path: root/tcllib/modules/pop3/pop3.test
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authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
commitea28451286d3ea4a772fa174483f9a7a66bb1ab3 (patch)
tree6ee9d8a7848333a7ceeee3b13d492e40225f8b86 /tcllib/modules/pop3/pop3.test
parentb5ca09bae0d6a1edce939eea03594dd56383f2c8 (diff)
parent7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569 (diff)
Merge commit '7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569' as 'tcllib'
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/pop3/pop3.test')
1 files changed, 611 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/pop3/pop3.test b/tcllib/modules/pop3/pop3.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b53de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/pop3/pop3.test
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+# -*- tcl -*-
+# pop3.test: tests for the pop3 client.
+# This file contains a collection of tests for one or more of the Tcl
+# built-in commands. Sourcing this file into Tcl runs the tests and
+# generates output for errors. No output means no errors were found.
+# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Andreas Kupries <>
+# All rights reserved.
+# RCS: @(#) $Id: pop3.test,v 1.31 2012/01/10 20:06:52 andreas_kupries Exp $
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+source [file join \
+ [file dirname [file dirname [file join [pwd] [info script]]]] \
+ devtools testutilities.tcl]
+testsNeedTcl 8.4
+testsNeedTcltest 1.0
+tcltest::testConstraint hastls [expr {![catch {package require tls}]}]
+support {
+ #use snit/snit.tcl snit ;# comm futures, not used, still a dependency
+ #use comm/comm.tcl comm
+ use log/log.tcl log
+ useTcllibFile devtools/coserv.tcl ; # loads comm, snit too!
+ useTcllibFile devtools/dialog.tcl
+testing {
+ useLocal pop3.tcl pop3
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Server processes. Programmed dialogs, server side.
+dialog::setup server {Pop3 Fake Server}
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Dialog scripts for the various servers we start ...
+proc init {} {
+ dialog::crlf.
+ dialog::send. {+OK localhost coserv ready <534358773_pop3d1_12380@localhost>}
+proc initBad {} {
+ dialog::crlf.
+ dialog::send. Grumble
+proc loginOk {} {
+ init
+ dialog::respond. {+OK please send PASS command}
+ dialog::respond. {+OK congratulations}
+proc loginStatusOk {} {
+ init
+ dialog::respond. {+OK please send PASS command}
+ dialog::respond. {+OK congratulations}
+ dialog::respond. {+OK 11 176}
+proc loginFailed {} {
+ init
+ dialog::respond. {+OK please send PASS command}
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR authentication failed, sorry}
+proc loginFailedLock {} {
+ init
+ dialog::respond. {+OK please send PASS command}
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR could not aquire lock for maildrop ak}
+proc statusOk {} {
+ loginStatusOk
+ dialog::respond. {+OK 11 176}
+proc statusOkQuit {} {
+ statusOk
+ dialog::respond. {+OK localhost coserv shutting down}
+proc lastFailed {} {
+ loginStatusOk
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR unknown command 'LAST'}
+proc uidlFailed {} {
+ loginStatusOk
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR unknown command 'UIDL'}
+proc retrFailed {} {
+ loginStatusOk
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR unknown command 'LAST'}
+ dialog::respond. {+OK localhost coserv shutting down}
+proc topFailed {} {
+ loginStatusOk
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR no such message}
+ dialog::respond. {+OK localhost coserv shutting down}
+set __messageA {MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain;
+ charset="us-ascii"
+Test ______
+set __messageB {MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain;
+ charset="us-ascii"
+Test ______
+This line can cause a failure.
+set __messageC {MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain;
+ charset="us-ascii"
+Test ______
+This line can cause a failure.
+proc message {msg {n {}}} {
+ if {$n == {}} {set n [string length $msg]}
+ set lines [split $msg \n]
+ set n [llength $lines]
+ foreach l $lines {
+ if {[string match .* $l]} {set l .$l}
+ if {[string length $l] || ($n > 1)} {
+ dialog::send. $l
+ }
+ incr n -1
+ }
+ dialog::send. .
