path: root/tcllib/support/devel/sak/validate/syntax.tcl
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authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-27 19:39:39 (GMT)
commitea28451286d3ea4a772fa174483f9a7a66bb1ab3 (patch)
tree6ee9d8a7848333a7ceeee3b13d492e40225f8b86 /tcllib/support/devel/sak/validate/syntax.tcl
parentb5ca09bae0d6a1edce939eea03594dd56383f2c8 (diff)
parent7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569 (diff)
Merge commit '7c621da28f07e449ad90c387344f07a453927569' as 'tcllib'
Diffstat (limited to 'tcllib/support/devel/sak/validate/syntax.tcl')
1 files changed, 668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tcllib/support/devel/sak/validate/syntax.tcl b/tcllib/support/devel/sak/validate/syntax.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24e06d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcllib/support/devel/sak/validate/syntax.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+# -*- tcl -*-
+# (C) 2008 Andreas Kupries <>
+# ###
+package require sak::animate
+package require sak::feedback
+package require sak::color
+getpackage textutil::repeat textutil/repeat.tcl
+getpackage doctools doctools/doctools.tcl
+namespace eval ::sak::validate::syntax {
+ namespace import ::textutil::repeat::blank
+ namespace import ::sak::color::*
+ namespace import ::sak::feedback::!
+ namespace import ::sak::feedback::>>
+ namespace import ::sak::feedback::+=
+ namespace import ::sak::feedback::=
+ namespace import ::sak::feedback::=|
+ namespace import ::sak::feedback::log
+ namespace import ::sak::feedback::summary
+ rename summary sum
+# ###
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax {modules mode stem tclv} {
+ syntax::run $modules $mode $stem $tclv
+ syntax::summary
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::run {modules mode stem tclv} {
+ sak::feedback::init $mode $stem
+ sak::feedback::first log "\[ Syntax \] ======================================================"
+ sak::feedback::first unc "\[ Syntax \] ======================================================"
+ sak::feedback::first fail "\[ Syntax \] ======================================================"
+ sak::feedback::first warn "\[ Syntax \] ======================================================"
+ sak::feedback::first miss "\[ Syntax \] ======================================================"
+ sak::feedback::first none "\[ Syntax \] ======================================================"
+ # Preprocessing of module names to allow better formatting of the
+ # progress output, i.e. vertically aligned columns
+ # Per module we can distinguish the following levels of
+ # syntactic completeness and validity.
+ # Rule completeness
+ # - No package has pcx rules
+ # - Some, but not all packages have pcx rules
+ # - All packages have pcx rules
+ #
+ # Validity. Not of the pcx rules, but of the files in the
+ # packages.
+ # - Package has errors and warnings
+ # - Package has errors, but no warnings.
+ # - Package has no errors, but warnings.
+ # - Package has neither errors nor warnings.
+ # Progress report per module: Modules and packages it is working on.
+ # Summary at module level:
+ # - Number of packages, number of packages with pcx rules
+ # - Number of errors, number of warnings.
+ # Full log:
+ # - Lists packages without pcx rules.
+ # - Lists packages with errors/warnings.
+ # - Lists the exact errors/warnings per package, and location.
+ # Global preparation: Pull information about all packages and the
+ # modules they belong to.
+ Setup
+ Count $modules
+ MapPackages
+ InitCounters
+ foreach m $modules {
+ # Skip tcllibc shared library, not a module.
+ if {[string equal $m tcllibc]} continue
+ InitModuleCounters
+ !
+ log "@@ Module $m"
+ Head $m
+ # Per module: Find all syntax definition (pcx) files inside
+ # and process them. Further find all the Tcl files and process
+ # them as well. We get errors, warnings, and determine the
+ # package(s) they may belong to.
+ # Per package: Have they pcx files claiming them? After that,
+ # are pcx files left over (i.e. without a package)?
