path: root/tk8.6/tests/constraints.tcl
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2016-10-18 17:31:55 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2016-10-18 17:31:55 (GMT)
commit39e34335fb6eb6eaf2b7ee51ccf172006dd46fbb (patch)
tree8e5374666c7f0b3017176ec9d6e6b6eae0dcabac /tk8.6/tests/constraints.tcl
parent066971b1e6e77991d9161bb0216a63ba94ea04f9 (diff)
parent6b095f3c8521ca7215e6ff5dcbada52b197ef7d0 (diff)
Merge commit '6b095f3c8521ca7215e6ff5dcbada52b197ef7d0' as 'tk8.6'
Diffstat (limited to 'tk8.6/tests/constraints.tcl')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tk8.6/tests/constraints.tcl b/tk8.6/tests/constraints.tcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0486ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tk8.6/tests/constraints.tcl
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+if {[namespace exists tk::test]} {
+ deleteWindows
+ wm geometry . {}
+ raise .
+ return
+package require Tk 8.4
+tk appname tktest
+wm title . tktest
+# If the main window isn't already mapped (e.g. because the tests are
+# being run automatically) , specify a precise size for it so that the
+# user won't have to position it manually.
+if {![winfo ismapped .]} {
+ wm geometry . +0+0
+ update
+package require tcltest 2.1
+namespace eval tk {
+ namespace eval test {
+ namespace export loadTkCommand
+ proc loadTkCommand {} {
+ set tklib {}
+ foreach pair [info loaded {}] {
+ foreach {lib pfx} $pair break
+ if {$pfx eq "Tk"} {
+ set tklib $lib
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return [list load $tklib Tk]
+ }
+ namespace eval bg {
+ # Manage a background process.
+ # Replace with slave interp or thread?
+ namespace import ::tcltest::interpreter
+ namespace import ::tk::test::loadTkCommand
+ namespace export setup cleanup do
+ proc cleanup {} {
+ variable fd
+ # catch in case the background process has closed $fd
+ catch {puts $fd exit}
+ catch {close $fd}
+ set fd ""
+ }
+ proc setup args {
+ variable fd
+ if {[info exists fd] && [string length $fd]} {
+ cleanup
+ }
+ set fd [open "|[list [interpreter] \
+ -geometry +0+0 -name tktest] $args" r+]
+ puts $fd "puts foo; flush stdout"
+ flush $fd
+ if {[gets $fd data] < 0} {
+ error "unexpected EOF from \"[interpreter]\""
+ }
+ if {$data ne "foo"} {
+ error "unexpected output from\
+ background process: \"$data\""
+ }
+ puts $fd [loadTkCommand]
+ flush $fd
+ fileevent $fd readable [namespace code Ready]
+ }
+ proc Ready {} {
+ variable fd
+ variable Data
+ variable Done
+ set x [gets $fd]
+ if {[eof $fd]} {
+ fileevent $fd readable {}
+ set Done 1
+ } elseif {$x eq "**DONE**"} {
+ set Done 1
+ } else {
+ append Data $x
+ }
+ }
+ proc do {cmd {block 0}} {
+ variable fd
+ variable Data
+ variable Done
+ if {$block} {
+ fileevent $fd readable {}
+ }
+ puts $fd "[list catch $cmd msg]; update; puts \$msg;\
+ puts **DONE**; flush stdout"
+ flush $fd
+ set Data {}
+ if {$block} {
+ while {![eof $fd]} {
+ set line [gets $fd]
+ if {$line eq "**DONE**"} {
+ break
+ }
+ append Data $line
+ }
+ } else {
+ set Done 0
+ vwait [namespace which -variable Done]
+ }
+ return $Data
+ }
+ }
+ proc Export {internal as external} {
+ uplevel 1 [list namespace import $internal]
+ uplevel 1 [list rename [namespace tail $internal] $external]
+ uplevel 1 [list namespace export $external]
+ }
+ Export bg::setup as setupbg
+ Export bg::cleanup as cleanupbg
+ Export bg::do as dobg
+ namespace export deleteWindows
+ proc deleteWindows {} {
+ eval destroy [winfo children .]