+proc retrMessage {list msg {n {}}} {
+ if {$n == {}} {set n [string length $msg]}
+ loginOk
+ dialog::respond. "+OK 1 $n"
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR unknown command 'LAST'}
+ if {$list} {dialog::respond. "+OK 1 $n"}
+ dialog::respond. "+OK $n octets"
+ message $msg $n
+ dialog::respond. {+OK localhost coserv shutting down}
+proc topMessage {msg} {
+ loginStatusOk
+ dialog::respond. +OK
+ message $msg
+ dialog::respond. {+OK localhost coserv shutting down}
+proc deleDialog {} {
+ loginStatusOk
+ dialog::respond. {+OK 11 176}
+ foreach n {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11} {
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR unknown command 'LAST'}
+ dialog::respond. {+OK 6 octets}
+ dialog::send. {Content-Type: text/plain;}
+ dialog::send. { charset="us-ascii"}
+ dialog::send. {}
+ dialog::send. { }
+ dialog::send. {.}
+ dialog::respond. {-ERR unknown command 'LAST'}
+ dialog::respond. "+OK message $n deleted"
+ }
+ dialog::respond. {+OK localhost coserv shutting down}
+proc bgerror {message} {
+ global errorCode errorInfo
+ puts $errorCode
+ puts $errorInfo
+ return
+proc peek {chan} {
+ set res {}
+ array set _ [::pop3::config $chan]
+ foreach k [lsort [array names _]] {
+ lappend res $k $_($k)
+ }
+ return $res
+# Reduce output generated by the client.
+set disable 1
+::log::lvSuppress info $disable
+::log::lvSuppress notice $disable
+::log::lvSuppress debug $disable
+::log::lvSuppress warning $disable
+#tcltest::verbose {pass body error skip}
+if 0 {
+ rename test test__
+ proc test {args} {
+ puts "[lindex $args 0] ________________________________________________________________________"
+ return [uplevel test__ $args]
+ }
+proc blot {txt sock} {
+ string map [list $sock SOCK] $txt
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Tests. Operations
+# open, status, delete, cut, open, status |
+# open, status, delete, close |
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handling of 'open' alone.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+test pop3-0.0 {bogus options} {
+ catch {pop3::open -foo bar localhost ak smash 7664} msg
+ set msg
+} {::pop3::open : Illegal option "-foo"}
+test pop3-0.1 {bogus options} {
+ catch {pop3::open -msex bar localhost ak smash 2534} msg
+ set msg
+} {:pop3::open : Argument to -msex has to be boolean}
+test pop3-0.2 {bogus options} {
+ catch {pop3::open -retr-mode bar localhost ak smash 54345} msg
+ set msg
+} {:pop3::open : Argument to -retr-mode has to be one of retr, list or slow}
+test pop3-0.3 {not enough arguments} {
+ catch {pop3::open localhost ak} msg
+ set msg
+} {Not enough arguments to ::pop3::open}
+test pop3-0.4 {too many arguments} {
+ catch {pop3::open localhost ak smash 432490 dribble} msg
+ set msg
+} {To many arguments to ::pop3::open}
+test pop3-0.5 {connect to missing server} {
+ catch {pop3::open localhost foo foo 1111} msg
+ string match {couldn't open socket: *} $msg
+} 1
+test pop3-0.6 {wrong type of server (fake)} {
+ dialog::dialog_set initBad
+ catch {pop3::open localhost foo foo [dialog::listener]} msg
+ dialog::waitdone
+ regsub {^([^:]*:).*$} $msg {\1} msg
+ set msg
+test pop3-0.7 {unknown user} {
+ dialog::dialog_set loginFailed
+ catch {pop3::open localhost usrX *** [dialog::listener]} msg
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set msg
+} {POP3 LOGIN ERROR: authentication failed, sorry}
+test pop3-0.8 {open pop3 channel} {
+ dialog::dialog_set loginStatusOk
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set msg [string match sock* $psock]
+ # status data is retained if the connection is not closed through
+ # the prescribed api command.
