path: root/tclxml/tcldom-tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2019-01-02 21:11:07 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2019-01-02 21:11:07 (GMT)
commita2f632142c20caf1b58cf26cbcc10e8ab598fc92 (patch)
tree345caa9e72dec72fdca32aecbe8df5f51348d4b1 /tclxml/tcldom-tcl
parent38372df5fe93ad7eda2915ca1f5335d03a04af5d (diff)
update TEA 3.13
Diffstat (limited to 'tclxml/tcldom-tcl')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 4919 deletions
diff --git a/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/dom.tcl b/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/dom.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b3edc99..0000000
--- a/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/dom.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4291 +0,0 @@
-# dom.tcl --
-# This file implements the Tcl language binding for the DOM -
-# the Document Object Model. Support for the core specification
-# is given here. Layered support for specific languages,
-# such as HTML, will be in separate modules.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zveno Pty Ltd
-# See the file "LICENSE" in this distribution for information on usage and
-# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# $Id: dom.tcl,v 2009/01/16 22:11:49 joye Exp $
-# We need the xml package, so that we get Name defined
-package require xml 3.0
-package provide dom::tcl 3.0
-# Define generic constants
-namespace eval dom {
- namespace export DOMImplementation
- namespace export hasFeature createDocument create createDocumentType
- namespace export createNode destroy isNode parse selectNode serialize
- namespace export trim
- namespace export document documentFragment node
- namespace export element textNode attribute
- namespace export processingInstruction
- namespace export documenttype
- namespace export event
- variable maxSpecials
- if {![info exists maxSpecials]} {
- set maxSpecials 10
- }
- variable strictDOM 0
- # Default -indentspec value
- # spaces-per-indent-level {collapse-re collapse-value}
- variable indentspec [list 2 [list { } \t]]
- # The Namespace URI for XML Namespace declarations
- variable xmlnsURI
- # DOM Level 2 Event defaults
- variable bubbles
- array set bubbles {
- DOMFocusIn 1
- DOMFocusOut 1
- DOMActivate 1
- click 1
- mousedown 1
- mouseup 1
- mouseover 1
- mousemove 1
- mouseout 1
- DOMSubtreeModified 1
- DOMNodeInserted 1
- DOMNodeRemoved 1
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument 0
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument 0
- DOMAttrModified 1
- DOMAttrRemoved 1
- DOMCharacterDataModified 1
- }
- variable cancelable
- array set cancelable {
- DOMFocusIn 0
- DOMFocusOut 0
- DOMActivate 1
- click 1
- mousedown 1
- mouseup 1
- mouseover 1
- mousemove 0
- mouseout 1
- DOMSubtreeModified 0
- DOMNodeInserted 0
- DOMNodeRemoved 0
- DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument 0
- DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument 0
- DOMAttrModified 0
- DOMAttrRemoved 0
- DOMCharacterDataModified 0
- }
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- namespace export DOMImplementation
- namespace export hasFeature createDocument create createDocumentType
- namespace export createNode destroy isNode parse selectNode serialize
- namespace export trim
- namespace export document documentFragment node
- namespace export element textNode attribute
- namespace export processingInstruction
- namespace export event
-foreach p {DOMImplementation hasFeature createDocument create createDocumentType createNode destroy isNode parse selectNode serialize trim document documentFragment node element textNode attribute processingInstruction event documenttype} {
- proc dom::$p args "return \[eval tcl::$p \$args\]"
-# Data structures
-# Documents are stored in a Tcl namespace within the ::dom namespace.
-# The Document array variable stores data for the document itself.
-# Each node has an array variable for its data.
-# "Live" data objects are stored as a separate Tcl variable.
-# Lists, such as child node lists, are Tcl list variables (ie scalar)
-# and keyed-value lists, such as attribute lists, are Tcl array
-# variables. The accessor function returns the variable name,
-# which the application should treat as a read-only object.
-# A token is a FQ Tcl variable name.
-# dom::tcl::DOMImplementation --
-# Implementation-dependent functions.
-# Most importantly, this command provides a function to
-# create a document instance.
-# Arguments:
-# method method to invoke
-# token token for node
-# args arguments for method
-# Results:
-# Depends on method used.
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- variable DOMImplementationOptions {}
- variable DOMImplementationCounter
- if {![info exists DOMImplementationCounter]} {
- set DOMImplementationCounter 0
- }
-proc dom::tcl::DOMImplementation {method args} {
- variable DOMImplementationOptions
- variable DOMImplementationCounter
- switch -- $method {
- hasFeature {
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::DOMImplementation method args..."
- }
- # Later on, could use Tcl package facility
- if {[regexp {create|destroy|parse|query|serialize|trim|Events|UIEvents|isNode} [lindex $args 0]]} {
- if {![string compare [lindex $args 1] "1.0"]} {
- return 1
- } else {
- return 0
- }
- } else {
- return 0
- }
- }
- createDocument {
- # createDocument introduced in DOM Level 2
- if {[llength $args] != 3} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be DOMImplementation nsURI name doctype"
- }
- set doc [DOMImplementation create]
- if {[string length [lindex $args 2]]} {
- array set $doc [list document:doctype [lindex $args 2]]
- }
- document createElementNS $doc [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]
- return $doc
- }
- create {
- # Non-standard method (see createDocument)
- # Bootstrap a document instance
- if {[llength $args] > 0} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be DOMImplementation create"
- }
- # Allocate unique document array name
- set ns [namespace current]::document[incr DOMImplementationCounter]
- set name ${ns}::Document
- # Create the Tcl namespace for this document
- namespace eval $ns {
- namespace export Document
- }
- set varPrefix ${name}var
- set arrayPrefix ${name}arr
- array set $name [list counter 1 \
- node:nodeType document \
- node:parentNode {} \
- node:nodeName #document \
- node:nodeValue {} \
- node:childNodes ${varPrefix}1 \
- documentFragment:masterDoc $name \
- document:implementation [namespace current]::DOMImplementation \
- document:xmldecl {version 1.0} \
- document:documentElement {} \
- document:doctype {} \
- ]
- # Initialise child node list
- set $varPrefix {}
- # Create a Tcl command for the document
- proc $name {method args} "return \[eval [namespace current]::document \[list \$method\] $name \$args\]"
- # Capture destruction of the document
- trace add command $name delete [namespace code [list Document:Delete $name]]
- # Return the new toplevel node
- return $name
- }
- createDocumentType {
- # Introduced in DOM Level 2
- # Patch from c.l.t., Richard Calmbach ( )
- if {[llength $args] < 3 || [llength $args] > 4} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be: DOMImplementation createDocumentType qname publicid systemid ?internaldtd?"
- }
- return [eval CreateDocType $args]
- }
- createNode {
- # Non-standard method
- # Creates node(s) in the given document given an XPath expression
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::DOMImplementation createNode xpath"
- }
- package require xpath
- return [XPath:CreateNode [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]]
- }
- destroy {
- # Free all memory associated with a node
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::DOMImplementation destroy token"
- }
- if {[catch {upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] node}]} {
- # If the document is being destroyed then the Tcl namespace no longer exists
- return {}
- }
- switch $node(node:nodeType) {
- document -
- documentFragment {
- if {[string length $node(node:parentNode)]} {
- unset $node(node:childNodes)
- # Dispatch events
- event postMutationEvent $node(node:parentNode) DOMSubtreeModified
- return {}
- }
- # else this is the root document node,
- # and we can optimize the cleanup.
- # No need to dispatch events.
- # First remove all command traces
- foreach nodecmd [info commands [namespace qualifiers [lindex $args 0]]::*] {
- trace remove command $nodecmd delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $nodecmd]]
- }
- namespace delete [namespace qualifiers [lindex $args 0]]
- }
- documentType {
- trace remove command [lindex $args 0] delete [namespace code [list DocumentType:Delete [lindex $args 0]]]
- rename [lindex $args 0] {}
- unset [lindex $args 0]
- }
- element {
- # First make sure the node is removed from the tree
- if {[string length $node(node:parentNode)]} {
- node removeChild $node(node:parentNode) [lindex $args 0]
- }
- unset $node(node:childNodes)
- unset $node(element:attributeList)
- unset node
- set name [lindex $args 0]
- trace remove command $name delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $name]]
- rename $name {}
- # Don't dispatch events here -
- # already done by removeChild
- }
- event {
- set name [lindex $args 0]
- trace remove command $name delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $name]]
- rename $name {}
- unset node
- }
- default {
- # Store the parent for later
- set parent $node(node:parentNode)
- # First make sure the node is removed from the tree
- if {[string length $node(node:parentNode)]} {
- node removeChild $node(node:parentNode) [lindex $args 0]
- }
- unset node
- set name [lindex $args 0]
- trace remove command $name delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $name]]
- rename $name {}
- # Dispatch events
- event postMutationEvent $parent DOMSubtreeModified
- }
- }
- return {}
- }
- isNode {
- # isNode - non-standard method
- # Sometimes it is useful to check if an arbitrary string
- # refers to a DOM node
- upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] node
- if {![info exists node]} {
- return 0
- } elseif {[info exists node(node:nodeType)]} {
- return 1
- } else {
- return 0
- }
- }
- parse {
- # This implementation uses TclXML version 2.0.
- # TclXML can choose the best installed parser.
- if {[llength $args] < 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::DOMImplementation parse xml ?args...?"
- }
- array set opts {-parser {} -progresscommand {} -chunksize 8196}
- if {[catch {array set opts [lrange $args 1 end]}]} {
- return -code error "bad configuration options"
- }
- # Create a state array for this parse session
- set state [namespace current]::parse[incr DOMImplementationCounter]
- array set $state [array get opts -*]
- array set $state [list progCounter 0]
- set errorCleanup {}
- if {[string length $opts(-parser)]} {
- set parserOpt [list -parser $opts(-parser)]
- } else {
- set parserOpt {}
- }
- if {[catch {package require xml} version]} {
- eval $errorCleanup
- return -code error "unable to load XML parsing package"
- }
- set parser [eval xml::parser $parserOpt]
- $parser configure \
- -elementstartcommand [namespace code [list ParseElementStart $state]] \
- -elementendcommand [namespace code [list ParseElementEnd $state]] \
- -characterdatacommand [namespace code [list ParseCharacterData $state]] \
- -processinginstructioncommand [namespace code [list ParseProcessingInstruction $state]] \
- -commentcommand [namespace code [list ParseComment $state]] \
- -entityreferencecommand [namespace code [list ParseEntityReference $state]] \
- -xmldeclcommand [namespace code [list ParseXMLDeclaration $state]] \
- -doctypecommand [namespace code [list ParseDocType $state]] \
- -final 1
- # Create top-level document
- array set $state [list docNode [DOMImplementation create]]
- array set $state [list current [lindex [array get $state docNode] 1]]
- # Parse data
- # Bug in TclExpat - doesn't handle non-final inputs
- if {0 && [string length $opts(-progresscommand)]} {
- $parser configure -final false
- while {[string length [lindex $args 0]]} {
- $parser parse [string range [lindex $args 0] 0 $opts(-chunksize)]
- set args [lreplace $args 0 0 \
- [string range [lindex $args 0] $opts(-chunksize) end]]
- uplevel #0 $opts(-progresscommand)
- }
- $parser configure -final true
- } elseif {[catch {$parser parse [lindex $args 0]} err]} {
- catch {rename $parser {}}
- catch {unset $state}
- return -code error $err
- }
- # Free data structures which are no longer required
- $parser free
- catch {rename $parser {}}
- set doc [lindex [array get $state docNode] 1]
- unset $state
- return $doc
- }
- selectNode {
- # Non-standard method
- # Returns nodeset in the given document matching an XPath expression
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::DOMImplementation selectNode token xpath"
- }
- package require xpath
- return [XPath:SelectNode [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]]
- }
- serialize {
- if {[llength $args] < 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::DOMImplementation serialize token"
- }
- upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] node
- return [eval [list Serialize:$node(node:nodeType)] $args]
- }
- trim {
- # Removes textNodes that only contain white space
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::DOMImplementation trim token"
- }
- Trim [lindex $args 0]
- # Dispatch DOMSubtreeModified event once here?
- return {}
- }
- default {
- return -code error "unknown method \"$method\""
- }
- }
- return {}
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- foreach method {hasFeature createDocument create createDocumentType createNode destroy isNode parse selectNode serialize trim} {
- proc $method args "eval [namespace current]::DOMImplementation $method \$args"
- }
-# dom::tcl::Document:Delete --
-# Handle destruction of a document
-# Arguments:
-# name document token
-# old )
-# new ) args added by trace command
-# op )
-proc dom::tcl::Document:Delete {name old new op} {
- DOMImplementation destroy $name
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::document --
-# Functions for a document node.
-# Arguments:
-# method method to invoke
-# token token for node
-# args arguments for method
-# Results:
-# Depends on method used.