+ ProcessAllPCX $m
+ ProcessPackages $m
+ ProcessUnclaimed
+ ProcessTclSources $m $tclv
+ ModuleSummary
+ }
+ Shutdown
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::summary {} {
+ Summary
+ return
+# ###
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::ProcessAllPCX {m} {
+ !claims
+ foreach f [glob -nocomplain [file join [At $m] *.pcx]] {
+ ProcessOnePCX $f
+ }
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::ProcessOnePCX {f} {
+ =file $f
+ if {[catch {
+ Scan [get_input $f]
+ } msg]} {
+ +e $msg
+ } else {
+ +claim $msg
+ }
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::ProcessPackages {m} {
+ !used
+ if {![HasPackages $m]} return
+ foreach p [ThePackages $m] {
+ +pkg $p
+ if {[claimants $p]} {
+ +pcx $p
+ } else {
+ nopcx $p
+ }
+ }
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::ProcessUnclaimed {} {
+ variable claims
+ if {![array size claims]} return
+ foreach p [lsort -dict [array names claims]] {
+ foreach fx $claims($p) { +u $fx }
+ }
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::ProcessTclSources {m tclv} {
+ variable tclchecker
+ if {![llength $tclchecker]} return
+ foreach t [modtclfiles $m] {
+ # Ignore TeX files.
+ if {[string equal [file extension $t] .tex]} continue
+ =file $t
+ set cmd [Command $t $tclv]
+ if {[catch {Close [Process [open |$cmd r+]]} msg]} {
+ if {[string match {*child process exited abnormally*} $msg]} continue
+ +e $msg
+ }
+ }
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Setup {} {
+ variable ip [interp create]
+ # Make it mostly empty (We keep the 'set' command).
+ foreach n [interp eval $ip [list ::namespace children ::]] {
+ if {[string equal $n ::tcl]} continue
+ interp eval $ip [list namespace delete $n]
+ }
+ foreach c [interp eval $ip [list ::info commands]] {
+ if {[string equal $c set]} continue
+ if {[string equal $c if]} continue
+ if {[string equal $c rename]} continue
+ if {[string equal $c namespace]} continue
+ interp eval $ip [list ::rename $c {}]
+ }
+ if {![package vsatisfies [package present Tcl] 8.6]} {
+ interp eval $ip [list ::namespace delete ::tcl]
+ }
+ interp eval $ip [list ::rename namespace {}]
+ interp eval $ip [list ::rename rename {}]
+ foreach m {
+ pcx::register unknown
+ } {
+ interp alias $ip $m {} ::sak::validate::syntax::PCX/[string map {:: _} $m] $ip
+ }
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Shutdown {} {
+ variable ip
+ interp delete $ip
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Scan {data} {
+ variable ip
+ variable pcxpackage
+ while {1} {
+ if {[catch {
+ $ip eval $data
+ } msg]} {
+ if {[string match {can't read "*": no such variable} $msg]} {
+ regexp {can't read "(.*)": no such variable} $msg -> var
+ log "@@ + variable \"$var\""
+ $ip eval [list set $var {}]
+ continue
+ }
+ return -code error $msg
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ return $pcxpackage
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::PCX/pcx_register {ip pkg} {
+ variable pcxpackage $pkg
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::PCX/unknown {ip args} {
+ return 0
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Process {pipe} {
+ variable current
+ set dst log
+ while {1} {
+ if {[eof $pipe]} break
+ if {[gets $pipe line] < 0} break
+ set tline [string trim $line]
+ if {[string equal $tline ""]} continue
+ if {[string match scanning:* $tline]} {
+ log $line
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[string match checking:* $tline]} {
+ log $line
+ continue
+ }
+ if {[regexp {^([^:]*):(\d+) \(([^)]*)\) (.*)$} $tline -> path at code detail]} {
+ = "$current $at $code"
+ set dst code,$code
+ if {[IsError $code]} {
+ +e $line
+ } else {
+ +w $line
+ }
+ }
+ log $line $dst
+ }
+ return $pipe
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::IsError {code} {
+ variable codetype
+ variable codec
+ if {[info exists codec($code)]} {
+ return $codec($code)
+ }
+ foreach {p t} $codetype {
+ if {![string match $p $code]} continue
+ set codec($code) $t
+ return $t
+ }
+ # We assume that codetype contains a default * pattern as the last
+ # entry, capturing all unknown codes.