+ lappend msg [peek $psock]
+ set msg
+} {1 {limit 11 msex 0 retr_mode retr socketcmd ::socket stls 0 tls-callback {}}}
+test pop3-0.9 {outside close} {
+ dialog::dialog_set loginStatusOk
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ close $psock
+ catch {pop3::close $psock} msg
+ dialog::waitdone
+ blot $msg $psock
+} {can not find channel named "SOCK"}
+test pop3-0.10 {multiple open pop3 channel to same maildrop} {
+ dialog::dialog_set loginFailedLock
+ catch {pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]} msg
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set msg
+} {POP3 LOGIN ERROR: could not aquire lock for maildrop ak}
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handling of 'status'.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+test pop3-1.0 {status after cut} {
+ dialog::dialog_set loginStatusOk
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ close $psock
+ catch {pop3::status $psock} msg
+ dialog::waitdone
+ blot $msg $psock
+} {POP3 STAT ERROR: can not find channel named "SOCK"}
+test pop3-1.1 {status after close} {
+ dialog::dialog_set loginStatusOk
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ pop3::close $psock
+ catch {pop3::status $psock} msg
+ dialog::waitdone
+ blot $msg $psock
+} {POP3 STAT ERROR: can not find channel named "SOCK"}
+test pop3-1.2 {status ok} {
+ dialog::dialog_set statusOkQuit
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ set status [pop3::status $psock]
+ lappend status [peek $psock]
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set status
+} {11 176 {limit 11 msex 0 retr_mode retr socketcmd ::socket stls 0 tls-callback {}}}
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handling of 'retrieve'.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+test pop3-2.0 {retrieve, no arguments} {
+ catch {pop3::retrieve} msg
+ set msg
+} [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "pop3::retrieve" "chan start ?end?" 0]
+test pop3-2.1 {retrieve, not enough arguments} {
+ catch {pop3::retrieve sock5} msg
+ set msg
+} [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "pop3::retrieve" "chan start ?end?" 1]
+test pop3-2.2 {retrieve, too many arguments} {
+ catch {pop3::retrieve sock5 foo bar fox} msg
+ set msg
+} [tcltest::tooManyArgs "pop3::retrieve" "chan start ?end?"]
+test pop3-2.3 {retrieve without valid channel} {
+ catch {pop3::retrieve sock5 foo bar} msg
+ set msg
+} {can't read "state(sock5)": no such element in array}
+test pop3-2.4 {retrieve, invalid start} {
+ dialog::dialog_set retrFailed
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ catch {pop3::retrieve $psock foo bar} msg
+ pop3::close $psock
+ list $msg [join [dialog::waitdone] \n]
+} {{POP3 Retrieval error: Bad start index foo} {crlf
+>> {+OK localhost coserv ready <534358773_pop3d1_12380@localhost>}
+<< {USER ak}
+>> {+OK please send PASS command}
+<< {PASS smash}
+>> {+OK congratulations}
+<< STAT
+>> {+OK 11 176}
+<< LAST
+>> {-ERR unknown command 'LAST'}
+<< QUIT
+>> {+OK localhost coserv shutting down}
+test pop3-2.5 {retrieve, invalid end} {
+ dialog::dialog_set retrFailed
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ catch {pop3::retrieve $psock 0 bar} msg
+ pop3::close $psock
+ list $msg [join [dialog::waitdone] \n]
+} {{POP3 Retrieval error: Bad end index bar} {crlf
+>> {+OK localhost coserv ready <534358773_pop3d1_12380@localhost>}
+<< {USER ak}
+>> {+OK please send PASS command}
+<< {PASS smash}
+>> {+OK congratulations}
+<< STAT
+>> {+OK 11 176}
+<< LAST
+>> {-ERR unknown command 'LAST'}
+<< QUIT
+>> {+OK localhost coserv shutting down}
+set msg {MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain;
+ charset="us-ascii"
+foreach {n mode len listflag} {
+ 0 retr {} 0
+ 1 list {} 1
+ 2 slow {} 0
+ 3 retr 98 0
+ 4 retr 114 0
+ 5 retr 0 0
+ 6 retr 1 0
+ 7 retr 97 0
+ 8 retr 113 0
+ 9 retr 99 0
+ 10 retr 115 0
+ 11 retr 116 0
+} {
+ test pop3-2.6.$n "retrieval, $mode $len" {
+ dialog::dialog_set {retrMessage $listflag $__messageA $len}
+ set psock [pop3::open -retr-mode $mode localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ set res [pop3::retrieve $psock 1]
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set res
+ } [list $__messageA] ; # {}
+# Note: 2.7 == 2.6.3 | Separate test cases to make clear that they
+# Note: 2.8 == 2.6.4 | there created to check for a bug report.
