path: root/tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pegrammar.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
commitea28451286d3ea4a772fa174483f9a7a66bb1ab3 (patch)
tree6ee9d8a7848333a7ceeee3b13d492e40225f8b86 /tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pegrammar.tcl
parentb5ca09bae0d6a1edce939eea03594dd56383f2c8 (diff)
parent7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569 (diff)
Merge commit '7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569' as 'tcllib'
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pegrammar.tcl')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pegrammar.tcl b/tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pegrammar.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c264fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/modules/pt/pt_pegrammar.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+# -*- tcl -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Andreas Kupries <>
+# Verification of serialized PEGs, and conversion between
+# serializations and other data structures.
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## Requirements
+package require Tcl 8.5 ; # Required runtime.
+package require pt::pe
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+namespace eval ::pt::peg {
+ namespace export \
+ verify verify-as-canonical canonicalize print merge equal
+ namespace ensemble create
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+## Public API
+# Check that the proposed serialization of a keyword index is
+# indeed such.
+proc ::pt::peg::verify {serial {canonvar {}}} {
+ variable ourprefix
+ variable ourshort
+ variable ourtag
+ variable ourcbadlen
+ variable ourmiss
+ variable ourbadpe
+ variable ourcode
+ # Basic syntax: Length and outer type code
+ if {[llength $serial] != 2} {
+ return -code error $ourprefix$ourshort
+ }
+ lassign $serial tag contents
+ if {$tag ne $ourcode} {
+ return -code error $ourprefix[format $ourtag $tag]
+ }
+ # contents = dict (rules, start -> ...)
+ if {[llength $contents] != 4} {
+ return -code error $ourprefix$ourcbadlen
+ }
+ # Unpack the contents, then check that all necessary keys are
+ # present. Together with the length check we can then also be
+ # sure that no other key is present either.
+ array set peg $contents
+ foreach k {rules start} {
+ if {[info exists peg($k)]} continue
+ return -code error $ourprefix[format $ourmiss $k]
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ pt::pe verify $peg(start) canon
+ } msg]} {
+ return -code error \
+ [string map \
+ [list \
+ {error in serialization:} \
+ $ourprefix[format $ourbadpe start]] \
+ $msg]
+ }
+ if {$canonvar eq {}} {
+ VerifyRules $peg(rules)
+ } else {
+ upvar 1 $canonvar iscanonical
+ set iscanonical $canon
+ VerifyRules $peg(rules) iscanonical
+ # Quick exit if the inner structure was already
+ # non-canonical.
+ if {!$iscanonical} return
+ # Now various checks if the keys and identifiers are
+ # properly sorted to make this a canonical serialization.
+ lassign $contents a _ b _
+ if {[list $a $b] ne {rules start}} {
+ set iscanonical 0
+ }
+ if {$serial ne [list {*}$serial]} {
+ set iscanonical 0
+ }
+ if {$contents ne [list {*}$contents]} {
+ set iscanonical 0
+ }
+ }
+ # Everything checked out.
+ return
+proc ::pt::peg::verify-as-canonical {serial} {
+ verify $serial iscanonical
+ if {!$iscanonical} {
+ variable ourprefix
+ variable ourdupsort
+ return -code error $ourprefix$ourdupsort
+ }
+ return
+proc ::pt::peg::canonicalize {serial} {
+ variable ourcode
+ verify $serial iscanonical
+ if {$iscanonical} { return $serial }
+ # Unpack the serialization.
+ array set peg $serial
+ array set peg $peg($ourcode)
+ unset peg($ourcode)
+ # Construct result, inside out
+ set rules {}
+ array set r $peg(rules)
+ foreach symbol [lsort -dict [array names r]] {
+ array set sd $r($symbol)
+ lappend rules \
+ $symbol [list \
+ is [pt::pe \
+ canonicalize $sd(is)] \
+ mode $sd(mode)]
+ unset sd
+ }
+ set serial [list $ourcode \
+ [list \
+ rules $rules \
+ start [pt::pe \
+ canonicalize $peg(start)]]]
+ return $serial
+# Converts a PEG serialization into a human readable string for
+# test results. It assumes that the serialization is at least
+# structurally sound.
+proc ::pt::peg::print {serial} {
+ variable ourcode
+ # Unpack the serialization.
+ array set peg $serial
+ array set peg $peg($ourcode)
+ unset peg($ourcode)
+ # Print
+ set lines {}
+ lappend lines $ourcode
+ lappend lines " start := [join [split [pt::pe print $peg(start)] \n] "\n "]"
+ lappend lines { rules}
+ foreach {symbol value} $peg(rules) {
+ array set sd $value
+ # keys :: is, mode
+ lappend lines " $symbol :: <$sd(mode)> :="
+ lappend lines " [join [split [pt::pe print $sd(is)] \n] "\n "]"
+ unset sd
+ }
+ return [join $lines \n]
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+proc ::pt::peg::merge {seriala serialb} {
+ variable ourcode
+ verify $seriala
+ verify $serialb
+ array set pega $seriala
+ array set pega $pega($ourcode)
+ unset pega($ourcode)
+ array set pegb $serialb
+ array set pegb $pegb($ourcode)
+ unset pegb($ourcode)
+ array set ra $pega(rules)
+ array set rb $pegb(rules)
+ foreach symbol [array names rb] {
+ if {![info exists ra($symbol)]} {
+ # No conflict possible, copy over
+ set ra($symbol) $rb($symbol)
+ } else {
+ # unpack definitions, check for conflicts
+ array set sda $ra($symbol)
+ array set sdb $rb($symbol)
+ if {$sda(mode) ne $sdb(mode)} {
+ return -code "Merge error for nonterminal \"$symbol\", semantic mode mismatch"
+ }
+ # Merge parsing expressions, if not identical ...