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- variable documentOptionsRO doctype|implementation|documentElement
- variable documentOptionsRW actualEncoding|encoding|standalone|version
-proc dom::tcl::document {method token args} {
- variable documentOptionsRO
- variable documentOptionsRW
- upvar #0 $token node
- set result {}
- switch -- $method {
- cget {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::document method token ?args ...?\""
- }
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $documentOptionsRO] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- return $node(document:$option)
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $documentOptionsRW] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- switch -- $option {
- encoding -
- version -
- standalone {
- array set xmldecl $node(document:xmldecl)
- return $xmldecl($option)
- }
- default {
- return $node(document:$option)
- }
- }
- } else {
- return -code error "bad option \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- }
- configure {
- if {[llength $args] == 1} {
- return [document cget $token [lindex $args 0]]
- } elseif {[expr [llength $args] % 2]} {
- return -code error "no value specified for option \"[lindex $args end]\""
- } else {
- foreach {option value} $args {
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $documentOptionsRW] $option discard opt]} {
- switch -- $opt {
- encoding {
- catch {unset xmldecl}
- array set xmldecl $node(document:xmldecl)
- set xmldecl(encoding) $value
- set node(document:xmldecl) [array get xmldecl]
- }
- standalone {
- if {[string is boolean $value]} {
- catch {unset xmldecl}
- array set xmldecl $node(document:xmldecl)
- if {[string is true $value]} {
- set xmldecl(standalone) yes
- } else {
- set xmldecl(standalone) no
- }
- set node(document:xmldecl) [array get xmldecl]
- } else {
- return -code error "unsupported value for option \"$option\" - must be boolean"
- }
- }
- version {
- if {$value == "1.0"} {
- catch {unset xmldecl}
- array set xmldecl $node(document:xmldecl)
- set xmldecl(version) $value
- set node(document:xmldecl) [array get xmldecl]
- } else {
- return -code error "unsupported value for option \"$option\""
- }
- }
- default {
- set node(document:$opt) $value
- }
- }
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $documentOptionsRO] $option discard opt]} {
- return -code error "attribute \"$option\" is read-only"
- } else {
- return -code error "bad option \"$option\""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- createElement {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createElement token name\""
- }
- # Check that the element name is kosher
- if {![regexp ^$::xml::Name\$ [lindex $args 0]]} {
- return -code error "invalid element name \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- # Invoke internal factory function
- set result [CreateElement $token [lindex $args 0] {}]
- }
- createDocumentFragment {
- if {[llength $args]} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createDocumentFragment token\""
- }
- set result [CreateGeneric $token node:nodeType documentFragment node:nodeName #document-fragment node:nodeValue {}]
- }
- createTextNode {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createTextNode token text\""
- }
- set result [CreateTextNode $token [lindex $args 0]]
- }
- createComment {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createComment token data\""
- }
- set result [CreateGeneric $token node:nodeType comment node:nodeName #comment node:nodeValue [lindex $args 0]]
- }
- createCDATASection {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createCDATASection token data\""
- }
- set result [CreateTextNode $token [lindex $args 0]]
- node configure $result -cdatasection 1
- }
- createProcessingInstruction {
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createProcessingInstruction token target data\""
- }
- set result [CreateGeneric $token node:nodeType processingInstruction \
- node:nodeName [lindex $args 0] node:nodeValue [lindex $args 1]]
- }
- createAttribute {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createAttributes token name\""
- }
- # Check that the attribute name is kosher
- if {![regexp ^$::xml::Name\$ [lindex $args 0]]} {
- return -code error "invalid attribute name \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- set result [CreateGeneric $token node:nodeType attribute node:nodeName [lindex $args 0]]
- }
- createEntity {
- set result [CreateGeneric $token node:nodeType entity]
- }
- createEntityReference {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createEntityReference token name\""
- }
- set result [CreateGeneric $token node:nodeType entityReference node:nodeName [lindex $args 0]]
- }
- importNode {
- # Introduced in DOM Level 2
- if {[llength $args] < 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"importNode token ?-deep boolean?\""
- }
- array set opts {
- -deep 1
- }
- array set opts [lrange $args 1 end]
- set opts(-deep) [Boolean $opts(-deep)]
- if {[namespace qualifiers [lindex $args 0]] == [namespace qualifiers $token]} {
- return -code error "source node \"[lindex $args 0]\" is in the same document"
- }
- switch [node cget [lindex $args 0] -nodeType] {
- document -
- documentType {
- return -code error "node type \"[node cget [lindex $args 0] -type]\" cannot be imported"
- }
- documentFragment {
- set result [document createDocumentFragment $token]
- if {$opts(-deep)} {
- foreach child [node children [lindex $args 0]] {
- $result appendChild [$token importNode $child -deep 1]
- }
- }
- }
- element {
- set result [CreateElement {} [node cget [lindex $args 0] -nodeName] [array get [node cget [lindex $args 0] -attributes]] -document $token]
- if {$opts(-deep)} {
- foreach child [node children [lindex $args 0]] {
- $result appendChild [$token importNode $child -deep 1]
- }
- }
- }
- textNode {
- set result [CreateTextNode {} [node cget [lindex $args 0] -nodeValue] -document $token]
- }
- attribute -
- processingInstruction -
- comment {
- set result [CreateGeneric {} -document $token node:nodeType [node cget [lindex $args 0] -nodeType] node:nodeName [node cget [lindex $args 0] -nodeName] node:nodeValue [node cget [lindex $args 0] -nodeValue]]
- }
- }
- }
- createElementNS {
- # Introduced in DOM Level 2
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be: \"createElementNS nsuri qualname\""
- }
- # Check that the qualified name is kosher
- if {[catch {foreach {prefix localname} [::xml::qnamesplit [lindex $args 1]] break} err]} {
- return -code error "invalid qualified name \"[lindex $args 1]\" due to \"$err\""
- }
- # Invoke internal factory function
- set result [CreateElement $token [lindex $args 1] {} -prefix $prefix -namespace [lindex $args 0] -localname $localname]
- }
- createAttributeNS {
- # Introduced in DOM Level 2
- return -code error "not yet implemented"
- }
- getElementsByTagNameNS {
- # Introduced in DOM Level 2
- return -code error "not yet implemented"
- }
- getElementsById {
- # Introduced in DOM Level 2
- return -code error "not yet implemented"
- }
- createEvent {
- # Introduced in DOM Level 2
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document createEvent token type\""
- }
- set result [CreateEvent $token [lindex $args 0]]
- }
- getElementsByTagName {
- if {[llength $args] < 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"document getElementsByTagName token what\""
- }
- return [eval Element:GetByTagName [list $token [lindex $args 0]] \
- [lrange $args 1 end]]
- }
- default {
- return -code error "unknown method \"$method\""
- }
- }
- # Dispatch events
- # Node insertion events are generated here instead of the
- # internal factory procedures. This is because the factory
- # procedures are meant to be mean-and-lean during the parsing
- # phase, and dispatching events at that time would be an
- # excessive overhead. The factory methods here are pretty
- # heavyweight anyway.
- if {[string match create* $method] && [string compare $method "createEvent"]} {
- event postMutationEvent $result DOMNodeInserted -relatedNode $token
- event postMutationEvent $result DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
- event postMutationEvent $token DOMSubtreeModified
- }
- return $result
-### Factory methods
-### These are lean-and-mean for fastest possible tree building
-# dom::tcl::CreateElement --
-# Append an element to the given (parent) node (if any)
-# Arguments:
-# token parent node (if empty -document option is mandatory)
-# name element name (no checking performed here)
-# aList attribute list
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# New node created, parent optionally modified
-proc dom::tcl::CreateElement {token name aList args} {
- array set opts $args
- if {[string length $token]} {
- upvar #0 $token parent
- upvar #0 [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document document
- set child [namespace qualifiers $token]::node[incr document(counter)]
- } elseif {[info exists opts(-document)]} {
- upvar #0 $opts(-document) document
- set child [namespace qualifiers $opts(-document)]::node[incr document(counter)]
- } else {
- return -code error "no parent or document specified"
- }
- upvar #0 $child new
- # Create the new node
- # NB. normally we'd use Node:create here,
- # but inline it instead for performance
- array set new [list \
- node:parentNode $token \
- node:childNodes ${child}var \
- node:nodeType element \
- node:nodeName $name \
- node:namespaceURI {} \
- node:prefix {} \
- node:localName $name \
- node:nodeValue {} \
- element:attributeList ${child}arr \
- element:attributeNodes {} \
- ]
- catch {set new(node:namespaceURI) $opts(-namespace)}
- catch {set new(node:localName) $opts(-localname)}
- catch {set new(node:prefix) $opts(-prefix)}
- # Initialise associated variables
- set ${child}var {}
- array set ${child}arr $aList
- catch {
- foreach {ns nsAttrList} $opts(-namespaceattributelists) {
- foreach {attrName attrValue} $nsAttrList {
- array set ${child}arr [list $ns^$attrName $attrValue]
- }
- }
- }
- # Update parent record
- # Does this element qualify as the document element?
- # If so, then has a document element already been set?
- if {[string length $token] &&
- [string equal $parent(node:nodeType) document]} {
- if {$token == $parent(documentFragment:masterDoc)} {
- if {[info exists parent(document:documentElement)] && \
- [string length $parent(document:documentElement)]} {
- # Do not attach to the tree
- set new(node:parentNode) {}
- } else {
- # Check against document type decl
- if {[string length $parent(document:doctype)]} {
- upvar #0 $parent(document:doctype) doctypedecl
- if {[string compare $name $doctypedecl(doctype:name)]} {
- return -code error "mismatch between root element type in document type declaration \"$doctypedecl(doctype:name)\" and root element \"$name\""
- }
- } else {
- # Synthesize document type declaration
- set doctype [CreateDocType $name {} {}]
- set document(document:doctype) $doctype
- }
- set parent(document:documentElement) $child
- catch {lappend $parent(node:childNodes) $child}
- }
- } else {
- catch {lappend $parent(node:childNodes) $child}
- }
- } else {
- catch {lappend $parent(node:childNodes) $child}
- }
- proc $child {method args} "return \[eval [namespace current]::node \[list \$method\] $child \$args\]"
- trace add command $child delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $child]]
- return $child
-# dom::tcl::CreateTextNode --
-# Append a textNode node to the given (parent) node (if any).
-# This factory function can also be performed by
-# CreateGeneric, but text nodes are created so often
-# that this specific factory procedure speeds things up.
-# Arguments:
-# token parent node (if empty -document option is mandatory)
-# text initial text
-# args additional configuration options
-# Results:
-# New node created, parent optionally modified
-proc dom::tcl::CreateTextNode {token text args} {
- array set opts $args
- if {[string length $token]} {
- upvar #0 $token parent
- upvar #0 [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document document
- set child [namespace qualifiers $token]::node[incr document(counter)]
- } elseif {[info exists opts(-document)]} {
- upvar #0 $opts(-document) document
- set child [namespace qualifiers $opts(-document)]::node[incr document(counter)]
- } else {
- return -code error "no parent or document specified"
- }
- upvar #0 $child new
- # Create the new node
- # NB. normally we'd use Node:create here,
- # but inline it instead for performance
- # Text nodes never have children, so don't create a variable
- array set new [list \
- node:parentNode $token \
- node:childNodes ${child}var \
- node:nodeType textNode \
- node:nodeValue $text \
- node:nodeName #text \
- node:cdatasection 0 \
- ]
- set ${child}var {}
- # Update parent record
- catch {lappend $parent(node:childNodes) $child}
- proc $child {method args} "return \[eval [namespace current]::node \[list \$method\] $child \$args\]"
- trace add command $child delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $child]]
- return $child
-# dom::tcl::CreateGeneric --
-# This is a template used for type-specific factory procedures
-# Arguments:
-# token parent node (if empty -document option is mandatory)
-# args optional values
-# Results:
-# New node created, parent modified
-proc dom::tcl::CreateGeneric {token args} {
- array set opts $args
- if {[string length $token]} {
- upvar #0 $token parent
- upvar #0 [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document document
- set child [namespace qualifiers $token]::node[incr document(counter)]
- } elseif {[info exists opts(-document)]} {
- upvar #0 $opts(-document) document
- set child [namespace qualifiers $opts(-document)]::node[incr document(counter)]
- } else {
- return -code error "no parent or document specified"
- }
- upvar #0 $child new
- # Create the new node
- # NB. normally we'd use Node:create here,
- # but inline it instead for performance
- array set new [eval list [list \
- node:parentNode $token \
- node:childNodes ${child}var ] \
- $args \
- ]
- set ${child}var {}
- switch -glob -- [string length $token],$opts(node:nodeType) {
- 0,* -
- *,attribute -
- *,namespace {
- # These type of nodes are not children of their parent
- }
- default {
- # Update parent record
- lappend $parent(node:childNodes) $child
- }
- }
- proc $child {method args} "return \[eval [namespace current]::node \[list \$method\] $child \$args\]"
- trace add command $child delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $child]]
- return $child
-### Specials
-# dom::tcl::CreateDocType --
-# Create a Document Type Declaration node.
-# Arguments:
-# name root element type
-# publicid public identifier
-# systemid system identifier
-# internaldtd internal DTD subset
-# Results:
-# Returns node id of the newly created node.
-proc dom::tcl::CreateDocType {name publicid systemid {internaldtd {}}} {
- if {![regexp ^$::xml::QName\$ $name]} {
- return -code error "invalid QName \"$name\""
- }
- set nodename [namespace current]::$name
- upvar #0 $nodename doctype
- if {[info exists doctype]} {
- return $nodename
- }
- if {[llength $internaldtd] == 1 && [string length [lindex $internaldtd 0]] == 0} {
- set dtd {}
- }
- array set doctype [list \
- node:childNodes {} \
- node:nodeType documentType \
- node:nodeName $name \
- node:nodeValue {} \
- doctype:name $name \
- doctype:entities {} \
- doctype:notations {} \
- doctype:publicId $publicid \
- doctype:systemId $systemid \
- doctype:internalSubset $internaldtd \
- ]
- proc $nodename {method args} "return \[eval [namespace current]::documenttype \[list \$method\] $nodename \$args\]"
- trace add command $nodename delete [namespace code [list DocumentType:Delete $nodename]]
- return $nodename
-# dom::tcl::documenttype --
-# Functions for a document type declaration node.
-# Arguments:
-# method method to invoke
-# token token for node
-# args arguments for method
-# Results:
-# Depends on method used.
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- variable documenttypeOptionsRO name|entities|notations|publicId|systemId|internalSubset
- variable documenttypeOptionsRW {}
-proc dom::tcl::documenttype {method token args} {
- variable documenttypeOptionsRO
- variable documenttypeOptionsRW
- upvar #0 $token node
- set result {}
- switch -- $method {
- cget {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::documenttype method token ?args ...?\""
- }
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $documenttypeOptionsRO] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- switch -- $option {
- name {
- return $node(node:nodeName)
- }
- default {
- return $node(doctype:$option)
- }
- }
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $documenttypeOptionsRW] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- return $node(doctype:$option)
- } else {
- return -code error "bad option \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- }
- configure {
- if {[llength $args] == 1} {
- return [documenttype cget $token [lindex $args 0]]
- } elseif {[expr [llength $args] % 2]} {
- return -code error "no value specified for option \"[lindex $args end]\""
- } else {
- foreach {option value} $args {
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $documenttypeOptionsRW] $option discard opt]} {
- switch -- $opt {
- default {
- set node(doctype:$opt) $value
- }
- }
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $documenttypeOptionsRO] $option discard opt]} {
- return -code error "attribute \"$option\" is read-only"
- } else {
- return -code error "bad option \"$option\""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::DocumentType:Delete --
-# Handle node destruction
-# Arguments:
-# name node token
-# old )
-# new ) arguments appended by trace command
-# op )
-# Results:
-# Node is destroyed
-proc dom::tcl::DocumentType:Delete {name old new op} {
- DOMImplementation destroy $name
-# dom::tcl::node --
-# Functions for a general node.
