path: root/tcllib/modules/page/util_norm_lemon.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
commitea28451286d3ea4a772fa174483f9a7a66bb1ab3 (patch)
tree6ee9d8a7848333a7ceeee3b13d492e40225f8b86 /tcllib/modules/page/util_norm_lemon.tcl
parentb5ca09bae0d6a1edce939eea03594dd56383f2c8 (diff)
parent7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569 (diff)
Merge commit '7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569' as 'tcllib'
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/page/util_norm_lemon.tcl')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/page/util_norm_lemon.tcl b/tcllib/modules/page/util_norm_lemon.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f604f81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/page/util_norm_lemon.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+# -*- tcl -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2005 by Andreas Kupries <>
+# Parser Generator / Transformation - Normalize PEG AST for later.
+# This package assumes to be used from within a PAGE plugin. It uses
+# the API commands listed below. These are identical across the major
+# types of PAGE plugins, allowing this package to be used in reader,
+# transform, and writer plugins. It cannot be used in a configuration
+# plugin, and this makes no sense either.
+# To ensure that our assumption is ok we require the relevant pseudo
+# package setup by the PAGE plugin management code.
+# -----------------+--
+# page_info | Reporting to the user.
+# page_warning |
+# page_error |
+# -----------------+--
+# page_log_error | Reporting of internals.
+# page_log_warning |
+# page_log_info |
+# -----------------+--
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## Requisites
+# @mdgen NODEP: page::plugin
+package require page::plugin ; # S.a. pseudo-package.
+package require treeql
+package require page::util::quote
+package require page::util::peg
+namespace eval ::page::util::norm::lemon {
+ # Get the peg char de/encoder commands.
+ # (unquote, quote'tcl)
+ namespace import ::page::util::quote::*
+ namespace import ::page::util::peg::*
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## API
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon {t} {
+ set q [treeql q -tree $t]
+ page_info {[Lemon Normalization]}
+ # Retrieve grammar name out of one directive.
+ # Or from LHS of first rule.
+ page_log_info ..Startsymbol
+ set start {}
+ $q query tree \
+ withatt type nonterminal \
+ withatt detail StartSymbol \
+ descendants \
+ withatt type terminal \
+ over n {
+ lemon::TokReduce $t $n detail
+ set start [$t get $n detail]
+ page_info " StartSymbol: $start"
+ }
+ $q query tree \
+ withatt type nonterminal \
+ withatt detail Name \
+ descendants \
+ withatt type terminal \
+ over n {
+ lemon::TokReduce $t $n detail
+ set name [$t get $n detail]
+ page_info " Name: $name"
+ $t set root name $name
+ }
+ page_log_info ..Drop ; lemon::Drop $q $t
+ page_log_info ..Terminals ; lemon::Terminals $q $t
+ page_log_info ..Definitions ; lemon::Definitions $q $t
+ page_log_info ..Rules ; lemon::Rules $q $t start
+ page_log_info ..Epsilon ; lemon::ElimEpsilon $q $t
+ page_log_info ..Autoclass ; lemon::AutoClassId $q $t
+ page_log_info ..Chains
+ # Find and cut operator chains, very restricted. Cut only chains
+ # of x- and /-operators. The other operators have only one child
+ # by definition and are thus not chains.
+ #set q [treeql q -tree $t]
+ # q query tree over n
+ foreach n [$t children -all root] {
+ if {[$t keyexists $n symbol]} continue
+ if {[llength [$t children $n]] != 1} continue
+ set op [$t get $n op]
+ if {($op ne "/") && ($op ne "x")} continue
+ $t cut $n
+ }
+ page_log_info ..Flatten
+ lemon::flatten $q $t
+ # Analysis: Left recursion, and where.
+ # Manual: Definitions for terminals.
+ # Definitions for space, comments.
+ # Integration of this into the grammar.
+ # Sentinel for PE algorithms.
+ $t set root symbol <StartExpression>
+ if {$start eq ""} {
+ page_error " Startsymbol missing"
+ } else {
+ set s [$t insert root end]
+ $t set $s op n
+ $t set $s sym $start
+ $t set root start $s
+ array set def [$t get root definitions]
+ if {![info exists def($start)]} {
+ page_error " Startsymbol is undefined"
+ $t set $s def ""
+ } else {
+ $t set $s def $def($start)
+ }
+ unset def
+ }
+ $q destroy
+ page_log_info Ok
+ return
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## Documentation
+## See doc_normalize.txt for the specification of the publicly visible
+## attributes.
+## Internal attributes
+## - DATA - Transient storage for terminal data.
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## Internal. Helpers
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::Drop {q t} {
+ # Simple normalization.
+ # All lemon specific data is dropped completely.
+ foreach drop {
+ Directive Codeblock Label Precedence
+ } {
+ $q query tree withatt type nonterminal \
+ withatt detail $drop over n {
+ $t delete $n
+ }
+ }
+ # Some nodes can be dropped, but not their children.
+ $q query tree withatt type nonterminal \
+ withatt detail Statement over n {
+ $t cut $n
+ }
+ # Cut the ALL and LemonGrammar nodes, direct access, no search
+ # needed.
+ $t cut [lindex [$t children root] 0]
+ $t cut [lindex [$t children root] 0]
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::Terminals {q t} {
+ # The data for all terminals is stored in their grandparental
+ # nodes. We get rid of both terminals and their parents.
+ $q query tree withatt type terminal over n {
+ set p [$t parent $n]
+ set gp [$t parent $p]
+ CopyLocation $t $n $gp
+ AttrCopy $t $n detail $gp DATA
+ TokReduce $t $gp DATA
+ $t delete $p
+ }
+ # We can now drop the type attribute, as all the remaining nodes
+ # (which have it) will contain the value 'nonterminal'.
