path: root/tcllib/support/devel/sak/doc/doc.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2019-02-15 18:18:37 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2019-02-15 18:18:37 (GMT)
commit7f1623e3f658b2dc4ddad0f1b9309a156de82065 (patch)
treec4545af8e8fed1e426420e63dc6183cd7330d9d6 /tcllib/support/devel/sak/doc/doc.tcl
parent4ebaf6a439560cadf7424b1427cd2f85e411179e (diff)
update tcllib
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/support/devel/sak/doc/doc.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 262 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/support/devel/sak/doc/doc.tcl b/tcllib/support/devel/sak/doc/doc.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 59ab9b7..0000000
--- a/tcllib/support/devel/sak/doc/doc.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-# -*- tcl -*-
-# sak::doc - Documentation facilities
-package require sak::util
-package require sak::doc::auto
-namespace eval ::sak::doc {}
-# ###
-# API commands
-## ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
-proc ::sak::doc::index {modules} {
- # The argument (= set of modules) is irrelevant to this command.
- global base
- # First locate all manpages in the CVS workspace.
- set manpages [auto::findManpages $base]
- auto::saveManpages $manpages
- # Then scan the found pages and extract the information needed for
- # keyword index and table of contents.
- array set meta [auto::scanManpages $manpages]
- # Sort through the extracted data.
- array set kwic {} ; # map: keyword -> list (file...)
- array set title {} ; # map: file -> description
- array set cat {} ; # map: category -> list (file...)
- array set name {} ; # map: file -> label
- set apps {} ; # list (file...)
- array set mods {} ; # map: module -> list(file...)
- foreach page [array names meta] {
- unset -nocomplain m
- array set m $meta($page)
- # Collect keywords and file mapping for index.
- foreach kw $m(keywords) {
- lappend kwic($kw) $page
- }
- # Get page title, relevant for display order
- if {$m(desc) eq ""} {
- set m(desc) $m(shortdesc)
- }
- set title($page) $m(desc)
- # Get page name/title, relevant for display order.
- set name($page) $m(title)
- # Get page category, for sectioning and display order in the
- # table of contents
- if {$m(category) ne ""} {
- set c $m(category)
- } else {
- set c Unfiled
- }
- lappend cat($c) $page
- # Type of documented entity
- set type [lindex [file split $page] 0]
- if {$type eq "apps"} {
- lappend apps $page
- } else {
- lappend mods([lindex [file split $page] 1]) $page
- }
- }
- #parray meta
- #parray kwic
- #parray title
- #parray name
- #parray cat
- #puts "apps = $apps"
- #parray mods
- auto::saveKeywordIndex kwic name
- auto::saveTableOfContents title name cat apps mods
- auto::saveSimpleTableOfContents1 title name apps toc_apps.txt
- auto::saveSimpleTableOfContents2 title name mods toc_mods.txt
- auto::saveSimpleTableOfContents3 title name cat toc_cats.txt
- return
-proc ::sak::doc::imake {modules} {
- global base
- # The argument (= set of modules) is irrelevant to this command.
- auto::saveManpages [auto::findManpages $base]
- return
-proc ::sak::doc::ishow {modules} {
- if {[catch {
- set manpages [auto::loadManpages]
- } msg]} {
- puts stderr "Unable to use manpage listing '[auto::manpages]'\n$msg"
- } else {
- puts [join $manpages \n]
- }
- return
-## ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
-proc ::sak::doc::validate {modules} {Gen null null $modules}
-proc ::sak::doc::html {modules} {Gen html html $modules}
-proc ::sak::doc::nroff {modules} {Gen nroff n $modules}
-proc ::sak::doc::tmml {modules} {Gen tmml tmml $modules}
-proc ::sak::doc::text {modules} {Gen text txt $modules}
-proc ::sak::doc::wiki {modules} {Gen wiki wiki $modules}
-proc ::sak::doc::latex {modules} {Gen latex tex $modules}
-proc ::sak::doc::dvi {modules} {
- latex $modules
- file mkdir [file join doc dvi]
- cd [file join doc dvi]
- foreach f [lsort -dict [glob -nocomplain ../latex/*.tex]] {
- set target [file rootname [file tail $f]].dvi
- if {[file exists $target]
- && [file mtime $target] > [file mtime $f]} {
- continue
- }
- puts "Gen (dvi): $f"
- exec latex $f 1>@ stdout 2>@ stderr
- }
- cd ../..
- return
-proc ::sak::doc::ps {modules} {
- dvi $modules
- file mkdir [file join doc ps]
- cd [file join doc ps]
- foreach f [lsort -dict [glob -nocomplain ../dvi/*.dvi]] {
- set target [file rootname [file tail $f]].ps
- if {[file exists $target]
- && [file mtime $target] > [file mtime $f]} {
- continue
- }
- puts "Gen (ps): $f"
- exec dvips -o $target $f >@ stdout 2>@ stderr
- }
- cd ../..
- return
-proc ::sak::doc::pdf {modules} {
- dvi $modules
- file mkdir [file join doc pdf]
- cd [file join doc pdf]
- foreach f [lsort -dict [glob -nocomplain ../ps/*.ps]] {
- set target [file rootname [file tail $f]].pdf
- if {[file exists $target]
- && [file mtime $target] > [file mtime $f]} {
- continue
- }
- puts "Gen (pdf): $f"
- exec ps2pdf $f $target >@ stdout 2>@ stderr
- }
- cd ../..
- return
-proc ::sak::doc::list {modules} {
- Gen list l $modules
- set FILES [glob -nocomplain doc/list/*.l]
- set LIST [open [file join doc list manpages.tcl] w]
- foreach file $FILES {
- set f [open $file r]
- puts $LIST [read $f]
- close $f
- }
- close $LIST
- eval file delete -force $FILES
- return
-# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
-## Implementation
-proc ::sak::doc::Gen {fmt ext modules} {
- global distribution
- global tcl_platform
- getpackage doctools doctools/doctools.tcl
- set null 0 ; if {![string compare $fmt null]} {set null 1}
- set hidden 0 ; if {![string compare $fmt desc]} {set hidden 1}
- if {!$null} {
- file mkdir [file join doc $fmt]
- set prefix "Gen ($fmt)"
- } else {
- set prefix "Validate "
- }
- foreach m $modules {
- set mpath [sak::util::module2path $m]
- ::doctools::new dt \
- -format $fmt \
- -module $m
- set fl [glob -nocomplain [file join $mpath *.man]]
- if {[llength $fl] == 0} {
- dt destroy
- continue
- }
- foreach f $fl {
- if {!$null} {
- set target [file join doc $fmt \
- [file rootname [file tail $f]].$ext]
- if {[file exists $target]
- && [file mtime $target] > [file mtime $f]} {
- continue
- }
- }
- if {!$hidden} {puts "$prefix: $f"}
- dt configure -file $f
- if {$null} {
- dt configure -deprecated 1
- }
- set fail [catch {
- set data [dt format [get_input $f]]
- } msg]
- set warnings [dt warnings]
- if {[llength $warnings] > 0} {
- puts stderr [join $warnings \n]
- }
- if {$fail} {
- puts stderr $msg
- continue
- }
- if {!$null} {
- write_out $target $data
- }
- }
- dt destroy
- }
-# ### ### ### ######### ######### #########
-package provide sak::doc 1.0
-# ###