-# Implements EventTarget Interface - introduced in DOM Level 2
-# Arguments:
-# method method to invoke
-# token token for node
-# args arguments for method
-# Results:
-# Depends on method used.
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- variable nodeOptionsRO nodeType|parentNode|childNodes|firstChild|lastChild|previousSibling|nextSibling|attributes|namespaceURI|prefix|localName|ownerDocument
- variable nodeOptionsRW nodeValue|cdatasection
- # Allowing nodeName to be rw is not standard DOM.
- # A validating implementation would have to be very careful
- # in allowing this feature
- if {$::dom::strictDOM} {
- append nodeOptionsRO |nodeName
- } else {
- append nodeOptionsRW |nodeName
- }
-# NB. cdatasection is not a standard DOM option
-proc dom::tcl::node {method token args} {
- variable nodeOptionsRO
- variable nodeOptionsRW
- upvar #0 $token node
- set result {}
- switch -glob -- $method {
- cg* {
- # cget
- # Some read-only configuration options are computed
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node cget token option\""
- }
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $nodeOptionsRO] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- switch $option {
- nodeName {
- set result $node(node:nodeName)
- switch $node(node:nodeType) {
- textNode {
- catch {set result [expr {$node(node:cdatasection) ? "#cdata-section" : $node(node:nodeName)}]}
- }
- default {
- }
- }
- }
- childNodes {
- # How are we going to handle documentElement?
- set result $node(node:childNodes)
- }
- firstChild {
- upvar #0 $node(node:childNodes) children
- switch $node(node:nodeType) {
- document {
- set result [lindex $children 0]
- catch {set result $node(document:documentElement)}
- }
- default {
- set result [lindex $children 0]
- }
- }
- }
- lastChild {
- upvar #0 $node(node:childNodes) children
- switch $node(node:nodeType) {
- document {
- set result [lindex $children end]
- catch {set result $node(document:documentElement)}
- }
- default {
- set result [lindex $children end]
- }
- }
- }
- previousSibling {
- # BUG: must take documentElement into account
- # Find the parent node
- upvar #0 $node(node:parentNode) parent
- upvar #0 $parent(node:childNodes) children
- set idx [lsearch $children $token]
- if {$idx >= 0} {
- set sib [lindex $children [incr idx -1]]
- if {[llength $sib]} {
- set result $sib
- } else {
- set result {}
- }
- } else {
- set result {}
- }
- }
- nextSibling {
- # BUG: must take documentElement into account
- # Find the parent node
- upvar #0 $node(node:parentNode) parent
- upvar #0 $parent(node:childNodes) children
- set idx [lsearch $children $token]
- if {$idx >= 0} {
- set sib [lindex $children [incr idx]]
- if {[llength $sib]} {
- set result $sib
- } else {
- set result {}
- }
- } else {
- set result {}
- }
- }
- attributes {
- if {[string compare $node(node:nodeType) element]} {
- set result {}
- } else {
- set result $node(element:attributeList)
- }
- }
- ownerDocument {
- if {[string compare $node(node:parentNode) {}]} {
- return [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document
- } else {
- return $token
- }
- }
- default {
- return [GetField node(node:$option)]
- }
- }
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $nodeOptionsRW] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- return [GetField node(node:$option)]
- } else {
- return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- }
- co* {
- # configure
- if {[llength $args] == 1} {
- return [node cget $token [lindex $args 0]]
- } elseif {[expr [llength $args] % 2]} {
- return -code error "wrong \# args: should be \"::dom::node configure node option\""
- } else {
- foreach {option value} $args {
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $nodeOptionsRW] $option discard opt]} {
- switch $opt,$node(node:nodeType) {
- nodeValue,textNode -
- nodeValue,processingInstruction {
- # Dispatch event
- set evid [CreateEvent $token DOMCharacterDataModified]
- event initMutationEvent $evid DOMCharacterDataModified 1 0 {} $node(node:nodeValue) $value {} {}
- set node(node:nodeValue) $value
- node dispatchEvent $token $evid
- DOMImplementation destroy $evid
- }
- default {
- set node(node:$opt) $value
- }
- }
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $nodeOptionsRO] $option discard opt]} {
- return -code error "attribute \"$option\" is read-only"
- } else {
- return -code error "unknown option \"$option\""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- in* {
- # insertBefore
- # Previous and next sibling relationships are OK,
- # because they are dynamically determined
- if {[llength $args] < 1 || [llength $args] > 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node insertBefore token new ?ref?\""
- }
- upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] newChild
- if {[string compare [namespace qualifiers [lindex $args 0]] [namespace qualifiers $token]]} {
- return -code error "new node must be in the same document"
- }
- switch [llength $args] {
- 1 {
- # Append as the last node
- if {[string length $newChild(node:parentNode)]} {
- node removeChild $newChild(node:parentNode) [lindex $args 0]
- }
- lappend $node(node:childNodes) [lindex $args 0]
- set newChild(node:parentNode) $token
- }
- 2 {
- upvar #0 [lindex $args 1] refChild
- if {[string compare [namespace qualifiers [lindex $args 1]] [namespace qualifiers [lindex $args 0]]]} {
- return -code error "nodes must be in the same document"
- }
- set idx [lsearch [set $node(node:childNodes)] [lindex $args 1]]
- if {$idx < 0} {
- return -code error "no such reference child"
- } else {
- # Remove from previous parent
- if {[string length $newChild(node:parentNode)]} {
- node removeChild $newChild(node:parentNode) [lindex $args 0]
- }
- # Insert into new node
- set $node(node:childNodes) \
- [linsert [set $node(node:childNodes)] $idx [lindex $args 0]]
- set newChild(node:parentNode) $token
- }
- }
- }
- event postMutationEvent [lindex $args 0] DOMNodeInserted -relatedNode $token
- FireNodeInsertedEvents [lindex $args 0]
- event postMutationEvent $token DOMSubtreeModified
- set result [lindex $args 0]
- }
- rep* {
- # replaceChild
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node replaceChild token new old\""
- }
- upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] newChild
- upvar #0 [lindex $args 1] oldChild
- upvar #0 $node(node:childNodes) children
- # Find where to insert new child
- set idx [lsearch $children [lindex $args 1]]
- if {$idx < 0} {
- return -code error "no such old child"
- }
- # Remove new child from current parent
- if {[string length $newChild(node:parentNode)]} {
- node removeChild $newChild(node:parentNode) [lindex $args 0]
- }
- set children \
- [lreplace $children $idx $idx [lindex $args 0]]
- set newChild(node:parentNode) $token
- # Update old child to reflect lack of parentage
- set oldChild(node:parentNode) {}
- set result [lindex $args 1]
- event postMutationEvent [lindex $args 0] DOMNodeInserted -relatedNode $token
- FireNodeInsertedEvents [lindex $args 0]
- event postMutationEvent $token DOMSubtreeModified
- }
- removeC* {
- # removeChild
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node removeChild token child\""
- }
- upvar #0 [lindex $args 0] oldChild
- if {[string compare [namespace qualifiers [lindex $args 0]] [namespace qualifiers $token]]} {
- return -code error "node \"[lindex $args 0]\" is not a child"
- }
- # Remove the child from the parent
- upvar #0 $node(node:childNodes) myChildren
- if {[set idx [lsearch $myChildren [lindex $args 0]]] < 0} {
- return -code error "node \"[lindex $args 0]\" is not a child"
- }
- set myChildren [lreplace $myChildren $idx $idx]
- # Update the child to reflect lack of parentage
- set oldChild(node:parentNode) {}
- set result [lindex $args 0]
- # Event propagation has a problem here:
- # Nodes that until recently were ancestors may
- # want to capture the event, but we've just removed
- # the parentage information. They get a DOMSubtreeModified
- # instead.
- event postMutationEvent [lindex $args 0] DOMNodeRemoved -relatedNode $token
- FireNodeRemovedEvents [lindex $args 0]
- event postMutationEvent $token DOMSubtreeModified
- }
- ap* {
- # appendChild
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node appendChild token child\""
- }
- # Add to new parent
- node insertBefore $token [lindex $args 0]
- set result [lindex $args 0]
- }
- hasChildNodes {
- set result [Min 1 [llength [set $node(node:childNodes)]]]
- }
- isSameNode {
- # Introduced in DOM Level 3
- switch [llength $args] {
- 1 {
- return [expr {$token == [lindex $args 0]}]
- }
- default {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node isSameNode token ref\""
- }
- }
- }
- cl* {
- # cloneNode
- # May need to pay closer attention to generation of events here
- set deep 0
- switch [llength $args] {
- 0 {
- }
- 2 {
- foreach {opt value} $args {
- switch -- $opt {
- -deep {
- set deep [Boolean $value]
- }
- default {
- return -code error "bad option \"$opt\""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node cloneNode token ?-deep boolean?\""
- }
- }
- switch $node(node:nodeType) {
- element {
- set result [CreateElement {} $node(node:nodeName) [array get $node(element:attributeList)] -document [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document]
- if {$deep} {
- foreach child [set $node(node:childNodes)] {
- node appendChild $result [node cloneNode $child -deep 1]
- }
- }
- }
- textNode {
- set result [CreateTextNode {} $node(node:nodeValue) -document [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document]
- }
- document {
- set result [DOMImplementation create]
- upvar #0 $result clonedDoc
- array set clonedDoc [array get node document:doctype]
- if {$deep} {
- foreach child [set $node(node:childNodes)] {
- node appendChild $result [document importNode $result $child -deep 1]
- }
- }
- }
- documentFragment -
- default {
- set result [CreateGeneric {} node:nodeType $node(node:nodeType) -document [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document]
- if {$deep} {
- foreach child [set $node(node:childNodes)] {
- node appendChild $result [node cloneNode $child -deep 1]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ch* {
- # children -- non-standard method
- # If this is a textNode, then catch the error
- set result {}
- catch {set result [set $node(node:childNodes)]}
- }
- par* {
- # parent -- non-standard method
- return $node(node:parentNode)
- }
- pat* {
- # path -- non-standard method
- for {
- set ancestor $token
- upvar #0 $token ancestorNd
- set result {}
- } {[string length $ancestorNd(node:parentNode)]} {
- set ancestor $ancestorNd(node:parentNode)
- upvar #0 $ancestor ancestorNd
- } {
- set result [linsert $result 0 $ancestor]
- }
- # The last node is the document node
- set result [linsert $result 0 $ancestor]
- }
- createNode {
- # createNode -- non-standard method
- # Creates node(s) in this document given an XPath expression.
- # Relative location paths have this node as their initial context.
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node createNode token path\""
- }
- package require xpath
- return [XPath:CreateNode $token [lindex $args 0]]
- }
- selectNode {
- # selectNode -- non-standard method
- # Returns nodeset in this document matching an XPath expression.
- # Relative location paths have this node as their initial context.
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node selectNode token path\""
- }
- package require xpath
- return [XPath:SelectNode $token [lindex $args 0]]
- }
- stringValue {
- # stringValue -- non-standard method
- # Returns string value of a node, as defined by XPath Rec.
- if {[llength $args] > 0} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node stringValue token\""
- }
- switch $node(node:nodeType) {
- document -
- documentFragment -
- element {
- set value {}
- foreach child [set $node(node:childNodes)] {
- switch [node cget $child -nodeType] {
- element -
- textNode {
- append value [node stringValue $child]
- }
- default {
- # Other nodes are not considered
- }
- }
- }
- return $value
- }
- attribute -
- textNode -
- processingInstruction -
- comment {
- return $node(node:nodeValue)
- }
- default {
- return {}
- }
- }
- }
- addEv* {
- # addEventListener -- introduced in DOM Level 2
- if {[llength $args] < 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node addEventListener token type ?listener? ?option value...?\""
- }
- set type [lindex $args 0]
- set args [lrange $args 1 end]
- set listener [lindex $args 0]
- if {[llength $args] == 1} {
- set args {}
- } elseif {[llength $args] > 1} {
- if {[string match -* $listener]} {
- set listener {}
- } else {
- set args [lrange $args 1 end]
- }
- }
- array set opts {-usecapture 0}
- if {[catch {array set opts $args}]} {
- return -code error "missing value for option \"[lindex $args end]\""
- }
- set opts(-usecapture) [Boolean $opts(-usecapture)]
- set listenerType [expr {$opts(-usecapture) ? "capturer" : "listener"}]
- if {[string length $listener]} {
- if {![info exists node(event:$type:$listenerType)] || \
- [lsearch $node(event:$type:$listenerType) $listener] < 0} {
- lappend node(event:$type:$listenerType) $listener
- }
- # else avoid registering same listener twice
- } else {
- # List all listeners
- set result {}
- catch {set result $node(event:$type:$listenerType)}
- return $result
- }
- }
- removeE* {
- # removeEventListener -- introduced in DOM Level 2
- if {[llength $args] < 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node removeEventListener token type listener ?option value...?\""
- }
- set type [lindex $args 0]
- set listener [lindex $args 1]
- array set opts {-usecapture 0}
- array set opts [lrange $args 2 end]
- set opts(-usecapture) [Boolean $opts(-usecapture)]
- set listenerType [expr {$opts(-usecapture) ? "capturer" : "listener"}]
- set idx [lsearch $node(event:$type:$listenerType) $listener]
- if {$idx >= 0} {
- set node(event:$type:$listenerType) [lreplace $node(event:$type:$listenerType) $idx $idx]
- }
- }
- disp* {
- # dispatchEvent -- introduced in DOM Level 2
- # This is where the fun happens!
- # Check to see if there one or more event listener,
- # if so trigger the listener(s).
- # Then pass the event up to the ancestor.
- # This may be modified by event capturing and bubbling.
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::node dispatchEvent token eventnode\""
- }
- set eventId [lindex $args 0]
- upvar #0 $eventId event
- set type $event(type)
- if {![string length $event(eventPhase)]} {
- # This is the initial dispatch of the event.