+ if {![pt::pe equal \
+ $sda(is) \
+ $sdb(is)]} {
+ set sda(is) [pt::pe choice \
+ $sda(is) \
+ $sdb(is)]
+ set ra($symbol) [array get sda]
+ }
+ unset sda
+ unset sdb
+ }
+ }
+ # Construct result, inside out
+ set rules {}
+ foreach symbol [lsort -dict [array names ra]] {
+ array set sd $ra($symbol)
+ lappend rules \
+ $symbol [list \
+ is $sd(is) \
+ mode $sd(mode)]
+ unset sd
+ }
+ if {![pt::pe equal \
+ $pega(start) \
+ $pegb(start)]} {
+ set start [pt::pe choice \
+ $pega(start) \
+ $pegb(start)]
+ } else {
+ set start $pega(start)
+ }
+ set serial [list $ourcode \
+ [list \
+ rules $rules \
+ start $start]]
+ return $serial
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+proc ::pt::peg::equal {seriala serialb} {
+ # syntactical (intensional) grammar equality.
+ string equal \
+ [canonicalize $seriala] \
+ [canonicalize $serialb]
+# # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+proc ::pt::peg::VerifyRules {rules {canonvar {}}} {
+ variable ourprefix
+ variable ourrbadlen
+ variable oursdup
+ variable oursempty
+ variable oursbadlen
+ variable oursmiss
+ variable ourbadpe
+ variable ourbadmode
+ variable ourmode
+ if {$canonvar ne {}} {
+ upvar 1 $canonvar iscanonical
+ }
+ if {[llength $rules] % 2 == 1} {
+ return -code error $ourprefix$ourrbadlen
+ }
+ if {$rules ne [list {*}$rules]} {
+ set iscanonical 0
+ }
+ array set r $rules
+ if {([array size r]*2) < [llength $rules]} {
+ return -code error $ourprefix$oursdup
+ }
+ foreach symbol [array names r] {
+ if {$symbol eq {}} {
+ return -code error $ourprefix$oursempty
+ }
+ set def $r($symbol)
+ if {[llength $def] != 4} {
+ return -code error $ourprefix[format $oursbadlen $symbol]
+ }
+ if {$def ne [list {*}$def]} {
+ set iscanonical 0
+ }
+ array set sd $def
+ foreach k {is mode} {
+ if {[info exists sd($k)]} continue
+ return -code error $ourprefix[format $oursmiss $symbol $k]
+ }
+ if {[catch {
+ pt::pe verify $sd(is) canon
+ } msg]} {
+ return -code error \
+ [string map \
+ [list \
+ {error in serialization:} \
+ $ourprefix[format $ourbadpe ($symbol)]] \
+ $msg]
+ }
+ if {![info exists ourmode($sd(mode))]} {
+ return -code error $ourprefix[format $ourbadmode $symbol $sd(mode)]
+ }
+ # Now various checks if the keys and identifiers are
+ # properly sorted to make this a canonical serialization.
+ if {!$canon} {
+ set iscanonical 0
+ continue
+ }
+ lassign $def a _ b _
+ if {[list $a $b] ne {is mode}} {
+ set iscanonical 0
+ }
+ }
+ return
+namespace eval ::pt::peg {
+ # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+ variable ourcode pt::grammar::peg
+ variable ourprefix {error in serialization:}
+ # # Test cases (grammar-peg-structure-)
+ variable ourshort { dictionary too short, expected exactly one key} ; #
+ variable ourtag { bad type tag "%s"} ; #
+ variable ourcbadlen { dictionary of bad length, expected exactly two keys} ; #
+ variable ourmiss { missing expected key "%s"} ; #
+ variable oursmiss { symbol "%s", missing expected key "%s"} ; #
+ variable ourbadpe { bad %s parsing expression:} ; #
+ variable ourbadmode { symbol "%s", bad nonterminal mode "%s"} ; #
+ variable ourrbadlen { rule dictionary of bad length, not a dictionary} ; #
+ variable oursempty { expected symbol name, got empty string}
+ variable oursbadlen { symbol dictionary for "%s" of bad length, expected exactly two keys} ; #
+ variable oursdup { duplicate nonterminal keywords} ; #
+ # Message for non-canonical serialization when expecting canonical form
+ variable ourdupsort { duplicate and/or unsorted keywords and/or irrelevant whitespace} ; #
+ variable ourmode
+ array set ourmode {
+ value .
+ leaf .
+ void .
+ }
+ ##
+ # # ## ### ##### ######## #############
+# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# #####################
+## Ready
+package provide pt::peg 1