+ exit
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Command {t tclv} {
+ # Unix. Construction of the pipe to run the tclchecker against a
+ # single tcl file.
+ set cmd [Driver $tclv]
+ lappend cmd $t
+ #lappend cmd >@ stdout 2>@ stderr
+ #puts <<$cmd>>
+ return $cmd
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Close {pipe} {
+ close $pipe
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Driver {tclv} {
+ variable tclchecker
+ set cmd $tclchecker
+ if {$tclv ne {}} { lappend cmd -use Tcl-$tclv }
+ # Make all syntax definition files we may have available to the
+ # checker for higher accuracy of its output.
+ foreach m [modules] { lappend cmd -pcx [At $m] }
+ # Memoize
+ proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Driver {tclv} [list return $cmd]
+ return $cmd
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::=file {f} {
+ variable current [file tail $f]
+ = "$current ..."
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::!claims {} {
+ variable claims
+ array unset claims *
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::+claim {pkg} {
+ variable current
+ variable claims
+ lappend claims($pkg) $current
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::claimants {pkg} {
+ variable claims
+ expr { [info exists claims($pkg)] && [llength $claims($pkg)] }
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::!used {} {
+ variable used
+ array unset used *
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::+use {pkg} {
+ variable used
+ variable claims
+ foreach fx $claims($pkg) { set used($fx) . }
+ unset claims($pkg)
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::MapPackages {} {
+ variable pkg
+ array unset pkg *
+ !
+ += Package
+ foreach {pname pdata} [ipackages] {
+ = "$pname ..."
+ foreach {pver pmodule} $pdata break
+ lappend pkg($pmodule) $pname
+ }
+ !
+ =| {Packages mapped ...}
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::HasPackages {m} {
+ variable pkg
+ expr { [info exists pkg($m)] && [llength $pkg($m)] }
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::ThePackages {m} {
+ variable pkg
+ return [lsort -dict $pkg($m)]
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::+pkg {pkg} {
+ variable mtotal ; incr mtotal
+ variable total ; incr total
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::+pcx {pkg} {
+ variable mhavepcx ; incr mhavepcx
+ variable havepcx ; incr havepcx
+ = "$pkg Ok"
+ +use $pkg
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::nopcx {pkg} {
+ = "$pkg Bad"
+ log "@@ WARN No syntax definition: $pkg"
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::+w {msg} {
+ variable mwarnings ; incr mwarnings
+ variable warnings ; incr warnings
+ variable current
+ foreach {a b c} [split $msg \n] break
+ log "@@ WARN $current: [Trim $a] [Trim $b] [Trim $c]"
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::+e {msg} {
+ variable merrors ; incr merrors
+ variable errors ; incr errors
+ variable current
+ log "@@ ERROR $current $msg"
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::+u {f} {
+ variable used
+ if {[info exists used($f)]} return
+ variable munclaimed ; incr munclaimed
+ variable unclaimed ; incr unclaimed
+ set used($f) .
+ log "@@ WARN Unclaimed syntax definition file: $f"
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Count {modules} {
+ variable maxml 0
+ !
+ foreach m [linsert $modules 0 Module] {
+ = "M $m"
+ set l [string length $m]
+ if {$l > $maxml} {set maxml $l}
+ }
+ =| "Validate syntax (code, and API definitions) ..."