- # First trigger any capturing event listeners
- # Starting from the root, proceed downward
- set event(eventPhase) capturing_phase
- set event(target) $token
- # DOM L2 specifies that the ancestors are determined
- # at the moment of event dispatch, so using a static
- # list is the correct thing to do
- foreach ancestor [lreplace [node path $token] end end] {
- set event(currentNode) $ancestor
- upvar #0 $ancestor ancNode
- if {[info exists ancNode(event:$type:capturer)]} {
- foreach capturer $ancNode(event:$type:capturer) {
- if {[catch {uplevel #0 $capturer [list $eventId]} capturerError]} {
- bgerror "error in capturer \"$capturerError\""
- }
- }
- # A listener may stop propagation,
- # but we check here to let all of the
- # listeners at that level complete
- if {$event(cancelable) && $event(stopPropagation)} {
- break
- }
- }
- }
- # Prepare for next phase
- set event(eventPhase) at_target
- }
- set event(currentNode) $token
- if {[info exists node(event:$type:listener)]} {
- foreach listener $node(event:$type:listener) {
- if {[catch {uplevel #0 $listener [list $eventId]} listenerError]} {
- bgerror "error in listener \"$listenerError\""
- }
- }
- }
- set event(eventPhase) bubbling_phase
- # Now propagate the event
- if {$event(cancelable) && $event(stopPropagation)} {
- # Event has been cancelled
- } elseif {[llength $node(node:parentNode)]} {
- # Go ahead and propagate
- node dispatchEvent $node(node:parentNode) $eventId
- }
- set event(dispatched) 1
- }
- default {
- return -code error "unknown method \"$method\""
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::Node:create --
-# Generic node creation.
-# See also CreateElement, CreateTextNode, CreateGeneric.
-# Arguments:
-# pVar array in caller which contains parent details
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# New child node created.
-proc dom::tcl::Node:create {pVar args} {
- upvar #0 $pVar parent
- array set opts {-name {} -value {}}
- array set opts $args
- upvar #0 [namespace qualifiers $pVar]::Document document
- # Create new node
- if {![info exists opts(-id)]} {
- set opts(-id) node[incr document(counter)]
- }
- set child [namespace qualifiers $pVar]::$opts(-id)
- upvar #0 $child new
- array set new [list \
- node:parentNode $opts(-parent) \
- node:childNodes ${child}var \
- node:nodeType $opts(-type) \
- node:nodeName $opts(-name) \
- node:nodeValue $opts(-value) \
- element:attributeList ${child}arr \
- ]
- set ${child}var {}
- array set ${child}arr {}
- # Update parent node
- if {![info exists parent(document:documentElement)]} {
- lappend parent(node:childNodes) $child
- }
- proc $child {method args} "return \[eval [namespace current]::node \[list \$method\] $child \$args\]"
- trace add command $child delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $child]]
- return $child
-# dom::tcl::Node:set --
-# Generic node update
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# Node modified.
-proc dom::tcl::Node:set {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- foreach {key value} $args {
- set node($key) $value
- }
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::Node:Delete --
-# Handle node destruction
-# Arguments:
-# name node token
-# old )
-# new ) arguments appended by trace command
-# op )
-# Results:
-# Node is destroyed
-proc dom::tcl::Node:Delete {name old new op} {
- if {[catch {DOMImplementation destroy $name} ret]} {
- # Document has been deleted... namespace has been destroyed
- } else {
- return $ret
- }
-# dom::tcl::FireNodeInsertedEvents --
-# Recursively descend the tree triggering DOMNodeInserted
-# events as we go.
-# Arguments:
-# nodeid Node ID
-# Results:
-# DOM L2 DOMNodeInserted events posted
-proc dom::tcl::FireNodeInsertedEvents nodeid {
- event postMutationEvent $nodeid DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument
- foreach child [node children $nodeid] {
- FireNodeInsertedEvents $child
- }
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::FireNodeRemovedEvents --
-# Recursively descend the tree triggering DOMNodeRemoved
-# events as we go.
-# Arguments:
-# nodeid Node ID
-# Results:
-# DOM L2 DOMNodeRemoved events posted
-proc dom::tcl::FireNodeRemovedEvents nodeid {
- event postMutationEvent $nodeid DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument
- foreach child [node children $nodeid] {
- FireNodeRemovedEvents $child
- }
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::element --
-# Functions for an element.
-# Arguments:
-# method method to invoke
-# token token for node
-# args arguments for method
-# Results:
-# Depends on method used.
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- variable elementOptionsRO tagName|empty
- variable elementOptionsRW {}
-proc dom::tcl::element {method token args} {
- variable elementOptionsRO
- variable elementOptionsRW
- upvar #0 $token node
- if {[string compare $node(node:nodeType) "element"]} {
- return -code error "malformed node token \"$token\""
- }
- set result {}
- switch -- $method {
- cget {
- # Some read-only configuration options are computed
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::element cget token option\""
- }
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $elementOptionsRO] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- switch $option {
- tagName {
- set result [lindex $node(node:nodeName) 0]
- }
- empty {
- if {![info exists node(element:empty)]} {
- return 0
- } else {
- return $node(element:empty)
- }
- }
- default {
- return $node(node:$option)
- }
- }
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $elementOptionsRW] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- return $node(node:$option)
- } else {
- return -code error "bad option \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- }
- configure {
- if {[llength $args] == 1} {
- return [document cget $token [lindex $args 0]]
- } elseif {[expr [llength $args] % 2]} {
- return -code error "no value specified for option \"[lindex $args end]\""
- } else {
- foreach {option value} $args {
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $elementOptionsRO] $option discard opt]} {
- return -code error "option \"$option\" cannot be modified"
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $elementOptionsRW] $option discard opt]} {
- return -code error "not implemented"
- } else {
- return -code error "bad option \"$option\""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- getAttribute {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::element getAttribute token name\""
- }
- set result {}
- upvar #0 $node(element:attributeList) attrList
- catch {set result $attrList([lindex $args 0])}
- return $result
- }
- setAttribute {
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::element setAttribute token name value\""
- }
- # Check that the attribute name is kosher
- if {![regexp ^$::xml::Name\$ [lindex $args 0]]} {
- return -code error "invalid attribute name \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- upvar #0 $node(element:attributeList) attrList
- set evid [CreateEvent $token DOMAttrModified]
- set oldValue {}
- catch {set oldValue $attrList([lindex $args 0])}
- event initMutationEvent $evid DOMAttrModified 1 0 $token $oldValue [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 0] [expr {[info exists attrList([lindex $args 0])] ? "modification" : "addition"}]
- set result [set attrList([lindex $args 0]) [lindex $args 1]]
- node dispatchEvent $token $evid
- DOMImplementation destroy $evid
- }
- removeAttribute {
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::element removeAttribute token name\""
- }
- upvar #0 $node(element:attributeList) attrList
- catch {unset attrList([lindex $args 0])}
- event postMutationEvent $token DOMAttrRemoved -attrName [lindex $args 0] -attrChange removal
- }
- getAttributeNS {
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::element getAttributeNS token ns name\""
- }
- set result {}
- upvar #0 $node(element:attributeList) attrList
- catch {set result $attrList([lindex $args 0]^[lindex $args 1])}
- return $result
- }
- setAttributeNS {
- if {[llength $args] != 3} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::element setAttributeNS token ns attr value\""
- }
- # Check that the attribute name is kosher
- if {![regexp ^$::xml::QName\$ [lindex $args 1] discard prefix localName]} {
- return -code error "invalid qualified attribute name \"[lindex $args 1]\""
- }
- # BUG: At the moment the prefix is ignored
- upvar #0 $node(element:attributeList) attrList
- set evid [CreateEvent $token DOMAttrModified]
- set oldValue {}
- catch {set oldValue $attrList([lindex $args 0]^$localName)}
- event initMutationEvent $evid DOMAttrModified 1 0 $token $oldValue [lindex $args 2] [lindex $args 0]^localName [expr {[info exists attrList([lindex $args 0]^$localName)] ? "modification" : "addition"}]
- set result [set attrList([lindex $args 0]^$localName) [lindex $args 2]]
- node dispatchEvent $token $evid
- DOMImplementation destroy $evid
- }
- removeAttributeNS {
- if {[llength $args] != 2} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::element removeAttributeNS token ns name\""
- }
- upvar #0 $node(element:attributeList) attrList
- catch {unset attrList([lindex $args 0]^[lindex $args 1])}
- event postMutationEvent $token DOMAttrRemoved -attrName [lindex $args 0]^[lindex $args 1] -attrChange removal
- }
- getAttributeNode {
- array set tmp [array get $node(element:attributeList)]
- if {![info exists tmp([lindex $args 0])]} {
- return {}
- }
- # Synthesize an attribute node if one doesn't already exist
- array set attrNodes $node(element:attributeNodes)
- if {[catch {set result $attrNodes([lindex $args 0])}]} {
- set result [CreateGeneric $token node:nodeType attribute node:nodeName [lindex $args 0] node:nodeValue $tmp([lindex $args 0])]
- lappend node(element:attributeNodes) [lindex $args 0] $result
- }
- }
- setAttributeNode -
- removeAttributeNode -
- getAttributeNodeNS -
- setAttributeNodeNS -
- removeAttributeNodeNS {
- return -code error "not yet implemented"
- }
- getElementsByTagName {
- if {[llength $args] < 1} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"dom::element getElementsByTagName token name\""
- }
- return [eval Element:GetByTagName [list $token [lindex $args 0]] \
- [lrange $args 1 end]]
- }
- normalize {
- if {[llength $args]} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::element normalize token"
- }
- Element:Normalize node [set $node(node:childNodes)]
- }
- default {
- return -code error "bad method \"$method\": should be cget, configure, getAttribute, setAttribute, removeAttribute, getAttributeNS, setAttributeNS, removeAttributeNS, getAttributeNode, setAttributeNode, removeAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNodeNS, removeAttributeNodeNS, getElementsByTagName or normalize"
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::Element:GetByTagName --
-# Search for (child) elements
-# This used to be non-recursive, but then I read the DOM spec
-# properly and discovered that it should recurse. The -deep
-# option allows for backward-compatibility, and defaults to the
-# DOM-specified value of true.
-# Arguments:
-# token parent node
-# name element type to search for
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# The name of the variable containing the list of matching node tokens
-proc dom::tcl::Element:GetByTagName {token name args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- upvar #0 [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document document
- array set cfg {-deep 1}
- array set cfg $args
- set cfg(-deep) [Boolean $cfg(-deep)]
- # Guard against arbitrary glob characters
- # Checking that name is a legal XML Name does this
- # However, '*' is permitted
- if {![regexp ^$::xml::Name\$ $name] && [string compare $name "*"]} {
- return -code error "invalid element name"
- }
- # Allocate variable name for this search
- set searchVar ${token}search[incr document(counter)]
- upvar \#0 $searchVar search
- # Make list live by interposing on variable reads
- # I don't think we need to interpose on unsets,
- # and writing to this variable by the application is
- # not permitted.
- trace variable $searchVar w [namespace code Element:GetByTagName:Error]
- if {[string compare $node(node:nodeType) "document"]} {
- trace variable $searchVar r [namespace code [list Element:GetByTagName:Search [set $node(node:childNodes)] $name $cfg(-deep)]]
- } elseif {[llength $node(document:documentElement)]} {
- # Document Element must exist and must be an element type node
- trace variable $searchVar r [namespace code [list Element:GetByTagName:Search $node(document:documentElement) $name $cfg(-deep)]]
- }
- return $searchVar
-# dom::tcl::Element:GetByTagName:Search --
-# Search for elements. This does the real work.
-# Because this procedure is invoked everytime
-# the variable is read, it returns the live list.
-# Arguments:
-# tokens nodes to search (inclusive)
-# name element type to search for
-# deep whether to search recursively
-# name1 \
-# name2 > appended by trace command
-# op /
-# Results:
-# List of matching node tokens
-proc dom::tcl::Element:GetByTagName:Search {tokens name deep name1 name2 op} {
- set result {}
- foreach tok $tokens {
- upvar #0 $tok nodeInfo
- switch -- $nodeInfo(node:nodeType) {
- element {
- if {[string match $name [GetField nodeInfo(node:nodeName)]]} {
- lappend result $tok
- }
- if {$deep} {
- set childResult [Element:GetByTagName:Search [set $nodeInfo(node:childNodes)] $name $deep {} {} {}]
- if {[llength $childResult]} {
- eval lappend result $childResult
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if {[string length $name1]} {
- set $name1 $result
- return {}
- } else {
- return $result
- }
-# dom::tcl::Element:GetByTagName:Error --
-# Complain about the application writing to a variable
-# that this package maintains.
-# Arguments:
-# name1 \
-# name2 > appended by trace command
-# op /
-# Results:
-# Error code returned.
-proc dom::tcl::Element:GetByTagName:Error {name1 name2 op} {
- return -code error "dom: Read-only variable"
-# dom::tcl::Element:Normalize --
-# Normalize the text nodes
-# Arguments:
-# pVar parent array variable in caller
-# nodes list of node tokens
-# Results:
-# Adjacent text nodes are coalesced
-proc dom::tcl::Element:Normalize {pVar nodes} {
- upvar #0 $pVar parent
- set textNode {}
- foreach n $nodes {
- upvar #0 $n child
- set cleanup {}
- switch $child(node:nodeType) {
- textNode {
- if {[llength $textNode]} {
- # Coalesce into previous node
- set evid [CreateEvent $n DOMCharacterDataModified]
- event initMutationEvent $evid DOMCharacterDataModified 1 0 {} $text(node:nodeValue) $text(node:nodeValue)$child(node:nodeValue) {} {}
- append text(node:nodeValue) $child(node:nodeValue)
- node dispatchEvent $n $evid
- DOMImplementation destroy $evid
- # Remove this child
- upvar #0 $parent(node:childNodes) childNodes
- set idx [lsearch $childNodes $n]
- set childNodes [lreplace $childNodes $idx $idx]
- unset $n
- set cleanup [list event postMutationEvent [node parent $n] DOMSubtreeModified]
- event postMutationEvent $n DOMNodeRemoved
- set $textNode [array get text]
- } else {
- set textNode $n
- catch {unset text}
- array set text [array get child]
- }
- }
- element -
- document -
- documentFragment {
- set textNode {}
- Element:Normalize child [set $child(node:childNodes)]
- }
- default {
- set textNode {}
- }
- }
- eval $cleanup
- }
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::processinginstruction --
-# Functions for a processing intruction.
