Fabio&nbsp;Arciniegas A.
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Next Generation of Web Graphics: An Introduction to SVG</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand A in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Porting Perl to Make Porting Perl Unnecessary</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Embedded Testing with Pod::Tests</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Michael G.&nbsp;Schwern
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand B in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Oracle::OCI Module</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">How to Write a DBD Driver</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Daini Xie&nbsp;Strathy
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Lightning Talks</font></a></b><br />
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Apache</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Web Security for Business: Creating and Implementing Private Certificate Authority with Openssl and mod_ssl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PHP 1</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Client-side Applications with PHP</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Frank&nbsp;Kromann<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The Future of PHP (panel)</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Taskflow: Encapsulation for Concurrent Scheduling and Execution in Tcl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Hemang&nbsp;Lavana<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:15pm - 4:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Command, Control Integration Language (C2IL)</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+James T.&nbsp;Henning
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Debra J.&nbsp;Siquieros<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Next Generation of Integration with Tcl/Tk</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Gerald&nbsp;Lester<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Linux</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island I in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Creating a Development Environment for Embedded Linux</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Dr. Richard&nbsp;Sevenich
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Embedded Linux Case Study: The Flying Penguin</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<!-- end q/363 -->
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+<font size="3"><b>Innovate--Collaborate--Discover</b></font><br />
+<font size="5"><b>O'Reilly Open Source Convention</b></font><br />
+<font size="3"><b>Sheraton San Diego Hotel, San Diego, CA<br />
+July 23-27, 2001</b></font>
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+<center><a href=""><font color="#008800"><img src="/images/regnow_oscon.gif" width="100" height="100" border="0" alt="Register Now!" /></font></a><br /><font size="-1" color="#990000"><b><a href=""><font color="#008800">Save up to $400</font></a><br />when you register<br />before June 22!</b></font></center>
+</td><td width="75%" valign="top">
+<h2>Sessions: Thursday At-A-Glance</h2>
+<table width="100%" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="1" border="0">
+<tr valign="top">
+<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#990000"><font size="4" color="#ffffff"><b>Thursday, July 26</b></font></td>
+<!-- q/363 -->
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>8:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Keynote</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand Ballroom in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">8:45am - 10:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">An Open Source Success Story on Wall Street</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+W. Phillip&nbsp;Moore
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>mod_perl</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island I in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Developing a B2B Commerce Site Using Perl/Mason</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Edward&nbsp;Zborowski<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:15am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Authentication and Authorization with mod_perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+James G.&nbsp;Smith
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PostgreSQL</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire South in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using PostgreSQL in Web Applications</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Gavin M.&nbsp;Roy
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Moving From Flat File Storage to RDBMS</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using XML with Perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Coronado A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">SOAP Mishaps and Mistakes</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">A Specification for Common RPC Identification Services</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Grokking the CPAN</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">10 Modules I Wouldn't Go Anywhere Without</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand A in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Default Lexical Scoping in Perl and Other Languages</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:15am - 11:45am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Perl and Speech</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Extensible POD</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand B in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Internals of Rx</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Dirty Stories About the Perl Regex Engine</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:15am - 11:45am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">ReBug</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Python</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">New Features in Python 2</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Mozilla</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island III in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using JavaScript with XPCOM: Components the Easy Way</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using XPCOM and Python with Mozilla</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PHP 1</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Under the Hood of PHP: Advanced Techniques for Developing PHP Extensions</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Zeev&nbsp;Suraski<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">PEAR: The PHP Extension and Application Repository</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#008800">The (Active) State of Tcl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Open Source</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Marina II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Embracing Insanity: Understanding the Open Source Community</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Russell C.&nbsp;Pavlicek
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Sharing Open Source Java Components on Wall Street</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PostgreSQL</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire South in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">OpenACS: Porting Oracle Apps to PostgreSQL</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Understanding XML Namespaces</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Coronado A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XSLT and Scripting Languages</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Orchard: A New API for XML</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Ken&nbsp;McLeod<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand B in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Cross Database Perl Applications</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">TIGER by the Tail: Geographic Mapping Systems from Public Domain Data</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Michael G.&nbsp;Schwern