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Head {m} {
+ variable maxml
+ += ${m}[blank [expr {$maxml - [string length $m]}]]
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::InitModuleCounters {} {
+ variable mtotal 0
+ variable mhavepcx 0
+ variable munclaimed 0
+ variable merrors 0
+ variable mwarnings 0
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::ModuleSummary {} {
+ variable mtotal
+ variable mhavepcx
+ variable munclaimed
+ variable merrors
+ variable mwarnings
+ variable tclchecker
+ set complete [F $mhavepcx]/[F $mtotal]
+ set not "! [F [expr {$mtotal - $mhavepcx}]]"
+ set err "E [F $merrors]"
+ set warn "W [F $mwarnings]"
+ set unc "U [F $munclaimed]"
+ if {$munclaimed} {
+ set unc [=cya $unc]
+ >> unc
+ }
+ if {!$mhavepcx && $mtotal} {
+ set complete [=red $complete]
+ set not [=red $not]
+ >> none
+ } elseif {$mhavepcx < $mtotal} {
+ set complete [=yel $complete]
+ set not [=yel $not]
+ >> miss
+ }
+ if {[llength $tclchecker]} {
+ if {$merrors} {
+ set err " [=red $err]"
+ set warn " [=yel $warn]"
+ >> fail
+ } elseif {$mwarnings} {
+ set err " $err"
+ set warn " [=yel $warn]"
+ >> warn
+ } else {
+ set err " $err"
+ set warn " $warn"
+ }
+ } else {
+ set err ""
+ set warn ""
+ }
+ =| "~~ $complete $not $unc$err$warn"
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::InitCounters {} {
+ variable total 0
+ variable havepcx 0
+ variable unclaimed 0
+ variable errors 0
+ variable warnings 0
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Summary {} {
+ variable total
+ variable havepcx
+ variable unclaimed
+ variable errors
+ variable warnings
+ variable tclchecker
+ set tot [F $total]
+ set doc [F $havepcx]
+ set udc [F [expr {$total - $havepcx}]]
+ set unc [F $unclaimed]
+ set per [format %6.2f [expr {$havepcx*100./$total}]]
+ set uper [format %6.2f [expr {($total - $havepcx)*100./$total}]]
+ set err [F $errors]
+ set wrn [F $warnings]
+ if {$errors} { set err [=red $err] }
+ if {$warnings} { set wrn [=yel $wrn] }
+ if {$unclaimed} { set unc [=cya $unc] }
+ if {!$havepcx && $total} {
+ set doc [=red $doc]
+ set udc [=red $udc]
+ } elseif {$havepcx < $total} {
+ set doc [=yel $doc]
+ set udc [=yel $udc]
+ }
+ if {[llength $tclchecker]} {
+ set sfx " ($tclchecker)"
+ } else {
+ set sfx " ([=cya {No tclchecker available}])"
+ }
+ sum ""
+ sum "Syntax statistics$sfx"
+ sum "#Packages: $tot"
+ sum "#Syntax def: $doc (${per}%)"
+ sum "#No syntax: $udc (${uper}%)"
+ sum "#Unclaimed: $unc"
+ if {[llength $tclchecker]} {
+ sum "#Errors: $err"
+ sum "#Warnings: $wrn"
+ }
+ return
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::F {n} { format %6d $n }
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::Trim {text} {
+ regsub {^[^:]*:} $text {} text
+ return [string trim $text]
+proc ::sak::validate::syntax::At {m} {
+ global distribution
+ return [file join $distribution modules $m]
+# ###
+namespace eval ::sak::validate::syntax {
+ # Max length of module names and patchlevel information.
+ variable maxml 0
+ # Counters across all modules
+ variable total 0 ; # Number of packages overall.
+ variable havepcx 0 ; # Number of packages with syntax definition (pcx) files.
+ variable unclaimed 0 ; # Number of PCX files not claimed by a specific package.
+ variable errors 0 ; # Number of errors found in all code.
+ variable warnings 0 ; # Number of warnings found in all code.
+ # Same counters, per module.
+ variable mtotal 0
+ variable mhavepcx 0
+ variable munclaimed 0
+ variable merrors 0
+ variable mwarnings 0
+ # Name of currently processed syntax definition or code file
+ variable current ""
+ # Map from packages to files claiming to define the syntax of their API.
+ variable claims
+ array set claims {}
+ # Set of files taken by packages, as array
+ variable used
+ array set used {}
+ # Map from modules to packages contained in them
+ variable pkg
+ array set pkg {}
+ # Transient storage used while collecting packages per syntax definition.
+ variable pcxpackage {}
+ variable ip {}
+ # Location of the tclchecker used to perform syntactic validation.
+ variable tclchecker [auto_execok tclchecker]
+ # Patterns for separation of errors from warnings
+ variable codetype {
+ warn* 0
+ nonPort* 0
+ pkgUnchecked 0
+ pkgVConflict 0
+ * 1
+ }
+ variable codec ; array set codec {}
+# ###
+package provide sak::validate::syntax 1.0