-# Arguments:
-# method method to invoke
-# token token for node
-# args arguments for method
-# Results:
-# Depends on method used.
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- variable piOptionsRO target
- variable piOptionsRW data
-proc dom::tcl::processinginstruction {method token args} {
- variable piOptionsRO
- variable piOptionsRW
- upvar #0 $token node
- set result {}
- switch -- $method {
- cget {
- # Some read-only configuration options are computed
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "too many arguments"
- }
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $elementOptionsRO] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- switch $option {
- target {
- set result [lindex $node(node:nodeName) 0]
- }
- default {
- return $node(node:$option)
- }
- }
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $elementOptionsRW] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- switch $option {
- data {
- return $node(node:nodeValue)
- }
- default {
- return $node(node:$option)
- }
- }
- } else {
- return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- }
- configure {
- if {[llength $args] == 1} {
- return [document cget $token [lindex $args 0]]
- } elseif {[expr [llength $args] % 2]} {
- return -code error "no value specified for option \"[lindex $args end]\""
- } else {
- foreach {option value} $args {
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $elementOptionsRO] $option discard opt]} {
- return -code error "attribute \"$option\" is read-only"
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $elementOptionsRW] $option discard opt]} {
- switch $opt {
- data {
- set evid [CreateEvent $token DOMCharacterDataModified]
- event initMutationEvent $evid DOMCharacterModified 1 0 {} $node(node:nodeValue) $value {} {}
- set node(node:nodeValue) $value
- node dispatchEvent $token $evid
- DOMImplementation destroy $evid
- }
- default {
- set node(node:$opt) $value
- }
- }
- } else {
- return -code error "unknown option \"$option\""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "unknown method \"$method\""
- }
- }
- return $result
-# DOM Level 2 Interfaces
-# dom::tcl::event --
-# Implements Event Interface
-# Subclassed Interfaces are also defined here,
-# such as UIEvents.
-# Arguments:
-# method method to invoke
-# token token for event
-# args arguments for method
-# Results:
-# Depends on method used.
-namespace eval dom::tcl {
- variable eventOptionsRO type|target|currentNode|eventPhase|bubbles|cancelable|timeStamp|detail|view|screenX|screenY|clientX|clientY|ctrlKey|shiftKey|altKey|metaKey|button|relatedNode|prevValue|newValue|attrName|attrChange
- variable eventOptionsRW {}
- # Issue: should the attributes belonging to the subclassed Interface
- # be separated out?
- variable uieventOptionsRO detail|view
- variable uieventOptionsRW {}
- variable mouseeventOptionsRO screenX|screenY|clientX|clientY|ctrlKey|shiftKey|altKey|metaKey|button|relatedNode
- variable mouseeventOptionsRW {}
- variable mutationeventOptionsRO relatedNode|prevValue|newValue|attrName
- variable mutationeventOptionsRW {}
-proc dom::tcl::event {method token args} {
- variable eventOptionsRO
- variable eventOptionsRW
- upvar #0 $token event
- set result {}
- switch -glob -- $method {
- cg* {
- # cget
- if {[llength $args] != 1} {
- return -code error "too many arguments"
- }
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $eventOptionsRO] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- return $event($option)
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $eventOptionsRW] [lindex $args 0] discard option]} {
- return $event($option)
- } else {
- return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""
- }
- }
- co* {
- # configure
- if {[llength $args] == 1} {
- return [event cget $token [lindex $args 0]]
- } elseif {[expr [llength $args] % 2]} {
- return -code error "no value specified for option \"[lindex $args end]\""
- } else {
- foreach {option value} $args {
- if {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $eventOptionsRW] $option discard opt]} {
- set event($opt) $value
- } elseif {[regexp [format {^-(%s)$} $eventOptionsRO] $option discard opt]} {
- return -code error "attribute \"$option\" is read-only"
- } else {
- return -code error "unknown option \"$option\""
- }
- }
- }
- }
- st* {
- # stopPropagation
- set event(stopPropagation) 1
- }
- pr* {
- # preventDefault
- set event(preventDefault) 1
- }
- initE* {
- # initEvent
- if {[llength $args] != 3} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::event initEvent token type bubbles cancelable"
- }
- if {$event(dispatched)} {
- return -code error "event has been dispatched"
- }
- foreach {event(type) event(bubbles) event(cancelable)} $args break
- }
- initU* {
- # initUIEvent
- if {[llength $args] < 4 || [llength $args] > 5} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::event initUIEvent token type bubbles cancelable view detail"
- }
- if {$event(dispatched)} {
- return -code error "event has been dispatched"
- }
- set event(detail) 0
- foreach {event(type) event(bubbles) event(cancelable) event(view) event(detail)} $args break
- }
- initMo* {
- # initMouseEvent
- if {[llength $args] != 15} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::event initMouseEvent token type bubbles cancelable view detail screenX screenY clientX clientY ctrlKey altKey shiftKey metaKey button relatedNode"
- }
- if {$event(dispatched)} {
- return -code error "event has been dispatched"
- }
- set event(detail) 1
- foreach {event(type) event(bubbles) event(cancelable) event(view) event(detail) event(screenX) event(screenY) event(clientX) event(clientY) event(ctrlKey) event(altKey) event(shiftKey) event(metaKey) event(button) event(relatedNode)} $args break
- }
- initMu* {
- # initMutationEvent
- if {[llength $args] != 8} {
- return -code error "wrong # args: should be dom::event initMutationEvent token type bubbles cancelable relatedNode prevValue newValue attrName attrChange"
- }
- if {$event(dispatched)} {
- return -code error "event has been dispatched"
- }
- foreach {event(type) event(bubbles) event(cancelable) event(relatedNode) event(prevValue) event(newValue) event(attrName) event(attrChange)} $args break
- }
- postUI* {
- # postUIEvent, non-standard convenience method
- set evType [lindex $args 0]
- array set evOpts [list \
- -bubbles $::dom::bubbles($evType) -cancelable $::dom::cancelable($evType) \
- -view {} \
- -detail {} \
- ]
- array set evOpts [lrange $args 1 end]
- set evid [CreateEvent $token $evType]
- event initUIEvent $evid $evType $evOpts(-bubbles) $evOpts(-cancelable) $evOpts(-view) $evOpts(-detail)
- node dispatchEvent $token $evid
- DOMImplementation destroy $evid
- }
- postMo* {
- # postMouseEvent, non-standard convenience method
- set evType [lindex $args 0]
- array set evOpts [list \
- -bubbles $::dom::bubbles($evType) -cancelable $::dom::cancelable($evType) \
- -view {} \
- -detail {} \
- -screenX {} \
- -screenY {} \
- -clientX {} \
- -clientY {} \
- -ctrlKey {} \
- -altKey {} \
- -shiftKey {} \
- -metaKey {} \
- -button {} \
- -relatedNode {} \
- ]
- array set evOpts [lrange $args 1 end]
- set evid [CreateEvent $token $evType]
- event initMouseEvent $evid $evType $evOpts(-bubbles) $evOpts(-cancelable) $evOpts(-view) $evOpts(-detail) $evOpts(-screenX) $evOpts(-screenY) $evOpts(-clientX) $evOpts(-clientY) $evOpts(-ctrlKey) $evOpts(-altKey) $evOpts(-shiftKey) $evOpts(-metaKey) $evOpts(-button) $evOpts(-relatedNode)
- node dispatchEvent $token $evid
- DOMImplementation destroy $evid
- }
- postMu* {
- # postMutationEvent, non-standard convenience method
- set evType [lindex $args 0]
- array set evOpts [list \
- -bubbles $::dom::bubbles($evType) -cancelable $::dom::cancelable($evType) \
- -relatedNode {} \
- -prevValue {} -newValue {} \
- -attrName {} -attrChange {} \
- ]
- array set evOpts [lrange $args 1 end]
- set evid [CreateEvent $token $evType]
- event initMutationEvent $evid $evType $evOpts(-bubbles) $evOpts(-cancelable) $evOpts(-relatedNode) $evOpts(-prevValue) $evOpts(-newValue) $evOpts(-attrName) $evOpts(-attrChange)
- node dispatchEvent $token $evid
- DOMImplementation destroy $evid
- }
- default {
- return -code error "unknown method \"$method\""
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::CreateEvent --
-# Create an event object
-# Arguments:
-# token parent node
-# type event type
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# Returns event token
-proc dom::tcl::CreateEvent {token type args} {
- array set opts $args
- if {[string length $token]} {
- upvar #0 $token parent
- upvar #0 [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document document
- set child [namespace qualifiers $token]::event[incr document(counter)]
- } elseif {[info exists $opts(-document)]} {
- upvar #0 $opts(-document) document
- set child [namespace qualifiers $opts(-document)]::event[incr document(counter)]
- }
- upvar #0 $child event
- # Create the event
- array set event [list \
- node:nodeType event \
- type $type \
- target {} \
- currentNode {} \
- cancelable 1 \
- stopPropagation 0 \
- preventDefault 0 \
- dispatched 0 \
- bubbles 1 \
- eventPhase {} \
- timeStamp [clock clicks -milliseconds] \
- ]
- proc $child {method args} "return \[eval [namespace current]::event \[list \$method\] $child \$args\]"
- trace add command $child delete [namespace code [list Node:Delete $child]]
- return $child
-# Serialisation
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:documentFragment --
-# Produce text for documentFragment.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:documentFragment {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- if {[string compare "Document" [namespace tail $token]]} {
- return [eval [list Serialize:node $token] $args]
- } else {
- if {[string compare {} [GetField node(document:documentElement)]]} {
- return [eval Serialize:document [list $token] $args]
- } else {
- return -code error "document has no document element"
- }
- }
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:document --
-# Produce text for document.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:document {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- array set opts {
- -showxmldecl 1
- -showdoctypedecl 1
- }
- array set opts $args
- set result {}
- if {[string length $node(document:doctype)]} {
- upvar #0 $node(document:doctype) doctype
- # Bug fix: can't use Serialize:attributeList for XML declaration,
- # since attributes must occur in a given order (XML 2.8 [23])
- set result {}
- if {$opts(-showxmldecl)} {
- append result <?xml[Serialize:XMLDecl version $node(document:xmldecl)][Serialize:XMLDecl encoding $node(document:xmldecl)][Serialize:XMLDecl standalone $node(document:xmldecl)]?>\n
- }
- if {$opts(-showdoctypedecl)} {
- # Is document element in an XML Namespace?
- # If so then include prefix in doctype decl
- foreach {prefix localName} [::xml::qnamesplit $doctype(doctype:name)] break
- if {![string length $prefix]} {
- # The prefix may not have been allocated yet
- upvar #0 $node(document:documentElement) docel
- if {[info exists docel(node:namespaceURI)] && \
- [string length $docel(node:namespaceURI)]} {
- set declPrefix [GetNamespacePrefix $node(document:documentElement) $docel(node:namespaceURI)]
- set docelName $declPrefix:$doctype(doctype:name)
- } else {
- set docelName $doctype(doctype:name)
- }
- } else {
- set docelName $doctype(doctype:name)
- }
- # Applied patch by Marco Gonnelli, bug #590914
- append result <!DOCTYPE\ $docelName[Serialize:ExternalID $doctype(doctype:publicId) $doctype(doctype:systemId)][expr {[string length $doctype(doctype:internalSubset)] ? " \[[string trim $doctype(doctype:internalSubset) \{\} ]\]" : {}}]>\n
- }
- }
- # BUG #525505: Want to serialize all children including the
- # document element.
- if {[info exists $node(node:childNodes)]} {
- foreach child [set $node(node:childNodes)] {
- append result [eval Serialize:[node cget $child -nodeType] [list $child] $args]
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:ExternalID --
-# Returned appropriately quoted external identifiers
-# Arguments:
-# publicid public identifier
-# systemid system identifier
-# Results:
-# text
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:ExternalID {publicid systemid} {
- switch -glob -- [string length $publicid],[string length $systemid] {
- 0,0 {
- return {}
- }
- 0,* {
- return " SYSTEM \"$systemid\""
- }
- *,* {
- # Patch from c.l.t., Richard Calmbach ( )
- return " PUBLIC \"$publicid\" \"$systemid\""
- }
- }
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:XMLDecl --
-# Produce text for XML Declaration attribute.
-# Order is determine by document serialisation procedure.
-# Arguments:
-# attr required attribute
-# attList attribute list
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:XMLDecl {attr attrList} {
- array set data $attrList
- if {![info exists data($attr)]} {
- return {}
- } elseif {[string length $data($attr)]} {
- return " $attr='$data($attr)'"
- } else {
- return {}
- }
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:node --
-# Produce text for an arbitrary node.
