path: root/tcllib/installer.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
commitea28451286d3ea4a772fa174483f9a7a66bb1ab3 (patch)
tree6ee9d8a7848333a7ceeee3b13d492e40225f8b86 /tcllib/installer.tcl
parentb5ca09bae0d6a1edce939eea03594dd56383f2c8 (diff)
parent7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569 (diff)
Merge commit '7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569' as 'tcllib'
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/installer.tcl')
1 files changed, 595 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/installer.tcl b/tcllib/installer.tcl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2dcf8a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/installer.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+# -*- tcl -*- \
+exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Installer for Tcllib. The lowest version of the tcl core supported
+# by any module is 8.2. So we enforce that the installer is run with
+# at least that.
+package require Tcl 8.2
+set distribution [file dirname [info script]]
+lappend auto_path [file join $distribution modules]
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Version information for tcllib.
+# List of modules to install (and definitions guiding the process)
+proc package_name {text} {global package_name ; set package_name $text}
+proc package_version {text} {global package_version ; set package_version $text}
+proc dist_exclude {path} {}
+proc critcl {name files} {}
+proc critcl_main {name files} {}
+proc critcl_notes {text} {}
+source [file join $distribution support installation version.tcl] ; # Get version information.
+source [file join $distribution support installation modules.tcl] ; # Get list of installed modules.
+source [file join $distribution support installation actions.tcl] ; # Get code to perform install actions.
+set package_nv ${package_name}-${package_version}
+set package_name_cap [string toupper [string index $package_name 0]][string range $package_name 1 end]
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Low-level commands of the installation engine.
+proc gen_main_index {outdir package version} {
+ global config
+ log "\nGenerating [file join $outdir pkgIndex.tcl]"
+ if {$config(dry)} {return}
+ set index [open [file join $outdir pkgIndex.tcl] w]
+ puts $index "# Tcl package index file, version 1.1"
+ puts $index "# Do NOT edit by hand. Let $package install generate this file."
+ puts $index "# Generated by $package installer for version $version"
+ puts $index {
+# All tcllib packages need Tcl 8 (use [namespace])
+if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8]} {return}
+# Extend the auto_path to make tcllib packages available
+if {[lsearch -exact $::auto_path $dir] == -1} {
+ lappend ::auto_path $dir
+# For Tcl 8.3.1 and later, that's all we need
+if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.4]} {return}
+if {(0 == [catch {
+ package vcompare [info patchlevel] [info patchlevel]
+}]) && (
+ [package vcompare [info patchlevel] 8.3.1] >= 0
+)} {return}
+# For older Tcl releases, here are equivalent contents
+# of the pkgIndex.tcl files of all the modules
+if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.0]} {return}
+ puts $index ""
+ puts $index "set maindir \$dir"
+ foreach pi [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $outdir * pkgIndex.tcl]]] {
+ set subdir [file tail [file dirname $pi]]
+ puts $index "set dir \[file join \$maindir [list $subdir]\] ;\t source \[file join \$dir pkgIndex.tcl\]"
+ }
+ puts $index "unset maindir"
+ puts $index ""
+ close $index
+ return
+proc xcopyfile {src dest} {
+ # dest can be dir or file
+ run file copy -force $src $dest
+ return
+proc xcopy {src dest recurse {pattern *}} {
+ run file mkdir $dest
+ if {[string equal $pattern *] || !$recurse} {
+ foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $src $pattern]] {
+ set base [file tail $file]
+ set sub [file join $dest $base]
+ if {0 == [string compare CVS $base]} {continue}
+ if {[file isdirectory $file]} then {
+ if {$recurse} {
+ run file mkdir $sub
+ xcopy $file $sub $recurse $pattern
+ # If the directory is empty after the recursion remove it again.
+ if {![llength [glob -nocomplain [file join $sub *]]]} {
+ file delete $sub
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ xcopyfile $file $sub
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach file [glob -nocomplain [file join $src *]] {
+ set base [file tail $file]
+ set sub [file join $dest $base]
+ if {[string equal CVS $base]} {continue}
+ if {[file isdirectory $file]} then {
+ if {$recurse} {
+ run file mkdir $sub
+ xcopy $file $sub $recurse $pattern
+ # If the directory is empty after the recursion remove it again.