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The Perl Geek Code</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Camel Goes Surfing</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Developing WAP Applications with Perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Camelot</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Python</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Programmer's Package Manager: Using SOAP to Fetch Pre-built Python Packages</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using Python to Customize, Extend, and Integrate Enterprise Project Management Software</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The Adventures of a Snake in the Land of Camels</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Apache</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Filesystem Layouts and Apache Performance</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Jeff D.&nbsp;Almeida
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Mozilla</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island III in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Mozilla Community Quality Assurance and Testing</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Lightning Talks</font></a></b><br />
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PHP 1</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">PHP as a Teaching Language: A Case Study</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Luke&nbsp;Welling<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">PHP in the Wireless World</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Tcl/Tk in the Analog Simulation Environment at Agere Systems</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Michael S.&nbsp;Toth
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Taskflow: An XML Schema and a Universally Configurable Client in Tcl/Tk</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Franc&nbsp;Brglez<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Scripting Data Structures</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Open Source</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Marina II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using TreeMenu to Display Decision Trees Built with Perm and Data Extracted from a SQL Database</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Richard L.&nbsp;Holbert
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Principles of XP and Open Source</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PostgreSQL</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire South in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Tools for Managing Your PostgreSQL Database Environment</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Gedafe: The Generic Database Frontend</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">A Guide to W3C XML Schemas</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Coronado A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Redfoot RDF Application Framework</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XML Linking Technologies</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Eric&nbsp;van der Vlist
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Lazy Website Maintenance</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">VSAP: A Dynamic, Scalable Hosting Application Platform</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand B in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Perl on the Microsoft .NET Framework</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">SOAP: The Power of Simplicity</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand A in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">A First Look at the Insides of Perl 6</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">What's New in 5.8</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Python</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">PyDebug: A New Application for Integrated Debugging of Python with C and Fortran Extensions</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:15pm - 4:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Component-oriented Programming in Python</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Apache</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Web Security for Business: Introduction to mod_ssl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Apache's Role in a PKI</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+James G.&nbsp;Smith
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Mozilla</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island III in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Networking in Mozilla</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Jabberzilla and Mozilla Integration</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>PHP 1</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XSLT and PHP</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using PHP+XML-RPC to Develop Open GroupWare Standard (OGWS)</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">TSIPP Workbench: Working Widgets Without Code</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:15pm - 4:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">KitView: A User Interface Tool for MetaKit</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Tcl/Tk Extensions for Visualization of Large Data Sets</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Open Source</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Marina II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Sharing the Wealth: Why Publically Versioned Resources are the Future of Everything</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:15pm - 4:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Comparing Open Source Indexers</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Eric Lease&nbsp;Morgan
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Internationalized Programming with Perl and ICU</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<!-- end q/363 -->
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+<h2>Sessions: Wednesday At-A-Glance</h2>
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+<tr valign="top">
+<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#990000"><font size="4" color="#ffffff"><b>Wednesday, July 25</b></font></td>
+<!-- q/363 -->
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>MySQL</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">MySQL for Industrial Strength Mailing Listservers</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">MySQL Server and Application Performance Tuning</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Jeremy D.&nbsp;Zawodny
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>mod_perl</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island I in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Choosing a Templating System</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Exception Handling in mod_perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Open Source, Open Data</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Internet Computing with Web Services</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Coronado A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:15am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Collection Indexing: Improving Web Directory Listings with XML Technologies</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:15am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Charlie as Application Framework</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand B in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Transfusing Message Plasma into Business with Perl and Other Magic</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Piers&nbsp;Harding<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The Identity Function</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand A in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">An Improved Perl Beautifier</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Dr. Tim&nbsp;Maher
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Pretty Printing Perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Tangram: Object Persistence in Relational Databases</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Alzabo: A Data Modeller and RDBMS-OO Mapper</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Python</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Python Keynote</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Guido&nbsp;van Rossum
