path: root/tksao
diff options
authorWilliam Joye <>2017-12-06 20:30:50 (GMT)
committerWilliam Joye <>2017-12-06 20:30:50 (GMT)
commitb4358f25f3c97148bccba5b52d92008fdced07e4 (patch)
treeab364267a276d718cb22a71178f5a13b4d14c5ed /tksao
parentff5e670fccf09a18130da3dc776ac2de44a16c99 (diff)
update AST WCS
Diffstat (limited to 'tksao')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/tksao/frame/grid3d.C b/tksao/frame/grid3d.C
index 4b7523d..830ec55 100644
--- a/tksao/frame/grid3d.C
+++ b/tksao/frame/grid3d.C
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ void bar(AstMapping* that, int npoint, int ncoord_in, const double* ptr_in[],
wcsx[0]->cd + wcsx[0]->crpix -.5;
int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
@@ -65,8 +66,6 @@ int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
if (!fits)
return 1;
- foobar = fits;
astClearStatus; // just to make sure
astBegin; // start memory management
@@ -81,12 +80,12 @@ int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
- // Get 2D SkyFrame
AstFrameSet* ast = (AstFrameSet*)astCopy(fits->getAST(system_));
- if (fits->wcsIsASkyFrame(ast))
- fits->setWCSSkyFrame(ast, sky_);
- // Create two 1D Frames and a 1D Mapping describing the third axis
+#ifndef NEWWCS
+ foobar = fits;
+ fits->setWCSSkyFrame(ast, sky_);
AstFrame* zbase = astFrame(1,"");
AstFrame* zcurr = astFrame(1,"");
AstMapping* zmap;
@@ -98,105 +97,17 @@ int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
zmap = (AstMapping*)astUnitMap(1,"");
- // Use astGetFrame and astGetMapping to get the base and current
- // Frames from the 2D FrameSet, and the base->current Mapping.
AstFrame* wcsbase = (AstFrame*)astGetFrame(ast,AST__BASE);
AstFrame* wcscurr = (AstFrame*)astGetFrame(ast,AST__CURRENT);
AstMapping* wcsmap = (AstMapping*)astGetMapping(ast,AST__BASE,AST__CURRENT);
- // Combine the 2D and 1D base Frames into a 3D CmpFrame
- // Likewise, combine the 2D and 1D current Frames into a 3D CmpFrame
AstCmpFrame* cmpwcsbase = astCmpFrame(wcsbase,zbase,"");
AstCmpFrame* cmpwcscurr = astCmpFrame(wcscurr,zcurr,"");
- // Combine the 2D and 1D Mappings into a 3D CmpMap
AstCmpMap* cmpwcsmap = astCmpMap(wcsmap,zmap,0,"");
- // Construct the 3D FrameSet from the new 3D Frames and Mapping
- AstFrameSet* fs3d = astFrameSet(cmpwcsbase,"");
- astAddFrame(fs3d, AST__CURRENT, cmpwcsmap, cmpwcscurr);
- // add wcs to frameset
- // this will link frameset to wcs with unitMap
- astInvert(fs3d);
- astAddFrame(frameSet, AST__CURRENT, astUnitMap(3,""), fs3d);
- astSetI(frameSet,"Current",astGetI(frameSet,"nframe"));
- }
- }
- astSet(frameSet,"Title=%s", " ");
- // create astPlot
- float gbox[6];
- double pbox[6];
- // params is a BBOX in DATA coords 0-n
- FitsBound* params = fits->getDataParams(context->secMode());
- FitsZBound* zparams = context->getDataParams(context->secMode());
- Vector3d ll = Vector3d(params->xmin,params->ymin,zparams->zmin);
- Vector3d ur = Vector3d(params->xmax,params->ymax,zparams->zmax);
- pbox[0] = gbox[0] = ll[0];
- pbox[1] = gbox[1] = ll[1];
- pbox[2] = gbox[2] = ll[2];
- pbox[3] = gbox[3] = ur[0];
- pbox[4] = gbox[4] = ur[1];
- pbox[5] = gbox[5] = ur[2];
- // and now create astGrid
- astGrid3dPtr = this;
- renderMode_ = rm;
- AstPlot3D* plot = astPlot3D(frameSet, gbox, pbox, option_);
- // astShow(plot);
- astGrid(plot);
- astEnd; // now, clean up memory
- astGrid3dPtr =NULL;
- return 1;
+ ast = astFrameSet(cmpwcsbase,"");
+ astAddFrame(ast, AST__CURRENT, cmpwcsmap, cmpwcscurr);
-int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
- Frame3dBase* pp = (Frame3dBase*)parent_;
- mx_ = pp->refToWidget3d;
- rx_ =
- Matrix3d(pp->wcsOrientationMatrix) *
- Matrix3d(pp->orientationMatrix) *
- RotateZ3d(-pp->wcsRotation) *
- RotateZ3d(-pp->rotation) *
- RotateY3d(pp->az_) *
- RotateX3d(pp->el_);
- matrix_ = pp->widgetToCanvas;
- pixmap_ = pp->pixmap;
- gridGC_ = pp->gridGC_;
- renderMode_ = rm;
- Context* context = pp->keyContext;
- FitsImage* fits = context->fits;
- if (!fits)
- return 1;
- astClearStatus; // just to make sure
- astBegin; // start memory management
- AstFrameSet* frameSet = astFrameSet(astFrame(3,"Domain=Ref"),"");
- matrixMap(frameSet,fits->refToImage3d,"Domain=IMAGE");
- switch (system_) {
- case Coord::IMAGE:
- case Coord::PHYSICAL:
- case Coord::AMPLIFIER:
- case Coord::DETECTOR:
- break;
- default:
- {
- AstFrameSet* ast = (AstFrameSet*)astCopy(fits->getAST(system_));
fits->setWCSSystem(ast, system_);
fits->setWCSSkyFrame(ast, sky_);
@@ -204,7 +115,22 @@ int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
switch (naxes) {
case 1:
case 2:
- // error
+ {
+ AstFrame* zbase = astFrame(1,"");
+ AstFrame* zcurr = astFrame(1,"");
+ AstMapping* zmap = (AstMapping*)astUnitMap(1,"");
+ AstFrame* wcsbase = (AstFrame*)astGetFrame(ast,AST__BASE);
+ AstFrame* wcscurr = (AstFrame*)astGetFrame(ast,AST__CURRENT);
+ AstMapping* wcsmap = (AstMapping*)astGetMapping(ast,AST__BASE,AST__CURRENT);
+ AstCmpFrame* cmpwcsbase = astCmpFrame(wcsbase,zbase,"");
+ AstCmpFrame* cmpwcscurr = astCmpFrame(wcscurr,zcurr,"");
+ AstCmpMap* cmpwcsmap = astCmpMap(wcsmap,zmap,0,"");
+ ast = astFrameSet(cmpwcsbase,"");
+ astAddFrame(ast, AST__CURRENT, cmpwcsmap, cmpwcscurr);
+ }
case 3:
@@ -224,7 +150,7 @@ int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
// add wcs to frameset
// this will link frameset to wcs with unitMap
@@ -262,10 +188,8 @@ int Grid3d::doit(RenderMode rm)
astEnd; // now, clean up memory
astGrid3dPtr =NULL;
return 1;
void Grid3d::matrixMap(void* frameSet, Matrix3d& mx, const char* str)