+ if {![llength [glob -nocomplain [file join $sub *]]]} {
+ run file delete $sub
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if {![string match $pattern $base]} {continue}
+ xcopyfile $file $sub
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc get_input {f} {return [read [set if [open $f r]]][close $if]}
+proc write_out {f text} {
+ global config
+ if {$config(dry)} {log "Generate $f" ; return}
+ catch {file delete -force $f}
+ puts -nonewline [set of [open $f w]] $text
+ close $of
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Use configuration to perform installation
+proc clear {} {global message ; set message ""}
+proc msg {text} {global message ; append message $text \n ; return}
+proc get {} {global message ; return $message}
+proc log {text} {
+ global config
+ if {!$config(gui)} {puts stdout $text ; flush stdout ; return}
+ .l.t insert end $text\n
+ .l.t see end
+ update
+ return
+proc log* {text} {
+ global config
+ if {!$config(gui)} {puts -nonewline stdout $text ; flush stdout ; return}
+ .l.t insert end $text
+ .l.t see end
+ update
+ return
+proc run {args} {
+ global config
+ if {$config(dry)} {
+ log [join $args]
+ return
+ }
+ if {[catch {eval $args} msg]} {
+ if {$config(gui)} {
+ installErrorMsgBox $msg
+ } else {
+ return -code error "Install error:\n $msg"
+ }
+ }
+ log* .
+ return
+proc xinstall {type args} {
+ global modules guide
+ foreach m $modules {
+ eval $guide($m,$type) $m $args
+ }
+ return
+proc ainstall {} {
+ global apps config tcl_platform distribution
+ if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) windows] == 0} {
+ set ext .tcl
+ } else {
+ set ext ""
+ }
+ foreach a $apps {
+ set aexe [file join $distribution apps $a]
+ set adst [file join $config(app,path) ${a}$ext]
+ log "\nGenerating $adst"
+ if {!$config(dry)} {
+ file mkdir [file dirname $adst]
+ catch {file delete -force $adst}
+ file copy -force $aexe $adst
+ }
+ }
+ return
+proc doinstall {} {
+ global config package_version distribution package_name modules excluded
+ if {!$config(no-exclude)} {
+ foreach p $excluded {
+ set pos [lsearch -exact $modules $p]
+ if {$pos < 0} {continue}
+ set modules [lreplace $modules $pos $pos]
+ }
+ }
+ if {$config(doc,nroff)} {
+ set config(man.macros) [string trim [get_input \
+ [file join $distribution support installation man.macros]]]
+ }
+ if {$config(pkg)} {
+ xinstall pkg $config(pkg,path)
+ gen_main_index $config(pkg,path) $package_name $package_version
+ }
+ if {$config(doc,nroff)} {
+ foreach dir [glob -directory $distribution/idoc/man/files/modules *] {
+ xcopy $dir $config(doc,nroff,path) 1
+ }
+ xcopy $distribution/idoc/man/files/apps $config(doc,nroff,path) 1
+ }
+ if {$config(doc,html)} {
+ #xinstall doc html html $config(doc,html,path)
+ xcopy $distribution/idoc/www $config(doc,html,path) 1
+ }
+ if {$config(exa)} {xinstall exa $config(exa,path)}
+ if {$config(app)} {ainstall}
+ log ""
+ return
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Initialize configuration.
+array set config {
+ pkg 1 pkg,path {}
+ app 1 app,path {}
+ doc,nroff 0 doc,nroff,path {}
+ doc,html 0 doc,html,path {}
+ exa 1 exa,path {}
+ dry 0 wait 1 valid 1
+ gui 0 no-gui 0 no-exclude 0
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Determine a default configuration, if possible
+proc defaults {} {
+ global tcl_platform config package_version package_name distribution
+ if {[string compare $distribution [info nameofexecutable]] == 0} {
+ # Starpack. No defaults for location.
+ } else {
+ # Starkit, or unwrapped. Derive defaults location from the
+ # location of the executable running the installer, or the
+ # location of its library.
+ # For a starkit [info library] is inside the running
+ # tclkit. Detect this and derive the lcoation from the
+ # location of the executable itself for that case.
+ if {[string match [info nameofexecutable]* [info library]]} {
+ # Starkit
+ set libdir [file join [file dirname [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]] lib]
+ } else {
+ # Unwrapped.