-# This simply serializes the child nodes of the node.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:node {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- array set opts $args
- if {[info exists opts(-indent)]} {
- # NB. 0|1 cannot be used as booleans - mention this in docn
- if {[regexp {^false|no|off$} $opts(-indent)]} {
- # No action required
- } elseif {[regexp {^true|yes|on$} $opts(-indent)]} {
- set opts(-indent) 1
- } else {
- incr opts(-indent)
- }
- }
- set result {}
- foreach childToken [set $node(node:childNodes)] {
- upvar #0 $childToken child
- append result [eval [list Serialize:$child(node:nodeType) $childToken] [array get opts]]
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:element --
-# Produce text for an element.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:element {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- array set opts {-newline {}}
- array set opts $args
- set result {}
- set newline {}
- if {[lsearch $opts(-newline) $node(node:nodeName)] >= 0} {
- append result \n
- set newline \n
- }
- append result [eval Serialize:Indent [array get opts]]
- switch [info exists node(node:namespaceURI)],[info exists node(node:prefix)] {
- 1,1 {
- # XML Namespace is in scope, prefix supplied
- if {[string length $node(node:prefix)]} {
- # Make sure that there's a declaration for this XML Namespace
- set declPrefix [GetNamespacePrefix $token $node(node:namespaceURI) -prefix $node(node:prefix)]
- # ASSERTION: $declPrefix == $node(node:prefix)
- set nsPrefix $node(node:prefix):
- } elseif {[string length $node(node:namespaceURI)]} {
- set nsPrefix [GetNamespacePrefix $token $node(node:namespaceURI)]:
- } else {
- set nsPrefix {}
- }
- }
- 1,0 {
- # XML Namespace is in scope, no prefix
- set nsPrefix [GetNamespacePrefix $token $node(node:namespaceURI)]:
- if {![string compare $nsPrefix :]} {
- set nsPrefix {}
- }
- }
- 0,1 {
- # Internal error
- set nsPrefix {}
- }
- 0,0 -
- default {
- # No XML Namespace is in scope
- set nsPrefix {}
- }
- }
- append result <$nsPrefix$node(node:localName)
- append result [Serialize:attributeList [array get $node(element:attributeList)]]
- if {![llength [set $node(node:childNodes)]]} {
- append result />$newline
- } else {
- append result >$newline
- # Do the children
- if {[hasmixedcontent $token]} {
- set opts(-indent) no
- }
- append result [eval Serialize:node [list $token] [array get opts]]
- append result [eval Serialize:Indent [array get opts]]
- append result "$newline</$nsPrefix$node(node:localName)>$newline"
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::GetNamespacePrefix --
-# Determine the XML Namespace prefix for a Namespace URI
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# nsuri XML Namespace URI
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# Returns prefix.
-# May add prefix information to node
-proc dom::tcl::GetNamespacePrefix {token nsuri args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- array set options $args
- GetNamespaceDecl $token $nsuri declNode prefix
- if {[llength $declNode]} {
- # A declaration was found for this Namespace URI
- return $prefix
- } else {
- # No declaration found. Allocate a prefix
- # and add XML Namespace declaration
- set prefix {}
- catch {set prefix $options(-prefix)}
- if {![string compare $prefix {}]} {
- upvar #0 [namespace qualifiers $token]::Document document
- set prefix ns[incr document(counter)]
- }
- set node(node:prefix) $prefix
- upvar \#0 $node(element:attributeList) attrs
- set attrs(${::dom::xmlnsURI}^$prefix) $nsuri
- return $prefix
- }
-# dom::tcl::GetNamespaceDecl --
-# Find the XML Namespace declaration.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# nsuri XML Namespace URI
-# nodeVar Variable name for declaration
-# prefVar Variable for prefix
-# Results:
-# If the declaration is found returns node and prefix
-proc dom::tcl::GetNamespaceDecl {token nsuri nodeVar prefVar} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- upvar $nodeVar declNode
- upvar $prefVar prefix
- while {[string length $node(node:parentNode)]} {
- # Check this node's XML Namespace declarations
- catch {unset attrs}
- array set attrs [array get $node(element:attributeList)]
- foreach {nsdecl decluri} [array get attrs ${::dom::xmlnsURI}^*] {
- if {![string compare $decluri $nsuri]} {
- regexp [format {%s\^(.*)} $::dom::xmlnsURI] $nsdecl dummy prefix
- set declNode $token
- return
- }
- }
- # Move up to parent
- set token $node(node:parentNode)
- upvar #0 $token node
- }
- # Got to Document node and didn't find XML NS decl
- set prefix {}
- set declNode {}
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:textNode --
-# Produce text for a text node. This procedure may
-# return a CDATA section where appropriate.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:textNode {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- if {$node(node:cdatasection)} {
- return [Serialize:CDATASection $node(node:nodeValue)]
- } elseif {[Serialize:ExceedsThreshold $node(node:nodeValue)]} {
- return [Serialize:CDATASection $node(node:nodeValue)]
- } else {
- return [Encode $node(node:nodeValue)]
- }
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:ExceedsThreshold --
-# Applies heuristic(s) to determine whether a text node
-# should be formatted as a CDATA section.
-# Arguments:
-# text node text
-# Results:
-# Boolean.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:ExceedsThreshold {text} {
- return [expr {[regsub -all {[<>&]} $text {} discard] > $::dom::maxSpecials}]
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:CDATASection --
-# Formats a CDATA section.
-# Arguments:
-# text node text
-# Results:
-# XML text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:CDATASection {text} {
- set result {}
- while {[regexp {(.*)]]>(.*)} $text discard text trailing]} {
- set result \]\]&gt\;<!\[CDATA\[$trailing\]\]>$result
- }
- return <!\[CDATA\[$text\]\]>$result
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:processingInstruction --
-# Produce text for a PI node.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:processingInstruction {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- return "[eval Serialize:Indent $args]<?$node(node:nodeName)[expr {$node(node:nodeValue) == "" ? "" : " $node(node:nodeValue)"}]?>"
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:comment --
-# Produce text for a comment node.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:comment {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- return [eval Serialize:Indent $args]<!--$node(node:nodeValue)-->
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:entityReference --
-# Produce text for an entity reference.
-# Arguments:
-# token node token
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:entityReference {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token node
- return &$node(node:nodeName)\;
-# dom::tcl::Encode --
-# Encode special characters
-# Arguments:
-# value text value
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Encode value {
- array set Entity {
- $ $
- < &lt;
- > &gt;
- & &amp;
- \" &quot;
- ' &apos;
- }
- regsub -all {([$<>&"'])} $value {$Entity(\1)} value
- return [subst -nocommand -nobackslash $value]
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:attributeList --
-# Produce text for an attribute list.
-# Arguments:
-# l name/value paired list
-# Results:
-# XML format text.
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:attributeList {l} {
- set result {}
- foreach {name value} $l {
- if {[regexp {^([^^]+)\^(.*)$} $name discard nsuri prefix]} {
- if {[string compare $nsuri $::dom::xmlnsURI]} {
- # Need the node token to resolve the Namespace URI
- append result { } ?:$prefix =
- } else {
- # A Namespace declaration
- append result { } xmlns:$prefix =
- }
- } else {
- append result { } $name =
- }
- # Handle special characters
- regsub -all & $value {\&amp;} value
- regsub -all < $value {\&lt;} value
- if {![string match *\"* $value]} {
- append result \"$value\"
- } elseif {![string match *'* $value]} {
- append result '$value'
- } else {
- regsub -all \" $value {\&quot;} value
- append result \"$value\"
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::Serialize:Indent --
-# Calculate the indentation required, if any
-# Arguments:
-# args configuration options, which may specify -indent
-# Results:
-# May return white space
-proc dom::tcl::Serialize:Indent args {
- array set opts [list -indentspec $::dom::indentspec]
- array set opts $args
- if {![info exists opts(-indent)] || \
- [regexp {^false|no|off$} $opts(-indent)]} {
- return {}
- }
- if {[regexp {^true|yes|on$} $opts(-indent)]} {
- # Default indent level is 0
- return \n
- }
- if {!$opts(-indent)} {
- return \n
- }
- set ws [format \n%\ [expr $opts(-indent) * [lindex $opts(-indentspec) 0]]s { }]
- regsub -all [lindex [lindex $opts(-indentspec) 1] 0] $ws [lindex [lindex $opts(-indentspec) 1] 1] ws
- return $ws
-# Parsing
-# dom::tcl::ParseElementStart --
-# Push a new element onto the stack.
-# Arguments:
-# stateVar global state array variable
-# name element name
-# attrList attribute list
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# An element is created within the currently open element.
-proc dom::tcl::ParseElementStart {stateVar name attrList args} {
- upvar #0 $stateVar state
- array set opts $args
- # Push namespace declarations
- # We need to be able to map namespaceURI's back to prefixes
- set nsattrlists {}
- catch {
- foreach {namespaceURI prefix} $opts(-namespacedecls) {
- lappend state(NS:$namespaceURI) $prefix
- # Also, synthesize namespace declaration attributes
- # TclXML is a little too clever when it parses them away!
- lappend nsattrlists $prefix $namespaceURI
- }
- lappend opts(-namespaceattributelists) $::dom::xmlnsURI $nsattrlists
- }
- set nsarg {}
- catch {
- lappend nsarg -namespace $opts(-namespace)
- lappend nsarg -localname $name
- lappend nsarg -prefix [lindex $state(NS:$opts(-namespace)) end]
- }
- lappend state(current) \
- [eval CreateElement [list [lindex $state(current) end] $name $attrList] $nsarg [array get opts -namespaceattributelists]]
- if {[info exists opts(-empty)] && $opts(-empty)} {
- # Flag this node as being an empty element
- upvar #0 [lindex $state(current) end] node
- set node(element:empty) 1
- }
- # Temporary: implement -progresscommand here, because of broken parser
- if {[string length $state(-progresscommand)]} {
- if {!([incr state(progCounter)] % $state(-chunksize))} {
- uplevel #0 $state(-progresscommand)
- }
- }
-# dom::tcl::ParseElementEnd --
-# Pop an element from the stack.
-# Arguments:
-# stateVar global state array variable
-# name element name
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# Currently open element is closed.
-proc dom::tcl::ParseElementEnd {stateVar name args} {
- upvar #0 $stateVar state
- set state(current) [lreplace $state(current) end end]
-# dom::tcl::ParseCharacterData --
-# Add a textNode to the currently open element.
-# Arguments:
-# stateVar global state array variable
-# data character data
-# Results:
-# A textNode is created.
-proc dom::tcl::ParseCharacterData {stateVar data} {
- upvar #0 $stateVar state
- CreateTextNode [lindex $state(current) end] $data
-# dom::tcl::ParseProcessingInstruction --
-# Add a PI to the currently open element.
-# Arguments:
-# stateVar global state array variable
-# name PI name
-# target PI target
-# Results:
-# A processingInstruction node is created.
-proc dom::tcl::ParseProcessingInstruction {stateVar name target} {
- upvar #0 $stateVar state
- CreateGeneric [lindex $state(current) end] node:nodeType processingInstruction node:nodeName $name node:nodeValue $target
-# dom::tcl::ParseXMLDeclaration --
-# Add information from the XML Declaration to the document.
-# Arguments:
-# stateVar global state array variable
-# version version identifier
-# encoding character encoding
-# standalone standalone document declaration
-# Results:
-# Document node modified.
-proc dom::tcl::ParseXMLDeclaration {stateVar version encoding standalone} {
- upvar #0 $stateVar state
- upvar #0 $state(docNode) document
- array set xmldecl $document(document:xmldecl)
- array set xmldecl [list version $version \
- standalone $standalone \
- encoding $encoding \
- ]
- set document(document:xmldecl) [array get xmldecl]
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::ParseDocType --
-# Add a Document Type Declaration node to the document.
-# Arguments:
-# stateVar global state array variable
-# root root element type
-# publit public identifier literal
-# systemlist system identifier literal
-# dtd internal DTD subset
-# Results:
-# DocType node added
-proc dom::tcl::ParseDocType {stateVar root {publit {}} {systemlit {}} {dtd {}} args} {
- upvar #0 $stateVar state
- upvar #0 $state(docNode) document
- set document(document:doctype) [CreateDocType $state(docNode) $publit $systemlit $dtd]
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::ParseComment --
-# Parse comment
-# Arguments:
-# stateVar state array
-# data comment data
-# Results:
-# Comment node added to DOM tree
-proc dom::tcl::ParseComment {stateVar data} {
- upvar #0 $stateVar state
- CreateGeneric [lindex $state(current) end] node:nodeType comment node:nodeValue $data
- return {}
-# dom::tcl::ParseEntityReference --
-# Parse an entity reference
-# Arguments:
-# stateVar state variable
-# ref entity
-# Results:
-# Entity reference node added to DOM tree
-proc dom::tcl::ParseEntityReference {stateVar ref} {
- upvar #0 $stateVar state
- CreateGeneric [lindex $state(current) end] node:nodeType entityReference node:nodeName $ref
- return {}
-# Trim white space
-# dom::tcl::Trim --
-# Remove textNodes that only contain white space
-# Arguments:
-# nodeid node to trim
-# Results:
-# textNode nodes may be removed (from descendants)
-proc dom::tcl::Trim nodeid {
- upvar #0 $nodeid node
- switch $node(node:nodeType) {
- textNode {
- if {![string length [string trim $node(node:nodeValue)]]} {
- node removeChild $node(node:parentNode) $nodeid
- }
- }
- default {
- # Some nodes have no child list. Reported by Jim Hollister <>
- set children {}
- catch {set children [set $node(node:childNodes)]}
- foreach child $children {
- Trim $child
- }
- }
- }
- return {}
-# XPath support
-# dom::tcl::XPath:CreateNode --
-# Given an XPath expression, create the node
-# referred to by the expression. Nodes required
-# as steps of the path are created if they do
-# not exist.
-# Arguments:
-# node context node
-# path location path
-# Results:
-# Node(s) created in the DOM tree.
-# Returns token for deepest node in the expression.