+test pop3-2.7 {fast retrieval, .-stuff border break, #528928} {
+ dialog::dialog_set {retrMessage 0 $__messageA 98}
+ set psock [pop3::open -retr-mode retr localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ set res [pop3::retrieve $psock 1]
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set res
+} [list $__messageA]
+test pop3-2.8 {fast retrieval, .-stuff border break, #528928} {
+ dialog::dialog_set {retrMessage 0 $__messageA 114}
+ set psock [pop3::open -retr-mode retr localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ set res [pop3::retrieve $psock 1]
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set res
+} [list $__messageA]
+test pop3-2.9 {fast retrieval, .-stuff border break} {
+ dialog::dialog_set {retrMessage 0 $__messageB 126}
+ set psock [pop3::open -retr-mode retr localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ set res [pop3::retrieve $psock 1]
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set res
+} [list $__messageB]
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handling of 'top'.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+test pop3-3.0 {top, no arguments} {
+ catch {pop3::top} msg
+ set msg
+} [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "pop3::top" "chan msg n" 0]
+test pop3-3.1 {top, not enough arguments} {
+ catch {pop3::top sock5} msg
+ set msg
+} [tcltest::wrongNumArgs "pop3::top" "chan msg n" 1]
+test pop3-3.2 {top, too many arguments} {
+ catch {pop3::top sock5 foo bar fox} msg
+ set msg
+} [tcltest::tooManyArgs "pop3::top" "chan msg n"]
+test pop3-3.3 {top without valid channel} {
+ catch {pop3::top sockXXX foo bar} msg
+ set msg
+} {POP3 TOP ERROR: can not find channel named "sockXXX"}
+test pop3-3.4 {top, invalid message id} {
+ dialog::dialog_set topFailed
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ catch {pop3::top $psock foo bar} msg
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set msg
+} {POP3 TOP ERROR: no such message}
+set msg {MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain;
+ charset="us-ascii"
+test pop3-3.5 {top} {
+ dialog::dialog_set {topMessage $__messageA}
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ set res [pop3::top $psock 1 1]
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set res
+} $__messageA
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handling of 'delete'
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+test pop3-5.0 {get and delete all message, nano-client} {
+ set res ""
+ dialog::dialog_set deleDialog
+ set psock [pop3::open -retr-mode slow localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ set x [lindex [pop3::status $psock] 0]
+ lappend res $x
+ for {set i 0 } {$i < $x} {incr i} {
+ set j [expr {$i + 1}]
+ set msg [pop3::retrieve $psock $j]
+ lappend res [string length $msg]
+ pop3::delete $psock $j
+ }
+ pop3::close $psock
+ set n 3
+ foreach t [dialog::waitdone] {
+ if {![string match "<<*" $t]} {continue}
+ # Ignore commands from the login interaction.
+ if {$n} {incr n -1 ; continue}
+ lappend res [lindex $t 1]
+ }
+ set res
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handling of 'last', 'uidl'.
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+## None. The server used here (tcllib/pop3d)
+## does not support the 'LAST' command, nor 'UIDL'.
+test pop3-6.0 {last} {
+ dialog::dialog_set lastFailed
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ catch {pop3::last $psock} msg
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set msg
+} {POP3 LAST ERROR: unknown command 'LAST'}
+test pop3-6.1 {uidl} {
+ dialog::dialog_set uidlFailed
+ set psock [pop3::open localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ catch {pop3::uidl $psock} msg
+ pop3::close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set msg
+} {POP3 UIDL ERROR: unknown command 'UIDL'}
+test pop3-7.0 {open pop3 channel secured via package tls} hastls {
+ dialog::shutdown
+ dialog::setup server {Pop3 Fake Server} 1
+ tls::init \
+ -keyfile [tcllibPath devtools/receiver.key] \
+ -certfile [tcllibPath devtools/receiver.crt] \
+ -cafile [tcllibPath devtools/ca.crt] \
+ -ssl2 1 \
+ -ssl3 1 \
+ -tls1 0 \
+ -require 1
+ dialog::dialog_set loginStatusOk
+ set psock [pop3::open -socketcmd tls::socket localhost ak smash [dialog::listener]]
+ close $psock
+ dialog::waitdone
+ set msg [string match sock* $psock]
+ # status data is retained if the connection is not closed through
+ # the prescribed api command.
+ lappend msg [peek $psock]
+ set msg
+} {1 {limit 11 msex 0 retr_mode retr socketcmd tls::socket stls 0 tls-callback {}}}
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------