+ if {[catch {set libdir [lindex $::tcl_pkgPath end]}]} {
+ set libdir [file dirname [info library]]
+ }
+ }
+ set basedir [file dirname $libdir]
+ set bindir [file join $basedir bin]
+ if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) windows] == 0} {
+ set mandir {}
+ set htmldir [file join $basedir ${package_name}_doc]
+ } else {
+ set mandir [file join $basedir man mann]
+ set htmldir [file join $libdir ${package_name}${package_version} ${package_name}_doc]
+ }
+ set config(app,path) $bindir
+ set config(pkg,path) [file join $libdir ${package_name}${package_version}]
+ set config(doc,nroff,path) $mandir
+ set config(doc,html,path) $htmldir
+ set config(exa,path) [file join $bindir ${package_name}_examples${package_version}]
+ }
+ if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) windows] == 0} {
+ set config(doc,nroff) 0
+ set config(doc,html) 1
+ } else {
+ set config(doc,nroff) 1
+ set config(doc,html) 0
+ }
+ return
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Show configuration on stdout.
+proc showpath {prefix key} {
+ global config
+ if {$config($key)} {
+ if {[string length $config($key,path)] == 0} {
+ puts "${prefix}Empty path, invalid."
+ set config(valid) 0
+ msg "Invalid path: [string trim $prefix " :"]"
+ } else {
+ puts "${prefix}$config($key,path)"
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts "${prefix}Not installed."
+ }
+proc showconfiguration {} {
+ global config package_version package_name_cap
+ puts "Installing $package_name_cap $package_version"
+ if {$config(dry)} {
+ puts "\tDry run, simulation, no actual activity."
+ puts ""
+ }
+ puts "You have chosen the following configuration ..."
+ puts ""
+ showpath "Packages: " pkg
+ showpath "Applications: " app
+ showpath "Examples: " exa
+ if {$config(doc,nroff) || $config(doc,html)} {
+ puts "Documentation:"
+ puts ""
+ showpath "\tNROFF: " doc,nroff
+ showpath "\tHTML: " doc,html
+ } else {
+ puts "Documentation: Not installed."
+ }
+ puts ""
+ return
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Setup the installer user interface
+proc browse {label key} {
+ global config
+ set initial $config($key)
+ if {$initial == {}} {set initial [pwd]}
+ set dir [tk_chooseDirectory \
+ -title "Select directory for $label" \
+ -parent . \
+ -initialdir $initial \
+ ]
+ if {$dir == {}} {return} ; # Cancellation
+ set config($key) $dir
+ return
+proc setupgui {} {
+ global config package_name_cap package_version
+ set config(gui) 1
+ wm withdraw .
+ wm title . "Installing $package_name_cap $package_version"
+ foreach {w type cspan col row opts} {
+ .pkg checkbutton 1 0 0 {-anchor w -text {Packages:} -variable config(pkg)}
+ .app checkbutton 1 0 1 {-anchor w -text {Applications:} -variable config(app)}
+ .dnr checkbutton 1 0 2 {-anchor w -text {Doc. Nroff:} -variable config(doc,nroff)}
+ .dht checkbutton 1 0 3 {-anchor w -text {Doc. HTML:} -variable config(doc,html)}
+ .exa checkbutton 1 0 4 {-anchor w -text {Examples:} -variable config(exa)}
+ .spa frame 3 0 5 {-bg black -height 2}
+ .dry checkbutton 2 0 7 {-anchor w -text {Simulate installation} -variable config(dry)}
+ .pkge entry 1 1 0 {-width 40 -textvariable config(pkg,path)}
+ .appe entry 1 1 1 {-width 40 -textvariable config(app,path)}
+ .dnre entry 1 1 2 {-width 40 -textvariable config(doc,nroff,path)}
+ .dhte entry 1 1 3 {-width 40 -textvariable config(doc,html,path)}
+ .exae entry 1 1 4 {-width 40 -textvariable config(exa,path)}
+ .pkgb button 1 2 0 {-text ... -command {browse Packages pkg,path}}
+ .appb button 1 2 1 {-text ... -command {browse Applications app,path}}
+ .dnrb button 1 2 2 {-text ... -command {browse Nroff doc,nroff,path}}
+ .dhtb button 1 2 3 {-text ... -command {browse HTML doc,html,path}}
+ .exab button 1 2 4 {-text ... -command {browse Examples exa,path}}
+ .sep frame 3 0 8 {-bg black -height 2}
+ .run button 1 0 9 {-text {Install} -command {set ::run 1}}
+ .can button 1 1 9 {-text {Cancel} -command {exit}}
+ } {
+ eval [list $type $w] $opts
+ grid $w -column $col -row $row -sticky ew -columnspan $cspan
+ grid rowconfigure . $row -weight 0
+ }
+ grid .can -sticky e
+ grid rowconfigure . 9 -weight 1
+ grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 0
+ grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1
+ wm deiconify .