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:CreateNode {node path} {
- set root [::dom::node cget $node -ownerDocument]
- set spath [::xpath::split $path]
- if {[llength $spath] <= 1} {
- # / - do nothing
- return $root
- }
- if {![llength [lindex $spath 0]]} {
- # Absolute location path
- set context $root
- set spath [lrange $spath 1 end]
- set contexttype document
- } else {
- set context $node
- set contexttype [::dom::node cget $node -nodeType]
- }
- foreach step $spath {
- # Sanity check on path
- switch $contexttype {
- document -
- documentFragment -
- element {}
- default {
- return -code error "node type \"$contexttype\" have no children"
- }
- }
- switch [lindex $step 0] {
- child {
- if {[llength [lindex $step 1]] > 1} {
- foreach {nodetype discard} [lindex $step 1] break
- switch -- $nodetype {
- text {
- set posn [CreateNode:FindPosition [lindex $step 2]]
- set count 0
- set targetNode {}
- foreach child [::dom::node children $context] {
- switch [::dom::node cget $child -nodeType] {
- textNode {
- incr count
- if {$count == $posn} {
- set targetNode $child
- break
- }
- }
- default {}
- }
- }
- if {[string length $targetNode]} {
- set context $targetNode
- } else {
- # Creating sequential textNodes doesn't make sense
- set context [::dom::document createTextNode $context {}]
- }
- set contexttype textNode
- }
- default {
- return -code error "node type test \"${nodetype}()\" not supported"
- }
- }
- } else {
- # Find the child element
- set posn [CreateNode:FindPosition [lindex $step 2]]
- set count 0
- set targetNode {}
- foreach child [::dom::node children $context] {
- switch [node cget $child -nodeType] {
- element {
- if {![string compare [lindex $step 1] [::dom::node cget $child -nodeName]]} {
- incr count
- if {$count == $posn} {
- set targetNode $child
- break
- }
- }
- }
- default {}
- }
- }
- if {[string length $targetNode]} {
- set context $targetNode
- } else {
- # Didn't find it so create required elements
- while {$count < $posn} {
- set child [::dom::document createElement $context [lindex $step 1]]
- incr count
- }
- set context $child
- }
- set contexttype element
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "axis \"[lindex $step 0]\" is not supported"
- }
- }
- }
- return $context
-# dom::tcl::CreateNode:FindPosition --
-proc dom::tcl::CreateNode:FindPosition predicates {
- switch [llength $predicates] {
- 0 {
- return 1
- }
- 1 {
- # Fall-through
- }
- default {
- return -code error "multiple predicates not yet supported"
- }
- }
- set predicate [lindex $predicates 0]
- switch -- [lindex [lindex $predicate 0] 0] {
- function {
- switch -- [lindex [lindex $predicate 0] 1] {
- position {
- if {[lindex $predicate 1] == "="} {
- if {[string compare [lindex [lindex $predicate 2] 0] "number"]} {
- return -code error "operand must be a number"
- } else {
- set posn [lindex [lindex $predicate 2] 1]
- }
- } else {
- return -code error "operator must be \"=\""
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "predicate function \"[lindex [lindex $predicate 0] 1]\" not supported"
- }
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "predicate must be position() function"
- }
- }
- return $posn
-# dom::tcl::XPath:SelectNode --
-# Match nodes with an XPath location path
-# Arguments:
-# ctxt context - Tcl list
-# path location path
-# Results:
-# Returns Tcl list of matching nodes
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:SelectNode {ctxt path} {
- if {![llength $ctxt]} {
- return {}
- }
- set spath [xpath::split $path]
- if {[string length [node parent [lindex $ctxt 0]]]} {
- set root [namespace qualifiers [lindex $ctxt 0]]::Document
- } else {
- set root [lindex $ctxt 0]
- }
- if {[llength $spath] == 0} {
- return $root
- }
- if {[llength $spath] == 1 && [llength [lindex $spath 0]] == 0} {
- return $root
- }
- if {![llength [lindex $spath 0]]} {
- set ctxt $root
- set spath [lrange $spath 1 end]
- }
- return [XPath:SelectNode:Rel $ctxt $spath]
-# dom::tcl::XPath:SelectNode:Rel --
-# Match nodes with an XPath location path
-# Arguments:
-# ctxt context - Tcl list
-# path split location path
-# Results:
-# Returns Tcl list of matching nodes
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:SelectNode:Rel {ctxt spath} {
- if {![llength $spath]} {
- return $ctxt
- }
- set step [lindex $spath 0]
- set result {}
- switch [lindex $step 0] {
- child {
- # All children are candidates
- set children {}
- foreach node [XPath:SN:GetElementTypeNodes $ctxt] {
- eval lappend children [node children $node]
- }
- # Now apply node test to each child
- foreach node $children {
- if {[XPath:SN:ApplyNodeTest $node [lindex $step 1]]} {
- lappend result $node
- }
- }
- }
- descendant-or-self {
- foreach node $ctxt {
- if {[XPath:SN:ApplyNodeTest $node [lindex $step 1]]} {
- lappend result $node
- }
- eval lappend result [XPath:SN:DescendAndTest [node children $node] [lindex $step 1]]
- }
- }
- descendant {
- foreach node $ctxt {
- eval lappend result [XPath:SN:DescendAndTest [node children $node] [lindex $step 1]]
- }
- }
- attribute {
- if {[string compare [lindex $step 1] "*"]} {
- foreach node $ctxt {
- set attrNode [element getAttributeNode $node [lindex $step 1]]
- if {[llength $attrNode]} {
- lappend result $attrNode
- }
- }
- } else {
- # All attributes are returned
- foreach node $ctxt {
- foreach attrName [array names [node cget $node -attributes]] {
- set attrNode [element getAttributeNode $node $attrName]
- if {[llength $attrNode]} {
- lappend result $attrNode
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "axis \"[lindex $step 0]\" is not supported"
- }
- }
- # Now apply predicates
- set result [XPath:ApplyPredicates $result [lindex $step 2]]
- # Apply the next location step
- return [XPath:SelectNode:Rel $result [lrange $spath 1 end]]
-# dom::tcl::XPath:SN:GetElementTypeNodes --
-# Reduce nodeset to those nodes of element type
-# Arguments:
-# nodeset set of nodes
-# Results:
-# Returns nodeset in which all nodes are element type
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:SN:GetElementTypeNodes nodeset {
- set result {}
- foreach node $nodeset {
- switch [node cget $node -nodeType] {
- document -
- documentFragment -
- element {
- lappend result $node
- }
- default {}
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::XPath:SN:ApplyNodeTest --
-# Apply the node test to a node
-# Arguments:
-# node DOM node to test
-# test node test
-# Results:
-# 1 if node passes, 0 otherwise
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:SN:ApplyNodeTest {node test} {
- if {[llength $test] > 1} {
- foreach {name typetest} $test break
- # Node type test
- switch -glob -- $name,[node cget $node -nodeType] {
- node,* {
- return 1
- }
- text,textNode -
- comment,comment -
- processing-instruction,processingInstruction {
- return 1
- }
- text,* -
- comment,* -
- processing-instruction,* {
- return 0
- }
- default {
- return -code error "illegal node type test \"[lindex $step 1]\""
- }
- }
- } else {
- # Node name test
- switch -glob -- $test,[node cget $node -nodeType],[node cget $node -nodeName] \
- \\*,element,* {
- return 1
- } \
- \\*,* {
- return 0
- } \
- *,element,$test {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return 0
-# dom::tcl::XPath:SN:DescendAndTest --
-# Descend the element hierarchy,
-# apply the node test as we go
-# Arguments:
-# nodeset nodes to be tested and descended
-# test node test
-# Results:
-# Returned nodeset of nodes which pass the test
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:SN:DescendAndTest {nodeset test} {
- set result {}
- foreach node $nodeset {
- if {[XPath:SN:ApplyNodeTest $node $test]} {
- lappend result $node
- }
- switch [node cget $node -nodeType] {
- document -
- documentFragment -
- element {
- eval lappend result [XPath:SN:DescendAndTest [node children $node] $test]
- }
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::XPath:ApplyPredicates --
-# Filter a nodeset with predicates
-# Arguments:
-# ctxt current context nodeset
-# preds list of predicates
-# Results:
-# Returns new (possibly reduced) context nodeset
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:ApplyPredicates {ctxt preds} {
- set result {}
- foreach node $ctxt {
- set passed 1
- foreach predicate $preds {
- if {![XPath:ApplyPredicate $node $predicate]} {
- set passed 0
- break
- }
- }
- if {$passed} {
- lappend result $node
- }
- }
- return $result
-# dom::tcl::XPath:ApplyPredicate --
-# Filter a node with a single predicate
-# Arguments:
-# node current context node
-# pred predicate
-# Results:
-# Returns boolean
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:ApplyPredicate {node pred} {
- switch -- [lindex $pred 0] {
- = -
- != -
- >= -
- <= -
- > -
- > {
- if {[llength $pred] != 3} {
- return -code error "malformed expression"
- }
- set operand1 [XPath:Pred:ResolveExpr $node [lindex $pred 1]]
- set operand2 [XPath:Pred:ResolveExpr $node [lindex $pred 2]]
- # Convert operands to the correct type, if necessary
- switch -glob [lindex $operand1 0],[lindex $operand2 0] {
- literal,literal {
- return [XPath:Pred:CompareLiterals [lindex $pred 0] [lindex $operand1 1] [lindex $operand2 1]]
- }
- number,number -
- literal,number -
- number,literal {
- # Compare as numbers
- return [XPath:Pred:CompareNumbers [lindex $pred 0] [lindex $operand1 1] [lindex $operand2 1]]
- }
- boolean,boolean {
- # Compare as booleans
- return -code error "boolean comparison not yet implemented"
- }
- node,node {
- # Nodeset comparison
- return -code error "nodeset comparison not yet implemented"
- }
- node,* {
- set value {}
- if {[llength [lindex $operand1 1]]} {
- set value [node stringValue [lindex [lindex $operand1 1] 0]]
- }
- return [XPath:Pred:CompareLiterals [lindex $pred 0] $value [lindex $operand2 1]]
- }
- *,node {
- set value {}
- if {[llength [lindex $operand2 1]]} {
- set value [node stringValue [lindex [lindex $operand2 1] 0]]
- }
- return [XPath:Pred:CompareLiterals [lindex $pred 0] $value [lindex $operand1 1]]
- }
- default {
- return -code error "can't compare [lindex $operand1 0] to [lindex $operand2 0]"
- }
- }
- }
- function {
- return -code error "invalid predicate"
- }
- number -
- literal {
- return -code error "invalid predicate"
- }
- path {
- set nodeset [XPath:SelectNode:Rel $node [lindex $pred 1]]
- return [expr {[llength $nodeset] > 0 ? 1 : 0}]
- }
- }
- return 1
-# dom::tcl::XPath:Pred:Compare --
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:Pred:CompareLiterals {op operand1 operand2} {
- set result [string compare $operand1 $operand2]
- # The obvious:
- #return [expr {$result $opMap($op) 0}]
- # doesn't compile
- switch $op {
- = {
- return [expr {$result == 0}]
- }
- != {
- return [expr {$result != 0}]
- }
- <= {
- return [expr {$result <= 0}]
- }
- >= {
- return [expr {$result >= 0}]
- }
- < {
- return [expr {$result < 0}]
- }
- > {
- return [expr {$result > 0}]
- }
- }
- return -code error "internal error"
-# dom::tcl::XPath:Pred:ResolveExpr --
-proc dom::tcl::XPath:Pred:ResolveExpr {node expr} {
- switch [lindex $expr 0] {
- path {
- return [list node [XPath:SelectNode:Rel $node [lindex $expr 1]]]
- }
- function -
- group {
- return -code error "[lindex $expr 0] not yet implemented"
- }
- literal -
- number -
- boolean {
- return $expr
- }
- default {
- return -code error "internal error"
- }
- }
- return {}
-# Miscellaneous
-# dom::tcl::hasmixedcontent --
-# Determine whether an element contains mixed content
-# Arguments:
-# token dom node
-# Results:
-# Returns 1 if element contains mixed content,
-# 0 otherwise
-proc dom::tcl::hasmixedcontent token {
- upvar #0 $token node
- if {[string compare $node(node:nodeType) "element"]} {
- # Really undefined
- return 0
- }
- foreach child [set $node(node:childNodes)] {
- upvar #0 $child childnode
- if {![string compare $childnode(node:nodeType) "textNode"]} {
- return 1
- }
- }
- return 0
-# dom::tcl::prefix2namespaceURI --
-# Given an XML Namespace prefix, find the corresponding Namespace URI
-# Arguments:
-# node DOM Node
-# prefix XML Namespace prefix
-# Results:
-# Returns URI
-proc dom::tcl::prefix2namespaceURI {node prefix} {
- # Search this node and its ancestors for the appropriate
- # XML Namespace declaration
- set parent [dom::node parent $node]
- set nsuri [dom::element getAttributeNS $node $::dom::xmlnsURI $prefix]
- if {[string length $parent] && ![string length $nsuri]} {
- set nsuri [dom::element getAttributeNS $parent $::dom::xmlnsURI $prefix]
- set parent [dom::node parent $parent]
- }
- if {[string length $nsuri]} {
- return $nsuri
- } else {
- return -code error "unable to find namespace URI for prefix \"$prefix\""
- }
-# dom::tcl::namespaceURI2prefix --
-# Given an XML Namespace URI, find the corresponding prefix
-# Arguments:
-# node DOM Node
-# nsuri XML Namespace URI
-# Results:
-# Returns prefix
-proc dom::tcl::namespaceURI2prefix {node nsuri} {
- # Search this node and its ancestors for the desired
- # XML Namespace declaration
- set found 0
- set prefix {}
- set parent [dom::node parent $node]
- while {[string length $parent]} {
- upvar #0 $node nodeinfo
- catch {unset attrs}
- array set attrs [array get $nodeinfo(element:attributeList)]
- foreach {nsdecl declNSuri} [array get attrs ${::dom::xmlnsURI}^*] {
- if {![string compare $declNSuri $nsuri]} {
- set found 1
- set prefix [lindex [split $nsdecl ^] 1]
- break
- }
- }
- if {$found} {
- break
- }
- set node $parent
- set parent [dom::node parent $node]
- }
- if {$found} {
- return $prefix
- } else {
- return -code error "unable to find prefix for namespace URI \"$nsuri\""
- }
-# dom::tcl::GetField --
-# Return a value, or empty string if not defined
-# Arguments:
-# var name of variable to return
-# Results:
-# Returns the value, or empty string if variable is not defined.
-proc dom::tcl::GetField var {
- upvar $var v
- if {[info exists v]} {
- return $v
- } else {
- return {}
- }
-# dom::tcl::Min --
-# Return the minimum of two numeric values
-# Arguments:
-# a a value
-# b another value
-# Results:
-# Returns the value which is lower than the other.
-proc dom::tcl::Min {a b} {
- return [expr {$a < $b ? $a : $b}]
-# dom::tcl::Max --
-# Return the maximum of two numeric values
-# Arguments:
-# a a value
-# b another value
-# Results:
-# Returns the value which is greater than the other.
-proc dom::tcl::Max {a b} {
- return [expr {$a > $b ? $a : $b}]
-# dom::tcl::Boolean --
-# Return a boolean value
-# Arguments:
-# b value
-# Results:
-# Returns 0 or 1
-proc dom::tcl::Boolean b {
- regsub -nocase {^(true|yes|1|on)$} $b 1 b
- regsub -nocase {^(false|no|0|off)$} $b 0 b
- return $b
diff --git a/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/dommap.tcl b/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/dommap.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d9ec87..0000000
--- a/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/dommap.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-# dommap.tcl --
-# Apply a mapping function to a DOM structure
-# Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Zveno Pty Ltd
-# See the file "LICENSE" in this distribution for information on usage and
-# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# $Id: dommap.tcl,v 2009/01/16 22:11:49 joye Exp $
-package provide dommap 1.0
-# We need the DOM
-package require dom 2.6
-namespace eval dommap {
- namespace export map
-# dommap::apply --
-# Apply a function to a DOM document.