+ }
+ namespace export fixfocus
+ proc fixfocus {} {
+ catch {destroy .focus}
+ toplevel .focus
+ wm geometry .focus +0+0
+ entry .focus.e
+ .focus.e insert 0 "fixfocus"
+ pack .focus.e
+ update
+ focus -force .focus.e
+ destroy .focus
+ }
+ namespace export imageInit imageFinish imageCleanup imageNames
+ variable ImageNames
+ proc imageInit {} {
+ variable ImageNames
+ if {![info exists ImageNames]} {
+ set ImageNames [lsort [image names]]
+ }
+ imageCleanup
+ if {[lsort [image names]] ne $ImageNames} {
+ return -code error "IMAGE NAMES mismatch: [image names] != $ImageNames"
+ }
+ }
+ proc imageFinish {} {
+ variable ImageNames
+ if {[lsort [image names]] ne $ImageNames} {
+ return -code error "images remaining: [image names] != $ImageNames"
+ }
+ imageCleanup
+ }
+ proc imageCleanup {} {
+ variable ImageNames
+ foreach img [image names] {
+ if {$img ni $ImageNames} {image delete $img}
+ }
+ }
+ proc imageNames {} {
+ variable ImageNames
+ set r {}
+ foreach img [image names] {
+ if {$img ni $ImageNames} {lappend r $img}
+ }
+ return $r
+ }
+ }
+namespace import -force tk::test::*
+namespace import -force tcltest::testConstraint
+testConstraint notAqua [expr {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"}]
+testConstraint aqua [expr {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"}]
+testConstraint nonwin [expr {[tk windowingsystem] ne "win32"}]
+testConstraint userInteraction 0
+testConstraint nonUnixUserInteraction [expr {
+ [testConstraint userInteraction] ||
+ ([testConstraint unix] && [testConstraint notAqua])
+testConstraint haveDISPLAY [info exists env(DISPLAY)]
+testConstraint altDisplay [info exists env(TK_ALT_DISPLAY)]
+testConstraint noExceed [expr {
+ ![testConstraint unix] || [catch {font actual "\{xyz"}]
+# constraints for testing facilities defined in the tktest executable...
+testConstraint testImageType [expr {[lsearch [image types] test] >= 0}]
+testConstraint testOldImageType [expr {[lsearch [image types] oldtest] >= 0}]
+testConstraint testbitmap [llength [info commands testbitmap]]
+testConstraint testborder [llength [info commands testborder]]
+testConstraint testcbind [llength [info commands testcbind]]
+testConstraint testclipboard [llength [info commands testclipboard]]
+testConstraint testcolor [llength [info commands testcolor]]
+testConstraint testcursor [llength [info commands testcursor]]
+testConstraint testembed [llength [info commands testembed]]
+testConstraint testfont [llength [info commands testfont]]
+testConstraint testmakeexist [llength [info commands testmakeexist]]
+testConstraint testmenubar [llength [info commands testmenubar]]
+testConstraint testmetrics [llength [info commands testmetrics]]
+testConstraint testobjconfig [llength [info commands testobjconfig]]
+testConstraint testsend [llength [info commands testsend]]
+testConstraint testtext [llength [info commands testtext]]
+testConstraint testwinevent [llength [info commands testwinevent]]
+testConstraint testwrapper [llength [info commands testwrapper]]
+# constraint to see what sort of fonts are available
+testConstraint fonts 1
+destroy .e
+entry .e -width 0 -font {Helvetica -12} -bd 1 -highlightthickness 1
+.e insert end a.bcd
+if {([winfo reqwidth .e] != 37) || ([winfo reqheight .e] != 20)} {
+ testConstraint fonts 0
+destroy .e
+destroy .t
+text .t -width 80 -height 20 -font {Times -14} -bd 1
+pack .t
+.t insert end "This is\na dot."
+set x [list [.t bbox 1.3] [.t bbox 2.5]]
+destroy .t
+if {![string match {{22 3 6 15} {31 18 [34] 15}} $x]} {
+ testConstraint fonts 0
+testConstraint textfonts [expr {
+ [testConstraint fonts] || [tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"
+# constraints for the visuals available..
+testConstraint pseudocolor8 [expr {
+ ([catch {
+ toplevel .t -visual {pseudocolor 8} -colormap new
+ }] == 0) && ([winfo depth .t] == 8)
+destroy .t
+testConstraint haveTruecolor24 [expr {
+ [lsearch -exact [winfo visualsavailable .] {truecolor 24}] >= 0
+testConstraint haveGrayscale8 [expr {
+ [lsearch -exact [winfo visualsavailable .] {grayscale 8}] >= 0
+testConstraint defaultPseudocolor8 [expr {
+ ([winfo visual .] eq "pseudocolor") && ([winfo depth .] == 8)
+# constraint based on whether our display is secure
+set app [dobg {tk appname}]
+testConstraint secureserver 0
+if {[llength [info commands send]]} {
+ testConstraint secureserver 1
+ if {[catch {send $app set a 0} msg] == 1} {
+ if {[string match "X server insecure *" $msg]} {
+ testConstraint secureserver 0
+ }
+ }
+eval tcltest::configure $argv
+namespace import -force tcltest::test
+namespace import -force tcltest::makeFile
+namespace import -force tcltest::removeFile
+namespace import -force tcltest::makeDirectory
+namespace import -force tcltest::removeDirectory
+namespace import -force tcltest::interpreter
+namespace import -force tcltest::testsDirectory
+namespace import -force tcltest::cleanupTests
+wm geometry . {}
+raise .