+ $q query tree hasatt type over n {
+ $t unset $n type
+ }
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::Definitions {q t} {
+ # Convert 'Definition' into the sequences they are.
+ # Sequences of length one will be flattened later.
+ # Empty sequences (Length zero) are epsilon.
+ # Epsilon will be later converted to ? of the
+ # whole choice they are part of.
+ $q query tree withatt detail Definition over n {
+ $t unset $n detail
+ if {[$t children $n] < 1} {
+ $t set $n op epsilon
+ } else {
+ $t set $n op x
+ }
+ }
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::Rules {q t sv} {
+ upvar $sv start
+ # We move nonterminal hint information from nodes into attributes,
+ # and delete the now irrelevant nodes.
+ # Like with the global metadata we move definition specific
+ # information out of nodes into attributes, get rid of the
+ # superfluous nodes, and tag the definition roots with marker
+ # attributes.
+ array set defs {}
+ $q query tree withatt detail Rule over n {
+ set first [Child $t $n 0]
+ set sym [$t get $first DATA]
+ $t set $n symbol $sym
+ $t set $n label $sym
+ $t set $n users {}
+ $t set $n mode value
+ if {$start eq ""} {
+ page_info " StartSymbol: $sym"
+ set start $sym
+ }
+ # We get the left extend of the definition from the terminal
+ # for the symbol it defines.
+ MergeLocations $t $first [Rightmost $t $n] $n
+ $t unset $n detail
+ lappend defs($sym) $n
+ $t cut $first
+ }
+ set d {}
+ foreach sym [array names defs] {
+ set nodes $defs($sym)
+ if {[llength $nodes] == 1} {
+ lappend d $sym [lindex $nodes 0]
+ } else {
+ # Merge multi-node definition together, under a choice.
+ set r [$t insert root end]
+ set c [$t insert $r end]
+ $t set $r symbol $sym
+ $t set $r label $sym
+ $t set $r users {}
+ $t set $r mode value
+ $t set $c op /
+ foreach n $nodes {
+ set seq [lindex [$t children $n] 0]
+ $t move $c end $seq
+ $t delete $n
+ }
+ lappend d $sym $r
+ }
+ }
+ # We remember a mapping from nonterminal names to their defining
+ # nodes in the root as well, for quick reference later, when we
+ # build nonterminal usage references
+ $t set root definitions $d
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::Rightmost {t n} {
+ # Determine the rightmost leaf under the specified node.
+ if {[$t isleaf $n]} {return $n}
+ return [Rightmost $t [lindex [$t children $n] end]]
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::ElimEpsilon {q t} {
+ # We convert choices with an epsilon in them into
+ # optional choices without an epsilon branch.
+ $q query tree withatt op epsilon over n {
+ set choice [$t parent $n]
+ # Move branches into the epsilon, which becomes the new
+ # choice. And the choice becomes an option.
+ foreach c [$t children $choice] {
+ if {$c eq $n} continue
+ $t move $n end $c
+ }
+ $t set $n op /
+ $t set $choice op ?
+ }
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::AutoClassId {q t} {
+ array set defs [$t get root definitions]
+ array set use {}
+ $q query tree \
+ withatt op x \
+ children \
+ hasatt DATA \
+ over n {
+ # All identifiers are nonterminals, and for the
+ # undefined ones we create rules which define
+ # them as terminal sequences.
+ set sym [$t get $n DATA]
+ $t unset $n DATA
+ $t set $n op n
+ $t set $n sym $sym
+ if {![info exists defs($sym)]} {
+ set defs($sym) [NewTerminal $t $sym]
+ }
+ $t set $n def $defs($sym)
+ lappend use($sym) $n
+ $t unset $n detail
+ }
+ $t set root definitions [array get defs]
+ foreach sym [array names use] {
+ $t set $defs($sym) users $use($sym)
+ }
+ $t set root undefined {}
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::NewTerminal {t sym} {
+ page_log_info " Terminal: $sym"
+ set r [$t insert root end]
+ $t set $r symbol $sym
+ $t set $r label $sym
+ $t set $r users {}
+ $t set $r mode leaf
+ set s [$t insert $r end]
+ $t set $s op x
+ foreach ch [split $sym {}] {
+ set c [$t insert $s end]
+ $t set $c op t
+ $t set $c char $ch
+ }
+ return $r
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## Internal. Low-level helpers.
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::CopyLocation {t src dst} {
+ $t set $dst range [$t get $src range]
+ $t set $dst range_lc [$t get $src range_lc]
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::MergeLocations {t srca srcb dst} {
+ set ar [$t get $srca range]
+ set arlc [$t get $srca range_lc]
+ set br [$t get $srcb range]
+ set brlc [$t get $srcb range_lc]
+ $t set $dst range [list [lindex $ar 0] [lindex $br 1]]
+ $t set $dst range_lc [list [lindex $arlc 0] [lindex $brlc 1]]
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::AttrCopy {t src asrc dst adst} {
+ $t set $dst $adst [$t get $src $asrc]
+ return
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::Child {t n index} {
+ return [lindex [$t children $n] $index]
+proc ::page::util::norm::lemon::TokReduce {t src attr} {
+ set tokens [$t get $src $attr]
+ set ch {}
+ foreach tok $tokens {
+ lappend ch [lindex $tok 0]
+ }
+ $t set $src $attr [join $ch {}]
+ return
+# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
+## Ready
+package provide page::util::norm::lemon 0.1