-# The callback command is invoked with the node ID of the
-# matching DOM node as its argument. The command may return
-# an error, continue or break code to alter the processing
-# of further nodes.
-# Filter functions may be applied to match particular
-# nodes. Valid functions include:
-# -nodeType regexp
-# -nodeName regexp
-# -nodeValue regexp
-# -attribute {regexp regexp}
-# If a filter is specified then the node must match for the
-# callback command to be invoked. If a filter is not specified
-# then all nodes match that filter.
-# Arguments:
-# node DOM document node
-# cmd callback command
-# args configuration options
-# Results:
-# Depends on callback command
-proc dommap::apply {node cmd args} {
- array set opts $args
- # Does this node match?
- set match 1
- catch {set match [expr $match && [regexp $opts(-nodeType) [::dom::node cget $node -nodeType]]]}
- catch {set match [expr $match && [regexp $opts(-nodeName) [::dom::node cget $node -nodeName]]]}
- catch {set match [expr $match && [regexp $opts(-nodeValue) [::dom::node cget $node -nodeValue]]]}
- if {$match && ![string compare [::dom::node cget $node -nodeType] element]} {
- set match 0
- foreach {attrName attrValue} [array get [::dom::node cget $node -attributes]] {
- set match 1
- catch {set match [expr $match && [regexp [lindex $opts(-attribute) 0] $attrName]]}
- catch {set match [expr $match && [regexp [lindex $opts(-attribute) 1] $attrValue]]}
- if {$match} break
- }
- }
- if {$match && [set code [catch {eval $cmd [list $node]} msg]]} {
- switch $code {
- 0 {}
- 3 {
- return -code break
- }
- 4 {
- return -code continue
- }
- default {
- return -code error $msg
- }
- }
- }
- # Process children
- foreach child [::dom::node children $node] {
- switch [catch {eval apply [list $child] [list $cmd] $args} msg] {
- 0 {
- # No action required
- }
- 3 {
- # break
- return -code break
- }
- 4 {
- # continue - skip processing of siblings
- return
- }
- 1 -
- 2 -
- default {
- # propagate the error message
- return -code error $msg
- }
- }
- }
- return {}
diff --git a/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/xmlswitch.tcl b/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/xmlswitch.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2a2a1..0000000
--- a/tclxml/tcldom-tcl/xmlswitch.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-# xmlswitch.tcl --
-# This file implements a control structure for Tcl.
-# 'xmlswitch' iterates over an XML document. Features in
-# the document may be specified using XPath location paths,
-# and these will trigger Tcl scripts when matched.
-# Copyright (c) 2008 Explain
-# Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Zveno Pty Ltd
-# See the file "LICENSE" in this distribution for information on usage and
-# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
-# $Id: xmlswitch.tcl,v 2009/01/16 22:11:49 joye Exp $
-package provide xmlswitch 3.2
-# We need the xml, dom and xpath packages
-package require xml 3.2
-package require dom 3.2
-package require xpath 1.0
-namespace eval xmlswitch {
- namespace export xmlswitch xmlswitchcont xmlswitchend
- namespace export domswitch
- namespace export free rootnode
- variable counter 0
- variable typemap
- array set typemap {
- text textNode
- comment comment
- processing-instruction processingInstruction
- }
-# xmlswitch::xmlswitch --
-# Parse XML data, matching for XPath locations along the way
-# and (possibly) triggering callbacks.
-# A DOM tree is built as a side-effect (necessary for resolving
-# XPath location paths).
-# Arguments:
-# xml XML document
-# args configuration options,
-# plus a single path/script expression, or multiple expressions
-# Results:
-# Tcl callbacks may be invoked.
-# If -async option is true returns a token for this "process".
-proc xmlswitch::xmlswitch {xml args} {
- variable counter
- set stateVarName [namespace current]::State[incr counter]
- upvar #0 $stateVarName state
- set state(stateVarName) $stateVarName
- set state(-async) 0
- set state(pathArray) ${stateVarName}Paths
- upvar #0 $state(pathArray) paths
- array set paths {}
- set cleanup {
- unset state
- unset paths
- }
- # Find configuration options and remove
- set numOpts 0
- foreach {opt value} $args {
- switch -glob -- $opt {
- -* {
- set state($opt) $value
- incr numOpts 2
- }
- default {
- set args [lrange $args $numOpts end]
- break
- }
- }
- }
- switch -- [llength $args] {
- 0 {
- # Nothing to do
- eval $cleanup
- return $stateVarName
- }
- 1 {
- foreach {path script} [lindex $args 0] {
- set paths([xpath::split $path]) $script
- }
- }
- default {
- if {[llength $args] % 2} {
- eval $cleanup
- return -code error "no script matching location path \"[lindex $args end]\""
- }
- foreach {path script} $args {
- set paths([xpath::split $path]) $script
- }
- }
- }
- set root [set state(root) [dom::DOMImplementation create]]
- set state(current) $root
- # Parse the document
- # We're going to do this incrementally, so the caller can
- # break at any time
- set state(parser) [eval xml::parser [array get state -parser]]
- #append cleanup "\n $parser destroy\n"
- $state(parser) configure \
- -elementstartcommand [namespace code [list ParseElementStart $stateVarName]] \
- -elementendcommand [namespace code [list ParseElementEnd $stateVarName]] \
- -characterdatacommand [namespace code [list ParseCharacterData $stateVarName]] \
- -final 0
-# -processinginstructioncommand [namespace code [list ParsePI $stateVarName]] \
-# -commentcommand [namespace code [list ParseComment]]
- if {[catch {$state(parser) parse $xml} err]} {
- eval $cleanup
- return -code error $err
- }
- if {$state(-async)} {
- return $stateVarName
- } else {
- eval $cleanup
- return {}
- }
-# xmlswitch::xmlswitchcont --
-# Provide more XML data to parse
-# Arguments:
-# token state variable name
-# xml XML data
-# Results:
-# More parsing
-proc xmlswitch::xmlswitchcont {token xml} {
- upvar #0 $token state
- $state(parser) parse $xml
- return {}
-# xmlswitch::xmlswitchend --
-# Signal that no further data is available
-# Arguments:
-# token state array
-# Results:
-# Parser configuration changed
-proc xmlswitch::xmlswitchend token {
- upvar #0 $token state
- $state(parser) configure -final true
- return {}
-# xmlswitch::rootnode --
-# Get the root node
-# Arguments:
-# token state array
-# Results:
-# Returns root node token
-proc xmlswitch::rootnode token {
- upvar #0 $token state
- return $state(root)
-# xmlswitch::free --
-# Free resources EXCEPT the DOM tree.
-# "-all" causes DOM tree to be destroyed too.
-# Arguments:
-# token state array
-# args options
-# Results:
-# Resources freed.
-proc xmlswitch::free {token args} {
- upvar #0 $token state
- if {[lsearch $args "-all"] >= 0} {
- dom::DOMImplementation destroy $state(root)
- }
- catch {unset $state(pathArray)}
- catch {unset state}
- catch {$state(parser) free}
- return {}
-# xmlswitch::ParseElementStart --
-# Handle element start tag
-# Arguments:
-# token state array
-# name element type
-# attrList attribute list
-# args options
-# Results:
-# All XPath location paths are checked for a match,
-# and script evaluated for matching XPath.
-# DOM tree node added.
-proc xmlswitch::ParseElementStart:dbgdisabled {token name attrList args} {
- if {[catch {eval ParseElementStart:dbg [list $token $name $attrList] $args} msg]} {
- puts stderr [list ParseElementStart failed with msg $msg]
- puts stderr $::errorInfo
- return -code error $msg
- } else {
- puts stderr [list ParseElementStart returned OK]
- }
- return $msg
-proc xmlswitch::ParseElementStart {token name attrList args} {
- upvar #0 $token state
- array set opts $args
- #puts stderr [list xmlswitch::ParseElementStart $token $name $attrList $args]
- lappend state(current) \
- [dom::document createElement [lindex $state(current) end] $name]
- foreach {name value} $attrList {
- dom::element setAttribute [lindex $state(current) end] $name $value
- }
- MatchTemplates $token [lindex $state(current) end]
- return {}
-# xmlswitch::ParseElementEnd --
-# Handle element end tag
-# Arguments:
-# token state array
-# name element type
-# args options
-# Results:
-# State changed
-proc xmlswitch::ParseElementEnd {token name args} {
- upvar #0 $token state
- set state(current) [lreplace $state(current) end end]
- return {}
-# xmlswitch::ParseCharacterData --
-# Handle character data
-# Arguments:
-# token state array
-# data pcdata
-# Results:
-# All XPath location paths are checked for a match,
-# and script evaluated for matching XPath.
-# DOM tree node added.
-proc xmlswitch::ParseCharacterData {token data} {
- upvar #0 $token state
- lappend state(current) \
- [dom::document createTextNode [lindex $state(current) end] $data]
- MatchTemplates $token [lindex $state(current) end]
- set state(current) [lreplace $state(current) end end]
- return {}
-# xmlswitch::domswitch --
-# Similar to xmlswitch above, but iterates over a pre-built
-# DOM tree.
-# Arguments:
-# xml XML document
-# args a single path/script expression, or multiple expressions
-# Results:
-# Tcl callbacks may be invoked.
-proc xmlswitch::domswitch {xml args} {
-# xmlswitch::MatchTemplates --
-# Check all templates for one which matches
-# the current node.
-# Arguments:
-# token state array
-# node Current DOM node
-# Results:
-# If a template matches, its script is evaluated
-proc xmlswitch::MatchTemplates {token node} {
- upvar #0 $token state
- upvar #0 $state(pathArray) paths
- #puts stderr [list xmlswitch::MatchTemplates $token $node (type: [dom::node cget $node -nodeType]) (name: [dom::node cget $node -nodeName])]
- set matches {}
- foreach {path script} [array get paths] {
- #puts stderr [list checking path $path for a match]
- set context $node
- # Work backwards along the path, reversing each axis
- set match 0
- set i [llength $path]
- #puts stderr [list $i steps to be tested]
- while {[incr i -1] >= 0} {
- #puts stderr [list step $i [lindex $path $i]]
- switch -glob [llength [lindex $path $i]],$i {
- 0,0 {
- #puts stderr [list absolute path, end of steps - am I at the root?]
- if {![string length [dom::node parent $context]]} {
- #puts stderr [list absolute path matched]
- lappend matches [list $path $script]
- } else {
- #puts stderr [list absolute path did not match]
- }
- }
- *,0 {
- #puts stderr [list last step, relative path]
- switch [lindex [lindex $path $i] 0] {
- child {
- if {[NodeTest [lindex $path $i] $context] && \
- [CheckPredicates [lindex $path $i] $context]} {
- #puts stderr [list relative path matched]
- lappend matches [list $path $script]
- } else {
- #puts stderr [list relative path did not match]
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "axis \"[lindex [lindex $path $i] 0]\" not supported"
- }
- }
- }
- default {
- #puts stderr [list continuing checking steps]
- switch [lindex [lindex $path $i] 0] {
- child {
- if {[NodeTest [lindex $path $i] $context] && \
- [CheckPredicates [lindex $path $i] $context]} {
- set context [dom::node parent $context]
- } else {
- #puts stderr [list no match]
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "axis \"[lindex [lindex $path $i] 0]\" not supported"
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # TODO: If there are multiple matches then we must pick the
- # most specific match
- if {[llength $matches] > 1} {
- # For the moment we'll just take the first match
- set matches [list [lindex $matches 0]]
- }
- if {[llength $matches]} {
- #puts stderr [list evaluating callback at level [info level]]
- uplevel 3 [lindex [lindex $matches 0] 1]
- }
- return {}
-# xmlswitch::NodeTest --
-# Check that the node passes the node (type) test
-# Arguments:
-# step Location step
-# node DOM node
-# Results:
-# Boolean
-proc xmlswitch::NodeTest {step node} {
- if {[llength [lindex $step 1]] > 1} {
- switch -glob -- [lindex [lindex $step 1] 0],[dom::node cget $node -nodeType] {
- node,* -
- text,textNode -
- comment,comment -
- processing-instruction,processingInstruction {
- return 1
- }
- default {
- return 0
- }
- }
- } elseif {![string compare [lindex $step 1] "*"]} {
- return 1
- } elseif {![string compare [lindex $step 1] [dom::node cget $node -nodeName]]} {
- return 1
- } else {
- return 0
- }
-# xmlswitch::CheckPredicates --
-# Check that the node passes the predicates
-# Arguments:
-# step Location step
-# node DOM node
-# Results:
-# Boolean
-proc xmlswitch::CheckPredicates {step node} {
- variable typemap
- set predicates [lindex $step 2]
- # Shortcut: no predicates means everything passes
- if {![llength $predicates]} {
- return 1
- }
- # Get the context node set
- switch [lindex $step 0] {
- child {
- set nodeset {}
- if {[llength [lindex $step 1]]} {
- foreach {name typetest} [lindex $step 1] break
- switch -- $name {
- node {
- set nodeset [dom::node children [dom::node parent $node]]
- }
- text -
- comment -
- processing-instruction {
- foreach child [dom::node children [dom::node parent $node]] {
- if {![string compare [dom::node cget $child -nodeType] $typemap($name)]} {
- lappend nodeset $child
- }
- }
- }
- default {
- # Error
- }
- }
- } else {
- foreach child [dom::node children [dom::node parent $node]] {
- if {![string compare [lindex $step 1] [dom::node cget $child -nodeName]]} {
- lappend nodeset $child
- }
- }
- }
- }
- default {
- return -code error "axis \"[lindex $step 0]\" not supported"
- }
- }
- foreach predicate $predicates {
- # position() is the only supported predicate
- if {[lsearch $nodeset $node] + 1 == $predicate} {
- # continue
- } else {
- return 0
- }
- }
- return 1