+ return
+proc handlegui {} {
+ setupgui
+ vwait ::run
+ showconfiguration
+ validate
+ toplevel .l
+ wm title .l "Install log"
+ text .l.t -width 70 -height 25 -relief sunken -bd 2
+ pack .l.t -expand 1 -fill both
+ return
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handle a command line
+proc handlecmdline {} {
+ showconfiguration
+ validate
+ wait
+ return
+proc processargs {} {
+ global argv argv0 config
+ while {[llength $argv] > 0} {
+ switch -exact -- [lindex $argv 0] {
+ +excluded {set config(no-exclude) 1}
+ -no-wait {set config(wait) 0}
+ -no-gui {set config(no-gui) 1}
+ -simulate -
+ -dry-run {set config(dry) 1}
+ -html {set config(doc,html) 1}
+ -nroff {set config(doc,nroff) 1}
+ -examples {set config(exa) 1}
+ -pkgs {set config(pkg) 1}
+ -apps {set config(app) 1}
+ -no-html {set config(doc,html) 0}
+ -no-nroff {set config(doc,nroff) 0}
+ -no-examples {set config(exa) 0}
+ -no-pkgs {set config(pkg) 0}
+ -no-apps {set config(app) 0}
+ -pkg-path {
+ set config(pkg) 1
+ set config(pkg,path) [lindex $argv 1]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ }
+ -app-path {
+ set config(app) 1
+ set config(app,path) [lindex $argv 1]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ }
+ -nroff-path {
+ set config(doc,nroff) 1
+ set config(doc,nroff,path) [lindex $argv 1]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ }
+ -html-path {
+ set config(doc,html) 1
+ set config(doc,html,path) [lindex $argv 1]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ }
+ -example-path {
+ set config(exa) 1
+ set config(exa,path) [lindex $argv 1]
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ }
+ -help -
+ default {
+ puts stderr "usage: $argv0 ?-dry-run/-simulate? ?-no-wait? ?-no-gui? ?-html|-no-html? ?-nroff|-no-nroff? ?-examples|-no-examples? ?-pkgs|-no-pkgs? ?-pkg-path path? ?-apps|-no-apps? ?-app-path path? ?-nroff-path path? ?-html-path path? ?-example-path path?"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ }
+ set argv [lrange $argv 1 end]
+ }
+ return
+proc validate {} {
+ global config
+ if {$config(valid)} {return}
+ puts "Invalid configuration detected, aborting."
+ puts ""
+ puts "Please use the option -help to get more information"
+ puts ""
+ if {$config(gui)} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error -type ok \
+ -default ok \
+ -title "Illegal configuration" \
+ -parent . -message [get]
+ clear
+ }
+ exit 1
+proc installErrorMsgBox {msg} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error -type ok \
+ -default ok \
+ -title "Install error" \
+ -parent . -message $msg
+ exit 1
+proc wait {} {
+ global config
+ if {!$config(wait)} {return}
+ puts -nonewline stdout "Is the chosen configuration ok ? y/N: "
+ flush stdout
+ set answer [gets stdin]
+ if {($answer == {}) || [string match "\[Nn\]*" $answer]} {
+ puts stdout "\tNo. Aborting."
+ puts stdout ""
+ exit 0
+ }
+ return
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+# Main code
+proc main {} {
+ global config
+ defaults
+ processargs
+ if {$config(no-gui) || [catch {package require Tk}]} {
+ handlecmdline
+ } else {
+ handlegui
+ }
+ doinstall
+ return
+# --------------------------------------------------------------
+if {[catch {
+ main
+}]} {
+ puts $errorInfo
+exit 0
+# --------------------------------------------------------------