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Java</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 11:30am</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">OpenNMS: Java, Network Management, and Open Source</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">11:30am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Building Java Projects with Amber</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+James Duncan&nbsp;Davidson
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>10:45am</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">10:45am - 12:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Greetings and Keynote</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Michael&nbsp;McLennan<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>MySQL</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Row-level Locking with MySQL</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>mod_perl</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island I in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Real World Performance Tuning</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Ask Bjoern&nbsp;Hansen
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Reference Implementation of an Open Micropayment System Using Apache and Perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Jeffrey W.&nbsp;Baker
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">mod_perl as an HTTP RPC Daemon</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XML Schema Languages</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XML Protocols</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Coronado A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">AxKit: XML Application Serving with mod_perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Building Web Applications with Apache XML Suite</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+David G.&nbsp;Halsted
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand B in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Statistical Disambiguation of Word Senses with Perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Automatic Document Categorization</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Linguana</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand A in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Porting Perl to JVM</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Bradley M.&nbsp;Kuhn
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Increasing Perl Use</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Python</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Python for Massively Multiplayer Virtual Worlds</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Writing Python Plug-ins for Adobe After Effects and Photoshop</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Grant J.&nbsp;Munsey
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The Artist as Python Programmer</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Java</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">OpenEJB: The EJB Container System</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Using A Java 2 Enterprise Edition-based Container</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Mozilla</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island III in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Embedding Mozilla</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:30pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Komodo: Building an Application Based on the Mozilla Framework</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>1:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">1:45pm - 2:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">mod_websh: A Tcl-based Apache Module for Rapid Application Development</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:15pm - 2:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">LDAPtcl: A Tcl Interface to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">2:45pm - 3:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">KAP: The Kinetic Application Processor</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>MySQL</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks C&D in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">MySQL Replication: Scaling to New Heights</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Sasha&nbsp;Pachev<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">MySQL Crash Recovery</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Point Loma A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">JDOM: How It Works, and How It Opened the Java Process</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Data Exchange Using Xbeans Release Two</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>XML/XTech2001</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Coronado A in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XML Content Management System Using XSLT, Schematron, and Ant</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Eric&nbsp;van der Vlist
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">XML-based Application Frameworks Panel</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand A in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Perl Refactorings or The Good From The Bad and The Ugly</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Michael G.&nbsp;Schwern
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Complex Application Engineering with Perl: Stability and Speed</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Jason W.&nbsp;May
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand B in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Flash in the Pan</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Graphing Perl</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Perl 5</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Grand C in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Inline</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Orchard: A Simple Alternative to XS</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Python</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Bel Aire North in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Designing a Masked Array Facility for Python</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:15pm - 4:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Steering Massively Parallel Simulations Under Python</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Patrick J.&nbsp;Miller
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Spheral++, An Open Source Tool for Simulating Hydrodynamical Processes in Astrophysical Problems</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+J. Michael&nbsp;Owen
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Java</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Harbor Island II in the East Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:30pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">The JAWIN Architecture for Java/COM/Win32 Interop</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:30pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Scarab: Issue Tracking System Built for the Ages</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Jon S.&nbsp;Stevens
+<br />
+<tr valign="top"><td bgcolor="#cccccc"><b>3:45pm</b></td>
+<td bgcolor="#eeeeee"><font size="4"><b>Tcl/Tk</b></font>
+<font size="-1"><b>Fairbanks A&B in the West Tower
+:</b></font><br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">3:45pm - 4:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Making the Voice of Tcl Heard: Experiences in Combining Tcl with Voice Software</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Manolis&nbsp;Tsangaris<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+Alexios&nbsp;Zavras<br />
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:15pm - 4:45pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Building Mission-critical CAD Applications with Tcl/Tk</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+</ul>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<font size="-1">4:45pm - 5:15pm</font>
+<li><font size="-1"><b><a href=""><font color="#880000">Netview: A Tcl/Tk Application for the Visualization of AT&T FR Network</font></a></b><br />
+<!-- e_spkr/first_last.view -->
+<br />
+<!-- end q/363 -->
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